Demonologie Tărâmul Fizic

Demonology #1
Data: 53-0608A | Durată: 28 minute | Traducere: VGR
Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, Indiana, AQSh
E-1 Аммо сиз буни амал қилиши учун Худога бўлган имонингизни ишлатишингиз керак. Тушуняпсизми? Шунинг учун сиз ўз ичингизда тирилишингизга эгасиз. Сизнинг тирилишингиз ичингизда, сизнинг руҳингизда турибди.
E-1 Now I…?…[Blank spot on tape—Ed.] This is the first time I’ve ever did it in any of my meetings since I’ve been on the field. This is a new time. Brother Baxter is gone; and—and Brother Bosworth’s in India, or, Africa; and Brother Baxter, I don’t know where he’s at. He’s gone somewhere, and the rest of them’s out and gone. And Billy and I are here alone, so we’re just having a great time: just rise, slaying and eating. So, we—we kind of feel like that maybe we can, with the help of the Lord, we could carry the meeting right on through, ourselves. That’s the reason I’m glad to see it go over a little bit, for that one reason. I believe the Lord will help us do it. [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Now, you know there’s…
I love my management. I have some lovely brethren, Bosworth, Baxter, Lindsay, Moore, all, has got five of them, Baron Von Blomberg. They’re just very fine men. But there’s just something about, when you get a group of men together, one has one thing, one has another. Sometime that’s contrary to what I think myself. So I—I—I feel like I’m just free now. We can just have a big time, just roll up our sleeves, and just dive in and eat. I think about rolling up your sleeves and having a—a big time.
My first Bible was nature. I learned God through nature. And I like to fish. How I love to fish! And you like to fish, sonny boy? If you like to fish, and love your mother, you’re going to make a good boy. And even my conversion didn’t take it all out of me. So one day I was up in the mountains, a fishing away. Now, this is just for the benefit of this little boy. And I was fishing up there in the mountains…And for the other little kiddies, of course, sitting around. And I was fishing trout. And, oh, it’s wonderful in the spring time. I go along like that, and there was a trout just in the next hole, you know, like that. And just praising the Lord and having a big time, shout. Sometimes, drop my line down. I believe in shouting. Amen. I sure do. Cause, I know something gets a hold of me, and it just does something to me.
E-2 Биласизлар, Исо хочда ўлганида, Унинг жони дўзахга тушиб, зиндонда бўлган, Нуҳ замонидаги сабрли кунларда товба қилмаган жонларга ваъз қилди”. Унинг танаси қабрга кирди. Аммо У ўлимидан олдин, Ўз Руҳини Худованд қўлларига топширди. “Қўлларингга... Руҳимни Сени қўлларингга топширяпман”. Шундай қилиб, кўряпсиз, Унинг Руҳи Худога кетди, Унинг жони дўзахга тушди, Унинг танаси қабрга тушди.
E-2 So I’d been gone quite a little bit that morning, and when I come back, the strangest thing: There’s a lot of bear in the country up there, in New Hampshire. I have a little camp up there, where I fish at. I had a little old tent sitting up, a little old pup tent I had been living in. And a black bear is the most mischievous thing there is. So, an old mother bear and a couple little cubbies had got in there, and had they made havoc of my tent!
E-3 Демак, Унда бўлган ўша Руҳ Худонинг Руҳи эди; одамларга Мактуб келтириш учун кўп марта ва турли тарзда пайғамбарларни мойлаган Ўша Руҳ: охирги кунларда – Масиҳ орқали; ҳозир эса, бизнинг кунларда – Хушхабар орқали. Шундай қилиб, биз Масиҳни юрагимизга қабул қилганимизда – бизга бор-йўғи керак бўлгани шудир, бу Абадий Ҳаёт.
E-3 Now, what do you think I ought to have done to that bear, little girl back there with that red hair, back there? I ought to have got after him really, shouldn’t I?
E-4 Шунда қилиб, Масиҳ уч кун ўтмасидан олдин қайта олмади, чунки Унинг Руҳи парда ортида, гўёки мана бундай тўсиқ орқасида, қайсики... У ўша тўсиқдан ўтолмас эди, чунки Худонинг Каломида Уни қабрда уч кун ва уч кеча ётиши кераклиги айтилган эди. Хуллас, ўша уч кун ва уч кеча ўтмагунича У қайтолмади. Уч кун ва уч кеча ўтганидан сўнг эса, Унинг Руҳи озод қилинган эди. У тўғри Ўз жонига қараб йўналди, Унинг жони эса қайтиб танани кўтариб олди ва Уни: “Мен ҳаётимни беришга қодирман. Уни яна қайтариб олишга қодирман. Мен бунга қодирман”, – деб айтганини бажарди.
E-4 But here’s what she done. She come in, she tore my tent down and she scattered everything out, and eat up all my food I had there, and she was just doing fine. So when I come up, away she went. And she squealed to her cubs, and one little cub run off with her. And the other wouldn’t run; he just sit there. Had his back turned to me, like this, and he was doing something. And I didn’t have nothing in my hand but a little old hand axe. I been chopping around some elders down there. Well, she run off about far as, oh, I guess that telephone pole out there, and she set down. She squealed to this little old bear, and he didn’t pay any attention to it. He just kept sitting there.
E-5 Мана шунақа, сизларни ҳар бирингиз худди шу нарсага қодирсиз, чунки сизлар – Худонинг ўғил ва қизларисиз. Ва худди ўша, бугун эрталаб сизларда бўлган Руҳ (бугун эрталаб сизларда бўлган Муқаддас Руҳ), худди Ўша Муқаддас Руҳ сизни тирилтиради. Шунинг учун, сиз ўзингизни тирилтиришга қодирсиз.
E-5 I thought, “What’s that little fellow doing?” I walked up a little closer. I was afraid to get too close, afraid she would scratch me. So—so I—I couldn’t see a tree, and I know she could climb too. So, and I didn’t want to get too close to her, ’cause I know the nature of bear. So, I went just a little bit closer. And you know what happened?
E-6 Вафот этганингизда сизнинг жонингиз... тўғри Худо Ҳузурига эмас, Худонинг қурбонгоҳи пойига боради. Мана, сизни руҳингиз Худога боради, аммо сиз қайтиб келолмайсиз. Каломда, руҳ...жонлар қурбонгоҳ пойида нола қилмоқда: “Раббий, қачонгача, қачонгача?”, – деб айтилганини эслайсиз. Улар Ёзув бажарилмагунича қайтиб кела олмайдилар — худди Масиҳ Ёзув бажарилмагунича қайтиб кела олмаганидай. Сўнг, ҳаммаси бажарилганидан кейин, барча азоб-уқубатлар тугайди ва биродарлар ёки биз, улар чидаганлари каби бизлар чидаб ўтамиз, ва ҳоказолар ; ундан кейин, сиз дафн этилган аниқ жойингизни билиб оласиз, сизни руҳингиз Худодан тушиб жонингизга келади.
E-6 Now, I like pancakes. How many of you boys like pancakes? Oh, boy! Oh, I…Old boys, too. I seen them put their hands up. We all like pancakes, and I just love them, and I like to pour honey on them. Being a Baptist, you know, that’s what keeps us straightened out, you know, is the honey, you know. So, and listen, I don’t sprinkle them, I really baptize them. I really pour it on where it’s really good and heavy. I don’t just sprinkle a little bit here and there. I really pour it on them, get them all filled up with honey.
E-7 Шундай қилиб, жон – бу сизнинг ақл-идрогингизни биладиган ва тушунадиган ўша қисмингиз. Яқинда кўрган ваҳийни эслайсизми, ёки менинг озгина вақтга у Ерга кўчганимда ўша одамларни кўрганимни? [Йиғилиш: “Омин”, — дейди.—Таҳр.] Шундай қилиб, сизнинг руҳингиз ўша танага қайтади, ва бу...шундай турдаги танага, тана бўлган жонга, қайсигаки еб-ичиш ва шунга ўхшашлар керак эмас (“агар бу фоний уйимиз, бу кулбамиз хароб бўлса, бизни бошқа — самовий тана кутаяпди), ва ўша руҳ билан, ва ўша жон билан ҳамда самовий тана билан сиз бу жисмоний танани ўша буюк Миллениум учун Тушуняпсизми? Ҳозир сизда буни қилишга куч бор. Бироқ бу қудрат, ҳозир сиз ўзингизда эга бўлган куч, янги ерни яратишга ҳам қодир. Худо бир нимада нимжон, бошқасида эса бақувват, яъни кучли бўлмайди. Худонинг озгина тегиниши — қудратлидир (тушуняпсизми?), Худонинг салгина тегиниши. Шунинг учун, сизлар биласизлар...
Шундай қилиб, ҳозир мен сизларда имонни кўтаришга ҳаракат қилаяпман.
E-7 And then, you know, I had a bucket of honey up there, half a gallon bucket of honey. And bears are very fond of honey. So this little fellow had got in there and got the lid off that bucket of honey, and he was sitting there like this, with this little bucket of honey under his arm, like this. He got the…And he didn’t know how to eat it, like you would, you know, so he just sock his little paw down in and lick it like that, and lick it. And he turned around to look to me, and his little old eyes was all matted together, his little belly was just as slick as it could be, with honey. He was just sitting there, ducking his hand down and licking honey, like that, just as hard as he could lick.
