Glasul Semnului
The Voice Of The Sign
Auditoriul Municipal din Beaumont, Texas, U.S.A.
E-1 Vă mulţumesc. Putem să stăm ridicaţi doar pentru un moment, în timp ce citim Cuvântul, că mergem drept la Cuvânt în seara aceasta, astfel ca să nu vă luăm prea mult din timp. Eu vreau ca voi să întoarceţi cu mine, în seara aceasta, la cartea Exodului... şi începând cu capitolul 4 din cartea Exodului.
Şi Moise a răspuns, zicând, Dar, iată, că ei nu mă vor crede, nici nu vor asculta de glasul meu: căci ei vor zice, Domnul nu ţi-a apărut ţie.
Şi Domnul i-a spus Ce este acela în mâna ta? Şi el a zis, Un toiag.
Şi El i-a zis, Aruncă-l pe pământ. Şi el l-a aruncat pe pe pământ, şi a devenit un şarpe; şi Moise a fugit dinaintea acestuia.
Şi Domnul i-a zis lui Moise, Întindeţi mâna, şi ia-l de coadă. Şi el şi-a întins mâna, şi l-a apucat şi acesta a devenit un toiag în mâna lui:
Ca ei să poată crede că Domnul Dumnezeul părinţilor, Dumnezeul lui Abraham, Dumnezeul lui Isaac, ... Dumnezeul lui Iacob, ţi-a apărut ţie.
Şi Domnul i-a spus mai departe lui, Pune-ţi acum mâna în sân. Şi el şi-a pus mâna în sân: şi când şi-a scos-o afară, iată că, mâna era cu lepră ca zăpada.
Şi El a zis, Pune-ţi mâna în sân şi el şi-a pus mâna iarăşi în sân; şi a tras-o afară din sân, şi, iată că, aceasta... s-a schimbat ca şi cealaltă parte a trupului.
Şi se va împlini, că dacă ei nu te vor crede pe tine, şi nici nu vor asculta de glasul primului semn, ei vor crede glasul celui de al doilea semn.
Şi Moise a răspuns, zicând, Dar, iată, că ei nu mă vor crede, nici nu vor asculta de glasul meu: căci ei vor zice, Domnul nu ţi-a apărut ţie.
Şi Domnul i-a spus Ce este acela în mâna ta? Şi el a zis, Un toiag.
Şi El i-a zis, Aruncă-l pe pământ. Şi el l-a aruncat pe pe pământ, şi a devenit un şarpe; şi Moise a fugit dinaintea acestuia.
Şi Domnul i-a zis lui Moise, Întindeţi mâna, şi ia-l de coadă. Şi el şi-a întins mâna, şi l-a apucat şi acesta a devenit un toiag în mâna lui:
Ca ei să poată crede că Domnul Dumnezeul părinţilor, Dumnezeul lui Abraham, Dumnezeul lui Isaac, ... Dumnezeul lui Iacob, ţi-a apărut ţie.
Şi Domnul i-a spus mai departe lui, Pune-ţi acum mâna în sân. Şi el şi-a pus mâna în sân: şi când şi-a scos-o afară, iată că, mâna era cu lepră ca zăpada.
Şi El a zis, Pune-ţi mâna în sân şi el şi-a pus mâna iarăşi în sân; şi a tras-o afară din sân, şi, iată că, aceasta... s-a schimbat ca şi cealaltă parte a trupului.
Şi se va împlini, că dacă ei nu te vor crede pe tine, şi nici nu vor asculta de glasul primului semn, ei vor crede glasul celui de al doilea semn.
E-1 Thank you. May we remain standing just a moment, while we read the Word, go right straight to the Word tonight, so we won't take too much of the time. I want you to turn with me tonight, to the Book of Exodus, and beginning with the 4th chapter of the Book of Exodus.
And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord has not appeared unto thee.
And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.
And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.
And the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:
That they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,... the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.
And the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thy hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprosy as snow.
And he said, Put thy hand to thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it... turned again as his other flesh.
And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken unto the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the second sign.
And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord has not appeared unto thee.
And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.
And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.
And the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:
That they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,... the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.
And the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thy hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprosy as snow.
And he said, Put thy hand to thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it... turned again as his other flesh.
And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken unto the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the second sign.
E-2 Să ne aplecăm capetele. Şi cu capetele noastre aplecate, la fel şi inimile, eu mă întreb dacă este cineva aici în seara aceasta care are cerinţă pentru rugăciune? Aţi vrea ca să lăsaţi să fie cunoscut aceasta aşa cum vă ridicaţi mâinile. Dumnezeu să aprobe cererile voastre.
E-2 Let us bow our heads. With our heads bowed and our hearts too, I wonder if there's any in here tonight who has requests for prayer. Would you let it be known as you raise your hand. God grant your request.
Our heavenly Father, we deem this such a privilege to come to You in prayer, coming in the Name of the Lord Jesus. And are promised by Him that if we ask anything in His Name it'll be granted. Thou knowest the need of every one of us. You know what our hands represented as they went up. I pray, Father, that You'll answer each request tonight; get glory.
And now, let the great Teacher of the Word, the Holy Spirit, come upon us tonight and reveal Himself to us, and--and make Himself known unto us by the--the evidence of His resurrection. May He come among us tonight, Lord, and--and visit our hearts, speak to us through the things that He's promised for this day. May the words that's been promised for this hour be manifested before us, that we might rest assure in this great troublesome time that You said would come upon the earth to try all people. And it certainly has come to that time, Father, when men are tried. And there's so many different angles till no one hardly knows what to do. But Lord, I pray that You'll make known to us tonight that You're here and with us, is here to help us. Grant our requests, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. Be seated.
Our heavenly Father, we deem this such a privilege to come to You in prayer, coming in the Name of the Lord Jesus. And are promised by Him that if we ask anything in His Name it'll be granted. Thou knowest the need of every one of us. You know what our hands represented as they went up. I pray, Father, that You'll answer each request tonight; get glory.
And now, let the great Teacher of the Word, the Holy Spirit, come upon us tonight and reveal Himself to us, and--and make Himself known unto us by the--the evidence of His resurrection. May He come among us tonight, Lord, and--and visit our hearts, speak to us through the things that He's promised for this day. May the words that's been promised for this hour be manifested before us, that we might rest assure in this great troublesome time that You said would come upon the earth to try all people. And it certainly has come to that time, Father, when men are tried. And there's so many different angles till no one hardly knows what to do. But Lord, I pray that You'll make known to us tonight that You're here and with us, is here to help us. Grant our requests, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. Be seated.
E-3 Tatăl nostru Ceresc, noi am considerat aceasta aşa un privilegiu, să venim la Tine în rugăciune, venind în Numele Domnului Isus. Şi sunt promise de El, că dacă cerem orice în Numele Lui, ni se va da. Tu cunoşti nevoile fiecăruia dintre noi. Tu ştii ce au reprezentat mâinile noastre când s-au ridicat. Eu mă rog, Tată, ca Tu să răspunzi la fiecare cerere în seara aceasta. Primeşte Slavă.
E-3 I been just a teeny bit late each night. And I keep thinking this microphone... But it's the one to the recorders. But this here, I think, is the one that I'm supposed to listen--speak in. Tomorrow night is the banquet night, so don't forget it. I think it's... I guess it's been announced on where for the people to go. We certainly appreciate your cooperation, and the great things that our Lord has done.
Now, tonight I think that if... Unless we know the Word of God, we don't know what to do. We can't have faith until we know what is the will of God and what... And then if we know it is the will of God, the Word of God said something, then we can gladly follow that. Now, if the Lord Jesus was walking around personally on the earth tonight in human flesh, and He said, "Tomorrow it'll be raining all day long," now it would be very easy for me to take an umbrella when I leave in the morning, because He said it. Now, if He didn't say it, I don't know then what to look to. So that's the way it is. In anything we do we want to know the hour, the age we're living.
Now, tonight I think that if... Unless we know the Word of God, we don't know what to do. We can't have faith until we know what is the will of God and what... And then if we know it is the will of God, the Word of God said something, then we can gladly follow that. Now, if the Lord Jesus was walking around personally on the earth tonight in human flesh, and He said, "Tomorrow it'll be raining all day long," now it would be very easy for me to take an umbrella when I leave in the morning, because He said it. Now, if He didn't say it, I don't know then what to look to. So that's the way it is. In anything we do we want to know the hour, the age we're living.
E-4 Şi acum lasă ca marele Învăţător al Cuvântului, Duhul Sfânt, să vină peste noi, în seara aceasta, şi să se descopere pe El Însuşi nouă, şi-şi să se facă pe El Însuşi cunoscut nouă, prin dovada învierii Lui. Fie ca El să vină printre noi, în seara asta, Doamne, şi-şi să ne cerceteze inimile noastre. Vorbeştene nouă prin lucrurile pe care le-a promis El pentru această zi. Fie ca cuvintele care au fost promise pentru această oră să fie manifestate înaintea noastră, ca noi să ne odihnim asiguraţi, în acest mare timp de necazuri despre care ai spus Tu că vor veni pe pământ, ca să-i încerce pe toţi oamenii. Şi cu certitudine sa ajuns la acel timp, Tată, când oamenii sunt încercaţi. Şi există atât de multe unghiuri diferite, încât nici unul de abia dacă ştie ce să facă. Dar, Doamne, eu mă rog ca Tu să ne faci cunoscut nouă, în seara aceasta, că Tu eşti aici cu noi, Acesta este aici ca să ne ajute. Admite cererile noastre, căci noi o cerem în Numele lui Isus. Amin.
E-4 And to the newcomers, this week we have tried to show that God from the beginning knowed the end. That makes Him infinite. If He isn't infinite--infinite He isn't God. And He's got to be omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent to be God: all power, knows all things, and all places, and--and knows the end from the beginning. If He doesn't, then He isn't God. So there isn't nothing really out-of-cater. It's us. But nothing in God's Word--it's ticking just like a clock. And when that hour comes for it to happen, the words 'lotted for that age, it happens. We might think it isn't going to happen. Sometimes it happens, and we don't know it.
E-5 Eu am cam întârziat un pic în fiecare seară. Şi eu mă tot gândesc la acest microfon, dar acesta este cel de la magnetofoane. Dar acesta de aici, eu mă gândesc, că este acela la care trebuie să ascult, sau să vorbesc în el.
E-5 Jesus said one time... They said to Him, "Why is it the--the--all the scribes say that Elias must first come?" See, now they believed that. They believed that Elias was coming.
And Jesus looked at them and said, "Elias has already come; and you didn't know him." Now, see, it passed right by them scribes, ministers, disciples, and it was John the Baptist. And he come in every way that the Elias was supposed to come, yet they didn't recognize him.
And now, it behooves us to recognize the hour that we're living, and the time we're living. Upon that, I want to speak tonight of "The Voice of the Sign," a strange text. Yet God does strange things in unusual ways; that's what makes Him God, because He's--He's supernatural. And everything that He does, He--He does it... He can do it in the supernatural, because He is supernatural.
Now, the voice of the sign. And it is a--there is a voice to the sign. There's a voice to blood. Blood spake out from the earth, and--and so forth. The righteous blood of Abel spoke out against Cain. And the Bible said, "The Blood of Jesus Christ speaketh greater things than the blood of Abel did."
And Jesus looked at them and said, "Elias has already come; and you didn't know him." Now, see, it passed right by them scribes, ministers, disciples, and it was John the Baptist. And he come in every way that the Elias was supposed to come, yet they didn't recognize him.
And now, it behooves us to recognize the hour that we're living, and the time we're living. Upon that, I want to speak tonight of "The Voice of the Sign," a strange text. Yet God does strange things in unusual ways; that's what makes Him God, because He's--He's supernatural. And everything that He does, He--He does it... He can do it in the supernatural, because He is supernatural.
Now, the voice of the sign. And it is a--there is a voice to the sign. There's a voice to blood. Blood spake out from the earth, and--and so forth. The righteous blood of Abel spoke out against Cain. And the Bible said, "The Blood of Jesus Christ speaketh greater things than the blood of Abel did."
E-6 Mâine seară este seara de banchet, aşa că să nu uitaţi. Mă gândesc că asta este... eu presupun că aceasta a fost anunţat, unde să meargă oamenii.
E-6 Now, our seating tonight, or our scene opens in Exodus. And the time of the exodus is the calling-out time, and the exodus was at hand. Moses, the servant of the Lord, had been called to a line of duty. And doing what he thought... He was highly educated in Egypt, learned all the--the wisdom of the Egyptians. And seemingly he had a way that in the--being a great military genius, that he was able to deliver his people from under that bondage, because he was the next coming Pharaoh.
And how easy it would've been for him to have done it. But you see, if that would've been the case, then it would've been a natural thing. God don't take natural things. He takes supernatural things to prove Himself. So out of forty years of education of the highest that he could get, and the best that he could get, the best scholarish scholar he could be, with the understanding from his mother, his tutor, that he was to be the one to deliver the people... And he went out in the power of his understanding and slew an Egyptian. And from that, find out that his efforts failed, and then run into the desert. And what Egypt and education put in him forty years, it took God another forty years to get it out of him (See?), so he wouldn't trust in his ethics of education, he would trust in the supernatural.
And how easy it would've been for him to have done it. But you see, if that would've been the case, then it would've been a natural thing. God don't take natural things. He takes supernatural things to prove Himself. So out of forty years of education of the highest that he could get, and the best that he could get, the best scholarish scholar he could be, with the understanding from his mother, his tutor, that he was to be the one to deliver the people... And he went out in the power of his understanding and slew an Egyptian. And from that, find out that his efforts failed, and then run into the desert. And what Egypt and education put in him forty years, it took God another forty years to get it out of him (See?), so he wouldn't trust in his ethics of education, he would trust in the supernatural.
E-7 Noi cu certitudine apreciem cooperarea voastră în lucrurile mari pe care le-a făcut Domnul nostru.
E-7 And now, the time was at hand that... God had made a promise to Abraham four hundred years before that time, that his seed would sojourn in a strange land and they'd be brought out. After forty years they would be brought out with a mighty hand. He would deliver His people by a mighty hand. And when the time of the promise drew nigh, that's when God put Moses on the scene. Moses, in his absolute failure, had went into the wilderness.
Now, the type here... there's a wonderful type that we sure don't want to miss (See?), type. God was bringing Israel, His people, out, a nation--a nation out of a nation. A nation out of a nation, a beautiful type of today, that God is calling His Bride out of a church--Christian Bride out of a Christian church. A Bride-church out of a church, which is called in the Bible, referred to... I've got several notes and Scriptures written down here on this lesson, tonight. It's called sometimes the "chosen," the "elected," or the "remnant of the woman's seed."
It was called the Bride, what God by His foreknowledge ordained to be. That is, the Bride comes out of the church. See, the whole thing is the church. But God takes a people out of that church as a Bride. He said He would, and He did it. Notice... Or He will do it. Notice. See how He did it, and the manner and how He did it.
Now, the type here... there's a wonderful type that we sure don't want to miss (See?), type. God was bringing Israel, His people, out, a nation--a nation out of a nation. A nation out of a nation, a beautiful type of today, that God is calling His Bride out of a church--Christian Bride out of a Christian church. A Bride-church out of a church, which is called in the Bible, referred to... I've got several notes and Scriptures written down here on this lesson, tonight. It's called sometimes the "chosen," the "elected," or the "remnant of the woman's seed."
It was called the Bride, what God by His foreknowledge ordained to be. That is, the Bride comes out of the church. See, the whole thing is the church. But God takes a people out of that church as a Bride. He said He would, and He did it. Notice... Or He will do it. Notice. See how He did it, and the manner and how He did it.
E-8 Acum, în această seară, mă gândesc că, dacă nu cunoaştem Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, noi nu ştim ce să facem. Noi nu putem să avem credinţă până când nu ştim care este voia lui Dumnezeu. Şi, atunci, dacă cunoaştem că aceasta este voia lui Dumnezeu, Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu spune ceva, atunci noi putem să urmăm aceasta bucuroşi.
E-8 We want to look at this, now, as He brought out Israel, how He did it, and the manner that He--He did it. Notice, when the time of the promised Word was to be fulfilled, God called Moses by foreordination, and elected him to the job. See? God's always got the person on the mark at the time. Nothing fails with God. He said it; it can't fail. If it fails, then God fails, 'cause God is the Word.
Notice. Now, the Word had to be manifested. And when the Word had to be manifested of a promise, God always sends a prophet to manifest that promise, because the Word of the Lord comes to him. Moses, foreordained for the purpose, was called to the job. No one else could do it. When God has--has called a person for a job to do, there's no one can take his place.
Notice. Now, the Word had to be manifested. And when the Word had to be manifested of a promise, God always sends a prophet to manifest that promise, because the Word of the Lord comes to him. Moses, foreordained for the purpose, was called to the job. No one else could do it. When God has--has called a person for a job to do, there's no one can take his place.
E-9 Acum dacă Domnul Isus ar fi umblat prin jur, personal, pe pământ în seara aceasta, în trup omenesc, şi El ar fi spus, "Mâine va ploua, toată ziua," aceasta ar fi foarte uşor pentru mine să iau o umbrelă când plec dimineaţă, deoarece El a spus aceasta. Acum, dacă El nu ar fi spus-o, eu nu ştiu atunci la ce să mă uit. Aşa că aşa este asta, în orice facem, noi vrem să cunoaştem ceasul, şi epoca în care trăim.
E-9 There's no one can take your place, your peculiarity. How often I have wondered how I would like to take Oral Roberts' place, how I would like to take Billy Graham's place, somebody like that, or like Billy Graham, go speak to a audience of people, call sinners to the altar, forget it, go home, not have to stand there and wrestle against... I cannot be Billy Graham, but neither can Billy Graham be me. We are both... I cannot be Oral Roberts; Oral Roberts cannot be me.
You're each one set in God's economy just for its place. One fasts all the time and communes with God, while another casts out devils because this one's fasting. But it's the whole body of Christ working together, the unity. When we see these denominational barriers breaking us up, that's what hurts my heart. See? Because that's the thing that separates us. We are one. There's no big people among us, no great people among us. We're all the same. We're children of God.
There's only One great among us, and that's Christ. We must recognize Him. And if we seek honor one from another, we can't have faith, because we're having faith in one another. We got to have faith in Christ. He is the One among us that we must have faith in, and then, faith in what He's doing and has give to us.
You're each one set in God's economy just for its place. One fasts all the time and communes with God, while another casts out devils because this one's fasting. But it's the whole body of Christ working together, the unity. When we see these denominational barriers breaking us up, that's what hurts my heart. See? Because that's the thing that separates us. We are one. There's no big people among us, no great people among us. We're all the same. We're children of God.
There's only One great among us, and that's Christ. We must recognize Him. And if we seek honor one from another, we can't have faith, because we're having faith in one another. We got to have faith in Christ. He is the One among us that we must have faith in, and then, faith in what He's doing and has give to us.
E-10 Şi către noii veniţi, noi am încercat în săptămâna aceasta să arătăm că Dumnezeu, de la început, a cunoscut sfârşitul. Aceasta Îl face pe El infinit. Dacă El nu este infinit, infinit, El nu este Dumnezeu. Şi El trebuie să fie omnipotent, omniprezent, omniştiutor, şi omnipotent, ca să fie Dumnezeu. Aceasta este toată puterea, cunoaşte toate lucrurile, în toate locurile, şi-şişi cunoaşte sfârşitul de la început. Dacă El nu cunoaşte, atunci El nu este Dumnezeu.
E-10 Now, no one could take Moses' place. No matter how much you run, and how much you try to get away from it, yet, God knows what He's doing. He knowed just what He had to take and make out of Moses. These things had to happen. Now, watch. No one could take his place.
Now, watch. God gave him a sign to prove his calling and claims, when he went down in Egypt. Now, God always gives a messenger a sign and a voice of that sign. And that sign identifies the man if it's written in the Scripture. Like John said, "I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness."
They said, "Are you the Messiah?"
He said, "I am not the Messiah. But I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, as the prophet Isaiah said." He could plainly identify himself.
And now, then in that we find that God always, never changes His way of doing anything. He cannot change. God does everything exactly the same way, when He--He sets His system together. As I said the other night, He made one decision: man should be saved by the shed blood of an innocent one.
We've tried everything else to get man saved. We've tried to take him to a place to where we built a city; Nebuchadnezzar did. And they built a tower; Nimrod did. They had a law, and they've had temples; they've had churches; they've had organizations; they've had educational systems, denominational systems, trying to get men to God. It every bit failed. It always will fail. It comes right back to the shed Blood.
Now, watch. God gave him a sign to prove his calling and claims, when he went down in Egypt. Now, God always gives a messenger a sign and a voice of that sign. And that sign identifies the man if it's written in the Scripture. Like John said, "I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness."
They said, "Are you the Messiah?"
He said, "I am not the Messiah. But I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, as the prophet Isaiah said." He could plainly identify himself.
And now, then in that we find that God always, never changes His way of doing anything. He cannot change. God does everything exactly the same way, when He--He sets His system together. As I said the other night, He made one decision: man should be saved by the shed blood of an innocent one.
We've tried everything else to get man saved. We've tried to take him to a place to where we built a city; Nebuchadnezzar did. And they built a tower; Nimrod did. They had a law, and they've had temples; they've had churches; they've had organizations; they've had educational systems, denominational systems, trying to get men to God. It every bit failed. It always will fail. It comes right back to the shed Blood.
E-11 Astfel nu există de fapt nimic în afara ordinei. Noi suntem. Dar nimic în Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu; acesta ticăie întocmai ca un ceas. Şi când acea oră vine ca să se întâmple, Cuvântul care era repartizat pentru epoca aceea, se întâmplă. Noi ne-am putea gândi că aceasta nu... o să se întâmple. Uneori se întâmplă şi noi nu o ştim. Isus a spus, odată...
E-11 God's way of doing anything is spoke in His Word. And this Word is the entire revelation of Jesus Christ, nothing to be added to it or taken away from it. Whosoever does it, the Bible said his part will be taken out of the Lamb's Book of Life if he does add anything or take anything from it. Just take it the way it's written.
The Bible doesn't need anybody to interpret It. God is His own Interpreter. He interprets it by making what He said come to pass. That settles it. If God said it, and He did it, that's all. They need no interpreter. The Bible said it's of no private interpretation: God's way of doing it.
Ever true to His sent sign, He follows by His voice. Ever since that God sends a sign in the earth...
The Bible doesn't need anybody to interpret It. God is His own Interpreter. He interprets it by making what He said come to pass. That settles it. If God said it, and He did it, that's all. They need no interpreter. The Bible said it's of no private interpretation: God's way of doing it.
Ever true to His sent sign, He follows by His voice. Ever since that God sends a sign in the earth...
