Evrei, Capitolul Unu
Hebrews Chapter One
Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A.
E-1 Şi pentru a da un-un pic de... Cred că nu este nimic mai bun, pentru mine, decât doar Cuvântul. "Credinţa vine în urma auzirii, iar auzirea vine prin Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu."
E-1 A... to give a--a little. I think there's nothing better to me than just the Word. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the Word of God.
On Wednesdays and maybe on Sundays (one of the services of Sunday), giving the pastor just a little rest, which he's very deserving of it, and I thought maybe we'd just take a Book in the Bible. We used to do that and sometimes stay a year on it.
I remember one time we stayed a solid year on the Book of Revelations. But, oh, my, the things that we learned, and how wonderful it was. Then we went back and got the Book of Daniel, or the Book of Genesis, or Exodus, and just take it chapter by chapter, and it just ties the entire Bible together. Oh, I just love that.
On Wednesdays and maybe on Sundays (one of the services of Sunday), giving the pastor just a little rest, which he's very deserving of it, and I thought maybe we'd just take a Book in the Bible. We used to do that and sometimes stay a year on it.
I remember one time we stayed a solid year on the Book of Revelations. But, oh, my, the things that we learned, and how wonderful it was. Then we went back and got the Book of Daniel, or the Book of Genesis, or Exodus, and just take it chapter by chapter, and it just ties the entire Bible together. Oh, I just love that.
E-2 Miercurea, şi poate duminica, unul dintre serviciile de duminică, dându-i pastorului doar un pic de odihnă, care o merită din plin, şi m-am gândit că poate am putea lua o Carte din Biblie. Obişnuiam să facem asta, şi uneori ne opream un an asupra acesteia.
E-4 A little later on, we'll have to get the... If the Lord continues to bless and we go on, we'll get into some real deep things in here, real deep. And we'll just go from place to place through the Scripture with it.
And I like to make Scripture compare with Scripture. That's the way it must be. It's just one great beautiful picture. And in this Book that we're studying, we're going to get in, oh, salvation, and Divine healing, and miracles, and mercies, and... Oh, everything comes in here.
And maybe when I get to a place where I'm--have to get to the meetings... I never know just when I'm going to be to a meeting, called to a meeting, because I don't have anything set until I just feel led to do a certain thing. And that may be... Before in the morning, I may fly to California, up to Maine or somewhere, just where He would call me. That's the reason I don't set great, long itineraries, because I can't do that. My ministry's not cut out that way, and it's just different.
And I like to make Scripture compare with Scripture. That's the way it must be. It's just one great beautiful picture. And in this Book that we're studying, we're going to get in, oh, salvation, and Divine healing, and miracles, and mercies, and... Oh, everything comes in here.
And maybe when I get to a place where I'm--have to get to the meetings... I never know just when I'm going to be to a meeting, called to a meeting, because I don't have anything set until I just feel led to do a certain thing. And that may be... Before in the morning, I may fly to California, up to Maine or somewhere, just where He would call me. That's the reason I don't set great, long itineraries, because I can't do that. My ministry's not cut out that way, and it's just different.
E-3 Îmi amintesc că o dată am stat un an întreg la Cartea Apocalipsei. Dar, o, Doamne, câte lucruri am învăţat şi cât de minunat a fost! Apoi ne-am întors şi am luat Cartea lui Daniel, sau Cartea Genezei, sau Exodul, o luam, capitol cu capitol, şi doar leagă întreaga Biblie împreună. Oh, îmi place asta!
E-7 And now, I come home just for a little rest. I lost twenty pounds in this last meeting. And Brother Mercier and Brother Goad was up awhile ago and said, "Brother Branham, I notice what you do, you put your whole heart into it."
I said, "That's the only way you can do a right kind of a job for the Lord, is put everything you've got right to the forefront for Christ: all your strength, all your soul, all your heart, all your mind, everything that you got." When you're doing anything, do it right or don't do it at all. See? Just leave it alone. If you're going to be a Christian, put everything that you've got to Christ. That's your time, your talent, your everything.
I was just noticing this young fellow. That's your wife, Brother Burns, isn't it? Playing and singing there, that young couple, and--and it isn't a piano; neither is it an organ, but it's some kind of a instrument, they make a--strum it and pick it and do something for the Lord. If you could do that and sing and that's... Win souls. Do something, no matter if--if you can whistle, why, whistle. Just do something, just to testify or do something for the Kingdom of God. Whatever you got, put it to the use in God's service.
I said, "That's the only way you can do a right kind of a job for the Lord, is put everything you've got right to the forefront for Christ: all your strength, all your soul, all your heart, all your mind, everything that you got." When you're doing anything, do it right or don't do it at all. See? Just leave it alone. If you're going to be a Christian, put everything that you've got to Christ. That's your time, your talent, your everything.
I was just noticing this young fellow. That's your wife, Brother Burns, isn't it? Playing and singing there, that young couple, and--and it isn't a piano; neither is it an organ, but it's some kind of a instrument, they make a--strum it and pick it and do something for the Lord. If you could do that and sing and that's... Win souls. Do something, no matter if--if you can whistle, why, whistle. Just do something, just to testify or do something for the Kingdom of God. Whatever you got, put it to the use in God's service.
E-4 Puţin mai târziu, va trebui să luăm... Dacă Domnul continuă să binecuvânteze şi mergem mai departe, vom intra în nişte lucruri foarte profunde aici, foarte profunde. Şi vom merge din loc în loc, prin Scriptură, cu asta.
E-10 Now, we're not going to try to stay very long, because I know you work, and you got to get up early, and... I'm going squirrel hunting every morning. I'm just telling you the truth; that's what I'm doing. That's what I come home for, is to rest a little. And so I'm getting up about four o'clock and going out in the woods, and well, hunt a little bit and go to sleep. And I'm gaining some of that weight back, so I'll get rested up after while, if the Lord willing. And everything's fine.
All right now, we're going to turn in your Bibles... I want you to bring your Bibles each night that you--as you can. If somebody lacks a few, would somebody want to follow along with the readings, we got some here, we'd have the--some of the ushers to pass them out. Anybody want one? Well, just raise your hand. A..
All right now, we're going to turn in your Bibles... I want you to bring your Bibles each night that you--as you can. If somebody lacks a few, would somebody want to follow along with the readings, we got some here, we'd have the--some of the ushers to pass them out. Anybody want one? Well, just raise your hand. A..
E-5 Şi îmi place să fac ca Scriptura să se compare cu Scriptura. Aşa trebuie să fie. Este doar un tablou mare şi frumos. Şi în această Carte pe care o studiem, vom intra, oh, în mântuire, şi în vindecarea Divină, şi în miracole, şi în îndurări. Şi, oh, totul intră aici.
E-12 Wonder if Brother... Doc, come here and get these Bibles. You're standing close there and Brother Burns. Is that right: Burns? I heard him say... What? Conrad. I called him... I'm getting kinda hard of hearing maybe, Brother Neville. How did I ever get the name of Burns? I know the man's face, and I just can't--couldn't call his name.
And you know, as you get a little older, I find out one thing, it's harder for me to read this Bible. And I just hate to think of having to wear glasses to read the Bible.
But here not long ago I thought I was going blind. And I went over to see Sam. And Sam said, "Bill, I don't know." Said, "I'll just get you an appointment with some specialist."
And you know, as you get a little older, I find out one thing, it's harder for me to read this Bible. And I just hate to think of having to wear glasses to read the Bible.
But here not long ago I thought I was going blind. And I went over to see Sam. And Sam said, "Bill, I don't know." Said, "I'll just get you an appointment with some specialist."
E-6 Si poate că atunci când ajung într-un loc în care trebuie să merg la adunări... nu ştiu niciodată exact când voi fi la o adunare, chemat la o adunare, pentru că nu am nimic stabilit până când nu mă simt chiar condus să fac un anumit lucru. Şi asta poate fi înainte de dimineaţă, pot zbura în California, până în Maine sau undeva, doar acolo unde El m-ar chema. Acesta este motivul pentru care nu stabilesc itinerarii mari şi lungi, pentru că nu pot face asta. Slujirea mea nu este făcută în acest fel şi este pur şi simplu diferită.
E-15 And I went to Louisville. And it must have been the will of the Lord, some famous specialist, I forget his name now. But he had read my book, and he said, "If you ever go back to Africa, I want to go with you." He said, "And if you... Them African people love you." And said, "They're very superstitious, especially with a knife, to go to cutting." so said, "I want to give six months of my life, for operations of cataracts and things through the--in missions." And said, "If we could go together and you could win favor of them like that..." Said, "Then if they had cataracts and eye works," said, "I'd just love to give it free of charge, six months of it." (And I forget how long you have to wait for a appointment with him.)
And we was setting in a little room and it had a little--little red light come on back there in a dark room. Why, I could read them letters it said twenty-twenty. I could read it either way. And he snapped it on fifteen-fifteen, and I could read it. And put it on ten-ten, and I could read it. He said, "Well, there's not much wrong with your eyes."
And we was setting in a little room and it had a little--little red light come on back there in a dark room. Why, I could read them letters it said twenty-twenty. I could read it either way. And he snapped it on fifteen-fifteen, and I could read it. And put it on ten-ten, and I could read it. He said, "Well, there's not much wrong with your eyes."
E-7 Şi acum mă întorc acasă doar pentru un pic de odihnă. Am slăbit douăzeci de pounds, la această ultimă adunare. Şi fratele Mercier şi fratele Goad erau acolo, mai devreme, şi au spus, "Frate Branham, am observat ce faci. Tu îţi pui toată inima în asta."
E-17 So he had a little telescope. He put a little gadget back there, a little thing... You know them old telescopes? How many remember them? We used to look through them and look at pictures? It's just like that. And he says, "Can you read that?" And I said, "Yes, sir." He said, "Read it for me."
And it had a, oh, a whole paragraph, about like that, and I started reading it, and he started pulling it up. I kept getting slower and slower, and he got about like this, I stopped. He said, "I can tell you one thing, you're past forty." I said, "Yup, that's right, a long ways past it."
He said, "How have you done it?" He said, "The human eye, naturally when you get forty years old, like your hair gets gray and so forth, the eyeball gets flat." Said, "Now, if you live long enough that'll come back again." He said, "That's second sight, they call it." But said, "A human being at about forty years old, they'll actually..." Said, "There's nothing wrong with their eyes."
I could--I can see a hair if it was laying on the floor, get it off from me... But get it close to me... And he said, "Now, you read your Bible"; said, "you push it away from you." Said, "After while, your arm's not going to be long enough. See? You ain't, can't get it out there far enough to get ahold of it."
And it had a, oh, a whole paragraph, about like that, and I started reading it, and he started pulling it up. I kept getting slower and slower, and he got about like this, I stopped. He said, "I can tell you one thing, you're past forty." I said, "Yup, that's right, a long ways past it."
He said, "How have you done it?" He said, "The human eye, naturally when you get forty years old, like your hair gets gray and so forth, the eyeball gets flat." Said, "Now, if you live long enough that'll come back again." He said, "That's second sight, they call it." But said, "A human being at about forty years old, they'll actually..." Said, "There's nothing wrong with their eyes."
I could--I can see a hair if it was laying on the floor, get it off from me... But get it close to me... And he said, "Now, you read your Bible"; said, "you push it away from you." Said, "After while, your arm's not going to be long enough. See? You ain't, can't get it out there far enough to get ahold of it."
E-8 Am spus, "Acesta-i singurul fel în care poţi face o slujbă bună pentru Domnul, este să pui tot ce ai în prima linie pentru Cristos; toată puterea ta, tot sufletul, toată inima, toată mintea, tot ce ai." Când faceţi ceva, faceţi-o cum trebuie sau nu o faceţi deloc, vedeţi, lasaţi-o aşa. Dacă aveţi de gând să fiţi creştini, puneţi tot ce aveţi pentru Cristos, adică, timpul vostru, talentul vostru, fiecare lucru al vostru.
E-21 And so, he made me a pair of glasses, and the bottom part you can--it's for reading. He said, "Now, in your pulpit..." He thought I was one of these here dignified preachers, you know. And so, said that--that you--the top part's just regular window glass, just regular glass. And the bottom part's got some kind of a grind in it that I can read it close, you know, like that. So I just hate to put them on; I do.
And now, in Bible teaching and... I've got the New Testament tonight. So it's... I got a Collins New Testament, and it's got good-sized print. But now, when I get back in the other one, I--I may have to go to them old buddies and--and kind of read through them. But whatever it is, I--I'm glad that I got something I--I can still read. And--and whatever I got, I'm going to give everybody--everything I can to the glory of God, hope that He'll take that age sign away. I can't ask Him to take my age away, I... You know, that's just one thing that we all got to do; we got to go through that. And I know I'm not a little boy like I used to be, standing here on the platform; I'm forty-eight years old. And just think, two more years to be fifty years old, Brother Mike.
My, can't hardly believe it. I just--I never knew that I was apast twenty till about two years ago. That's right. That's right. I just--I couldn't believe it. And yet I--I--it's hard for me to believe till I look in the glass, and then I--I know it is then. But--but just to be looking, I just feel just as good as I ever felt in my life, and I'm thankful for that too. Oh, praise be to God.
And now, in Bible teaching and... I've got the New Testament tonight. So it's... I got a Collins New Testament, and it's got good-sized print. But now, when I get back in the other one, I--I may have to go to them old buddies and--and kind of read through them. But whatever it is, I--I'm glad that I got something I--I can still read. And--and whatever I got, I'm going to give everybody--everything I can to the glory of God, hope that He'll take that age sign away. I can't ask Him to take my age away, I... You know, that's just one thing that we all got to do; we got to go through that. And I know I'm not a little boy like I used to be, standing here on the platform; I'm forty-eight years old. And just think, two more years to be fifty years old, Brother Mike.
My, can't hardly believe it. I just--I never knew that I was apast twenty till about two years ago. That's right. That's right. I just--I couldn't believe it. And yet I--I--it's hard for me to believe till I look in the glass, and then I--I know it is then. But--but just to be looking, I just feel just as good as I ever felt in my life, and I'm thankful for that too. Oh, praise be to God.
E-9 Îl observ chiar acum pe acest tânăr. Este soţia ta, frate Burns, nu-i aşa, care cântă la instrument şi cântă acolo, acel cuplu tânăr. Şi-şi nu este un pian, nici o orgă, dar este un fel de instrument, ei fac un zdrăngănit şi cântă la acesta, şi fac ceva pentru Domnul. Poate că aţi putea face asta, şi să cântaţi, asta este, să câştigaţi suflete. Faceţi ceva, nu contează. Dacă voi¬voi puteţi să fluieraţi, ei bine, fluieraţi. Doar faceţi ceva. Doar mărturisiţi sau faceţi ceva pentru Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu. Orice aveţi, puneţi în folosul slujbei lui Dumnezeu.
E-24 Now, we're studying the Book of the Hebrews. It's been... Oh, it's one of the most deepest, richest Books of the Bible. I tell you; it's a Book that really will... If God permits, and we just get down into this, I believe we'll find golden nuggets till we'll just shout the praises of God...?...
And now, I... The Book of Hebrews, really what It is, It's supposingly to be written by Saint Paul, the greatest Bible expositor, I guess, the world's ever had outside of our Lord Jesus Christ. And Paul was a-separating the... Now, Paul was a real Bible teacher; that is, the Old Testament. That's the only Book was written then that's called Bible. And he was trying to show to the Hebrews, separating the Old Testament and showing the Old Testament being a shadow or a type of the New.
And now, I... The Book of Hebrews, really what It is, It's supposingly to be written by Saint Paul, the greatest Bible expositor, I guess, the world's ever had outside of our Lord Jesus Christ. And Paul was a-separating the... Now, Paul was a real Bible teacher; that is, the Old Testament. That's the only Book was written then that's called Bible. And he was trying to show to the Hebrews, separating the Old Testament and showing the Old Testament being a shadow or a type of the New.
E-10 Acum, nu vom încerca să stăm prea mult, pentru că ştiu că lucraţi. Trebuie să vă treziţi devreme. Şi eu mă duc la vânătoare de veveriţe în fiecare dimineaţă. O să vă spun chiar adevărul. Asta fac. Pentru asta am venit acasă, ca să mă odihnesc puţin. Şi aşa că mă trezesc, pe la ora patru, şi mă duc în pădure şi, ei bine, vânez puţin şi mă culc. Şi pun înapoi câteva kilograme, aşa că mă voi odihni, după o vreme, dacă... Domnul vrea. Şi totul este bine.
E-26 Right there we could strike a home line and stay three months right there on that one thought right there. To go right back... If we could turn in our Bibles now... 'Course we're on Hebrews the 1st chapter. But if we'd turn to Revelations the 12th chapter, you'd see it perfectly again, how the shadow...
If you that's got your pencils and going to jot down the Scriptures... In Hebrew... In Revelations 11 we find out that John on the isle of Patmos saw a woman standing in the skies, and she had the sun at her head and the moon under her feet. And the woman was--and travailed with a child to be born. She brought forth a man child. The red dragon stood to devour the child as soon as it was born, and the--the child was caught up into heaven, and the woman fled into the wilderness where she was nourished for a time, time, and a half time, or a dividing of time.
If you that's got your pencils and going to jot down the Scriptures... In Hebrew... In Revelations 11 we find out that John on the isle of Patmos saw a woman standing in the skies, and she had the sun at her head and the moon under her feet. And the woman was--and travailed with a child to be born. She brought forth a man child. The red dragon stood to devour the child as soon as it was born, and the--the child was caught up into heaven, and the woman fled into the wilderness where she was nourished for a time, time, and a half time, or a dividing of time.
E-11 În regulă, acum, vom deschide în Bibliile voastre. Vreau să vă aduceţi Bibliile în fiecare seară, ca voi... cum puteţi. Dacă cuiva îi lipsesc câteva, dacă cineva ar vrea să urmărească lecturile, avem câteva aici, vom cere... la careva dintre uşieri să le împartă. Vrea cineva una? Ei bine, ridicaţi doar mâna.
E-28 Now, the woman represented the Church, and the Child that she brought forth was Christ. The moon under her feet was the law, the sun at her head was grace. Twelve stars in her crown was the twelve apostles. And there's where, at... what... The twelve apostles was the glory or the crowning of the New Testament. See? "For no other foundations can be laid than that which is already laid." See? It's the Foundation, the--the New Testament, the apostles, the doctrine of the apostles and so forth is the founding crown of the New Testament.
And then, at the... The moon is a shadow of the sun; the sun just reflects its light when its behind the earth. And the moon gives light to walk by at night. And what a beautiful picture we have here, another beautiful picture. The sun represents Christ; the--the moon represents the Church. They're just like husband and wife. And in the absence of Christ, the Church reflects the minor Light, the Gospel. And it--it's the Light to walk in until the Son rises again. Then the Church and the Son, the moon and the sun, blends together. See? The moon is a part of the sun, and the Church is a part of Christ. And while the absence of Christ, the Church reflects His Light. And then as sure as we can see the moon shining, it's knows the sun's shining somewhere. And as long as the Church is reflecting the Light of Christ, Christ is alive somewhere. Amen. Think of it.
And then, at the... The moon is a shadow of the sun; the sun just reflects its light when its behind the earth. And the moon gives light to walk by at night. And what a beautiful picture we have here, another beautiful picture. The sun represents Christ; the--the moon represents the Church. They're just like husband and wife. And in the absence of Christ, the Church reflects the minor Light, the Gospel. And it--it's the Light to walk in until the Son rises again. Then the Church and the Son, the moon and the sun, blends together. See? The moon is a part of the sun, and the Church is a part of Christ. And while the absence of Christ, the Church reflects His Light. And then as sure as we can see the moon shining, it's knows the sun's shining somewhere. And as long as the Church is reflecting the Light of Christ, Christ is alive somewhere. Amen. Think of it.
E-12 Mă întreb dacă fratele... Doc, vino aici şi ia aceste Biblii. Tu eşti acolo aproape, şi fratele Burns. Aşa este, Burns? L-am auzit spunând... [Fratele spune, "Conrad." – Ed.] Ce? ["Conrad."] Conrad. L-am chemat... Încep să fiu cam tare de urechi, poate, frate Neville. Cum am ajuns să reţin numele de Burns? Cunosc faţa omului, dar nu pot, nu am putut să-i spun numele.
E-30 Now, the law was a type of the grace, but law had no saving power in it. Law only was a... The law was a policeman. The policeman put you in jail. But you see, it taken grace to get you out of jail. See?
So the Blood of Christ, the Gospel, delivers us from sin. Law only makes us sinners. The law only said, "You are a sinner. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not bear false witness." See? It--it's a policeman that says you're wrong and you're guilty. But the Gospel is the Good News. Christ died to save us from all of our trespasses, transgressions of the law. Christ died to take us out.
So the Blood of Christ, the Gospel, delivers us from sin. Law only makes us sinners. The law only said, "You are a sinner. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not bear false witness." See? It--it's a policeman that says you're wrong and you're guilty. But the Gospel is the Good News. Christ died to save us from all of our trespasses, transgressions of the law. Christ died to take us out.
E-13 Şi ştiţi, pe măsură ce îmbătrâneşti puţin, aflu un lucru, îmi este mai greu să citesc această Biblie. Şi pur şi simplu nu-mi place să mă gândesc că trebuie să port ochelari, ca să citesc Biblia.
E-32 Now, Paul, as soon as he was converted, he never consulted with any seminary, neither did he consult any ministers. But did you notice, he went down into Arabia and was there three years in Arabia.
Now, this is to my opinion, that... Now, we've got to get a background of this, so we'll know how substantial it is. And the first lesson tonight, we take our background.
Now, Paul was such a Bible teacher, because he was taught under that great, all time, famous Gamaliel. And he was one of the best known of the day, that great teacher of the law and the prophets. So Paul was well schooled in those things.
Now, this is to my opinion, that... Now, we've got to get a background of this, so we'll know how substantial it is. And the first lesson tonight, we take our background.
Now, Paul was such a Bible teacher, because he was taught under that great, all time, famous Gamaliel. And he was one of the best known of the day, that great teacher of the law and the prophets. So Paul was well schooled in those things.
E-14 Dar, aici, nu cu mult timp în urmă, am crezut că o să orbesc. Şi m-am dus să-l văd pe Sam. Şi Sam a spus, "Bill, nu ştiu." A spus, "Îţi voi face o programare la un specialist."
E-35 And then I like him this way, this great revelation, being honest in his heart, a murderer, had consented to Stephen's death and saw Stephen die under the rocks and clods of being stoned to death... I think it must've got next to Paul when he saw Stephen raise his hands to heaven and said, "I see the heavens opened, and I see Jesus standing at the right hand of God." And he said, "Father, lay not this charge of sin against them." And he fell asleep.
Did you notice that? He never died? He fell asleep. Just like, I don't believe he ever felt another rock. Just like a baby on the bosom of its mother falls asleep, Stephen fell asleep in the arms of God.
Did you notice that? He never died? He fell asleep. Just like, I don't believe he ever felt another rock. Just like a baby on the bosom of its mother falls asleep, Stephen fell asleep in the arms of God.