E-8 Биласиз, Христиан сифатида сиз билан нимадир юз берди. Сиз буни биласиз, шундайми? [Йиғилиш: “Омин”, — дейди.—Таҳр.] Сиз олдин мана бу ерда пастда, бутун расволик ва гуноҳлар билан, ичкилик ва азарт ўйинлар ва...ва дунёвий нарсалар билан нопокликда овора бўлиб юрган эдингиз. Масиҳ сизни гуноҳларингизни кечиришига ишонишингиз заҳоти сиз ўша нарсалардан кўтарилдингиз. Энди сиз бу ерда юқорида, (тушуняпсизми?) барчасини устидан парвоз қилмоқдасиз. Нима учун? Чунки сиз — Христиан эканлигингизга ишонасиз. Масиҳни қабул қилганингизда ва сизга Муқаддас Руҳ келганида эса, сиз Муқаддас Руҳ сизга бундай гуноҳкор ҳаётдан кўтарилишга қудрат беришига ишонч пайдо бўлди.
E-8 Oh, my, I thought about a good old-time Holy Ghost meeting, when we just get the bucket open, stick our hand down in the jar and lick away. Just keep on, you know, just licking away.
E-9 Шундай қилиб, сиз бу шифоланишгача баландроқ кўтарилишингиз учун кўпроқ имонга эга бўлиш, шунчаки...фақат юқорига ёриб ўтишда давом этаверишингиз керак. Тушуняпсизми? Мана мархамат сизга. Хуллас, агар сиз касал бўлсангиз ва сиз Христиан бўлмасангиз, унда ҳозироқ Масиҳчи бўлинг, токи Масиҳчи бўлганингизда бу шифоловчи куч сизга кириши учун. Ва бу сизга гуноҳ устидан кўтарилишингизга ишонч беради. Бу сизга имон беради. Ва бу йўлда сиз муҳтож бўлган ҳамма нарса ҳозирнинг ўзида сизда турибди. Ва фақат Муқаддас Руҳ орқали сиздаги барча яхшиликларни очиб берадиган Худога ишонишингиз керак. Энди аниқ тушуняпсизми? Тушунарлими сизларга? [Йиғилиш: “Омин”, — дейди.—Таҳр.]
E-9 And you know what the funny thing was, though? After that little fellow had got as much as he could, he let the bucket down and run off out there. You know what happened? The mother bear and the other little bear got to licking him, so getting the honey off.
E-10 Менимча, кеча кечқурун Билли менга айтди, қўнғироқ қилди ва: “Бугун эрталаб келгин, чунки бир одам бизларни шу ҳафта ўша Етти Муҳр мавзусида йиғилишлар ўтказамиз деб ўйлаб келибди”, – деди. Ва улар, менимча, касал болакайни олиб келган эдилар. Энди, жаноб, агар сиз ҳозир шу ерда бўлсангиз, эсингизда бўлсин, сизни қўлингиздан келмайди... Сизнинг...сизнинг имонингиз ўша бола ўрнига қабул қилиниши керак, агар у...агар у гўдак бўлса.
E-10 So, well, maybe our meeting will be something on that order, I hope, so we can just keep telling others, and the glory of God falling upon us. All right.
E-11 Лекин ҳозир, агар қарши бўлмасангиз, яна битта Ёзув жойидан кўрсатишимга рухсат беринг, бир дақиқага. [Невилл ака: “Албатта, давом этавер. Омин”, — деди.—Таҳр.]
E-11 I’m glad to see you little children out. I like to tell you something like that. And maybe tomorrow afternoon, we have more time, and—and we can talk a little more. And we’ll talk to dad and mother now about something.
E-12 Шунчаки ёдингизда бўлсин. Хуллас, Хушхабарларда... Менимча Ҳаворийларга 16-бобда ўқиймиз, бир куни тунда Павлус билан Силас зиндонда бўлган эдилар. Фолбин қиздан ёвуз руҳни қувгани учун уларни урган эдилар. Ва бу воқеа... Шунда у қиз...унинг хўжайинларини жаҳли чиқиб уларни калтакладилар, уларни зиндоннинг ички бўлинмасига қамадилар. Шундан кейин бу ишларни қилганларидан кейин, Павлус билан Силас ибодат қилганида Худо зилзила юборди ва зиндонни бузиб ташлади.
E-12 We’re going to talk on Demonology. In Psalms 103:1 to 3, we read these verses. Most every minister and clergyman, or Bible reader, knows them by heart.
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all of his benefits:
Who forgiveth all of thine iniquity; who healeth all of thy diseases;
E-13 Филиппилик юзбоши бўлган зиндонбон (ўзининг...ўзининг маҳбусларини йўқотиши, бу у маҳбуслар учун ўз жони билан тўлаши керак эди), у қиличини суғурди ва ўзини ўлдирмоқчи бўлди, шунда Павлус югуриб чиқди ва “Зинҳор ўз жонингга қасд қилма, биз ҳаммамиз шу ердамиз”, – деди.
E-13 I want you to notice there, it was an “all.” “Who forgiveth all of thine iniquities, Who heals all of thy diseases.” Now can we bow our head just a moment.
E-14 ва бу юзбошида...қолганди. Уларда Павлус ва бошқалар ҳақида маълум бир тасаввур пайдо бўлди. Улар, эҳтимол, мадҳияларни куйлагандирлар. Улар эҳтимол, гувоҳликлар бергандир ёки нимадир қилгандирлар. Бироқ нима бўлганида ҳам, ўшалар муқаддас одамлар бўлганини билган эдилар. Улар мана шу одамларда қандайдир ўзига хос бир нарса борлигини билар эдилар, чунки у шу заҳотиёқ: “Жаноблар, нажот топишим учун нима қилишим керак? Нима қилишим керак, нажот топишим учун?” – деди.
E-14 Now, Heavenly Father, we thank Thee this afternoon, for being out here. We thank Thee for these little children that’s sitting around, they’re the men of tomorrow, and women, if there is a tomorrow, if Jesus tarries. And now, Father, we pray that—that You’ll bless us now as we’re talking now on Your Word, and about the great enemy we have, Satan. We pray, God, that You’ll let us put a front out, a mechanized unit here, the power of God, that’ll withstand him tonight in every inch of his ground, Lord, and show him that he don’t have no legal rights at all, that Christ defeated him in our stead there at Calvary, when He died, and He spoiled principalities and robbed Satan of every—every power that he had. And, God, give us wisdom and understanding now, to know and to explain to the people how that they might know how to be healed and to defeat Satan. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
E-15 “Раббий Исо Масиҳга ишонгин, шунда ўзинг ва хонадон аҳлинг нажот топасизлар”, – деди Павлус.
E-15 Now for a few minutes we’re going to speak on Demonology. You hear so much about demons. Now, tomorrow afternoon we’ll probably finish up. I wanted two days of this week, anyhow, to preach on this, just…or two days for afternoon services, to talk on this.
E-16 Шундай қилиб, агар Раббий Исо Масиҳга имон... Бу унинг нажот топиши, унинг хонадонини нажот топишини билдирмайди. Аммо агар унда ўзини нажот топиши учун Худога етарлича имони бўлса, унда унинг ўзини хонадони учун ҳам худди ўша имони бўлиши мумкин. Шунда унинг хонадони ҳам худди шу тарзда, шу йўл билан келиши керак бўлади (тушуняпсизми?).
E-16 Now, the first thing, what a demon is. You hear so many people talking about a demon. Well, now, a “demon, devil,” all comes from one word, and in the English it’s called “tormentor.” A fellow that torments is a devil, a evil one. He say…Now, the Bible today is, to most, to many people, is some old back book that grandpa and grandma read, or something like that. “There’s not much to it, it’s for the old folks, and so forth.” But that’s wrong. It’s for everybody. And demons are tormentors that torment us.
E-17 Мен яқинда кечқурун Жорджиядаги йиғилишда айтганимдек, Аюб ҳам худди шу нарсани қилган эди. Мен у ерда: “Аюб: ʻМен билмайман, болаларим гуноҳ қилдими ёки йўқми, аммо гуноҳ қилган бўлсаларчи?ʼ – деди”, – деб айтдим. Шунда Аюб солиҳ одам бўлиши учун бир нарса қилиши керак эди, яъни, қурбонликлар келтириши керак эди. Агар унинг болалари гуноҳ қилган бўлсалар, у қурбонликлар келтириши ва шунда уларнинг гуноҳлари кечирилишини айтди. Яхшида бу, отанинг бундай қилгани. Бу ақлли ота. Бугун бизга шунақа оталардан кўпроғи керак. Шунда Аюб куйдириладиган қурбонликлар келтирган эди. Бу унинг фожиаси бошланишидан олдин бўлган эди.
E-17 Now, there is demons that comes into the soul of man, and that is, in the phraseology, that would be—that would be in the…I’d say this, though, the demon that comes into the soul is something that torments the soul.
E-18 Аммо унинг барча болалари ўлганида ва унинг барча қўйлари йўқ бўлганида, ва уни нимаси бўлса — ҳаммаси олинганида, у уйини орқасидаги кул уюмида, сопол парчаси билан яраларини қашлаб ўтирар эди.
E-18 Many times you can see a person maybe of insanity. Now, they may be yet a converted person, filled with the Holy Spirit, and yet be totally insane. See? That’s right. That has nothing to do with the soul. It’s a tormentor, see, something that torments them.