E-12 Ei i-au spus Lui, "De ce se spune că... toţi scribii zic că, mai întâi trebuie să vină Ilie'?" Vedeţi, acum, ei au crezut aceea. Ei au crezut că vine Ilie.
E-12 Now, God never does nothing, the Bible said, until first He shows it to His servants the prophets. Now, that... You... If that's wrong, then the rest of it's wrong. See? He never does anything until He shows it. And that seer, prophet, is to be identified, that what he prophesies... We find out in Numbers 12:6 that what he says comes to pass, then believe it. But if it doesn't come to pass, then don't believe it.
And it must be, for that his... No matter how much he says and it comes to pass, and whatever, if it isn't according to the Word then it's still wrong. It must be with the Word. It must be set in order with the Word for the sign of that time, the time that they're living in.
And it must be, for that his... No matter how much he says and it comes to pass, and whatever, if it isn't according to the Word then it's still wrong. It must be with the Word. It must be set in order with the Word for the sign of that time, the time that they're living in.
E-13 Iar Isus s-a uitat la ei, şi a zis, "Ilie a şi venit, şi voi nu l-aţi cunoscut." Vedeţi? Acum, vedeţi, acesta a trecut chiar pe lângă acei scribi, lucrători, ucenici. Şi acesta era Ioan Botezătorul, şi el venise în fiecare fel în care trebuia să vină Ilie, şi totuşi ei nu l-au recunoscut.
E-13 Now, this had been promised by God, that He was going to deliver His people with a strong arm. Now, when this Word... He didn't call a priest; He didn't call a rabbi; He didn't call an executive. He called a shepherd out on the mountain, a runaway, born, foreordained prophet, that didn't want his job.
When you hear people desiring to be this, that, or the other, some... Just watch. God never uses them. God had to hunt Moses down to get him. He had to hunt Paul down to get him. It's men that don't want to do it, they don't want the thing. Then God takes that man that he won't do it so He can show His glory by it.
Now, watch. Every--every true God-sent sign is followed by a voice. Now, you notice here, the text is the--the sign and the voice. "If they won't believe the voice of the first sign, then they'll believe the voice of the second sign."
When you hear people desiring to be this, that, or the other, some... Just watch. God never uses them. God had to hunt Moses down to get him. He had to hunt Paul down to get him. It's men that don't want to do it, they don't want the thing. Then God takes that man that he won't do it so He can show His glory by it.
Now, watch. Every--every true God-sent sign is followed by a voice. Now, you notice here, the text is the--the sign and the voice. "If they won't believe the voice of the first sign, then they'll believe the voice of the second sign."
E-14 Şi acum ne revine nouă ca să recunoaştem ceasul în care trăim noi, şi timpul în care trăim. Asupra acesteia, eu vreau să vorbesc în această seară, despre: Glasul Semnului.
E-14 Now, the sign has a voice. And now, every true God-sent sign has a voice, and that voice must speak according to the Word that's given for that day, just exactly. If the voice comes the same old voice of the same old... You see a sign, rather, and the sign that the man's doing is the same old school of thought, then you can say right then that didn't come from God. If it keeps identifying the same old school of thought, it never did, it never has, it would be against God's program. It's got to be something new. It's got to be something that the people don't understand; it's got--or it wouldn't be sent. It don't need to be sent, if it's the same old school of theology.
It's got to be something different, yet it's got to be identified in the Word that it is for that day (See?), the positives of God's Word. It has to be that. There's no slip-ups to it. It's got to be the truth, got to be vindicated by God the truth. And the man who speaks it has to be vindicated of God to be a seer from God, or it's wrong. They don't even--they don't even see it at all, don't even believe it.
It's got to be something different, yet it's got to be identified in the Word that it is for that day (See?), the positives of God's Word. It has to be that. There's no slip-ups to it. It's got to be the truth, got to be vindicated by God the truth. And the man who speaks it has to be vindicated of God to be a seer from God, or it's wrong. They don't even--they don't even see it at all, don't even believe it.
E-15 Un text ciudat, totuşi Dumnezeu face lucruri ciudate pe căi neobişnuite. Aceasta este ceea ce-L face pe El Dumnezeu, deoarece El este-El este supranatural. În fiecare lucru pe care-1 face El, El-El îl face. El poate să facă aceasta în supranatural, deoarece El este supranatural.
E-15 Signs are--are from God. The sign that follows--or the voice that follows the sign must be the voice of God speaking from the Word for that age. Do you understand it? God gives signs. What does He do it for? Always gives signs. He told them that's what they'd look for Him in the sign. God gives signs to attract the attention of His people.
Now, let's study this thoroughly. See, signs are given to attract the attention of the people. Because when a God-sent sign is given, God is ready to speak. God is ready to speak when the sign is given. If it comes from heaven, it's from God, and God is ready to speak and is trying to attract the people's attention. And the Word comes to His prophet, and the prophet is identified by the sign that he shows. And then He comes to the Word, and the Word's made manifest. That settles it. It don't need any interpretation; God's already interpreted it. See? Just as perfect as it can be. Now, notice. God gives a sign to attract the attention of the people.
Now, let's study this thoroughly. See, signs are given to attract the attention of the people. Because when a God-sent sign is given, God is ready to speak. God is ready to speak when the sign is given. If it comes from heaven, it's from God, and God is ready to speak and is trying to attract the people's attention. And the Word comes to His prophet, and the prophet is identified by the sign that he shows. And then He comes to the Word, and the Word's made manifest. That settles it. It don't need any interpretation; God's already interpreted it. See? Just as perfect as it can be. Now, notice. God gives a sign to attract the attention of the people.
E-16 Acum, Glasul Semnului. Şi aceasta este un... Există un glas al semnului. Există un glas la sânge. Sângele a vorbit din pământ, şi-şi aşa mai departe, "Sângele neprihănit a lui Abel a vorbit împotriva lui Cain." Şi Biblia a spus, "Sângele lui Isus Cristos vorbeşte lucruri mai mari decât sângele lui Abel."
E-16 Here the burning bush was the sign to attract the prophet. The burning bush... Moses was backside of the desert herding his sheep--an old sheepherder eighty years old, long beard, going along, down alongside of a familiar old path, one hot morning perhaps. And then all at once there came a bush on fire, and that bush did not consume. That was altogether unusual.
Now, Moses being a scientist, which he was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and they were greater scientists than we have today. So in being a scientist, looked like he'd have said, "Now, I'll go see what kind of a chemical is sprayed on those leaves that that tree doesn't burn." See, if he'd approached it in a scientific way, it would've never talked to him. And so is it today, when we're trying to approach through school and education, in a scientific way, you'll miss God a million miles. Approach it like Moses, with his shoes off: humble, humility.
Now, Moses being a scientist, which he was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and they were greater scientists than we have today. So in being a scientist, looked like he'd have said, "Now, I'll go see what kind of a chemical is sprayed on those leaves that that tree doesn't burn." See, if he'd approached it in a scientific way, it would've never talked to him. And so is it today, when we're trying to approach through school and education, in a scientific way, you'll miss God a million miles. Approach it like Moses, with his shoes off: humble, humility.
E-17 Acum aşezarea noastră din seara aceasta, sau peisajul nostru, se deschide în Exod. Şi timpul Exodului este timpul de chemare afară, şi exodul era aproape.
E-17 And now, there was a sign to attract the prophet. Now, there--that sign's got to have a voice. And when that voice spoke, if it would not been Scriptural, I don't believe the prophet would've listened to it. But watch how Scriptural the voice was that accompanied the sign. It proved it was God. For He said, "I have heard the groans of My people, and I remember the promise that I made to them." See? The sign, then the Scriptural voice behind the sign...
Now, that shows exactly what I've just background. It must be a sign from God. And if it is, there's a Scriptural voice behind it for the promise of that day, not the same old school. The rabbis and things have been going through the schools of the--everything all along, all along, the priests, and so forth. But this is something new. And it's Scriptural. It's a promise, and a sign to attract the prophet.
And then He said... Now, before he goes down there, he's got to have something to a-vindicate himself of being a prophet (See?) before they would receive him. Said, "They won't say the Lord has appeared to me."
Now, that shows exactly what I've just background. It must be a sign from God. And if it is, there's a Scriptural voice behind it for the promise of that day, not the same old school. The rabbis and things have been going through the schools of the--everything all along, all along, the priests, and so forth. But this is something new. And it's Scriptural. It's a promise, and a sign to attract the prophet.
And then He said... Now, before he goes down there, he's got to have something to a-vindicate himself of being a prophet (See?) before they would receive him. Said, "They won't say the Lord has appeared to me."
E-18 Moise, slujitorul Domnului, a fost chemat la o-o linie de datorie. Şi făcând ce gândea el, el era cu o educaţie înaltă în Egipt, a învăţat toată înţelepciunea Egiptenilor, şi aparent el avea o-o cale, în aceea că fiind un mare geniu militar, că el era în stare să elibereze pe poporul lui de sub robia aceea, deoarece el trebuia să fie următorul Faraon. Şi cât de uşor ar fi fost aceasta pentru el să o facă. Dar, vedeţi voi, dacă acesta ar fi fost cazul, atunci acesta ar fi fost un lucru natural.
E-18 He said then, "I'll give you two signs to do, and that will attract the people's attention. And when the attention of the people is attracted, then speak these words to them. 'I'm the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And I remember My promise.' And I've sent you down to deliver them. I'll be with you."
Did you notice his first sign? He had all kinds of impersonations of it. Everybody tried to throw down a serpent, that... If that ain't the run of people, I don't know what is. See, see? But what kind of a voice did they have behind it? Nothing. The Egyptian voice of the world. Yet, they could perform the sign, but they didn't have a voice behind it to back it up. But Moses had THUS SAITH THE LORD. That was the difference. Impersonators finally went on for a long time, but finally played out.
Do you know the Bible said that would take place again in the last days? As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so would men of reprobate mind concerning the truth. Who is truth? Jesus Christ is truth. See? Reprobate minds concerning the truth...
Did you notice his first sign? He had all kinds of impersonations of it. Everybody tried to throw down a serpent, that... If that ain't the run of people, I don't know what is. See, see? But what kind of a voice did they have behind it? Nothing. The Egyptian voice of the world. Yet, they could perform the sign, but they didn't have a voice behind it to back it up. But Moses had THUS SAITH THE LORD. That was the difference. Impersonators finally went on for a long time, but finally played out.
Do you know the Bible said that would take place again in the last days? As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so would men of reprobate mind concerning the truth. Who is truth? Jesus Christ is truth. See? Reprobate minds concerning the truth...
E-19 Now, Jehovah is going to speak by His promised Word. He must then get this prophet ready to send down, because it's always in His line of thinking, His line of doing every time: send His prophet with the Word, and a-vindicate the prophet. Again, this is a promised sign. A prophet himself is a sign. The Bible said so.
When you see times lapsing, and then see coming... Take the history of the Bible, study it. Whenever you seen a long lapse of time, but just... When you've seen a prophet appear on... It was a sign of judgment. God was going to judge the world when He--or the nation, or the people--when you saw a prophet coming. I preached a sermon on that, you tape men remember the, "A True Sign Overlooked." They always overlook it. They always have. But it was a sign of a coming judgment.
When you see times lapsing, and then see coming... Take the history of the Bible, study it. Whenever you seen a long lapse of time, but just... When you've seen a prophet appear on... It was a sign of judgment. God was going to judge the world when He--or the nation, or the people--when you saw a prophet coming. I preached a sermon on that, you tape men remember the, "A True Sign Overlooked." They always overlook it. They always have. But it was a sign of a coming judgment.
E-20 Astfel dintr-o educaţie de patruzeci de ani, din cele mai înalte pe care le putea primi, şi cea mai bună pe care o putea obţine, cel mai bun şcolar şcolarizat care putea el să fie; cu înţelegerea de la mama lui, tutorele lui, că el trebuia să fie acela ca să elibereze poporul; şi el a ieşit afară în puterea lui de înţelegere, şi a ucis un Egiptean. Şi, din aceasta, a aflat că eforturile lui au dat greş, şi atunci a fugit în deşert.
E-20 Now, His Word is fulfilled in His voice. What He promises, then He fulfills His Word by the voice. The coming of a prophet is a warning sign that judgment is at hand, always has been. Let me just quote one.
Look at Noah rising up in the last--in--in the days of the antediluvian world, a prophet prophesying. What was it? Judgment struck immediately after.
Moses went into Egypt, a vindicated prophet with the signs of the prophet. What happened? Judgment struck Egypt right afterwards.
Elijah come on the scene, the prophet, and prophesied to Ahab and that nation. What happened? Judgment struck it right afterwards. Right.
John the Baptist come on as a sign. He was a prophet. He was a prophet sign come on the earth. They knowed when he come on, the Messiah would speak after him. It had to be, 'cause to get the--get the elected. What this was for is to get the elected people that's coming out, like in the days of Noah.
Look at Noah rising up in the last--in--in the days of the antediluvian world, a prophet prophesying. What was it? Judgment struck immediately after.
Moses went into Egypt, a vindicated prophet with the signs of the prophet. What happened? Judgment struck Egypt right afterwards.
Elijah come on the scene, the prophet, and prophesied to Ahab and that nation. What happened? Judgment struck it right afterwards. Right.
John the Baptist come on as a sign. He was a prophet. He was a prophet sign come on the earth. They knowed when he come on, the Messiah would speak after him. It had to be, 'cause to get the--get the elected. What this was for is to get the elected people that's coming out, like in the days of Noah.
E-21 Şi ce educaţie, a pus Egiptul, în el timp de patruzeci de ani, i-a luat lui Dumnezeu alţi patruzeci de ani ca să scoată aceasta din el, vedeţi, aşa ca el să nu se încreadă în eticile lui de educaţie. Ca el să se încreadă în supranatural.
E-21 Like in the days of Elijah, the seven thousand--or seven hundred or whatever it was--that hadn't bowed their knee, to call them out. John, calling out the elected and give it over to Christ when He come swapped his church, said, "I must decrease; He must increase, because" he said, "I'm just a voice of Him crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way for the Lord.'" Jesus come the same way: gets the elected ready to hear the voice of God. That's what the prophetic sign is.
Oh, if you follow these messages... Get the for--get the elected ready, not... The others will never hear it. It's the elected that's called. Where did that Angel come to in Sodom, that did that sign? To Abraham, and his group. "Stay away from Sodom. It's going to burn." See? Jesus promised it to repeat, you know, again, at this Sodom.
Oh, if you follow these messages... Get the for--get the elected ready, not... The others will never hear it. It's the elected that's called. Where did that Angel come to in Sodom, that did that sign? To Abraham, and his group. "Stay away from Sodom. It's going to burn." See? Jesus promised it to repeat, you know, again, at this Sodom.
E-22 Şi acum timpul era la îndemână că Dumnezeu a făcut o promisiune, lui Abraham, cu patru sute de ani înainte de acel timp, că sămânţa lui va călători pe un pământ străin, şi ei vor fi aduşi afară. După patruzeci de ani, ei vor fi aduşi afară cu braţ puternic. El va elibera pe poporul lui cu braţ puternic. Şi când timpul promisiunii s-a apropiat, atunci Dumnezeu l-a pus pe Moise pe scenă. Moise, în eşecul lui absolut, s-a dus în pustie.
E-22 Now, notice. What does it do? It gets the elected ready for the shelter of God--like in Noah's time so forth. And what does it do? It condemns the intellectual unbeliever to judgment. It always has. To spurn mercy, nothing left but judgment. So it gets the--the intellectual and the unbeliever ready for the judgment, because what do they do? They condemn it.
That's the reason the Jews eat their own flesh. That's the reason the blood run out of the city when Titus, the great Roman general, rode in there, is because they had rejected the Holy Spirit. Judgment had to come, because they'd made fun of it. Jesus told them when they called him Beelzebub, He said, "I forgive you." The atonement had not been made. But said, "When the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, to speak against it will never be forgiven." And that generation was never forgiven of it. That's right.
Judgment to the unbeliever, it's put out there for that purpose: to give light to the believer and darkness to the unbeliever. Just as the Pillar of Fire was. It made light to cross to the promised land, and darkness to those who did not believe. God's signs always does that--put out the eyes of the unbeliever, and give sight and light of walking to the believer. That's what it's sent for.
That's the reason the Jews eat their own flesh. That's the reason the blood run out of the city when Titus, the great Roman general, rode in there, is because they had rejected the Holy Spirit. Judgment had to come, because they'd made fun of it. Jesus told them when they called him Beelzebub, He said, "I forgive you." The atonement had not been made. But said, "When the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, to speak against it will never be forgiven." And that generation was never forgiven of it. That's right.
Judgment to the unbeliever, it's put out there for that purpose: to give light to the believer and darkness to the unbeliever. Just as the Pillar of Fire was. It made light to cross to the promised land, and darkness to those who did not believe. God's signs always does that--put out the eyes of the unbeliever, and give sight and light of walking to the believer. That's what it's sent for.
E-23 Acum modelul aici, există un simbol minunat pe care cu siguranţă că nu vrem să-l pierdem. Vedeţi? Tipizat, Dumnezeu aduce pe Israel, poporul Lui, afară, o naţiune, o naţiune dintro naţiune. O Naţiune dintr-o naţiune, un model frumos din ziua de azi, că Dumnezeu îşi cheamă Mireasa Lui afară dintro biserică, Mireasa Creştină afară dintr-o biserică Creştină, o Biserică Mireasă afară dintr-o biserică, aşa cum este numită, şi la care se referă în Biblie.
E-23 If his prophecy is true... If the prophet's prophecy is true and comes to pass, then it is the warning of God. Now, in Numbers 12:6 we find the same thing, the Scripture. The Bible was written by these men. Now, if we read in II Peter 1:21, it said, "Men of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, wrote the Bible." Also in Hebrews 1:1, where we spoke the other night, "God in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets; this last days through Jesus Christ His son."
E-24 The Pillar of Fire, the sign, the voice--or the voice was going to speak. The Pillar of Fire in the bush was a noted voice, that God was fixing to speak.
Notice. Clearly now, don't miss this. When Miriam had laughed at her brother Moses, and she was a prophetess when she laughed at him. And God came down in that Pillar of Fire; Moses knowed that God was ready to speak. It was a sign. And the voice that followed it said, "Don't you fear God?" Said, "There's none in the land like My servant, Moses."
Done the same when they raised up and said they... When Dathan raised up, and with Korah, the gainsaying of him, "There's more holy men than you. You think you're the only one in the bunch." God had ordained Moses to that job.
And when they wanted to get another bunch to go with them, make themself an organization, He said, "Separate yourself from them. I'll condemn them. I'll consume them." And He did. The world got them.
Notice. Clearly now, don't miss this. When Miriam had laughed at her brother Moses, and she was a prophetess when she laughed at him. And God came down in that Pillar of Fire; Moses knowed that God was ready to speak. It was a sign. And the voice that followed it said, "Don't you fear God?" Said, "There's none in the land like My servant, Moses."
Done the same when they raised up and said they... When Dathan raised up, and with Korah, the gainsaying of him, "There's more holy men than you. You think you're the only one in the bunch." God had ordained Moses to that job.
And when they wanted to get another bunch to go with them, make themself an organization, He said, "Separate yourself from them. I'll condemn them. I'll consume them." And He did. The world got them.
E-25 Aceasta se numeşte, uneori, "Cei Aleşi, Aleşii, sau Rămăşiţa sămânţei femeii." Aceasta a fost numită, "Mireasa," ce Dumnezeu, prin cunoştinţa Lui mai dinainte, a rânduit să fie. Aceasta este, că Mireasa iese din biserică. Vedeţi, întregul lucru este o biserică, dar Dumnezeu îşi ia un popor afară din acea biserică, ca Mireasă. El a spus că o va face. Şi El a făcut-o, observaţi, sau El o va face.
E-25 Now, we find that's always been God's way. The Pillar of Fire indicates the voice is fixing to speak. Oh, catch this. How blind can you get? You still remember Houston. Now, there's a voice follows a sign. Moses, a prophet sign to Israel, promised that the Word is ready to be vindicated.
How perfect is God's Word in order each time, just even like the Urim Thummim as I spoke of the other night. The Urim Thummim was there, and unless that sign come on that Urim Thummim, the voice was not recognized. There has to be a sign. The sign vindicates the voice, and the voice vindicates the sign, that it comes from God. The voice of the sign is what speaks "Yes," or "No." If God refused it, then the voice speaks "No." If the sign was there, God spoke "Yes." God's order never has changed. We could stay hours on that. But it never has changed.
How perfect is God's Word in order each time, just even like the Urim Thummim as I spoke of the other night. The Urim Thummim was there, and unless that sign come on that Urim Thummim, the voice was not recognized. There has to be a sign. The sign vindicates the voice, and the voice vindicates the sign, that it comes from God. The voice of the sign is what speaks "Yes," or "No." If God refused it, then the voice speaks "No." If the sign was there, God spoke "Yes." God's order never has changed. We could stay hours on that. But it never has changed.
E-26 Observaţi, şi vedeţi cum a făcut El aceasta, şi maniera în care a făcut El aceasta. Noi vrem să ne uităm la aceasta acum, la felul cum a scos afară pe Israel, cum a făcut El aceasta, şi maniera în care El-El a făcut aceasta.
E-26 Look. Jonah, the prophet--look at that sign. He was on his road to Tarshish. Started to go to Nineveh, and took a road to Tarshish. Many condemn Jonah. Jonah don't deserve to be condemned. He was a prophet. "The footsteps of the righteous is ordered of the Lord." And he started on his road to Tarshish, and we've tried to condemn the man. But Jesus didn't.
Notice, He said, "As Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and nights (It was to be a sign.), so must the Son of man be in the heart of the earth three days and nights. And a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And there shall be no sign given them from God (remember) but the sign of Jonas." What is Jonas's sign? The resurrection.
And this is that Sodom generation: adulterous, spiritual adultery, committing spiritual fornications against the truth of God, making fun of it. A wicked and an adulterous generation will seek for a sign and they'll get it. It'll be the sign of the resurrection.
Notice, He said, "As Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and nights (It was to be a sign.), so must the Son of man be in the heart of the earth three days and nights. And a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And there shall be no sign given them from God (remember) but the sign of Jonas." What is Jonas's sign? The resurrection.
And this is that Sodom generation: adulterous, spiritual adultery, committing spiritual fornications against the truth of God, making fun of it. A wicked and an adulterous generation will seek for a sign and they'll get it. It'll be the sign of the resurrection.
E-27 Observaţi când timpul Cuvântului promis trebuia să fie împlinit, Dumnezeu l-a chemat pe Moise, prin orânduirea mai dinainte, şi l-a ales pe el pentru lucrare. Vedeţi? Dumnezeu întotdeauna are persoana la post, la timpul acela. Nimic nu dă greş cu Dumnezeu. El a spus asta; asta nu poate da greş. Dacă aceasta dă greş, atunci Dumnezeu dă greş, deoarece Dumnezeu este Cuvântul.
