Evrei, Capitolul Trei
Hebrews Chapter Three
Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A.
E-1 Bună dimineaţa, prieteni. Este un privilegiu să ne aflăm aici în această dimineaţă în slujba Domnului. Şi sperăm şi avem încredere că vom avea parte de un timp minunat.
E-1 We...?... Good morning, friends. It's a privilege to be here this morning in the service of the Lord. And we're hoping and trusting for a great time.
I was just back in the--what we used to call the deacon's office, where the recorders are now, and was just talking with a young lady and her mother back there from up at Joliet, Illinois. And I was just thinking of what a product of God's grace that girl is. Most of us around here know her. She's a--an alcoholic, one of the worse type. And I never had the story clear to me until this morning, how that when she went off the platform... The Lord had revealed to her all that was wrong and what was going to take place. And she went off the platform, weeping and rejoicing because God had saved her from a--a drunkard's grave. And she... A lady walked up to her and begin weeping, that her daughter, I believe it was, was a dope addict. And you know, by the grace of God, that girl was called (I believe it was the next night, Rosella?)--was called. And the girl from dope was healed. And she and her husband is preaching the Gospel. And--and--and to see a lovely little lady like Rosella, and just seasoned. And now she, very respectable, she's got a--feels a call in her heart. But knowing the Bible about women preachers (See?); she knows it's something else, and God's a-leading her into jails and things to give testimony.
It's just wonderful to--to--to know--to seek after the will of God. Sometimes we have a feeling, but we want to carry that feeling into places; if you don't watch, the Devil will take that feeling and pervert it into something. But as long as we stay in the Bible, then we're right. You see, we're moving right with the will of the Lord.
I was just back in the--what we used to call the deacon's office, where the recorders are now, and was just talking with a young lady and her mother back there from up at Joliet, Illinois. And I was just thinking of what a product of God's grace that girl is. Most of us around here know her. She's a--an alcoholic, one of the worse type. And I never had the story clear to me until this morning, how that when she went off the platform... The Lord had revealed to her all that was wrong and what was going to take place. And she went off the platform, weeping and rejoicing because God had saved her from a--a drunkard's grave. And she... A lady walked up to her and begin weeping, that her daughter, I believe it was, was a dope addict. And you know, by the grace of God, that girl was called (I believe it was the next night, Rosella?)--was called. And the girl from dope was healed. And she and her husband is preaching the Gospel. And--and--and to see a lovely little lady like Rosella, and just seasoned. And now she, very respectable, she's got a--feels a call in her heart. But knowing the Bible about women preachers (See?); she knows it's something else, and God's a-leading her into jails and things to give testimony.
It's just wonderful to--to--to know--to seek after the will of God. Sometimes we have a feeling, but we want to carry that feeling into places; if you don't watch, the Devil will take that feeling and pervert it into something. But as long as we stay in the Bible, then we're right. You see, we're moving right with the will of the Lord.
E-2 Tocmai am fost în spate în... ceea ce numim biroul diaconilor, unde se află acum înregistratoarele, şi tocmai vorbeam cu o tânără şi cu mama ei acolo, de sus din Joliet, Illinois. Şi mă gândeam la ce rod al harului lui Dumnezeu este acea fată. Majoritatea dintre noi de aici o cunoaştem. Este o¬o alcoolică, una dintre cele mai rele. Şi nu mi-a fost niciodată clară povestea până în această dimineaţă, cum că atunci când a coborât de pe platformă. Domnul i-a dezvăluit tot ce era greşit şi ce avea să se întâmple. Şi ea a coborât de pe platformă, plângând şi bucurându-se pentru că Dumnezeu a salvat-o de la o-o moarte de beţivă. Şi ea... O doamnă s-a apropiat de ea şi a început să plângă, că fiica ei, cred că era, era dependentă de droguri. Şi ştiţi, prin harul lui Dumnezeu, fata aceea a fost chemată (cred că, a fost în seara următoare, Rosella, a fost chemată?), şi fata, a fost vindecată, de la droguri. Şi ea şi soţul ei predică Evanghelia. Şi-şi-şi să vezi o domnişoară drăguţă ca Rosella, şi chiar competentă! Şi acum ea, foarte respectabilă, are un... simte o chemare în inima ei. Dar, cunoscând Biblia despre femeile predicatoare, vedeţi, ea ştie că este altceva. Şi Dumnezeu o conduce în închisori şi alte lucruri, ca să dea mărturie.
E-4 And so I believe that--that Rosella will finally turn into the mission field somewhere; because America doesn't want the Gospel (You know that.); we just might as well admit that. This Anglo-Saxon people is finished; that's all. There's no more Gospel that America will receive. Oh, you get a few stragglings now and then; but just as the Gospel, it's over. And you can't even preach to them, can't talk to them. They won't believe nothing. See? They just got their own hardheaded ideas, and they're set, and the next thing's for this nation is judgment. She's going to have it too. It may be through depression; it may be through an atomic bomb; it may be through a great plague, a disease or something; but she's ready. It's a-coming; thousands times thousands will fall.
We passed by yesterday, Brother Zabel and I, to a--and Brother Wood, coming in from down in Kentucky where we'd been for three days; and passed by a housing project, and Brother Zabel said, "There's not... I forget, not hardly any of those people in that project that even goes to any church."
We passed by yesterday, Brother Zabel and I, to a--and Brother Wood, coming in from down in Kentucky where we'd been for three days; and passed by a housing project, and Brother Zabel said, "There's not... I forget, not hardly any of those people in that project that even goes to any church."
E-3 Este pur şi simplu minunat să-să-să cunoşti, să cauţi voia lui Dumnezeu. Uneori avem un sentiment, dar vrem să ducem acel sentiment în anumite locuri; dacă nu veghezi, diavolul va lua acel sentiment şi îl va perverti în ceva. Dar atâta timp cât rămânem în Biblie, atunci suntem în regulă, vedeţi, ne mişcăm corect cu voia Domnului.
E-6 You'd ask them about it: "Well, we got our television, that's how we find comfort." See? That's the American attitude. See? "We got television. We got plenty of money. We got fine cars, got nice homes. What do we need with the Lord? We don't need that." And that's the attitude.
About the only religion and salvation we have, and love, is amongst the real godly people. You know the Bible said that would happen? (That's right.) And you Bible readers, I heard you holler "Amen," and you preachers back there. That--that's right. The love would be so far away in the last days, the only love there would be left would be between the elect of God's people. The father would be against mother, and mother against father, and the children against parents, and different ones against each other. And the only love would be left would just be that elect; just the elected. The word "elect," there, comes from the word "elected": God's elected people.
About the only religion and salvation we have, and love, is amongst the real godly people. You know the Bible said that would happen? (That's right.) And you Bible readers, I heard you holler "Amen," and you preachers back there. That--that's right. The love would be so far away in the last days, the only love there would be left would be between the elect of God's people. The father would be against mother, and mother against father, and the children against parents, and different ones against each other. And the only love would be left would just be that elect; just the elected. The word "elect," there, comes from the word "elected": God's elected people.
E-4 Şi astfel cred că-că Rosella se va întoarce în cele din urmă pe câmpurile de misiune undeva, pentru că America nu vrea Evanghelia.
Ştiţi asta. Am putea la fel de bine să recunoaştem asta, că, acest popor anglo-saxon este terminat. Asta e tot. Nu mai există nicio Evanghelie pe care America să o primească. Oh, mai primeşti câţiva rătăciţi, din când în când. Dar, cât despre Evanghelie, s-a terminat. Şi nici măcar nu poţi să le predici, nu poţi vorbi cu ei. Nu vor crede nimic. Vedeţi? Au doar ideile lor încăpăţânate, şi sunt hotărâţi.
Şi următoarele lucruri pentru această naţiune este judecata.
Ea o va avea, cu siguranţă. Poate fi printr-o criză economică. Poate fi printr-o bombă atomică. Poate fi printr-o mare molimă, o boală sau altceva, dar, ea este pregătită. Vine. Mii de mii vor cădea.
Ştiţi asta. Am putea la fel de bine să recunoaştem asta, că, acest popor anglo-saxon este terminat. Asta e tot. Nu mai există nicio Evanghelie pe care America să o primească. Oh, mai primeşti câţiva rătăciţi, din când în când. Dar, cât despre Evanghelie, s-a terminat. Şi nici măcar nu poţi să le predici, nu poţi vorbi cu ei. Nu vor crede nimic. Vedeţi? Au doar ideile lor încăpăţânate, şi sunt hotărâţi.
Şi următoarele lucruri pentru această naţiune este judecata.
Ea o va avea, cu siguranţă. Poate fi printr-o criză economică. Poate fi printr-o bombă atomică. Poate fi printr-o mare molimă, o boală sau altceva, dar, ea este pregătită. Vine. Mii de mii vor cădea.
E-8 And when Rosella was quoting the story to me in the room awhile ago, I was just thinking, that on that night, she said something happened. And how that... Said all down through her life when she'd be a--just a walleyed alcoholic. Couldn't... No Alcoholics Anonymous; four doctors give her up, nothing could be done. And how from that very moment something taken place.
Now, she's not that batty-eyed... She's a lovely, beautiful young woman of thirty-three years old and would pass for about twenty-two; just how that God did for her what He did, and how she looks different. And--but I said, "Rosella, before the foundation of the world, God ordained that moment." Yes, sir. See? Right... And when little old Billy Paul back there where he's at was pushing out prayer cards to people that night, how little did he know of who he was giving a prayer card to. Isn't it wonderful, Rosella? [Rosella speaks from audience--Ed.] Amen. The Lord bless you, Rosella. I'm sure we will do that. She wants the church to pray that God will guide her. That's the--follow His unchanging hand. Oh, that's so good.
Now, she's not that batty-eyed... She's a lovely, beautiful young woman of thirty-three years old and would pass for about twenty-two; just how that God did for her what He did, and how she looks different. And--but I said, "Rosella, before the foundation of the world, God ordained that moment." Yes, sir. See? Right... And when little old Billy Paul back there where he's at was pushing out prayer cards to people that night, how little did he know of who he was giving a prayer card to. Isn't it wonderful, Rosella? [Rosella speaks from audience--Ed.] Amen. The Lord bless you, Rosella. I'm sure we will do that. She wants the church to pray that God will guide her. That's the--follow His unchanging hand. Oh, that's so good.
E-5 Am trecut, ieri, eu şi fratele Za bel, la... şi fratele Wood, venind de jos din Kentucky, unde am fost timp de trei zile, şi am trecut pe lângă un cartier de locuinţe. Fratele Zabel a spus, "Nu există..." Am uitat. "Aproape niciunul dintre acei oameni, în acel cartier, care să meargă măcar la vreo biserică."
E-10 Had an awful proposition put before me this morning by some--a multi-times multi-times multimillionaire that wants to produce here at Louisville, Kentucky, and build me a five million dollar tabernacle. But something down in my heart said, "Hold on, you're not a pastor." See? So then, five million dollars of money that would be appropriated... Now, it... to have to go to the government to pay for whiskey and stuff like that, but wants to put it on a tabernacle for the Lord. But I hope that it goes to some servant of God that'll, and some service to God. But that's five million dollars appropriated now; think of that. What a tabernacle that would make. See how flowery that looks, Rosella? But there's something down here says different. See? See, something down here...
We come into this little, old tabernacle, to you strangers. Well, this could be a glamorous place here on the corner; you don't realize that, that people has wanted to build this place and make it. But this is the way we like it. See, this is the way we like it. Old seats we were setting on there, was the--the old original seats out of the Tabernacle here; went through the flood and floated up.
And my Bible laying open like that on the pulpit. It stuck against the ceiling and come back down with a Word on It, "I the Lord hath planted it; I'll water it day and night lest some shall pluck it from My hand." How that I rode across the top of it with a skiff here, and she come right back down. The seats moving right back to their place, all I had to do was scrub it out and go on. See, see? So this is just the way we like it; where it's a common people, common place, and a wonderful Lord. Amen.
We come into this little, old tabernacle, to you strangers. Well, this could be a glamorous place here on the corner; you don't realize that, that people has wanted to build this place and make it. But this is the way we like it. See, this is the way we like it. Old seats we were setting on there, was the--the old original seats out of the Tabernacle here; went through the flood and floated up.
And my Bible laying open like that on the pulpit. It stuck against the ceiling and come back down with a Word on It, "I the Lord hath planted it; I'll water it day and night lest some shall pluck it from My hand." How that I rode across the top of it with a skiff here, and she come right back down. The seats moving right back to their place, all I had to do was scrub it out and go on. See, see? So this is just the way we like it; where it's a common people, common place, and a wonderful Lord. Amen.
E-6 Dacă i-ai întreba despre asta. "Ei bine, avem televizorul. Aşa ne găsim alinarea." Vedeţi? Aceasta este atitudinea americană. Vedeţi? "Avem televizor. Avem o mulţime de bani. Avem maşini frumoase, avem case frumoase. La ce ne serveşte Domnul? Nu avem nevoie de Asta." Aceasta este atitudinea.
E-13 Now, today, we got some... We're just beginning to get over into the cream, you know, after the--the milk's all taken out and just the cream. And remember, it takes the milk to produce the cream, you know. The--the cream is the contents of the milk.
So we been in the 1st, 2nd, and we're ending up in the 3rd, and beginning in the 4th chapter of the glorious Book of Hebrews. And oh, the teachings of this Book. We could stay with It for--on one verse for three months, and just show that the entire Bible ties into every verse in the Bible. Did you ever think of that? And there's not one verse that you can put your finger on, but what with the grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, that we can tie Genesis to Revelations right into It.
So we been in the 1st, 2nd, and we're ending up in the 3rd, and beginning in the 4th chapter of the glorious Book of Hebrews. And oh, the teachings of this Book. We could stay with It for--on one verse for three months, and just show that the entire Bible ties into every verse in the Bible. Did you ever think of that? And there's not one verse that you can put your finger on, but what with the grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, that we can tie Genesis to Revelations right into It.