E-19 Эътибор бердингизми? Унинг фожиали кунларидан кейин Худо яна унга қайтариб бера бошлади: агар унда ўн минг бош қорамоли бўлган бўлса ва ҳоказолар, Худо унга икки ҳисса қилиб қайтарди — қўйларини ҳам икки ҳисса, ҳаммасини икки ҳиссадан берди. Лекин сиз эътибор бердингизми? Худди шундай Худо Аюбга еттита фарзандни берди. Сиз бирон вақт уларни қаерда бўлганини ўйлаб кўрганмисиз? Ўша қурбонликлар улар учун турган эди. Улар нажот топган эдилар, уни келишини кутиб, Шон-шухратда эдилар. Бугун улар у билан бирга. “Сен ўзинг ва бутун хонадонинг нажот топадилар”. Кўрдингизми? Шундай қилиб, солиҳ бўлиши учун, Аюб бир нарса қилиши – қурбонликлар келтириши керак эди.
E-19 Now, all sickness, we have to find first that all sickness came from the devil. God is not the author of sickness. No sickness comes from God. God sometimes permits Satan to put sickness on you, as a whip to bring you back to the house of God, when you’ve disobeyed. But sickness, in its beginning, come from the devil. Could you imagine a person would believe that God, our Heavenly Father, would be the author of such a thing as sickness and death? Well, no, He isn’t, never was, never will be. God permits death because of disobedience. God permits death. As one writer said, “All that death can do, God harnessed it to a buggy and it pulls us into the Presence of God, a believer.” But the word death means “separation.”
E-20 Солиҳ инсон бўлишингиз учун сиз бир иш қилишингиз лозим – Худога имонингиз бўлиши керак. Зеро имон билан нажот топасиз, имон билан шифоланасиз, энди нимаики бор бўлса сизда, барчасини имон билан оласиз. Тушуняпсизми? Сиз бунга айнан имон билан ишонасиз. Шундай қилиб: “Раббимиз Исо Масиҳга ишонгин, сен ўзинг ва бутун хонадонинг нажот топасизлар”.
E-20 Jesus said, “He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting Life.” And He said, “I am the resurrection, Life, he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.” And we pack the bodies of each other over the saintless of our grave. “But he shall never die.”
E-21 Шунинг учун, жаноб, агар сиз гўдакни унинг устидан ибодат қилишлари учун олиб келган бўлсангиз, сиз ўзингиз ишонинг. Мен бу ерда ўз имонимни сизни имонингиз билан боғлаш учун турибман ва бизлар биргаликда Худо ўша болани шифолашига ишонамиз.
E-21 Now if you’ll watch when He spoke of Lazarus, He said, “Lazarus sleepeth.”
E-22 Тушуняпсизми, бизда буни қилиш учун куч бор. Сизда буни қилиш учун куч турибди. Ҳар бир Христианда буни қилишга куч бор. Лекин биз агар шундай қила олсак... Ўша куч қонун билан назорат қилинади.
E-22 The disciples, men like we are, they said, “Oh, if he sleepeth he doeth well. He meant taking a rest,” what they thought.
E-23 Мен сизга тортишиш кучи сувни қандай бошқаришини тез-тез айтганимдай, чунки бу қонун. Тортиш кучи сувни назорат қилади.
E-23 But He come and talked to them in their language. He said, “‘He’s dead,’ what you believe. But,” said, “I go wake him, wake him.” See? See? When you’re…
E-24 Қуёш бошқарилади...аниқроғи, ер, ернинг айланиши... Қуёш бир ишни қилади-ю, сиз эса: “Мени яна бир оз ухлагим келаяпти. Бир соатга тўхтаб тур”, – дейишингизни иложи йўқ. Бундай бўлолмайди, тушуняпсизми, чунки қонун бор. Агар сиз мана шу қонунга асосан иш тутсангиз, унда ҳаммаси жойида бўлади. Агар сиз ўз вақтида уйқуга кирсангиз, сиз ўз вақтида уйғонишингиз мумкин. Ва агарда сиз...
E-24 Death means “separate.” Now, if one of you should, one of your family die, or something, he is, if it’s converted, they’re not dead. They’re dead in the humanistic standpoint. But they’re just separated from us, but they’re in the Presence of God. They’re not dead, and they can’t die, it’s impossible for them to die. Jesus said, “He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has everlasting Life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death to Life.” So, he can’t die. Anything that’s immortal, Eternal, it can’t perish. It’s imperishable Life. He’s got It because God has give It to him. And not—not meritorially; it’s with… It’s unconditional. God gives It to him.
E-25 Биздагидек... Бу ерда, шимолроқда Юқори кўли, Онтарио кўли, Гурон кўли ва бу барча Буюк Кўллар бор бўлганига ўхшаб. Бизларда Невада, Калифорнияда, Аризона ва Нью-Мексикада мана шу сувга чанқаб ётган минглаб, ўн минглаб акр ерлар бор — у ерда хоҳлаган нарсанг ўсган бўлар эди. Агар мана бу ердаги сув, ана у ерда бўлганида эди, бутун дунёни тўйдирса бўлар эди. Шунда бу сувлар ҳеч қандай зиён қилмаган бўлар эди, чунки улар булоқ сувларидан тўлиб туради. Сув ундан чиқариб юборилиши билан, сув сатҳи яна ўз жойига тикланади, чунки ернинг тортишиш кучи уни ўша ерда ушлаб туради. Шундай қилиб, агар тортишиш қонуни бўйича ҳаракат қилинса, унда мана шу Буюк Кўлларнинг ҳаммасини олиб, мана шу жойларни суғориш ва бутун дунёни овқатлантириш мумкин бўлар ва ҳеч ким оч қолмас эди. Аммо бу ерда ўтириб: “Ҳа. Мен тушунаман. Албатта”, – дейилгани билан ҳеч нарса ўзгармайди. Буни олиб қилиш керак.
E-25 God calls. No man can come to God except God called him. Jesus said, “No man can come to Me except My Father calls him, draws him.” That right? So it’s God in all. Maybe tomorrow afternoon we’ll get a little bit more on that, ’cause I want to get this thing of disease, to you, so that you’ll see that.
E-26 Худонинг қонуни билан ҳам худди шундай. Худонинг қонуни – бу имон. Ва бугун эрталаб бизда ҳар қандай касалликни шифолаш, хоҳлаган ишни қилиш учун имонга эгамиз. Лекин бу қонун билан назорат қилинади, бу қонун эса имон ҳисобланади. Худонинг қонуни имондир. “Ибодатда сиз нимаики сўрасангиз, олишингизга ишонинглар ва эришасизлар”, – деган эди Исо. Мана сизга, мархамат. Шу учун, буни айнан имон назорат қилади, ва имон бу бизнинг муҳтожимизга қараб берилади. Шундай қилиб, биз қилишимиз керак... Худо бизлардан баъзимизга бир имонни, бошқасига бошқа имонни беради. Бу сиз қандайдир буюк ғайритабиий кучга эгасиз дегани эмас, чунки сиз Масиҳчи бўлганингизда, сиз-сиз ўша пайтдаёқ кучга эга бўласиз, аммо ўша кучни ишлатиш учун сизда ишонч етишмайди.
E-26 There was a time when we become germitized in our great-grandfather. You know that. Doctor knows that. Well, you do, too, you Bible readers. You know the germ of life started in your great-grandfather, to becoming a germ, and come out through your grandfather, then into your father, then to your mother and where you are now. That’s right. Scripture even teaches that. Here’s the Scripture for you if you want. I believe it said that Levi paid tithes when he was in the loins of Abraham, which was his great-grandfather. That right? So, see, the germ become back there.
E-27 Шундай қилиб, бугун эрталаб, сиз ибодат учун келаётган пайтингизда мана нима дейди Калом, эсингизда бўлсин. Бу тўғри. Ёқубнинг Мактуби 5:14да: “Агар сизлардан бирор киши бетоб бўлса, имонлилар жамоатининг оқсоқолини чақирсин. Улар Раббимиз Исо номи билан дуо қилиб, беморнинг бошига ёғ суркасинлар. Имон билан қилинган дуо беморни соғайтиради, Раббимиз Ўзи уни тузатади”. Бу ваъда, агар сиз бунга ишонсангиз. Шунинг учун, кўриб турибсизки, шифоланиш ҳар бир кишига алоҳида берилган.
E-27 But your souls were made up before the foundation of the world, when God created man in His Own image; spirit of man; not a man in His Own image, but man in His Own image. See? And then He made them male and female, before He ever had a man in the dust of the earth. Wish we had a chance this afternoon, take our time and go back into that. Just see how God…Now, it’s between the line, but, when you see, it comes right up with the line. See? How that God, back in the beginning, what He did there, and how He moved down into the earth and how that He made man in His image; and then God turned around and was made in the image of man, to redeem man.
E-28 Носиралик Исо даврида шундай бўлган эди. У одамларни уларнинг-уларнинг шахсий имонларига қарши равишда шифолай олмаган эди. “Агар сен ишонсанг, Мени буни қилиб билади деб, унда Мен буни қилиб биламан”, – деган эди У. Агар сиз бунга ишониб билсангиз!