E-27 Look, Jonas. Them people were heathens and it was a great... It was a commercial city. The great industry was fish. They sent fish all over the country. The men were fishermen. That was the occupation, and they being heathens, they worshipped animals and idols, and become very wicked.
Like this nation now, full of sex and Hollywood, and all kinds of--even into the churches. And notice what takes place. Why, sometimes even sex appeal in the church is called modern. How can this nation stand under such a thing as that? Call yourselves Christian, and act on such things as that? How can it stand? As my good friend Jack Moore said years ago, "If God lets this nation get by with this, He'll be obligated, as a just God, to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah, and apologize to them for burning them up.
You're bound for judgment. There's no other way to accept it. Write it down in your Bibles. I'm getting to be an old man. You see if it doesn't go to judgment. And if I live a normal life, I'll see it--normal time. Another few years will turn it.
Like this nation now, full of sex and Hollywood, and all kinds of--even into the churches. And notice what takes place. Why, sometimes even sex appeal in the church is called modern. How can this nation stand under such a thing as that? Call yourselves Christian, and act on such things as that? How can it stand? As my good friend Jack Moore said years ago, "If God lets this nation get by with this, He'll be obligated, as a just God, to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah, and apologize to them for burning them up.
You're bound for judgment. There's no other way to accept it. Write it down in your Bibles. I'm getting to be an old man. You see if it doesn't go to judgment. And if I live a normal life, I'll see it--normal time. Another few years will turn it.
E-28 Observaţi, acum, Cuvântul trebuia să fie manifestat. Şi când Cuvântul trebuia să fie manifestat, de o promisiune, Dumnezeu întotdeauna trimite un profet ca să manifesteze acea promisiune, deoarece Cuvântul Domnului vine la el.
E-28 Jonah... They was all out fishing about noontime. And here come the god of the sea up. The whale run up to the banks and spit the prophet out on the bank. What a sign. God delivered His prophet with a message. Now, they seen the sign. They believed the sign. Now, what's the message? Repent. That's the voice of the sign. The voice of the sign is, "Repent, or within forty days you'll be consumed." They knew enough to repent. Jesus said, "They'll condemn this generation, 'cause they repented at the preaching of Jonas. A greater than Jonas is here." The voice was, "Repent, or in forty days you'll be consumed."
E-29 Moise, orânduit dinainte pentru acel scop, a fost chemat la lucrare. Nimeni altul nu putea ca să facă aceasta.
E-29 John, the prophet, appearing--a prophet appearing sign after four hundred years with no prophet... They'd had all the intellectuals. I just imagine what a mess they had. Four hundred years, no prophet, but the time drew nigh that the Messiah was to come. Now, John was the sign, being a prophet, that the Messiah was ready to speak: the voice of the sign. Because in Malachi 3 we find out, "I'll send My messenger before My face." Elias was to come before His face. And Elias come. John, in the spirit and power of Elias, come and done exactly what the Scriptures did, and they did not understand it. The Scripture said so. He was the sign, a prophet sign, that the Messiah was going to speak.
That prophet knowed Him so well until he said, "Why, there's One standing among you right now. That Messiah that I'm speaking of is among you. I'm not worthy to loose His shoes. He's the One that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. I'm baptizing with water unto repentance. But He'll be after me. He's among you now."
That prophet knowed Him so well until he said, "Why, there's One standing among you right now. That Messiah that I'm speaking of is among you. I'm not worthy to loose His shoes. He's the One that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. I'm baptizing with water unto repentance. But He'll be after me. He's among you now."
E-30 Când Dumnezeu a-a chemat o persoană pentru o lucrare ca să o facă, nu există nici unul care să-i ia locul. Nu există nici unul care să-ţi ia locul tău, specialitatea ta.
E-30 One day he saw a young Man coming walking down. He saw that Pillar of Fire in the form of a dove coming down from heaven, a voice saying, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." Says, "Whom I'm pleased to dwell," it's just the verb before the adverb. So it's just the same, "Who I'm pleased to dwell in," or "in whom I'm pleased to dwell," makes no difference. Notice. "I'm pleased to dwell in Him."
John said, "I bear record that He that told me in the wilderness (not at the seminary, in the wilderness) said, 'Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on (Amen.), He's the One that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. And I bear record it's the truth."
What was it? That prophet was a sign that Messiah was ready to speak.
What was the Messiah? The Messiah was the Word in full. He was the Fullness of God. The prophets was a little flickering Light. But in Him was all that Light, was in this Messiah, for He was the manifested God made Emmanuel, God among us in human flesh. Messiah was ready to speak.
John said, "I bear record that He that told me in the wilderness (not at the seminary, in the wilderness) said, 'Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on (Amen.), He's the One that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. And I bear record it's the truth."
What was it? That prophet was a sign that Messiah was ready to speak.
What was the Messiah? The Messiah was the Word in full. He was the Fullness of God. The prophets was a little flickering Light. But in Him was all that Light, was in this Messiah, for He was the manifested God made Emmanuel, God among us in human flesh. Messiah was ready to speak.
E-31 Cât de des mă gândeam eu, cum mi-ar place să iau locul lui Oral Roberts, cum mi-ar place să iau locul lui Billy Graham, cineva ca acesta. Ca Billy Graham, merge să vorbească unei audienţe de oameni, cheamă păcătoşii la altar; uită aceasta şi pleacă acasă, fără să trebuiască să stea acolo şi să se lupte iarăşi. Eu nu pot să fiu Billy Graham, dar nici Billy Graham nu poate fi eu. Noi amândoi suntem... Eu nu pot fi Oral Roberts; Oral Roberts nu poate fi eu.
E-31 And notice. The Bible says that the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet. Now, here stood John, that Jesus said was the greatest prophet ever lived. Jesus said so: Matthew the 11th chapter, "What went ye out to see? A man shaken by every wind?" This denomination say, "I'll give you more if you do this?" Not John. No, no. A man that can be shoved over, bluffed-out? No, he was a raw, rugged prophet. "Or did you go to see a man that's all dressed up with a priesthood garment on?" And He said, "No. They stay in king's palaces. They marry the young, kiss the babies, and bury the old." That's the kind... They don't know nothing about a two-handed sword.
Said, "What did you go out to see? A prophet?" He said, "More than a prophet." 'Course he was a messenger of the covenant, was promised by God to send him. And notice, here's John standing in the water baptizing, saying He's coming. And here is the Word, not no more in heaven, but made flesh. The Word is flesh. What does it happen then? What's the order of God's Scripture? The Word came to the prophet right in the wilderness, right in the pool. The Word came to the prophet. John looked up; he said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee."
Said, "What did you go out to see? A prophet?" He said, "More than a prophet." 'Course he was a messenger of the covenant, was promised by God to send him. And notice, here's John standing in the water baptizing, saying He's coming. And here is the Word, not no more in heaven, but made flesh. The Word is flesh. What does it happen then? What's the order of God's Scripture? The Word came to the prophet right in the wilderness, right in the pool. The Word came to the prophet. John looked up; he said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee."
E-32 Voi sunteţi, fiecare, aşezaţi în sistemul lui Dumnezeu, tocmai pentru locul fiecăruia. Unul posteşte tot timpul şi are părtăşie cu Dumnezeu, în timp ce altul scoate afară draci pentru că celălalt posteşte. Dar acesta este întregul Trup al lui Cristos lucrând împreună, în unitate. Când noi vedem aceste bariere denominaţionale dezbinându-ne, aceasta îmi răneşte inima, vedeţi, deoarece acesta este lucrul care ne separă. Noi suntem una.
E-32 My dear old brother, Dr. Davis, the Missionary Baptist Church, that baptized me in Christian faith... If he's here tonight I don't mean to hurt his feelings, 'cause he lives here in Texas, is out here in Davis Mountain. But I remember us arguing on that one day. And I was just a boy. And I said, "It don't sound right, Dr. Davis."
He said, "What happened, that then Jesus baptized John, and then John baptized Jesus, because John hadn't been baptized."
It didn't seem right to me. I kept on waiting, watching, wondering. I wouldn't say nothing about it, till one day when the Lord revealed it.
Now watch what Jesus said. John said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and why are You coming to me?"
Jesus said, "Suffer it to be so, for thus it is becoming to us to fulfill all righteousness." John knew Who He was. There's the two leaders of the world, two leaders of the church, God and His prophet standing together.
Now watch, they ought to know. Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so." That is right. "But thus it's becoming to us that we fulfill all righteousness," the promised Word. The sacrifice had to be washed before it was presented. John baptized Jesus because He was the Sacrifice. See? The sacrifice had to be washed before presented. Walked right out there, and the Sacrifice was washed, and then He's presented right.
He said, "That's the Lamb of God."
He went right up on the bank, and here come the Spirit of God coming down upon Him. Said, "This is My beloved Son." See? He was presented then to the public. But before the sacrifice could be presented, it had to be washed first. That's the law of the Old Testament.
He said, "What happened, that then Jesus baptized John, and then John baptized Jesus, because John hadn't been baptized."
It didn't seem right to me. I kept on waiting, watching, wondering. I wouldn't say nothing about it, till one day when the Lord revealed it.
Now watch what Jesus said. John said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and why are You coming to me?"
Jesus said, "Suffer it to be so, for thus it is becoming to us to fulfill all righteousness." John knew Who He was. There's the two leaders of the world, two leaders of the church, God and His prophet standing together.
Now watch, they ought to know. Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so." That is right. "But thus it's becoming to us that we fulfill all righteousness," the promised Word. The sacrifice had to be washed before it was presented. John baptized Jesus because He was the Sacrifice. See? The sacrifice had to be washed before presented. Walked right out there, and the Sacrifice was washed, and then He's presented right.
He said, "That's the Lamb of God."
He went right up on the bank, and here come the Spirit of God coming down upon Him. Said, "This is My beloved Son." See? He was presented then to the public. But before the sacrifice could be presented, it had to be washed first. That's the law of the Old Testament.
E-33 Între noi nu există oameni mari, nici oameni măreţi în mijlocul nostru; Noi suntem cu toţii aceiaşi. Noi suntem copii ai lui Dumnezeu. Între noi există numai unul singur măreţ, şi acesta este Cristos. Noi trebuie să-L recunoaştem pe El. Şi dacă noi căutăm onoare, unul de la altul, noi nu putem să avem credinţă, deoarece noi avem credinţă unul în celălalt. Noi trebuie să avem credinţă în Cristos. El este Acela în mijlocul nostru în care noi trebuie să avem credinţă, şi apoi credinţă în ceea ce face El şi nea dat nouă.
E-33 All right. Messiah was fixing to speak, because here was the sign of the prophet. And when they seen that prophet come on the scene after almost four hundred years without one, they knew next voice was Messiah.
Now, you Bible readers think right hard for a few minutes. Watch in his nature. How did they miss him? How did they miss knowing that was him, John? His nature was identified. His spirit and nature was identified to be Elijah. Now, notice what spirit. Now, he was John the Baptist, but the spirit of Elijah was upon him.
Notice. First, Elijah was a man who loved the wilderness. See? And John was a man in the wilderness. And Elijah was a man that condemned that organizational system in that day with all he had. So did John. "You generation of snakes, who's warned you to flee from the wrath? Don't you begin to say, 'I'll have this, that, or the other.' God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." See the two natures?
Now, you Bible readers think right hard for a few minutes. Watch in his nature. How did they miss him? How did they miss knowing that was him, John? His nature was identified. His spirit and nature was identified to be Elijah. Now, notice what spirit. Now, he was John the Baptist, but the spirit of Elijah was upon him.
Notice. First, Elijah was a man who loved the wilderness. See? And John was a man in the wilderness. And Elijah was a man that condemned that organizational system in that day with all he had. So did John. "You generation of snakes, who's warned you to flee from the wrath? Don't you begin to say, 'I'll have this, that, or the other.' God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." See the two natures?
E-34 Acum, nimeni nu putea să ia locul lui Moise. Indiferent de cât de mult alerga el, şi indiferent de cât de mult încerca să se ferească de aceasta, totuşi Dumnezeu ştie cum merge El. El ştia doar ce trebuia El să scoată şi să facă din Moise. Aceste lucruri trebuiau să se întâmple. Acum, priviţi, că nici unul nu putea săi ia locul lui.
E-34 And look at Elijah. He condemned all them painted-faced Jezebels of his day, them immoral women. What did John do? The same thing to Herodias. Both of them, was the cause of their death. Look at Elijah. After he'd done that great work, he'd get moody, laid out there and prayed for God to take him. John did the same. Even laid there, and sent His disciples over and said, "Go ask Him is He the One, or do we look for another?"
Jesus knew that. He was Elijah. That had to be his nature. He was identified exactly as Elijah was. He was in the spirit of Elijah. It's to come five times, that spirit is, to be used. Elijah, Elisha, John, and Malachi 4, and then to the Jews in the last days we're in tonight, the spirit of Elijah.
Notice, now. Today, I want you to look at our modern Ahab prophets today, letting their Jezebels cut their hair, paint their face, wear shorts, smoke cigarettes, anything; it's okay. Our--our Ahab prophets of today, going with their schools, sure, leading them around by manmade creeds and denominations. What is it? Ahab prophets. We need another Micaiah to rise on the scene. Or in time of Ahab, Elijah come on the scene. That's who's promised.
Leading them around any way they want to go, if they don't--mistreat them here somewhere, they go over and join this, and still maintain their--their--their Christian profession. Why, they never was saved at the beginning. Their very nature proves it. Can you get grapes off of a thorn tree? Can you get watermelons from a pumpkin vine? The very nature shows they want nothing to do with the Word. They make fun of It, and blaspheme It when It's written, THUS SAITH THE LORD, these things are to happen. And they laugh at it and make fun of it. No wonder Jesus said, "The queen of the south shall rise up with this generation in the last days and condemn it. For she came from the utmost parts of the earth to see a man with the gift of wisdom." He said, "A greater than Solomon is here." Sure.
Jesus knew that. He was Elijah. That had to be his nature. He was identified exactly as Elijah was. He was in the spirit of Elijah. It's to come five times, that spirit is, to be used. Elijah, Elisha, John, and Malachi 4, and then to the Jews in the last days we're in tonight, the spirit of Elijah.
Notice, now. Today, I want you to look at our modern Ahab prophets today, letting their Jezebels cut their hair, paint their face, wear shorts, smoke cigarettes, anything; it's okay. Our--our Ahab prophets of today, going with their schools, sure, leading them around by manmade creeds and denominations. What is it? Ahab prophets. We need another Micaiah to rise on the scene. Or in time of Ahab, Elijah come on the scene. That's who's promised.
Leading them around any way they want to go, if they don't--mistreat them here somewhere, they go over and join this, and still maintain their--their--their Christian profession. Why, they never was saved at the beginning. Their very nature proves it. Can you get grapes off of a thorn tree? Can you get watermelons from a pumpkin vine? The very nature shows they want nothing to do with the Word. They make fun of It, and blaspheme It when It's written, THUS SAITH THE LORD, these things are to happen. And they laugh at it and make fun of it. No wonder Jesus said, "The queen of the south shall rise up with this generation in the last days and condemn it. For she came from the utmost parts of the earth to see a man with the gift of wisdom." He said, "A greater than Solomon is here." Sure.
E-35 Acum priviţi. Dumnezeu i-a dat lui un semn, ca să dovedească chemarea şi afirmaţiile lui, când a coborât el în Egipt.
E-35 Solomon was... His day was one of the great days. The people all believed this gift that God give them, this Solomon. And his--his fame went out everywhere. What if we people of this day, we Americans... We're always trying to find some program against Communism. Here's God's program: Repent, turn to God. Some program. If they'd just do to that, we'd forget Communism.
And all Israel believed that gift that God give them. If America would just give the--believe the gift that God's given us this last days, His Son in the form of the Holy Ghost, raised from the dead, living among us according to His promise. If we'd only cherish that.
It'll only go to the elected. For "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me, they will come." Just seed sowing, it--it falls, some this way, and that way. But there's seed sowing anyhow. It'll catch its roots, wherever it's at. They'll catch it.
And all Israel believed that gift that God give them. If America would just give the--believe the gift that God's given us this last days, His Son in the form of the Holy Ghost, raised from the dead, living among us according to His promise. If we'd only cherish that.
It'll only go to the elected. For "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me, they will come." Just seed sowing, it--it falls, some this way, and that way. But there's seed sowing anyhow. It'll catch its roots, wherever it's at. They'll catch it.
E-36 Acum, Dumnezeu întotdeauna îi dă unui mesager un semn, şi un glas al acelui semn. Şi acel semn îl identifică pe acel om, dacă aceasta este scris în Scriptură.
E-36 Notice. Here they were. And we find out that in that day Ahab... the nation had got them Israelites doing any kind of things they wanted to, and still professing to be Israelites. How that Elijah condemned that generation with all that was in him, -and God vindicating him that he was a prophet, just before the coming.
So did John. Walked right up. And Israel had married this woman to--to--to Herod, his brother Philip's wife. Walked right into his face, he pulled no punches. He wasn't afraid some presbyter was going to put him out. He carried no fellowship card, only with God. He was His prophet. The Word was with him. He didn't have to go to ask any bishop or deacon. He was anointed. He had the Word.
He walked right into his face and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." Right. He pulled no punches to nobody. Them wicked women committing adultery, carrying on...
So did John. Walked right up. And Israel had married this woman to--to--to Herod, his brother Philip's wife. Walked right into his face, he pulled no punches. He wasn't afraid some presbyter was going to put him out. He carried no fellowship card, only with God. He was His prophet. The Word was with him. He didn't have to go to ask any bishop or deacon. He was anointed. He had the Word.
He walked right into his face and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." Right. He pulled no punches to nobody. Them wicked women committing adultery, carrying on...
E-37 Like Amos, when he come on the scene, looked over there... We don't know even where he come from. My, how he must have looked upon that city of Samaria like the tourists did, all beautiful, and the preachers all in harmony with the--the nations, and in league with the nations, and everybody, and still living in sin. His eyes narrowed; his bald head shined, and he come down. He wasn't much to look at, but he had THUS SAITH THE LORD.
We need a Amos on the scene today. Would we receive him? Certainly not. No more than he did. He'd come on the scene. He'd tear down every organization, every denomination, every short-wearing woman, every bob-haired Jezebel. He'd tear them to pieces.
They'd kick him out on the street and say, "That old fanatic." But he'd have THUS SAITH THE LORD, for it's written that way. Denomination receive him? No. He had nobody to sponsor his program. Would this great fine city of--of lust, like Samaria was, would they receive this little unknown fellow with no fellowship card, nobody to sponsor him, or anything? He didn't have any sponsorship. He didn't have any fellowship card, no school he come from. But he had "THUS SAITH THE LORD." And His coming as a prophet was a sign. His voice was from God, and it was identified. In the days of Jeroboam II, everything he said come to pass.
We need a Amos on the scene today. Would we receive him? Certainly not. No more than he did. He'd come on the scene. He'd tear down every organization, every denomination, every short-wearing woman, every bob-haired Jezebel. He'd tear them to pieces.
They'd kick him out on the street and say, "That old fanatic." But he'd have THUS SAITH THE LORD, for it's written that way. Denomination receive him? No. He had nobody to sponsor his program. Would this great fine city of--of lust, like Samaria was, would they receive this little unknown fellow with no fellowship card, nobody to sponsor him, or anything? He didn't have any sponsorship. He didn't have any fellowship card, no school he come from. But he had "THUS SAITH THE LORD." And His coming as a prophet was a sign. His voice was from God, and it was identified. In the days of Jeroboam II, everything he said come to pass.
E-38 El a zis, "Eu nu sunt Mesia. Dar eu sunt glasul celui ce strigă în pustie, după cum a spus profetul Isaia." El putea simplu să se identifice pe El Însuşi.
E-38 And now, we find this day that we're living in, it's just a repeat of that again. Ministers and people ashamed to stand in the pulpit, and the--the Gospel becomes a meal ticket to them. They're afraid to say anything. Some man's going to put them out of this, that, or the other. There's only one Man can put you out of heaven; that's God. And how you going to be put out of heaven staying with His Word? That's what He sent you for.
Remember, the Bible said it's such a time as it was in the days of Elijah, and such a day as it was in the days of John, that Malachi 4 is going to return to the earth again. "I will send Elijah..." Now, don't get that mixed up now with Malachi 3, "I send My messenger before My face." That was Elias too. But in Malachi 4, He said, "Just before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, when the whole earth will burn like a oven and the righteous shall walk out upon the ashes of the wicked (That's the millennium.), I'll send Elijah the prophet."
And what will He do? He will restore the faith of the children back to the apostolic fathers, back to the Word. He'll have to be a prophet. "I'll send him." He'll be thoroughly identified. His nature will be the same as Elijah's was, exactly. His message will be right on that line. He'll condemn, tear down, no fellowship, no cooperation, no nothing. But he'll have THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Remember, the Bible said it's such a time as it was in the days of Elijah, and such a day as it was in the days of John, that Malachi 4 is going to return to the earth again. "I will send Elijah..." Now, don't get that mixed up now with Malachi 3, "I send My messenger before My face." That was Elias too. But in Malachi 4, He said, "Just before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, when the whole earth will burn like a oven and the righteous shall walk out upon the ashes of the wicked (That's the millennium.), I'll send Elijah the prophet."
And what will He do? He will restore the faith of the children back to the apostolic fathers, back to the Word. He'll have to be a prophet. "I'll send him." He'll be thoroughly identified. His nature will be the same as Elijah's was, exactly. His message will be right on that line. He'll condemn, tear down, no fellowship, no cooperation, no nothing. But he'll have THUS SAITH THE LORD.
E-39 Şi acum, atunci, în aceasta, noi aflăm că Dumnezeu, întotdeauna, nu-şi schimbă niciodată felul Său de a face orice lucru. El nu se poate schimba. Dumnezeu face totul exact în acelaşi fel, când îşi aşează El-El sistemul Lui împreună.
E-39 Now, you remember. There's been all kinds of groups stand up, and say, "This is the Elijah's robe, and this is the Elijah's doctrine," a whole group, a organization turn into Elijah's group or Elijah's robe. That's not Scripture. God never did deal with a group like that. When Elijah come on the scene, and John the Baptist, both of them condemned the groups and the organization. They never did... He condemns them the way they did, Elijah and John both. Not a group or denomination, but both, in both of their times, condemned the groups and the organizations.
What then? The end time sign will certainly accompany the end time voice. Elijah's supposed to come on the scene, a man anointed with that spirit, a woodsman, so forth, and lover of that. And come on the scene to vindicate... Now, watch what the Scripture says now. Then you won't be deceived. See? The end time sign and the end time voice...