E-15 M-am dus la Louisville. Probabil că aşa a fost voia Domnului. Un specialist faimos; i-am uitat numele acum. Dar el a citit cartea mea. Şi a spus, "Dacă te vei întoarce vreodată în Africa, vreau să merg cu tine." A spus, "Şi dacă tu... Acei africani te iubesc." Şi a spus, "Sunt foarte superstiţioşi, mai ales cu un bisturiu, să mergi la tăiat. Aşa că," a spus, "Vreau să dau şase luni din viaţa mea, pentru operaţii de cataractă şi altele la... în misiune." Şi a spus, "Dacă am putea să mergem împreună, şi ai putea să câştigi favoarea lor, aşa," a spus, "atunci, dacă au cataractă şi lucrări la ochi," a spus, "Mi-ar plăcea să le ofer, gratuit, timp de şase luni." Şi am uitat cât de mult trebuie să aştepţi pentru o programare la el.
E-37 There's something about Paul, that got next to him. Then he... Any man under conviction trying to fight it, he goes over to the high priest and he gets some letters; said, "I'll arrest all those people that's making all that noise, and those heretics," (which was considered what we would call today, some radical fanatic or something like that, making a lot of noise and causing disturbance) "We'll just go down and settle it."
And on his road down, a little old, not a great highway like we travel. Them roads in Palestine, just little trails, like a cow trail through the woods where the cattle, and the sheep, and the horses, and the donkeys, and the camels went over the hills.
And Paul, on his road down to Damascus, about noon one day a great Light shined down and struck him to the ground. No one saw It but Paul. I want you to notice that.
And right here, this--this is not personal now, but just so we're leading into this background, that you'll know that that same Jesus...
And on his road down, a little old, not a great highway like we travel. Them roads in Palestine, just little trails, like a cow trail through the woods where the cattle, and the sheep, and the horses, and the donkeys, and the camels went over the hills.
And Paul, on his road down to Damascus, about noon one day a great Light shined down and struck him to the ground. No one saw It but Paul. I want you to notice that.
And right here, this--this is not personal now, but just so we're leading into this background, that you'll know that that same Jesus...
E-16 Şi stăteam într-o cameră mică şi avea o mică-luminiţă roşie aprinsă, acolo, în camera întunecată. Ei bine, puteam să citesc acele litere. Era la douăzeci-douăzeci. Puteam să le citesc în ambele sensuri. Şi a pus-o la cincisprezece-cincisprezece, şi am putut să le citesc. Şi a pus-o la zece-zece, şi am putut să le citesc. Mi-a spus, "Ei bine, nu prea ai probleme cu ochii tăi."
E-40 Now, when He was here on earth, He said, "I came from God, and I go back to God."
Now, when He led the children of Israel, He was a Pillar of Fire, and He was made flesh, then He returned back to that same Pillar of Fire. And when He met Paul on the road to Damascus, He was that Pillar of Fire, that Light (See?), a great Light, and Paul said, "Who is It that I persecute?"
And He said, "I'm Jesus, Who you persecute. (The Light.)" Oh, isn't He wonderful?
And here He is tonight right here with us: had His picture taken right there, the same thing. See? Pillar of Fire, Light, just the same as He was: same yesterday, today, and forever...
Now, the men that was with him did not see that Light. But It was there just the same. The results is the same.
Now, when He led the children of Israel, He was a Pillar of Fire, and He was made flesh, then He returned back to that same Pillar of Fire. And when He met Paul on the road to Damascus, He was that Pillar of Fire, that Light (See?), a great Light, and Paul said, "Who is It that I persecute?"
And He said, "I'm Jesus, Who you persecute. (The Light.)" Oh, isn't He wonderful?
And here He is tonight right here with us: had His picture taken right there, the same thing. See? Pillar of Fire, Light, just the same as He was: same yesterday, today, and forever...
Now, the men that was with him did not see that Light. But It was there just the same. The results is the same.
E-17 Aşa că avea un mic telescop. A pus un mic dispozitiv în spate, un lucru mic, ştiţi. Telescoapele acelea vechi, câţi îşi mai amintesc de ele? Obişnuiam să ne uităm prin ele, să ne uităm la poze, exact aşa. Şi el a spus, "Poţi să citeşti asta?"
Am spus, "Da, domnule."
El a spus, "Citeşte pentru mine."
Am spus, "Da, domnule."
El a spus, "Citeşte pentru mine."
E-45 Now, is it possible that--that someone could see Christ in this building and no one else see Him? Sure. It happened there. It happened also one night when Peter was in prison. And that Light came into the prison, and touched Peter, and walked right by the inner guards, the outer guards, walked by the gate, the main gate, and the city gate. Peter said, "I must've been dreaming." But he looked around, but the Light was gone; Christ, that eternal, everlasting Light. There He is. See?
Now, on the road down... And look, another thing that we would speak of this, just come in my mind. But the wise men that followed the star, all the way from India, the Orient, months, coming through the valleys and deserts, passed over observatories. And they kept the time of the night by the stars. And no historian or anyone ever mentioned of ever seeing that star but the wise men. It was just meant for them to see it.
So you can see things that the other fellow might not see. To you, it's a reality. To him, they don't understand. Just like a conversion, you can be converted and enjoying the blessings of God, just--just drinking it in, the blessings of God. And the next fellow, setting by you: "I don't see a thing." See, see? That's it. "I just don't get it. I don't see what it's all about." Well, he's just not getting it; that's all, where you are.
Now, on the road down... And look, another thing that we would speak of this, just come in my mind. But the wise men that followed the star, all the way from India, the Orient, months, coming through the valleys and deserts, passed over observatories. And they kept the time of the night by the stars. And no historian or anyone ever mentioned of ever seeing that star but the wise men. It was just meant for them to see it.
So you can see things that the other fellow might not see. To you, it's a reality. To him, they don't understand. Just like a conversion, you can be converted and enjoying the blessings of God, just--just drinking it in, the blessings of God. And the next fellow, setting by you: "I don't see a thing." See, see? That's it. "I just don't get it. I don't see what it's all about." Well, he's just not getting it; that's all, where you are.
E-18 Avea un, oh, un paragraf întreg, cam aşa. Eu am început, să-1 citesc; el a început să îl tragă în sus, aşa, din ce în ce mai încet şi mai încet. El a ajuns până cam aşa, m-am oprit. A spus, "Pot să-ţi spun un lucru, ai trecut de patruzeci de ani."
Eu am spus, "Da, aşa este, i-am trecut de multă vreme."
Eu am spus, "Da, aşa este, i-am trecut de multă vreme."
E-49 Notice now, Paul on his road down, and as soon as this great experience happened to him... Now, he wasn't satisfied. That's what makes Paul so good.
Now, our lesson tonight is not deep. It's a shallow lesson, but, oh, we will get into the deep after while. But this is a very shallow lesson; but it's just starting off. And what it is, it's one thing that's exalting Jesus Christ. Paul, to begin with...
And before he would do this, Paul was a Bible scholar. And a Bible scholar will never rest his doctrine upon experiences. No, sir. They'll never rest their doctrine upon experience. You can have any kind of an experience. But it must be THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's right.
Now, our lesson tonight is not deep. It's a shallow lesson, but, oh, we will get into the deep after while. But this is a very shallow lesson; but it's just starting off. And what it is, it's one thing that's exalting Jesus Christ. Paul, to begin with...
And before he would do this, Paul was a Bible scholar. And a Bible scholar will never rest his doctrine upon experiences. No, sir. They'll never rest their doctrine upon experience. You can have any kind of an experience. But it must be THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's right.
E-19 A spus, "Cum ai reuşit?" El a spus, "Ochiul uman, în mod natural, când ajungi la patruzeci de ani, aşa cum părul tău devine grizonant, şi aşa mai departe, globul ocular se aplatizează." A spus, "Acum, dacă vei trăi suficient de mult, îşi va reveni." El a spus, "Acea a doua vedere, aşa se numeşte. Dar," a spus, "o fiinţă umană, cam pe la patruzeci de ani, ei chiar..." A spus, "Nu este nimic în neregulă cu ochii lor."
E-52 Now, in the Old Testament they had three different ways they can know a message. First the law, that was just the law. Then they had a--a prophet, a dreamer, and they had the Urim Thummim. Now, that may be a little deep.
The Urim Thummim was the breastplate that Aaron wore on his breast. In there was twelve stones: jasper, sardius, carbuncle, so forth, on down. They got all twelve of the big stones that was in the breastplate, showing that he was the high priest of every tribe, the twelve tribes of Israel.
This breastplate hung on a pillar in the church, and when a prophet prophesied, and they wanted to be sure it was right or not, the prophet or the dreamer stood before this Urim Thummim; and he told his dream or his vision, whatever he had saw. And if the sacred lights... Oh, do you see it? God's always dwelt in the supernatural realm. The conglomeration, those lights were just normal until this voice went forth. And when the voice struck those stones, if it wasn't supernatural, she laid dormant. But if it was supernatural, those lights all reflected the rainbow color together. Amen. Then that was God speaking, "That is My prophet. That dream came from Me." It was according to the Urim Thummim that they judged.
The Urim Thummim was the breastplate that Aaron wore on his breast. In there was twelve stones: jasper, sardius, carbuncle, so forth, on down. They got all twelve of the big stones that was in the breastplate, showing that he was the high priest of every tribe, the twelve tribes of Israel.
This breastplate hung on a pillar in the church, and when a prophet prophesied, and they wanted to be sure it was right or not, the prophet or the dreamer stood before this Urim Thummim; and he told his dream or his vision, whatever he had saw. And if the sacred lights... Oh, do you see it? God's always dwelt in the supernatural realm. The conglomeration, those lights were just normal until this voice went forth. And when the voice struck those stones, if it wasn't supernatural, she laid dormant. But if it was supernatural, those lights all reflected the rainbow color together. Amen. Then that was God speaking, "That is My prophet. That dream came from Me." It was according to the Urim Thummim that they judged.
E-20 Pot-pot vedea un fir de păr, dacă ar fi pe podea, dacă ar fi la depărtare de mine. Dar apropia ţi-l de mine... Şi el a spus, "Acum, când îţi citeşti Biblia," a spus, "o împingi departe de tine." A spus, "După un timp, braţul tău nu va mai fi suficient de lung, până când nu vei mai putea-nu o vei mai putea întinde suficient de mult ca să o ţi."
E-54 You remember Saul when he backslid? He said he couldn't have a dream. And the prophet Samuel was dead. And there was no way. He said, "Even the Urim won't even speak to me," nothing. Saul had stood before the Urim and his words were dead thumps. See? He, God's just refused him. And that Urim Thummim, that was Aaron's vindication of his priesthood. After Aaron going, Moses... The--the plate hung on the pillar.
Now, the Aaronic priesthood ceased when Jesus died. And now, separate law from grace, we still have a Urim Thummim. And Paul was using It. See? The Urim Thummim today is God's immortal, eternal, everlasting Word. See?
For whosoever shall take anything out of this Book or add anything to It... I don't want anything outside of It, but I want all It's got. That's the Church, we want... And all things must be proven by the Word.
That's the reason I took a flop recently of among the Pentecostal people, because saying that I could not understand where oil run out of your hands, or blood out of your face was a sign you had the Holy Ghost. That's not Scriptural and I--I just couldn't take it. I... It's got to come from the Word.
Now, the Aaronic priesthood ceased when Jesus died. And now, separate law from grace, we still have a Urim Thummim. And Paul was using It. See? The Urim Thummim today is God's immortal, eternal, everlasting Word. See?
For whosoever shall take anything out of this Book or add anything to It... I don't want anything outside of It, but I want all It's got. That's the Church, we want... And all things must be proven by the Word.
That's the reason I took a flop recently of among the Pentecostal people, because saying that I could not understand where oil run out of your hands, or blood out of your face was a sign you had the Holy Ghost. That's not Scriptural and I--I just couldn't take it. I... It's got to come from the Word.
E-21 Şi aşa că mi-a făcut o pereche de ochelari, iar partea de jos poţi, este pentru citit. Mi-a spus, "Acum, în amvonul tău..." Credea că sunt unul dintre aceşti predicatori demni, ştiţi. Şi aşa a spus că... tu... Partea de sus este doar o sticlă normală de geam, doar o sticlă normală. Iar partea de jos are un fel de şlefuire în ea, ca să pot citi de aproape, ştiţi, aşa. Aşa că nu-mi place să mi¬i pun; da.
E-58 And now, Paul, he just loved the Word. So before he would ever witness this great experience that he had, he went down in Egypt for three years (I believe it was three years.), three years down in Egypt. And you know what I believe he done? I believe that he took the Old Testament, and searched through the Old Testament, and found that That was really the absolute Messiah. He had to prove his experience by the Bible. Amen. Oh, my.
Look at him when he was in prison. You notice, there's a--a space of Paul's life. When he was in prison there for a long time, he wrote the Book of Ephesians. He wrote this Hebrew Letter. See? He had time. God laid him away over there in a prison, and he wrote these Letters to the churches: one to the church of Ephesus. He wrote one to the Pentecostal church (had lots of trouble with them). The Pentecostal church he had more trouble with than anybody else: still has it. See? But he was thankful for them.
The only thing he could teach them... When they come in: one had a tongue; one had a psalm; one had a sensation; one had a feeling. He couldn't talk--speak to them eternal security. He couldn't speak to them, predestination. He couldn't talk to them; they were babies. They all had to--had to feel something, or see something, or have funny feelings, and--or something around them, some evidences.
Look at him when he was in prison. You notice, there's a--a space of Paul's life. When he was in prison there for a long time, he wrote the Book of Ephesians. He wrote this Hebrew Letter. See? He had time. God laid him away over there in a prison, and he wrote these Letters to the churches: one to the church of Ephesus. He wrote one to the Pentecostal church (had lots of trouble with them). The Pentecostal church he had more trouble with than anybody else: still has it. See? But he was thankful for them.
The only thing he could teach them... When they come in: one had a tongue; one had a psalm; one had a sensation; one had a feeling. He couldn't talk--speak to them eternal security. He couldn't speak to them, predestination. He couldn't talk to them; they were babies. They all had to--had to feel something, or see something, or have funny feelings, and--or something around them, some evidences.
E-22 Şi acum, în învăţătura Biblică, şi am Noul Testament în seara asta. Deci este... Am un Nou Testament Collins şi are un tipar de dimensiuni bune. Dar acum, când mă întorc la celălalt, eu¬eu s-ar putea să trebuiască să apelez la vechii prieteni şi-şi să citesc cumva prin ei. Dar orice ar fi, eu-eu mă bucur că am ceva cu ce-încă mai pot citi. Şi-şi-şi orice aş avea, voi da tuturor tot ce pot, spre slava lui Dumnezeu, sperând că El va lua acel semn al vârstei. Nu pot să-I cer să-mi ia vârsta. Eu... Da, este doar un lucru pe care trebuie să-l facem cu toţii. Trebuie să trecem prin asta. Şi ştiu că nu mai sunt un tinerel cum eram cândva, care stă aici pe platformă. Am 48 de ani. Şi doar gândeşte-te, încă doi ani şi voi avea cincizeci de ani, frate Mike.
E-60 But I believe, when he spoke to the Ephesians, he could speak on, "God has predestinated us unto sons and daughters and adopted us as children in Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world." Look at that. My.
Watch him come over in the Book of Romans and so forth. They were grown up. Oh, they spoke with tongues. Sure. And they had other signs of the Holy Spirit among them. But they didn't make doctrines, and sensations, and little quivers, and funny feelings.
Paul said, "You--you--you go to extremes with that. When--when you ought to be teaching, you're still babies and have to have milk."
Now, that's what I've always tried to contend this tabernacle to be, not a bunch of babies. Let's be grown up. Stand on the road. Oh, my. There you are.
Watch him come over in the Book of Romans and so forth. They were grown up. Oh, they spoke with tongues. Sure. And they had other signs of the Holy Spirit among them. But they didn't make doctrines, and sensations, and little quivers, and funny feelings.
Paul said, "You--you--you go to extremes with that. When--when you ought to be teaching, you're still babies and have to have milk."
Now, that's what I've always tried to contend this tabernacle to be, not a bunch of babies. Let's be grown up. Stand on the road. Oh, my. There you are.
E-23 Vai, nu-mi vine să cred! Eu doar... Nu ştiam că am trecut de douăzeci de ani până acum doi ani. Aşa este. Aşa este. Pur şi simplu... Nu-mi venea să cred. Şi totuşi, eu-eu... Îmi era greu să cred până când m-am privit în oglindă şi apoi eu-eu ştiu că aşa este, atunci. Dar-dar doar să mă uit, doar mă simt la fel de bine cum m-am simţit vreodată în viaţa mea, şi sunt recunoscător şi pentru asta. Toată lauda fie adusă lui Dumnezeu.
E-64 So Paul goes down there first to see if his experience matched God's Bible. Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful today if people only done that again, if we made our experience match God's Bible? If it doesn't, then our experience is wrong; it don't flash in the Urim Thummim. If it flashes in there, amen, we got it. But if it doesn't, some... I don't care how good it seems, how real it looked like it was right; if those lights didn't flash on that Urim Thummim, it was wrong.
And no matter how much experience you've had, how real it seems to be, how presenting it is, how educational it is, what a great tool it is to win souls, if it doesn't flash in the Word, it's wrong. That's right. It must line up with the Word.
And no matter how much experience you've had, how real it seems to be, how presenting it is, how educational it is, what a great tool it is to win souls, if it doesn't flash in the Word, it's wrong. That's right. It must line up with the Word.
E-24 Acum, studiem Cartea Evreilor. A fost... Oh, este una dintre cele mai profunde şi mai bogate cărţi din Biblie. Vă spun, este o carte care chiar va... Dacă Dumnezeu va permite, şi dacă vom intra în ea, cred că vom găsi pepite de aur încât vom striga laudele lui Dumnezeu tot timpul. Şi acum eu ...
E-67 Now, I believe in... There's a middle of the road. The road... Now, a lot of times... I used to go to a Nazarene church (The Lord bless those dear people.), old fashion sanctified Methodists is what they are: Church of God, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness and many of those good old holiness churches. And they used to sing a song.
I'm walking in the grand old highway,
Telling everywhere I go,
I'd rather be an old time Christian, Lord,
Than anything I know. (Good, it's wonderful.)
And then they used to talk about the highway of holiness. Now, if you'll read over that... They get that out of Isaiah the 35th chapter. Now, if you notice, he said, "There shall be a highway and a way."
Now, "and" is a conjunction. See? A highway... It wasn't a highway of holiness. "It shall be a highway and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness," not "the highway of holiness," "the way of holiness." And the way of the road is the middle of the road. It's built like this so that the waters will wash off the trash to both sides, keeping the road clean. If you don't, you have puddles standing in your road all the time; if it isn't built right. The way is the middle of the road.
I'm walking in the grand old highway,
Telling everywhere I go,
I'd rather be an old time Christian, Lord,
Than anything I know. (Good, it's wonderful.)
And then they used to talk about the highway of holiness. Now, if you'll read over that... They get that out of Isaiah the 35th chapter. Now, if you notice, he said, "There shall be a highway and a way."
Now, "and" is a conjunction. See? A highway... It wasn't a highway of holiness. "It shall be a highway and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness," not "the highway of holiness," "the way of holiness." And the way of the road is the middle of the road. It's built like this so that the waters will wash off the trash to both sides, keeping the road clean. If you don't, you have puddles standing in your road all the time; if it isn't built right. The way is the middle of the road.
E-25 Cartea Evrei, ce este cu adevărat, se presupune că a fost scrisă de Sfântul Pavel, cel mai mare expunător al Bibliei, cred, pe care lumea l-a avut vreodată, în afara Domnului nostru Isus Cristos. Şi Pavel separa... Acum, Pavel era un adevărat învăţător al Bibliei; adică, Vechiul Testament. Aceasta este singura Carte care a fost scrisă atunci, numită Biblia. Şi el încerca să le arate evreilor, separând Vechiul Testament şi arătând că Vechiul Testament este o umbră sau o tipizare al Noului.
E-70 Now, on this side, when people get converted their minds is set right on Christ. And if they're just a little scholarly and don't keep under prayer, they'll get real cold, and stiff, and starchy, and indifferent. And then if they're just a little bit nervous, if you don't watch, they'll just get radical and wild on this side. See, they go into sensations and everything.
Now... But the real Church is a real sane Gospel, right in the middle of the road. It's not cold and starchy; neither is it fanaticism. It's a real good old warm Gospel, heartfelt love of God, going right down the middle of the road, calling from both sides. That's right. Now, that's what... And how you going to get that Church? Right out of the Word, the Urim Thummim.
Now... But the real Church is a real sane Gospel, right in the middle of the road. It's not cold and starchy; neither is it fanaticism. It's a real good old warm Gospel, heartfelt love of God, going right down the middle of the road, calling from both sides. That's right. Now, that's what... And how you going to get that Church? Right out of the Word, the Urim Thummim.
E-26 Chiar acolo am putea să stabilim un obiectiv şi să stăm trei luni chiar acolo, pe acest gând, chiar acolo. Ca să ne întoarcem imediat, dacă am putea să deschidem acum în Bibliile noastre, desigur suntem la Evrei, capitolul 1. Dar dacă ne-am întoarce la Apocalipsa, capitolul 12, aţi vedea din nou perfect, cum umbrele.
Dacă voi care aveţi creioanele şi veţi nota Scripturile. În Evr-...
Dacă voi care aveţi creioanele şi veţi nota Scripturile. În Evr-...
E-72 Now, Paul wanted to get this church right in the middle of the road. So he went and studied three years on the Scriptures that he knew. Therefore, Paul wrote the bigger part of this New Testament. God had him to do that, because it's coming a Gentile age. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (the four Gospels), they were Jews. But Paul wrote the most of the letters.
Now notice, now we're going to start getting this background now: where he's at, writing it from prison. And he's had all this experience. But first, this experience was first proven, and this is his key letter to it. This is his key letter. Romans and Ephesians and so forth had their place, but this is the key letter.
Now notice, now we're going to start getting this background now: where he's at, writing it from prison. And he's had all this experience. But first, this experience was first proven, and this is his key letter to it. This is his key letter. Romans and Ephesians and so forth had their place, but this is the key letter.
E-27 În Apocalipsa 11, aflăm că Ioan, pe insula Patmos, a văzut o femeie care stătea în ceruri, şi avea soarele la capul ei şi luna sub picioarele ei. Şi femeia era în durerile naşterii, cu un copil care urma să se nască. A născut un copil de parte bărbătească. Balaurul roşu a stat gata, ca să devoreze copilul îndată ce se va naşte. Şi copilul a fost răpit în Ceruri, iar femeia a fugit în pustie unde a fost hrănită timp de o vreme, o vreme, şi o jumate de vreme sau o jumătate de vreme.
E-74 Now, the whole first chapter is exalting Jesus and separating Him from being a prophet. That's the whole theme now. I'll try to get to it just as quick as I can now, so we won't stay too long.
The whole theme is separating the New Test--New... The first chapter is separating Jesus from any prophet, or any law, or so forth, and showing Who Jesus is. Now, look:
GOD,... (We start out the first word: GOD.)... GOD,... at... who at sundry times... ("sundry" means that "way back, back time")... sundry times and in divers manners spake in the past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Now, see, God in sundry times, way back, He spoke to the fathers by the prophets. That's how He had to give His message, through His prophet.