E-28 Now, when God made man in His image, he was a spirit man. And then there was no man to till the soil. Then He created man out of the dust of the earth. Now, chronologists, and so forth, and these people that search and get old bones, and so forth, and believe in evolution…I believe in the right kind of evolution. Man evolutes from himself, but not all from one cell. No, sir, because a—a bird has been a bird ever since God made him a bird, and a monkey has been a monkey, a man has been a man. That’s right.
E-29 Шундай қилиб, баъзи одамлар шифолаш кучини бошқаларга, хушхабарчиларнинг зиммасига юклайдилар. Бу ундай эмас. Шифоланиш қудрати сизда турибди. У сизда. Улар шунчаки аравани отнинг олдидан қўшадилар. Хушхабарчида шифолайдиган куч йўқ.
E-29 Now, I was talking to a doctor here a while back, in Louisville. He said, “Why, Rev. Branham!” I was talking about how the natives of Africa, how they eat, just go down by…Oh, some of the awfulest things you’d ever see, how they would eat! Just pick up things that’s contaminated, maggots in it, just shake them around, maggot and all. Don’t make any difference to him. See? They said…Drink anything, don’t make any difference what it is. He said, “But, Rev. Branham, them people are not human.”
I said, “Oh, yes, they are. They sure are human.”
E-30 Бу Муқаддас Руҳ шифолаш қудратига эга, сизлар эса Муқаддас Руҳга эгасизлар. Яъни сизлар шу дарахтчадирсиз ва сизга нима керак бўладиган бўлса, улар сизни ўзингизда турибди. Шунинг учун сиз: “Бу ҳақиқат! Худо мени шифолайман деган. ʻУнинг яраларида мен шифоланганманʼ.” — дея, Худо ваъдаларидан ичишни бошланг. Мана сизга, мархамат. Нима қиласиз сиз? Ўзингиздаги шифони ошкор қила бошлайсиз, бор-йўғи шу. Тушуняпсизми? Мана шунда бошқалар сизда нима борлигини кўра олади. Шундай қилиб, бу нима...
E-30 I said, “The closest thing to a human being, in the beast line, is a chimpanzee. And you’ve tried for four thousand years to get one mutter out of that chimpanzee, and he can’t do it,” I said, “ ’cause he can’t think. He has nothing to think with.” Oh, you can learn him little things like a horse, gee and haw, or put on glasses, or smoke a cigar, or balance hisself on a bicycle, ride a horse, or something like that, but just like gee and haw, to a horse, or to a dog or something like that.” I said, “He’s an animal.”
E-31 “Имон – умид қилинган нарсаларнинг амалга ошишига ишониш, кўринмайдиган нарсаларга амин бўлиш демакдир”. (Ибронийларга 11:1—Тарж.)
E-31 “But you let me go back in Africa, to the wildest tribe they got, and that’s the little tribe of the bushman.” And I said, “Probably his great-great-great-great-grandfather never saw a white man nor nothing. The only thing that he knows, he don’t even know which is right and left hand. The only thing he knows is eat, and he eats what he can get his hands on, if it’s human flesh, anything else, don’t make any difference to him, just so he eats. But let me get him at five years old, and at fifteen years old he’ll speak good English and have a good education. Why? He’s got a soul. God made him a human being, and he’s got just as much right to hear the Gospel, at least once, as we have of preaching around here, all over America, to people, over and over and over, and begging, persuading and everything. Let him hear it one time, and watch him scream and run to the altar real quick.” See? Yes, sir!
E-32 Мен бир ниҳолча ўтқазишим мумкин. Мен унда олмаларни кўрмайман, аммо улар унинг бағрида бор. Ўша дарахтча улар унинг ичида эканлигини билади. Шунинг учун у сув ича бошлайди, куртаклайди, новдалайди ва етила бошлайди, чунки у буни билади: “Бу мени ўзимда. Бироз вақтдан кейин мен буни кўрсатаман. Менга озроқ вақт беринг. Фақат менга бир неча вақт индаманг”. Ниҳол фақат сув ичишда давом этаверади. “Ҳа, биламан, олмалар менда турибди. Бироз вақтдан кейин мен уларни етиштираман”. Шунда бирдан кўрасизки, улар кўриниб қолади. Мана, олмалар пайдо бўлдилар, чунки ниҳол уларни ўзида эканига ишонган эди.
E-32 That’s what my heart is, brother, today, when I think of Africa, and them poor little black hands raising up, saying, “Brother Branham, one more time about Jesus!” Oh, mercy! There’s something in me digs and burn. Just as quick as I get money enough up, I get over there, too. That’s what I do with every penny I get, everything, God knows, besides just what I can eat. And most people give me my clothes. And just what I can barely live by, myself, just as close as I can, I throw it right into a missionary funds which the government has arranged. I don’t even pay income tax on it. To get up three or four, five thousand dollars, and I take across over there and preach the Gospel to the people that I know at that day I’ll have to answer. And I’ll know what I answer for.
E-33 Агарда сиз ўзингизда сизни шифолаш учун Муқаддас Руҳ кучи ичингиздалигига ишонсангиз [Бранхам ака минбарни тўрт марта тақиллатади.—Таҳр.] — мана марҳамат сизга, шунчаки ичингиздан чиқаришда давом этаверинг. Тушуняпсизми? Имон бор сизда. Сиз бирданига натижаларни кўролмайсиз. Бу кўринмайди.
E-33 I used to, when I’d go in a city, I’d hold a big meeting back when they had lots of money, and they have great campaigns and thousands of dollars, I’d give it over to Red Cross and so forth. Now, now, not no slam to them, but coming down the street in a four-thousand-dollar car, with a big diamond studs on, smoking a cigar, and five hundred dollars a week on the money that sick peop-…No, sir! No, indeedy! And on these, as soon as you get out of the city, they said, “holy rollers,” and everything like that, and making fun, and downing the religion that we’re standing up for. No, sir!
E-34 Тушунасизми, Ёқуб Иброҳимни унинг яхши ишлари билан оқлади. Павлус эса Иброҳимни унинг имони билан оқлади. Унда биз бу иккиси ҳақида нима деймиз? Иброҳим гапирган эди...демоқчи эдим Павлус, Худованд Иброҳимда нимани кўрганини айтган эди . Ёқуб эса, одамлар Иброҳимда нимани кўрганлари ҳақида гапирган эди. Тушуняпсизми? Мана, тушундингизми?
E-34 I take it myself, and before God as my Judge, I put it in the Gospel work yonder, so I know that on that Day that I’ll… when I’ll have to give an account for my stewardship, it’s given correctly. That’s exactly right, ’cause I realize as I treat the people I’m treating God. Just my attitude towards you is my attitude towards Christ. And your attitude towards me is the same thing, that’s right, towards Christ.
E-35 Шу сабабдан, Худованд чақалоқ туғилишидан олдин Иброҳимни имони бўлганини билар эди. Иброҳим ҳам, ўзи бепушт бўлсада, ўзини гўё...чақалоқ туғилиши керакдай тутганича, Худога буни исботлади. Уни болалари йўқ эди. Хотини пуштдан қолган ва унинг ўзи ҳам мажолсизланган, бепушт эди. Аммо у: “Уни қаердадир, ичида ўша бола бор”, – деб билар эди. Сиз кўряпсизми, Худонинг буюк Эл-Шаддайига, кўксига ёпишиб олиб, берилган ваъдадан у ичаверди. Худо унга буни беришини билиб, мана шунга таянди, ундан ичди; ваъда шунақа бўлганлигини у билар эди ва Худо буни бажариши лозимлигини ҳам билар эди.
E-35 Now, to see a people like that, and see how that a human being, then, with an immortal soul now, that can’t die, can’t perish, can’t do nothing but have everlasting Life, that God sovereignly, in His Own will, gave it to you. And now, then, now I…
E-36 Бизлар эса – Иброҳим болаларимиз. Шунинг учун, келинглар, Унинг берган ваъдаларига таянайлик ва Худо буни бажаришини билган ҳолда, ундан ушлаб олайлик. У (Худованд) шундай деди. Ҳозир сиз бунга ишонасизми? [Йиғилиш: “Омин”, – дейди.—Таҳр.]
E-36 Let me correct this just a little bit, or say something. Somebody is going to go away and say, “Brother Branham is a Calvinist.” No, I’m not. I’m a Calvinist as long as Calvinist is in the Bible. But when Calvinist gets out of the Bible, then I’m an Arminian, see. I believe in holiness and I believe in Calvinist, too. But, both of them, one run out on the limb and went this way, and one run out on the limb and went that way. If it wasn’t for the Book of Ephesians, to bring it back and put it in the right place where God did, we’d all be all mixed up. But they both got a doctrine, but they go to seed on it, each one, that’s the holiness and the Calvinists, too, the Arminian. Now, Calvinists have something true. I believe that, that the Calvinistic doctrine…
E-37 Унда касаллар мана бу ерда бир томондан тизилсинлар, бошқа томондан эса устиларидан ибодат қилишимизни истаганлар. Шундай, биз бу ёққа ёши катта оқсоқолни чақирамиз ва уларга ёғ суртамиз. Мен уларни устидан ибодат қиламан. Ва бизлар ишонамиз Худо ҳар бир одамни шифолайди: “Агар сен ишона олсанг”.