E-7 Cam singura religie şi mântuire pe care o avem, şi iubire, este printre oamenii cu adevărat evlavioşi. Ştiţi, Biblia a spus că asta se va întâmpla. [Adunarea spune: "Amin." – Ed.] Aha. Voi, cititorii Bibliei, v-am auzit strigând "Amin," şi pe tine, predicatorul acolo în spate. Asta, aşa este. Dragostea va fi atât de departe, în zilele din urmă; singura dragoste care va rămâne, va fi între Aleşii poporului lui Dumnezeu. "Tatăl va fi împotriva mamei, şi mama împotriva tatălui, şi copiii împotriva părinţilor, şi diferiţi unii împotriva celorlalţi." Şi singura dragoste care va rămâne, va fi doar acei Aleşi, doar Aleşii. Cuvântul "Aleşi" acolo vine de la cuvântul "Ales," poporul ales al lui Dumnezeu.
E-15 There's not another piece of literature written anywhere that can do that. And mathematically, and geographically, and every way; there's not a Book in the Bible wrote like the Bible. There's not a book in the world, I mean, wrote like the Bible; there's nothing. The numatics of the Bible is perfectly in harmony; just even chapters, and punctuations, and everything is perfect. Not another book... You couldn't read a chapter out of it without crossing itself back. But there's not one cross-up in the entire Bible. And was wrote by many, many, many people; and hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of years apart, not knowing one piece...
One wrote It here, and one wrote It here, and one wrote It over here; when It was all formed together, It made God's Bible. And not one contradicts the other one. And no... Not mathematics, geographics, anything else of the Bible, everything, numatics, everything runs perfectly together. If that isn't inspired, I don't know, what will you call inspiration? I'm so glad for the blessed, old Bible.
Some of them said, "Are you a Catholic? Protestant?" I said, "Neither one; I believe the Bible." That's right. I believe the Bible, and I'm glad that we still have the freedom to preach It in this nation. Oh, it's wonderful.
One wrote It here, and one wrote It here, and one wrote It over here; when It was all formed together, It made God's Bible. And not one contradicts the other one. And no... Not mathematics, geographics, anything else of the Bible, everything, numatics, everything runs perfectly together. If that isn't inspired, I don't know, what will you call inspiration? I'm so glad for the blessed, old Bible.
Some of them said, "Are you a Catholic? Protestant?" I said, "Neither one; I believe the Bible." That's right. I believe the Bible, and I'm glad that we still have the freedom to preach It in this nation. Oh, it's wonderful.
E-8 Şi când Rosella îmi cita povestea în cameră, cu ceva timp în urmă, doar mă gândeam, că, în acea seară, a spus că s-a întâmplat ceva. Şi cum că, a spus, de-a lungul vieţii ei, când nu era altceva decât o alcoolică cu ochii holbaţi, nu au putut, nici Alcoolicii Anonimi, patru doctori au renunţat la ea, nu s-a mai putut face nimic, şi cum, chiar din acel moment, ceva a avut loc.
E-17 Now, we're going to study from It. And now, we'll turn over in the Book of the Hebrews and begin with the 3rd chapter, and we left off at the 15th verse.
And now, you all... I seen somebody noticed awhile ago, when I picked up my reading glasses. It's not that my eyes are bad, but I'm past forty years old. I can read it, right here, just ordinarily, but I could read it better with the glasses. And they made me a pair of reading glasses that I want to use because I can read it better and faster, and I... That's what I got them for.
And now, you all... I seen somebody noticed awhile ago, when I picked up my reading glasses. It's not that my eyes are bad, but I'm past forty years old. I can read it, right here, just ordinarily, but I could read it better with the glasses. And they made me a pair of reading glasses that I want to use because I can read it better and faster, and I... That's what I got them for.
E-9 Acum nu mai este cea cu ochii holbaţi. Este o tânără frumoasă şi drăguţă de treizeci şi trei de ani, şi ar trece drept o femeie de vreo douăzeci şi doi; chiar cum Dumnezeu a făcut pentru ea ceea ce a făcut şi cum arată ea altfel. Şi, dar am spus, "Rosella, înainte de întemeierea lumii, Dumnezeu a rânduit acel moment." Da, domnule. Vedeţi? Exact. Şi când micuţul Billy Paul, în spate acolo unde se află, împărţea cartonaşe de rugăciune oamenilor în acea seară, cât de puţin ştia el cui îi dădea un cartonaş de rugăciune.
Nu este minunat, Rosella?
[Sora Rosella Griffith spune, "Frate Branham, mă întreb dacă biserica ar putea să se roage ca Dumnezeu să ne călăuzească, cât de puternic a fost El." – Ed.]
Amin. Domnul să te binecuvânteze, Rosella. Sunt sigur că vom face asta. Ea vrea ca biserica să se roage ca Dumnezeu să o călăuzească. Adică, să urmeze mâna Lui neschimbătoare. Oh, asta e atât de bine.
Nu este minunat, Rosella?
[Sora Rosella Griffith spune, "Frate Branham, mă întreb dacă biserica ar putea să se roage ca Dumnezeu să ne călăuzească, cât de puternic a fost El." – Ed.]
Amin. Domnul să te binecuvânteze, Rosella. Sunt sigur că vom face asta. Ea vrea ca biserica să se roage ca Dumnezeu să o călăuzească. Adică, să urmeze mâna Lui neschimbătoare. Oh, asta e atât de bine.
E-19 Now, in the... First, we want a little background, 'cause there may be some strangers among us that has not picked up the first part of the Book of Hebrews.
Are--are you Mrs. Cox setting right here on the end? Well, I am sure glad to see her. Just before I start, as a testimony to the grace of God, here was a woman that cancer eating her face off. That's Sister Wood's mother. And I was in Michigan with Gene and Leo and them, taking the recordings, and on the road home my wife called me (or I called her), and she said, "Go to prayer immediately for a Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Wood's mother, for a cancer's eating her face off." Done went into the side of the eye and down to the bone slick on the side of her face, and just scattering. Some doctor done something or other to it and just made it worse, and just scattered it up, put some kind of medicine in it.
And they brought her from down to Campbellsville, Kentucky, up to... I believe, Acton, Kentucky, up to--to Louisville, for treatment.
Are--are you Mrs. Cox setting right here on the end? Well, I am sure glad to see her. Just before I start, as a testimony to the grace of God, here was a woman that cancer eating her face off. That's Sister Wood's mother. And I was in Michigan with Gene and Leo and them, taking the recordings, and on the road home my wife called me (or I called her), and she said, "Go to prayer immediately for a Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Wood's mother, for a cancer's eating her face off." Done went into the side of the eye and down to the bone slick on the side of her face, and just scattering. Some doctor done something or other to it and just made it worse, and just scattered it up, put some kind of medicine in it.
And they brought her from down to Campbellsville, Kentucky, up to... I believe, Acton, Kentucky, up to--to Louisville, for treatment.
E-10 Am avut o propunere îngrozitoare care mi-a fost pusă înainte, în această dimineaţă. Este vorba despre un oarecare, un multi-multimilionar care vrea să producă aici, la Louisville, Kentucky, şi să-mi construiască un tabernacol de cinci milioane de dolari. Dar ceva din adâncul inimii mele mi-a spus, "Stai puţin, tu nu eşti păstor." Vedeţi? Deci, atunci, cinci milioane de dolari din banii care ar fi însuşiţi. Acum, să trebuiască să meargă la guvern, să plătească pentru whisky şi lucruri de genul acesta, dar vrea să-i investească într-un tabernacol pentru Domnul. Dar sper că se duc la vreun slujitor al lui Dumnezeu care va... şi o slujbă pentru Dumnezeu. Dar, sunt cinci milioane de dolari alocaţi acum. Gândiţi-vă la asta, ce tabernacol s-ar putea face.
Vezi cât de înflorit pare asta, Rosella? Dar este ceva aici jos care spune altceva. Vedeţi? Vedeţi? Ceva aici jos.
Vezi cât de înflorit pare asta, Rosella? Dar este ceva aici jos care spune altceva. Vedeţi? Vedeţi? Ceva aici jos.
E-22 And so Mrs. Wood, the first time I ever seen her that she was tore up; because it... 'Course it was her--her--her mama, and sure she'd feel tore up. Went into the room and prayed for her with the confidence that God said He'd answer prayer. And a few days she was out and there she sets now with just a... Amazing grace, how He's done for her.
Would you stand up? I don't want to make you a--a--a public... Where--where was the cancer located? On--on the side of the face. See, there on that side of her face, down around here to her cheekbone, up around her eye; and God healed her. Isn't He wonderful?
Would you stand up? I don't want to make you a--a--a public... Where--where was the cancer located? On--on the side of the face. See, there on that side of her face, down around here to her cheekbone, up around her eye; and God healed her. Isn't He wonderful?
E-11 Venim în acest mic şi vechi tabernacol, voi străini. Ei bine, acesta ar putea fi un loc plin de farmec aici, la colţ, nu vă daţi seama de asta, că oamenii au vrut să construiască acest loc şi să-1 facă. Dar aşa ne place nouă. Vedeţi, aşa ne place nouă. Vechile scaune pe care stăteam acolo, erau vechile scaune originale din tabernacolul de aici, au trecut prin inundaţie şi au plutit la suprafaţă.
E-24 How many was here last Sunday to see what the Lord did by a vision? Man, both crippled and blind, setting right here in a wheelchair. And something hurt me when that old man setting here said, "Brother Branham..." (I believe it was this brother right here) Said, "Do the same for my wife." He's got a wife here that's crippled. My heart just melted. I wish... I'd give anything in the world if I could, but it's not--don't lay in my power. But it does lay in my power and your power to pray that God will do it. He's got a crippled wife with paralyzed hand and a paralyzed foot, looks like. And this man was far worse off than her, 'cause she can stand up and can walk a little, but this man could not even do that. And he... The brain, main balance nerve was gone. Mayo's, a lot of the others, had give him up. And a Catholic sent him here, a Catholic doctor; and his boy's a priest at St. Meinrad down in Jasper, Indiana; but that's laying foundation stones for that revival coming up down there.
E-12 Biblia mea stătea deschisă aşa pe amvon. S-a lipit de tavan şi s-a întors jos cu un Cuvânt pe Aceasta, "Eu, Domnul, am plantat-o. O voi uda zi şi noapte, ca nu cumva cineva să o smulgă din mâna Mea." Cum am vâslit pe deasupra cu o barcă, aici. Şi a coborât drept înapoi, scaunele s-au mutat drept la locul lor. Tot ce trebuiau să facă era să îl cureţe şi să meargă mai departe. Vedeţi? Vedeţi? Aşa că este exact aşa cum ne place nouă, unde sunt oameni obişnuiţi, un loc obişnuit şi un Domn minunat. Amin.
E-25 And when he raised up, he said, "But I can't..." He looked, said, "Yes, I can." He thought he couldn't see, you know. And he looked up; he just happened to raise his head up, and there he could walk and see; walked down that aisle by himself. And they were Presbyterians; he was orthodox. And talk... You think that just the Pentecostal or the Holiness people can shout; you're mistaken. They can sure do some shouting when they see something like that happen: hugging each other and shouting. Walked right out and down the steps, pushing his wheelchair; walking, with the balance nerves out of his head. Think of it. Walking like you or I would walk. Oh, He's wonderful.
E-13 Acum, astăzi, avem ceva, abia începem să trecem la smântână, ştiţi, după ce laptele este scos tot, şi doar smântâna. Şi amintiţi-vă, este nevoie de lapte pentru a produce smântâna, ştiţi. Smântâna este conţinutul laptelui.
E-26 Now, Paul wrote the Book of Hebrews, and in this writing of Hebrews... He wrote It. And before He wrote these Books... We find out now, we're going... This is a Sunday School class, and I'll try to watch and not take too long. And then we're going to have services to continue them on tonight, the Lord willing.
Now, in the Book of Hebrews and the rest of the Epistles of Paul... Who was Paul? He was a staunch Hebrew, a scholar, and a great teacher of the Old Testament. And he'd been taught by one of the best men of his day. Somebody tell me what his name was. Gamaliel, one of the greatest teachers of his day. And Paul had set at the feet of Gamaliel.
There's something about the--where you go, what church you go to, and what teacher teaches you. Do you know that? It--it's got something to it. Therefore, we ought to seek out the very best that we can find, so we're getting the best; not because it's sociable and so forth, but the real Bible teaching.
Now, in the Book of Hebrews and the rest of the Epistles of Paul... Who was Paul? He was a staunch Hebrew, a scholar, and a great teacher of the Old Testament. And he'd been taught by one of the best men of his day. Somebody tell me what his name was. Gamaliel, one of the greatest teachers of his day. And Paul had set at the feet of Gamaliel.
There's something about the--where you go, what church you go to, and what teacher teaches you. Do you know that? It--it's got something to it. Therefore, we ought to seek out the very best that we can find, so we're getting the best; not because it's sociable and so forth, but the real Bible teaching.
E-14 Deci am fost în 1-ul, al 2-lea şi încheiem în al 3-lea, şi începem cu al 4-lea capitol din minunata Carte a Evreilor. Şi, oh, învăţăturile acestei Cărţi! Am putea să stăm cu Aceasta timp de, pe un singur verset, timp de trei luni, şi să arătăm că întreaga Biblie se leagă cu fiecare verset din Biblie. V-aţi gândit vreodată la asta? Nu există un singur verset pe care să poţi pune degetul, fără să, cu harul şi ajutorul Duhului Sfânt, să nu putem face legătura de la Geneza la Apocalipsa în cadrul Acestuia.
E-29 Look, one time when Israel had got out into the wilderness with their armies, and they had a seven day compass, and they'd run out of water. And they were about to perish; they said, "Oh, if there was a prophet near."
And one of them said, "We have down here, Elisha. He poured water on the hands of Elijah." See his associate? In other words, "Here's Elisha who's had associations with Elijah, the Word of the Lord is with him." You get it? He'd been taught right. And he said, "He's here. Let's go down and consult him because his teacher was Elijah, and he's got the teaching of Elijah in him." See what a difference it makes? Sure, we want to be taught.