The whole theme is separating the New Test--New... The first chapter is separating Jesus from any prophet, or any law, or so forth, and showing Who Jesus is. Now, look:
GOD,... (We start out the first word: GOD.)... GOD,... at... who at sundry times... ("sundry" means that "way back, back time")... sundry times and in divers manners spake in the past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Now, see, God in sundry times, way back, He spoke to the fathers by the prophets. That's how He had to give His message, through His prophet.
E-28 Acum, femeia reprezenta Biserica, iar Fiul pe care ea l¬a născut era Cristos. Luna de sub picioarele ei era Legea, iar soarele de la capul ei era harul. Douăsprezece stele în coroana ei erau cei doisprezece apostoli. Şi iată unde, la ce... Cei doisprezece apostoli erau slava sau încununarea Noului Testament. Vedeţi? "Căci nu se poate pune o altă temelie decât cea care a fost pusă deja." Vedeţi? Ea, Temelia, Noul Testament, apostolii, Învăţătura apostolilor şi aşa mai departe, este cununa fondatoare a Noului Testament. Şi apoi, la...
E-76 God would send His prophet like Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah. And if--if you'll notice, never in all the history of the world, did ever the church produce a prophet. Search it in the Old Testament, New Testament, or in this day, in the latter days. Show me any prophet was ever raised out of the church in the last day. Show me one ever come up out. And show me one time that a prophet, a real servant of God, that the ecclesiastical system of the world didn't condemn him.
Just think of it. Jeremiah, Isaiah, all down through the Old Testament, they condemned them. Jesus said, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets and make them white, and you put them in there." That's right.
The church continues that. Look at Saint Patrick. You Catholic people claim him. He isn't no more Catholic than I am. That's right. But you claimed him. Look at Saint Francis of Assisi: claimed him. He isn't no more Catholic than I am.
Just think of it. Jeremiah, Isaiah, all down through the Old Testament, they condemned them. Jesus said, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets and make them white, and you put them in there." That's right.
The church continues that. Look at Saint Patrick. You Catholic people claim him. He isn't no more Catholic than I am. That's right. But you claimed him. Look at Saint Francis of Assisi: claimed him. He isn't no more Catholic than I am.
E-29 Luna este o umbră a soarelui. Soarele doar îşi reflectă lumina atunci când este în spatele pământului. Iar luna dă lumină, pentru a umbla, noaptea. Şi ce imagine frumoasă avem aici, o altă imagine frumoasă: soarele îl reprezintă pe Cristos; luna reprezintă Biserica. Sunt exact ca soţ şi soţie. Şi în absenţa lui Cristos, Biserica reflectă Lumina minoră, Evanghelia. Şi aceasta-aceasta este Lumina în care să umblăm până când Fiul răsare din nou, atunci Biserica şi Fiul, luna şi soarele, se vor contopi. Vedeţi? Luna este o parte din soare, iar Biserica este o parte din Cristos. Şi în timp ce absenţa lui Cristos, Biserica reflectă Lumina Lui. Şi atunci, la fel de sigur cum putem vedea luna strălucind, se ştie că soarele străluceşte undeva. Şi atâta timp cât Biserica reflectă Lumina lui Cristos, Cristos este viu undeva. Amin. Gândiţi-vă la asta.
E-80 Look at Joan of Arc. You burned her to a stake as a witch because she saw visions and was spiritual. Burnt her to a stake, and that woman screaming for mercy, and they burnt her to a stake. About a hundred years later they found out that she was a prophetess. She was a servant of God. Oh, of course, you done a big penalty. You dug up the priest's bodies and throwed them in the river.
"You do garnish the tombs of the prophets and put them in there." That's right. Never did the ecclesiastical system ever produce a man of God, never did, hasn't today, and never will. Organized religion has never been God's theme.
"You do garnish the tombs of the prophets and put them in there." That's right. Never did the ecclesiastical system ever produce a man of God, never did, hasn't today, and never will. Organized religion has never been God's theme.
E-30 Acum, legea era o tipizare a harului, dar legea nu avea în ea nicio putere mântui to are. Legea era doar un... Legea era un poliţist. Poliţistul te băga în închisoare, dar, vedeţi, era nevoie de har ca să te scoată din închisoare. Vedeţi?
E-82 The oldest organized church in the world is the Catholic church; Luther second; then come Zwingli; after Zwingli come Calvin; and Calvin on to Anglican; Anglo-Saxons taking up, then the Anglican church; and King Henry VIII, when he protested and so forth, and on down to the Wesley Methodist, and Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, and on down to the last is Pentecostal, all organized.
And the Bible plainly teaches that the Catholic church is a--a ill-famed woman, and the Protestant churches and their organizations are her daughters: Revelations 17. That's exactly right.
So they... Not the people now, there's good in all them churches (sainted, saved people). But God doesn't call His people by an organization. He calls them as individuals. God deals with individuals, whether you're a Methodist, Baptist, Protestant, and Catholic, or what you are. God, before the foundation of the world knew you and predestinated you to Eternal Life; or either you was predestinated to eternal loss.
And the Bible plainly teaches that the Catholic church is a--a ill-famed woman, and the Protestant churches and their organizations are her daughters: Revelations 17. That's exactly right.
So they... Not the people now, there's good in all them churches (sainted, saved people). But God doesn't call His people by an organization. He calls them as individuals. God deals with individuals, whether you're a Methodist, Baptist, Protestant, and Catholic, or what you are. God, before the foundation of the world knew you and predestinated you to Eternal Life; or either you was predestinated to eternal loss.
E-31 Aşadar, Sângele lui Cristos, Evanghelia, ne eliberează de păcat. Legea ne face doar păcătoşi. Legea spunea doar, "Eşti un păcătos. Să nu furi. Să nu comiţi adulter. Să nu depui mărturie mincinoasă." Vedeţi? Este un poliţist care spune că greşeşti şi că eşti vinovat. Dar Evanghelia este vestea bună. Cristos a murit ca să ne salveze de toate greşelile noastre, de toate fărădelegile legii. Cristos a murit ca să ne scoată.
E-84 Not... He wasn't willing that you should be perished--you would perish. But Him being infinite, He had to know the end from the beginning or He isn't God. So Jesus never come to earth just to say, "Well, I'll see if somebody be mercy... If I act and die in a hard way, they'll probably think, 'Well, I'll... It'll--it'll persuade their hearts, and they'll...'" God don't run His business like that.
Jesus came for one specific purpose; that's to save those who God before the foundation of the world knew would be saved. He said so. That's right. So you're... "It's not him that willeth or him that runneth; it's God that showeth mercy." Paul said that, same man here.
Jesus came for one specific purpose; that's to save those who God before the foundation of the world knew would be saved. He said so. That's right. So you're... "It's not him that willeth or him that runneth; it's God that showeth mercy." Paul said that, same man here.
E-32 Acum, Pavel, de îndată ce a fost convertit, nu s-a consultat cu niciun seminar, şi nici nu a consultat vreun slujitor. Dar aţi observat? A coborât în Arabia şi a stat acolo trei ani, în Arabia. Acum, aceasta este, după părerea mea, că...
E-86 He said, "That's the reason God could say before Esau or Jacob was either born... He said, 'I love one and hate the other one.'" 'Fore either boy was born God knew that Esau was a shyster, and He knew that Jacob was a... He loved his birthrights. So He knew before the world ever was formed, about it. Now, we're going to find out in a minute Who that was that knew it. This chapter's got it.
GOD,... in sundry times and in divers manners spoke... to the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,... (Has done what?)... has spoken to us in this last days by His Son,...
Now, how would you think then, that... What would be a prophet? Would we have a prophet then of this day? Absolutely. Would He speak by it? Sure. But he... that... The prophets of the old day was the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Now, let's get that straight 'cause I don't think it's soaking in right. Now, this is just like Sunday school, so we want to get this clear. See?
GOD,... in sundry times and in divers manners spoke... to the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,... (Has done what?)... has spoken to us in this last days by His Son,...
Now, how would you think then, that... What would be a prophet? Would we have a prophet then of this day? Absolutely. Would He speak by it? Sure. But he... that... The prophets of the old day was the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Now, let's get that straight 'cause I don't think it's soaking in right. Now, this is just like Sunday school, so we want to get this clear. See?
E-33 Acum, trebuie să avem un fundal al acestui lucru, ca să ştim cât de substanţial este. Şi prima lecţie, în această seară, ne luăm fundalul.
E-89 Notice. Let's take the Spirit of God that was in Moses. Perfectly the--is a foreshadow of Jesus Christ. All of the Old Testament characters foreshadowed the cross: Moses, borned a proper child, hid in the bulrushes, taken away from his parents, so forth, and was... He was a king, or--or a leader, law-giver, intercessor, priest. Everything that he was foreshadowed Christ.
Look at Joseph: loved of his father, hated of his brethren, and sold for almost thirty pieces of silver, throwed into a ditch, supposedly dead; taken out. In his persecution, butler saved and butcher lost (two thieves at the cross). And then when he come out, he raised up out of that ditch and was set at the right hand of Pharaoh, the biggest commercial--the--the--the nation who'd whipped all the rest of the world. And no man could come to Pharaoh except they come through Joseph. Jesus setting at the right hand of God, and no man can come to God except through Christ. And when Joseph left that throne and started out, men went before him, screaming and blowing trumpets, sounding the trumpets, saying, "Bow the knee, Joseph is coming." And when Jesus comes, a trumpet shall sound, and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. Yes, sir. There He was.
Look at Joseph: loved of his father, hated of his brethren, and sold for almost thirty pieces of silver, throwed into a ditch, supposedly dead; taken out. In his persecution, butler saved and butcher lost (two thieves at the cross). And then when he come out, he raised up out of that ditch and was set at the right hand of Pharaoh, the biggest commercial--the--the--the nation who'd whipped all the rest of the world. And no man could come to Pharaoh except they come through Joseph. Jesus setting at the right hand of God, and no man can come to God except through Christ. And when Joseph left that throne and started out, men went before him, screaming and blowing trumpets, sounding the trumpets, saying, "Bow the knee, Joseph is coming." And when Jesus comes, a trumpet shall sound, and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. Yes, sir. There He was.
E-34 Acum, Pavel a fost aşa un învăţător al Bibliei, pentru că a fost învăţat sub conducerea acelui mare, cel mai faimos din toate timpurile, Gamaliel. Şi era unul dintre cei mai cunoscuţi din acea vreme, acel mare învăţător al legii şi al profeţilor. Deci, Pavel era bine instruit în acele lucruri.
E-92 And when Joseph died, he left a memorial to them who were waiting for deliverance.
I put my hand on the old casket here not long ago; it was made out of lead, that his body was supposed to stay... His bones... said, "Don't you bury me here, for someday God's going to visit you. (He was a prophet.) God's going to visit you." And he said, "When you go up to the promised land, take my bones."
Every old Hebrew with a beat back and bloody, could look over in that casket and say, "Someday, we're going out."
Jesus left a memorial: a empty tomb. Someday when we go over to the grave and our loved ones, and hear the little old clods when they say, "Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust, and earth to earth."... But brother, we can look across the sea to an empty tomb. Someday we're going out of here; we're going home. He's coming.
I put my hand on the old casket here not long ago; it was made out of lead, that his body was supposed to stay... His bones... said, "Don't you bury me here, for someday God's going to visit you. (He was a prophet.) God's going to visit you." And he said, "When you go up to the promised land, take my bones."
Every old Hebrew with a beat back and bloody, could look over in that casket and say, "Someday, we're going out."
Jesus left a memorial: a empty tomb. Someday when we go over to the grave and our loved ones, and hear the little old clods when they say, "Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust, and earth to earth."... But brother, we can look across the sea to an empty tomb. Someday we're going out of here; we're going home. He's coming.
E-35 Şi apoi îmi place de el aşa, această mare revelaţie, fiind cinstit în inima lui, un criminal, a consimţit la moartea lui Ştefan şi l-a văzut pe Ştefan murind sub pietrele şi bulgării de piatră, fiind ucis cu pietre. Cred că trebuie să-l fi afectat pe Pavel când l¬a văzut pe Ştefan ridicându-şi mâinile spre cer şi spunând, "Văd cerurile deschise. Îl văd pe Isus stând la dreapta lui Dumnezeu."
Şi a spus, "Tată, nu le ţinea în seamă păcatul acesta." Şi a adormit.
Şi a spus, "Tată, nu le ţinea în seamă păcatul acesta." Şi a adormit.
E-96 Everything was types. Look at David: rejected by his own people, dethroned by his own people. Being the king of Jerusalem, was drove out of Jerusalem by his own people. And as he went up Mount Olive, he looked back and wept. He was rejected. Eight hundred years from then, the Son of David, King of Jerusalem, set on a hill and wept because He was rejected. That was the Spirit of Christ in David. All foreshadowed the cross. Them prophets back there spoke in His Name. They lived in His Name. They acted in His Name. Sure. "God in sundry times and divers manners spoke to the fathers through the prophets, but in this last day through His Son."
E-36 Aţi observat asta? Nu a murit niciodată. El a adormit. La fel ca... Nu cred că a mai simţit vreo altă piatră. Ca un copil care adoarme la sânul mamei, Ştefan a adormit în braţele lui Dumnezeu.
E-99 So the prophets and spiritual men in this day is only the reflection of Christ. There by the law they stood and looked. Over here they stand looking back the other way through grace.
That in the Hebrews 11, the last chapter, I've often wondered that, in the last chapter, the last part of the 11th chapter of Hebrews when he talks about Abraham... The great faith chapter, and at the end he said, "They wandered about in sheepskins and in goatskins, and was made destitute and sawed asunder." They wandered about, no place to go, hated, and despised, and persecuted; of whom this world isn't worthy of such people.
Then Paul stands and said, "But without us they're not perfect." For they only looked to the cross, and we look through the cross. We have the Spirit of Christ after It become human flesh and dwelled among us. We come here by the Holy Ghost, which is a far better plan.
That in the Hebrews 11, the last chapter, I've often wondered that, in the last chapter, the last part of the 11th chapter of Hebrews when he talks about Abraham... The great faith chapter, and at the end he said, "They wandered about in sheepskins and in goatskins, and was made destitute and sawed asunder." They wandered about, no place to go, hated, and despised, and persecuted; of whom this world isn't worthy of such people.
Then Paul stands and said, "But without us they're not perfect." For they only looked to the cross, and we look through the cross. We have the Spirit of Christ after It become human flesh and dwelled among us. We come here by the Holy Ghost, which is a far better plan.
E-37 Este ceva, referitor la Pavel, care i-a atins inima. Apoi, el, ca orice om sub convingere, încercând să lupte împotriva Lui, se duce de grabă la marele preot şi ia nişte scrisori. A spus, "Îi voi aresta pe toţi acei oameni care fac atâta zgomot şi pe acei eretici;" care erau consideraţi, ceea ce am numi noi astăzi, nişte "fanatici radicali," sau ceva de genul acesta, care făceau mult zgomot şi provocau tulburare. "Vom coborî şi vom rezolva asta."
E-102 And sometimes I wonder what Christianity expects today. A preacher going with a tent has to be--or some new church or some new charge, calls himself a prophet, walks up there and say, "Well, if they'll give me so much money... If I can have the best car... If you'll--my salary will be raised every six months..."
We have to have the best. We have to have the best homes. We have to have the best clothes. What will we do when we stand in the presence of those men, who wandered in goatskins, in sheepskins, no place to lay their heads, wandering about in deserts. And somebody can make fun of us and we're ready to quit church and not go back anymore. What Christianity requires today, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. Oh, God, be merciful to us.
We have to have the best. We have to have the best homes. We have to have the best clothes. What will we do when we stand in the presence of those men, who wandered in goatskins, in sheepskins, no place to lay their heads, wandering about in deserts. And somebody can make fun of us and we're ready to quit church and not go back anymore. What Christianity requires today, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. Oh, God, be merciful to us.
E-38 Şi în drumul lui, un mic şi vechi... nu o mare autostradă cum călătorim noi. Şi acele drumuri în Palestina, doar mici poteci, ca o potecă de vaci prin pădure unde vitele, şi oile, şi caii, şi măgarii, şi cămilele, traversau dealurile.
E-104 In that day He spoke by the prophets, but this day through His Son. That was the word of a prophet there. This is the Word of the Son today. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord.
In other words, if you're looking at the shadow, the negative, you might make a mistake; but this is developed. The picture's clear. That was by the prophet; this is by His Son. That was by a negative; this is by a positive. Amen. You see it? And there isn't a chance to lose. It's a positive thing: this day through His Son. Oh, how wonderful.
In other words, if you're looking at the shadow, the negative, you might make a mistake; but this is developed. The picture's clear. That was by the prophet; this is by His Son. That was by a negative; this is by a positive. Amen. You see it? And there isn't a chance to lose. It's a positive thing: this day through His Son. Oh, how wonderful.
E-39 Şi Pavel, drumul său spre Damasc, într-o zi, pe la amiază, o Lumină mare a strălucit şi l-a trântit la pământ. Nimeni n¬a văzut-O, în afară de Pavel. Vreau să observaţi asta. Şi chiar aici, nu este ceva personal acum, dar doar aşa ca să introducem în acest fundal. Ca să ştiţi că acelaşi Isus...
E-106 ... whom he has appointed heir... (Oh, my.)... heir of all things,...
What was it? It was an appointment. Oh, listen. He was appointed (Christ was) heir of all things. Oh, the Devil knowed that from the garden of Eden. You see, when the devil heard that Word there that day at the judgment of those people, said, "Because you come from the dust, dust you'll return; and the woman's Seed shall bruise the serpent's head."...
A promised Seed, Satan constantly watched for that Seed. When Abel was born, he said, "There you are; that's the seed." And he killed Abel. His son Cain killed Abel. And as soon as Abel died, he said, "I got the seed." He slew it. He said, "I got it." But Abel's death... Seth's birth was the resurrection again. Watch how they come down.
What was it? It was an appointment. Oh, listen. He was appointed (Christ was) heir of all things. Oh, the Devil knowed that from the garden of Eden. You see, when the devil heard that Word there that day at the judgment of those people, said, "Because you come from the dust, dust you'll return; and the woman's Seed shall bruise the serpent's head."...
A promised Seed, Satan constantly watched for that Seed. When Abel was born, he said, "There you are; that's the seed." And he killed Abel. His son Cain killed Abel. And as soon as Abel died, he said, "I got the seed." He slew it. He said, "I got it." But Abel's death... Seth's birth was the resurrection again. Watch how they come down.
E-108 That line of Seth, it come down a humble, righteous men; on down through Enoch; on down to Noah, to the end of the antediluvian destruction.
Look at Cain's line: become smart people, educated, science. Don't the Bible say... Did not Jesus say that the children of this world are wiser than the children of the Kingdom? Look at the side of Se--of Cain yet today: smart, educated, skeptic, very religious (See?), very religious; but scientists, builders, great men.
Take great men. Look at Thomas Edison. Many great men, look at Einstein, the brains of the world, so-called today, the brains of the world. But we don't try to use brains. We let the mind that was in Christ be in us, and look to this Word and call That so.
Medical doctors, though we salute them with whatever we have, but the most of those are skeptics, agnostics. Look at the smart, intelligent people today. They're on that side over there, the Cain side.
But look at the humble and meek. There's your resurrection again. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. There you are.
Look at Cain's line: become smart people, educated, science. Don't the Bible say... Did not Jesus say that the children of this world are wiser than the children of the Kingdom? Look at the side of Se--of Cain yet today: smart, educated, skeptic, very religious (See?), very religious; but scientists, builders, great men.
Take great men. Look at Thomas Edison. Many great men, look at Einstein, the brains of the world, so-called today, the brains of the world. But we don't try to use brains. We let the mind that was in Christ be in us, and look to this Word and call That so.
Medical doctors, though we salute them with whatever we have, but the most of those are skeptics, agnostics. Look at the smart, intelligent people today. They're on that side over there, the Cain side.
But look at the humble and meek. There's your resurrection again. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. There you are.
E-41 Acum, când El îi conducea pe fiii lui Israel, El era Stâlpul de Foc. Şi S-a făcut trup, apoi S-a întors din nou la acelaşi Stâlp de Foc. Şi când S-a întâlnit cu Pavel pe drumul spre Damasc, El era acel Stâlp de Foc, acea Lumină, vedeţi, o mare Lumină. Şi Pavel a spus, "Cine este Cel pe care îl prigonesc?"
E-112 Notice.
... He... made Him heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;... (Who made the worlds? Christ. Christ made the worlds? Yes, sir.)
Let's go just a little further:
Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His presence,... (The brightness of whose glory? God's glory. The expressed image of whose Presence? God's. Oh, I love this.)... or the expressed image of his person, and upholding all things by the word...
There you are. The Word, That upholds all things. Jesus said, in Matthew 24, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away." He upholds all things.
Science tries to down it and say, "It's an old book; it's been translated."
Even the Roman Catholic church, a Bishop Sheen said, "That's been translated four or five different times and not--not much to it. You couldn't live by it if you had to." But He upholds all things by His Word. Amen. That's what I think about It. I believe the Bible.
... He... made Him heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;... (Who made the worlds? Christ. Christ made the worlds? Yes, sir.)
Let's go just a little further:
Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His presence,... (The brightness of whose glory? God's glory. The expressed image of whose Presence? God's. Oh, I love this.)... or the expressed image of his person, and upholding all things by the word...
There you are. The Word, That upholds all things. Jesus said, in Matthew 24, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away." He upholds all things.
Science tries to down it and say, "It's an old book; it's been translated."
Even the Roman Catholic church, a Bishop Sheen said, "That's been translated four or five different times and not--not much to it. You couldn't live by it if you had to." But He upholds all things by His Word. Amen. That's what I think about It. I believe the Bible.
E-115 ... the word of his power,... (There's power in the Word.)... when he had by himself purged our sins,... (Looky here.)... set down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
What's Paul trying to do? He's trying to show that God purposed all things in Christ, and Christ was the express Image of God. The entire rest of the chapter deals with how that He was higher than Angels, higher than all powers; Angels worshipped Him. Paul was trying to magnify Him.
Now, I want to try... If I don't get any further than this, the rest of it's just magnifying Christ. What Paul says over here, like in the 11th chapter, and all about talking about the world, he said, "What--what Angel did He say, Thou art My Son, this day I have begotten Thee." See?
The end of the world... They shall perish; the world shall perish, but the... And all the things of the world shall perish. He would fold them up like a vesture. They'd be old, and turn, and go away. "But Thou remaineth; Thou remaineth forever. Thou are My Son; this day I have begotten Thee," and will never perish, setting at the right hand of the Majesty... What does right hand mean? Not God's got a right hand, that somebody's setting on it. "Right hand" means the "power and authority"; got the authority of everything in heaven and earth. And all the heavens and earth was made by Him.
What's Paul trying to do? He's trying to show that God purposed all things in Christ, and Christ was the express Image of God. The entire rest of the chapter deals with how that He was higher than Angels, higher than all powers; Angels worshipped Him. Paul was trying to magnify Him.