E-37 I believe this. In security, I believe the Church has Eternal Security. Any reader of the Bible knows that, ’cause God’s already said It would appear yonder without blemish. That right? Then, It’s going to be there. Is that right? The Bi-…The Church is Eternally secured. Now, are you in the Church, is the next thing. If you’re in the Church, all right, you’re secured with the Church, but you better stay in the Church. And how do you get in the Church? By shaking hands? No. Putting your name in the book? No, sir. “By one Spirit we’re all baptized into one Body.” And that Body, God judged at Calvary, was the Body of Jesus Christ, and we’re baptized into that Body by one Spirit. We have Eternal Security as long as we’re in the Body of Christ, nothing can separate us, nothing touch us. If you go out, you go out by your own will. But just as sure, if you’re in the Body of Christ, as sure as Jesus rose from the dead, you’ll rise too. God has already done that. He…
E-38 Тедди, қаердасан? Бу ёқдан, ўнг томондан айланиб кел. Ажойиб. Шундай, сени “Ишон, фақат ишон”ни чалишингни истайман.
E-38 You can’t sin. Oh, you do…I might be a sinner in your sight, but if I’m in Christ, God don’t see it, because his sins atones…His Blood atones for my sins there. See? I can’t sin. “He that’s born of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin. The Seed of God remains in him.” See? He, he’s willing to, if he makes a mistake, sure, he’s right then willing to confess it. If he’s a real Christian, he will do it. If he holds it back, he shows he ain’t got nothing, in the first place. That’s right. He hasn’t got nothing, to begin with. But if he’s a real Christian…
E-39 Хўп, улар келгунига қадар, аудиториядаги қолганлар бошларимизни эгамиз, келинг, шу келаётганлар учун ибодатда бўламиз.
E-39 Right here, you plant a grain of wheat in the ground, it’ll always be a grain of wheat. Cockleburs may be all around it, and everything else, but it’ll be a grain of wheat as long as it stands. That right? And if a man’s really born of the Spirit of God, he isn’t in and out, and back and forth, and out yonder in the world and out here. No, sir. No, no. You’re not a cocklebur one day and a grain of wheat the next day. God don’t have that in the field. Yes, sir. If you’re born of the Spirit of God, you’re a Christian from that time until the…till you go away, and then you’re—you’re immortal, with God. That’s right, if you’re in the Church.
E-40 Бизнинг Осмондаги Отамиз, бугун эрталаб бизлар Сенга, Исо Масиҳ Исмидан шу қўрқинчли, ҳалокатли аҳволдаги бечора, касал ва қийналган одамларни келтирамиз. Раббий, мен Сенга ишонаман. Мен...мен Сенинг Сўзларинг ҳақиқат эканини биламан. Улар шунчалар ҳақиқат! Улар ўзгармайдилар, чунки Улар Худонинг Барҳаёт ва чексиз Каломи ҳисобланади. Улар Худо сингари ҳар нарсага қодир, чунки Улар – Худонинг бир қисмидир. “Азалда Калом бор эди. Калом Худо билан бирга эди, Калом Худо эди. Калом инсон бўлди, Орамизда яшади”. Шундай қилиб, Раббий, бутун юрагимиз, бутун жонимиз, бутун ички борлиғимиз билан бизлар бунга ишонамиз. Бизлар бунга ишонамиз.
E-40 Now, now let’s talk about the death side. Now, how could a person on that estate, in that kind of a condition, ever be sick? Because that your body is not yet redeemed. Your body is not redeemed. No matter how much, how good you are, and how saintly, and how holy, and how much Holy Spirit, that’s only your soul. And your soul is not completed yet. It’s just got the Blessing, the promise of God, which is the earnest of our salvation. But now if we have no earnest of our resurrection, no Divine healing, then I’ll have no assurance or nothing to prove to me that there is a resurrection.
E-41 Худонинг Қудрати уларни ичида эканини тушунишлари ва билишлари учун буни одамларга оддийгина қилиб, болаларга хос қилиб кўрсатишга ҳаракат қилдим. Фақатгина имонга эга бўлиб, Худонинг йўл-йўриқларида юрсалар эди!
E-41 Just like if Christ doesn’t live in my heart, if I have to take it from some kind of a—a psychological thing back yonder, have to believe somewhere like that, well, then I—I—I’d be a little skeptic of it. And that’s the reason, over in Africa, when they come, here come missionaries up, bringing thousands of those natives, and they was packing little old mud idols and everything else, is because that they had just heard the psychic side of the Bible. That’s right. And my own church is Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, all that went in there. But when they seen the power of God come in demonstration, that settled it, they knowed then that God was God.
E-42 Ахир улар шундай қутқарилган эдилар. Улар келиб, ўз гуноҳларида тавба қилдилар ва мана шу Каломга, Ҳаворийлар 2 га асосан Исо Масиҳ Исмида чўмдирилдилар. Кейин Бутрус: “Муқаддас Руҳ инъомини оласизлар”, – деди. Энди мана, У мутлақо аниқликда келди, чунки бу – Худонинг намоён бўлган Каломидир.
E-42 But, now, what starts this sickness? Now, the first thing, it’s a spirit before it becomes a disease, just the same as you was a spirit before you become a human being. Now I’m going to take Brother Willett here as an example. Brother Willett, I…There was a time when you and I wasn’t nothing. And then the first thing, God gave us a life. And let’s take, say, if I take your body down this afternoon, you’re made up of a bunch of cells, held together with atoms. And now, someday them atoms will be destroyed, if Jesus tarries. You’ll go on back. They’ll be just like they was in the beginning, go back into the air. But when your spirit returns, those atoms will gather together again with this spirit and bring forth another Brother Willett just like that one, only younger, when he was at his best.
E-43 Шундай қилиб, Ота, касалларга ёғ суриб ёғлаганимиз ва улар устиларидан ибодат қилишимиз ҳам худди шундай ҳақиқат эканини бизлар биламиз. “Имон билан қилинган ибодат касалларни шифолайди”. Худойим, бугун эрталаб ҳамма мана шу меҳробдан, мана шу ердан Худованд уларни шифолаганини билган ҳолда, бахтиёр ва қувончга тўлиб қайтсинлар. “Бор ва саломат бўлгин”. Зеро бизлар ҳозир уларни Исо Масиҳ Исми ҳақи Сенга берамиз.
E-43 When a man gets past about twenty-five years old, he finds a few wrinkles under his eyes, and some gray hairs coming in. It’s going to be, ’cause death’s after you. And one of these days it’s going to take you. No matter who you are, it’s going to take you. But it gradually…You’ll get in a corner here, and God will get you out of that corner, and you get in this corner here, death will almost have you, and over here, but after a while it’ll get you. But then, what death can do, it takes its full toll, and then at…when it’s done all that it can do…When God gave you this life, and you was at your best, at about twenty-three, when you come into the resurrection you’ll come back just exactly like you was when you was twenty-three years old, twenty-five, ’fore death set in. Death will have everything that it can do. It set in there, but you’ll come right back the way you were.
E-44 Ҳар бир одам шифолансин, бунинг мазмунини ва моҳиятини тушунсин. Иброҳим мавжуд бўлмаган нарсаларни ҳаммасини вужудга келади деб айтгани каби. Натижалари қанақа бўлади, бунинг аҳамияти йўқ, бунинг имонга ҳеч қандай алоқаси йўқ. Натижалар – бу ҳеч нарса эмас. Имон аллақачон ушлаб олди. “Имон – умид қилинган нарсаларнинг амалга ошишига ишониш, кўринмайдиган нарсаларга амин бўлиш демакдир”. Худойим, бу уларнинг юракларига чуқур ўрнашсин, зеро улар Сенга муҳтождирлар.
E-44 Now, if each one of your—your cells in your body, let’s take it down now, you come cell after cell, cell after cell, and lay it apart here on the platform, after each cell in your body, you’ll come down to one little tiny germ where you began, can’t be seen with the natural eye. You have to look under scope glasses. I’ve seen the germ of life under a microscope. It looks like a little bitty thread. And the first thing starts is right in the spine, it’s like a little knot. That’s the first little cell accumulates on top of a cell.
E-45 Мен Сенинг камтар қулинг сифатида, бошқа хизматчилар билан бирга туриш учун, ҳамда Худо бизнинг юракларимизни бу касал одамларга мойил қилиши учун ибодат қилишга бораяпман. Бизлар буни Исо Исми ҳақи сўраймиз. Омин.
E-45 Now, if I had to take that one single little cell that everyone of you come from, one little teeny cell, germ…What is a germ? A germ is a little teeny, the smallest of cell. Well, what’s after that? Now, I’ve took you down from every piece of you, down to this one little cell, and I haven’t found you yet. I just got your cells laid out. Well, then, next thing, blood cells, and flesh cells, and whatever they are, laying them all out here, but I haven’t got you yet. Now, I’m down to one germ now. Well, I’m going to take that little cell apart. Now, where you at? Your life. And the life makes the first cell, which is a germ, then everything after its nature; dog after dog, bird after bird, man after man. Developing cells, cell on cell, cell on cell, comes up to where you are, human being, developing of cells. Now, that was ordained of God to be so.