And one of them said, "We have down here, Elisha. He poured water on the hands of Elijah." See his associate? In other words, "Here's Elisha who's had associations with Elijah, the Word of the Lord is with him." You get it? He'd been taught right. And he said, "He's here. Let's go down and consult him because his teacher was Elijah, and he's got the teaching of Elijah in him." See what a difference it makes? Sure, we want to be taught.
E-15 Nu există o altă piesă de literatură scrisă nicăieri care să poată face asta. Şi din punct de vedere matematic, şi geografic, în toate privinţele, nu există o carte în Biblie scrisă ca Biblia... Nu există o carte în lume, vreau să zic, scrisă ca Biblia. Nu există nimic. Numerele Bibliei sunt perfect în armonie; chiar şi capitolele, şi punctuaţia, şi totul, este perfect. Nu există o altă carte; nu ai putea citi un capitol din ea fără să se crucişeze înapoi. Şi nu există nici măcar o singură crucişare în întreaga Biblie. Şi a fost scrisă de mulţi, mulţi, mulţi oameni; şi la sute, şi sute, şi sute de ani distanţă, neştiind nici măcar o parte... Unul a scris¬o aici, şi unul a scris-O aici, şi unul a scris-O aici. Când a fost aşezată laolaltă, a alcătuit Biblia lui Dumnezeu. Şi nici una nu o contrazice pe cealaltă, şi, nu, nu matematică, geografie. Orice altceva din Biblie, totul, numeric, totul se potriveşte perfect împreună. Dacă aceea nu este insuflare, nu ştiu, ce veţi numi voi insuflare? Mă bucur atât de mult pentru binecuvântata Biblie veche.
E-31 So, Paul had the teaching of Gamaliel. And Gamaliel was that great man who made the choice, being a scholar himself, that when all of this carrying on started of the early church, he said, "Let's not put our hands on that, brethren, if it is not of God, it will come to naught anyhow. But if it is of God, and we fight against it, we'll find ourself fighting against God." See, he'd had some good teaching.
Paul had come up under this man, and he knew that Paul was a great teacher. So one day, honest in heart, persecuting the Church, going down to arrest them...
Now, let's take just another little phase from Paul, as we get our background.
Paul had come up under this man, and he knew that Paul was a great teacher. So one day, honest in heart, persecuting the Church, going down to arrest them...
Now, let's take just another little phase from Paul, as we get our background.
E-16 Unii dintre ei au spus, "Eşti un Catolic? Protestant?"
Am spus, "Nici unul, nici altul. Eu cred în Biblie." Aşa este.
Cred în Biblie şi mă bucur că încă mai avem libertatea de a o predica în această naţiune. Oh, Este minunat.
Am spus, "Nici unul, nici altul. Eu cred în Biblie." Aşa este.
Cred în Biblie şi mă bucur că încă mai avem libertatea de a o predica în această naţiune. Oh, Este minunat.
E-34 When Judas fell by transgression (by the love of money and the pride of life), he fell from grace, and went to his place. And the disciples said, "There must be twelve." And the church, with all of its dignity, to show you what the church is, with all of its dignity, and all of its power; it's still millions of miles short at its very best. They said, "We've got to look out one among us who'll take the place." And they chose by casting lots, Matthias (Mattheas, I believe, or Matthias) Matthias, I believe it is. And whenever they chose him, and put him with the twelve (with the eleven, which made up the twelve), he did not do one thing. That's the only time his name's ever mentioned in the Scriptures. That was the church making it's choice.
Now, they thought, "He is a gentleman." No doubt. "He's a wonderful man. He's a scholar. He's smart. He's educated. He's a wonderful person. He would take the place of Judas and be one of us." But you know, God sometimes makes some of the (to our opinion)--some of the most foolish choices.
Now, they thought, "He is a gentleman." No doubt. "He's a wonderful man. He's a scholar. He's smart. He's educated. He's a wonderful person. He would take the place of Judas and be one of us." But you know, God sometimes makes some of the (to our opinion)--some of the most foolish choices.
E-17 Acum vom studia din Ea. Şi acum ne vom întoarce în Cartea Evreilor şi vom începe cu capitolul 3. Şi am rămas la versetul 15. Şi acum voi toţi...
E-36 Now, God seen a little hook-nosed Jew, just as full of temper as he could be, with his mouth setting sideways, "I'll go down and arrest every one of them. I'll--I'll throw them in jail. I'll do this." That was God's choice. The rest of them taken a scholar and a diplomat; that's the church's choice.
See, you don't know who that is at the altar. You don't know who that is You're testifying in jail or wherever it is. It might look like a pugilist with his ears broke down, eyes skinned up and... But you don't know who that is. You just cast your lot; that's all; give him the Word. God takes the choice.
And God choose this little high-tempered Jew, or chose him, rather, on his road down. "I'll go down and get them. I'll--I'll show them what I can do," like that. And God just knocked him down. God said, "That's my choice, right there."
Wouldn't that be foolish to the church? "Why he persecutes the church. He's a carnal man." But God knowed what was on the inside of man. See what I mean?
See, you don't know who that is at the altar. You don't know who that is You're testifying in jail or wherever it is. It might look like a pugilist with his ears broke down, eyes skinned up and... But you don't know who that is. You just cast your lot; that's all; give him the Word. God takes the choice.
And God choose this little high-tempered Jew, or chose him, rather, on his road down. "I'll go down and get them. I'll--I'll show them what I can do," like that. And God just knocked him down. God said, "That's my choice, right there."
Wouldn't that be foolish to the church? "Why he persecutes the church. He's a carnal man." But God knowed what was on the inside of man. See what I mean?
E-18 Am văzut că cineva a observat, cu ceva timp în urmă, când mi-am luat ochelarii de citit. Nu că ochii mei nu ar fi buni, dar am trecut de patruzeci de ani. Pot să citesc, chiar aici, în mod normal, dar pot să citesc mai bine cu ochelarii. Şi mi-au făcut o pereche de ochelari de citit pe care vreau să-i folosesc, pentru că pot să citesc mai bine şi mai repede. Şi de asta mi i-am luat. Acum, în...
E-40 So Paul had an experience. How many believes experience comes by conversion? Sure. If it hasn't, I'd doubt the conversion. A conversion brings experience; and you can't allot it to anything now. Sometimes it might be shouting. Sometimes it might be speaking with tongues. Sometimes it might be weeping. Sometimes it might be groaning. You don't know what it is, so don't try to allot it, because every one of you's proved to be wrong in it, you Methodists, and you Baptists, and you Nazarenes and Pentecostals.
I've seen people shout just as hard as they could shout, and steal the gold out of your teeth if they could. Yes, sir. I've seen people speak with tongues like pouring peas on a dry cowhide; and--and honest to goodness, when they chew tobacco on the other side of the mouth, and cut your throat if they could do it. That's right. So them things has... There's no evidence that you can prove it, only by the life the person lives: "by their fruit, you shall know them."
I've seen people shout just as hard as they could shout, and steal the gold out of your teeth if they could. Yes, sir. I've seen people speak with tongues like pouring peas on a dry cowhide; and--and honest to goodness, when they chew tobacco on the other side of the mouth, and cut your throat if they could do it. That's right. So them things has... There's no evidence that you can prove it, only by the life the person lives: "by their fruit, you shall know them."
E-19 În primul rând, vrem să facem un mic istoric, pentru că s-ar putea să fie printre noi unii străini, care nu au luat prima parte a cărţii Evrei.
E-42 So that's all up to God; He makes the choice. He brings the things together, and that's the way it is. So if your life is comparing with the fruits of the Bible, you got a pretty good conception. If your spirit's bearing record with His Spirit, that you're sons and daughters of God, you're... All the old evil's dropped away, and everything's become new, and you're living in love, and you got peace, and grace, and so forth; you're getting pretty close to the Kingdom then. Because the Life that's in you is producing that kind of a life. See?
If you say, "Oh, hallelujah, I spoke with tongues. Hallelujah." That don't mean nothing. That don't mean a bit more than if you'd got out here and played a tune on a guitar or something. That doesn't mean one thing. Though you spoke with tongues, though you shouted, and run up and down the aisles, and cried tears till like you'd been peeling onions; that don't mean one thing, not one thing, unless that everyday life backs up just exactly, stays with it.
If you say, "Oh, hallelujah, I spoke with tongues. Hallelujah." That don't mean nothing. That don't mean a bit more than if you'd got out here and played a tune on a guitar or something. That doesn't mean one thing. Though you spoke with tongues, though you shouted, and run up and down the aisles, and cried tears till like you'd been peeling onions; that don't mean one thing, not one thing, unless that everyday life backs up just exactly, stays with it.
E-20 Eşti tu d-na Cox, aşezată chiar aici în capăt? Ei bine, cu siguranţă mă bucur să o văd. Chiar înainte de a începe, ca o mărturie a harului lui Dumnezeu. Aici era o femeie cu un cancer care îi devora faţa. Este mama surorii Wood. Şi eram în Michigan cu Gene şi Leo, şi cu ei, făceam înregistrări. Şi pe drumul spre casă, soţia m-a sunat, sau eu am sunat-o pe ea. Mi-a spus, "Mergi imediat la rugăciune pentru o d-nă Cox, mama d-nei Wood, pentru că un cancer îi devorează faţa." A intrat deja în partea laterală a ochiului şi a coborât până la os, netedă pe partea laterală a feţei şi doar se împrăştia. Un doctor i-a făcut una alta, doar l-a înrăutăţit şi l-a împrăştiat; i-a pus un fel de medicaţie.
E-44 Now, if you do those things plus that life, "Amen," that--that's fine. That's good. But you can do those things without having that Life.
So then, no shouting, no nothing like that is evidence. Jesus said, "By their fruit ye shall know them." And the fruit of the Spirit is not speaking with tongues. That's not the fruit of the Spirit. Shouting is not the fruit of the Spirit. Weeping is not this fruit of the Spirit. But love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, faith, meekness, temperance, that's the fruits of the Spirit. That's what the Spirit's fruits are. All right.
Now, the reason we have these things, they like to make organizations. You see? "Well, we'll have it. Bless God, all that believes the way we do, we'll go this a-way. And all that believes like we do, we'll go this a-way." But God wants all to go this way (See, see?), right up.
So then, no shouting, no nothing like that is evidence. Jesus said, "By their fruit ye shall know them." And the fruit of the Spirit is not speaking with tongues. That's not the fruit of the Spirit. Shouting is not the fruit of the Spirit. Weeping is not this fruit of the Spirit. But love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, faith, meekness, temperance, that's the fruits of the Spirit. That's what the Spirit's fruits are. All right.
Now, the reason we have these things, they like to make organizations. You see? "Well, we'll have it. Bless God, all that believes the way we do, we'll go this a-way. And all that believes like we do, we'll go this a-way." But God wants all to go this way (See, see?), right up.
E-21 Şi au adus-o de la Campbellsville, Kentucky, până la... sau, cred, Acton, Kentucky, până la-la Louisville, pentru tratament.
E-47 Now, Paul, after he had this experience, then he thought, that was a wonderful experience. Now, how... Let's--let's--let's quote that experience a little bit. Paul was on his road to Damascus to arrest some people down there, 'cause the Gospel had got scattered down there. "Gospel" means "the good news." And so they got scattered down there, and many people was raising up full of love and joy and loving the Lord Jesus. And it had got scattered down that way, so Paul got some letters from the high priest. He said, "I'll go down, and I'll arrest them, every one."
So he took him a little company of guards (temple guards, soldiers), and way down the road he went. While they were marching down the road, and him just all knowed what he's going to do, all of a sudden, something happened. All of a sudden there was a great Light before him: great Light. Now, It shined like the sun. That's a strange thing to happen. The Light shined insomuch that he just... His eyes went out almost, and fell to the ground. And he--he's laying down on the ground, and he looked up.
So he took him a little company of guards (temple guards, soldiers), and way down the road he went. While they were marching down the road, and him just all knowed what he's going to do, all of a sudden, something happened. All of a sudden there was a great Light before him: great Light. Now, It shined like the sun. That's a strange thing to happen. The Light shined insomuch that he just... His eyes went out almost, and fell to the ground. And he--he's laying down on the ground, and he looked up.
E-22 Şi astfel, doamna Wood, prima dată când am văzut-o că era distrusă. Pentru că, bineînţeles, este a ei-a ei-mama ei, şi sigur că se simţea distrusă. Am intrat în cameră şi m-am rugat pentru ea, cu încrederea că Dumnezeu a spus că va răspunde la rugăciune. Şi, în câteva zile, a fost externată. Şi acum ea şade acolo. Chiar cu un har uimitor, cum a făcut El pentru ea.
E-49 There's probably ten or fifteen men with him. Did any of those men see that Light? No, sir. Paul saw It. It wasn't designated for them men to see It. So some people can see things where others don't. See? So Paul saw that Light, insomuch that It even blinded him. He couldn't see for several days; It was such a reality to him. And he couldn't see for several... Later on, when he wrote letters, his eyes bothered him so bad from that, until he wrote with great big letters; he said, "Seeing that I have written to you with large letters." He couldn't hardly see.
He was in jail, and he asked the Lord to heal him of it. And he consulted Him three times. But what did the Lord say? "My grace is sufficient, Paul."
Paul said, "Then will I glory in my infirmities"; because he said, "Except I would be exalted above the abundance of the Revelation, there was given to me a messenger of the devil, a thorn in the flesh that buffet me." He'd get better for a while, then, away it'd go again. "Buffet" means, "blow after blow." Like the ship on the sea, you know, the waves buffet it (See?), blow after blow. And he would--he'd get better, and then have it again, and then get better, and have it again. He said, "Lord, what's the matter, You don't take this away from me?"
He said, "My grace is sufficient, Paul; just keep on." It'd keep...
He was in jail, and he asked the Lord to heal him of it. And he consulted Him three times. But what did the Lord say? "My grace is sufficient, Paul."
Paul said, "Then will I glory in my infirmities"; because he said, "Except I would be exalted above the abundance of the Revelation, there was given to me a messenger of the devil, a thorn in the flesh that buffet me." He'd get better for a while, then, away it'd go again. "Buffet" means, "blow after blow." Like the ship on the sea, you know, the waves buffet it (See?), blow after blow. And he would--he'd get better, and then have it again, and then get better, and have it again. He said, "Lord, what's the matter, You don't take this away from me?"