What then? The end time sign will certainly accompany the end time voice. Elijah's supposed to come on the scene, a man anointed with that spirit, a woodsman, so forth, and lover of that. And come on the scene to vindicate... Now, watch what the Scripture says now. Then you won't be deceived. See? The end time sign and the end time voice...
E-40 După cum am spus serile trecute, El a făcut o decizie, ca omul să fie mântuit prin Sângele vărsat al Acelui nevinovat. Noi am încercat toate celelalte, ca omul să fie mântuit. Noi am încercat să-l luăm la un loc unde construim un oraş, Nebucadneţar a făcut aşa. Şi ei au zidit un turn, el Nimrod. Ei au avut o lege. Şi ei au avut temple. Ei au avut biserici. Ei au avut organizaţii. Ei au avut sisteme educaţionale, sisteme denominaţionale, încercând să-l aducă pe om la Dumnezeu. Acestea, fiecare din ele, au dat greş. Întotdeauna va da greş. Aceasta vine drept înapoi la Sângele vărsat!
E-40 God never did deal with a group nowhere in the Scriptures. He deals with one individual, because every man is different from the other, every man. Our thumbs are different; our noses are different; our actions are different. He gets one man till He can get him perfectly in harmony, till he can become that Word.
That's the reason Paul, he said, "Except I get exalted above the abundance of the revelation, there was given to me a messenger of Satan." See, Matthew wrote, Luke wrote, Mark wrote, all them. But they just followed Jesus and wrote what He said. But Paul had the revelation of Who He was. See? That's the thing. You see, his revelation was so great He let him write the Bible, like Moses of the Old Testament. That great man Paul, that revelation he had... He knew that Jesus of the New Testament was Jehovah of the Old. He had the revelation of it, and could place it to the Hebrews, to the--and also the--to--to the Romans, and to the Ephesians, and--and all. He--he wrote these letters.
That's the reason Paul, he said, "Except I get exalted above the abundance of the revelation, there was given to me a messenger of Satan." See, Matthew wrote, Luke wrote, Mark wrote, all them. But they just followed Jesus and wrote what He said. But Paul had the revelation of Who He was. See? That's the thing. You see, his revelation was so great He let him write the Bible, like Moses of the Old Testament. That great man Paul, that revelation he had... He knew that Jesus of the New Testament was Jehovah of the Old. He had the revelation of it, and could place it to the Hebrews, to the--and also the--to--to the Romans, and to the Ephesians, and--and all. He--he wrote these letters.
E-41 Felul lui Dumnezeu de a face orice lucru este vorbit în Cuvântul Său. Şi acest Cuvânt este întreaga descoperire a lui Isus Cristos, nimic să-i fie adăugat Acestuia, sau să se ia din Acesta. "Oricine face aceasta," spune Biblia, "i se va lua partea lui din Cartea Vieţii Mielului," dacă el adaugă ceva sau ia ceva din Acesta. Doar să-L luaţi pe Acesta aşa cum este scris.
E-41 Notice. After his sign had went forth, then he wrote the letters. The nature of the coming will be the same. There'll not be a group, there'll be one man. God never did deal any other way but one man.
Now, Elijah was not a group. John the Baptist was not a group. They were one individual. God... Malachi 4 doesn't say, "I'll send a group," said, "I'll send Elijah." The Word cannot be changed.
Now, watch, The end time sign and voice will come in the Scripture order, as it was promised. We want to know what'll be the sign of the end? Jesus told us in Matthew 24 and 25. Told us also in Revelations, all the way from the 6th, or the 1st, plumb over to the, well, the 10th chapter. Then He comes in the 19th chapter. Millennium sets in at His coming, riding on a white horse. It'll come... The end time sign (Now, listen in closing.), it'll come just exactly the way the Scripture says.
Now, Elijah was not a group. John the Baptist was not a group. They were one individual. God... Malachi 4 doesn't say, "I'll send a group," said, "I'll send Elijah." The Word cannot be changed.
Now, watch, The end time sign and voice will come in the Scripture order, as it was promised. We want to know what'll be the sign of the end? Jesus told us in Matthew 24 and 25. Told us also in Revelations, all the way from the 6th, or the 1st, plumb over to the, well, the 10th chapter. Then He comes in the 19th chapter. Millennium sets in at His coming, riding on a white horse. It'll come... The end time sign (Now, listen in closing.), it'll come just exactly the way the Scripture says.
E-42 Biblia nu are nevoie de nimeni ca să o interpreteze. Dumnezeu este Propriul Său interpret. El interpretează aceasta prin a face ceea ce spune El că se va împlini. Asta o stabileşte. Dacă Dumnezeu a spus-o, şi El a făcut-o, asta-i tot. Aceasta nu are nevoie de interpret. Biblia a zis, "Aceasta nu este pentru interpretare personală."
E-42 Now notice, the voice of the sign. Now, Jesus, in Luke 17:30, promised the sign of the end time. The last sign was God manifested in a human body that could discern the thoughts that was in Sarah's mind in the tent behind her. That's what He said. That's the sign that He promised at the end. What did He say it would do?
It would be known in the days, the last days, when the Son of man will be revealed--be revealed to...?... When the Son of man is revealed, that'll be the sign He'll be revealed by. Now, see if that don't say that. It certainly does.
Now, could you say that, "No, it'll be something else. No, it'd be build a great building, a great this, or this, or some great ecumenical council, or something?" Oh, no. No. That's a long ways off. That's the on the other side. It's against what God said doing--He would do.
It would be known in the days, the last days, when the Son of man will be revealed--be revealed to...?... When the Son of man is revealed, that'll be the sign He'll be revealed by. Now, see if that don't say that. It certainly does.
Now, could you say that, "No, it'll be something else. No, it'd be build a great building, a great this, or this, or some great ecumenical council, or something?" Oh, no. No. That's a long ways off. That's the on the other side. It's against what God said doing--He would do.
E-43 Felul lui Dumnezeu de a face aceasta! Întotdeauna adevărat faţă de semnul trimis de El, El a urmat prin Glasul Lui; fiecare, de când, Dumnezeu trimite un semn pe pământ. "Acum Dumnezeu nu face nimic," zice Biblia, "până când mai întâi El arată robilor Săi profeţi." Acum că, voi... Dacă aceasta este greşit, atunci toate celelalte sunt greşite, vedeţi. El nu face niciodată ceva până când nu o arată El mai întâi.
E-43 Notice what we said now. The Scriptures will be just exactly, 'cause we have the Sodom sign in the natural. When was there any more homosexuals, perversions, and things as there is now. A wicked and adulterous generation, when you can't even turn your television on lest there's some kind of dirty, filthy Hollywood stuff. And people call themselves Christians will stay home from prayer meeting to see such. It shows what spirit's in you. Right. And the women will dress just like those, and a man will let them lead them around like they do there.
Are we going to make Hollywood our example, or are we going to believe God's Word about it? And that same group can see the Word of God vindicated, and what do they do? Laugh at it, because they are dead, eternally dead. They never was alive. If they was ever alive, they'd always be alive, eternal. But they never was alive; they was always dead.
Oh, they might be polished up, and believe this, that, or the other. Jesus said, "You hypocrites" to them--to them priests in that day. "How can you say good things? For out of the abundance of the heart speaketh the mouth, calling Me good rabbi, good master." He knowed what was in their heart. He could perceive what was in their heart. He was the Word.
Are we going to make Hollywood our example, or are we going to believe God's Word about it? And that same group can see the Word of God vindicated, and what do they do? Laugh at it, because they are dead, eternally dead. They never was alive. If they was ever alive, they'd always be alive, eternal. But they never was alive; they was always dead.
Oh, they might be polished up, and believe this, that, or the other. Jesus said, "You hypocrites" to them--to them priests in that day. "How can you say good things? For out of the abundance of the heart speaketh the mouth, calling Me good rabbi, good master." He knowed what was in their heart. He could perceive what was in their heart. He was the Word.
E-44 Şi acel văzător, profet, este să fie identificat, ca ceea ce profeţeşte el, noi aflăm în Numeri 12:6, că ceea ce spune El se împlineşte. Atunci, credeţi aceasta. Dar dacă aceasta nu se împlineşte, atunci să nu o credeţi. Şi trebuie să fie pentru aceea, a Lui... Indiferent cât de mult spune El, şi asta se împlineşte, şi orice; dacă aceasta nu este conform Cuvântului, atunci aceasta totuşi este greşit. Aceasta trebuie să fie cu Cuvântul. Trebuie să fie aşezată în ordine cu Cuvântul pentru semnul din timpul acela, timpul în care trăiesc ei.
E-44 The Bible said, "The Word of God's sharper than a two-edged sword, and discerns the thoughts that's in the heart." Now that sign of Sodom has returned in the natural. And if everything is setting just exactly positionally the way it's supposed to be in the natural, then how can you dismiss it from your mind that the spiritual isn't here at the same time? Both settings is on the scene. Yeah. Everybody agrees the natural is right. But oh, in the spiritual, they don't want to believe it, because it interferes with their doctrine.
Luke 17 is a sign. Luke 17 is a sign that Jesus said, that in the last days the nations, and the churches, and peoples would be just like it was in Sodom, the Gentile world, just before the burning up of Sodom. And there would be a group looking, like Abraham...
Go back. When Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom..." go back and see what it was in Sodom. He read the same Bible we read, same Bible. Now, go back and look what it was. Here was an elected group called out: Abraham's group. They were looking for a promised son. The Sodomites believed nothing about it. And there was the lukewarm, the church member, down in Sodom.
Luke 17 is a sign. Luke 17 is a sign that Jesus said, that in the last days the nations, and the churches, and peoples would be just like it was in Sodom, the Gentile world, just before the burning up of Sodom. And there would be a group looking, like Abraham...
Go back. When Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom..." go back and see what it was in Sodom. He read the same Bible we read, same Bible. Now, go back and look what it was. Here was an elected group called out: Abraham's group. They were looking for a promised son. The Sodomites believed nothing about it. And there was the lukewarm, the church member, down in Sodom.
E-45 Acum, aceasta era promis de Dumnezeu, că El urma să elibereze pe poporul Său cu braţ puternic. Acum, când acest Cuvânt, El nu a chemat un preot, El nu a chemat un rabin, El nu a chemat un director. El a chemat un păstor, afară pe munte, un fugar, născut, profet orânduit mai dinainte care nu a vrut slujba lui.
E-45 Look at those three Angels coming to each one of them. Watch what signs They showed, then you'll see what signs we're living in. Now, that will be the sign. And the voice of the sign will be Malachi 4, to restore the people back to the apostolic faith of the fathers. There is the sign; there is the voice exactly according to the Scripture.
See, the sign is the sign that it was in Sodom: God manifested in human Being. And He said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?"
Said, "She's in the tent behind You."
Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time that I promised you." He said...
And Sarah, back behind, said, "How could that be? Me, an old woman, him an old man, like my husband out there, an old man." Said, "We... nothing like that with us." Said, "It just can't be."
He said, "Why did Sarah doubt that, saying in her heart, 'How can these things be?'" And Jesus said that would return again.
See, the sign is the sign that it was in Sodom: God manifested in human Being. And He said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?"
Said, "She's in the tent behind You."
Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time that I promised you." He said...
And Sarah, back behind, said, "How could that be? Me, an old woman, him an old man, like my husband out there, an old man." Said, "We... nothing like that with us." Said, "It just can't be."
He said, "Why did Sarah doubt that, saying in her heart, 'How can these things be?'" And Jesus said that would return again.
E-46 Când voi auziţi pe oameni dorind să fie asta, aceia, sau cealaltă, ceva, priviţi doar, Dumnezeu nu-i foloseşte niciodată pe ei. Dumnezeu trebuia să-l vâneze pe Moise, ca să-l ia. El a trebuit să-l vâneze pe Pavel, ca să-l obţină pe el. El... Acesta este omul care nu vrea să o facă, ei nu vor lucruri; atunci Dumnezeu îl ia pe acel om, care nu ar vrea să o facă, astfel ca El să-şi poată arăta slava Sa prin acesta.
E-46 Now remember, Abraham called that Man "Elohim," God. God... It had to be. Why? He could discern the thoughts, and He was exactly on time. And Elohim, the Holy Ghost--not another person, the same Person, returning into the church, and would do the same thing. That would be the sign. And the voice would be, "Call them back to the Word, restore the faith of the children to the fathers." There's the sign and the voice.
Signs are usually accepted, but the voice is not. They don't like the voice, but they'll take the sign. Usually they'll take it. They like the sign, 'cause the--they like to look at; it entertains them. But the voice, they don't want to--to do it.
Remember. Now, the voice... Turn back to the Word again. Jesus' sign of Messiah, according to Isaiah 35, "The lame shall leap like a hart," and all this, that was wonderful. Oh, they accepted that. That was good. They believed that. They believed the sign.
Signs are usually accepted, but the voice is not. They don't like the voice, but they'll take the sign. Usually they'll take it. They like the sign, 'cause the--they like to look at; it entertains them. But the voice, they don't want to--to do it.
Remember. Now, the voice... Turn back to the Word again. Jesus' sign of Messiah, according to Isaiah 35, "The lame shall leap like a hart," and all this, that was wonderful. Oh, they accepted that. That was good. They believed that. They believed the sign.
E-47 Acum priviţi. Fiecare-fiecare semn adevărat trimis de Dumnezeu este urmat de un glas. Acum voi observaţi aici, textul este... semnul şi glasul. "Dacă ei nu vor crede glasul primului semn, atunci ei vor crede glasul celui de-al doilea semn." Acum, semnul are un glas. Şi, acum, fiecare adevărat semn trimis de Dumnezeu are un glas, şi acel glas trebuie să vorbească conform Cuvântului care este dat pentru ziua aceea, întocmai exact.
E-47 "Come on, Rabbi, to my church. We'll give You full cooperation. Sure, we believe You. You're the wonderful... You're the rabbi. You're the young prophet. Come in, all kinds of cooperation. The sign's wonderful."
But when the voice spoke and said, "I and the Father are One," oh, my.
They couldn't believe that. "You make yourself God." They didn't want the voice.
They liked the sign. They knowed... They admitted it was the sign of the Messiah, but the voice, they didn't like that.
"The works that I do shall you do also."
And they said, "He's Beelzebub."
He said, "You generation of snakes." Oh, they hated that voice.
What did they do? They put that voice out from among them. They put Him out. Jesus said, "If they call the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call His disciples?" Remember, in Revelation 3 at the Laodicean age, this is the Laodicea the sign of Sodom is to come. The voice, "Return back to the Word, away from these creeds and denominations, and turn back to the Word"--when it come according to Revelation 3, He was put out of the church, just like it was then.
But when the voice spoke and said, "I and the Father are One," oh, my.
They couldn't believe that. "You make yourself God." They didn't want the voice.
They liked the sign. They knowed... They admitted it was the sign of the Messiah, but the voice, they didn't like that.
"The works that I do shall you do also."
And they said, "He's Beelzebub."
He said, "You generation of snakes." Oh, they hated that voice.
What did they do? They put that voice out from among them. They put Him out. Jesus said, "If they call the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call His disciples?" Remember, in Revelation 3 at the Laodicean age, this is the Laodicea the sign of Sodom is to come. The voice, "Return back to the Word, away from these creeds and denominations, and turn back to the Word"--when it come according to Revelation 3, He was put out of the church, just like it was then.
E-48 Dacă glasul vine, acelaşi glas vechi de la acelaşi vechi... Voi vedeţi un semn, adică, şi semnul pe care îl face omul acela este aceeaşi şcoală veche de gândire, atunci voi puteţi să spuneţi chiar atunci, "Acesta nu a venit de la Dumnezeu," dacă acesta continuă să identifice aceeaşi şcoală veche de gândire. Niciodată nu a făcut-o. Niciodată. Aceasta ar fi împotriva programului lui Dumnezeu.
E-48 The sign's all right, but not the voice. They don't want nothing to do with the voice. No, no. The voice... but Moses said, "If they won't..." or God said to Moses, "If they won't believe that first voice of the first sign, try them on the second voice. And if they won't do that, then go get some water and pour it upon the ground."
That settles it. That's all. Wash the dust from your feet, in other words, as Jesus said.
Said, "Get some water out of the river, pour it upon the ground: become blood, and show that that's what she's going to be drenched in: blood." So that's just exactly what it was if they didn't believe the sign. Then the third sign really got it.
That settles it. That's all. Wash the dust from your feet, in other words, as Jesus said.
Said, "Get some water out of the river, pour it upon the ground: become blood, and show that that's what she's going to be drenched in: blood." So that's just exactly what it was if they didn't believe the sign. Then the third sign really got it.
E-49 Aceasta trebuie să fie ceva nou. Trebuie să fie ceva ce oamenii nu înţeleg. Aceasta trebuie să fie aşa... ori acesta nu ar fi trimis. Acesta nu are nevoie să fie trimis, dacă este aceeaşi şcoală veche de teologie. Acesta trebuie să fie ceva deosebit, şi totuşi acesta trebuie să fie identificat în Cuvânt, că acesta este pentru ziua aceea. Vedeţi, pozitivu-rile Cuvântului lui Dumnezeu, aceasta trebuie să fie aşa. Nu există omiteri la acesta. Acesta trebuie să fie Adevărul; trebuie să fie justificat de Dumnezeu, Adevărul. Şi omul care vorbeşte aceasta trebuie să fie justificat de Dumnezeu, să fie un văzător de la Dumnezeu, sau aceasta este greşit; ei nici măcar-nici măcar nu văd aceasta, deloc, nici măcar nu o cred.
E-49 All ministries have three signs if it's sent from God. Jesus had three signs; Moses had three signs; Noah had three signs; Elijah had three signs. Everything comes in three signs.
Notice. Listen, friends. It's getting a little bit late. Now, oh, my. I didn't know it was that late: quarter after. If you can believe the Sodom sign of Luke (See?) as He promised it... You believe the Sodom sign, then why can't you accept the Malachi voice that follows the sign, to return to the Word. []
The Bible said so, and you see it. Then listen at the voice of the sign, "Flee the wrath to come. Don't think 'Because I belong to the UPC, Assemblies of God, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, I have a right to go in.' God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Turn to the Word. Back away from your worldlyism, and your organizational systems and things. God will destroy them from the face of the earth. He'll sink them into the depths of the sea of forgetfulness, just like He did Egypt when He called Israel, nation out of a nation. When He calls the Bride out of the church. You'll go through the tribulation, and drench your blood upon the earth. Flee the wrath that is to come, for it's at hand.
Notice. Listen, friends. It's getting a little bit late. Now, oh, my. I didn't know it was that late: quarter after. If you can believe the Sodom sign of Luke (See?) as He promised it... You believe the Sodom sign, then why can't you accept the Malachi voice that follows the sign, to return to the Word. []
The Bible said so, and you see it. Then listen at the voice of the sign, "Flee the wrath to come. Don't think 'Because I belong to the UPC, Assemblies of God, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, I have a right to go in.' God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Turn to the Word. Back away from your worldlyism, and your organizational systems and things. God will destroy them from the face of the earth. He'll sink them into the depths of the sea of forgetfulness, just like He did Egypt when He called Israel, nation out of a nation. When He calls the Bride out of the church. You'll go through the tribulation, and drench your blood upon the earth. Flee the wrath that is to come, for it's at hand.
E-50 Semnele sunt-sunt de la Dumnezeu. Semnul care urmează... Sau, glasul care urmează semnul trebuie să fie glasul lui Dumnezeu vorbind din Cuvânt, pentru epoca aceea. Înţelegeţi voi aceasta? [Adunarea spune, "Amin." – Ed.]
E-50 You can't see these things without... I don't know what you think about them. I'm only responsible for reading them and talking about it. It's up to you. If you can believe the sign, then believe the voice that follows the sign. Oh, my.
Look, Moses, the type of going out now. He was to tell those people about a promise that had been given to the fathers. "I remember My promise to their fathers." And now, what--what's Moses to do? To turn the hearts of the people back to what the fathers had said. And as Moses was then, so is Malachi 4 to turn the people back to the faith of the fathers. All these scruples of denominations, and so forth, get back to the Word.
Look, Moses, the type of going out now. He was to tell those people about a promise that had been given to the fathers. "I remember My promise to their fathers." And now, what--what's Moses to do? To turn the hearts of the people back to what the fathers had said. And as Moses was then, so is Malachi 4 to turn the people back to the faith of the fathers. All these scruples of denominations, and so forth, get back to the Word.
E-51 Dumnezeu dă semne. Pentru ce face El aceasta? întotdeauna dă semne! El le-a spus lor că aceasta era în ce ar trebui ca ei să se uite după El, în semne. Dumnezeu dă semne să atragă atenţia poporului Său. Acum să studiem aceasta, în amănunţime. Vedeţi, semnele sunt date să atragă atenţia poporului. Deoarece, când este dat un semn trimis de Dumnezeu, Dumnezeu este gata să vorbească. Dumnezeu este gata să vorbească, când este dat semnul. Dacă acesta vine din Cer, este de la Dumnezeu, şi Dumnezeu este gata să vorbească şi El încearcă să atragă atenţia poporului.
E-51 I know you--you... Lots--lots of people'd like to do that. I'm not just scolding you here. These tapes go around the world (See?), everywhere. I'm not scolding to you, but I'm scolding to whoever it is, where it belongs. I'm a seed-sower. That's all I know to do. It's up to you to make the decision. Flee the wrath that is to come, people!
Don't think because you're Pentecost; don't think because your mother was a fine sanctified Methodist, or your daddy a good shouting Baptist; don't think that that's going to have anything to do with you. Don't think because you belong to the church that they built, or the church that you're building now; don't think because you Pentecostals spoke in tongues and danced in the spirit, and run up-and-down the floors forty years ago. Don't think because you've had healing meetings and so forth. Don't fail to see that sign of a Pillar of Fire that God has a-vindicated, and the voice behind it to turn to the--back to God. Don't let it pass you. There's a sign and a voice.
Don't think because you're Pentecost; don't think because your mother was a fine sanctified Methodist, or your daddy a good shouting Baptist; don't think that that's going to have anything to do with you. Don't think because you belong to the church that they built, or the church that you're building now; don't think because you Pentecostals spoke in tongues and danced in the spirit, and run up-and-down the floors forty years ago. Don't think because you've had healing meetings and so forth. Don't fail to see that sign of a Pillar of Fire that God has a-vindicated, and the voice behind it to turn to the--back to God. Don't let it pass you. There's a sign and a voice.