E-46 Кимдир бинода Эстел Билер ака борлигини айтди. Менимча, бу ерда бугун эрталаб ибодат қилган яна бир хизматчи бор. Биз шу хизматчиларни ҳаммасини, илтимос қилардикки, улар ким бўлмасин, сизлар бу ёққа келсангизлар ва биз билан мана меҳроб олдида бир дақиқага турсангизлар. Мархамат, биродарлар! Хизматдагилар ҳам... Бен ака, раҳмат. Шу одамлар билан ибодат қилиш, уларга қўлларимизни қўйиш учун келинглар, бу ерда, меҳроб яқинида туринглар.
E-46 But, now, what about a cancer? Let’s talk of him a little bit. Now, God gave you your life. And say, here you are today, here I am, there’s—there’s nothing on my hand, but there might be a cancer on my hand sometime. Well, how did that cancer get there? Let’s see what that cancer is, now let’s take him apart, let’s go take him. Now, he’s a bunch of cells, too. Did you know that? Tumor, cataract, any of those things are cells. They don’t have no form. Some of them spreads out, and some look like a spider, and some looks…run streaks, a red cancer, just like long red threads that runs through in the…And then there’s a rose cancer which usually comes on the breast of a woman, it’s like pancakes laying on one another, and then they go spraddling out. And they just grow anywhere.
E-47 Мана шундай, мана шу қўшиқ айтилар экан, хизматчилар, ҳар бирингиз касалларга қўл қўйишлари учун, ўзларининг жойларини эгаллайдилар.
E-47 Sometimes tumors are lopsided, this way, long, oblong, and everything. They have no form, because they’re after a spirit which has no form. But it’s a developing of cells. It’s a bunch of cells that, say, in you right now is a tumor or a cancer, it’s developing cells, growing, growing, growing. It’s eating, sucking your life from you. It’s living on the bloodstream. Cataracts takes the mucus of the eye and grows right over it, covers hisself over, shut your eyes off. Some of them comes and never gets…like tubercular, that comes just in little small germ. There’s nothing to the size of it. The same size germ makes an elephant, makes a—a chigger. See? Nothing to the size of the germ.
E-48 Келинг, тасаввур қилайлик: мана, тоғдан тушиб келаяпти... мен бошқа одамлардан ҳеч ҳам фарқ қилмайдиган бир Одамни тушиб келаётганини кўряпман. У оддийгина одатдагидай Одам, гавдаси унча катта бўлмаган, озғин. Агар биз Унинг нигоҳига қарасак, Унинг кўзлари пастда, водийда содир бўлаётган манзарага қаралган. У ерда Унинг ҳаворийлари бор эди. Уларни орасида бир бола бўлиб, унинг тутқаноғи бор эди, шубҳасизки, улар: “Раббий, уни шифола! Уни шифола!” – деяётган эдилар.
E-48 And some of them takes body form, some never does. And some never goes into cells. Some become spirit, torments the soul. We’ll try to get that part, I’ll leave that part for tomorrow afternoon, if I can, where that soul-spirit comes, and how down under here.
E-49 Аммо, кўряпсиз, шунчаки: “Уни шифола, Раббий, уни шифола”, – дейиш, бу ҳеч нарса бермайди. Чиндан ҳам, бундан ҳеч нарса чиқмайди. Мана шу: “Шифола, Раббий, шифола”нинг ортида нимадир туриши керак. Тушуняпсизми? Шунда мен агар сизда бунга ишонч уйғатолсам ва бунга бутун юрагингиз билан ишонсангиз, унда сиз шифоланасиз – агар сиз ҳақиқатдан ҳам бунинг асл маъносини кўришингиз учун шундай қилсам мен.
E-49 And now, friends, I’m not telling this from some kind of a psychology. I have dealt with demons for years, and you know that. If you only knew the thing, after the services is over at night, what goes on sometime. You don’t know. Remember, when you come against a spirit, you better know what you’re speaking about. Just don’t stand there and carry on, ’cause it ain’t going to do any good. But when actually a demon has to obey you, he’ll recognize it. It ain’t how loud you holler, it ain’t how much oil you put on. It’s what’s back here that he’ll recognize, the Truth. Jesus just said to him, “Come out.”
E-50 Энди қаранг, ўша шогирдлар ўша ерда турганларида, мумкин, уни силкитгандирлар, мумкин, уни қаттиқроқ туртгандирлар. “Ишон бунга, ука! Бунга ишон! Ҳаллелуйя! Ишон бунга! Раббий, уни шифола! Шифола уни!” Аммо ёвуз руҳ кетмади-кетмади, чунки у ерда уни кетишга мажбур қиладиган етарлича имонни кўрмади.
E-50 Remember, the disciples had been kicking and twisting, and trying to cast him out, and everything. They said, “Why couldn’t we cast him out?”
Said, “Because, your unbelief.”
E-51 Лекин мана, У тоғдан тушиб келоқда. Ўша ёвуз руҳ бу Одамни қолганлардан нимаси биландир фарқ қилишини билиши билан... Тушуняпсизми?
E-51 Said, “Come out of him.” The boy fell and had the hardest fit he ever had. See? See? They recognize authority.
E-52 Бизлар айнан Раббий Исога ўхшаган одамлар бўлишни истаймиз. Ҳа. Шунчаки ўзини кўрсатиш учун келиш эмас, балки Худовандни севиб, бизга бу ишларни қилиш топширилганини билган ҳолда келишимиз керак. Бу бизнинг бурчимиз.
E-52 Look at those boys down there, those vagabonds who seen Paul casting out devils. They said, “We can do the same thing,” some priest’s sons. So they go down and say, “We can cast out devils.” Acts 19. They went down to a man had epileptic fits, and said, “We adjure you, by Jesus. Come out of him…” The devil said, “Now…” “…in the Name of Jesus, who Paul preaches!”
E-53 Шунда улар бу отага бордилар. Мен ўйлайман, бу қўшиқни айнан шу ердан олиб ёзганлар, Сўздан ижод қилгандар. Ўша ота: “Ҳазрат, менинг ўғлимга раҳминг келсин, чунки уни ёвуз руҳ қаттиқ қийнаяпти”, – деди. “Мен уни Сенинг шогирдларингга олиб келдим, аммо улар уни тузатишолмади. Лекин мен...мен ўйладим...”, – деди у.
E-53 The devil said, “Now, I know Jesus and I know Paul, but who are you?” You know what happened. Jumped on the man, tore their clothes, and they had the fits themself, and run out into the street.
E-54 “Мен шифолай оламан, агар сен ишонсанг. Мен Ўз ичимда Қудратга эгаман, – деди У, – шундай қилишга, агар сен бунга ишона олсанг эди”.
E-54 Them same demons live today, so there is a lot of fanaticism. This is the church, this evening. There’s a lot of fanaticism in the land today, called Divine healing, that ought to be shut up. That’s what brings reproach upon the real Cause. That’s why you have such a hard struggle. There’s a lot of stuff called religion, today, that ought to be shut up. [Blank spot on tape—Ed.] Nothing but cults! That’s what makes the true Church of God have such a hard struggle with it. But we’re America, see, that’s the way to be. God says the wheat and creepers and briars growed together. Don’t try to pluck them up. Let them grow together, but by their fruits you know them. There’s no fruits, why, there’s no Life, there’s nothing there.
E-55 Наҳотки Худо ўша ракдан бўғилган, бугун эрталаб мана бу ерда ўтирган, ракдан, лейкамиядан, касаллик, дарддан тўшакка михланган ўшаларни, наҳотки Худо уларни шифолайди-да, сизнинг эса ёнингиздан ўтиб кетади? Ҳеч ҳам бундай эмас. Йўқ. Тушуняпсизми? У панд бермайди. “Агар сен ишонсанг, шифолай оламан”. Нима деди У?
Чунки Худога ҳамма насрани имкони бор,
Ишон, фақат...
Хўш, Тайлер ака, кел...?...
Энди, фақат ишон, фақат
Ишон, ишон, фақат ишон,
E-55 Now, watch this cell. Let’s say, for instance, like lot of time, the red cancer usually hits in the womb of a woman, female bruises and so forth. Now that, let’s take that, that fellow down now, on his cell, this—this cancer. Now a cancer…
E-56 Шундай қилиб, мен ибодат қилган пайтимда, сизларни одамларга қўл қўйишингизни истайман. Улар нимага муҳтож бўлмасин, уларни имон билан дуо қилиб ўтказиб юборинглар.
E-56 Everything in the natural types the spiritual. Are you aware of that? Everything in the natural types the spiritual, regardless.
E-57 Невилл ака, сен ёғ суртгин, акалар эса...
E-57 For instance, like this, when—when we’re born in the Body of Christ, there’s three elements it takes to bring our Birth. And that’s the three elements that came out of the life of Christ when He died. There come from His body, water, Blood, Spirit. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Right.”—Ed.] Three elements, that’s the elements we go through when we’re born again: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit. Now, that can all be in one act. But it takes…But you can be in a justified state without being sanctified. You can believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and still carry your filth with you. But you can absolutely live in a both justified and a clean holy life, and without the Holy Ghost. See, the Bible, First John 5:7, said, “There are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and…Father, Word, and Holy Ghost,” which was the Son, “and these three are one. And there’s three that bear record in earth, the water, Blood, and Spirit, and they agree in one.” Not one, but agree in one. You can’t have the Father without having the Son; you can’t have the Son without having the Holy Ghost, for they are inseparable, one. The trinity is in a one.
E-58 Ҳозир мен ҳаммаларингизни бошларингизни эгишларингизни хоҳлайман. Ҳаммангиз ибодатга чўминглар.