He said, "My grace is sufficient, Paul; just keep on." It'd keep...
E-23 Vrei să te ridici? Nu vreau să fac din tine un-un-un public... Unde, unde era localizat cancerul? Pe-pe partea feţei, vedeţi acolo, pe partea aceea a feţei, în jos pe aici, până la pomete, până în jurul ochiului. Şi Dumnezeu a vindecat-o. Nu este El minunat?
E-53 He said, "Now, if it... If I was just perfect, and everything perfect" said, "then when I went along, oh, I'd get puffed up and say, 'You see, there's nothing wrong with me. The Lord takes care of me, brother, hallelujah.'" Then you're getting self-righteous. See?
God has to give you a little something once in a while to kinda meeken you up a little, you know (That's right.), kinda make you realize that He's the Boss. Oh, isn't He wonderful (Yes, sir.), just glorious.
So He, Paul, then, right after having this great experience,...
Now, if that would've been somebody today, they'd said, "Oh, bless God, hallelujah. Boy, the Lord's done something for me. Glory to God." But not Paul, he was a Bible scholar.
God has to give you a little something once in a while to kinda meeken you up a little, you know (That's right.), kinda make you realize that He's the Boss. Oh, isn't He wonderful (Yes, sir.), just glorious.
So He, Paul, then, right after having this great experience,...
Now, if that would've been somebody today, they'd said, "Oh, bless God, hallelujah. Boy, the Lord's done something for me. Glory to God." But not Paul, he was a Bible scholar.
E-24 Câţi au fost aici duminica trecută să vadă ce a făcut Domnul printr-o vedenie? Un om, atât infirm cât şi orb, stătea chiar aici într-un scaun cu rotile. Şi ceva m-a îndurerat când acel bătrân şezut aici a spus, "Frate Branham..." Cred că a fost acest frate de aici. A spus, "Fă acelaşi lucru pentru soţia mea." El are o soţie aici care este infirmă. Mi s-a topit inima. Aş vrea... Aş da orice pe lume dacă aş putea, dar nu este... nu stă în puterea mea. Dar stă în puterea mea şi în puterea voastră, să ne rugăm ca Dumnezeu să o facă. Are o soţie infirmă, mână paralizată, un picior paralizat, se pare. Şi acest bărbat era mult mai rău decât ea, pentru că ea poate sta în picioare şi poate merge puţin, dar acest bărbat nu putea face nici măcar atât. Şi el... Creierul, nervul principal de echilibru era dus. Mayos', mulţi dintre ceilalţi, l-au abandonat. Şi un catolic l-a trimis aici, un doctor catolic; şi băiatul lui este preot la Saint Meinrad's, jos în Jasper, Indiana. Dar asta pune pietrele de temelie pentru renaşterea care va urma, acolo jos.
E-57 That experience must tally with God's Word. Yes, sir. If it isn't altogether hooked into the Bible, not just look over here and say, "Oh, yes, see, here it is right here. Bless God, I got it." Huh-uh. That's not the way God gives it.
It must be the entire Bible; all of It. 'Cause you can... Infidels use this Bible for their grounds to debate on. But they'll take a little Scripture here, and turn over here and get another little one over here, and try to make them tie together; and it's two different subjects altogether. So you got to make Scripture compare with Scripture.
It must be the entire Bible; all of It. 'Cause you can... Infidels use this Bible for their grounds to debate on. But they'll take a little Scripture here, and turn over here and get another little one over here, and try to make them tie together; and it's two different subjects altogether. So you got to make Scripture compare with Scripture.
E-25 Şi când el s-a ridicat, a spus, "Dar nu pot..." S-a uitat, a spus, "Da, pot." Credea că nu vede, ştiţi. Şi s-a uitat în sus, şi doar s-a întâmplat să-şi ridice capul în sus, şi iată că a putut să meargă şi să vadă; a mers pe acel culoar, de unul singur. Şi erau presbiterieni. El era ortodox. Şi vorbiţi... Credeţi că doar cei penticostali sau sfinţeniştii pot să strige; vă înşelaţi. Ei cu siguranţă că pot să strige când văd că se întâmplă aşa ceva; se îmbrăţişează unii pe ceilalţi şi strigă. A ieşit drept afară şi a coborât treptele, împingându-şi scaunul cu rotile; umblând, fără nervii de echilibru în cap. Gândiţi-vă la asta. Mergând aşa ca mine şi ca voi. Oh, Ele minunat.
E-59 As Isaiah said in the 28th chapter, "It must be line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little. Hold fast to that what's good." See, there's the way It comes: line upon line upon line, Word upon Word, Scripture upon Scripture. It must all compile together. That's why, I think in these lessons like we're having now, it's a great thing to the church, because it brings them to a place that all of the Scriptures tie together. And our experience must tie with that Scripture (Oh, here it is.), if it doesn't, then it's wrong.
And how that I walked for years, not knowing what that Light was that struck Paul down. When the outside world, with Scriptures... The people, the preachers tried to tell me, "That's of the Devil, Why, you'll be a fortuneteller, You'll be a spiritualist. Don't you fool with that, Billy; something wrong with that. Don't you do that, boy; that's wrong. That's the Devil. Well, boy, you'll be a regular medium. You'll be a spiritualist if you do that. Oh, all that's of the Devil. That's--that's not right."
And how that I walked for years, not knowing what that Light was that struck Paul down. When the outside world, with Scriptures... The people, the preachers tried to tell me, "That's of the Devil, Why, you'll be a fortuneteller, You'll be a spiritualist. Don't you fool with that, Billy; something wrong with that. Don't you do that, boy; that's wrong. That's the Devil. Well, boy, you'll be a regular medium. You'll be a spiritualist if you do that. Oh, all that's of the Devil. That's--that's not right."
E-26 Acum, Pavel a scris cartea Evrei. Şi în această scriere a cărţii Evrei, el a scris-O. Şi înainte ca el să scrie aceste Cărţi, aflăm... Acum, vom... Aceasta este o clasă de şcoală duminicală, şi voi încerca să fiu atent şi să nu dureze prea mult. Şi apoi vom avea servicii, pentru a le continua în seara aceasta, cu voia Domnului. Acum, în Cartea Evrei şi în restul epistolelor lui Pavel...
E-61 But when... I didn't want to preach that. But as on the road down to Damascus, Paul didn't want to preach it. So he found out whether it was right or not. So he goes down into Arabia for three years and studies the Scripture. Ah, when he come out, he said, "Now, shake it out of me."
He knew he had to face Pharisees. He had to face Sadducees. He had to face the world, and the Gentile world. And so Paul... This Bible is written... This Book of Hebrews is written for that purpose. He's shaking those Hebrews, and taking that Old Testament and showing It over here in the New Testament. "This is God," he said. "Here it is on--on all the prophets and everything." Starts off back there at the beginning, the first chapter we had, "For God in sundry times (way back in old time), in divers manners, spoke to the fathers by the prophets." That's how God brought His Message: tested by the Urim Thummim. "But in this day has spoke to us through His Son Christ Jesus": tested by His Bible. There you are.
He knew he had to face Pharisees. He had to face Sadducees. He had to face the world, and the Gentile world. And so Paul... This Bible is written... This Book of Hebrews is written for that purpose. He's shaking those Hebrews, and taking that Old Testament and showing It over here in the New Testament. "This is God," he said. "Here it is on--on all the prophets and everything." Starts off back there at the beginning, the first chapter we had, "For God in sundry times (way back in old time), in divers manners, spoke to the fathers by the prophets." That's how God brought His Message: tested by the Urim Thummim. "But in this day has spoke to us through His Son Christ Jesus": tested by His Bible. There you are.
E-27 Cine era Pavel? Era un Evreu convins, un erudit şi un mare învăţător al Vechiului Testament. Şi a fost învăţat de unul dintre cei mai buni oameni din vremea lui. Să-mi spună cineva cum îl chema. Gamaliel, unul dintre cei mai mari învăţători din vremea lui. Şi Pavel a stat la picioarele lui Gamaliel.
E-63 So these experiences that the world says, "Oh, it's mental. Why, nobody..." When that Angel appeared, that Light down here on the river, when I preached my first revival here on the corner, and we was baptizing all those people... I believe, Brother Fleeman, you might've been, and the... I don't know whether you was here then or not. How many was here when the--when the Light appeared on the river? Is any of the old-timers here? Yes, some of them, when It was down here on the river.
And they said, "It was just an optical illusion." Many of us was standing, looking at It, and here It come down. And then years later God proved It by a mechanical eye of a camera. It's true.
"Well, is it--is it some fictition? Is it something that--that..." No, sir. We're taking it right here in the Bible and showing you It's the same Lord Jesus. He does the same thing. His action is the same. His power is the same.
And they said, "It was just an optical illusion." Many of us was standing, looking at It, and here It come down. And then years later God proved It by a mechanical eye of a camera. It's true.
"Well, is it--is it some fictition? Is it something that--that..." No, sir. We're taking it right here in the Bible and showing you It's the same Lord Jesus. He does the same thing. His action is the same. His power is the same.
E-28 Există ceva legat de... unde te duci, la ce biserică te duci şi ce învăţător te învaţă. Ştiaţi asta? Asta-asta este important. De aceea ar trebui să căutăm pe cel mai bun pe care îl putem găsi, astfel încât să primim ce este mai bun; nu pentru că este sociabil şi aşa mai departe, ci adevărata învăţătură biblică.
E-66 Look, last Sunday here: yonder laying on my bed, never seen the man in my life, come out and said, "There's a man at the Tabernacle, and he's gray--or black-headed, graying. He's blind and he can't walk; he's in a wheelchair. A black-headed man sent him up; a doctor, Doctor Ackerman, a black-headed man, Catholic man. Sent him in. Set right there, and THUS SAITH THE LORD; raised up, walked out with his sight and everything." What did it? Here's the same Angel. The same One that struck Paul down on the road going down to Damascus lives in His Church and His people today. It's Scripture comparing with Scripture; that's the way it must be.
Oh, we have the lukewarms. We're getting into that after while. Oh, we got a deep thing before us, if we can just get into it today and tonight. Now, it's just beginning to get into the deep waters, where you...
Oh, we have the lukewarms. We're getting into that after while. Oh, we got a deep thing before us, if we can just get into it today and tonight. Now, it's just beginning to get into the deep waters, where you...
E-29 Observaţi, odată, când Israel a ieşit în pustiu cu oştirile lor, şi aveau un răstimp de şapte zile, şi au rămas fără apă. Şi erau pe cale să piară, au spus, ,,O, dacă arfi un profet prin apropiere!"
E-68 You know, when I was a little boy, I used to have a little pond out behind the place, and I'd go out there. And all of us little kids would go in nude: little, about six, seven years old. And we... The water's about that deep. It wasn't no more than a hog wallow. And I had a soapbox there. And I'd show I could dive, hold my nose and splash, going like that. And my little belly would hit the mud, you know, and it would just fly every way. I told my daddy I could swim.
He took me back there one day; he said, "I want to see you swim." And I jumped off of there, you know, stripped my clothes in a little locust thicket, and run down and hit the water. And I begin splashing, the mud flying every way; and pop was setting on a culvert. He set there and watched me for a few minutes; he said, "Get out of that hole of water, and get yourself a bath, and get home." See?
Well, that's just about the way with some of us that call ourselves Christians; we mud-crawl. That's right. Long as you're anchored, "I'm a Methodist. I'm a Pentecostal, I'm a Presbyterian. I got an evidence, I got it." you're a mud-crawling.
He took me back there one day; he said, "I want to see you swim." And I jumped off of there, you know, stripped my clothes in a little locust thicket, and run down and hit the water. And I begin splashing, the mud flying every way; and pop was setting on a culvert. He set there and watched me for a few minutes; he said, "Get out of that hole of water, and get yourself a bath, and get home." See?
Well, that's just about the way with some of us that call ourselves Christians; we mud-crawl. That's right. Long as you're anchored, "I'm a Methodist. I'm a Pentecostal, I'm a Presbyterian. I got an evidence, I got it." you're a mud-crawling.
E-30 Şi unul dintre ei a spus, "Avem aici jos, pe Elisei. El turna apă pe mâinile lui Ilie." Vedeţi asociaţii lui? Cu alte cuvinte, "Iată-l pe Elisei, care a avut asocieri cu Ilie. Cuvântul Domnului este cu el." Înţelegeţi? El a fost învăţat corect. Şi a spus, "El este aici. Să coborâm şi să-l consultăm, pe el, pentru că învăţătorul lui a fost Ilie şi are în el învăţătura lui Ilie." Vedeţi ce diferenţă face? Sigur. Noi vrem să fim învăţaţi.
E-71 One day I was with my uncle, and I kept telling... He was about 15, 16 years old. We was at the river. I said, "Uncle Art, I can swim." And I was setting on the back of the boat, you know, felt good and safe. He just took the oar and pushed me out, in about ten foot of water; it was different then; all the splashing, screaming, you ever heard in your life.
Someday you get pushed off, you better know where you're standing. Yes, sir. If you know Him, you'll feel... Better really know Him. That's right. But now we're going into deep water, deep water, where it'll make you drown if you--if you're not a good, fattened up Christian.
Someday you get pushed off, you better know where you're standing. Yes, sir. If you know Him, you'll feel... Better really know Him. That's right. But now we're going into deep water, deep water, where it'll make you drown if you--if you're not a good, fattened up Christian.
E-31 Aşadar, Pavel a avut învăţătura lui Gamaliel. Şi Gamaliel a fost acel mare om care a făcut alegerea, fiind el însuşi un erudit, căci atunci când a început toată această zarvă a bisericii primare, el a spus, "Să nu punem mâinile pe asta, fraţilor. Dacă nu este de la Dumnezeu, oricum va fi în zadar. Dar dacă este de la Dumnezeu şi ne luptăm împotriva ei, ne vom trezi luptând împotriva lui Dumnezeu." Vedeţi, el a avut parte de o învăţătură bună.