E-52 Şi Cuvântul vine la profetul Lui. Şi profetul este identificat prin semnul pe care îl arată el, şi atunci el vine la Cuvânt şi Cuvântul este făcut manifest. Aceasta o stabileşte; nu are nevoie de nici o interpretare. Dumnezeu deja a interpretat aceasta. Vedeţi, aceasta este cât se poate de perfect.
E-52 When a man raises up with a sign, the same old school of thought, there's something wrong. It isn't coming from God. Oh, my. Make His path straight now. Do you believe it? Then return, oh, blind and dispersed, to your own. If I was... A song writer said,
Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,
The signs that the Bible foretold;
The Gentile days are numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
Come back. Return back. The prophet said, "It'll be light in the evening time." Just before the sun completely blacks out, it'll be Light. Walk in the light while there is Light. After while the ecumenical council will have you, and there's no way for light then. Let us bow our heads.
Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,
The signs that the Bible foretold;
The Gentile days are numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
Come back. Return back. The prophet said, "It'll be light in the evening time." Just before the sun completely blacks out, it'll be Light. Walk in the light while there is Light. After while the ecumenical council will have you, and there's no way for light then. Let us bow our heads.
E-53 Heavenly Father, it's in Your hands now. I--I sowed seed. I don't know where they fell. I pray that You'll bless them wherever they are. May they find their place way down, and root out all the stony places, and all the greenbriar roots, as it was, and get all the unbelief out of the way. Grant it, Father. We now commit this to You, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
E-54 Aici, rugul de foc era semnul ca să-l atragă pe profet; rugul de foc. Moise era, în partea din spate a deşertului, îşi mâna turma lui, un bătrân păstor, în vârstă de optzeci de ani, cu barbă lungă; mergând înainte, în jos de-a lungul unui drum familiar, într-o dimineaţă fierbinte, probabil. Şi atunci, totul dintr-o dată, acolo a venit un rug Aprins, şi rugul acela nu se consuma. Ei bine, aceea era în totalitate neobişnuit.
E-54 With your heads bowed, your eyes closed... Tomorrow night is a banquet--sinners of the city. The Lord willing, I'll have to speak to them. I'm speaking to a mixed congregation now. I would be daresn't to preach this. It'd just make them blinder than ever, on a meeting like that. But you tonight, do you believe that you've seen the sign, and can you hear the voice? If you have and you believe... And you--you have, and you believe, but you haven't accepted it yet, Christ in His Fullness, would you raise up your hand? Let every head be bowed now, and every eye closed. Raise up your hand and say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, as you pray." I'll be glad to do it. God bless you.
E-55 Acum, Moise fiind un om de ştiinţă, care, era învăţat în toată înţelepciunea Egiptenilor, iar ei erau mai mari oameni de ştiinţă decât cum avem în ziua de azi; astfel fiind om de ştiinţă, se părea că el ar fi zis, "Acum eu mă voi duce să văd ce fel de... chimicale sunt stropite pe acele frunze, că acel pom nu arde." Vedeţi, dacă el s-ar fi apropiat de acesta pe cale ştiinţifică, Acesta nu ar fi vorbit cu el niciodată.
E-55 Our heavenly Father, the Bible said as many as believed was baptized. I pray, Lord, that these people that's raised their hands that they believe in, if they haven't been baptized in Christian baptism, may they find the church that does it, and be baptized. Grant it, Lord. May they not only be baptized with water, which is only an outward sign that something inside has happened...
The Bible said there's one faith, one Lord, one baptism. And that baptism is spiritual baptism, the body being washed. It's just only a--an illustration, or to give a sign that something inside has happened. But it's that soul that's got to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. That's the eternal, coming into that human nature and changing it around, to make it a believer... I pray that they'll receive the Holy Spirit. I commend them to you now, as trophies of the message and of the grace of Christ. In His Name I pray. Amen.
The Bible said there's one faith, one Lord, one baptism. And that baptism is spiritual baptism, the body being washed. It's just only a--an illustration, or to give a sign that something inside has happened. But it's that soul that's got to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. That's the eternal, coming into that human nature and changing it around, to make it a believer... I pray that they'll receive the Holy Spirit. I commend them to you now, as trophies of the message and of the grace of Christ. In His Name I pray. Amen.
E-56 Şi aşa este asta astăzi, când noi încercăm să ne apropiem prin şcoală şi educaţie, şi pe cale ştiinţifică, voi vă depărtaţi de Dumnezeu la o mie de mile. Apropiaţi-vă ca Moise, cu încălţămintea scoasă; umil în umilinţă.
E-56 Now, with your heads bowed reverently... I just got seven minutes. I--I couldn't--to get out on time I couldn't have a prayer line in that much time. I'm going to ask you to set right where you are. I'm sorry to have kept you late. We'll pray for every one. You people, some of you out there that's got prayer cards, don't worry. We'll get you. But we're going to just see if the Holy Spirit will reveal to us now.
If you believe in Him, and you believe that this is the sign... Remember the Angel. He was a Man. He eat, He drank before Abraham. And yet He could... And Sarah in the tent, He could discern the thoughts that was in her heart. That was a sign. He was the Word. Now, if the Word can only come to us, then also He promised to perform the same thing.
If you believe in Him, and you believe that this is the sign... Remember the Angel. He was a Man. He eat, He drank before Abraham. And yet He could... And Sarah in the tent, He could discern the thoughts that was in her heart. That was a sign. He was the Word. Now, if the Word can only come to us, then also He promised to perform the same thing.
E-57 Şi, acum, acolo era semnul ca să-l atragă pe profet. Acum, acolo, semnul acela trebuia ca să aibă un glas. Şi când glasul acela a vorbit, dacă Acesta nu ar fi fost Scriptural, eu nu cred că profetul ar fi ascultat de acesta. Dar priviţi cât de Scriptural era glasul care a însoţit semnul, acesta a dovedit că era Dumnezeu, căci El a zis, "Eu am auzit gemetele poporului Meu, şi Mi-am adus aminte de promisiunea pe care le-am făcut-o Eu." Vedeţi, semnul, apoi glasul Scriptural în spatele semnului.
E-57 Now, you out there in the audience that doesn't have prayer cards, and you know you're not going to be in the line I can't discern which is which unless the Lord would show me, I'll--and you believe that God certainly heals the sick. I--I want you to--to believe right now for a few minutes. And just pray and say, "Lord Jesus, I know the man speaking is--is a man. But he told me that--has told us tonight and proved it to us that the Holy Spirit, that the world cannot kill... They could kill Jesus. When He was in flesh they put Him to death. But now, He's raised in a glorified condition. He can never be killed no more. And He said, 'A little while, and the world won't see Me no more. Yet ye, the predestinated, the ones that's ordained to Eternal Life, the church, the bride, ye shall see me. For I'll be with you, even in you, to the consummation. The things that I do shall you do also.'" All these promises He made.
E-58 Aceasta arată acum exact ceea ce eu tocmai am rezumat. Acesta trebuie să fie un semn de la Dumnezeu, şi, dacă este, există un glas Scriptural în spatele acestuia, pentru promisiunea acelei zile. Nu aceeaşi şcoală veche; rabinii şi ceilalţi au mers prin şcoli, sau toate celelalte, tot timpul, tot timpul, preoţii şi aşa mai departe. Dar aceasta este ceva nou, şi este Scriptural, aceasta este o promisiune; şi un semn ca să-l atragă pe profet.
E-58 "Now, I know when He was here on earth He--God was in Him. He was God. He was the Fullness of God. He was all the Word of God made manifest. In the Bible is still God, the Word, and there's some of the revelation yet to be revealed. And He said in the last days when the world become like Sodom again, the Son of man would be revealed, and the sign of Sodom would return. Then the voice will call back the people, those who are ordained to life. We know when He was here, there were millions of people on the earth that never knowed He was here: no reason to know. He come to those who were predestinated to see it."
Now, you pray. Now, be real quiet; don't move. Wherever you are, balconies, on the lower floors, wherever you are, don't--don't move. Just set real still and pray. Say, "Lord Jesus, the Bible said, in Hebrews 4, that You are right now a high priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. And we see You on earth. When You were here on earth, a little woman one time touched Your garment. And You turned around and said, 'Who touched Me?'" She hid herself, but yet her faith was identified. Jesus told her that about her blood issue, and said her faith had saved her. Now, He's that same High Priest.
Now, you pray. Now, be real quiet; don't move. Wherever you are, balconies, on the lower floors, wherever you are, don't--don't move. Just set real still and pray. Say, "Lord Jesus, the Bible said, in Hebrews 4, that You are right now a high priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. And we see You on earth. When You were here on earth, a little woman one time touched Your garment. And You turned around and said, 'Who touched Me?'" She hid herself, but yet her faith was identified. Jesus told her that about her blood issue, and said her faith had saved her. Now, He's that same High Priest.
E-59 Şi atunci, El a spus acum, înainte ca să meargă acolo jos, el trebuia să aibă ceva ca să se adeverească pe el însuşi ca fiind un profet, înţelegeţi, înainte ca ei să-l primească pe el. A zis, "Ei nu vor spune că Domnul mi-a apărut mie."
E-59 If He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, He'll have to act in the same way if you--if you touch Him. And what does that do then? There has to be human flesh on earth to speak his voice. "I am the Vine. You're the branches." There's no way of getting around it, friends. It's the Scripture to prove it. Do you ministers believe that, back there?
Now, out there, just be real reverent and pray. Say, "Lord Jesus, let me touch Your garment." And you see, the closest one to me is twenty feet or more. I don't know a soul out there. I can't even see nobody that I really know tonight, setting there except Pat Tyler setting here in front, a friend of mine. Here's people on cots, stretchers. We seen a stretcher case open up last night, and the man got up and walked away. Why can't you all tonight. See? Just believe. That's all you have to do. His Presence will do it. Here He is. You're going to have to stand by Him to raise you up at the last days.
Now, out there, just be real reverent and pray. Say, "Lord Jesus, let me touch Your garment." And you see, the closest one to me is twenty feet or more. I don't know a soul out there. I can't even see nobody that I really know tonight, setting there except Pat Tyler setting here in front, a friend of mine. Here's people on cots, stretchers. We seen a stretcher case open up last night, and the man got up and walked away. Why can't you all tonight. See? Just believe. That's all you have to do. His Presence will do it. Here He is. You're going to have to stand by Him to raise you up at the last days.
E-60 A zis, "Atunci, Eu îţi voi da ţie două semne ca să le faci, şi aceasta va atrage atenţia poporului. Şi când este atrasă atenţia poporului, atunci vorbeşte-le aceste cuvinte, 'Eu sunt Dumnezeul lui Abraham, Isaac şi Iacob, şi Eu îmi aduc aminte de promisiunea Mea.' Şi Eu te-am trimis pe tine să-i eliberezi, şi Eu voi fi cu tine."
E-60 Now, you that believe, and think that you're praying through, just look this way now. As Peter and John said, "Look on us," and they looked earnestly, the man did, expecting to see something. He said, "Silver and gold have I none. But such as I have..."
Now, healing have I none. But such as I have, a gift from God--give I you. If you'll just believe it, God will work it. I'm only asking you to believe it. Such as I have I'll give to you. If you'll believe it, God will work it. Just try it. Here, here it is right now. Amen. I like that.
Now, healing have I none. But such as I have, a gift from God--give I you. If you'll just believe it, God will work it. I'm only asking you to believe it. Such as I have I'll give to you. If you'll believe it, God will work it. Just try it. Here, here it is right now. Amen. I like that.
E-61 Aţi observat voi primul lui semn? El avea tot felul de imitaţii ale acestora. Fiecare a încercat să arunce jos un şarpe. Aceasta este... Dacă aceasta nu este apucătura oamenilor, atunci nu mai ştiu ce este aceasta, vedeţi. Vedeţi? Dar ce fel de glas aveau ei în spatele acestuia? Nimic; glasul Egiptean al lumii. Totuşi ei puteau să facă semnul, dar ei nu aveau glasul în spatele acestuia, ca să-l susţină. Dar Moise avea AŞA VORBEŞTE DOMNUL. Aceea era diferenţa. Imitatorii în cele din urmă s-au dus înainte pentru o perioadă lungă de timp, dar până la urmă s-a terminat.
E-61 here's a lady setting right here. She's kind of heavy set, setting right here on the end. You have a prayer card, lady? Kind of a heavy set... You don't have... right here, you don't have a prayer card? You don't have a prayer card? You believe anyhow? You don't need a prayer card if you believe. There's a rebound in the voice. That's the reason it's hard to call people like this. But try to listen to me as close as you can now.
I don't know you. You have no prayer card. Therefore you'll not be on the platform. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe that what... It'd be the same thing, just like He revealed to the woman what her trouble was, the woman at the well--Sarah, what she said, and so forth. Do you believe that? You believe it would be all right? You're suffering with a blood condition, something wrong with your blood. If that's right, raise up your hand. All right. You don't have it now. It turns light over you. Jesus Christ is honoring you.
Now, I never seen the woman in my life. Now, what is that? It's got to be Spirit. Now, you can say like the Pharisees, "That's the devil." Well, you get their reward. You say, "It's Christ," you get the reward of Christ. I believe that it's the Word being identified in these last days not me.
I don't know you. You have no prayer card. Therefore you'll not be on the platform. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe that what... It'd be the same thing, just like He revealed to the woman what her trouble was, the woman at the well--Sarah, what she said, and so forth. Do you believe that? You believe it would be all right? You're suffering with a blood condition, something wrong with your blood. If that's right, raise up your hand. All right. You don't have it now. It turns light over you. Jesus Christ is honoring you.
Now, I never seen the woman in my life. Now, what is that? It's got to be Spirit. Now, you can say like the Pharisees, "That's the devil." Well, you get their reward. You say, "It's Christ," you get the reward of Christ. I believe that it's the Word being identified in these last days not me.
E-62 Ştiaţi că Biblia a spus că aceasta va avea loc iarăşi în zilele din urmă? "După cum Iane şi Iambre s-au împotrivit lui Moise, tot aşa vor fi oamenii cu mintea stricată privind Adevărul." Cine este Adevărul? Isus Cristos este Adevărul. Vedeţi? "Cu mintea stricată privind Adevărul.
E-62 Here, here's another little lady setting right down here. She's suffering with varicose veins in her legs. She has complications. She's had heart trouble. She's praying for a loved one. That's a brother. She's weeping now. She's in contact. That brother is very seriously. It's a diabetic case. And also he has another shadow. He's a sinner, and you're praying for him. That's right. Mrs. Welton, if you believe with all your heart God will do it for him. You believe it? That's your name.
Now is that any more than what Jesus said to Simon? "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas." Just have faith. Don't doubt it. Believe it with all your heart. If you believe it, God will bring it to pass. If you can just...
Now is that any more than what Jesus said to Simon? "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas." Just have faith. Don't doubt it. Believe it with all your heart. If you believe it, God will bring it to pass. If you can just...
E-63 Acum Iehova urmează să vorbească prin Cuvântul Lui promis, El trebuie atunci să-l pregătească pe acel profet ca să-1 trimită jos. Deoarece, aceasta este întotdeauna în linia Lui de gândire, în linia Lui de a face, de fiecare dată trimite pe profetul Lui cu Cuvântul, şi susţine profetul.
E-63 Here, here's a little lady sitting right over here, looking right at me here. She's kind of got red hair; her hair's pulled back. Can't you see that light, kind of a amber circling around over the woman? She knows it's happening right now, 'cause she feels it. It's so close to her, she can't help from feeling it. If that's right, lady, raise up your hand. There she is.
Now, I'm a total stranger to you. I don't know nothing about you. But you were setting there praying. If that's right, wave your hand like this. Now, if Jesus Christ is the Son of God, which He is, a High Priest setting at the right hand of God, and I'm just standing here by a gift with myself un--out of--just out of human reasoning, not thinking on my own, a way to relax my own mind and thinking, and just let God move in, do you believe that He--me... God knows I don't know you, and you know the same.
So if the God will reveal to me your trouble, or something you're waiting for, wanting, or something more, you believe that God will... can do that? You've got trouble with your back. That's one of the things you're praying for. And you got trouble with your eyes. Do you believe that God will heal them, and make them well? You do? You do? Do you believe God can tell me who you are? Mrs. Hallman. You believe with all your heart now, you can have what you ask for. You believe it?
Now, I'm a total stranger to you. I don't know nothing about you. But you were setting there praying. If that's right, wave your hand like this. Now, if Jesus Christ is the Son of God, which He is, a High Priest setting at the right hand of God, and I'm just standing here by a gift with myself un--out of--just out of human reasoning, not thinking on my own, a way to relax my own mind and thinking, and just let God move in, do you believe that He--me... God knows I don't know you, and you know the same.
So if the God will reveal to me your trouble, or something you're waiting for, wanting, or something more, you believe that God will... can do that? You've got trouble with your back. That's one of the things you're praying for. And you got trouble with your eyes. Do you believe that God will heal them, and make them well? You do? You do? Do you believe God can tell me who you are? Mrs. Hallman. You believe with all your heart now, you can have what you ask for. You believe it?
E-64 Iarăşi, acesta este un semn promis. Un profet, însuşi, este un semn. Biblia a spus aşa. Când vedeţi timpurile trecând, şi atunci vedeţi venind... Luaţi istoria Bibliei, şi studiaţi-o. Ori de câte ori vedeţi trecerea unei lungi perioade de timp; dar tocmai când aţi văzut apărând înainte un profet, acesta era semnul judecăţii. Dumnezeu urma să judece lumea, când El... sau naţiunea, sau poporul, când aţi văzut un profet venind. Eu am predicat o predică despre aceasta, voi de la casete vă amintiţi, ... Un Adevărat Semn Trecut Cu Vederea. Ei întotdeauna îl trec cu vederea, întotdeauna au făcut-o, dar acesta era un semn al unei judecăţi care venea.
E-64 Here's an elderly woman setting just a little ways behind her there. She's praying also. She has diabetes. I hope she don't miss this. It's right over her. She's kind of aged. Just a minute. May the Lord help me now. Her... There, she caught it. All right. I seen when she was in contact. She isn't from here, she's from Louisiana. Her city is a place called Singer, Louisiana. And she's suffering with diabetes. Her name is Mrs. Doyle. If that's right, raise up your hand. All right. I'm a total stranger to her; I never seen her in my life. But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, knows all about you.
There's a lady setting back there from the same city, a place called Singer. She's suffering with high blood pressure, and her name is Clark. You believe, Mrs. Clark? All right. You can have what you ask for.
There's a lady setting back there from the same city, a place called Singer. She's suffering with high blood pressure, and her name is Clark. You believe, Mrs. Clark? All right. You can have what you ask for.
E-65 Acum Cuvântul Lui este împlinit în glasul Lui. Când El promite, atunci El împlineşte Cuvântul Său prin glas.
E-65 You believe? There's the sign, listen at the voice. Repent. Get back to God as quick as you can. Jesus Christ is here in the power of His resurrection. A wicked and an adulterous generation receives a sign of Jesus Christ, living among people. He couldn't do that just with me. It's got to be you too. See? The woman had to touch His garment. You had to touch His garment. We're just instruments.
Do you believe with all your heart? Now, if you believe it... How many believes it? Raise your hands like this, say, "I truly believe it."
Now, if you believe it, Jesus said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick they shall recover." You believe that? Now, it's late. We haven't time... We're twenty-five minutes now till ten. Will you just lay your hands over on one another then, and just do as I tell you now. Just put your hands on one another.
Do you believe with all your heart? Now, if you believe it... How many believes it? Raise your hands like this, say, "I truly believe it."
Now, if you believe it, Jesus said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick they shall recover." You believe that? Now, it's late. We haven't time... We're twenty-five minutes now till ten. Will you just lay your hands over on one another then, and just do as I tell you now. Just put your hands on one another.
E-66 Venirea unui profet este un semn de avertizare că judecata este aproape. Întotdeauna a fost aşa. Permiteţi-mi doar să vă citez unul.
E-66 Now, you know--upstairs there where you're at. Now, you know as well as anything now, after the Scripture being preached and clearly identified, all the way across the building... I see another one right now (See?) and another one right here: prostate trouble, a lady with TB. See? It's just everywhere now. But it weakens you. What more? You see fifty? Sometimes there is that you want to see seventy the next time.
Jesus did that one time at Sychar, and the whole city believed on Him. They were watching for the Messiah. The Messiah is here, the Holy Spirit, the Messiah of this day, the Messiah that's making the Word be vindicated, of His promise. Now, I want each one of you, as you lay your hands on each other if you're believers... Now, you--don't pray for yourself. You pray for that person, and they're going to be praying for you.
Jesus did that one time at Sychar, and the whole city believed on Him. They were watching for the Messiah. The Messiah is here, the Holy Spirit, the Messiah of this day, the Messiah that's making the Word be vindicated, of His promise. Now, I want each one of you, as you lay your hands on each other if you're believers... Now, you--don't pray for yourself. You pray for that person, and they're going to be praying for you.
E-67 Uitaţi-vă la Noe ridicând-se în ultimele zile, în-în zilele lumii antediluviene, un profet profeţind. Ce era aceasta? Judecata a lovit imediat după aceasta.
E-67 Now, the same Word that promised this in the last days, promised also... And remember, Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." The healing coming back is the voice that the sign has been recognized. They laid hands on the sick, as a sign. The voice is a "Hallelujah, the Lord's healed me." Now, if these signs accompany a voice, that sign... If you are a believer it will accompany, the voice will accompany the sign. If I give you this sign that I told you comes from God, and God promised it in this day, it's been so thoroughly laid out there's not nothing but an infidel could keep from believing it. See? Then God turned around and confirmed it, to make it so.
E-68 Moise a plecat în Egipt, un profet susţinut cu semnele unui profet. Ce s-a întâmplat? Judecata a lovit Egiptul imediat după aceasta.
E-68 Now He's here. Now each one, in the way you pray at your own church--if it's to yourself, loud, whatever it is. You pray for the person you got your hands on, 'cause they're praying for you.
And now, look up. And in the Presence of the Messiah, the Christ, the resurrected One still alive after two thousand years, how can we be so numb in the spirit? That ought to set this nation on fire. That ought to make Beaumont repent in sackcloth and ashes. But will it do it? No. But you who are looking for Him, and believe that He would do it and keep His Word, it's to you now the promise is given. Put your hands on somebody and pray, while I pray for you from here.
And now, look up. And in the Presence of the Messiah, the Christ, the resurrected One still alive after two thousand years, how can we be so numb in the spirit? That ought to set this nation on fire. That ought to make Beaumont repent in sackcloth and ashes. But will it do it? No. But you who are looking for Him, and believe that He would do it and keep His Word, it's to you now the promise is given. Put your hands on somebody and pray, while I pray for you from here.
E-69 Ilie a venit pe scenă, profetul, şi a profeţit lui Ahab şi naţiunii. Ce s-a întâmplat? Judecata a lovit chiar după aceia. Corect.