Now, I want to try... If I don't get any further than this, the rest of it's just magnifying Christ. What Paul says over here, like in the 11th chapter, and all about talking about the world, he said, "What--what Angel did He say, Thou art My Son, this day I have begotten Thee." See?
The end of the world... They shall perish; the world shall perish, but the... And all the things of the world shall perish. He would fold them up like a vesture. They'd be old, and turn, and go away. "But Thou remaineth; Thou remaineth forever. Thou are My Son; this day I have begotten Thee," and will never perish, setting at the right hand of the Majesty... What does right hand mean? Not God's got a right hand, that somebody's setting on it. "Right hand" means the "power and authority"; got the authority of everything in heaven and earth. And all the heavens and earth was made by Him.
E-43 Şi iată-L aici, în seara asta, chiar aici cu noi. I-a fost făcută o fotografie chiar acolo, acelaşi Lucru, vedeţi, Stâlp de Foc, Lumină, exact aşa cum era El, "Acelaşi ieri, azi, şi în veci."
E-118 Now, Who is this great Guy, this great Fellow Christ? Here: God in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is not as the trinity... But it's not a trinity of people. It's a trinity of office of one God.
He was the Father leading the children of Israel. That was His office, the great Jehovah Father. And He dwelt on earth, called the Son. And now He dwells in His Church, called the Holy Ghost, not three Gods, one God in three offices: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. People try to make Him three different Gods. God the father,... That's the reason the Jews... You could never, you'd never bring this to a Jew. No, that there... He can't, he's got a commandment that "I'm One God." There's only one God.
He was the Father leading the children of Israel. That was His office, the great Jehovah Father. And He dwelt on earth, called the Son. And now He dwells in His Church, called the Holy Ghost, not three Gods, one God in three offices: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. People try to make Him three different Gods. God the father,... That's the reason the Jews... You could never, you'd never bring this to a Jew. No, that there... He can't, he's got a commandment that "I'm One God." There's only one God.
E-44 Acum, oamenii care erau cu el nu au văzut acea Lumină, dar era acolo chiar la fel. Rezultatele sunt aceleaşi.
E-120 In Africa they baptize three different ways. They baptize once for the Father, once for the Son, and once for the Holy Ghost. The Apostolic Faith Mission, they baptize three times face forward to His death. What they call the Full Gospel on the west coast--or the east coast, baptize three times backward; said He... "unto His burial." And he said, "When He died He fell forward."
Another said, "No, you bury a man on his back." Just little old technic things, when they're both wrong, both wrong according to the Scripture. This is the Urim Thummim; It settles it.
Another said, "No, you bury a man on his back." Just little old technic things, when they're both wrong, both wrong according to the Scripture. This is the Urim Thummim; It settles it.
E-45 Acum, este posibil ca-ca cineva să-L vadă pe Cristos în această clădire şi nimeni altcineva să nu-L vadă? Sigur. S-a întâmplat acolo.
E-122 Now here, let's just picture that out and see what--what it looks like tonight. Here it is if you want to see it. In all of about twenty-five years I been a minister, I've studied that, and I've often wondered if gifts in the church... What is those gifts: prophecy, speaking with tongues, interpretation of tongues, Divine revelation, and so forth? That's all comes through Christ.
Now look, Christ is the Head of all things. And He's the Head of the Church. And did you ever see a big diamond? A great big diamond that is chipped right, it's got little chips knocked off of it, chipped off of it. That makes a correct diamond. What's the chips for? The real diamond way it comes out, it's been bruised. The real diamond when it's out...
I was in Kimberly. You, many of you, that's heard you can pick up diamonds on the street; that's correct. Billy, and I, and Mr. Bosworth, the president of the Kimberly diamond mines, take... He was my usher in the meeting there. And they taken us over and just out of... They mine them about, oh, about seventeen hundred feet under the earth. They come out a blue stone, big blue, like this blue stone you get around here. And those natives, they put them seventeen hundred feet in the ground to mine them to keep the price up. You'd go on the river there, and they got it guarded for hundreds of miles. Take two ten-gallon buckets, he said, and pick it up full of--of sand and if you could get home with it you'd be a multi-millionaire, there'd be so many diamonds in it. But they have to work and mine them to keep the price up on them.
Now look, Christ is the Head of all things. And He's the Head of the Church. And did you ever see a big diamond? A great big diamond that is chipped right, it's got little chips knocked off of it, chipped off of it. That makes a correct diamond. What's the chips for? The real diamond way it comes out, it's been bruised. The real diamond when it's out...
I was in Kimberly. You, many of you, that's heard you can pick up diamonds on the street; that's correct. Billy, and I, and Mr. Bosworth, the president of the Kimberly diamond mines, take... He was my usher in the meeting there. And they taken us over and just out of... They mine them about, oh, about seventeen hundred feet under the earth. They come out a blue stone, big blue, like this blue stone you get around here. And those natives, they put them seventeen hundred feet in the ground to mine them to keep the price up. You'd go on the river there, and they got it guarded for hundreds of miles. Take two ten-gallon buckets, he said, and pick it up full of--of sand and if you could get home with it you'd be a multi-millionaire, there'd be so many diamonds in it. But they have to work and mine them to keep the price up on them.
E-46 S-a întâmplat şi într-o noapte, când Petru era în închisoare. Şi acea Lumină a intrat în închisoare, şi l-a atins pe Petru, şi a trecut chiar pe lângă garda interioară, garda exterioară, a trecut pe lângă poartă, poarta principală şi poarta oraşului. Petru a spus, "Probabil că am visat." Dar s-a uitat în jur, şi Lumina dispăruse; Cristos, acea Eternă, Lumină veşnică. Iată-L acolo. Acum, pe drumul spre...
E-124 Now, the diamond when it comes forth, it's just a big smooth, round like piece of glass. There's a blue diamond, black diamond, emerald, and a clear diamond, white diamond. But when it come forth... Then when it's made and put into use there's a part of that diamond has to lose. And it has to lose the--the chips off of it. Knock little chips, because when it comes in direct light, like that, it makes a sparkle. The chip what makes a sparkle, the way it's cut. It's cut, chipped, and then when it does, it makes a sparkle, and one will go a green light, the other one will go a blue light, and maybe another an emerald light, and a red light, and different lights go from it like a rainbow color. They call it fire in the diamond.
Now, each one of those lights represents gifts. But it's only Christ is the Diamond. And He was the One Who came, and was bruised, and wounded, and chipped that He might reflect Himself back as a Light to the world. He's that Master Diamond.
Now, each one of those lights represents gifts. But it's only Christ is the Diamond. And He was the One Who came, and was bruised, and wounded, and chipped that He might reflect Himself back as a Light to the world. He's that Master Diamond.
E-47 Şi observaţi, încă un lucru, dacă am vorbi despre asta, tocmai mi-a venit în minte. Dar magii care urmau Steaua, tot drumul din India, din Orient, luni de zile, venind prin văi şi deşerturi (a trecut peste observatoare; şi calculau timpul nopţii după stele) şi niciun istoric sau nimeni nu a menţionat vreodată că ar fi văzut vreodată acea Stea, în afară de magi. A fost menit ca doar ei să O vadă.
E-126 Could you imagine before there even was a earth, before there was a light, before there was a star, before there was anything? There's a Great Fountain going forth of Spirit, and out of this Fountain came the most pure of love; 'cause there was nothing for it to come from there but love. Now, we... What we call love today is a perverted love. But just as we get a essence, or a little bit of that love in us, it changes our whole opinion.
Then out of there come another stream off of this main Fountain, the Diamond, and it was called righteousness, absolutely righteousness. Now, that's the reason we had to have law. That's the reason law has to have judgment. If judgment doesn't follow law, law doesn't do no good. And when judgment was passed by law, which brings death... And there's no one who could pay the penalty but God Himself. And He paid the penalty of our death, and took our sins upon Him, that we might be the righteousness of God through Him.
Now, when these great Lights went out, or great rays of Spirit: love, peace... That's all there was. That... There wasn't no suffering; there wasn't no--no hate, nor no malice. It couldn't come from this Fountain. That was Jehovah. That was Jehovah God. And now, as the theologians call it, a theophany went from That, which was called in the Scriptural the Logos, the Logos that went out of God. It's hard to explain, but It was a part of God.
Then out of there come another stream off of this main Fountain, the Diamond, and it was called righteousness, absolutely righteousness. Now, that's the reason we had to have law. That's the reason law has to have judgment. If judgment doesn't follow law, law doesn't do no good. And when judgment was passed by law, which brings death... And there's no one who could pay the penalty but God Himself. And He paid the penalty of our death, and took our sins upon Him, that we might be the righteousness of God through Him.
Now, when these great Lights went out, or great rays of Spirit: love, peace... That's all there was. That... There wasn't no suffering; there wasn't no--no hate, nor no malice. It couldn't come from this Fountain. That was Jehovah. That was Jehovah God. And now, as the theologians call it, a theophany went from That, which was called in the Scriptural the Logos, the Logos that went out of God. It's hard to explain, but It was a part of God.
E-48 Deci poţi vedea lucruri pe care celălalt ins s-ar putea să nu le vadă. Pentru tine, Asta este o realitate. Pentru el, ei nu înţeleg. La fel ca o convertire; poţi fi convertit şi să te bucuri de binecuvântările lui Dumnezeu, doar-doar să bei din binecuvântările lui Dumnezeu. Iar următorul, care stă lângă tine, "Eu nu văd nimic." Vezi? Vedeţi? Asta este. "Pur şi simplu nu înţeleg. Nu înţeleg despre ce este vorba." Ei bine, el pur şi simplu nu pricepe. Asta e tot. În timp ce tu da.
E-129 Now, here's what happened. Oh... Excuse me; I--I--I just get on this... This just gets me right where I love it. See? The Logos, and this great Fountain; this great Fountain of Spirit which had no beginning or no end, this great Spirit begin to form in the creation; and the Logos that went out from It was the Son of God. It was the only visible form that this Spirit had. And It was a theophany, which means a body, and the body was like a man.
Moses saw It when It passed through the--by--by the rock. And he looked at It, said, "It looked like the hind part of a man." It's the same type of body that we receive when we die here, "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." That was it. And that was the Theophany which was the Son of God. That Son, that Logos became flesh because we were put in flesh. And the Theophany, the Logos, became flesh here among us, and It was nothing else but the dwelling place; for that entire Fountain dwelt in Him. Oh, do you see it? There it is. That was the One that in...
Moses saw It when It passed through the--by--by the rock. And he looked at It, said, "It looked like the hind part of a man." It's the same type of body that we receive when we die here, "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." That was it. And that was the Theophany which was the Son of God. That Son, that Logos became flesh because we were put in flesh. And the Theophany, the Logos, became flesh here among us, and It was nothing else but the dwelling place; for that entire Fountain dwelt in Him. Oh, do you see it? There it is. That was the One that in...
E-49 Observaţi acum, Pavel pe drumul său acolo. Şi de îndată ce i s-a întâmplat această mare experienţă... Acum, el nu era mulţumit... Asta îl face pe Pavel atât de remarcabil.
E-131 Looky here. Let's turn now right quick to Hebrews the 7th chapter, just for a--a moment of--of grace, God being willing. Let's see what it looks like here. Abraham... (How much time we got? We got ten minutes.) All right, we catch this and then we'll finish it up next--next--or Sunday, Lord willing. Abraham was returning from the slaughter of the kings.
FOR this Melchisedec, king of Salem,... (How many knows what--who--what Salem was? Jerusalem.)... king of Salem, prince of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; (Listen.)
To whom also Abraham give a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation the King of righteousness... after that also the King of Salem, which is, the King of peace;
Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor ending of life;...
FOR this Melchisedec, king of Salem,... (How many knows what--who--what Salem was? Jerusalem.)... king of Salem, prince of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; (Listen.)
To whom also Abraham give a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation the King of righteousness... after that also the King of Salem, which is, the King of peace;
Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor ending of life;...
E-50 Acum, lecţia noastră din această seară nu este profundă. Este o lecţie superficială, dar, oh, vom intra în profunzime, după un timp. Dar aceasta este o lecţie foarte superficială, dar abia acum începe. Şi ceea ce este, este un singur lucru, şi anume de a-l înălţa pe Isus Cristos. Pavel, pentru început.
E-133 A King come down from Salem and met Abraham coming from the slaughter of the kings. And this King didn't have no father, had no mother, had no beginning of days, nor ending of Life. Who did Abraham meet? Now, think. He didn't have no father; He didn't have no mother. He never had a time that He began, and He never has a time when He'll end. So that same King of Salem has to be living today. Amen. You see it? It was that Theophany that was that Son of God.
What Salem? That Jerusalem which is above, that Abraham, being blessed, was searching--find--trying to find a City whose Builder and Maker was God. He wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, everywhere, destitute, wandering, and was seeking a City whose Builder and Maker was God. And he met the King of that Salem coming down, and he paid Him a tenth of all the spoils. Amen. That got it. Oh, Brother Graham, that was Him. That was Him.
What Salem? That Jerusalem which is above, that Abraham, being blessed, was searching--find--trying to find a City whose Builder and Maker was God. He wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, everywhere, destitute, wandering, and was seeking a City whose Builder and Maker was God. And he met the King of that Salem coming down, and he paid Him a tenth of all the spoils. Amen. That got it. Oh, Brother Graham, that was Him. That was Him.
E-51 Şi înainte de a face asta, Pavel era un erudit al Bibliei. Şi un erudit al Bibliei nu-şi va întemeia niciodată doctrina pe experienţe. Nu, domnule. Nu-şi va întemeia niciodată doctrina pe experienţe. Poţi avea orice fel de experienţă. Dar trebuie să fie AŞA VORBEŞTE DOMNUL. Exact.
E-134 Abraham seen Him again one day setting in the tent. He looked, coming up there, and he seen three Men coming.
You know, there's just something about a Christian, that he knows Spirit when he sees It. When he... He just knows it. There's just something spiritual about it. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. You know, you... Yeah, he could just tell it. If he's really born, "My sheep know My Voice."
And he just knew there was something. He run out, and he said, "Come in, my Lord. Set down. Stop a little bit. I'll get a morsel of bread and put in Your hand. I'll wash Your feet. Rest Yourself, then go on about Your journey, for You--You've come to visit me." Up in the barren lands, taking the hard way, the way with the Lord's despised few, while Lot was living in riches, the nephew down there; but he was living in sin. That's what most richedness produces is sin.
You know, there's just something about a Christian, that he knows Spirit when he sees It. When he... He just knows it. There's just something spiritual about it. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. You know, you... Yeah, he could just tell it. If he's really born, "My sheep know My Voice."
And he just knew there was something. He run out, and he said, "Come in, my Lord. Set down. Stop a little bit. I'll get a morsel of bread and put in Your hand. I'll wash Your feet. Rest Yourself, then go on about Your journey, for You--You've come to visit me." Up in the barren lands, taking the hard way, the way with the Lord's despised few, while Lot was living in riches, the nephew down there; but he was living in sin. That's what most richedness produces is sin.
E-52 Acum, în Vechiul Testament, ei aveau trei moduri diferite prin care puteau recunoaşte un mesaj. Mai întâi, legea, care era doar legea. Apoi, aveau un-un proroc; un visător; şi aveau Urim Tumim-ul. Acum asta ar putea fi un pic cam profund.
E-136 So Abraham brought them up. Why, he got a little water and washed Their feet. He run out after a calf, and got a fat calf--into the herd, and killed it, give it to his servant to dress. And said, "Sarah, knead your meal." You know what kneading... It is, means to... You know, mom used to have an old, kind of like a wedge, she had in the--the meal barrel. Did you ever see one of them with a sifter? And it had a wedge in there, you raked the meal you know; and it get heavy like that, and rake it through like that. I've seen mama do it many times with a wedge, have a little round thing that's got a little screen wire on it. She'd get that meal up and sift it like that, you know, and pat it back and forth like that. And then take the wedge, and rake it around like that, to get it all down. And that's when we have to go down and get our meal ground at the old grist mill; and big old burrs (you know, heavy)--made real corn bread. You could saw logs all day on it.
E-53 Urim Tumim era pieptarul pe care Aaron îl purta pe piept. În el erau douăsprezece pietre: iaspis, sardiu, smarald, şi aşa mai departe, în continuare. Au luat toate cele douăsprezece pietre mari, care erau în pieptar, arătând că el era marele preot al fiecărei seminţii, al celor douăsprezece seminţii ale lui Israel. Acest pieptar era agăţat pe un stâlp în biserică. Şi când un proroc prorocea, şi voiau să fie siguri că era corect sau nu, prorocii sau visătorii stăteau în faţa acestui Urim Tumim, şi el îşi povestea visul sau vedenia, orice ar fi văzut. Şi dacă Lumina Sacră... Oh, o vedeţi? Dumnezeu a locuit întotdeauna în tărâmul supranatural. Conglomerarea, acele lumini, erau doar normale până când venea acest glas. Şi când glasul lovea acele pietre, dacă nu era supranatural, ea rămânea inactivă. Dar dacă era supranatural, acele Lumini reflectau toate împreună culoarea curcubeului. Amin. Atunci, acela era Dumnezeu care vorbea, "Acela este prorocul Meu." Sau, ,,Acel vis a venit de la Mine." Era în conformitate cu Urim Tumim-ul după cum judecau ei.
E-137 So then, said, "Knead some meal right quick. And make some hoecakes right here on the hearth, right quick." And they milked the cow and got some milk. And they got--churned it and got some butter. And then they went and killed the calf and got some meat, and they fried the meat. Got the buttermilk, corn bread, and they got some butter to put on the hot hoecakes (Oh, that's really good.) and they smeared it all on there. And he took it out, and set it down to these three Men.
And while They were eating, They kept looking towards Sodom. And after while, They got up and started walking away. And He said... Abraham said, "You won't keep it from me."
"I can't keep from you what I'm going to do. I'm going down there, I've... The sins of Sodom's come in My ear." Who was the Man? Dust all over His clothes, and setting there eating the flesh of a calf, and drink the cow's milk, and eating some hoecake corn bread, and some butter. Who is this strange Fellow? Two of--three of Them setting there, dust all over His clothes. Oh, yeah: "We're from a far country." (Yeah, way away.) And so he said... Well, who were They?
And while They were eating, They kept looking towards Sodom. And after while, They got up and started walking away. And He said... Abraham said, "You won't keep it from me."
"I can't keep from you what I'm going to do. I'm going down there, I've... The sins of Sodom's come in My ear." Who was the Man? Dust all over His clothes, and setting there eating the flesh of a calf, and drink the cow's milk, and eating some hoecake corn bread, and some butter. Who is this strange Fellow? Two of--three of Them setting there, dust all over His clothes. Oh, yeah: "We're from a far country." (Yeah, way away.) And so he said... Well, who were They?
E-54 Vă amintiţi de Saul când a decăzut? A spus că nu reuşea să aibă niciun vis. Şi profetul, Samuel, era mort şi nu era nici o cale. El a spus, "Nici măcar Urim-ul nu vrea să-mi vorbească." Nimic. Saul stătea înaintea Urim-ului, iar cuvintele lui erau bătăi moarte. Vedeţi? Dumnezeu doar îl refuza. Şi acel Urim Tumim, acela era adeverirea preoţiei lui Aaron. După plecarea lui Aaron, Moise, pieptarul era agăţat pe stâlp.
E-140 And He said, "I can't keep from Abraham, seeing that he's the heir of the earth. (Amen.) I reveal My secrets (other words) to those who are heir of the earth." That's where the Church ought to be today. That's right. Get the secrets of God, know how to hold yourself, and act, and what to do, and how to walk, and how to live. We're the heir of the earth. That's right. He reveals it to you, 'cause He won't keep nothing back. That's why we're watching these things come to pass. And the world says, "Aw, that's a bunch of fanaticism." Let them say it. The heir of the earth knows these things. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
... they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they that are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
He makes His secrets known to them, reveals it to them, showing them what to do and how to live, forsaking the things of the world, walking godly and living godly in this present world, walking along with Him. Let the world say what they want to.
... they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they that are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
He makes His secrets known to them, reveals it to them, showing them what to do and how to live, forsaking the things of the world, walking godly and living godly in this present world, walking along with Him. Let the world say what they want to.
E-55 Acum, preoţia lui Aaron a încetat când a murit Isus. Şi acum, separând legea de har, încă mai avem un Urim Tumim. Şi Pavel îl folosea. Vedeţi? Urim Tumim-ul de astăzi este Cuvântul Nemuritor, Etern, veşnic al lui Dumnezeu. Vedeţi?
E-141 So He said, "I can't keep this secret from Abraham, because seeing he's the heir to the earth." But He said, "I'm going down to destroy Sodom. I'm going down..."
"What are You going to do, Mister? Where You from? What's it all about?"
Come to find out, He said, "And another thing, Abraham, you've waited twenty-five years for this promise I give you. You done got all the Birdeye up, and the--the pins and everything for this baby, twenty-five years ago. And you still been waiting on Me. And I'm going to visit you just about the time of life, according to the time of life; next month I'll be with you."
And Sarah, back in the tent... And this Man had His back turned to the tent, talking to Abraham like this. And Sarah went... [Brother Branham illustrates by snickering--Ed.]
He said, "What made Sarah laugh?" Oh, how about that? That was quite a telepathy, wasn't it? "What made Sarah laugh?"
Sarah said, "No, I never laughed."
Said, "Oh, yes, you did." She was scared. She was trembling. Who was That could know what she was doing back in the tent. That's that same God that's with us today, same One. He knows all about it. See? He just reveals it as you have need. See?
"What's you laugh about?" See, His back turned to it. The Bible stated that, that His back was turned to the tent, but He knew it. What she back there doing this... (You see?) So He said, "I'm going to visit you."
Who is this strange Fellow? You know what happened? He walked right out there and vanished. And the Bible said that That was Almighty God, Jehovah, that great Fountain, that Theophany, that Logos.
"What are You going to do, Mister? Where You from? What's it all about?"
Come to find out, He said, "And another thing, Abraham, you've waited twenty-five years for this promise I give you. You done got all the Birdeye up, and the--the pins and everything for this baby, twenty-five years ago. And you still been waiting on Me. And I'm going to visit you just about the time of life, according to the time of life; next month I'll be with you."
And Sarah, back in the tent... And this Man had His back turned to the tent, talking to Abraham like this. And Sarah went... [Brother Branham illustrates by snickering--Ed.]
He said, "What made Sarah laugh?" Oh, how about that? That was quite a telepathy, wasn't it? "What made Sarah laugh?"
Sarah said, "No, I never laughed."
Said, "Oh, yes, you did." She was scared. She was trembling. Who was That could know what she was doing back in the tent. That's that same God that's with us today, same One. He knows all about it. See? He just reveals it as you have need. See?
"What's you laugh about?" See, His back turned to it. The Bible stated that, that His back was turned to the tent, but He knew it. What she back there doing this... (You see?) So He said, "I'm going to visit you."
Who is this strange Fellow? You know what happened? He walked right out there and vanished. And the Bible said that That was Almighty God, Jehovah, that great Fountain, that Theophany, that Logos.
E-56 „Căci dacă scoate cineva ceva din această Carte sau va adăuga ceva la ea." Nu vreau nimic în afara Acesteia, dar vreau tot ce conţine. Aceasta este Biserica pe care o vrem. Şi toate lucrurile trebuie să fie dovedite prin Cuvânt.