E-73 Notice the Word. Paul, first found that... He went back in the Old Testament, and he found this. He seen that experience of his absolutely. "Now, what was that that struck me down?"
It was a Light, big Light standing there shining like the sun, standing in front of his face, and He said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"
He said, "Lord, Who are You that I persecute?"
He said, "I'm Jesus."
"I thought He was a--a man, had scarred hands, that they claim is appearing in meetings now, with nail scars in his hands and his head." No, no; not that body, not in that body. See?
He's now a Light. Saul... When He was here on earth, He said, "I come from God. I go back to God."
He was the Angel that led the children of Israel in this Light through the wilderness. He returned back to that same Light, and Paul saw It out of the Old Testament. He said, "I'm Jesus, the Angel of the Covenant."
And He become flesh to redeem us. Took on not the form of Angels, we find in previous chapters we--our study. He never took on the nature of Angels, but was the Seed of Abraham that He might be known, that man could see God. Amen. Now, He says, "I return back to That."
And when Paul seen That, he said, "Sure, that was Him. That was Him."
It was a Light, big Light standing there shining like the sun, standing in front of his face, and He said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"
He said, "Lord, Who are You that I persecute?"
He said, "I'm Jesus."
"I thought He was a--a man, had scarred hands, that they claim is appearing in meetings now, with nail scars in his hands and his head." No, no; not that body, not in that body. See?
He's now a Light. Saul... When He was here on earth, He said, "I come from God. I go back to God."
He was the Angel that led the children of Israel in this Light through the wilderness. He returned back to that same Light, and Paul saw It out of the Old Testament. He said, "I'm Jesus, the Angel of the Covenant."
And He become flesh to redeem us. Took on not the form of Angels, we find in previous chapters we--our study. He never took on the nature of Angels, but was the Seed of Abraham that He might be known, that man could see God. Amen. Now, He says, "I return back to That."
And when Paul seen That, he said, "Sure, that was Him. That was Him."
E-32 Pavel a crescut sub conducerea acestui om şi el ştia că Pavel era un mare învăţător. Aşa că, într-o zi, onest în inimă, persecuta Biserica, mergând să-i aresteze.
E-82 Peter had an experience one night while he was praying. That same Light come into the building, opened up the doors before him, went out into the streets. And Peter thought he was dreaming; he was so anointed. He didn't know what taken place. He said, "Have I just woke up? But I'm out here on the street."
And he went down to John Mark's house. And the little girl opened the door, some little lady there, been in a prayer meeting; "somebody was knocking at the door." Opened up the door, "Oh," she said, "here's Peter right now. You're praying for him to get out of prison; the Lord has delivered him."
"Oh," they said, "go on."
"O Lord, deliver him."
"Why," she said, "he's standing at the door knocking."
Peter just kept pounding; "Let me in."
"Oh," she said, "it's Peter." In them days they still have it, a little draw bar, a little lid here you raise back and look out. See? 'Fore you let your guest in, you have to know who's knocking at your door; 'cause they had robbers, if you opened the door, they'd kill you.
So he opened the door. She said, "It's Peter."
They said, "Oh. Oh my, he's dead. That's his angel standing there." See? Done got in his glorified body, you know, that theophany.
And he went down to John Mark's house. And the little girl opened the door, some little lady there, been in a prayer meeting; "somebody was knocking at the door." Opened up the door, "Oh," she said, "here's Peter right now. You're praying for him to get out of prison; the Lord has delivered him."
"Oh," they said, "go on."
"O Lord, deliver him."
"Why," she said, "he's standing at the door knocking."
Peter just kept pounding; "Let me in."
"Oh," she said, "it's Peter." In them days they still have it, a little draw bar, a little lid here you raise back and look out. See? 'Fore you let your guest in, you have to know who's knocking at your door; 'cause they had robbers, if you opened the door, they'd kill you.
So he opened the door. She said, "It's Peter."
They said, "Oh. Oh my, he's dead. That's his angel standing there." See? Done got in his glorified body, you know, that theophany.
E-89 You remember how we took it, the big diamond, and how it reflected the light, how it went back through there? "The... this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." And they thought Peter done died, and this old body had dropped and they'd bury it in a few days; he'd entered into his angel or his glori--not glorified body, but in his theophany, the body that's already prepared. It couldn't shake your hands. It has no hands to shake like that, but it's in an image of a man.
Come down and was knocking at the door. She said, "No. It's Peter; he's standing there." He opened the door and walked in, and there he was. Now, Peter had been delivered by this Light.
Come down and was knocking at the door. She said, "No. It's Peter; he's standing there." He opened the door and walked in, and there he was. Now, Peter had been delivered by this Light.
E-34 Când Iuda a căzut, prin fărădelege, prin iubirea de bani şi mândria vieţii, a căzut din har şi a plecat la locul lui. Şi ucenicii au spus, "Trebuie să fie doisprezece." Şi biserica, cu toată demnitatea ei, ca să vă arăt ce este biserica; cu toată demnitatea şi toată puterea ei, este încă la milioane de kilometri distanţă, în cel mai bun caz. Ei au spus, "Trebuie să căutăm, unul dintre noi, care să ia locul." Şi l-au ales, prin tragere la sorţi, pe Matia. Matia, cred, sau Matia. Matia, cred că este. Şi când l-au ales şi l-au pus cu cei doisprezece, cu cei unsprezece, care formau cei doisprezece, el nu a făcut un singur lucru. Aceasta este singura dată când numele lui este menţionat în Scriptură. Aceasta a fost alegerea făcută de biserică.
E-91 Now, the same way that that early--that Paul, in the early Church, seen that Light of God that shined on Paul, the same thing has come down. Now, people can say anything; that doesn't make it right. But when God proves anything, the work of It proves It. Then the camera proves It. And everything that we--that the Lord has did, has been absolutely infallibly proved that it's God: by the Scriptures, by It's action, by experience. But they won't listen.
Look here in this tabernacle this morning. Now, remember, you know this, we don't crave crowds. We ain't got no place to put them anyhow. But look, a meeting of this type, where we was coming together for this, ought to attract the Falls Cities. But they're dead. They're absolutely dead. They have eyes but they can't see. You say, you... "Why, Brother Branham, why don't they go to a doctor and get their eyes fixed?" He can't fix that kind of seeing.
Look here in this tabernacle this morning. Now, remember, you know this, we don't crave crowds. We ain't got no place to put them anyhow. But look, a meeting of this type, where we was coming together for this, ought to attract the Falls Cities. But they're dead. They're absolutely dead. They have eyes but they can't see. You say, you... "Why, Brother Branham, why don't they go to a doctor and get their eyes fixed?" He can't fix that kind of seeing.
E-35 Acum, ei s-au gândit, "Este un gentleman." Fără îndoială. "Este un om minunat. Este un erudit. Este inteligent. Este educat. Este o persoană minunată. Va lua locul lui Iuda şi va fi unul dintre noi."
E-93 Jesus said, "If you would've known Me, you would've known My day." He said, "You blind Pharisees, you can discern the face of the skies, but the signs of the time, you can't discern."
Does that go over top of your head? Listen. Look at the signs we're living in here. Now, it just ain't some... I, myself, I'm just a man, not even a preacher to talk about. I have no education, what the world call a preacher. And we're just poor people; look at the building we're in. Look at the cathedrals this morning. But look where God's at. There's the thing.
Does that go over top of your head? Listen. Look at the signs we're living in here. Now, it just ain't some... I, myself, I'm just a man, not even a preacher to talk about. I have no education, what the world call a preacher. And we're just poor people; look at the building we're in. Look at the cathedrals this morning. But look where God's at. There's the thing.
E-36 Dar, ştiţi, Dumnezeu face uneori unele dintre cele mai... după părerea noastră, unele dintre cele mai nesăbuite alegeri. Acum, Dumnezeu a văzut un Iudeu mic cu nasul cârn, doar aşa de plin de temperament cât putea fi, cu gura într-o parte, "Mă voi duce jos, îi voi aresta pe fiecare dintre ei. Îi voi-îi voi arunca în închisoare. Voi face asta." Asta a fost alegerea lui Dumnezeu.
Ceilalţi au luat un învăţat şi un diplomat. Asta a fost alegerea bisericii.
Ceilalţi au luat un învăţat şi un diplomat. Asta a fost alegerea bisericii.
E-95 So was Moab standing there in all his splendor and his beauty; but there was Israel in tents. But where was God at? There was a bunch of little holy-rollers down there doing everything there was was wrong. But Balaam their--their bishop failed to see that smitten Rock, and that brass serpent, that Pillar of Fire. His eyes was blind; he couldn't see It. He said, "They're just imagining that." But He was there.
Bless God, Oh, He's here. God is here. And He's doing the same thing that He has done. And He's... We'll--we compare Scripture with Scripture. God has never painted Hisself some big something, on earth, but He's always dwelt among the common and humble people. And here He is this morning doing the same thing. The Scripture vindicates it. The camera vindicates it. Now, that... The reason I referred to that picture, it isn't because I'm there. I'm not--I'm just a sinner saved by grace, like you are. But what I'm trying to say is it's His Presence with us. That's the main thing. Well, if He made me a--a incarnated Elisha, if you didn't have faith to believe it, it'd never do you any good. "He came to His own; His own received Him not."
Bless God, Oh, He's here. God is here. And He's doing the same thing that He has done. And He's... We'll--we compare Scripture with Scripture. God has never painted Hisself some big something, on earth, but He's always dwelt among the common and humble people. And here He is this morning doing the same thing. The Scripture vindicates it. The camera vindicates it. Now, that... The reason I referred to that picture, it isn't because I'm there. I'm not--I'm just a sinner saved by grace, like you are. But what I'm trying to say is it's His Presence with us. That's the main thing. Well, if He made me a--a incarnated Elisha, if you didn't have faith to believe it, it'd never do you any good. "He came to His own; His own received Him not."
E-37 Vedeţi, nu ştiţi cine este cel de la altar. Nu ştiţi cine este acela la care depuneţi mărturie, în închisoare sau oriunde ar fi. Ar putea arăta ca un boxer, cu urechile sparte, cu ochii jupuiţi şi, dar nu ştiţi cine este. Voi doar aruncaţi-vă sorţul, asta e tot, daţi¬i Cuvântul. Dumnezeu face alegerea.
E-97 That's the reason here in the city today... Why, I could start a revival here in some big building or something, you would never get many people to believe it. They just won't. They can't. Their day is done.
This same lesson this morning in Africa, would probably produce ten thousand, at least ten thousand souls to Christ. Where there might be one sinner setting here this morning, or something, some backslider. Most of them is just combed through and through till it's just finished. That's all. But what we're trying to say is, Scripture compares with Scripture.
Now, it don't matter how great the experience is; unless it compares with the Scripture, it's wrong; the Urim Thummim. No matter how good the prophet was, if he spoke and them Lights didn't flash on the Urim Thummim, it was wrong. How well the dream seemed, if it didn't flash on the Urim Thummim, it was wrong. When that priesthood ended, God put His Bible up. Paul said, "If an Angel from heaven would come (Galatians 1:8) and would preach any other gospel than what's already been preached to you, let him be accursed."
This same lesson this morning in Africa, would probably produce ten thousand, at least ten thousand souls to Christ. Where there might be one sinner setting here this morning, or something, some backslider. Most of them is just combed through and through till it's just finished. That's all. But what we're trying to say is, Scripture compares with Scripture.
Now, it don't matter how great the experience is; unless it compares with the Scripture, it's wrong; the Urim Thummim. No matter how good the prophet was, if he spoke and them Lights didn't flash on the Urim Thummim, it was wrong. How well the dream seemed, if it didn't flash on the Urim Thummim, it was wrong. When that priesthood ended, God put His Bible up. Paul said, "If an Angel from heaven would come (Galatians 1:8) and would preach any other gospel than what's already been preached to you, let him be accursed."
E-38 Şi Dumnezeu alege pe acest mic Iudeu cu temperament aprins, sau l-a ales pe el, mai degrabă. Pe drumul lui în jos, "Mă voi duce jos şi îi voi lua. Voi-le voi arăta ce pot face aşa," şi Dumnezeu l-a pus l-a pământ.
Dumnezeu a spus, "Aceasta este alegerea Mea, chiar acolo."
Dumnezeu a spus, "Aceasta este alegerea Mea, chiar acolo."
E-100 The Angel from heaven (said to John the revelator), which was God Himself, "I, Jesus, sent My Angel to vindicate, or to show these things." He said, "If any man will add one word to It or take one Word out of It, the same will be taken out of the Book of Life for him." This is It, the Bible.
Therefore, these experiences and these things that we're having to happen here, if it wasn't vindicated by God's Word, it would be wrong; I don't care what would take place, it would be wrong. So it's Scripturally, absolutely the truth. Oh, I'm so happy I'm a member of the great Body of Christ.
Therefore, these experiences and these things that we're having to happen here, if it wasn't vindicated by God's Word, it would be wrong; I don't care what would take place, it would be wrong. So it's Scripturally, absolutely the truth. Oh, I'm so happy I'm a member of the great Body of Christ.
E-39 Nu ar fi asta o nebunie, pentru biserică? "Păi, el persecută biserica. Este un om carnal." Dar Dumnezeu ştia ce era în interiorul omului. Vedeţi ce vreau să spun?
E-102 Now, let's go now; we're coming down to the lesson. Now, we ended up over here where he said, "Seeing that we're compassed about..." Now, I'm sorry, That's... I was quoting the 12th chapter. I've been reading it, but I haven't studied it. I've...
Brother Norman staying at my home up there, and he knows that I just got in yesterday, and the brothers know down there that I just got in. The only time I got to read the Scripture down, was setting right here a few minutes ago. That's right; don't study It. I just wait for the Holy Spirit to give It, just as He wants it. He knows where the person's at--at, that has to have it. So if I got something made up in my mind I'm going to say, then it's wrong. But if I just let Him do it, He'll take It right straight to the spot where It belongs. See? "Take no thought what ye shall say, for It's not you that speaks, It's your Father that dwelleth in you. He doeth the speaking."