E-69 Lord Jesus, enough has been said, enough has been done. The Word that has been promised has been made manifested. The Messiah, the Christ of God, is in Divine Presence. We feel Him. We see Him. We know that He promised this in the last days. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be when the Son of man is revealed." Then we know we see the fire in the skies, the atomic bombs. We see the worm-eaten nations. Nations are breaking. We see that Israel's in the homeland. Every sign that could be promised has been fulfilled. The next thing is the promised Son coming.
O Eternal God, in the Presence of Jesus Christ, the great Holy Spirit that's here now, confirming that He's here, hear the prayer of these people. Hear these Christians, that when I leave they won't say Brother Branham did this. Somebody else they didn't know laid hands on them and they were healed. But You promised that the voice had a sign to it. And may they be healed, as I commit them to You in Jesus' Name.
O Eternal God, in the Presence of Jesus Christ, the great Holy Spirit that's here now, confirming that He's here, hear the prayer of these people. Hear these Christians, that when I leave they won't say Brother Branham did this. Somebody else they didn't know laid hands on them and they were healed. But You promised that the voice had a sign to it. And may they be healed, as I commit them to You in Jesus' Name.
E-70 Ioan Boteză torul a venit, ca un semn. El era un profet. El era un semn profet venit pe pământ. Ei ştiau, când a venit el, Mesia va vorbi, după el. Aceasta trebuia să fie, pentru ca, să-i obţinăsă-i obţină pe cei aleşi.
E-71 Aceasta este pentru ca să-i facă pe cei aleşi să iasă afară ca în zilele lui Noe. Ca în zilele lui-lui Ilie, cei şapte mii sau şapte sute, sau orice ar fi fost aceasta, care nu şi-au plecat genunchiul, ca să-i cheme afară. Ioan chemând afară pe aleşi, şi predându-i lui Cristos când a venit El, a predat biserica Lui, zicând, "Eu trebuie să descresc, El trebuie să crească, deoarece," el a zis, "Eu sunt doar un glas al Lui, strigând în pustie, 'pregătiţi calea Domnului."' Şi Isus a venit în acelaşi fel. Pregăteşte pe cei aleşi să asculte glasul lui Dumnezeu, aceasta este ce înseamnă un semn profetic. Oh, dacă voi urmaţi aceste mesaje, care îi fac... îi fac pe cei aleşi gata. Nu pe ceilalţi, ei nu vor asculta niciodată. Aceştia sunt aleşii care sunt chemaţi.
E-72 Unde a venit Îngerul acela, în Sodoma, care a făcut semnul acela? La Abraham şi grupul lui. "Stai departe de Sodoma; asta are să ardă!" Înţelegeţi? Isus a promis să repete aceasta, voi ştiţi, iarăşi, la această Sodomă. Acum observaţi.
E-73 Ce face acesta? Îi pregăteşte pe cei aleşi să fie gata pentru adăpostul lui Dumnezeu, ca în timpul lui Noe, şi aşa mai departe.
E-74 Şi ce face acesta? Îl condamnă pe necredinciosul intelectual, la judecată. Întotdeauna a făcut-o. Să refuzi mila, nu mai rămâne nimic decât judecata. Astfel acesta îl face pe intelectual şi pe necredincios gata pentru judecată. Pentru că, ce fac ei? Ei condamnă aceasta.
E-75 Acesta-i motivul că Iudeii şi-au mâncat propria lor carne. Acesta-i motivul că sângele a curs din cetate când Titus, marele general Roman, a intrat călare acolo, deoarece ei au respins Duhul Sfânt. Judecata trebuia să vină deoarece ei şi-au bătut joc de Acesta. Isus le-a spus lor, când ei L-au numit Belzebut, asta le-a zis El, "Eu vă iert," jertfa încă nu a fost făcută, "dar," a spus, "când vine Duhul Sfânt să facă acelaşi lucru, ca să vorbeşti împotriva Lui nu va fi iertat niciodată." Şi acelei generaţii nu i s-a iertat niciodată pentru aceasta. Asta-i adevărat.
E-76 Judecata pentru necredincios! Este pusă acolo afară pentru acel scop, ca să-i dea lumină credinciosului, şi întunecime pentru necredincios. Întocmai cum era Stâlpul de Foc; Acesta a făcut lumină, ca să traverseze la ţara făgăduită, şi întunecime celor ce nu au crezut. Semnele lui Dumnezeu întotdeauna face asta, astupă ochii necredinciosului şi-i dă vedere şi lumină ca să umble credinciosului. Pentru asta este trimis Acesta.
E-77 Dacă profeţia lui este adevărată, dacă profeţia profetului este adevărată şi se împlineşte, atunci aceasta este avertizarea lui Dumnezeu. Acum în Numeri 12:6, noi găsim acelaşi lucru, Scriptura.
E-78 Biblia a fost scrisă de către aceşti bărbaţi. Acum dacă noi citim în 2 Petru 1:21, Aceasta a zis, "Oameni din vechime, mânaţi de Duhul Sfânt, au scris Biblia."
E-79 De asemeni în Evrei 1:1, unde am vorbit noi seara trecută, "Dumnezeu, în diferite timpuri şi în diverse feluri a vorbit părinţilor prin profeţi, şi în aceste zile din urmă prin Isus Cristos, Fiul Lui."
E-80 Stâlpul de Foc, semnul; glasul... sau glasul urma să vorbească. Stâlpul de Foc în rug, era un glas însemnat că Dumnezeu se pregătea să vorbească.
E-81 Observaţi cu claritate acum, să nu pierdeţi aceasta. Când Miriam a râs de fratele ei, Moise, şi ea era o prorociţă când ea a râs de el, şi Dumnezeu a coborât în acel Stâlp de Foc, Moise ştia că Dumnezeu era gata să vorbească. Acesta era un semn. Şi glasul care l-a urmat pe acesta, a spus, "Nu ţi-e frică de Dumnezeu?" Şi a spus, "Nu există nimeni în ţară ca robul Meu, Moise."
E-82 Au făcut la fel când ei s-au ridicat şi au spus că acolo este... Când Datan şi Core s-au ridicat, împotrivindu-se lui, "Există mai mulţi oameni sfinţi în afară de tine. Tu crezi că tu eşti singurul din mulţime." Dumnezeu l-a orânduit pe Moise pentru lucrarea aceea!
E-83 Şi când ei au vrut să ia o altă mulţime ca să meargă cu ei, ca să-şi facă o organizaţie. El i-a zis, "Separă-te de ei. Eu îi condamn pe ei. Eu îi voi nimici," şi El a făcut-o. Lumea i-a luat.
E-84 Acum noi aflăm că acela era întotdeauna felul lui Dumnezeu. Stâlpul de Foc arată că Glasul se pregăteşte să vorbească. Oh, prindeţi aceasta! Cât de orbi puteţi să deveniţi? Încă vă mai amintiţi de Houston. Acum iată un Glas care urmează semnul.
E-86 Cât de perfect este Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, în ordine, de fiecare dată! Întocmai ca Urim Tumim, aşa cum am vorbit despre aceasta, serile trecute. Urim Tumim era acolo, şi dacă semnul acela nu a venit pe acel Urim Tumim, glasul nu era recunoscut. Acolo trebuia să fie un semn. Semnul susţine glasul. Şi glasul susţine semnul, că acesta vine de la Dumnezeu. Glasul semnului este ceea ce spune "da" sau "nu." Dacă Dumnezeu îl refuză pe acesta, atunci Glasul vorbeşte "nu." Dacă semnul era acolo, Dumnezeu a vorbit "da." Ordinea lui Dumnezeu nu s-a schimbat niciodată. Noi putem vorbi ore întregi despre aceasta, dar aceasta nu s-a schimbat niciodată.
E-87 Priviţi, pe Iona profetul, priviţi la acel semn. El era pe drumul lui către Tars. A pornit-o să meargă la Ninive, şi a luat un-un drum spre Tars. Mulţi l-au condamnat pe Iona. Iona nu merită să fie condamnat. El era un profet. "Paşii celui neprihănit sunt hotărâţi de Domnul," şi el a pornit-o pe drumul lui spre Tars. Şi noi încercăm să-1 condamnăm pe om, dar Isus nu l-a condamnat.
E-88 Observaţi, El zice, "După cum Iona era în pântecele balenei, trei zile şi nopţi," acesta trebuia să fie un semn, "tot aşa trebuie ca Fiul omului să fie în inima pământului, trei zile şi nopţi. Şi un neam stricat şi preacurvar caută un semn, şi nu li se va da nici unul de la Dumnezeu, ţineţi minte, afară de semnul lui Iona." Care este semnul lui Iona? Învierea. Şi aceasta este acea generaţie Sodoma, curvari, curvie spirituală, ca... comiţând curvie spirituală împotriva Adevărului lui Dumnezeu, bătânduşi joc de Acesta. "Un neam stricat şi preacurvar vor căuta un semn, şi ei îl vor primi, acesta va fi semnul învierii." Priviţi, Iona...
E-89 Acei oameni erau păgâni, şi aceasta era o mare... Acesta era un oraş comercial. Marea industrie era peştele. Ei trimiteau peşte prin toată ţara. Oamenii erau pescari. Aceea era ocupaţia. Şi ei erau păgâni, ei se închinau la animale şi idoli, şi au devenit foarte stricaţi.
E-90 Ca şi această naţiune acum, plină de sex şi Hollywood, şi tot felul, chiar şi în biserici. Şi observaţi ce are loc. Păi, uneori până şi atracţia sexuală în biserică este numită modernă. Cum poate această naţiune să stea sub un astfel de lucru ca acesta? Vă numiţi pe voi Creştini, şi acţionaţi cu astfel de lucruri ca acestea, cum poate aceasta să stea?
E-91 Aşa cum a spus bunul meu prieten, Jack Moore, a zis, cu ani în urmă, "Dacă Dumnezeu lasă ca această naţiune să scape cu asta, El va fi obligat, ca un Dumnezeu drept, să ridice Sodoma şi Gomora, şi să-şi ceară scuze pentru că le-a ars."
E-92 Voi sunteţi îndreptaţi spre judecată. Nu există o altă cale să se accepte aceasta. Scrieţi aceasta jos în Bibliile voastre. Eu ajung să fiu un om bătrân. Voi vedeţi dacă aceasta nu va merge în judecată. Dacă eu trăiesc o viaţă normală, eu voi vedea aceasta, în timp normal. Alţi câţiva ani vor întoarce aceasta.
E-93 Iona. Ei erau cu toţii afară la pescuit, cam în timpul prânzului, şi aici vine dumnezeul mării, sus, balena, merge la mal şi scuipă pe profet pe mal. Ce semn!
E-94 Dumnezeu le-a predat profetul Lui, cu un mesaj. Acum ei au văzut semnul, ei cred semnul, acum ce era mesajul? "Pocăiţi-vă!" Acesta este glasul semnului. Glasul semnului este, "Pocăiţi-vă, sau în patruzeci de zile veţi fi nimiciţi." Ei au ştiut destul ca să se pocăiască.
E-95 Isus a spus, "Ei vor condamna această generaţie, deoarece ei s-au pocăit la propovăduirea lui Iona; unul mai mare decât Iona este aici."
E-97 Ioan profetul, apărând, semnul apariţiei unui profet, după o perioadă de patru sute de ani fără nici un profet. Ei au avut toţi intelectualii. Eu îmi închipui ce încurcătură au avut ei! Patru sute de ani, fără profet, dar timpul s-a apropiat ca Mesia să vină. Acum, Ioan era semnul, fiind un profet, că Mesia era gata să vorbească, glasul semnului; deoarece, în Maleahi 3, noi aflăm că, "Eu voi trimite pe solul Meu înaintea feţei Mele." Ilie a trebuit să vină înaintea feţei Lui, şi Ilie a venit. Ioan, în duhul şi puterea lui Ilie, a venit şi a făcut exact ce a spus Scriptura, şi ei nu au înţeles aceasta. Scriptura spune aşa. El era semnul, un semn de profet, că Mesia urma să vorbească.
E-98 Acel profet, ştiind aceasta atât de bine, încât el a spus, "Păi, există Unul care stă printre voi, chiar acum. Acel Mesia despre care vă vorbesc, este printre voi. Eu nu sunt vrednic să-i dezleg încălţămintea. El este Acela care vă va boteza cu Duhul Sfânt şi cu Foc. Eu vă botez cu apă, spre pocăinţă, dar El va fi după mine. El este printre voi acum."
E-99 Într-o zi el a văzut un Om tânăr venind, păşind în jos. El a văzut acel Stâlp de Foc, în forma unui Porumbel, coborând din Cer; un Glas, zicând, "Acesta este Fiul Meu preaiubit, în Care Îmi găsesc plăcerea să locuiesc." Zice, "În Care Îmi place să locuiesc," acesta este doar verbul înaintea adverbului, astfel aceasta este doar acelaşi. "În Care Îmi place să locuiesc," sau, "în Care Îmi face plăcere să locuiesc," nu este nici o diferenţă. Observaţi, Îmi face plăcere să locuiesc în El."
E-100 Ioan a zis, "Eu mărturisesc că Acel ce mi-a spus în pustie," nu la seminar, "în pustie, mi-a zis, 'Peste Care vei vedea Duhul pogorându-se, şi care va rămâne peste El,' amin, ,El este Acela care va boteza cu Duhul Sfânt şi cu Foc.' Şi eu mărturisesc că acesta este Adevărul."
E-102 Ce era Mesia? Mesia era Cuvântul, în plinătate. El era plinătatea lui Dumnezeu. Profeţii erau o mică Lumină pâlpâitoare. Dar în El era toată Lumina aceea, era în acest Mesia, căci El era Dumnezeul manifestat, făcut Emanuel, Dumnezeu printre noi în trup uman.
E-103 Mesia era gata să vorbească. Şi observaţi, că Biblia zice, că, "Cuvântul Domnului vine la profet."
E-104 Acum aici stătea Ioan, despre care Isus a spus că era, "cel mai mare profet care a trăit vreodată." Isus a spus aşa, în Matei capitolul al 11-lea. "Ce aţi ieşit să vedeţi, un om clătinat de orice vânt, această denominaţiune zice, 'Eu îţi voi da mai mult; tu fă aceasta'? Nu loan! Nu, nu. Un om care poate fi împins la o parte, înşelat? Nu, el era un profet dur, aspru. Aţi ieşit să vedeţi un om îmbrăcat cu o îmbrăcăminte preoţească?" Şi El a zis, "Nu, ei stau în palatele regeşti. Ei căsătoresc pe tineri, sărută pruncii, şi îi îngroapă pe bătrâni. Acesta este felul lor. Ei nu ştiu nimic despre o Sabie apucată cu ambele mâini. Aşa că ce aţi ieşit să vedeţi, un profet?" El a zis, "Mai mult decât un profet!" Desigur, el era mesagerul Legământului, care era promis de Dumnezeu ca să-1 trimită.
E-106 Şi aici este Cuvântul, nu mai în Cer, ci făcut trup. Cuvântul este trup, ce se întâmplă atunci? Care este rânduiala Scripturii lui Dumnezeu? Cuvântul a venit la profet, chiar în pustie, chiar în bazin. Cuvântul a venit la profet.
E-108 Şi scumpul meu, frate bătrân, Doctor Davis, biserica Baptistă Misionară, care m-a botezat pe mine în credinţa Creştină, dacă el este aici în seara aceasta, eu nu intenţionez săi rănesc simţurile lui. Pentru că, el locuieşte aici în Texas, este de aici din Munţii Davis. Dar eu îmi amintesc că noi am avut o discuţie despre aceasta într-o zi, iar eu eram doar un băieţaş. Şi eu am zis, "Aceasta nu sună corect, Doctor Davis."
E-109 El a zis, "Ce s-a întâmplat, că atunci Isus l-a botezat pe Ioan, şi apoi Ioan l-a botezat pe Isus, deoarece loan nu a fost botezat." Aceasta mie nu-mi părea corect.
E-110 Eu am continuat să aştept, să veghez, şi să mă întreb. Eu nu aş fi spus nimic despre aceasta, până într-o zi când Domnul mi-a descoperit aceasta.
E-111 Acum priviţi ce a spus Isus. Ioan a zis, "Eu am nevoie să fiu botezat de Tine, şi de ce vii Tu la mine?"
E-112 Isus i-a zis, "Lasă acum ca aceasta să fie aşa, căci ne revine nouă să împlinim toată neprihănirea."
E-113 Ioan ştia Cine era El. Acolo sunt cei doi lideri ai lumii, doi lideri ai bisericii, Dumnezeu şi profetul Lui, stând împreună. Acum, priviţi, li se cuvine să ştie.
E-114 Isus a zis, "Lasă să fie aceasta aşa, că este corect, dar astfel ne cade nouă să împlinim toată neprihănirea, Cuvântul promis."
E-115 Jertfa trebuia să fie spălată înainte ca aceasta să fie prezentată. Ioan L-a botezat pe Isus deoarece El era Jertfa. Vedeţi? Jertfa trebuia să fie spălată înainte ca să fie prezentată. A păşit drept afară acolo, şi Jertfa a fost spălată, şi atunci El este prezentat corect. El a zis, Acela este Mielul lui Dumnezeu."
E-116 El a mers drept sus pe mal, şi iată Duhul lui Dumnezeu coborând peste El, zicând, "Acesta este Fiul Meu preaiubit." Vedeţi, El a fost prezentat atunci publicului. Dar înainte ca Jertfa să poată fi prezentată, aceasta trebuia să fie spălată mai întâi; aceasta este legea Vechiului Testament. În ordine.
E-117 Mesia se pregătea să vorbească, deoarece aici era semnul profetului. Şi când au văzut ei acel profet venind pe scenă, după toţi acei patru sute de ani fără profet, ei ştiau, că următorul glas era Mesia.
E-118 Acum voi cititori ai Bibliei gândiţi-vă adânc pentru câteva minute. Privind natura lui, cum nu l-au cunoscut? Cum au omis ei să cunoască că era el, Ioan? Natura lui era identificată, duhul şi natura lui erau identificate a fi Ilie. Acum observaţi ce duh. Acum, el era Ioan Botezătorul, dar duhul lui Ilie era cel ce era peste el.
E-119 Observaţi, mai întâi, că Ilie era un om care iubea pustia. Vedeţi? Şi Ioan era un om în pustie.
E-120 Şi Ilie era un om care a condamnat acel sistem organizaţional, din ziua aceia, cu tot ce avea el. Aşa a făcut şi Ioan, "Voi generaţie de şerpi. Cine v-a învăţat să fugiţi de mânia viitoare? Nu începeţi să ziceţi, ,eu am asta, aceea, sau cealaltă.' Dumnezeu este în stare din aceste pietre să ridice copiii lui Abraham." Vedeţi cele două naturi?
E-121 Şi uitaţi-vă la Ilie, el a condamnat toate feţele acelea vopsite ale Izabelelor din ziua lui, acele femei imorale. Ce a făcut Ioan? Acelaşi lucru, la Irodiadă. Amândouă din ele, era o cauză pentru moartea lor.
E-122 Uitaţi-vă la Ilie, după ce a făcut el acea mare lucrare, el a devenit mâhnit, s-a aşezat acolo şi s-a rugat lui Dumnezeu să-l ia. Ioan a făcut la fel, chiar s-a aşezat acolo şi şi-a trimis ucenicii, zicând, "Mergeţi şi întrebaţi-L. Este El Acela s-au trebuie să aşteptăm pe altul?" Isus ştia aceasta.
E-123 El era Ilie, Aceea trebuia să fie natura lui. El era identificat exact cum era Ilie. El era în duhul lui Ilie.
E-124 El trebuie să vină de cinci ori, acel duh, trebuie să fie folosit pe Ilie, Elisei, loan, şi Maleahi 4, şi apoi pentru Iudei în zilele din urmă... ? ... duhul lui Ilie! Observaţi acum.
E-125 Astăzi, eu vreau ca voi să vă uitaţi la profeţii noştri Ahabi moderni de azi, lăsând pe Izabelele lor să-şi taie părul, săşi vopsească feţele, să poarte pantaloni scurţi, să fumeze, să facă orice, "Aceasta-i în regulă." Profeţii noştri Ahabi de azi, mergând cu şcolile lor, sigur, conducându-i prin jur prin crezurile şi denominaţiunile făcute de oameni. Ce este aceasta? Profeţi Ahabi.
E-126 Noi avem nevoie de un alt Mica ca să se ridice pe scenă. Sau în timpul lui Ahab, Ilie a venit pe scenă. Aceasta este cine, e promis.
E-127 Conducându-i în jur, oricum vor ei să meargă. Dacă nu, îi brutalizează aici pe undeva, ei vor merge dincolo şi se vor înscrie în aceasta şi totuşi îşi menţin profesiunea lor-lor-lor Creştină.
E-128 Păi, ei nu au fost niciodată mântuiţi, de la început. Tocmai natura lor dovedeşte aceasta. Puteţi să culegeţi struguri de pe un pom de spini? Puteţi să culegeţi lubeniţă de pe o plantă de dovleac? Tocmai natura lor arată că ei nu vor să aibă nimic de a face cu Cuvântul. Ei îşi bat joc de Acesta, şi Îl hulesc. Când este scris, "AŞA VORBEŞTE DOMNUL, aceste lucruri trebuie să se întâmple, şi ei râd la Acesta, şi îşi bat joc de El.
E-129 Nu-i de mirare că Isus a zis, "Împărăteasa de la Miazăzi se va ridica cu această generaţie, în zilele din urmă, şi o va condamna; căci ea a venit de la cele mai îndepărtate părţi ale pământului, ca să vadă un om cu darul înţelepciunii." El a zis, "Unul mai mare decât Solomon este aici." Sigur, Ziua lui Solomon era, una din cele mai măreţe zile. Toţi oamenii au crezut acest dar pe care la dat Dumnezeu lor, acest Solomon, şi faima lui-lui s-a dus peste tot. Ce ar fi dacă noi oamenii din ziua de azi...
E-130 Şi noi Americanii, noi întotdeauna încercăm să găsim ceva program împotriva comunismului. Aici este programul lui Dumnezeu, "Pocăiţi-vă! Întoarceţi-vă la Dumnezeu!" Ceva program? Dacă ar face măcar Aceasta, noi am uita comunismul.
E-131 Când tot Israelul a crezut acel dar dat lor de Dumnezeu. Dacă America ar da doar... crede darul pe care Dumnezeu ni l-a dat nouă, în aceste ultime zile, Fiul Lui, în forma Duhului Sfânt, înviat din morţi, locuind printre noi conform promisiunii Lui. Dacă măcar am nutri Aceasta!