Ишон, фа-...
E-58 I don’t hear it around here, but you hear a lot across the country, one of the greatest things in the Pentecostal groups, is a mixup in that one simple thing. And I’ve had their heads right together and prove to them they both believe the same thing. It’s the devil between them, that’s all. If that great Pentecostal church would u-…throw down them little, old traditions and unite themselves together in one blessed Church of God, the Rapture would come. But as long as Satan can keep them broke up, all right. That’s his way of doing it. And they absolutely believe the same thing.
One say, “Well, this is That.”
E-59 Раббий, раҳм-шафқат қил, Исо Масиҳ Исми орқали шу одамларни шифолашингни сўрайман. Омин.
Носиралик Исо Исмидан...?...
E-59 I said, “Well, if this is That, then That’s this.” So there you are. So, it’s all the same thing. But there you are, in that triune trinity of God. Now, now, God in His oneness. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now, we don’t say “our gods,” as heathens. It’s “our God.” See? It’s the threefold Being of God.
E-60 [Бранхам ака ҳамда хизматчилар ибодат қиладилар ва касалларга қўл қўядилар, бу пайтда Невилл ака уларга ёғ суради. Тасмада бўш жой.—Таҳр.]
E-60 Now notice, now, Satan is in a trinity also. And his powers are in trinity.
E-61 Навбатда шундай кўп одам, уларнинг бу воқеага муносабатларини кўриш учун уларни кузатаяпман. Тушуняпсизми? Шундай нарса бор – иш, ҳаракт, улар турдилар ва олдинга ўтдилар. Улар қилган ишларига қандай муносабатда бўлганлари – бу бошқа гап. Улар мана бу ерга, улар учун ибодат қилганларида шифоланишларига ишонган ҳолда келганларида, шунда уларни ўзлари қилган ишларига муносабатларини кузатинг.
E-61 Now, but notice then when the water, Blood and Spirit produces the new Birth. Is that right? Now watch. That’s what represents the new Birth. What represents the natural birth before the new Birth come? When…You mothers, when a baby is born, what’s the first thing? Water. Next, blood. Next, see, that makes the life, see, makes the person. Water, blood, spirit.
E-62 Шундай қилиб, ишонаманки, пасторимиз биз учун бугун ваъз тайёрлаган.
E-62 Now, a cancer, let’s deal on him for our next. We got about five minutes left, I guess. About the next five minutes, let’s deal on cancer. What is that fellow? What does he represent? He’s a scavenger. He represents the vulture, eats dead things. And a cancer comes from a bruise, mostly, where a cell has been hit and it—it breaks up. And a little cell in there becomes backslid. Oh, that’s a big word for a Baptist, ain’t it? All right, but it backslides, that cell. I’m a Baptist that believes in backsliding.
E-63 Мен бир нарсани тушунтирмоқчи эдим. Мен мана бу ерда алтарда турган католик қизни кўриб қолдим. Бир неча кунлар аввал у эри билан менинг уйимда бўлган эди. Мен эса аввалроқ унинг эри билан таниш эдим. Шундай – ўшанда, биз бирга ўтириб шахсан суҳбатлашган вақтда, ҳар вақтдагидан бошқача нимадир содир бўлди.
E-63 Someone said, down here in an Arkansas meeting the other day, said, “Brother Branham,” said…It was a fellow Nazarene. He had been healed. He had his…Go walking right over town, with his crutches on his shoulder. He said, “You know what?” Said, “When I first come here,” said, “I—I thought you…heard you preach, I thought you was a Nazarene.” He said, “Then I seen the most the people are Pentecostal, and somebody told me you were Pentecostal. And now you say you’re a Baptist.” Said, “I don’t get it.”
E-64 Айнан ўша ерда бизда ваҳий бўлган эди. Одатда менда бу айнан шу ерда черковда бўлар, аммо энди, бу эрталаб бўлди ва шу кабилар.
E-64 I said, “Oh, that’s easy.” I said, “I’m a Pentecostal Nazarene Baptist.” So that’s—that’s right. All right. No, we are one in Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit making us one. That’s right.
E-65 Мен унга айтарли ҳеч қандай гап гапирмадим, чунки у – қиз бола, иккинчидан, доим католик черкови бўйича юрар ва шунга ўхшашлар. Лекин у ўзини онаси тўғрисида гапира бошлади. Ва шу вақт мен унинг онаси ҳақида ваҳий кўрдим. Унга унинг онасининг қанақа муаммоси бўлганини айтдим ва уни тасвирлаб бердим ва уни онаси қандай кўринар эди, ҳаммасини. Албатта, бу тўғри эдими ёки йўқми, унинг иши. Мен ҳеч қачон, умримда уни онасини кўрмаганман. У қиз буни билади.
E-65 Now, notice, this little cell backslides when it’s bruised. It begins little. Other little germs run forth to give its lives in there. And that’s what pus comes in a sore. That’s teeny little soldiers fighting for your life. They run up there and—and hit that poison, them demon powers that’s try—trying to collect in there, and give their lives. That’s what’s make…That’s…They’re a bunch of little dead soldiers, that pus that’s in your blood…that’s in a—in a sore, that give their life to save yours.
E-66 Мана бугун эрталаб шу қиз бу ёққа келди ва эътиқод қилиш ва Масиҳни ўзининг Нажоткори деб қабул қилиш учун, алтарда турди. У бугун эрталаб алтарда шундай қилди.
E-66 Now, once a little cell rejects in there and this demon gets started, he starts growing, he begins to multiply cells. He’s building a body just exactly like your babies begin in your womb, and like you did in your mother. Cell on top of cell, cell on top of cell, cell, any way, any where; just, they have no form of nothing like a human being, after its nature. It’s just out of a spirit. It just grows any way, and will begin cell on top of cell, cell on top of cell.
E-67 Невилл ака, билмаган ҳолда унга ёғ суркади. Қандай – Худо қандай ҳаракат қиляпти! Унга касаллар учун дейилган ёғни суркади. Аммо Муқаддас Руҳнинг ҳаракатини кузатиб туринг. Шундай қилиб, унга ёғ суркалган экан, аслида эса касал эмас, лекин ёғ суркалган. Кўряпсизми, ҳаммаси керак бўлгандай юз берди? Ҳозир у, Христиан қиз бўлганидан кейин (бизнинг тушунишимизда), Христиан қиздай турди. Шундай қилиб, у: “Илтимос, мени онам учун ибодат қилинглар! У касал!” – деди. Бу худди ўша аёл. Шундай қилиб, ёғ ўз вақтида суркалган эди. Бу қанчалар муносиб деб ўйладим, тушуняпсизми, кимдир ҳозиргина қутқарилган эди. Масиҳ бизларнинг ҳаммамиз учун турган эди. У ҳамма учун турибди. Ва мана шу қиз Христиан бўлиши билан, унда у ҳам ким учундир туришни хоҳлаб, бу билан, қачонки биз ҳақиқатдан ҳам қутқарилган бўлсак, бизларга Масиҳнинг Руҳи киришини кўрсатди. Шундай қилиб, бу жуда яхши. Мен – мен буни албатта қадрлайман, бу имоннинг ажойиб Христиан руҳи. Мана, фақат эсингизда бўлсин.
E-67 And now, first thing you know, you’ll begin to get weak and feel sick. You go to the doctor and he’ll examine you. Maybe he can’t find it. If he does, maybe he’ll cut it. If he can cut it clear, all right, he’s got it. But if he can’t cut it clear, then if it’s in the throat or somewhere where it can’t be cut clear, one little speck of it will live right on. See, because it has not like you’d cut your hand off and settle it, or anything, or you cut off…What I mean, if you’d cut the main body off, and leave your hand there, why, it wouldn’t live. But—but, see, that has not the form of life like you have. It’s a demon power a moving.
E-68 Шундай қилиб, мана шу ёш хонимга, у қаердадир шу ерда ва яна бир бу ёқдан ўтган католик хонимга мурожаат қилаяпман. Мен хизматни пасторимиз Невилл акага узатишдан олдин, мана шу сўзларни айтишни хоҳлар эдим, тушуняпсизми, мана нима. [Невилл ака: “Омин” – деди.—Таҳр.]
E-68 And now notice, you call them, the doctor calls it, a “cancer.” God calls it a “devil.” Look at today. They just get it…Where did the word cancer come from? It comes from the…from a Latin word which is used in medical terms, meaning a “crab,” a crab that you see along the seashore, has got all them legs. That’s the way that—that it does, it reaches out, spreads out. The word cancer is crab. And it gets in and just keeps taking a hold and sucking blood as it goes, like the octopus or something. Why, a tumor, cataract, and other diseases, every one of them comes from a germ, and that germ has to be a body. And before it can be a body, it has to be a life. Before it can create or—or germitize and make more cells, it has to be a life. That correct? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Now, where did that cancer come from? Who, where did that come from? It wasn’t on you here sometime ago, but now maybe it’s on you. Where did it come from? It’s another life different from your life, living in you. And it’s a tormenting, sapping your life. That’s the reason Jesus called her “a devil.”