Brother Norman staying at my home up there, and he knows that I just got in yesterday, and the brothers know down there that I just got in. The only time I got to read the Scripture down, was setting right here a few minutes ago. That's right; don't study It. I just wait for the Holy Spirit to give It, just as He wants it. He knows where the person's at--at, that has to have it. So if I got something made up in my mind I'm going to say, then it's wrong. But if I just let Him do it, He'll take It right straight to the spot where It belongs. See? "Take no thought what ye shall say, for It's not you that speaks, It's your Father that dwelleth in you. He doeth the speaking."
E-40 Aşadar, Pavel a avut o experienţă. Câţi cred că experienţa vine prin convertire? Sigur. Dacă nu a avut-o, m-aş îndoi de convertire. O convertire aduce experienţă. Şi nu poţi să o legi de nimic acum. Uneori s-ar putea să fie strigăte. Uneori poate fi vorbirea în limbi. Uneori poate fi plânsul. Uneori ar putea fi gemete. Nu ştiţi ce este, aşa că nu încercaţi să o atribuiţi. Pentru că, fiecare dintre voi a dovedit că se înşeală în acest sens, voi, Metodiştii, şi voi, Baptiştii, şi voi, Nazarineenii, şi Penticostalii.
E-104 Now, the last chapter, the previous chapter, we heard this, that "How shall we escape if we neglect this great salvation, Who was first preached to us by the Lord Jesus, and Him with those who heard Him?" The same things that Jesus did to show... Them same things like takes place here: same Angel of God, same works, same evidence, same everything, everything along, same Gospel, right with the Word. If that was taught by the Lord, then confirmed by His disciples that we've heard, Paul being the same; how shall we escape if we neglect such great salvation?
Now, Paul was saying that to his Hebrew audience. Now, they didn't have tape recorders, today like we got here, but they had scribes who was setting there taking it down just as Paul was preaching it. And that's what it is right here. We're getting It by tape recorders, and these tapes go all over the world (See?) to show that It is the Truth. Our religion is not in vain, It's absolutely the resurrected Jesus Christ: same thing. Now, we mustn't neglect it.
Now, Paul was saying that to his Hebrew audience. Now, they didn't have tape recorders, today like we got here, but they had scribes who was setting there taking it down just as Paul was preaching it. And that's what it is right here. We're getting It by tape recorders, and these tapes go all over the world (See?) to show that It is the Truth. Our religion is not in vain, It's absolutely the resurrected Jesus Christ: same thing. Now, we mustn't neglect it.
E-41 Am văzut oameni care au strigat cât au putut de tare, şi v¬ar fura aurul din dinţi, dacă ar putea. Da, domnule. Am văzut oameni care vorbeau în limbi ca şi cum ar fi turnat mazăre pe o piele de vacă uscată, şi-şi, sincer să fiu, cu un tutun de mestecat pe cealaltă parte a gurii, şi ţi-ar fi tăiat gâtul dacă ar fi putut să o facă. Aşa este. Deci, lucrurile acestea nu au... Nu există nicio dovadă pe care să o poţi dovedi, ci doar prin viaţa pe care o trăieşte persoana respectivă. "După roadele lor, îi veţi cunoaşte."
E-106 Now, just don't go away from church today and say, "Well, I kinda enjoy going down there. I like the singing, and the people are friendly around that little old church." Don't do that.
Brother, let your heart become aflame; say, "Here, I got to do something about this. I got to get out and see if I can get somebody saved."
And don't go out saying, "Bless God, if you don't repent, you're going to perish." No, go at it gentle. Be as wise as a serpent, as harmless as a dove. See, that's the way to go. Approach the person, if he's raising chickens, talk about chickens to him for a while. See? And then the first thing you know, you'll be talking about the Lord. If he's a farmer, talk about his farm.
If he sells automobiles, talk about his automobiles for a while: "What nice cars you got," and so forth. See?
Till you catch the Spirit, when Father says, "Now, is the time to approach him about his soul."
You can wind it off (You see?), "That's a fine automobile. You know transportation today has become great. Oh, how the nations has been brought close together, and the cities of our nations, close together. Friends and mothers can visit each other. You know it's a wonderful thing to have automobiles like you're selling."
"Yes sir, it sure is, uh-huh." (You know, a-puffing on his cigar or whatever it is.) "Yeah, them--them's good cars."
"Did you ever think of what the old-timers would've thought if they'd seen something like that?" Just keep going like that, you know.
After while, say, "Yep, yeah, sure is. You know, another thing it does, it brings like we have in... Like in revivals. People can come across the country quickly for a revival." See, you're opening the way all time, you know.
And if you feel something chock up the way, stop right there, move over here. Like a doctor said out at Phoenix, said, "Lord, fill my mouth with good words, and then nudge me when I've said enough." You see? "Nudge me when I've said enough."
Brother, let your heart become aflame; say, "Here, I got to do something about this. I got to get out and see if I can get somebody saved."
And don't go out saying, "Bless God, if you don't repent, you're going to perish." No, go at it gentle. Be as wise as a serpent, as harmless as a dove. See, that's the way to go. Approach the person, if he's raising chickens, talk about chickens to him for a while. See? And then the first thing you know, you'll be talking about the Lord. If he's a farmer, talk about his farm.
If he sells automobiles, talk about his automobiles for a while: "What nice cars you got," and so forth. See?
Till you catch the Spirit, when Father says, "Now, is the time to approach him about his soul."
You can wind it off (You see?), "That's a fine automobile. You know transportation today has become great. Oh, how the nations has been brought close together, and the cities of our nations, close together. Friends and mothers can visit each other. You know it's a wonderful thing to have automobiles like you're selling."
"Yes sir, it sure is, uh-huh." (You know, a-puffing on his cigar or whatever it is.) "Yeah, them--them's good cars."
"Did you ever think of what the old-timers would've thought if they'd seen something like that?" Just keep going like that, you know.
After while, say, "Yep, yeah, sure is. You know, another thing it does, it brings like we have in... Like in revivals. People can come across the country quickly for a revival." See, you're opening the way all time, you know.
And if you feel something chock up the way, stop right there, move over here. Like a doctor said out at Phoenix, said, "Lord, fill my mouth with good words, and then nudge me when I've said enough." You see? "Nudge me when I've said enough."
E-42 Deci, totul depinde de Dumnezeu. El face o alegere. El aduce lucrurile împreună şi aşa stau lucrurile. Deci, dacă viaţa voastră se compară cu roadele din Biblie, aveţi o concepţie destul de bună. Dacă duhul vostru poartă mărturie cu Duhul Său, că sunteţi fii şi fiice ale lui Dumnezeu, că... Tot răul vechi a dispărut şi totul a devenit nou, şi trăieşti în dragoste, şi ai pace şi har şi aşa mai departe, atunci te apropii destul de mult de Împărăţie. Pentru că, Viaţa care este în tine rodeşte acest tip de viaţă. Vedeţi?
E-116 Now, notice now, we're going to start from the 15th chapter--or 15th verse of the 3rd chapter, closely now.
While it is said, To day if you... hear his voice harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.
Now, watch Paul speaking here. Now, it is said, "Today, after so long a time..." We're going to get into it after while, that, "today, so long a time"; comes into the next chapter, "after so long a time."
...it is said, To day if You hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the day of provocation. (when they provoked God)
Now, let's read the next verse:
For some, when they had heard, did provoke:... (Now, what's He talking about? Gospel)... howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.
But with whom He was grieved for forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? (Let's stop here a minute.)
While it is said, To day if you... hear his voice harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.
Now, watch Paul speaking here. Now, it is said, "Today, after so long a time..." We're going to get into it after while, that, "today, so long a time"; comes into the next chapter, "after so long a time."
...it is said, To day if You hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the day of provocation. (when they provoked God)
Now, let's read the next verse:
For some, when they had heard, did provoke:... (Now, what's He talking about? Gospel)... howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.
But with whom He was grieved for forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? (Let's stop here a minute.)
E-43 Dacă spuneţi, "Oh, aleluia, am vorbit în limbi. Aleluia!" Asta nu înseamnă nimic. Asta nu înseamnă nimic mai mult decât dacă ai fi ieşit aici şi ai fi cântat o melodie la chitară sau ceva de genul acesta. Asta nu înseamnă nimic. Chiar dacă aţi vorbit în limbi, chiar dacă aţi strigat, şi aţi alergat în sus şi în jos pe culoar, şi aţi plâns până la lacrimi de parcă aţi fi curăţat ceapă, asta nu înseamnă nimic, nimic, decât dacă acea viaţă de zi cu zi confirmă întocmai, stă cu Aceasta.
E-119 The provocation, when they provoked... Now, what did God do? Now, Paul's trying to speak. What is it led them out of Egypt? Was it Moses? No. Moses was the flesh instrument.
Now, we got a background here. We want to get straightened out, now. When we hit this spot down here in a few minutes, you'll--you'll see it.
Now, God had His people with unsettled rest. They were down in Egypt. They were out of their right position. They were out of their homeland. They were strangers and pilgrims, and God was going to bring them from that housed-in place in--in Egypt, up to the homeland.
A type of today; we're unsettled. Here they don't take long; little chubby-handed boys playing marbles, little girls with the dollies, playing; the first thing you know, you got gray hair, and wrinkled up. There's something wrong here; this is not home. We're in the wrong place. That's why we say we are pilgrims and strangers. Something's happened.
Now, we got a background here. We want to get straightened out, now. When we hit this spot down here in a few minutes, you'll--you'll see it.
Now, God had His people with unsettled rest. They were down in Egypt. They were out of their right position. They were out of their homeland. They were strangers and pilgrims, and God was going to bring them from that housed-in place in--in Egypt, up to the homeland.
A type of today; we're unsettled. Here they don't take long; little chubby-handed boys playing marbles, little girls with the dollies, playing; the first thing you know, you got gray hair, and wrinkled up. There's something wrong here; this is not home. We're in the wrong place. That's why we say we are pilgrims and strangers. Something's happened.
E-44 Acum, dacă faci aceste lucruri, plus acea viaţă, "amin," asta, e bine. Este bine. Dar puteţi face acele lucruri fără să aveţi acea viaţă.
E-123 A little lady said, this morning in the room, about how people laugh at her, sometime. I said, "But, sister dear, you're not of them people." We are a different people.
My little girl said, "Daddy, certain-certain girls did certain-certain things, that they did."
I said, "But look, honey..." They had these records of Elvis Presley. I said, "I wouldn't want them in my house."
She said, "But, daddy, they're nice little girls."
I said, "They may be. I have nothing to say against that, but there's one thing: we are different. We are different. Not as that we want to be different, but the Spirit that's within us has come out of that. You're of another world."
When I go into Africa, I--I--I can't get adjusted to their--their--their ways of living. They don't wear any clothes; they're naked. And they pick up something that's rotten, got maggots in it, they eat it anyhow; don't make any difference. See, I--I--It--it... This is different.
My little girl said, "Daddy, certain-certain girls did certain-certain things, that they did."
I said, "But look, honey..." They had these records of Elvis Presley. I said, "I wouldn't want them in my house."
She said, "But, daddy, they're nice little girls."
I said, "They may be. I have nothing to say against that, but there's one thing: we are different. We are different. Not as that we want to be different, but the Spirit that's within us has come out of that. You're of another world."
When I go into Africa, I--I--I can't get adjusted to their--their--their ways of living. They don't wear any clothes; they're naked. And they pick up something that's rotten, got maggots in it, they eat it anyhow; don't make any difference. See, I--I--It--it... This is different.
E-45 Aşadar, atunci, nu strigătul, nu nimic de genul acesta este o dovadă. Isus a spus, "După roadele lor, îi veţi cunoaşte." Iar roada Duhului nu este vorbirea în limbi. Aceasta nu este roada Duhului. Strigătul nu este roada Duhului. Plânsul nu este această roadă a Duhului. Dar, dragostea, bucuria, pacea, îndelunga răbdare, bunătatea, blândeţea, credinţa, smerenia, cumpătarea, acestea sunt roadele Duhului. Vedeţi? Iată care sunt roadele Duhului. Bine.
E-129 You know, one time we were all like that. But civilization has brought us and made us different. And conversion has doubled that by millions. We don't want the rotten things of the world no more. Christ has made us become Christians, like civilization has made us become clean. And notice, not only that, but we profess that we are pilgrims and strangers. We're not of the world. Then you want nothing to do with the world. And those things has passed away.
Now, Israel was down in Egypt; they wasn't Egyptians. Egyptians... It was a disgrace for an Egyptian to put his hands on a sheep, and Israel were sheepherders. And how that must've gotten Moses, after all the indignity of being an Egyptian, cattle raisers. Did you notice what the Pharaoh had said to Joseph and so forth? "It is an abomination." Said, "Your people are sheepherders." And even a Egyptian couldn't even put his hands on a sheepherder. He was a different people.
Now, Israel was down in Egypt; they wasn't Egyptians. Egyptians... It was a disgrace for an Egyptian to put his hands on a sheep, and Israel were sheepherders. And how that must've gotten Moses, after all the indignity of being an Egyptian, cattle raisers. Did you notice what the Pharaoh had said to Joseph and so forth? "It is an abomination." Said, "Your people are sheepherders." And even a Egyptian couldn't even put his hands on a sheepherder. He was a different people.
E-46 Acum, motivul pentru care avem aceste lucruri, le place să facă organizaţii, vedeţi. "Ei bine, le vom avea. Binecuvântat să fie Dumnezeu, toţi care cred ca noi, vom merge în această direcţie. Toţi care cred ca noi, vom merge în această direcţie." Dar Dumnezeu vrea ca toţi să meargă în Această direcţie, drept în sus.
E-131 And that's the way it is with a Christian today. When he's borned again, it's not... It's filthy for him to associate where people are drinking, and telling dirty jokes, and women naked and every... It--it--it's filthiness. And, oh, blessed be the Lord. We are pilgrims here. We're strangers here. The spirit has been converted, and we're looking for a City where women don't wear shorts. We're looking for a city where they don't have beer taverns. We're looking for a City wherein dwelleth righteousness. So we're pilgrims.