E-132 Aceasta va merge numai la cei aleşi. "Că nici un om nu poate veni la Mine dacă nu este atras de către Tatăl Meu. Şi pe toţi acei pe care Mi i-a dat Tatăl, vor veni." Doar sămânţa să se semene; aceasta cade, unele încoace, altele încolo, dar sămânţa este semănată, oricum. Aceasta îşi va prinde rădăcinile ei oriunde ar fi. Ele vor prinde rădăcini.
E-133 Observaţi, că aici erau ei, noi aflăm că în ziua aceea, a lui Ahab, naţiunea a făcut ca acei Israeliţi să facă orice fel de lucru pe care au vrut să-l facă, şi totuşi să susţină că erau Israeliţi.
E-134 Cum că Ilie a condamnat acea generaţie, cu tot ce era în el, şi Dumnezeu îl adeverea. Şi el era un profet.
E-135 Tocmai înainte de venire, la fel a făcut şi Ioan! A urcat drept sus în Israel... S-a măritat această femeie cu-cu Iro... cu Irod, care era nevasta fratelui său Filip. A păşit drept în faţa lui; el nu a ţinut cont. Lui nu îi era teamă că vreun prezbiter îl va scoate afară. El nu avea carnet de părtăşie; numai cu Dumnezeu. El era profetul Lui. Cuvântul era cu El. El nu trebuia să meargă să întrebe ceva episcop sau diacon. El era uns. El avea Cuvântul. El a păşit drept în faţa lui, şi a zis, "Nu este legal ca tu să o ai pe ea!" Adevărat. El nu a ţinut cont, de nimeni.
Femeile acelea stricate comiteau adulter, comportânduse astfel!
Femeile acelea stricate comiteau adulter, comportânduse astfel!
E-136 Ca Amos, când a venit el pe scenă, s-a uitat acolo. Noi nici măcar nu ştim de unde a venit el. Doamne, cum trebuie că sa uitat el peste acea cetate a Samariei! Cum au făcut turiştii, totul frumos, şi predicatorii cu toţii în armonie cu-cu naţiunile, şi liga cu naţiunile şi fiecare, şi totuşi trăind în păcat! Ochii lui sau îngustat, capul chel îi strălucea, şi astfel a coborât el în jos. El nu era... prea mult să te uiţi la el, dar el avea AŞA VORBEŞTE DOMNUL.
E-137 Noi avem nevoie de un Amos pe scenă astăzi. L-am primi noi pe el? Cu siguranţă că nu, cum nu a fost primit nici el. El ar veni pe scenă, şi ar sfâşia fiecare organizaţie, fiecare denominaţiune, fiecare femeie care poartă scurt, fiecare Izabelă cu părul scurtat! El le-ar sfâşia în bucăţi. Ei l-ar arunca afară în stradă, şi ar zice, "Fanaticul ăla bătrân!" Dar el ar avea AŞA VORBEŞTE DOMNUL, căci aceasta este scris doar în felul acela. Denominaţiunea îl primeşte pe el? Nu.
E-138 El nu a avut pe nimeni care să-i sponsorizeze programul. Ar fi primit acest mare, oraş de-de pofte, cum era Samaria, pe acest micuţ om necunoscut fără carnet de părtăşie, nimeni care să-1 sponsorizeze, sau ceva? El nu avea vreun sponsor. El nu avea vreun carnet de părtăşie, nici o şcoală de la care să vină. Dar el avea AŞA VORBEŞTE DOMNUL. Şi venirea lui, ca un profet, era un semn. Glasul lui era de la Dumnezeu, şi el a fost identificat în zilele lui Ieroboam al Doilea. Tot ce a spus el s-a împlinit.
E-139 Acum noi aflăm, în această zi în care trăim, că este doar o repetare a acelei zile iarăşi. Lucrători şi oameni, ruşinaţi să stea la amvon, şi Evanghelia devine un tichet de mâncare pentru ei. Lor le este frică să spună ceva, că cineva o să-i pună pe ei afară din aceasta, aceea, sau cealaltă.
E-140 Există numai un singur Om care poate să te pună afară din Cer, şi acesta este Dumnezeu. Şi cum o să fii tu pus afară din Cer, stând cu Cuvântul Lui? Aceasta este pentru ce te-a trimis El.
E-141 Ţineţi minte, că Biblia spune, în astfel de timp cum era în zilele lui Ilie, în astfel de zi cum era în zilele lui Ioan, că Maleahi 4 se va întoarce iarăşi pe pământ. "Eu îl voi trimite pe Ilie."
E-142 Acum nu încurcaţi aceasta cu Maleahi 3, "Eu trimit solul Meu înaintea feţei Mele." Acela era Ilie, de asemenea.
E-143 Dar în Maleahi 4, El a zis, "Chiar înainte să vină Ziua aceea mare şi înfricoşată a Domnului, când toată lumea va arde ca un cuptor, şi cei neprihăniţi vor călca pe cenuşa celor răi," acela este Mileniul, "Eu voi trimite pe profetul Ilie." Şi ce va face el? "El va restabili credinţa copiilor înapoi la părinţii apostoli," înapoi la Cuvânt. El va trebui să fie un profet. "Eu îl voi trimite." El va fi temeinic identificat. Natura lui va fi la fel cum era a lui Ilie, exact. Mesajul lui va fi drept pe acea linie. El va condamna, şi va dărâma. Nu părtăşie, nu cooperare, nimic, dar el va avea AŞA VORBEŞTE DOMNUL.
E-144 Acum, ţineţi minte, că au existat tot felul de grupuri care sau ridicat şi au zis, "Aceasta este mantaua lui Ilie, şi aceasta este doctrina lui Ilie." Întregul grup, o organizaţie, s-a transformat în grupul lui Ilie, ori în mantaua lui Ilie. Aceea nu era după Scriptură. Dumnezeu niciodată nu a avut de a face cu un grup ca acesta.
E-145 Când Ilie a venit pe scenă, şi Ioan Botezătorul, amândoi au condamnat grupurile şi organizaţiile. Niciodată nu i-a aprobat. El i-a condamnat pe ei, în felul în care au făcut-o; Ilie şi Ioan, amândoi. Nu un grup sau o denominaţiune. Dar amândoi, în amândouă timpuri ale lor, au condamnat grupurile Şi organizaţiile.
E-146 Atunci ce? Semnul din timpul sfârşitului cu certitudine va însoţi Glasul din timpul sfârşitului. Ilie trebuie să vină pe scenă, un om uns cu duhul acela; un om al pădurii, şi aşa mai departe, şi iubitor al pădurii, şi v-a veni pe scenă să adeverească. Priviţi acum ce spune Scriptura, şi atunci nu veţi fi amăgiţi, vedeţi, semnul din timpul sfârşitului şi Glasul din timpul sfârşitului.
E-147 Dumnezeu niciodată nu a lucrat cu un grup, niciunde în Scriptură. El lucrează cu un individ, pentru că fiecare om este diferit de altul. Fiecare om, degetele noastre sunt diferite, nasurile noastre sunt diferite, acţiunile noastre sunt diferite. El ia un om, şi El poate să-l aducă perfect în armonie până când poate să devină acel Cuvânt.
E-148 Acela este motivul că Pavel, a zis, "Ca să nu mă înalţ deasupra bogăţiei descoperirii, mi-a fost dat mie un sol al Satanei." Vedeţi? Matei a scris, Luca a scris, Marcu a scris, ei toţi, dar, ei L-au urmat doar pe Isus şi au scris ce a zis El. Dar Pavel a avut descoperirea despre Cine era El, vedeţi, asta este, că el-el a văzut. Revelaţia lui era atât de mare, încât El l-a lăsat pe Pavel să scrie Biblia, ca Moise din Vechiul Testament. Acel om mare, Pavel, acea descoperire pe care a avut-o, el ştia că Isus din Noul Testament era Iehova din Vechiul Testament. El a avut descoperirea despre Acesta, şi a putut să aşeze aceasta la Evrei, la... şi de asemenea la-la Romani, şi la Efeseni, şi-şi la toţi. Elel a scris aceste epistole. Observaţi, după ce semnul Lui a mers înainte, atunci el a scris epistolele.
E-149 Această natură a venirii va fi la fel. Acesta nu va fi un grup. Acesta va fi un om. Dumnezeu nu a lucrat niciodată în alt fel decât printr-un om. Acum, Ilie nu era un grup, Ioan Boteză torul nu era un grup, ei erau un individ. Dumnezeu, Maleahi 4, nu zice, "Eu voi trimite un grup." Ci zice, "Eu voi trimite pe Ilie!" Cuvântul nu poate să fie schimbat.
E-150 Acum, priviţi, semnul din timpul sfârşitului şi Glasul va veni în ordinea Scripturii aşa cum a fost promis.
E-151 Vrem noi să ştim care va fi semnul sfârşitului? Isus ne-a spus, în Matei 24 şi 25. Ne-a spus, de asemenea, în Apocalipsa, peste tot de la al 6-lea... sau întâiul, până la al 10-lea capitol. Apoi El vine în al 19-lea capitol, Mileniul se stabileşte la venirea Lui, călărind pe un cal alb.
E-152 Acesta va veni, semnul sfârşitului. Acum ascultaţi, în încheiere. Acesta va veni exact în felul în care o spune Scriptura. Acum observaţi Glasul semnului.
E-153 Acum, Isus, în Luca 17:30, a promis semnul din timpul sfârşitului. Ultimul semn, era Dumnezeu manifestat într-un trup uman care putea discerne gândurile care erau în mintea lui Sara, în cort înapoia ei. Aceasta este ce a spus El. Acela este semnul pe care l-a promis El la sfârşit. Iu... Ce a spus El că ar face acesta? "Acesta va fi cunoscut în zilele, în zilele din urmă, când Fiul omului va fi descoperit." Va fi descoperit! Când Fiul omului este descoperit, acela va fi semnul prin care va fi descoperit el. Acum vedeţi dacă Aceea nu spune aşa. Cu siguranţă că da.
E-154 Acum aţi putea voi să ziceţi, că, "Nu, aceasta va fi altceva. Nu, va fi construită o mare clădire, o mare asta, sau asta, sau vreun mare consiliu ecumenic, sau ceva?" Oh, nu. Nu, aceasta este departe de adevăr. Aceasta îi pe partea cealaltă. Aceasta este împotriva a ceea ce a spus Dumnezeu că face, El ar face.
E-155 Observaţi ce am spus noi acum. Scriptura va fi exact, pentru că noi avem semnul Sodomei, în natural. Când au existat mai mulţi homosexuali, perversiuni şi alte lucruri, aşa cum sunt acum, "o generaţie păcătoasă şi preacurvară," când nu poţi nici măcar să deschizi televizorul fără ca acolo să fie un fel de murdărie, şi mizerie de lucruri de la Hollywood? Şi oamenii, se numesc pe ei înşişi Creştini, vor sta acasă de la adunările de rugăciune ca să vadă aşa ceva. Aceasta arată ce duh este în tine. Adevărat. Şi femeile se vor îmbrăca întocmai ca acelea, şi bărbaţii le vor lăsa să le conducă prin jur în felul în care o fac ele acolo. O să ne facem noi Hollywood-ul exemplul nostru, sau o să credem Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu despre aceasta?
E-156 Şi acelaşi grup poate vedea Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu adeverit, şi ce fac ei? Râd de acesta. Deoarece, ei sunt morţi, morţi Etern. Ei nu au fost niciodată vii. Dacă ei ar fi fost vreodată vii, ei ar fi întotdeauna vii, cel Etern. Dar ei nu au fost niciodată vii. Ei erau întotdeauna morţi. Oh, ei ar putea să fie şlefuiţi, şi să creadă asta, aceea, sau cealaltă.
E-157 Isus a zis, "Voi făţarnicilor," către ei, către preoţii din ziua aceea. "Cum puteţi să spuneţi voi lucruri bune, când din prisosul inimii vorbeşte gura? Numindu-Mă bun, 'Bunule Învăţător, bunule Stăpân'?" El ştia ce era în inima lor. El putea să vadă ce era în inima lor. El era Cuvântul.
E-158 Biblia a zis, "Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu este mai ascuţit decât o sabie cu două tăişuri, şi discerne gândurile care sunt în inimă."
E-159 Acum, acel semn al Sodomei s-a întors, în formă naturală. Şi dacă fiecare lucru se aşează exact poziţional în felul în care se presupune a fi natural, atunci cum îl puteţi voi scoate, din mintea voastră, că cel spiritual nu este aici în acelaşi timp? Amândouă aşezări sunt pe scenă. Da, fiecare este de acord, naturalul este corect; dar, oh, în spiritual, ei nu vor să creadă aceasta, deoarece Aceasta se confruntă cu doctrina lor.
E-160 Luca 17 este semnul. Luca 17 este semnul despre care Isus a spus, că, în zilele din urmă, naţiunile şi bisericile şi popoarele vor fi întocmai cum era Sodoma, lumea Neamurilor, chiar înaintea arderii Sodomei. Şi acolo va fi un grup, căutând, ca Abraham. Mergeţi înapoi, când Isus a zis, "cum era în zilele Sodomei," mergeţi înapoi şi vedeţi cum era în Sodoma. El a citit aceeaşi Biblie pe care o citim noi, aceeaşi Biblie, acum mergeţi înapoi şi uitaţi-vă cum era aceasta.
E-161 Aici era un grup ales, chemat afară, grupul lui Abraham, ei erau în aşteptarea unui fiu promis. Sodomiţii nu au crezut nimic despre acesta. Şi acolo erau căldiceii, membrii bisericii jos în Sodoma. Uitaţi-vă la acei trei Îngeri venind la fiecare din ei, priviţi ce semne au arătat ei, atunci veţi vedea în ce semne trăim noi.
E-162 Acum, acela va fi semnul. Şi glasul semnului va fi Maleahi 4, "ca să restatornicească pe oameni înapoi la Credinţa apostolică a părinţilor lor." Acolo este semnul, acolo este Glasul, exact în acord cu Scriptura. Vedeţi? Semnul este un semn care a fost la Sodoma, Dumnezeu manifestat în fiinţe umane.
Şi El a zis, "Unde este nevasta ta, Sara?"
El a zis, "Ea este în cort, în spatele Tău."
Şi El a zis, "Unde este nevasta ta, Sara?"
El a zis, "Ea este în cort, în spatele Tău."
E-164 Şi Sara, înapoi, în spatele Lui, a zis, "Cum ar putea fi aceasta, eu o femeie bătrână, şi el un om bătrân? Şi ca bărbatul meu acolo afară, un om bătrân," a zis, "noi nu mai avem nimic de felul acesta cu noi." A zis, "Aceasta doar nu poate să fie."
E-166 Şi Isus a zis că se va întoarce iarăşi. Acum, amintiţi-vă, că Abraham L-a chemat pe acel Om, "Elohim," Dumnezeu. El trebuia să fie Dumnezeu. De ce? El putea să discearnă gândurile, şi El era exact la timp. Şi Elohim, Duhul Sfânt, (nu o altă persoană) aceeaşi Persoană întorcându-se în biserică şi făcând acelaşi lucru, care va fi semnul. Şi Glasul va fi, "Îi cheamă pe ei înapoi la Cuvânt," restabileşte Credinţa copiilor la părinţii lor." Acolo este semnul şi Glasul.
E-167 Semnele de obicei sunt acceptate, dar Glasul nu este acceptat. Lor nu le place Glasul, dar ei vor lua semnul. De obicei, ei îl ia pe acesta. Lor le place semnul, deoarece le place să se uite la acesta, că îi distrează. Dar, Glasul, ei nu vor să-să facă aceasta. Ţineţi minte acum glasul.
E-168 Întoarceţi-vă iarăşi înapoi la Cuvânt. Semnul lui Isus ca Mesia, conform cu Isaia 35, "Ologul va sări ca un cerb," şi toate acestea.
E-169 "Aceasta era minunat!" Oh, ei au acceptat aceasta. Asta era bun. Ei au crezut semnul. "Vino, Învăţătorule, la biserica mea, noi îţi vom da deplină cooperare. Sigur, noi Te credem pe Tine. Tu eşti cel minunat. Tu eşti Învăţătorul. Tu eşti tânărul Profet. Vino înăuntru! Toate felurile de cooperări! Semnul este minunat."
E-171 Oh, Doamne, ei nu puteau să creadă Asta. "Tu te faci pe Tine Dumnezeu." Lor nu le trebuia Glasul. Lor le-a plăcut semnul. Ei ştiu că, ei au adimis că acesta era semnul lui Mesia, dar, Glasul, lor nu le-a plăcut de Acesta.
"Lucrările pe care le fac Eu le veţi face şi voi."
Iar ei au zis, "El este Belzebut."
El a zis, "Voi generaţie de şerpi."
"Lucrările pe care le fac Eu le veţi face şi voi."
Iar ei au zis, "El este Belzebut."
El a zis, "Voi generaţie de şerpi."
E-172 Oh, ei au urât acel Glas. Ce au făcut ei? Ei au scos acel Glas afară din mijlocul lor. Ei L-au scos afară.
E-173 Isus a spus, "Dacă ei numesc pe Stăpânul casei, 'Belzebut,' cu cât mai mult vor numi ei astfel pe ucenicii Lui?"
E-174 Amintiţi-vă, în Apocalipsa 3, la Epoca Laodicea. Aceasta este Laodicea; semnul Sodomei trebuie să vină. Glasul, Întoarceţi-vă înapoi la Cuvânt, departe de aceste crezuri şi denominaţiuni, şi întoarceţi-vă înapoi la Cuvânt," când Acesta vine, conform cu Apocalipsa 3, El a fost scos afară din biserică, întocmai cum a fost scos atunci.
E-175 "Semnul este bun, dar nu Glasul." Ei nu vor să aibă nimic de a face cu Glasul. Nu, nu; Glasul. Dar Moise a zis, dacă ei nu vor, sau...
E-176 Dumnezeu i-a spus lui Moise, "Dacă ei nu vor crede primul glas al primului semn, încearcă-i cu al doilea glas. Şi dacă ei nu vor crede, atunci du-te şi ia ceva apă şi toarn-o pe pământ." Aceasta o stabileşte. Asta este tot. "Spală-ţi, praful-praful de pe picioarele tale," în alte cuvinte, aşa cum a spus Isus. A zis, "Scoate ceva apă din râu, toarn-o pe pământ, se va preface în sânge, şi arată că aceasta este în ceea ce urmează ea să fie îmbibată, în sânge." Astfel aceasta era exact ceea ce era.
E-177 Dacă ei nu au crezut semnul, atunci al treilea semn întradevăr a făcut-o. Toate slujbele au trei semne, dacă acesta este trimis de Dumnezeu. Isus avea trei semne. Moise avea trei semne. Noe avea trei semne. Ilie avea trei semne. Totul vine in trei semne. Observaţi. Ascultaţi prieteni.
E-178 Se face puţin cam târziu. Eu am... Oh, Doamne, eu nu ştiam că era aşa de târziu, un sfert trecut.
E-179 Dacă voi puteţi crede semnul Sodomei, din Luca, vedeţi, după cum a promis El; voi credeţi semnul Sodomei, atunci de ce nu puteţi voi accepta Glasul Maleahi care urmează semnul, cu, "întoarceţi-vă la Cuvânt"? [Porţiune goală pe bandă – Ed.] Biblia spune aşa, şi voi vedeţi aceasta, atunci ascultaţi de Glasul semnului.
E-180 Fugiţi de mânia viitoare! Să nu vă gândiţi că, "Deoarece eu aparţin la UPC, Adunarea lui Dumnezeu, Metodişti, Baptişti, Presbiterieni, eu am dreptul să intru." Dumnezeu este în stare din aceste pietre să ridice fii lui Abraham. Întoarceţi-vă la Cuvânt! Îndepărtaţi-vă de la istmurile voastre lumeşti şi de la sistemul vostru organizaţional, şi alte lucruri. Dumnezeu le va nimici de pe faţa pământului. El le va scufunda în adâncurile mării uitării, întocmai cum i-a făcut Egiptului când El a chemat Israelul, o naţiune afară dintr-o naţiune. Când El cheamă o Mireasă afară din biserică, biserica va merge prin necazul cel mare, va vărsa sângele ei pe pământ. Fugiţi de mânia viitoare, că aceasta este aproape!
E-181 Voi nu puteţi vedea aceste lucruri fără ca... Eu nu ştiu ce gândiţi voi despre ele. Eu sunt răspunzător doar să le citesc şi să vorbesc despre ele. Depinde de voi! Dacă puteţi să credeţi semnul, atunci credeţi Glasul care urmează semnul. Oh, Doamne!
E-182 Uitaţi-vă, Moise, modelul ieşirii afară acum. El era ca să spună acelor oameni despre o promisiune care a fost dată părinţilor. "Eu îmi aduc aminte de promisiunea mea către părinţii lor." Şi acum ce-ce are Moise de făcut? Să întoarcă inimile oamenilor înapoi la ceea ce au spus părinţii. Şi aşa cum era Moise atunci, aşa este Maleahi 4, "să întoarcă pe oameni înapoi la Credinţa părinţilor."
E-183 Toate aceste şovăieli ale denominaţiunilor, şi aşa mai departe, mergeţi înapoi la Cuvânt! Eu vă cunosc, o mulţime de oameni ar vrea să facă aceasta; eu nu vă mustru numai aici. Aceste casete merg în jurul lumii, vedeţi, pretutindeni. Eu nu vă dojenesc pe voi, dar eu dojenesc pe oricine ar fi, unde aparţine aceasta. Eu sunt un semănător de seminţe. Aceasta este tot ceea ce ştiu eu să fac. Aceasta depinde de voi ca să faceţi decizia. Fugiţi de mânia care are să vină, poporule!
E-184 Nu te gândi că deoarece tu eşti un Penticostal. Nu te gândi că deoarece mama ta era o minunată, Metodistă sfinţită, ori tăticul tău un bun, Baptist strigător. Să nu te gândeşti că aceea o să aibă ceva de a face cu tine. Să nu te gândeşti că deoarece tu aparţii la biserica pe care ei o zidesc, sau biserica pe care o zideşti tu acum. Să nu vă gândiţi că deoarece voi Penticostalii aţi vorbit în limbi şi aţi dansat în Duhul, şi aţi alergat în sus şi-n jos pe pardoseală, în urmă cu patruzeci de ani. Să nu vă gândiţi că deoarece aţi avut adunări de vindecare, şi aşa mai departe.
E-185 Nu omiteţi să vedeţi acel semn, de un stâlp de Foc, pe care Dumnezeu L-a adeverit; şi Glasul în spatele Lui, ca să întoarcă, înapoi la Dumnezeu. Nu lăsaţi ca Acesta să vă depăşească. Acolo este un semn şi un Glas.