E-149 Some preacher said to me some time ago, said, "Brother Branham, you wouldn't actually think that was God, would you?"
I said, "The Bible said It was God, Elohim," which He was Almighty God, the El Shaddai (That's right), the Strength-Giver, the Satisfier. Amen. Oh, I feel religious. Think of it.
Here He is now. I'm going to show you Who He is here, and then you'll see Who the Son is; that was Jesus before He had the human Name Jesus.
Stood there at the fountain that day... And they was all drinking, you know, and "Having the waters that was in the wilderness," and things like that. (He said... ) "They was eating their manna..."
Somebody said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness for forty years."
He said, "And they're every one dead." Said, "I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of heaven. He that eats this Bread shall never die."
Said, "Well, our fathers drank from a spirit--from a spiritual Rock that was in the wilderness, that followed them."
He said, "I'm that Rock." Glory. St. John the 6th chapter...
Why, they said, "What?"
"Yes, that's right."
Why, he said, "You are... You're not even fifty years old." ('Course, His work made Him look a little old, but He was only thirty.) Said, "You're a man not over fifty years old, and you say you've seen Abraham that's been dead for eight or nine hundred years. We know now that you're a devil."
He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." There He is. Who was the I AM? A perpetual Name for all generations. That was the--that Pillar of Fire in the burning bush: "I AM THAT I AM." There He was, that Theophany made here, called the Son of God, the I AM, the Jehovah.
I said, "The Bible said It was God, Elohim," which He was Almighty God, the El Shaddai (That's right), the Strength-Giver, the Satisfier. Amen. Oh, I feel religious. Think of it.
Here He is now. I'm going to show you Who He is here, and then you'll see Who the Son is; that was Jesus before He had the human Name Jesus.
Stood there at the fountain that day... And they was all drinking, you know, and "Having the waters that was in the wilderness," and things like that. (He said... ) "They was eating their manna..."
Somebody said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness for forty years."
He said, "And they're every one dead." Said, "I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of heaven. He that eats this Bread shall never die."
Said, "Well, our fathers drank from a spirit--from a spiritual Rock that was in the wilderness, that followed them."
He said, "I'm that Rock." Glory. St. John the 6th chapter...
Why, they said, "What?"
"Yes, that's right."
Why, he said, "You are... You're not even fifty years old." ('Course, His work made Him look a little old, but He was only thirty.) Said, "You're a man not over fifty years old, and you say you've seen Abraham that's been dead for eight or nine hundred years. We know now that you're a devil."
He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." There He is. Who was the I AM? A perpetual Name for all generations. That was the--that Pillar of Fire in the burning bush: "I AM THAT I AM." There He was, that Theophany made here, called the Son of God, the I AM, the Jehovah.
E-57 Acesta este motivul pentru care am suferit un eşec recent în rândul penticostalilor, pentru că, spunând, "nu am reuşit să înţeleg unde uleiul care curge din mâinile voastre, sau sângele de pe faţa voastră, este un semn că aveţi Duhul Sfânt." Asta nu este scriptural şi eu-eu pur şi simplu nu am putut să accept. Trebuie să vină din Cuvânt.
E-158 Thomas said, "Lord, show us the Father and it'll satisfy us.
Said, "I've been so long with you and you don't know Me?" Said, "When you see Me, you see the Father. And why say, 'show us, Thou the Father'? I and the Father are One. My Father dwelleth in Me. I'm just a Tabernacle called the Son. The Father dwells in Me. Not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He doeth the works, not Me."
Now, standing back there again... Moses seen Him, the hind part of Him, said, "Looked like the back of a man," the Logos that went from God.
Then what happened? This was God, and the reason He had become from Logos to flesh... What? How did He... What happened to that? Five minutes before that He was the--He was the Logos. But what did He do? He just reached over...
Said, "I've been so long with you and you don't know Me?" Said, "When you see Me, you see the Father. And why say, 'show us, Thou the Father'? I and the Father are One. My Father dwelleth in Me. I'm just a Tabernacle called the Son. The Father dwells in Me. Not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He doeth the works, not Me."
Now, standing back there again... Moses seen Him, the hind part of Him, said, "Looked like the back of a man," the Logos that went from God.
Then what happened? This was God, and the reason He had become from Logos to flesh... What? How did He... What happened to that? Five minutes before that He was the--He was the Logos. But what did He do? He just reached over...
E-58 Şi acum, Pavel, el doar iubea Cuvântul. Aşa că, înainte să mărturisească vreodată această mare experienţă pe care a avut¬o, s-a dus în Egipt timp de trei ani. Cred că au fost trei ani, trei ani în Egipt. Şi ştiţi ce cred eu că a făcut? Eu cred că a luat Vechiul Testament şi a căutat prin Vechiul Testament, şi a descoperit că Acela era într-adevăr Mesia absolut. A trebuit să îşi dovedească experienţa prin Biblie. Amin. Oh, vai!
E-162 Now, our bodies are made out of sixteen different elements of the world. We know that. It's made out of potash, and--and--and a little calcium, and--and petroleum, and cosmic light, and atoms and so forth, all bundled together and makes this body. Comes from the dust of the earth. You eat food; as you eat the food that turns into--from the dust... And it come from the dust, and it just--it just goes right on. Your flesh, as far as your flesh, is no different from a horse or from a cow or anything else. It's still just flesh.
And boy, you glorify the flesh. But that spirit has a soul in there, my brother. That's right. But your flesh is just dust of the earth like the animal. Your flesh is no more than an animal. And if you lust after the flesh and the thing you see, lust after women, lust after all these different things, it's still animal. That's right. That's right. You shouldn't do it. The Spirit of God will lead you on and put you on a higher plain than that. That's exactly right.
And boy, you glorify the flesh. But that spirit has a soul in there, my brother. That's right. But your flesh is just dust of the earth like the animal. Your flesh is no more than an animal. And if you lust after the flesh and the thing you see, lust after women, lust after all these different things, it's still animal. That's right. That's right. You shouldn't do it. The Spirit of God will lead you on and put you on a higher plain than that. That's exactly right.
E-59 Urmăriţi-l când era în închisoare. Observaţi, există un-un spaţiu din viaţa lui Pavel când a fost în închisoare acolo pentru o lungă perioadă de timp. A scris Cartea Efesenilor. A scris această Scrisoare a Evreilor. Vedeţi? A avut timp. Dumnezeu l-a aşezat acolo într-o închisoare şi el a scris aceste Scrisori către biserici. Una către biserica din Efes. A scris una către biserica penticostală, cu care a avut multe probleme. Cu biserica Penticostală a avut mai multe probleme decât cu oricare alta. Încă mai are. Dar a fost recunoscător pentru ei. Singurul lucru care a putut să-i înveţe... Când intrau: unul avea o limbă, unul avea un psalm, unul avea o senzaţie, unul avea un sentiment. Nu putea să vorbească, să le vorbească, "Siguranţa Eternă." Nu putea să le vorbească, "predestinarea." Nu putea să le vorbească, erau prunci. Toţi trebuiau-trebuiau să simtă ceva, sau să vadă ceva, sau să aibă senzaţii ciudate, şi, sau ceva în jurul lor, nişte dovezi.
E-164 Now, and here... This great Theophany standing there... What... That great Jehovah God, you know what He said? He just reached over and got a handful of atoms, got a little light, and poured it in like this, and went... [Brother Branham blows--Ed.]... A body, and just stepped right into it, and that's all.
Said, "Come here, Gabriel (that great Archangel)," went [Brother Branham blows--Ed.] "Step in that. Come here, Michael (the Angel on His right side [Brother Branham blows--Ed.] for the Jew), step in that."
God and two Angels walked down here in human flesh, and drank the milk from a cow, eat the butter out of the milk, and eat some corn bread, and eat the flesh of the calf: two Angels and God. The Bible said so. That's Melchisedec that Abraham met coming from the slaughter of the kings. That's the Son of God.
Said, "Come here, Gabriel (that great Archangel)," went [Brother Branham blows--Ed.] "Step in that. Come here, Michael (the Angel on His right side [Brother Branham blows--Ed.] for the Jew), step in that."
God and two Angels walked down here in human flesh, and drank the milk from a cow, eat the butter out of the milk, and eat some corn bread, and eat the flesh of the calf: two Angels and God. The Bible said so. That's Melchisedec that Abraham met coming from the slaughter of the kings. That's the Son of God.
E-60 Dar eu cred că, atunci când le-a vorbit efesenilor, putea vorbi despre, "Dumnezeu ne-a predestinat ca fii şi fiice, şi ne¬a înfiat ca copii în Isus Cristos înainte de întemeierea lumii." Ia te uită. Vai!
E-168 Go ahead here in the Hebrews the 7th, said, "But made in the order of--like unto the Son of God." There He is. He made all things by Him. And He walked right out there, and just changed that dust right back to dust again, and stepped right back into glory.
And the Angels, as soon as they delivered Lot and Mrs. Lot... And she kept looking back. He said--told them not to do it again... And they stepped right back into--to the Presence of God.
Now, what a great hope we have in this great faith that we serve tonight. The living God, the Jehovah, the Pillar of Fire is with us, shows Himself in power, and action, and magnify... Let--let them take the picture of Him, the same Jehovah, the Son of God that came from God, went back to God, and dwells in His Church forevermore. There He is.
And the Angels, as soon as they delivered Lot and Mrs. Lot... And she kept looking back. He said--told them not to do it again... And they stepped right back into--to the Presence of God.
Now, what a great hope we have in this great faith that we serve tonight. The living God, the Jehovah, the Pillar of Fire is with us, shows Himself in power, and action, and magnify... Let--let them take the picture of Him, the same Jehovah, the Son of God that came from God, went back to God, and dwells in His Church forevermore. There He is.
E-61 Urmăriţi-l cum vine în Cartea Romani şi aşa mai departe. Erau adulţi. Oh, vorbeau în limbi, sigur, şi aveau alte semne ale Duhului Sfânt în mijlocul lor. Dar nu făceau doctrine, şi senzaţii, şi mici freamăte, şi sentimente ciudate.
E-171 He has our names on His Book with a sworn oath by Himself, for there's no one greater He can swear by, that He'll raise us up at the last days. "He that eats My Flesh, and drinks My Blood, has Everlasting Life. And I'll raise Him up at the last day. He that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out. He that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me hath Everlasting Life, and shall never come into condemnation, but's passed from death unto Life."
That same One could just reach and grab a handful of calcium and potash, go [Brother Branham blows--Ed.] there you are again. And my name is on His Book. Oh, what do I care how stooped my shoulders are getting, how old I get? Certainly not, not a bit of worry.
That same One could just reach and grab a handful of calcium and potash, go [Brother Branham blows--Ed.] there you are again. And my name is on His Book. Oh, what do I care how stooped my shoulders are getting, how old I get? Certainly not, not a bit of worry.
E-62 Pavel a spus, "Voi-voi-voi mergeţi la extreme cu asta. Când ar trebui să învăţaţi, sunteţi încă bebeluşi şi trebuie să beţi lapte."
E-173 Brother Mike, one of these days, bless your heart, brother, when that great trumpet will come that a--sound, and that Joseph will step forth (Hallelujah.) He'll say, "Children [Brother Branham blows--Ed.]..." There we'll be made in His likeness, young forever; old age is passed away. Sickness, troubles, sorrows has vanished. Glory be to the living God.
That's Who He speaks through today, His Son. "In Sundry times and divers manners, He spoke through the prophets, but in this last day through His Son Christ Jesus." He speaks to every man's heart that He has called. If you've ever felt His voice, or heard Him knocking at your heart, please don't turn it away. Let us pray.
That's Who He speaks through today, His Son. "In Sundry times and divers manners, He spoke through the prophets, but in this last day through His Son Christ Jesus." He speaks to every man's heart that He has called. If you've ever felt His voice, or heard Him knocking at your heart, please don't turn it away. Let us pray.
E-63 Acum, asta am încercat întotdeauna să lupt ca acest tabernacol să fie, nu o adunătură de bebeluşi. Să fim adulţi. Staţi pe drum. O, vai! Iată.
E-175 Heavenly Father, tonight as we're so happy to know at the opening of this Hebrew Letter, how Paul went right back into the Gospels. He just wouldn't take it upon a hearsay or upon an experience. He wanted us to know what was truth. And he went right back into the Gospels, and he--back into the Old Testament, the Gospel that was preached to them. And he seen through the Old Testament there all the shadows and types. That's why we got this great Book of the Hebrews tonight. And we see It, Lord, and we love It. And through ages It's been burned, It's been scattered, It's been tried to be done away with, but She waves on just the same. For Thou hast said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Words shall not."
Then the skeptic would say, "Well, you said, Paul wrote this." Not Paul, but God that was in Paul, that creative Being that was inside of Paul. Just like was in David, when he said, "I'll not suffer my Holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell." And the Son of God taken those Words from that prophet, and went right into the bosoms of hell, and said, "Tear down this Tabernacle; I'll raise It up in three days." And He did it, because God's Word can't fail one iota; It can't fail.
How we thank God for this, this great Urim Thummim, and to know that our experiences tonight, Lord, flashes right on this Bible here. We're borned again, have the Holy Spirit.
Then the skeptic would say, "Well, you said, Paul wrote this." Not Paul, but God that was in Paul, that creative Being that was inside of Paul. Just like was in David, when he said, "I'll not suffer my Holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell." And the Son of God taken those Words from that prophet, and went right into the bosoms of hell, and said, "Tear down this Tabernacle; I'll raise It up in three days." And He did it, because God's Word can't fail one iota; It can't fail.
How we thank God for this, this great Urim Thummim, and to know that our experiences tonight, Lord, flashes right on this Bible here. We're borned again, have the Holy Spirit.
E-64 Aşadar, Pavel se duce acolo, mai întâi, ca să vadă dacă experienţa lui se potriveşte cu Biblia lui Dumnezeu.
E-178 Dear God, if there be a man or woman in here tonight, boy or girl, who has never witnessed this... How could they raise up if there's no Life in there? Oh, they say, "I have life."
But the Bible said, "She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she's alive." You say you have Life, but you're dead. "You claim," said the Bible, "that you have Life, but you're dead. Thou say you're rich and have need of nothing, but not know that you're miserable, and poor, and naked, and blind, and don't know it." And that's the condition of the churches tonight, Lord. How they miss these great, valuable things.
To know that the great Jehovah God, Who can only produce by... He said, "Bring Me those little fish."... He had to take the fish to--to make something with it, showing that the resurrection had to be something to do something with. He not only made fish, but He made cooked fish; He cooked bread. And He fed five thousand with five little fish--little loaves and two fishes. O Lord, it was in His hands, and He was a Creator. But He had to have something in His hands. God, may we lay ourselves in His hands tonight, and say, "O God, take me as I am. And when the end of my life is here, let me go with this hope that was within me, knowing that I've been borned again, and Your Spirit has bore record with me, and witnessed with my spirit, that I'm Your Son or Your Daughter." And at that last day, You'll raise them up. Grant it, Father.
But the Bible said, "She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she's alive." You say you have Life, but you're dead. "You claim," said the Bible, "that you have Life, but you're dead. Thou say you're rich and have need of nothing, but not know that you're miserable, and poor, and naked, and blind, and don't know it." And that's the condition of the churches tonight, Lord. How they miss these great, valuable things.
To know that the great Jehovah God, Who can only produce by... He said, "Bring Me those little fish."... He had to take the fish to--to make something with it, showing that the resurrection had to be something to do something with. He not only made fish, but He made cooked fish; He cooked bread. And He fed five thousand with five little fish--little loaves and two fishes. O Lord, it was in His hands, and He was a Creator. But He had to have something in His hands. God, may we lay ourselves in His hands tonight, and say, "O God, take me as I am. And when the end of my life is here, let me go with this hope that was within me, knowing that I've been borned again, and Your Spirit has bore record with me, and witnessed with my spirit, that I'm Your Son or Your Daughter." And at that last day, You'll raise them up. Grant it, Father.
E-65 Oh, nu ar fi minunat, astăzi, dacă oamenii ar face asta din nou, dacă am face ca experienţa noastră să se potrivească cu Biblia lui Dumnezeu? Dacă nu se potriveşte, atunci experienţa noastră este greşită; el nu clipeşte în Urim Tumim. Dacă clipeşte Acolo, amin, ştim că Îl avem. Dar dacă nu, unii... Nu-mi pasă cât de bine pare, cât de real ar părea că este corect; dacă acele lumini nu au pâlpâit în acel Urim Tumim, a fost greşit.
E-180 And while we have our head bowed, would there be one would raise your hand, say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, in prayer. I want God to know me when before I leave this earth, that He'll know me so much that He'll call my name. I'll answer." The Lord bless you, son. God bless you, and you, and you, lady. Someone else? Just raise your hand. Say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham." That's what I'm we'll do. God bless you, young lady. That's good.
Now, while your head's bowed, praying, I'm going to sing a verse of this song.
Covet not this world's vain riches,
That so rapidly decay,
Build your hopes on things eternal,
They will never pass away!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Now, while your head's bowed, praying, I'm going to sing a verse of this song.
Covet not this world's vain riches,
That so rapidly decay,
Build your hopes on things eternal,
They will never pass away!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
E-66 Şi nu contează cât de multă experienţă ai avut, cât de real pare să fie, cât de prezentabil este, cât de educativ este, ce instrument grozav este pentru a câştiga suflete; dacă nu luminează în Cuvânt, este greşit. Exact. Trebuie să se alinieze cu Cuvântul.
E-182 While she's playing now, and your head bowed, will you just reach your hand up and say, "Yes, Lord, here's my hand"? What will it do? It'll show your spirit in you made a decision. "I want Your hand, Lord." God bless you, little girlie. "I'll raise my hand." God bless you, little girl, down here. That's fine, honey. God, you know, is happy to see you do that. "Suffer the little children to come to Me."
"I want, God, You to hold my hand. And at that day I want to be in Your hand, that when You call, I'll come just like Lazarus was." God bless you, sister.
When our journey is completed,
If to God you have been true,
Fair and bright your home in glory,
Your enraptured soul shall view!
What will you do now, then?
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
"I want, God, You to hold my hand. And at that day I want to be in Your hand, that when You call, I'll come just like Lazarus was." God bless you, sister.
When our journey is completed,
If to God you have been true,
Fair and bright your home in glory,
Your enraptured soul shall view!
What will you do now, then?
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
E-67 Acum, eu cred în... că există un mijloc al drumului. Drumul, acum, de multe ori... mergeam la o biserică Nazarineană. Domnul să-i binecuvânteze pe acei oameni dragi. Metodişti de modă veche, sfinţiţi, asta sunt ei; biserica lui Dumnezeu, Nazarineană, Pelerini ai Sfinţeniei şi multe dintre acele biserici bune şi vechi ai sfinţeniei. Şi ei obişnuiau să cânte o cântare:
Merg pe marel drum vechi,
Spunând oriunde merg,
Că prefer să fiu un creştin de modă veche, Doamne,
Decât orice altceva ştiu eu.
Merg pe marel drum vechi,
Spunând oriunde merg,
Că prefer să fiu un creştin de modă veche, Doamne,
Decât orice altceva ştiu eu.
E-184 Heavenly Father, several hands went up in this little meeting tonight, that they want to take ahold tonight of Your unchanging, eternal hand. Knowing that what is committed to You... You said, "I... All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and none of them will be lost. And I'll raise them up at the last day." Can never perish, can never come to the judgment, but as eternal, Eternal Life. And there's only one Eternal Life, and That comes from God alone. It is God. And we become part of God, so much that we're sons and daughters of God. When we have God's Spirit in us we think like God. We think of righteousness and holiness and we try to live to please Him.
Grant, Lord, that that type of Life will enter every person that raised their hand. And those who should've raised their hands and did not, I pray that You'll be with them. Grant it, Father. And when journey is ended, life is finished, may we enter into peace at that day with Him, where we'll never be old, never be sick, never be no trouble. Until then, keep us joyful and happy, praising Him, for we ask it in His Name. Amen.
Grant, Lord, that that type of Life will enter every person that raised their hand. And those who should've raised their hands and did not, I pray that You'll be with them. Grant it, Father. And when journey is ended, life is finished, may we enter into peace at that day with Him, where we'll never be old, never be sick, never be no trouble. Until then, keep us joyful and happy, praising Him, for we ask it in His Name. Amen.
E-68 Bine. Minunat. Şi apoi vorbeau despre drumul sfinţeniei. Acum, dacă o recitiţi, ei au luat asta din Isaia, capitolul 35. Acum, dacă observaţi, el a spus, "Va fi un drum, şi o cale."
E-186 All you believers now, let's just raise our hands and sing that chorus.
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Now, let's hum it. [Brother Branham hums--Ed.]
While you're doing that, your neighbor... You say, "God bless you, neighbor." Shake hands with somebody setting next to you. "God bless you." On both sides now, on both sides, shake hands. "God bless you, neighbor. God be with you." Build your hopes on things eternal. (Doc, I know it's there, brother. I know you've been there, Brother Neville, long ago.)
When this journey is completed, (Going to happen one of these days.)
If to God we have been true, (We'll see Brother Seward there.)
Bright and bright your home in glory,
Your enraptured soul shall view!
Hold to God's unchanging hand! (I like that worship after the message.)
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Time is filled with swift translation,
Naught of earth unmoved shall stand,
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Let us catch a view of Him, that unseen One in the midst now, and just worship Him now as we sing.
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Peace! peace! wonderful peace, (Just worship Him now.)
Coming down... (The message is over, worship.)
Sweep over our spirit forever, I pray,
In the fathomless billows of love. (Just bathe in Him.)
Peace! peace! wonderful peace,
Coming down from... (That great Fountain is opening up.)... above;
Sweep over our spirit forever, I pray,
In the fathomless billows of love. (Doesn't that just do something?)
... peace! wonderful peace,
Coming down from our Father above;
Sweep over our spirit forever, I pray,
In the fathomless billows of love. (Isn't there something about It just rich and sweet and...)
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Now, let's hum it. [Brother Branham hums--Ed.]
While you're doing that, your neighbor... You say, "God bless you, neighbor." Shake hands with somebody setting next to you. "God bless you." On both sides now, on both sides, shake hands. "God bless you, neighbor. God be with you." Build your hopes on things eternal. (Doc, I know it's there, brother. I know you've been there, Brother Neville, long ago.)
When this journey is completed, (Going to happen one of these days.)
If to God we have been true, (We'll see Brother Seward there.)
Bright and bright your home in glory,
Your enraptured soul shall view!
Hold to God's unchanging hand! (I like that worship after the message.)
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Time is filled with swift translation,
Naught of earth unmoved shall stand,
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Let us catch a view of Him, that unseen One in the midst now, and just worship Him now as we sing.
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand!
Peace! peace! wonderful peace, (Just worship Him now.)
Coming down... (The message is over, worship.)
Sweep over our spirit forever, I pray,
In the fathomless billows of love. (Just bathe in Him.)
Peace! peace! wonderful peace,
Coming down from... (That great Fountain is opening up.)... above;
Sweep over our spirit forever, I pray,
In the fathomless billows of love. (Doesn't that just do something?)