E-47 Acum, Pavel, după ce a avut această experienţă, atunci s¬a gândit că a fost o experienţă minunată. Acum, cum... Să¬să-să cităm puţin această experienţă. Pavel era pe drumul spre Damasc, ca să aresteze nişte oameni acolo, pentru că Evanghelia se răspândise acolo. Evanghelia înseamnă "vestea cea bună." Şi aşa ei s-au răspândit acolo, şi mulţi oameni se ridicau, plini de dragoste, de bucurie şi iubindu-L pe Domnul Isus. Şi Asta se răspândise pe acolo. Aşa că Pavel a primit nişte scrisori de la marele preot. El a spus, "Mă voi duce acolo şi îi voi aresta pe toţi."
E-132 So if God came down in a big bundle of fire as a halo, swept down into a bush and begin to reveal Himself to Moses first. Moses said...
You know, how we had the lesson the other night; how that when Jesus was here on earth, He said, "Well, before Moses was, I AM." That was Jesus in the burning bush in the Pillar of Fire. It's Jesus today, the same. And He revealed Himself in a Pillar of Fire, and Moses got the experience. He goes down into Egypt; he preaches the Gospel, the good news, and signs and wonders followed him. You get it? Same thing today.
Not only that, but when them Hebrews come out, walked in the Light, they was led by the same Pillar of Fire.
You know, how we had the lesson the other night; how that when Jesus was here on earth, He said, "Well, before Moses was, I AM." That was Jesus in the burning bush in the Pillar of Fire. It's Jesus today, the same. And He revealed Himself in a Pillar of Fire, and Moses got the experience. He goes down into Egypt; he preaches the Gospel, the good news, and signs and wonders followed him. You get it? Same thing today.
Not only that, but when them Hebrews come out, walked in the Light, they was led by the same Pillar of Fire.
E-48 Aşa că şi-a luat o mică companie de gărzi, gărzi ale templului, soldaţi, şi a pornit la drum. În timp ce mărşăluiau pe drum, şi el ştia chiar tot ce avea de gând să facă, deodată, s-a întâmplat ceva. Dintr-o dată, a apărut o Lumină mare în faţa lui, o Lumină mare. Acum, Aceasta strălucea ca soarele. Este un lucru ciudat să se întâmple. Lumina strălucea atât de tare încât el, ochii i s-au stins, aproape. Şi a căzut la pământ. Şi el-el zăcea la pământ, şi s-a uitat în sus.
E-134 And the Bible said that, "Do not tempt God." Watch this; let me read it.
While it is said, To day if ye... hear His voice, harden not your heart... (His Voice speaking to your heart)... as in the provocation (when they provoked Him).
For some, when they had heard, did provoke:...
How many knows that the Israelites provoked God with their unbelief? They murmured. They completely... God walked right down there and... When he got out... The first thing they got in trouble. Here was this Pillar of Fire above them. I don't know whether they all saw It or not. At least Moses saw It, and It was above them and they watched It. And when they come down... Say if they didn't see It; I don't know whether they did or not; It went before them; the Bible said It was there.
While it is said, To day if ye... hear His voice, harden not your heart... (His Voice speaking to your heart)... as in the provocation (when they provoked Him).
For some, when they had heard, did provoke:...
How many knows that the Israelites provoked God with their unbelief? They murmured. They completely... God walked right down there and... When he got out... The first thing they got in trouble. Here was this Pillar of Fire above them. I don't know whether they all saw It or not. At least Moses saw It, and It was above them and they watched It. And when they come down... Say if they didn't see It; I don't know whether they did or not; It went before them; the Bible said It was there.
E-49 Erau probabil zece sau cincisprezece oameni cu el. A văzut vreunul dintre acei oameni acea Lumină? Nu, domnule. Pavel a văzut-o. Nu era destinat ca acei oameni să o vadă. Deci, unii oameni pot vedea lucruri, pe când alţii nu. Vedeţi? Aşadar, Pavel a văzut acea Lumină, încât chiar l-a orbit. Nu a putut vedea, timp de câteva zile, aşa o mare realitate a fost pentru el. Şi nu a putut vedea timp de câteva...
Mai târziu, când scria scrisori, ochii îl deranjau atât de tare din cauza asta, încât scria cu litere foarte mari. El a spus, "Priviţi cu ce litere mari v-am scris." Abia mai putea vedea.
Mai târziu, când scria scrisori, ochii îl deranjau atât de tare din cauza asta, încât scria cu litere foarte mari. El a spus, "Priviţi cu ce litere mari v-am scris." Abia mai putea vedea.
E-136 It said the Star went before the wise men. Nobody saw It but the wise men. It went over every observatory. They kept time by the stars. No one saw it but the wise men. It was for them to see it, and the wise men was who the Star was sent for.
And the Pillar of Fire was sent to Moses, and Moses was sent to the children of Israel. And they was supposed to follow Moses. They could see Moses, and Moses saw the Light. There they went, them, they were leading. And as they went out, they come to the Red Sea. And all they... They never see no more signs of miracles and things taking place while they were still down in the--in the old land of Egypt. But when they got out there in their journey (just converted and brought out), then the first thing you know, they got in trouble.
God loves to bring you in trouble. He loves to put trouble down and see what you'll do about it. So He just stopped up the Red Sea, and the first thing you know, marched them right out into this place, then sent Pharaoh after them. See how God likes to do it? He loves to display His power and love. He's God, and He just loves to show you Who He is. Amen. And the trouble of it is, today, people say, "Oh, them days is past." No. How can God display Himself, when you're taught such stuff as that? But God loves to manifest Himself.
And the Pillar of Fire was sent to Moses, and Moses was sent to the children of Israel. And they was supposed to follow Moses. They could see Moses, and Moses saw the Light. There they went, them, they were leading. And as they went out, they come to the Red Sea. And all they... They never see no more signs of miracles and things taking place while they were still down in the--in the old land of Egypt. But when they got out there in their journey (just converted and brought out), then the first thing you know, they got in trouble.
God loves to bring you in trouble. He loves to put trouble down and see what you'll do about it. So He just stopped up the Red Sea, and the first thing you know, marched them right out into this place, then sent Pharaoh after them. See how God likes to do it? He loves to display His power and love. He's God, and He just loves to show you Who He is. Amen. And the trouble of it is, today, people say, "Oh, them days is past." No. How can God display Himself, when you're taught such stuff as that? But God loves to manifest Himself.
E-50 Era în închisoare şi L-a rugat pe Domnul să-l vindece de asta. Şi L-a consultat de trei ori. Dar ce a spus Domnul? "Harul Meu îţi este de ajuns, Pavele."
E-139 Here come the children of Israel walking in the Light, Moses going on before them. There they was: "Come on, this is the way. God's calling; we're going out. We're going to the promised land. Oh, Hallelujah." Here they all was, shouting and jumping and having a good time, you know. And the first thing you know, they looked back and said, "Oh, what's that dust?"
One of them climbed up on a hill and said, "Oh, oh. Alas, alas. It's Pharaoh's army."
God said, "What you so scared about? Didn't you believe what I did down there? What you so worried about? Why do you make Me angry?"
When they got down there, Moses went out and interceded to God. God just opened up the Red Sea and they walked across; closed the enemy in. That's the way God does it. Don't get scared. Don't get all excited. Don't be flusterated. You provoke God.
One of them climbed up on a hill and said, "Oh, oh. Alas, alas. It's Pharaoh's army."
God said, "What you so scared about? Didn't you believe what I did down there? What you so worried about? Why do you make Me angry?"
When they got down there, Moses went out and interceded to God. God just opened up the Red Sea and they walked across; closed the enemy in. That's the way God does it. Don't get scared. Don't get all excited. Don't be flusterated. You provoke God.
E-51 Pavel a spus, "Atunci mă voi lăuda în slăbiciunile mele." Pentru că, a spus el, "Ca să nu fiu înălţat mai presus de abundenţa Revelaţiei, mi s-a dat un sol al diavolului, un ţepuş în carne, care mă izbeşte." Se făcea mai bine pentru o vreme, apoi reveneau.
Izbeşte înseamnă "lovitură după lovitură." Ca şi corabia pe mare, ştiţi, valurile o izbesc, vedeţi, lovitură după lovitură.
Şi el, se făcea mai bine, apoi o avea din nou; iar se făcea mai bine, o avea din nou. El a spus, "Doamne, ce se întâmplă, nu-mi iei asta?"
Izbeşte înseamnă "lovitură după lovitură." Ca şi corabia pe mare, ştiţi, valurile o izbesc, vedeţi, lovitură după lovitură.
Şi el, se făcea mai bine, apoi o avea din nou; iar se făcea mai bine, o avea din nou. El a spus, "Doamne, ce se întâmplă, nu-mi iei asta?"
E-143 Then what did He do? Look like, "Well, we had one big trial; bless God, we got over it. We won't have no more. We're on our road to the promised land." And He led them right out into the desert where there's no water. See? Could you imagine? God with His--with His sanctified, holy people, led them right out in this trap, then got them out of that trap and led them right out here where there's no water; when He could've took them some way, where there was water. Why, He could just made a river all the way along if He wanted to; He could've broke every mountain into joy, spurting water fifty feet in the air, if He wanted to. Sure, He could. But if He done that, it'd been too easy. Oh, my, blessed be the Name of the Lord.
E-144 "Why did God let this happen, Brother Branham? Why did God..." God's doing that. Let Him alone; just walk on. That's God's business. "The footprints of the righteous are ordered by the Lord." Yes, sir. What difference does it make?
"Lost all my money, Brother Branham." Well, bless God anyhow.
"Oh, I did this, and this happened, storm blowed in my house."
Bless God anyhow. "The Lord give, the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord." Just keep walking on; it's all the glory of God; God knows what He's doing.
Some through the water, some through the flood,
Some through deep trials, but all through the blood; (And that--that's the way He leads us.)
That's right. Oh, my. I feel like I could just stop and scream. That's the way He leads His dear children. Oh, can you just feel... Now, I'm not a psychologist, but can you just feel that lovely Spirit now bathing over the building? What if our eyes would come open just now, and look what's standing around the sides of these walls, and up and down these aisles?
"Lost all my money, Brother Branham." Well, bless God anyhow.
"Oh, I did this, and this happened, storm blowed in my house."
Bless God anyhow. "The Lord give, the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord." Just keep walking on; it's all the glory of God; God knows what He's doing.
Some through the water, some through the flood,
Some through deep trials, but all through the blood; (And that--that's the way He leads us.)
That's right. Oh, my. I feel like I could just stop and scream. That's the way He leads His dear children. Oh, can you just feel... Now, I'm not a psychologist, but can you just feel that lovely Spirit now bathing over the building? What if our eyes would come open just now, and look what's standing around the sides of these walls, and up and down these aisles?
E-53 El a spus, "Acum, dacă-dacă aş fi chiar desăvârşit, şi totul desăvârşit," a spus, "atunci când aş merge mai departe, oh, m-aş îngâmfa şi aş spune, 'Vezi, nimic în neregulă cu mine. Domnul are grijă de mine, frate. Aleluia!'" Atunci devi îndreptăţit de sine.
E-149 O Elisha, one morning, when that boy was just as blind as he could be, he said, "Look at the Syrians down there."
He said, "But there's more with us."
Said, "I don't see nobody."
He said, "Lord, open that boy's eyes."
He looked around that old prophet, and all around that, the mountains was on fire, and horses of fire, and chariots of fire. He was convinced then.
He said, "We'll just go out and smite them blind." They had their sight just as perfect as they ever did, but they was blind to him. Said, "You all seeking Elijah?" Said, "Yes, sir."
"Come on, I'll show you where he's at"; that was him leading them. They didn't know it.
And that's the way it is today. Christ is here. The Holy Ghost is here doing the same things that He's always done, and the world is blind to it. They don't know it. "Oh, I--I don't know about that; my pastor..." Oh, poor decrepit people. See what I mean? They're blind to it. They don't know it. God's a-leading.
He said, "But there's more with us."
Said, "I don't see nobody."
He said, "Lord, open that boy's eyes."
He looked around that old prophet, and all around that, the mountains was on fire, and horses of fire, and chariots of fire. He was convinced then.
He said, "We'll just go out and smite them blind." They had their sight just as perfect as they ever did, but they was blind to him. Said, "You all seeking Elijah?" Said, "Yes, sir."
"Come on, I'll show you where he's at"; that was him leading them. They didn't know it.
And that's the way it is today. Christ is here. The Holy Ghost is here doing the same things that He's always done, and the world is blind to it. They don't know it. "Oh, I--I don't know about that; my pastor..." Oh, poor decrepit people. See what I mean? They're blind to it. They don't know it. God's a-leading.
E-54 Dumnezeu trebuie să-ţi dea câte ceva, din când în când, ca să te smerească un pic, ştiţi. Aşa este. Un fel de a te face să realizezi că El este Şeful. Oh, nu este El minunat? Da, domnule, doar slavă!
E-154 Now, they come up to the wilderness of Sin. There was no water there. God just has it all provided. Oh, and they found a puddle of water, they said, "This is it." And they couldn't even taste it. Oh, it was terrible. My, it's--it's worse than a hundred percent sulfur. See, just like rotten eggs, you know. "Ooh, my, it's terrible." It was poison. Now, called the wilderness of Sin. Several palm trees grow there, and the spring where those palms growed. Then Moses said, "Don't..."
But God said, "Why do you... Why do they... What are they provoking Me for? Well, if I did that back there, can't I do something about this situation?"
But God said, "Why do you... Why do they... What are they provoking Me for? Well, if I did that back there, can't I do something about this situation?"
E-156 If He got you out of one sick spell, can't He get you out of another one? He got you out of one trouble, can't He get you out of another one? Bless God, if He got me out of sin, He can take me out of the grave. He's God. What difference does it make? Just go on; keep your eyes on Him.
Said, "If I closed the Red Sea behind and drown them Egyptians, can't I do something about this water? What do you make Me angry about? Oh, your unbelief, you provoke Me to anger, because of unbelief."
Said, "If I closed the Red Sea behind and drown them Egyptians, can't I do something about this water? What do you make Me angry about? Oh, your unbelief, you provoke Me to anger, because of unbelief."