E-186 Când un om se ridică cu un semn, aceeaşi şcoală veche de gândire, acolo ceva este greşit, aceasta nu vine de la Dumnezeu. Oh, Doamne! "Faceţi cărările Lui drepte acum!" Acum, credeţi voi aceasta? "Atunci întoarceţi-vă, O orbilor şi risipiţilor, la ai voştri." Biblia... Scriitorul cântării a zis:
Naţiunile se destramă, Israel se trezeşte,
Semnele pe care Biblia le-a prezis;
Zilele Neamurilor sunt numărate, cu încercări împovăraţi;
"Întoarceţi-vă, O risipiţilor la ai voştri."
Naţiunile se destramă, Israel se trezeşte,
Semnele pe care Biblia le-a prezis;
Zilele Neamurilor sunt numărate, cu încercări împovăraţi;
"Întoarceţi-vă, O risipiţilor la ai voştri."
E-187 Veniţi înapoi! Întoarceţi-vă înapoi! Profetul a zis, "Va fi Lumină în timpul de seară." Chiar înainte ca Soarele să se întunece complet, va fi Lumină. Umblaţi în Lumină până când există Lumina. După un timp Consiliul Ecumenic vă va avea pe voi, şi nu mai există nici o cale pentru Lumină atunci.
Să ne aplecăm capetele.
Să ne aplecăm capetele.
E-188 Tată Ceresc, aceasta este în mâinile Tale acum. Eu-eu am semănat Sămânţă. Eu nu ştiu unde au căzut Ele. Eu mă rog ca Tu să le binecuvântezi pe Ele, oriunde ar fi. Şi fie ca Ele să-şi găsească locul Lor adânc în jos, şi să dezrădăcineze toate locurile pietroase, şi toate rădăcinile verzi ale mărăcinilor, şi aşa cum era, şi să dea afară din drum toată necredinţa. Admite aceasta, Tată. Noi îţi predăm acum aceasta Ţie, în Numele lui Isus Cristos. Amin.
E-189 Cu capetele voastre aplecate, şi cu ochii închişi. Mâine seară este un banchet. Păcătoşii din oraş, eu voi... cu voia Domnului, eu va trebui să le vorbesc lor. Eu vorbesc acum unei adunări amestecate. Eu nu aş îndrăzni să predic aceasta; aceasta i-ar face doar mai orbi ca niciodată, la o adunare ca aceasta.
E-190 Dar, voi, în seara aceasta, credeţi că aţi văzut semnul, şi puteţi voi să auziţi Glasul, dacă voi aţi crezut şi credeţi Aceasta? Şi voi-voi nu aţi, credeţi dar încă nu aţi acceptat Aceasta, Cristos în plinătatea Lui, vreţi să vă ridicaţi mâna? Şi fiecare cap să fie aplecat acum, şi fiecare ochi închis. Ridicaţi-vă mâna, şi ziceţi, "Aminteşte-mă pe mine, Frate Branham, aşa cum te rogi." Eu aş fi bucuros să o fac. Domnul să vă binecuvânteze.
E-191 Tatăl nostru Ceresc, Biblia a zis, "Atât de mulţi câţi au crezut au fost botezaţi. Eu mă rog, Doamne, ca aceşti oameni care şi-au ridicat mâinile, ca ei să creadă în aceasta. Ei nu au fost botezaţi în botezul Creştin, fie ca ei să găsească biserica care botează aşa, şi să fie botezaţi. Admite aceasta, Doamne.
E-192 Fie ca ei să fie botezaţi nu numai în apă, care este doar un-un semn exterior că ceva în interior s-a întâmplat. Biblia spune, "Există o singură Credinţă, un singur Domn, un singur botez," şi acel botez este botez spiritual. Trupul fiind spălat, aceasta este doar o ilustrare, sau să dea un semn că în interior s-a întâmplat ceva. Dar acel suflet este cel care trebuie să fie botezat cu Duhul Sfânt, acela este Eternul venind în acea natură umană şi schimbând-o complet, ca să-l facă un credincios. Eu mă rog ca ei să primească Duhul Sfânt. Eu îi predau pe ei Ţie acum, ca trofee ale Mesajului, şi a harului lui Cristos. În Numele Lui, mă rog. Amin.
Acum cu capetele voastre aplecate, în reverenţă.
Acum cu capetele voastre aplecate, în reverenţă.
E-193 Eu am şapte minute doar, şi eu-eu nu am putut să ies afară la timp. Eu-eu-eu nu am putut să am un rând de rugăciune în timp atât de mult. Eu vă voi cere vouă să şedeţi chiar unde sunteţi. Îmi pare rău că vă ţin atât de târziu. Noi ne vom ruga pentru fiecare. Voi oamenilor, unii dintre voi care aveţi cartonaş de rugăciune, nu vă îngrijoraţi, că vom ajunge la voi.
E-194 Dar noi urmează doar să vedem dacă Duhul Sfânt ne va descoperi nouă acum, dacă Acredeţi în El şi credeţi că acesta este semnul. Reamintiţi-vă, că Ingerul, El era un om; El a mâncat, El a băut înaintea lui Abraham, şi totuşi El putea, şi Sara fiind în cort, El putea să discearnă gândurile care erau în inima ei. Acela era semnul. El era Cuvântul. Acum dacă Cuvântul poate numai să vină la noi, atunci, de asemenea, El a promis să facă acelaşi lucru.
E-195 Acum voi cei de acolo din audienţă, care nu aveţi cartonaşe pentru rugăciune, şi ştiţi că voi nu o să fiţi în rând, eu nu pot să discern cine ce este, afară doar dacă Domnul îmi va arăta mie. Eu am să... Şi voi credeţi că într-adevăr Dumnezeu vindecă pe bolnavi. Eu-eu vreau ca voi să-să credeţi chiar acum, pentru câteva minute. Şi rugaţi-vă doar, şi ziceţi, "Doamne Isuse, eu ştiu că omul, care vorbeşte, este-este un om, dar el mi-a spus mie că, ne-a spus nouă în seara aceasta, şi ne-a dovedit-o nouă; că, Duhul Sfânt, că lumea nu-L poate omorî."
E-196 Ei îl puteau omorî pe Isus când era El în trup; ei L-au pus la moarte. Dar acum El este înviat, într-o condiţie glorificată, El nu mai poate fi omorât niciodată. Şi El a zis, "Încă puţină vreme şi lumea nu mă va mai vedea pe Mine. Totuşi, voi," predestinaţii, aceia care sunteţi rânduiţi la Viaţa Eternă, Biserica, Mireasa, "voi Mă veţi vedea, că Eu voi fi cu voi, chiar în voi, până la sfârşit. Lucrările pe care le fac Eu le veţi face şi voi." El a făcut toate aceste promisiuni.
E-197 Acum, eu ştiu că atunci El a fost aici pe pământ, El, Dumnezeu, era în El. El era Dumnezeu. El era plinătatea lui Dumnezeu. El era tot Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu făcut manifest.
E-198 Şi Biblia încă este Dumnezeu, Cuvântul, şi există câteva din descoperiri care încă trebuie să fie descoperite. Şi El a zis, "În zilele din urmă, când lumea devine iarăşi ca Sodoma, Fiul omului va fi descoperit." Şi semnul Sodomei se va întoarce, atunci Glasul va chema poporul înapoi, pe cei ce sunt rânduiţi la Viaţă.
E-199 Noi ştim, când El era aici, au existat milioane de oameni pe pământ, care nu au ştiut niciodată că El era aici; nu aveau motiv să ştie. Vedeţi? El a venit la aceia care erau predestinaţi să vadă aceasta.
E-200 Acum să vă rugaţi. Fiţi foarte liniştiţi. Nu vă mişcaţi. Oriunde sunteţi, pe balcoane, în partea de jos, oriunde aţi fi, nunu vă mişcaţi, şedeţi doar cu adevărat liniştiţi.
E-201 Şi rugaţi-vă, zicând, "Doamne Isuse, Biblia a spus, în Evrei 4, că Tu eşti chiar acum, 'un Mare Preot care poate fi atins de simţul infirmităţii noastre.' Şi noi Te vedem pe Tine pe pământ, când Tu erai aici pe pământ, odată o femeie ţi-a atins haina Ta, iar Tu teai întors, şi a-i zis, 'Cine M-a atins?'" Ea s-a ascuns, şi totuşi credinţa ei a fost identificată. Isus i-a spus ei despre scurgerea ei de sânge, şi i-a spus "credinţa te-a mântuit." Acum El este acelaşi Mare Preot. Dacă El este acelaşi ieri, azi şi în veci, El trebuie să acţioneze în acelaşi fel, dacă voi-dacă voi Îl atingeţi.
E-202 Şi ce va face asta atunci? Acolo trebuie să fie trup uman, pe pământ, ca să vorbească Glasul Lui. "Eu sunt Viţa, voi sunteţi mlădiţele." Nu există nici o cale ca să se ocolească aceasta, prieteni. Aceasta este doar Scriptura. Acesta este Adevărul. Voi slujitorilor credeţi asta, voi acolo în spate? [Slujitorii zic, "Amin." – Ed.]
E-203 Acum voi de acolo, fiţi foarte reverenţi şi rugaţi-vă, şi ziceţi, "Doamne Isuse, lasă-mă să ating haina Ta."
E-204 Şi voi vedeţi că cel mai aproape de mine, este la o distanţă de douăzeci de picioare sau mai mult. Eu nu cunosc nici un suflet de acolo. Eu nu pot să văd pe nimeni pe care într-adevăr să-l cunosc, în seara aceasta, şezând acolo; cu excepţia lui Pat Tyler care şade aici în faţă, şi este un prieten de-al meu. Acolo sunt oameni pe tărgi, paturi de campanie.
E-205 Noi am văzut un caz cu o targă desfăcându-se seara trecută, şi omul s-a sculat şi a început să umble. De ce nu puteţi voi toţi, în seara aceasta? Vedeţi, credeţi numai, asta-i tot ce trebuie să faceţi. Prezenţa Lui va face aceasta. El este aici, iar voi va trebui să staţi lângă El ca să vă învieze în zilele din urmă.
E-206 Acum, voi care credeţi, şi vă gândiţi că rugăciunea voastră va străbate, uitaţi-vă încoace acum.
E-207 Cum a spus Petru şi Ioan, "Uită-te la noi." Şi ei s-au uitat, omul s-a uitat atent, aşteptând să vadă ceva. El a zis, "Argint şi aur nu am, dar ceea ce am..."
E-208 Acum, eu vindecare nu am, dar ceea ce am, un dar de la Dumnezeu, vă dau eu vouă. Dacă doar veţi crede aceasta, Dumnezeu va lucra. Eu vă cer doar să credeţi. Ceea ce am eu, vă voi da vouă. Dacă veţi crede, Dumnezeu va lucra. Doar să încercaţi aceasta.
E-209 Aici, aici este Aceasta chiar acum. Amin. Mie îmi place aceasta. Este o doamnă care şade aici. Ea este de statură grea, şezând chiar aici la capăt. Aveţi un cartonaş de rugăciune, doamnă? Ea este de o statură cam mare... Nu aveţi un... Chiar aici, dvs. nu aveţi un cartonaş de rugăciune? Da. Nu aveţi un cartonaş de rugăciune? Dvs. credeţi, oricum? Nu aveţi nevoie de cartonaş de rugăciune, dacă credeţi.
E-210 Există o ricoşare în glas, şi acesta este motivul că este greu să-i chemi pe oameni aşa, dar încercaţi să ascultaţi la mine cât de atenţi puteţi.
E-211 Eu nu vă cunosc. Dvs. nu aveţi cartonaş de rugăciune, de aceea nu veţi fi sus pe platformă. Dacă Dumnezeu îmi va descoperi mie care este necazul dvs., o să credeţi asta (ce?) aceasta ar fi acelaşi lucru întocmai cum i-a descoperit El femeii care era necazul ei? Femeia la fântână? Sara, ce spusese ea, şi aşa mai departe? Credeţi aceea? Credeţi dvs. că aceasta ar fi în ordine?
E-212 Dvs. suferiţi de o boală de sânge, ceva nu este în regulă cu sângele. Dacă este adevărat, ridicaţi-vă mâna. În ordine. Acum nu mai aveţi aceasta. S-a aprins o Lumină peste dvs. Isus Cristos v-a onorat.
E-213 Acum, eu nu am văzut-o pe femeie, în viaţa mea. Acum ce este aceasta? Acesta trebuie să fie duh. Acum voi puteţi să ziceţi ca Fariseii, "Acela este diavolul," ei bine, voi veţi primi răsplata lor. Voi ziceţi, "Acesta este Cristos," voi veţi primi răsplata lui Cristos. Eu cred că acesta este Cuvântul fiind identificat în aceste zile din urmă; nu eu.
E-214 Aici, aici este o altă doamnă micuţă şezând chiar aici jos. Ea suferă de varice în picioarele ei. Ea are complicaţii. Ea are boală de inimă. Ea se roagă pentru un drag de-al ei, acesta este un frate. Ea plânge acum. Ea este în legătură. Cazul acelui frate este foarte serios. Acesta este un caz de diabet. Şi, de asemenea, el are o altă umbră, el este un păcătos. Şi dvs. vă rugaţi pentru el. Asta-i adevărat. Domnişoară Welton, dacă o să credeţi din toată inima, Dumnezeu va face aceasta pentru el. Credeţi Aceasta? Acesta este numele vostru.
E-215 Acum este aceasta ceva mai mult decât ce i-a spus Isus lui Simon, "Numele tău este Simon, tu eşti fiul lui Iona"? Doar să aveţi credinţă. Să nu vă îndoiţi. Credeţi din toată inima voastră.
Dacă credeţi, Dumnezeu va aduce la îndeplinire. Dacă puteţi măcar...
Dacă credeţi, Dumnezeu va aduce la îndeplinire. Dacă puteţi măcar...
E-216 Aici, aici este o doamnă şezând chiar aici, uitându-se drept la mine aici. Ea are cumva un păr roşu. Părul ei este dat pe spate.
E-217 Puteţi voi să vedeţi Lumina aceea, cumva galbenă, într-un cerc rotund peste femeie? Ea ştie că aceasta se întâmplă chiar acum, deoarece ea simte Aceasta. Este atât de aproape de ea, încât ea nu poate ca să nu o simtă. Dacă aceasta este adevărat, doamnă, ridicaţi-vă mâna. Asta este.
E-218 Acum eu sunt total străin faţă de dvs. Eu nu ştiu nimic despre dvs. Dar aţi şezut acolo rugându-vă. Asta-i adevărat. Dacă aceasta este adevărat, mişcaţi-vă mâna în felul acesta. Acum, dacă Isus Cristos este Fiul lui Dumnezeu, şi El este, un Mare Preot şezând la dreapta lui Dumnezeu... Şi eu stau aici printr-un dar, eu însumi cu... în afara, doar în afara raţiunii umane, fără să mă gândesc de la mine; un fel de a-mi relaxa propria mea minte şi gândire, şi Îl las doar pe Dumnezeu să intre înăuntru. Credeţi că El... Eu, Dumnezeu ştie că eu nu vă cunosc; şi dvs. ştiţi acelaşi lucru. Astfel dacă Dumnezeu îmi va descoperii necazul dvs., sau lucrul după care aşteptaţi, lipsind, sau ceva mai mult, credeţi că Dumnezeu vrea, poate să facă aceasta?
E-219 Dvs. aveţi probleme cu spatele. Acesta este unul din lucrurile pentru care vă rugaţi. Şi aveţi o boală de ochi. Credeţi că Dumnezeu poate vindeca ochii şi să-i facă bine? Credeţi? Credeţi? Credeţi că Dumnezeu îmi poate spune mie cine sunteţi? Doamna Hallman, credeţi din toată inima acum, şi puteţi să aveţi ceea ce cereţi. Credeţi?
E-220 Aici este o femeie în vârstă şezând doar puţin mai în spatele ei acolo. Ea se roagă, de asemenea. Ea are diabet. Eu sper că ea nu pierde aceasta. Acesta este chiar peste ea. Ea este cam vârstnică. Doar un minut, fie ca Domnul să mă ajute acum. Ea... Acolo ea a apucat aceasta, în regulă, acum, vedeţi, când era ea în legătură. Ea nu este de aici. Ea este din Louisiana. Oraşul ei-ei este un loc numit Singer, Louisiana. Şi ea suferă de diabet. Numele ei este D-na Doyle. Dacă aceasta-i adevărat, ridicaţi mâna. În regulă. Eu sunt total străin faţă de ea, niciodată în viaţa mea nu am văzut-o. Dar Isus Cristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, cunoaşte totul despre voi.
E-221 Acolo este o doamnă şezând în spate acolo, din acelaşi oraş, un loc numit Singer. Ea suferă de tensiune arterială. Şi numele ei este Clark. Dvs. credeţi, D-na Clark? În ordine, puteţi să aveţi ceea ce cereţi.
Voi credeţi? [Adunarea spune, "Amin." – Ed.]
Voi credeţi? [Adunarea spune, "Amin." – Ed.]
E-222 Iată semnul! Ascultaţi la Glas! Pocăiţi-vă, şi întoarceţi-vă la Dumnezeu cât de repede puteţi! Isus Cristos este aici în Puterea învierii Lui; o generaţie păcătoasă şi preacurvară primeşte un semn de la Isus Cristos locuind printre oameni. El nu putea să facă aceasta doar cu mine, şi voi de asemenea, trebuia să fiţi. Vedeţi, femeia trebuia să-i atingă haina Lui. Voi trebuia să-i atingeţi haina Lui. Noi suntem doar unelte.
E-223 Credeţi voi din toată inima voastră? Acum dacă voi credeţi aceasta... Cât de mulţi credeţi aceasta, ridicaţi-vă mâinile, aşa, şi ziceţi, "Eu într-adevăr cred aceasta."
E-224 Acum dacă voi credeţi aceasta, Isus a zis aşa, "Aceste semne vor urma pe cei ce cred; dacă îşi vor pune mâinile peste bolnavi, ei se vor face bine." Credeţi voi aceasta?
E-225 Acum este târziu. Noi nu avem timp. Noi suntem la douăzeci şi cinci de minute până la ora zece. Vreţi să vă puneţi mâinile unul peste celălalt, atunci? Şi faceţi doar după cum vă spun eu acum, doar puneţi-vă mâinile unul peste celălalt.
E-226 Acum voi ştiţi, sus pe scări, pretutindeni unde sunteţi. Acum voi ştiţi, atât de bine ca orice acum, după ce Scriptura fiind propovăduită şi clar identificată peste tot de-a lungul clădirii.
E-227 Eu văd pe altul, chiar acum. Vedeţi? Şi pe altul chiar aici, cu boală de prostată. O doamnă cu TBC. Ah-ah. Să zic, aceasta este pretutindeni acum, dar Acesta te slăbeşte.
E-228 Ce diferit, cât mai mult? Tu vezi cincizeci, uneori există asta, şi tu vrei să vezi şaptezeci data viitoare. Isus a făcut asta odată la Sihar, şi întreaga cetate a crezut în El. Ei se uitau după Mesia.
E-229 Mesia este aici, Duhul Sfânt, Mesia din această zi; Mesia care face ca Cuvântul să fie susţinut, de promisiunea Lui.
E-230 Acum vreau ca fiecare dintre voi, aşa cum vă puneţi mâinile unul peste celălalt, dacă voi sunteţi credincioşi. Acum nu vă rugaţi pentru voi înşivă. Tu roagă-te pentru persoana aceea, iar ei se vor ruga pentru tine. Acum, acelaşi Cuvânt care a promis aceasta în zilele din urmă, a promis de asemenea...
E-231 Şi ţineţi minte, Isus a zis, "Aceste semne îi vor urma pe acei ce cred." Vindecarea venind înapoi, este glasul că semnul a fost recunoscut. Ei îşi pun mâinile peste bolnavi, ca un semn; glasul este un, "aleluia, Domnul m-a vindecat!" Acum dacă aceste semne însoţesc un glas, acel semn, dacă tu eşti un credincios, acesta îi va însoţi. Glasul va însoţi semnul.
E-232 Dacă eu vă dau vouă acest semn, de care v-am spus vouă că vine de la Dumnezeu, şi Dumnezeu l-a promis pe acesta în această zi; acesta a fost atât de temeinic înfăţişat, nu există nimic decât un infidel ar putea să se abţină de la a-l crede pe acesta. Înţelegeţi? Apoi Dumnezeu se întoarce înapoi şi l-a confirmat pe acesta, să-l facă aşa. Acum El este aici.
E-233 Acum fiecare, în felul în care vă rugaţi la propria voastră biserică, dacă este pentru voi înşivă, zgomotos, oricum ar fi, rugaţi-vă pentru persoana peste care aveţi mâinile voastre acum, deoarece ei se roagă pentru voi.
E-234 Şi acum priviţi în sus. Şi în Prezenţa lui Mesia, Cristosul, Cel Înviat, încă viu după două mii de ani, cum putem noi să fim atât de amorţiţi în Duhul? Aceasta s-ar cuveni să pună această naţiune în Flăcări. Aceasta s-ar cuveni să facă Beaumontul să se pocăiască, în sac şi cenuşă. Dar o vor face ei? Nu.
E-235 Dar voi care îl căutaţi pe El, şi credeţi că El o va face şi îşi va ţine Cuvântul Lui, vouă vă este dată acum promisiunea. Puneţivă mâinile peste cineva şi rugaţi-vă, în timp ce eu mă rog pentru voi de aici.
E-236 Doamne Isuse, destul a fost spus, destul a fost făcut. Cuvântul care a fost promis a fost făcut manifest. Mesia, Cristosul lui Dumnezeu, este în Prezenţă Divină. Noi îl simţim pe El. Noi îl vedem pe El. Noi ştim că El a promis aceasta în zilele din urmă. "Cum era în zilele Sodomei, aşa va fi când Fiul omului este descoperit." Atunci, noi ştim.
E-237 Noi vedem-focul în ceruri, bombele atomice. Noi vedem naţiunile mâncate de viermi, naţiunile destrămându-se. Noi vedem că Israel este în patrie. Fiecare semn care a putut să fie promis, a fost împlinit. Următorul lucru este Fiul promis, Venind.
E-238 O Dumnezeule Etern, în prezenţa lui Isus Cristos, marele Duh Sfânt care este aici acum confirmând că El este aici, ascultă rugăciunea acestor oameni, ascultă aceşti Creştini; ca, atunci când voi pleca eu, ei să nu spună, "Fratele Branham a făcut aceasta." Altcineva pe care ei nu cunoşteau, şi-a pus mâinile peste ei, şi ei au fost vindecaţi. Dar Tu ai promis că Glasul avea un semn la acesta. Şi fie ca ei să fie vindecaţi, aşa cum eu îi predau pe ei Ţie, în Numele lui Isus.