... peace! wonderful peace,
Coming down from our Father above;
Sweep over our spirit forever, I pray,
In the fathomless billows of love. (Isn't there something about It just rich and sweet and...)
E-69 Acum, şi este o conjuncţie. Vedeţi? Un drum, nu era un drum al sfinţeniei. "Va fi un drum şi o cale, şi se va numi, 'Calea Sfinţeniei,"' nu drumul sfinţeniei. "Calea sfinţeniei!" Şi calea drumului este mijlocul drumului. Este construit aşa, ca apele să spele gunoaiele, de o parte şi de alta, păstrând drumul curat. Dacă nu, aveţi bălţi care stau în drum, tot timpul, dacă nu este construit cum trebuie. "Calea" este mijlocul drumului.
E-188 Wonder if there's a sick person who wants to be anointed and prayed for? If there is, just find your place at... This is the lady in a wheelchair there? Just let her remain, I'll come, pray for her. She won't have to get in the chair. Another? Oh, don't you just love this part of the service? How many feel--just know that the Presence of God is here? That's what I talk about. That same... You feel like that... How many feels like you could just scream out? Now, let's just see... Just feels like something in you just wants to scream out... See?
It's peace! peace! wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above;
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray,
In the fathomless billows of love.
... on me...
While we're in worship, we're going to anoint the sick now and pray for them. Won't you come right this way, lady?
What does this mean? The prayer of faith shall save the sick. Everybody just hum that song...?... healing the sick...?... anointed with oil. Thank you.
It's peace! peace! wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above;
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray,
In the fathomless billows of love.
... on me...
While we're in worship, we're going to anoint the sick now and pray for them. Won't you come right this way, lady?
What does this mean? The prayer of faith shall save the sick. Everybody just hum that song...?... healing the sick...?... anointed with oil. Thank you.
E-70 Acum, pe partea aceasta, când oamenii se convertesc, mintea lor este îndreptată spre Cristos. Şi dacă sunt doar puţin erudiţi şi nu stau în rugăciune, vor deveni foarte reci, şi rigizi, şi înţepeniţi, şi indiferenţi. Şi apoi, dacă sunt doar puţin emoţionaţi, dacă nu vegheaţi, vor deveni radicali şi nesăbuiţi, pe partea aceasta, vedeţi, intră în senzaţii şi în tot felul de lucruri.
E-71 Acum, dar, adevărata Biserică este o Evanghelie cu adevărat sănătoasă, chiar la mijlocul drumului. Nu este rece şi înţepenită, nici nu este fanatism. Este o Evanghelie bună, veche şi caldă, o dragoste de Dumnezeu din inimă, care merge chiar pe mijlocul drumului, chemând din ambele părţi. Aşa este. Acum, asta este ceea ce... Şi cum veţi avea acea Biserică? Chiar din Cuvânt, din Urim Tumim.
E-72 Acum, Pavel a vrut să pună această biserică chiar pe mijlocul drumului, aşa că s-a dus şi a studiat timp de trei ani Scripturile pe care le cunoştea. De aceea, Pavel a scris cea mai mare parte a acestui Nou Testament. Dumnezeu l-a pus pe el să facă asta pentru că urma o epocă a Neamurilor. Matei, Marcu, Luca şi Ioan, cele patru Evanghelii, erau Iudei. Dar Pavel a scris cea mai mare parte a scrisorilor.
E-73 Acum observaţi, acum, vom începe să să ajungem la acest fundal acum, unde se află el, scriind-O, din închisoare. Şi el a avut toată această experienţă. Dar, mai întâi, această experienţă a fost mai întâi dovedită, iar aceasta este scrisoarea lui cheie pentru asta. Aceasta este scrisoarea lui cheie. Romani şi Efeseni, şi aşa mai departe, îşi au locul lor, dar aceasta este scrisoarea cheie.
E-74 Acum, tot capitolul 1 îl înalţă pe Isus şi Îl separă de a fi un profet. Aceasta este întreaga temă acum. O să încerc să ajung la ea cât mai repede acum, ca să nu stăm prea mult. Întreaga temă separă noul cap-... nou... Capitolul 1 separă pe Isus de orice profet, sau de orice lege, sau aşa mai departe, şi arată Cine este Isus. Acum, priviţi, "Dumnezeu." Începem cu, primul cuvânt, "Dumnezeu."
Dumnezeu, în mul-... care în diferite vremuri...
Diferite înseamnă că "în trecut," timp trecut.
... în diferite vremuri şi în multe chipuri a vorbit în vechime părinţilor prin profeţi,
Dumnezeu, în mul-... care în diferite vremuri...
Diferite înseamnă că "în trecut," timp trecut.
... în diferite vremuri şi în multe chipuri a vorbit în vechime părinţilor prin profeţi,
E-75 Acum, vedeţi, "Dumnezeu, în diferite vremuri, cu mult timp în urmă, El a vorbit părinţilor prin profeţi." Asta-i cum El a avut să-Şi dea Mesajul, prin profetul Său.
E-76 Dumnezeu îl trimitea pe profetul Său, cum ar fi Ilie, Ieremia, Isaia. Şi, dacă veţi observa, niciodată, în toată istoria lumii, biserica nu a produs vreodată un profet. Căutaţi în Vechiul Testament, în Noul Testament, sau în zilele noastre, în zilele de pe urmă. Arătaţi-mi vreun profet care a fost ridicat vreodată din biserică în zilele de pe urmă. Arătaţi-mi vreunul care să fi ieşit vreodată. Şi arătaţi-mi o singură dată când un profet, un adevărat slujitor al lui Dumnezeu, pe care sistemul ecleziastic al lumii să nu-l fi osândit.
E-77 Gândiţi-vă doar la asta. Ieremia, Isaia, prin tot Vechiul Testament, ei au osândit asta. Isus a spus, "Voi împodobiţi mormintele profeţilor şi le văruiţi, şi voi i-aţi pus acolo." Aşa este.
E-78 Biserica continuă acest lucru. Uitaţi-vă la Sfântul Patrick. Voi, catolicii, îl revendicaţi. El nu este mai catolic decât mine. Aşa este. Dar voi îl revendicaţi.
E-80 Priviţi-o pe Ioana d'Arc. Aţi ars-o pe rug, ca vrăjitoare, pentru că a avut vedenii şi este spirituală. Aţi ars-o pe rug. Şi acea femeie a strigat după milă, şi au ars-o pe rug. Cam o sută de ani mai târziu, au aflat că era o prorociţă. Era o slujitoare a lui Dumnezeu. Oh, desigur, aţi făcut o mare penitenţă: aţi dezgropat cadavrele preoţilor şi le-aţi aruncat în râu.
E-81 "Voi împodobiţi mormintele profeţilor şi i-aţi pus acolo." Exact. Niciodată sistemul ecleziastic nu a produs un om al lui Dumnezeu; nu a produs niciodată, nu a produs astăzi şi nu va produce niciodată. Religia organizată nu a fost niciodată tema lui Dumnezeu.
E-82 Cea mai veche biserică organizată din lume este biserica Catolică; Luther, a doua; apoi vine Zwingli; după Zwingli, vine Calvin; Calvin, mai departe, Anglicană, Anglo-Saxonii care au preluat, apoi biserica Anglicană; şi regele Henric al VIII-lea, când a protestat, şi aşa mai departe; şi mai departe până la Metodistul Wesley, şi Nazarienii, Pelerinii Sfinţeniei; şi mai departe până la ultima, este Penticostală, toate organizate. Şi Biblia ne învaţă în mod clar că biserica Catolică este o-o femeie rău famată, iar bisericile Protestante şi organizaţiile lor sunt fiicele ei, Apocalipsa 17. Exact aşa este. Deci ele sunt...
E-83 Nu oamenii, acum. Există oameni buni în toate bisericile acelea; oameni sfinţiţi, mântuiţi. Dar Dumnezeu nu Îşi cheamă poporul Său printr-o organizaţie. El îi cheamă ca indivizi. Dumnezeu se ocupă de indivizi, fie că eşti Metodist, Baptist, Protestant şi Catolic, sau ce eşti. Dumnezeu, înainte de întemeierea lumii, te-a cunoscut, şi te-a predestinat la Viaţă Eternă, sau fie că ai fost predestinat la pierdere Eternă. Nu...
E-84 El nu a vrut ca voi să fiţi pieriţi, ca voi să pieriţi. Dar, El fiind infinit, trebuia să ştie sfârşitul de la început, altfel nu este Dumnezeu. Deci, Isus nu a venit niciodată pe pământ doar ca să spună, "Ei bine, voi vedea dacă cineva va fi milostiv... Dacă acţionez şi mor, într-un mod dur, probabil că se vor gândi, 'Ei bine, Eu...' Asta va-le va convinge inimile, şi vor..." Dumnezeu nu-şi conduce treburile aşa.
E-85 Isus a venit cu un scop specific, şi anume, pentru a-i mântui pe cei pe care Dumnezeu, înainte de întemeierea lumii, ştia că vor fi mântuiţi. El a spus acest lucru. Aşa este. Deci sunteţi... "Nu atârnă nici de cine vrea nici de cine aleargă; ci de Dumnezeu care are milă." Pavel a spus asta. Acelaşi om aici.
E-86 El a spus, "Acesta este motivul pentru care Dumnezeu a putut spune, înainte ca Esau sau Iacob să se fi născut, El a spus, 'Îl iubesc pe unul şi îl urăsc pe celălalt."' Înainte ca oricare dintre băieţi să se fi născut, Dumnezeu ştia că Esau era un şarlatan, iar El ştia că Iacob era un ... îşi iubea dreptul său de întâi născut. Deci El ştia, înainte ca lumea să se fi format vreodată, despre asta. Acum, vom afla într-un minut Cine a fost cel care a ştiut asta. Este în acest capitol.
Dumnezeu, ... în diferite vremuri şi în multe chipuri a vorbit... părinţilor prin profeţi,
Ne-a vorbit în aceste zile din urmă prin Fiul Său, ...
Ce a făcut? "Ne-a vorbit în aceste zile din urmă prin Fiul Său."
Dumnezeu, ... în diferite vremuri şi în multe chipuri a vorbit... părinţilor prin profeţi,
Ne-a vorbit în aceste zile din urmă prin Fiul Său, ...
Ce a făcut? "Ne-a vorbit în aceste zile din urmă prin Fiul Său."
E-87 Acum, cum aţi crede atunci, că, ce ar fi un profet? Am avea atunci un profet al acestei zile? Absolut. Ar vorbi El prin noi? Sigur. Dar cel care... Profeţii din trecut era Duhul lui Isus Cristos.
E-88 Acum, haideţi să lămurim acest lucru, pentru că nu cred că pătrunde bine. Acum, asta este exact ca la Şcoala duminicală, aşa că vrem să lămurim acest lucru. Vedeţi?
E-89 Observaţi. Să luăm Duhul lui Dumnezeu care era în Moise, perfect în mod... este prefigurarea lui Isus Cristos. Toate personajele din Vechiul Testament prefigurează crucea. Moise, născut un fiu special, ascuns în stufărişuri, luat de la părinţii lui şi aşa mai departe, şi a fost... Era un împărat, sau un¬un conducător, legiuitor, mijlocitor, preot. Tot ceea ce era el îl prefigura pe Cristos.
E-90 Observaţi-l pe Iosif, iubit de tatăl lui, urât de fraţii lui şi vândut pentru aproape treizeci de arginţi. Aruncat într-o groapă, presupus mort; scos afară. În persecuţia sa, paharnicul salvat şi măcelarul pierdut; doi hoţi la cruce. Şi apoi, când a ieşit, a ieşit din acea groapă şi a fost pus la dreapta lui Faraon, cea mai mare comercială... naţiunea care a bătut tot restul lumii. Şi nimeni nu putea veni la Faraon decât dacă veneau prin Iosif; Isus aşezat la dreapta lui Dumnezeu, şi nimeni nu poate veni la Dumnezeu decât prin Cristos. Şi când Iosif lăsa acel tron şi pornea afară, înaintea lui mergeau oameni care strigau şi suflau în trâmbiţe, sunau din trâmbiţă, zicând, "Îngenuncheaţi! Vine Iosif."
E-91 Şi când va veni Isus, va suna o trâmbiţă, şi fiecare genunchi se va pleca şi fiecare limbă va mărturisi. Da, domnule. Acolo era El.
E-93 Am pus mâna pe sicriul vechi, aici, nu demult, era făcut din plumb. Şi trupul lui trebuia să rămână... oasele lui... A spus, "Nu mă îngropaţi aici, pentru că într-o zi, Dumnezeu vă va vizita." El era un profet. "Dumnezeu vă va vizita." Şi a spus, "Când vă veţi sui în ţara făgăduită, luaţi-mi oasele."
E-94 Orice Evreu bătrân, cu spatele lovit şi însângerat, ar fi putut să se uite în sicriul acela şi să spună, "Într-o zi, vom ieşi."
E-95 Isus a lăsat un memorial, un mormânt gol. Într-o zi, când ne vom duce la mormânt, şi cei dragi ai noştri, şi vom auzi acei bulgări, când se va spune, "Cenuşă la cenuşă, şi ţărână la ţărână, şi pământ la pământ." Dar, frate, noi putem privi peste mare, la un mormânt gol. Într-o zi, vom pleca de aici. Vom merge Acasă. El vine. Totul a fost tipizat.
E-96 Observaţi-l pe David, respins de propriul său popor, detronat de propriul său popor. Fiind împărat al Ierusalimului, a fost alungat din Ierusalim de propriul său popor. Şi, pe când urca pe Muntele Măslinilor, s-a uitat înapoi şi a plâns. A fost respins.
E-97 La opt sute de ani de atunci, Fiul lui David, Împăratul Ierusalimului, s-a aşezat pe un deal şi a plâns, pentru că a fost respins.
E-98 Acesta a fost Duhul lui Cristos în David. Toate prefigurau crucea. Acei profeţi în urmă acolo au vorbit în Numele Lui. Au trăit în Numele Lui. Au acţionat în Numele Lui. Sigur. "Dumnezeu, în diferite vremuri şi în multe chipuri, a vorbit părinţilor prin profeţi, dar în această ultimă zi prin Fiul Său."
E-99 Deci profeţii şi oamenii spirituali, în această zi, sunt doar reflectarea lui Cristos. Acolo, prin lege au stat, privit. Aici, ei stau, privind înapoi în cealaltă direcţie, prin har.
E-100 Că în capitolul 11 din Evrei, ultimul capitol, m-am întrebat adesea asta. În ultimul capitol, ultima parte a capitolului 11 din Evrei, când vorbeşte despre Abraham. Marele capitol al credinţei, iar la sfârşit, el spune, "Au pribegit în piei de oi şi în piei de capre, şi au fost lipsiţi de toate, şi au fost tăiaţi în două cu fierestrăul. Au pribegit, fără să aibă unde să meargă, urâţi, şi dispreţuiţi şi persecutaţi. De care, lumea aceasta nu este vrednică de astfel de oameni."
E-101 Apoi Pavel se ridică şi spune, "Dar fără noi, ei nu sunt desăvârşiţi." Căci ei doar priveau la cruce, iar noi privim prin cruce. Noi avem Duhul lui Cristos după ce S-a făcut trup omenesc şi a locuit printre noi. Noi venim aici prin Duhul Sfânt, care este un plan mult mai bun.
E-102 Şi uneori mă întreb la ce se aşteaptă creştinismul de astăzi. Un predicator care merge într-un oraş trebuie să fie... sau vreo biserică nouă sau vreo nouă însărcinare, se defineşte proroc, merge acolo, spune, "Ei bine, dacă îmi vor da atâţia bani. Dacă pot avea cea mai bună maşină. Dacă ei vor... Dacă salariul meu va fi mărit la fiecare şase luni."
E-103 Trebuie să avem ce e mai bun. Trebuie să avem cele mai bune case. Trebuie să avem cele mai bune haine. Ce vom face atunci când vom sta în prezenţa acelor oameni care au pribegit, în piei de capre şi piei de oaie, fără un loc unde să îşi pună capul, rătăcind prin pustiuri? Şi cineva poate să râdă de noi şi suntem gata să părăsim biserica şi să nu ne mai întoarcem. Ce cere creştinismul astăzi. Ar trebui să ne fie ruşine de noi înşine.
Oh, Doamne, ai milă de noi.
Oh, Doamne, ai milă de noi.
E-104 În vremea aceea, El a vorbit prin profeţi, dar astăzi prin Fiul Său. Acela a fost cuvântul unui profet, acolo. Acesta este Cuvântul Fiului, astăzi. Oh, binecuvântat fie Numele Domnului!
E-105 Cu alte cuvinte, dacă vă uitaţi la umbră, la negativ, s-ar putea să faceţi o greşeală. Dar Aceasta este developată, imaginea este clară. Aceea era prin profet; aceasta este prin Fiul Său. Aceea era printr-un negativ; aceasta este printr-un pozitiv. Amin. Vedeţi asta? Nu există nicio şansă de a pierde. Este un lucru pozitiv, această zi prin Fiul Său. Oh, ce minunat!
... pe care l-a pus moştenitor... (Oh, vai!) ... moştenitor al tuturor lucrurilor, ...
... pe care l-a pus moştenitor... (Oh, vai!) ... moştenitor al tuturor lucrurilor, ...
E-106 Ce era? A fost o desemnare. Oh, ascultaţi. El a fost desemnat, Cristos a fost, moştenitor al tuturor lucrurilor. Oh, diavolul ştia asta, din grădina Edenului, vedeţi, când diavolul a auzit acel Cuvânt acolo, în acea zi, la judecata acelor oameni. A spus, "Pentru că veniţi din ţărână, în ţărână vă veţi întoarce; şi Sămânţa femeii va zdrobi capul şarpelui." O Sămânţă făgăduită.
E-107 Satan a pândit în mod constant acea Sămânţă. Când s-a născut Abel, el a spus, "Iată, asta-i sămânţa." Şi l-a ucis pe Abel. Fiul său, Cain, l-a ucis pe Abel. Şi de îndată ce Abel a murit, a spus, "Am prins sămânţa." L-a ucis. A spus, "L-am prins." Dar, moartea lui Abel, naşterea lui Set a fost învierea din nou. Urmări ţi cum au urmat.
E-108 Această linie a lui Set, a urmat, un om umil şi neprihănit; în jos prin Enoh; în jos la Noe, până la sfârşitul distrugerii antediluviene.
E-109 Uitaţi-vă la linia lui Cain, au devenit oameni deştepţi, educaţi, oameni de ştiinţă. Nu spune Biblia... Nu a spus Isus, că, "Fiii veacului acestuia sunt mai înţelepţi decât Fiii Împărăţiei"? Uitaţi-vă la partea lui Cain încă astăzi: deştepţi, educaţi, sceptici, foarte religioşi; vedeţi, foarte religioşi, dar oameni de ştiinţă, constructori, oameni mari.
E-110 Luaţi oameni mari. Uitaţi-vă la Thomas Edison, mulţi oameni mari. Uitaţi-vă la Einstein, creierul lumii, aşa-zis, astăzi, creierul lumii. Dar noi nu încercăm să folosim creiere. Noi lăsăm ca Gândul care era în Cristos să fie în noi, şi privim la acest Cuvânt şi chemăm asta aşa.
E-111 Medicii, deşi îi onorăm cu tot ce avem, dar cei mai mulţi dintre aceştia sunt sceptici, agnostici. Uitaţi-vă la oamenii deştepţi şi inteligenţi de astăzi. Ei sunt de partea aceea de acolo, partea lui Cain.
E-112 Dar priviţi-i pe cei umili şi blânzi. Acolo este din nou învierea voastră. Oh, binecuvântat fie Numele Domnului. Iată. Observaţi.
... el l-a făcut moştenitor al tuturor lucrurilor, prin care a făcut şi lumile;
Cine a făcut lumile? Cristos. "Cristos a făcut lumile?" Da, domnule. Haideţi să mergem puţin mai departe.
El care este strălucirea slavei Lui şi chipul exprimat al prezenţei Sale, ...
Strălucirea slavei Cui? Slavei lui Dumnezeu. Chipul exprimat a Prezenţei Cui? A lui Dumnezeu. Oh, îmi place asta!
... sau chipul exprimat al Fiinţei Lui, şi care susţine toate lucrurile cu Cuvântul...
Iată. Cuvântul, care susţine toate lucrurile. Isus a spus, în Matei 24, "Cerul şi pământul vor trece, dar cuvintele Mele nu vor trece niciodată." El susţine toate lucrurile.
... el l-a făcut moştenitor al tuturor lucrurilor, prin care a făcut şi lumile;
Cine a făcut lumile? Cristos. "Cristos a făcut lumile?" Da, domnule. Haideţi să mergem puţin mai departe.
El care este strălucirea slavei Lui şi chipul exprimat al prezenţei Sale, ...
Strălucirea slavei Cui? Slavei lui Dumnezeu. Chipul exprimat a Prezenţei Cui? A lui Dumnezeu. Oh, îmi place asta!
... sau chipul exprimat al Fiinţei Lui, şi care susţine toate lucrurile cu Cuvântul...
Iată. Cuvântul, care susţine toate lucrurile. Isus a spus, în Matei 24, "Cerul şi pământul vor trece, dar cuvintele Mele nu vor trece niciodată." El susţine toate lucrurile.
E-114 Chiar şi biserica Romano-Catolică, episcopul Sheen a spus, "A fost tradusă de patru sau cinci ori şi nu prea are nimic. Nu ai putea trăi după Ea nici dacă ar trebui." Dar El susţine toate lucrurile prin Cuvântul Său. Amin. Asta este ceea ce cred eu despre Acesta. Eu cred Biblia.
... cuvântul puterii Lui, (există putere în Cuvânt), când a făcut prin sine curăţirea păcatelor noastre, ... (ia te uită) ... a şezut la dreapta Măririi în locurile prea înalte;
... cuvântul puterii Lui, (există putere în Cuvânt), când a făcut prin sine curăţirea păcatelor noastre, ... (ia te uită) ... a şezut la dreapta Măririi în locurile prea înalte;
E-115 Ce încearcă Pavel să facă? El încearcă să arate că Dumnezeu a hotărât toate lucrurile în Cristos, iar Cristos era chipul exprimat al lui Dumnezeu. Tot restul capitolului se ocupă de modul în care El era mai presus de Îngeri, mai presus de toate puterile. Îngerii I s-au închinat. Pavel încerca să-L preamărească.
E-116 Acum, vreau să încerc... Dacă nu ajung mai departe de asta, tot restul este doar mărirea lui Cristos. Ce spune Pavel aici, ca în capitolul 11, şi tot despre vorbitul despre lume. El a spus, "Ce-cărui Înger i-a spus, 'Tu eşti Fiul Meu, astăzi Te-am născut'?" Vedeţi?
E-117 "Sfârşitul lumii, ei vor pieri. Lumea va pieri. Dar... Şi toate lucrurile din lume vor pieri. Le va face sul ca pe o manta. Şi vor fi vechi, şi schimbate, şi vor pieri. 'Dar Tu rămâi. Tu rămâi pentru totdeauna. Tu eşti Fiul Meu. Astăzi Te-am născut şi nu vei pieri niciodată, şezut la dreapta Măririi."'