E-69 Хуллас, қачонлардир католиклар черкови мана шу черковдай эди. Агар биз ишонадиган Инжилингизни ўқисангиз... Биласизми, католик Черкови биринчи Черков эди. Бу ҳақиқат. Аммо у Ўзининг Таълимотидан чекинди. Мана Бу католик Черковининг таълимоти эди. Лекин сиз кўряпсиз, уларда олти юз нечтадир бошқа китоблари бор, қайсики уларни рим папалари ва бошқалар ёзган, қайсики улар учун худди шу Калом каби муқаддас.
E-69 They call epilepsy today, they say, “epilepsy.” Why, epilepsy, in the Bible, Jesus called it “a devil.” When the man come with the boy that fell on the ground, and frothed at the mouth, and everything, he said, “He has a devil, and oft time he throws him in the fire, in the water.”
E-70 Шунинг учун, тушуняпсизми, гап шундаки, сизлар ўзгармадингизлар, аслида сиз фақат имонга кирдингиз холос. Тушуняпсизми? Шундай қилиб, агар сиз олсангиз... Шубҳасиз, мен ўйлайман, бўлиши мумкин, бугун сизлардан баъзиларингиз... Бугун эрталаб бу иккиси аёллар эди. Мумкин, бу ерда католик акалар ўтиргандир.
E-70 Now they polished his name up and called it epilepsy, but he’s a devil. And Jesus said, “Thou devil, come out of the child!” Exactly. Now, epilepsy is usually caused from a kidney trouble. Maybe you get into that a little later. See? It causes an epilepsy, from uremic.
E-71 Агар сиз черков тарихига қайтсангиз, агар сиз ўзингизни руҳонийингиздан: “Мана шу Муқаддас Китобдаги ҳаворийлар фаолиятида, у ерда шундай бўлганмиди, қандай... Мана шулар биринчи католиклар эдиларми?” – деб сўраб билсангиз. “Ҳа” – дейди у. Ва бу тўғри ҳам. Бу шундай бўлган эди... Қаранглар, уларнинг дини қанақа бўлган эди. Улар камбағал, оддий жойларда йиғилгандилар. Улар ҳеч қачон: “Марияни олқишлаймиз” ёки “Бизни отахонни” – демаганлар. Бу черковнинг урф-одати. Улар нима дердилар? Улар Худони улуғладилар. Улар қичқирар эдилар. Улар йиғлардилар.
E-71 Now, notice in this, then that cell sits there, it’s a devil. He’s building a life; he’s growing, becoming greater and greater. He’s got one duty to do, that’s, take your life. That’s what devil sent him for, to cut your days short of threescore and ten.
E-72 Бу ёққа, Ҳаворийларга 2га қаранг, қачонки муқаддас Ҳаворий Бутрус, Ёқуб ва Юҳанно ва бошқаларнинг ҳаммаси бирга эдилар. Муқаддас Китоб уларни ўзга тилларда гапирганларини айтади. Шунда улар қичқирар эдилар, ҳатто ўзларини шундай тутдиларки, шундай Руҳга тўлдиларки, ўзларини худди маст одамдай тутдилар ва ҳатто шундай бўлдики, ташқи дунё: “Уларни ҳаммаси маст эмасми?” – деган эди.
E-72 Now, I salute every doctor. Yes, sir. Every medical science, God bless them for the help that they’ve done for people. That’s correctly. What would you do in the world today without it? I thank God for medical science. I thank God for my automobile. If God hadn’t let science make me an automobile, I’d have a hard time walking up here. For electric lights, and for soap to wash my hands with, and toothpaste to scrub my teeth with, certainly. I thank Him for everything, because all good things come from God.
E-73 Мана шунда Бутрус, муқаддас ҳаворий, Муқаддас Бутрус, у турган вақти, у: “Эй, барча яҳудийлар ва Қуддусда яшовчилар, бу одамлар сиз ўйлагандек маст эмаслар, лекин улар Руҳга тўлдилар”, – деди. Ва – ва Инжил ҳам шундай бўлган эди, дейди. Шундай қилиб, уларнинг таълимотига кўра бу энг бошдаги католик черкови эди.
E-73 But let me tell you, there’s not one speck of medicine ever did cure any sickness. And there’s not one doctor, not ’less he’s some quack, but a real doctor will tell you that they do not claim to be healers. Right at Mayo Brothers, many of you…I been interviewed there, two or three times. Of patients that come from there, incurable…You read the Reader’s Digest, the November issue? How many read the November issue, that article of mine in there, on Reader’s Digest? See? And they had me up there, the interview of baby they had give up. Said, “It couldn’t be done.” But the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me how it would be done, and it was done. All right. Now, they called me up there. And right up over the door where Jimmy and them, Mayo used to be there, there’s a great big sign said, “We do not profess to be healers. We only profess to assist nature. There’s one Healer, that is God.” They’re the best in the world. Now, we have a few quacks, yes. That’s right. We have some quack preachers, too. All right. So, that goes on both sides.
E-74 Мана, кўряпсиз, қандайдир икки юз йил ўтиб, черковга аслзодалар, оқсуяклар кела бошлади. Шунда улар нима қилдилар? Улар эрамизнинг 606 йилида Никей Кенгашида биринчи ташкилотни туздилар. Улар ўзларининг... туздилар. Римда, Никейда, Никей Кенгаши ўтказганларида, улар барча оқсуяк амалдорларни олиб кела бошладилар ва улар энди черков ташкил қилдилар, черков туздилар.
E-74 Notice, but any man that claims that he’s a healer, he’s a storyteller, ’cause he can’t do it. For the Bible said, “I’m the Lord Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.”
E-75 Шундан кейин черков тўрт ёки беш марта бўлиниб кетди. Шундан кейин улар епископ пайдо бўлди, епископдан кейин эса рим папасига ўтдилар. Ана ўша ёқдан грек православияси (христиан дини мазҳабларидан бири.—Тарж.) ва бошқалари келиб чиққан, токи улар черковни бугун кўриб турганингиздаги бўлинишларга олиб келишдилар — Унда ҳар турли бўлинишлар бор.
E-75 I’ve been to studies. And in my room, the…some of the best of doctors across the nations has come. You don’t know the back of the life, friend, to know what’s been, and things I don’t tell out in public. Men come secretly. And don’t you think there ain’t a lot of Nicodemuses yet in the world; it sure is, thousands of them. They look on that and come in the meeting. Sit there with a T-shirt on, something another like that, with polished names that you’d be surprised, sit right in the meeting. In a few days slip around and call in by secretly, and send someone in for an interview. And say right now, say, “Brother Branham, I believe That’s the Truth.” They’re human just same as we are. Sure. And every man is desiring to look beyond that dark veil yonder he has to go through someday.
E-76 Лекин биз нима қилишга уринаяпмиз, католик-дўстим... Тушунасизларми, бизлар ҳам католиклармиз, бизлар аввалги, биринчи католиклармиз. Ҳозир эса бизни, асосан, черков деб, биз ҳақимизда элликчиларга бўлгандек гапирадилар, чунки бизлар элликчилар дуои-баракаларига ишонамиз.
E-76 But them cancers and these things are absolutely devils enformed in a body of flesh, moving up, taking your life.
E-77 Мана нимадан ташкиллашган эди бу католик черкови. Мана бугун бизларнинг Элликчилар ташкилотларида, агар – борди-ю бу дунё яна беш юз йил турганида эди, унда мана шу элликчилар ташкилотлари бугунги кундаги рим-католик черковидан ҳам кўпроқ формал, расмиятчи, юзаки бўлиб кетар эди. Бу черков ҳам борган сари худди шу зайлда узоқлашгандан узоқлашмоқда. Ва улар ташкиллашаверганларида, улар бундан мажлислар қиладилар. Шунда улар имонга кирмаган аъзолари билан тўлган мажлис жойлари бўладилар.
E-77 Now, if I would do like the doctor, if I could cut it off, lay it on the ground…Or, just like, say, for instance, you was a cancer, yourself, on this earth. Now, here is Divine healing. If I wanted to get rid of you in the way of a doctor’s way, I’d just keep…have to rub your body, or something another, till it just all vanished off the earth. There wouldn’t be no more of it, just like the doctor takes the growth off of you. But in the form of Divine healing, if you was a cancer, I’d just call your life out of you, and you’d go on. Your life would leave you, but your body would be here just the same as it was.
E-78 Мен сизларга, қадрдон, азиз ака-опаларимга, ҳаммангизга мурожаат қилаяпман. Худонинг хизматкори сифатида... Мен дунёда буни ҳали ҳеч қачон гапирмаган эдим...бу черковда. Лекин Раббийнинг пайғамбари сифатида мен сизга айтаман: “Бу Нурдир, Унда юринглар”. [Йиғилиш қувонади ва “Омин” – дейди.—Таҳр.]
E-78 Now, there’s where sight and time is God’s worst enemy in Divine healing. I don’t know whether Brother Baxter ever gets to these things in the meeting. I sit down, explained it to him and Brother Bosworth, over and over. But here’s what’s happened. I doubt whether many of the people get it, because, after a while, you begin to find the people coming back, saying, “I had my healing, Brother Branham, for two or three days, but, bless God, it—it left me.” And I find it, and I think it’s because they don’t set the meeting right. The people don’t understand. I’ve had men to come to the platform and be totally blind, cancers, or cataracts over their eyes, and read this Bible after being prayed for, walk down; in three or four days be just as blind as they was in the first place. What happened? Anyone knows that when the life has gone out of any flesh, it shrinks for a while. Is that right?