Ce înseamnă dreapta? Nu că Dumnezeu are o mână dreaptă lângă care se aşează cineva. Mâna dreaptă înseamnă "puterea şi autoritatea," are autoritatea a tot ce este în Cer şi pe pământ. Şi toate Cerurile şi pământul sunt făcute de El.
Ce înseamnă dreapta? Nu că Dumnezeu are o mână dreaptă lângă care se aşează cineva. Mâna dreaptă înseamnă "puterea şi autoritatea," are autoritatea a tot ce este în Cer şi pe pământ. Şi toate Cerurile şi pământul sunt făcute de El.
E-118 Acum, cine este acest mare Ins, acest mare Om, Cristos? Aici, Dumnezeu în Tatăl, Fiul şi Duhul Sfânt, nu este... Este o trinitate, dar nu este o trinitate de oameni. Este o trinitate de slujbă, a unui singur Dumnezeu.
E-119 El era Tatăl care i-a condus pe copiii lui Israel. Aceasta era slujba Sa, marele Iehova Tatăl. Şi El a locuit pe pământ, numit Fiul. Iar acum El locuieşte în Biserica Sa, numit Duhul Sfânt. Nu trei Dumnezei; un singur Dumnezeu în trei slujbe: Tatăl, Fiul şi Duhul Sfânt.
Oamenii încearcă să facă din El trei Dumnezei diferiţi, Dumnezeu Tatăl. Acesta este motivul, Iudeii, nu aţi putea niciodată, niciodată nu veţi aduce asta unui Iudeu, nu, asta acolo. Nu poate. El are o poruncă, că, "Eu sunt Un singur Dumnezeu." Există un singur Dumnezeu.
Oamenii încearcă să facă din El trei Dumnezei diferiţi, Dumnezeu Tatăl. Acesta este motivul, Iudeii, nu aţi putea niciodată, niciodată nu veţi aduce asta unui Iudeu, nu, asta acolo. Nu poate. El are o poruncă, că, "Eu sunt Un singur Dumnezeu." Există un singur Dumnezeu.
E-120 În Africa ei botează în trei feluri diferite: ei botează o dată pentru Tatăl, o dată pentru Fiul şi o dată pentru Duhul Sfânt. Misiunea Credinţei Apostolice, ei botează de trei ori, cu faţa înainte, spre moartea Lui. Ceea ce ei numesc Evanghelia Deplină pe Coasta de Vest, sau pe Coasta de Est, ei botează de trei ori pe spate, spunea El... pentru îngroparea Lui.
Şi el a spus, "Când a murit, El a căzut în faţă."
Şi el a spus, "Când a murit, El a căzut în faţă."
E-121 Un altul a spus, "Stai. Un om se îngroapă pe spate." Doar mici lucruri de tehnică, când, ambele sunt greşite; ambele greşite, conform Scripturii.
Acesta este Urim Tumim. Acesta rezolvă problema.
Acesta este Urim Tumim. Acesta rezolvă problema.
E-122 Acum, aici, să ne imaginăm asta şi să vedem cum-cum arată, în seara asta. Iată, dacă vreţi să vedeţi asta. În toţi cei aproximativ douăzeci şi cinci de ani în care am fost slujitor, am studiat asta. Şi m-am întrebat adesea despre darurile din biserică. Ce sunt aceste daruri? Prorocia, vorbirea în limbi, tălmăcirea limbilor, descoperirea Divină şi aşa mai departe, toate acestea vin prin Cristos.
E-123 Acum observaţi. Cristos este Capul tuturor lucrurilor. Şi El este Capul Bisericii. Şi aţi văzut vreodată un diamant mare? Un diamant foarte mare care este tăiat bine, are mici cioburi cioplite din el, tăiate din el. Asta face un diamant corect. Pentru ce sunt cioburile? Diamantul adevărat, felul în care iese la suprafaţă, a fost strivit; diamantul adevărat, când este găsit.
Am fost în Kimberley. Voi, mulţi dintre voi, care aţi auzit că puteţi strânge diamante pe stradă, aşa este. Billy şi cu mine, şi d-ul Bosworth. Preşedintele minelor de diamante din Kimberley, a luat... A fost uşierul meu la întâlnirea de acolo. Şi ne-au dus acolo. Şi tocmai din... Le extrag la aproximativ, oh, la vreo o mie şapte sute de picioare sub pământ. Ies la suprafaţă, o piatră albastră, albastră mare, ca piatra asta albastră pe care o aveţi pe aici. Şi acei băştinaşi, îi bagă la o mie şapte sute de picioare sub pământ, ca să le extragă, ca să menţină preţul ridicat. Dacă aţi merge la râu acolo, îl au păzit pe o lungime de sute de mile. Luaţi două găleţi de zece galoane, spunea el, şi ridicaţi-le, pline de-de nisip, şi dacă aţi putea ajunge acasă cu ele, aţi fi multimilionari, atât de multe diamante ar fi în ele. Dar ei trebuie să muncească şi să le extragă, ca să le menţină preţul ridicat.
Am fost în Kimberley. Voi, mulţi dintre voi, care aţi auzit că puteţi strânge diamante pe stradă, aşa este. Billy şi cu mine, şi d-ul Bosworth. Preşedintele minelor de diamante din Kimberley, a luat... A fost uşierul meu la întâlnirea de acolo. Şi ne-au dus acolo. Şi tocmai din... Le extrag la aproximativ, oh, la vreo o mie şapte sute de picioare sub pământ. Ies la suprafaţă, o piatră albastră, albastră mare, ca piatra asta albastră pe care o aveţi pe aici. Şi acei băştinaşi, îi bagă la o mie şapte sute de picioare sub pământ, ca să le extragă, ca să menţină preţul ridicat. Dacă aţi merge la râu acolo, îl au păzit pe o lungime de sute de mile. Luaţi două găleţi de zece galoane, spunea el, şi ridicaţi-le, pline de-de nisip, şi dacă aţi putea ajunge acasă cu ele, aţi fi multimilionari, atât de multe diamante ar fi în ele. Dar ei trebuie să muncească şi să le extragă, ca să le menţină preţul ridicat.
E-124 Acum, diamantul, atunci când este extras, este doar o bucată mare, netedă, rotundă, ca o bucată de sticlă. Există un diamant albastru, diamant negru, smarald, şi un diamant transparent, diamant alb. Dar când este extras... Apoi, când este prelucrat şi pus în uz, este o parte din acel diamant care trebuie să se piardă. Şi trebuie să piardă cioburile de pe el. Ciopleşte cioburi mici, pentru că, atunci când intră în lumină directă, aşa, face o sclipire. Ciobul, este ce îl face să strălucească, felul în care este tăiat. Este tăiat, ciobit, şi atunci, când se face asta, asta crează o strălucire. Şi una va da o lumină verde, cealaltă va da o lumină albastră, şi poate o alta, o lumină de smarald, şi o lumină roşie. Şi diferite lumini provin din el, ca o culoare de curcubeu. Ei numesc asta, ,,foc în diamant."
E-125 Acum, fiecare dintre aceste lumini reprezintă daruri. Dar este, doar, Cristos este Diamantul. Şi El a fost Cel Care a venit şi a fost zdrobit, rănit şi cioplit, ca El să se poată reflecta pe Sine însuşi ca o Lumină pentru lume. El este acel Diamant Principal.
E-126 Vă puteţi imagina, înainte de a exista chiar un pământ, înainte de a exista o lumină, înainte de a exista o stea, înainte de a exista orice? Este un Mare Izvor care curge, a Duhului, şi din acest Izvor a ieşit dragostea cea mai pură, pentru că nu era nimic altceva ce să iasă din acesta decât dragoste. Acum, noi, ceea ce numim dragoste, astăzi, este o dragoste pervertită. Dar de îndată ce primim o esenţă, sau un pic din acea dragoste în noi, aceasta ne schimbă întreaga opinie.
E-127 Apoi, de acolo a venit un alt râu, din acest Izvor principal, Diamantul, şi a fost numit neprihănire, absolut neprihănire. Acum, acesta este motivul pentru care a trebuit să avem legea. Acesta este motivul pentru care legea trebuie să aibă judecata. Dacă nu există o judecată care să urmeze legea, legea nu foloseşte la nimic. Şi când judecata a fost pronunţată prin lege, care aduce moartea, şi nu era nimeni care să poată plăti pedeapsa decât Dumnezeu Însuşi. Şi El a plătit pedeapsa morţii noastre şi a luat păcatele noastre asupra Sa, pentru ca noi să fim neprihănirea lui Dumnezeu prin El.
E-128 Acum, când aceste mari Lumini au ieşit, sau mari raze ale Duhului: dragoste, pace, asta e tot ce era, Aceasta. Nu era nici o suferinţă. Nu era nici-nici ură, nici răutate; nu putea veni din acest Izvor. Acela era Iehova. Acela era Iehova Dumnezeu. Şi acum, aşa cum o numesc teologii, o teofanie a ieşit din Acela, care a fost numit, în Scriptură, "Logos," Logosul care a ieşit din Dumnezeu. Este greu de explicat, dar Acesta era o parte din Dumnezeu.
E-129 Acum, iată ce s-a întâmplat. Oh! Scuzaţi-mă. Eu-eu-eu doar continui cu asta, asta mă duce exact acolo unde îmi place. Vedeţi? Logosul, şi acest mare Izvor, acest mare Izvor de Duh care nu avea nici început şi nici sfârşit; acest mare Duh a început să se formeze, în creaţie, iar Logosul care a ieşit din El era Fiul lui Dumnezeu. Era singura formă vizibilă pe care o avea Duhul. Şi era o teofanie, ceea ce înseamnă un trup, iar trupul era asemănător unui om.
E-130 Moise L-a văzut când a trecut prin ... lângă-lângă stâncă. Şi s-a uitat la El şi a spus, ,,Arăta ca partea dinapoi a unui om."
Este acelaşi tip de trup pe care îl primim noi când murim aici. ,,Dacă aceast cort pământesc se desface, avem unul care ne aşteaptă deja." Era Aceea. Şi aceea era teofania care era Fiul lui Dumnezeu. Acel Fiu, acel Logos, a devenit trup, pentru că noi am fost puşi în trup. Şi teofania, Logosul, a devenit trup, aici, printre noi, şi nu era altceva decât locuinţa, pentru că tot acel Izvor locuia în El. Oh, înţelegeţi asta? Iată-l. Acesta era Cel care, în...
Este acelaşi tip de trup pe care îl primim noi când murim aici. ,,Dacă aceast cort pământesc se desface, avem unul care ne aşteaptă deja." Era Aceea. Şi aceea era teofania care era Fiul lui Dumnezeu. Acel Fiu, acel Logos, a devenit trup, pentru că noi am fost puşi în trup. Şi teofania, Logosul, a devenit trup, aici, printre noi, şi nu era altceva decât locuinţa, pentru că tot acel Izvor locuia în El. Oh, înţelegeţi asta? Iată-l. Acesta era Cel care, în...
E-131 Priviţi aici. Să ne întoarcem acum foarte repede la Evrei, capitolul 7, doar pentru un moment de-de har, cu voia lui Dumnezeu. Să vedem cum arată aici. Abraham!
Cât timp mai avem? Avem zece minute. În regulă. Luăm asta, apoi o terminăm următoarea, următoarea, sau duminică, dacă Domnul vrea.
Cât timp mai avem? Avem zece minute. În regulă. Luăm asta, apoi o terminăm următoarea, următoarea, sau duminică, dacă Domnul vrea.
E-132 Abraham se întorcea de la măcelul împăratului.
Căci acest Melhisedec, împăratul Salemului, ...
Câţi ştiu unde, cine, ce era Salemul? Ierusalimul.
... împăratul Salemului, prinţ al Dumnezeului Preaînalt, care l-a întîmpinat pe Abraham când se întorcea de la măcelul împăraţilor, şi l-a binecuvântat;
căruia Abraham i-a dat zeciuială din tot; care este întâi, prin tălmăcire, Împărat al neprihănirii, ... apoi şi Împărat al Salemului, adică Împărat al păcii;
Fără tată, fără mamă, fără spiţă de neam, neavând nici început al zilelor, nici sfârşit al vieţii; ...
Căci acest Melhisedec, împăratul Salemului, ...
Câţi ştiu unde, cine, ce era Salemul? Ierusalimul.
... împăratul Salemului, prinţ al Dumnezeului Preaînalt, care l-a întîmpinat pe Abraham când se întorcea de la măcelul împăraţilor, şi l-a binecuvântat;
căruia Abraham i-a dat zeciuială din tot; care este întâi, prin tălmăcire, Împărat al neprihănirii, ... apoi şi Împărat al Salemului, adică Împărat al păcii;
Fără tată, fără mamă, fără spiţă de neam, neavând nici început al zilelor, nici sfârşit al vieţii; ...
E-133 Un Împărat a coborât din Salem, şi l-a întâmpinat pe Abraham care venea de la măcelul împăraţilor. Şi acest Împărat nu avea nici tată, nici mamă, nici început al zilelor şi nici sfârşit al vieţii. Pe cine a întâlnit Abraham? Acum gândiţi-vă. El nu a avut nici tată; nu a avut nici mamă. El nu a avut niciodată un timp în care să fi început şi nu are niciodată un timp în care să se termine, aşa că acelaşi Împărat din Salem trebuie să fie viu astăzi. Amin. Vedeţi? Era acea teofanie care era acel Fiu al lui Dumnezeu. Care Salem? Acel Ierusalim care este Sus, pe care Abraham, fiind binecuvântat, îl căuta, să găsească, încerca să găsească Cetatea al cărei Meşter şi Ziditor era Dumnezeu. El pribegea îmbrăcat în piei de oi şi de capre, peste tot, lipsit de toate, rătăcind, şi căuta o Cetate al cărei Meşter şi Ziditor era Dumnezeu. Şi L-a întâlnit pe Împăratul acelui Salem, coborând, şi I-a plătit zeciuiala din toată prada. Amin. Acesta este El. Oh, frate Graham, acela era El. Acela era El.
Abraham L-a văzut din nou. Într-o zi, el era în cort. S-a uitat, venind acolo sus, şi a văzut trei oameni venind.
Abraham L-a văzut din nou. Într-o zi, el era în cort. S-a uitat, venind acolo sus, şi a văzut trei oameni venind.
E-134 Ştiţi, este ceva la un creştin, care recunoaşte Duhul atunci când îl vede. Când el... pur şi simplu îl recunoaşte. Este pur şi simplu ceva Spiritual în asta. Lucrurile Spirituale sunt desluşite Spiritual. Ştiţi. Da, el poate să o spună pur şi simplu, dacă este cu adevărat născut. "Oile Mele cunosc Glasul Meu."
E-135 Şi el doar a recunoscut că acolo era ceva. A alergat afară şi a spus, "Intră, Domnul meu. Ia loc. Opreşte-te puţin. Voi aduce o bucată de pâine şi o să o pun în mâna Ta. O să-Ţi spăl picioarele. Odihneşte-Te, apoi continuă-Ţi călătoria, pentru că Tu-Tu ai venit să mă vizitezi." Sus, în ţara aridă, luând calea cea grea, calea cu cei puţini dispreţuiţi, ai Domnului.
În timp ce, Lot trăia în bogăţie, nepotul acolo jos, dar trăia în păcat. Asta-i ce produce majoritatea bogăţiilor, este păcatul.
În timp ce, Lot trăia în bogăţie, nepotul acolo jos, dar trăia în păcat. Asta-i ce produce majoritatea bogăţiilor, este păcatul.
E-136 Şi Abraham i-a condus pe Ei sus, în timp ce a luat puţină apă şi Le-a spălat picioarele. A alergat la viţel, şi a luat un viţel gras din turmă şi l-a tăiat; l-a dat unui slujitor, să-l gătească. Şi a spus, "Sarah, frământă-ţi făina."
Ştiţi ce este frământarea, este, înseamnă. Ştiţi, mama avea un vechi, ca o pană, pe care o avea în butoiul cu făină. Aţi văzut vreodată una dintre acelea cu o sită? Şi aveaţi o pană acolo, răzuiaţi făina, ştiţi; şi se îngreuna aşa, şi o răzuia prin ea, aşa. Am văzut-o pe mama făcând asta, de multe ori, pana, avea un obiect mic rotund care avea o sită mică din sârmă. Ridica făina aceea şi o cernea aşa, ştiţi, şi o bătea înainte şi înapoi, aşa. Apoi lua pana şi o răzuia roata, aşa, ca să o cearnă pe toată. Şi atunci trebuia să mergem să ne măcinăm făina la vechea moară de măcinat; şi cu vechile pietre de moară, ştiţi, grele, făceau o pâine adevărată de porumb. Puteai să tai buşteni toată ziua, după ce ai mâncat-o.
Ştiţi ce este frământarea, este, înseamnă. Ştiţi, mama avea un vechi, ca o pană, pe care o avea în butoiul cu făină. Aţi văzut vreodată una dintre acelea cu o sită? Şi aveaţi o pană acolo, răzuiaţi făina, ştiţi; şi se îngreuna aşa, şi o răzuia prin ea, aşa. Am văzut-o pe mama făcând asta, de multe ori, pana, avea un obiect mic rotund care avea o sită mică din sârmă. Ridica făina aceea şi o cernea aşa, ştiţi, şi o bătea înainte şi înapoi, aşa. Apoi lua pana şi o răzuia roata, aşa, ca să o cearnă pe toată. Şi atunci trebuia să mergem să ne măcinăm făina la vechea moară de măcinat; şi cu vechile pietre de moară, ştiţi, grele, făceau o pâine adevărată de porumb. Puteai să tai buşteni toată ziua, după ce ai mâncat-o.
E-137 Aşa că, atunci, a spus, "Frământă nişte făină, repede. Şi fă nişte turte chiar aici, pe vatră, repede." Şi au muls vaca şi au luat nişte lapte. Şi au luat, l-au bătut şi au făcut nişte unt. Şi apoi s¬au dus şi au tăiat viţelul şi au luat nişte carne, şi au prăjit carnea. Au luat laptele bătut, pâinea de porumb, şi au luat nişte unt ca să pună pe turtele fierbinţi. Oh, asta este chiar foarte bun. Şi le¬au uns pe toate. Şi el le-a scos şi le-a aşezat înaintea acestor trei Bărbaţi.
E-138 Şi, în timp ce Ei mâncau, Ei se tot uitau spre Sodoma. Şi, după un timp, Ei s-au ridicat şi au început să se îndepărteze. Şi El a spus, "Abraham..." A spus, "Nu-mi vei ascunde."
E-139 "Nu pot să îţi ascund ceea ce am de gând să fac. Eu cobor acolo. Păcatele Sodomei au ajuns la urechea Mea."
Cine era Omul? Praf peste tot pe hainele Lui, şi stând acolo mâncând carnea unui viţel, şi bând lapte de vacă, şi mâncând nişte pâine de porumb ca o turtă, şi nişte unt. Cine este acest Ins ciudat? Doi, sau trei dintre Ei, care stăteau acolo. Praf peste tot pe hainele Lui. Oh, da, "Suntem dintr-o Ţară îndepărtată." Da, foarte departe. Şi deci El a spus, ... Ei bine, cine erau Ei?
Cine era Omul? Praf peste tot pe hainele Lui, şi stând acolo mâncând carnea unui viţel, şi bând lapte de vacă, şi mâncând nişte pâine de porumb ca o turtă, şi nişte unt. Cine este acest Ins ciudat? Doi, sau trei dintre Ei, care stăteau acolo. Praf peste tot pe hainele Lui. Oh, da, "Suntem dintr-o Ţară îndepărtată." Da, foarte departe. Şi deci El a spus, ... Ei bine, cine erau Ei?
E-140 El a spus, "Nu pot să ascund de Abraham, fiindcă el este moştenitorul pământului." Amin. "Eu dezvălui tainele Mele," cu alte cuvinte, "celor care sunt moştenitori ai pământului." Acolo ar trebui să fie Biserica astăzi. Exact. Apucaţi Tainele lui Dumnezeu, să ştiţi cum să vă ţineţi, să acţionaţi, ce să faceţi, cum să umblaţi şi cum să trăiţi. Suntem moştenitorii pământului. Aşa este. El vi le dezvăluie, pentru că nu vă va ascunde nimic. De aceea urmărim ca aceste lucruri să se întâmple.
Lumea spune, "Ah, asta e o grămadă de fanatism." Lasăţi-i să spună. Moştenitorul pământului ştie aceste lucruri. [porţiune goală pe bandă – Ed.]
... căci ei vor fi chemaţi copiii lui Dumnezeu.
Ferice sunt cei care sunt blânzi: căci ei vor moşteni pământul.
El le face cunoscute tainele Sale, le descoperă lor, le arată ce să facă şi cum să trăiască, lăsând lucrurile lumii; umblând cu evlavie şi trăind cu evlavie, în lumea aceasta prezentă, umblând împreună cu El. Lăsaţi lumea să spună ce vrea să spună.
Lumea spune, "Ah, asta e o grămadă de fanatism." Lasăţi-i să spună. Moştenitorul pământului ştie aceste lucruri. [porţiune goală pe bandă – Ed.]
... căci ei vor fi chemaţi copiii lui Dumnezeu.
Ferice sunt cei care sunt blânzi: căci ei vor moşteni pământul.
El le face cunoscute tainele Sale, le descoperă lor, le arată ce să facă şi cum să trăiască, lăsând lucrurile lumii; umblând cu evlavie şi trăind cu evlavie, în lumea aceasta prezentă, umblând împreună cu El. Lăsaţi lumea să spună ce vrea să spună.
E-141 Deci, El a spus, "Nu pot să ţin acest secret faţă de Abraham, pentru că, considerând că el este moştenitorul pământului. Dar," a spus, "Mă cobor să distrug Sodoma. Mă cobor."
E-143 A aflat, El a spus, "Şi încă ceva, Abrahame ai aşteptat douăzeci şi cinci de ani pentru această făgăduinţă pe care ţi¬am făcut-o. Aveai deja toate scutecele din pânză, prinzătoarele şi toate cele, pentru acest copil, acum douăzeci şi cinci de ani. Ai continuat să Mă aştepţi. Acum am să te vizitez, chiar cam la vremea vieţii, potrivit, vremii vieţii, luna viitoare voi fi cu tine."
E-144 Şi Sarah, înapoi în cort. Şi acest Om era cu spatele la cort, vorbind cu Abraham, aşa. Şi Sarah a făcut, "Huh!"
E-145 El a spus, "Ce a făcut-o pe Sarah să râdă?" Ho-ho-ho! Ce ziceţi de asta? A fost o adevărată telepatie, nu-i aşa? "Ce a făcut¬o pe Sarah să râdă?"
Sarah a spus, "Nu. N-am râs."
Sarah a spus, "Nu. N-am râs."
E-146 A spus, "Oh, ba da, ai râs." Era speriată. Tremura. Cine era Acela, care putea să ştie ce făcea ea în cort? Este Acelaşi Dumnezeu care este cu noi astăzi. Acelaşi. El ştie totul despre asta. Vedeţi? El doar vă dezvăluie pe măsură ce aveţi nevoie. Vedeţi?
E-147 "Pentru ce râzi?" Vedeţi, cu spatele întors. Biblia a declarat asta, că, "El era întors cu spatele la cort." Dar, El ştia. "Ce făcea ea, acolo în spate, făcând aşa?" Vedeţi? Aşa că, El a spus, "Te voi vizita."
E-148 Cine este acest Ins ciudat? Ştiţi ce s-a întâmplat? El s-a dus acolo afară şi s-a făcut nevăzut. Şi Biblia a spus că Acela era Dumnezeu Atotputernic, Iehova, acel mare Izvor, acea Teofanie, acel Logos.
E-149 Un predicator mi-a spus cu ceva timp în urmă, a spus, "Frate Branham, doar nu crezi că acela era Dumnezeu, nu-i aşa?"
E-150 Am spus, "Biblia a spus că era Dumnezeu, Elohim." Care, era Dumnezeu Atotputernic, El Shaddai, aşa este, Dătătorul de Putere, Satisfăcătorul. Amin.
E-151 Oh, mă simt religios! Gândiţi-vă la asta. Iată, El este. Acum am să vă arăt Cine este El aici, apoi veţi vedea Cine este Fiul. Acesta era Isus, înainte de a avea numele uman, "Isus."
E-152 Stătea acolo la fântână în acea zi. Şi toţi beau, ştiţi, şi, "Având apele care erau în pustie," şi lucruri de genul acesta. El a spus... Ei mâncau mană şi alte lucruri. Ei au spus, "Părinţii noştri au mâncat mana în pustie, timp de patruzeci de ani."
E-153 El a spus, "Şi ei sunt, toţi, morţi." A spus, "Eu sunt Pâinea Vieţii care vine de la Dumnezeu, din Cer. Cine mănâncă această Pâine nu va muri niciodată."
E-154 Au spus, "Ei bine, părinţii noştri au băut din Duhul, de la o Stâncă spirituală care era în pustie, care îi însoţea."
E-155 El a spus, "Eu sunt acea Stâncă." Slavă! Sfântul Ioan, capitolul 6.
"Păi," ei au spus, "ce?" "Da. Exact aşa."
"Păi," ei au spus, "ce?" "Da. Exact aşa."
E-156 "Păi," el a spus, "Tu eşti... Nu ai nici măcar cincizeci de ani." Desigur, lucrarea Lui Îl făcea să pară puţin bătrân, dar El avea doar treizeci de ani. A spus, "Eşti un om care nu are mai mult de cincizeci de ani, şi spui că l-ai văzut pe Abraham, care a murit de opt sau nouă sute de ani? Ştim acum că eşti un diavol."
E-157 El a spus, "Înainte ca Abraham să fi fost, EU SUNT." Iată¬-L. Cine a fost EU SUNT? Un Nume perpetuu pentru toate generaţiile. Acela a fost... acel Stâlp de Foc din rugul aprins, "EU SUNT CEL CE SUNT." Acolo era El, acea Teofanie pe care a făcut-o aici, numit Fiul lui Dumnezeu, EU SUNT, Iehova.
E-159 A spus, "De atâta vreme sunt cu voi, şi nu M-ai cunoscut?" A spus, "Când Mă vedeţi pe Mine, Îl vedeţi pe Tatăl. Cum zici tu dar, 'Arată-ne, pe Tatăl'? Eu şi Tatăl suntem Una. Tatăl Meu locuieşte în Mine. Eu sunt doar un cort numit Fiul. Tatăl locuieşte în Mine. Nu Eu sunt cel care face lucrările, ci Tatăl Meu care locuieşte în Mine. El face lucrările, nu Eu."
E-160 Acum, stând acolo în spate, din nou, Moise L-a văzut, partea dinapoi a Lui, a spus, "Arăta ca spatele unui om," Logosul care a ieşit din Dumnezeu.
E-161 Apoi ce s-a întâmplat? Acesta era Dumnezeu. Şi motivul pentru care El a devenit din Logos în trup... Ce... ? Cum... ? Ce s-a întâmplat cu asta? Cu cinci minute înainte de asta, El era un... El era Logosul. Dar ce a făcut El? El doar s-a întins peste...
E-162 Acum, trupurile noastre sunt făcute din şaisprezece elemente diferite ale lumii. Ştim asta. Este făcut din potasiu, şi-şi un¬şi un pic de calciu, şi-şi petrol, şi lumină cosmică, şi atomi, şi aşa mai departe. Toate legate împreună, şi alcătuiesc acest trup, provine din ţărâna pământului. Mâncaţi mâncare. Pe măsură ce mâncaţi mâncarea, aceasta se transformă în... din ţărână, şi provine din ţărână, şi doar-doar continuă mai departe. Carnea voastră, în ceea ce priveşte carnea voastră, nu este diferită de cea a unui cal, sau de cea a unei vaci, sau de orice altceva. Este tot doar carne.
E-163 Şi, băiete, tu glorifici carnea; dar acel duh are un suflet înăuntru acolo, fratele meu. Exact aşa. Dar carnea ta este doar praf de pământ, ca şi animalul. Carnea ta nu este mai mult decât un animal. Şi dacă pofteşti la carne şi la ceea ce vezi, pofteşti la femei, pofteşti la toate aceste lucruri diferite, este încă animal.
Aşa este. Aşa este. Nu ar trebui să o faci. Duhul lui Dumnezeu te va conduce şi te va pune pe un plan mai înalt decât acesta. Este exact aşa.
Aşa este. Aşa este. Nu ar trebui să o faci. Duhul lui Dumnezeu te va conduce şi te va pune pe un plan mai înalt decât acesta. Este exact aşa.
E-164 Acum, şi aici, această mare Teofanie care stă acolo. Ce... Acel mare Iehova Dumnezeu, ştiţi ce a spus? El doar a întins mâna şi a luat un pumn de atomi, a luat puţină lumină şi a turnat-o înăuntru, aşa, a făcut, "Pfu," un trup, şi a intrat direct în el. Asta e tot.
E-167 Dumnezeu şi doi îngeri au coborât aici, în carne de om, şi au băut laptele unei vaci, au mâncat unt din lapte, au mâncat turtă de mălai şi au mâncat carne de viţel. Doi Îngeri şi Dumnezeu. Aşa spune Biblia. Acela-i Melhisedec, pe care l-a întâlnit Abraham, venind de la măcelul împăraţilor. Acela-i Fiul lui Dumnezeu.
E-168 Mergeţi mai departe, aici, în Evrei, al şaptelea, spune, "Dar făcut în asemănarea Fiului lui Dumnezeu." Iată-L. El a făcut toate lucrurile prin El. Şi El a mers chiar acolo, şi a schimbat doar ţărâna înapoi în ţărână din nou şi a păşit înapoi în Slavă.
E-169 Şi Îngerii, imediat ce i-au eliberat pe Lot şi pe d-na Lot, iar ea se tot uita înapoi. El a spus, le-a spus să nu mai facă asta din nou. Şi Ei au păşit imediat înapoi în-în Prezenţa lui Dumnezeu.
E-170 Acum, ce mare nădejde avem în această mare Credinţă care o servim în această seară! Dumnezeul cel viu, Iehova, Stâlpul de Foc, este cu noi. Se arată pe Sine Însuşi în putere, şi în acţiune, şi în mărire... Le-a permis să-L fotografieze, acelaşi Iehova. Fiul lui Dumnezeu care a venit de la Dumnezeu, s-a întors la Dumnezeu, şi locuieşte în Biserica Sa pentru totdeauna. Iată-L.
E-171 El are numele noastre în Cartea Sa, cu un jurământ făcut pe Sine Însuşi, căci nu este nimeni mai mare decât El pe care să jure, că ne va învia în ziua de apoi. "Cine mănâncă Trupul Meu şi bea Sângele Meu are Viaţa veşnică şi Eu îl voi învia în ziua de apoi. Pe cel ce vine la Mine, nu-l voi izgoni nicidecum. Cine ascultă Cuvântul Meu şi crede în Cel ce M-a trimis, are Viaţa veşnică şi nu va veni niciodată la judecată, ci a trecut din moarte la Viaţă."
E-172 Acelaşi ar putea să se întindă şi să ia un pumn de calciu şi de potasiu, să facă, "Pfu" şi iată-vă din nou. Şi numele meu este în Cartea Lui. Ho-ho! Ho-ho-ho-ho! Ce-mi pasă cât de aplecaţi devin umerii mei, cât de bătrân devin? Cu siguranţă că nu. Nici un pic de îngrijorare.
E-173 Frate Mike, într-una din aceste zile, binecuvântă să-ţi fie inima, frate, când va veni acea mare trâmbiţă, acel sunet, şi acel Iosif va păşi înainte. Aleluia! El va spune, "Copii!" "Pfu." Acolo vom fi, făcuţi după chipul Său; tineri pentru totdeauna, bătrâneţea a trecut; boala, necazurile, întristările au dispărut. Slavă Dumnezeului cel viu!
E-174 Iată prin Cine vorbeşte El, astăzi, prin Fiul Său. "În Diferite vremuri şi în multe chipuri El a vorbit prin profet, dar în această zi de pe urmă, prin Fiul Său, Isus Cristos." El vorbeşte la inima fiecărui om pe care l-a chemat. Dacă ai simţit vreodată glasul Lui sau L-ai auzit bătând la inima ta, te rog să nu Îl refuzi.
Să ne rugăm.
Să ne rugăm.
E-175 Tată ceresc, în seara aceasta, aşa cum suntem atât de fericiţi să ştim, la începutul acestei scrisori din Evrei, cum Pavel s-a întors direct în Evanghelii. Pur şi simplu nu a vrut să se bazeze pe auzite sau pe o experienţă. El a vrut ca noi să ştim care este Adevărul. Şi s-a întors direct în Evanghelii şi a... înapoi în Vechiul Testament, Evanghelia care le-a fost propovăduită lor. Şi a văzut, prin Vechiul Testament de acolo, toate umbrele şi tipizările. De aceea avem această minunată Carte a Evreilor în seara aceasta. Şi O vedem, Doamne, şi O iubim. Şi de-a lungul veacurilor, a fost arsă, a fost împrăştiată, s-a încercat să fie desfiinţată, dar Ea flutură în continuare la fel. Căci Tu ai spus, "Cerurile şi pământul vor trece, dar Cuvintele Mele nu vor trece."
E-176 Atunci scepticul ar spune, "Ei bine, ai spus, 'Pavel a scris asta."' Nu Pavel, ci Dumnezeu care era în Pavel; acea Fiinţă creatoare care era în interiorul lui Pavel.
E-177 La fel cum a fost în David, când a spus, "Eu nu voi îngădui ca Acel Sfânt al Meu să vadă putrezirea, şi nici nu voi lăsa sufletul Lui în locuinţa morţilor." Şi Fiul lui Dumnezeu a luat acele Cuvinte de la acel profet şi a mers direct în străfundul iadului. Şi a spus, "Dărâmaţi templul acesta, şi în trei zile îl voi ridca." Şi El a făcut-o, pentru că Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu nu poate da greş; nici măcar o iotă nu poate da greş. Cât Îi mulţumim lui Dumnezeu pentru acest lucru, acest Urim Tumim măreţ, şi să ştim că experienţele noastre din această seară, Doamne, sclipesc chiar pe această Biblie de aici! Suntem născuţi din nou, avem Duhul Sfânt.
E-178 Dragă Doamne, dacă există un bărbat sau o femeie aici în seara aceasta, băiat sau fată, care nu a fost niciodată martor la asta, cum ar putea să se ridice dacă nu există Viaţă acolo în interior? Oh, ei spun, "Am Viaţă."
E-179 Dar Biblia a spus, "Dar cea dedată la plăceri, măcar că trăieşte, este moartă. Spuneţi că aveţi Viaţă, dar sunteţi morţi. Pretinzi," a spus Biblia, "că ai Viaţă, dar eşti moartă. Spui că eşti bogată şi că nu duci lipsă de nimic; dar nu şti că eşti nenorocită, şi săracă, şi goală, şi oarbă, şi nu o şti." Şi aceasta este starea bisericilor în seara aceasta, Doamne. Cum ratează ei aceste lucruri mari şi valoroase.
Să ştii că marele Iehova Dumnezeu, Care poate produce doar prin... El a spus, "Aduceţi-Mi peştişorii aceia." El a trebuit să ia peştele să-să facă ceva cu el. Arătând, că învierea trebuia să fie ceva, cu care să facă ceva. El nu numai că a făcut peşte, dar a făcut peşte gătit, şi pâine gătită. Şi a hrănit cinci mii de oameni cu cinci peştişori... pâini mici şi doi peşti. O, Doamne, era în mâinile Lui, şi El era Creatorul. Dar El trebuia să aibă ceva în mână.
Doamne, fie ca noi să ne punem în mâinile Lui, în seara aceasta, şi să spunem, "O Doamne, ia-mă aşa cum sunt. Şi când sfârşitul vieţii mele va fi aici, lasă-mă să plec cu această nădejde care era în mine, ştiind că am fost născut din nou, şi Duhul Tău a purtat mărturie cu mine, şi a mărturisit cu duhul meu, că sunt fiul Tău sau fiica Ta." Şi în acea zi de pe urmă, Tu îi vei învia. Îngăduie, Tată.
Să ştii că marele Iehova Dumnezeu, Care poate produce doar prin... El a spus, "Aduceţi-Mi peştişorii aceia." El a trebuit să ia peştele să-să facă ceva cu el. Arătând, că învierea trebuia să fie ceva, cu care să facă ceva. El nu numai că a făcut peşte, dar a făcut peşte gătit, şi pâine gătită. Şi a hrănit cinci mii de oameni cu cinci peştişori... pâini mici şi doi peşti. O, Doamne, era în mâinile Lui, şi El era Creatorul. Dar El trebuia să aibă ceva în mână.
Doamne, fie ca noi să ne punem în mâinile Lui, în seara aceasta, şi să spunem, "O Doamne, ia-mă aşa cum sunt. Şi când sfârşitul vieţii mele va fi aici, lasă-mă să plec cu această nădejde care era în mine, ştiind că am fost născut din nou, şi Duhul Tău a purtat mărturie cu mine, şi a mărturisit cu duhul meu, că sunt fiul Tău sau fiica Ta." Şi în acea zi de pe urmă, Tu îi vei învia. Îngăduie, Tată.
E-180 Şi în timp ce avem capetele plecate, ar fi cineva care să ridice mâna, să spună, "Aminteşte-ţi de mine, frate Branham, în rugăciune. Vreau ca Dumnezeu să mă cunoască când... înainte de a părăsi acest pământ, că El mă va cunoaşte atât de mult încât să-mi cheme numele. Eu voi răspunde." Domnul să te binecuvânteze, fiule. Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, şi pe tine; şi pe tine, doamnă. Altcineva? Doar ridicaţi mâna. Spuneţi, "Roagă-te pentru mine, frate Branham." Asta vom face. Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, doamna tânără. Aşa este bine.
E-181 Acum, în timp ce aveţi capul plecat, rugându-vă, voi cânta un vers din această cântare:
Nu râvni la bogăţiile deşarte ale acestei lumi,
Care decad atât de repede,
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ele nu vor trece niciodată!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Nu râvni la bogăţiile deşarte ale acestei lumi,
Care decad atât de repede,
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ele nu vor trece niciodată!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
E-182 În timp ce ea cântă acum, iar capetele voastre sunt aplecate, vreţi să întindeţi mâna în sus şi să spuneţi, "Da, Doamne, aici este a mea"? Ce va face? Va arăta că duhul vostru, în voi, a luat o decizie. "Vreau mâna Ta, Doamne." Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, fetiţo. "Voi ridica mâna." Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, fetiţo, aici jos. E bine, dragă. Dumnezeu, ştii, se bucură să te vadă făcând asta. "Lăsaţi copilaşii să vină la Mine."
E-183 "Vreau, Doamne, ca Tu să mă ţii de mână. Şi, în acea zi, vreau să fiu în mâna Ta; căci, atunci când mă vei chema, voi veni." Da, aşa cum a fost Lazăr. Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, soră.
Când călătoria ne este completată,
Dacă ai fost devotat lui Dumnezeu,
Frumoasă şi luminată casa ta în Slavă,
Sufletul tău încântat va vedea.
Deci ce vei face acum, atunci?
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Când călătoria ne este completată,
Dacă ai fost devotat lui Dumnezeu,
Frumoasă şi luminată casa ta în Slavă,
Sufletul tău încântat va vedea.
Deci ce vei face acum, atunci?
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
E-184 Tată Ceresc, mai multe mâini s-au ridicat, în această mică adunare, în seara aceasta, că vor să se prindă, în seara aceasta, de mâna Ta neschimbătoare, Eternă. Ştiind că ceea ce este încredinţat Ţie... Tu ai spus, "Eu... Ţoţi cei pe care Mi ia dat Tatăl vor veni la Mine, şi niciunul dintre ei nu va fi pierdut. Şi Eu îi voi învia în ziua de apoi. Nu poate pieri niciodată, nu poate ajunge la judecată, ci are Eternă, Viaţă Eternă." Şi există o singură Viaţă Eternă. Care vine, numai de la Dumnezeu. Este Dumnezeu. Iar noi devenim parte din Dumnezeu, atât de mult încât suntem fii şi fiice ale lui Dumnezeu. Când avem Duhul lui Dumnezeu în noi, gândim ca Dumnezeu. Ne gândim la neprihănire şi la sfinţenie şi încercăm să trăim ca să-i fim Lui pe plac.
E-185 Îngăduie, Doamne, ca acest tip de Viaţă să intre în fiecare persoană care şi-a ridicat mâna. Iar pe cei care ar fi trebuit să-şi ridice mâna şi nu au făcut-o, mă rog ca Tu să fii cu ei. Îngăduie, Tată. Şi când călătoria se sfârşeşte, când viaţa se termină, să putem intra în pace în acea zi, cu El, unde nu vom fi niciodată bătrâni, nu vom fi niciodată bolnavi, nu vor fi niciodată probleme. Până atunci, păstrează-ne bucuroşi şi fericiţi, lăudându-L, căci o cerem în Numele Lui. Amin.
E-186 Toţi credincioşii, acum, haideţi să ridicăm mâinile şi să cântăm acest refren.
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
E-187 Acum să fredonăm. În timp ce faceţi asta, la vecinul vostru, spuneţi, "Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, vecine." Dă mâna cu cineva care stă lângă tine. "Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze." De ambele părţi acum. De ambele părţi, daţi mâna. "Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, vecine. Dumnezeu să fie cu tine." "Întemeiazăţi¬vă nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne."
Doc, ştiu că e acolo, frate. Ştiu că ai fost acolo, frate Neville, cu mult timp în urmă.
Când această călătorie se va încheia,
Se va întâmpla, într-una din aceste zile.
Dacă am stat sinceri cu Dumnezeu,
Îl vom vedea pe fratele Seward Acolo.
Strălucitoare şi luminoasă, casa ta în Slavă,
Sufletul tău încântat va vedea.
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Îmi place această închinare, după mesaj.
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Timpule plin de tranziţii rapide,
Nimic de pe pământ nu va rămâne nemişcat,
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Să-L vedem pe El, Cel nevăzut din mijlocul nostru acum şi să ne închinăm Lui acum în timp ce cântăm.
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Pace! Pace! Pace minunată,
Doar închinaţi-vă Lui acum.
Care coboară...
Mesajul s-a terminat. Este închinare.
Revarsă-te veşnic peste sufletul nostru, mă rog,
În valurile nesfârşite ale iubirii.
Doar scăldaţi-vă în El.
Pace! Pace! Pace minunată,
Ce coboară de...
Acel mare Izvor, se deschide.
... sus;
Revarsă-te veşnic peste sufletul nostru, mă rog,
În valurile nesfârşite ale iubirii.
Nu-i aşa că asta face ceva?
... Pace minunată,
Care vine de la Tatăl nostru de Sus;
Revarsă-te veşnic peste sufletul nostru, mă rog,
În valurile nesfârşite ale iubirii.
Nu-i aşa că Asta are ceva, doar bogat şi dulce?
Doc, ştiu că e acolo, frate. Ştiu că ai fost acolo, frate Neville, cu mult timp în urmă.
Când această călătorie se va încheia,
Se va întâmpla, într-una din aceste zile.
Dacă am stat sinceri cu Dumnezeu,
Îl vom vedea pe fratele Seward Acolo.
Strălucitoare şi luminoasă, casa ta în Slavă,
Sufletul tău încântat va vedea.
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Îmi place această închinare, după mesaj.
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Timpule plin de tranziţii rapide,
Nimic de pe pământ nu va rămâne nemişcat,
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Să-L vedem pe El, Cel nevăzut din mijlocul nostru acum şi să ne închinăm Lui acum în timp ce cântăm.
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Întemeiază-ţi nădejdile pe lucruri Eterne,
Ţine-te de mâna neschimbătoare a lui Dumnezeu!
Pace! Pace! Pace minunată,
Doar închinaţi-vă Lui acum.
Care coboară...
Mesajul s-a terminat. Este închinare.
Revarsă-te veşnic peste sufletul nostru, mă rog,
În valurile nesfârşite ale iubirii.
Doar scăldaţi-vă în El.
Pace! Pace! Pace minunată,
Ce coboară de...
Acel mare Izvor, se deschide.
... sus;
Revarsă-te veşnic peste sufletul nostru, mă rog,
În valurile nesfârşite ale iubirii.
Nu-i aşa că asta face ceva?
... Pace minunată,
Care vine de la Tatăl nostru de Sus;
Revarsă-te veşnic peste sufletul nostru, mă rog,
În valurile nesfârşite ale iubirii.
Nu-i aşa că Asta are ceva, doar bogat şi dulce?
E-188 Mă întreb dacă există vreun bolnav care vrea să fie uns şi săi se facă rugăciune. Dacă da, găsiţi-vă locul. Aceasta este doamna în scaunul cu rotile de acolo? Doar să rămână acolo. Voi veni să mă rog pentru ea. Nu va trebui să se ridice din scaun. Altcineva?
Oh, nu-i aşa că vă place partea asta a serviciului? Câţi simt, recunosc doar că Prezenţa lui Dumnezeu este aici? Asta-i despre ce vorbesc. Acelaşi... Simţiţi că... Câţi simţiţi că vă vine să strigaţi? Acum să vedem. Doar simţiţi că ceva din voi vrea să strige. Vedeţi?
Este pace! Pace! Pace minunată,
Care coboară de la Tatăl de Sus;
Revarsă-te veşnic peste sufletul nostru, mă rog,
În valurile nesfârşite ale iubirii.
Străluceşte asupra mea,
Oh, nu-i aşa că vă place partea asta a serviciului? Câţi simt, recunosc doar că Prezenţa lui Dumnezeu este aici? Asta-i despre ce vorbesc. Acelaşi... Simţiţi că... Câţi simţiţi că vă vine să strigaţi? Acum să vedem. Doar simţiţi că ceva din voi vrea să strige. Vedeţi?
Este pace! Pace! Pace minunată,
Care coboară de la Tatăl de Sus;
Revarsă-te veşnic peste sufletul nostru, mă rog,
În valurile nesfârşite ale iubirii.
Străluceşte asupra mea,