E-56 Acum, dacă ar fi fost cineva de azi, ar fi spus, "Oh, binecuvântaţi-L pe Dumnezeu, aleluia. Băiete, Domnul a făcut ceva pentru mine! Slavă lui Dumnezeu!" Dar nu şi Pavel; el era un erudit al Bibliei.
E-158 Now, the word here, is used "sin," provoked, made... The reason they did it, they disbelieved. They never went out and got to shooting craps now, and things like that. They never run around with somebody else's wife, and went out and told lies. That wasn't what they were doing. But that's not sin to begin with.
Living in adultery is not sin. Smoking, chewing, drinking, gambling, cursing, and swearing and so forth; that's not sin. That's the attributes of unbelief. You do that because you're an unbeliever. If you are a believer, you don't do that. That's the reason Jesus said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Everlasting Life." Not says he believes, but really believes. There it is; that takes all your initial evidence away. See? There you are. Not "He that heareth My Words, and shouts"; not "He that heareth My Words, and speaks with tongues"; not "He that heareth My Words, and has blood on his hands or in his face," or whatevermore. That's not it. "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life, and shall never come to the judgment, but's passed from death to Life."
Living in adultery is not sin. Smoking, chewing, drinking, gambling, cursing, and swearing and so forth; that's not sin. That's the attributes of unbelief. You do that because you're an unbeliever. If you are a believer, you don't do that. That's the reason Jesus said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Everlasting Life." Not says he believes, but really believes. There it is; that takes all your initial evidence away. See? There you are. Not "He that heareth My Words, and shouts"; not "He that heareth My Words, and speaks with tongues"; not "He that heareth My Words, and has blood on his hands or in his face," or whatevermore. That's not it. "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life, and shall never come to the judgment, but's passed from death to Life."
E-57 Această experienţă trebuie să se potrivească cu Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. Da, domnule. Dacă nu este cu totul ancorată în Biblie... Nu doar să te uiţi aici, să spui, "Oh, da, aici este chiar aici. Binecuvântat să fie Dumnezeu, Îl am." Aha. Nu aşa o dă Dumnezeu.
E-160 What is sin? Unbelief. A little something can raise up, instead of going right to the Scripture and find out whether it's true or not, "Ah," you say, "I... Hm. I..." See? There you go ahead, "I'll just continue a Presbyterian like I am. See, I..." Go ahead. Blind. And you provoke God.
When God does anything, He expects the nation to grab it. But instead of that, "You know, oh, well, I don't know about that." See? He expects the people to get it. If you're concerned enough, set down with the Scripture, go through it and search it back and forth, and see if it happened, if it's predicted to come to pass and so forth. Then you'll get it. Amen.
When God does anything, He expects the nation to grab it. But instead of that, "You know, oh, well, I don't know about that." See? He expects the people to get it. If you're concerned enough, set down with the Scripture, go through it and search it back and forth, and see if it happened, if it's predicted to come to pass and so forth. Then you'll get it. Amen.
E-58 Trebuie să fie întreaga Biblie, toată. Pentru că, puteţi... Necredincioşii folosesc această Biblie pentru baza lor de dezbatere. Dar ei vor lua o mică Scriptură aici, se vor întoarce aici şi vor lua o alta mică aici, vor încerca să le lege între ele, şi sunt două subiecte diferite, cu totul. Deci, trebuie să faceţi Scriptura să se compare cu Scriptura.
E-162 Now, notice.
While it is... To day if ye... hear his voice, harden not your heart, as in the provocation. (when God was provoked with them, you see?)
For some, when they had heard,... (heard the Gospel, Moses preached)... did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.
How many knows how many people was saved out of that original bunch that come out? How many? [Someone replies, "Two"--Ed.] Two is right. How many knows their names? [Someone replies, "Caleb and Joshua"--Ed.] That's right. Caleb and Joshua, the only two, out of two million something.
Listen to this.
But... he... (the 17th verse now)... But with whom he was grieved forty years?... (because of unbelief)... was it not with them that had sinned... (disbelieved),...
Take the dictionary and find out what "sin" means, take the Bible dictionary; it's unbelief. Unbelief is sin. "He that believeth not is condemned already," St. John 4. See? "Condemned already."
...whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?
And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest,...
While it is... To day if ye... hear his voice, harden not your heart, as in the provocation. (when God was provoked with them, you see?)
For some, when they had heard,... (heard the Gospel, Moses preached)... did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.
How many knows how many people was saved out of that original bunch that come out? How many? [Someone replies, "Two"--Ed.] Two is right. How many knows their names? [Someone replies, "Caleb and Joshua"--Ed.] That's right. Caleb and Joshua, the only two, out of two million something.
Listen to this.
But... he... (the 17th verse now)... But with whom he was grieved forty years?... (because of unbelief)... was it not with them that had sinned... (disbelieved),...
Take the dictionary and find out what "sin" means, take the Bible dictionary; it's unbelief. Unbelief is sin. "He that believeth not is condemned already," St. John 4. See? "Condemned already."
...whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?
And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest,...
E-59 Aşa cum a spus Isaia, capitolul 28, "Trebuie să fie rând peste rând, rând peste rând; aici un pic, acolo un pic." "Ţineţi-vă bine de ceea ce este bun." Vedeţi, iată cum vine, rând peste rând peste rând, Cuvânt peste Cuvânt, Scriptură peste Scriptură. Trebuie să se completeze împreună. De aceea, cred că, în aceste lecţii, aşa cum le avem acum, este un lucru minunat pentru biserică, pentru că le aduce într-un loc în care toate Scripturile se leagă între ele. Şi experienţa noastră trebuie să se lege cu acea Scriptură. Oh, iată! Dacă nu se leagă, atunci este greşită.
E-166 Your disbelieving... Oh, how I'll never get through my chapter. But, look, that's what's the matter with this nation, today. Signs and wonders has crossed through this nation. What do they do? Continually turn their back on it. And He said, "I'll sware that I'll not let them enter into the land they started to."
What's the matter with these big churches today? Their unbelief has provoked God. Hallelujah. He's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. He tried to give the Gospel to them, and they hardened their hearts. They cult themselves, and they made little denominations, and "We believe this and nothing else." And God couldn't move in. Where they at today? Setting on a sideline.
What's the matter with these big churches today? Their unbelief has provoked God. Hallelujah. He's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. He tried to give the Gospel to them, and they hardened their hearts. They cult themselves, and they made little denominations, and "We believe this and nothing else." And God couldn't move in. Where they at today? Setting on a sideline.
E-60 Şi cum am umblat ani de zile, fără să ştiu ce era acea Lumină care l-a doborât pe Pavel. Când, lumea exterioară, Scripturile... Oamenii, predicatorii încercau să-mi spună, "Aceea este de la diavolul. Ei bine, vei fi un ghicitor. Vei fi un spiritist. Nu te prosti cu Asta, Billy. E ceva în neregulă cu Asta. Să nu faci asta, băiete. Asta-i greşit. Ăsta-i diavolul. Ei bine, băiete, vei fi un medium în toată regula. Vei fi un spiritist dacă faci asta. Oh, toate astea sunt de la diavolul. Asta-asta nu este bine." Dar când... nu voiam să predic aceea.
E-168 God's little faithful group is moving right along with signs and wonders. He's putting them to the test. Every son that cometh to God must first be tried and tested: child trained.
First little thing happened, "Oh, well, maybe there's nothing to it anyhow." You're a illegitimate child and not a child of God.
For a child of God is the Seed of Abraham, who calls those things that were not, as though they were, "God said so," and just keeps moving on. Amen. No matter what says, or anything different, they keep moving on anyhow, "God said so."
First little thing happened, "Oh, well, maybe there's nothing to it anyhow." You're a illegitimate child and not a child of God.
For a child of God is the Seed of Abraham, who calls those things that were not, as though they were, "God said so," and just keeps moving on. Amen. No matter what says, or anything different, they keep moving on anyhow, "God said so."
E-61 Dar, ca şi pe drumul spre Damasc, Pavel nu a vrut să o predice, până nu a aflat dacă este corect sau nu. Aşa că s-a dus jos în Arabia timp de trei ani şi a studiat Scriptura. Ah! Când a ieşit, a spus, "Acum scoate-ţi asta din mine."
E-171 Twenty-five years he waited for that baby, no matter how contrary it was. And he separated himself from them unbelievers (Amen.) so he could believe. Oh, my, I feel religious. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Think of it; you've got to separate yourself from that dogma of the world: "Aw, them days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as that. That's fanaticism." Separate yourself.
The Bible said, "Come out from among them, and be ye separated, saith the Lord; and I will receive you." How wonderful. "I will receive you after you separated yourself. Ye shall be My children, and I'll be your God. Separate yourself. Don't yoke yourself up with unbelievers." That's right.
Young man getting married, marrying some girl that don't believe; or some young girl marrying a boy that don't believe... Don't you do that. I don't care how cute he is and--and... Or how cute she is, and what those big eyes she's got; they'll all fade out one of these days. But, brother, your soul's going to live forever. You be careful what you're doing. She ain't a real believer or him a real believer, don't you yoke yourself up like that. Stay away from such; it'll cause you trouble down the road.
The Bible said, "Come out from among them, and be ye separated, saith the Lord; and I will receive you." How wonderful. "I will receive you after you separated yourself. Ye shall be My children, and I'll be your God. Separate yourself. Don't yoke yourself up with unbelievers." That's right.
Young man getting married, marrying some girl that don't believe; or some young girl marrying a boy that don't believe... Don't you do that. I don't care how cute he is and--and... Or how cute she is, and what those big eyes she's got; they'll all fade out one of these days. But, brother, your soul's going to live forever. You be careful what you're doing. She ain't a real believer or him a real believer, don't you yoke yourself up like that. Stay away from such; it'll cause you trouble down the road.
E-62 Ştia că trebuie să se confrunte cu Fariseii. Trebuia să se confrunte cu Saducheii. Trebuia să se confrunte cu lumea, şi cu lumea Neamurilor. Şi astfel, Pavel, această Biblie este scrisă, această Carte a Evreilor, este scrisă în acest scop. El îi zguduie pe acei Evrei şi ia acel Vechi Testament şi îl arată aici, în Noul Testament. "Acesta este Dumnezeu," a spus el, "aici este, în-în toţi profeţii şi totul." Începe în urmă acolo la început, la capitolul 1 ce l-am avut, "Pentru că Dumnezeu, în diferite vremuri, mult în urmă în vechime, în multe chipuri, a vorbit părinţilor prin profeţi." Aşa a adus Dumnezeu mesajul Său, testat prin Urim Tumim. "Dar în ziua de azi ne-a vorbit prin Fiul Său, Cristos Isus," testat prin Biblia Sa. Iată.
E-174 Now, listen, 17th verse.
But in whom he was... was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?
... to whom he sware that they should not enter into the rest,...
They started out, but... They seen the miracles, but they never did get to the promised land. Just a selected number of two enter the promised land.
Now, what's Paul doing? He's speaking to the Christians now. Don't you let this same Gospel, that was preached back yonder in signs and wonders, and the Pillar of Fire led them... And when these things go to taking place again, don't you fall by the wayside by unbelief, to go to doubting, for their carcass fell in the wilderness.
But in whom he was... was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?
... to whom he sware that they should not enter into the rest,...
They started out, but... They seen the miracles, but they never did get to the promised land. Just a selected number of two enter the promised land.
Now, what's Paul doing? He's speaking to the Christians now. Don't you let this same Gospel, that was preached back yonder in signs and wonders, and the Pillar of Fire led them... And when these things go to taking place again, don't you fall by the wayside by unbelief, to go to doubting, for their carcass fell in the wilderness.
E-63 Aşadar, aceste experienţe despre care lumea spunţ, "Oh, este ceva mental. Ei bine, nimeni..." Când a apărut acel Înger, acea Lumină aici jos pe râu, când am predicat prima mea trezire aici, la colţ, am botezat toţi acei oameni... Cred, frate Fleeman, poate că ai fost în... Nu ştiu dacă erai aici atunci sau nu. Câţi erau aici când-când a apărut Lumina pe râu? Este vreunul dintre bătrâni aici? Da, câţiva dintre ei. Când Ea, aici jos pe râu.
E-177 Now, we're coming in quickly now; watch close.
...but to them that live not? So we see that they should not enter in because of unbelief... (He calls it "sin" once, calls it "unbelief" the next time; unbelief is sin)... they entered not... because of their unbelief.
They seen that prophet Moses; they seen what he done, seen what he said; it was truth every time, moved right on the truth. This Pillar of Fire would appear before him. They watched it; they seen it.
Paul trying to get... They little later on get down here to the experience that he had. See? Trying to relate the experience, he typing it to the Old Testament. He said, "Now, we've entered into a new thing, to this new dispensation by Jesus Christ." Old times, the Lord appeared to them by the prophets; but now He's by His Son Jesus. See? And he goes into his--to type the experiences and show them what was taking place; how the signs and wonders and everything, and what's wrote.
...but to them that live not? So we see that they should not enter in because of unbelief... (He calls it "sin" once, calls it "unbelief" the next time; unbelief is sin)... they entered not... because of their unbelief.
They seen that prophet Moses; they seen what he done, seen what he said; it was truth every time, moved right on the truth. This Pillar of Fire would appear before him. They watched it; they seen it.
Paul trying to get... They little later on get down here to the experience that he had. See? Trying to relate the experience, he typing it to the Old Testament. He said, "Now, we've entered into a new thing, to this new dispensation by Jesus Christ." Old times, the Lord appeared to them by the prophets; but now He's by His Son Jesus. See? And he goes into his--to type the experiences and show them what was taking place; how the signs and wonders and everything, and what's wrote.
E-64 Şi au spus, "A fost doar o iluzie optică." Mulţi dintre noi stăteam în picioare, ne uitam la Ea şi iată că a coborât. Şi apoi, ani mai târziu, Dumnezeu a dovedit-o cu ajutorul unui ochi mecanic al unui aparat de fotografiat. Este adevărat.
E-180 Now, he said.
...they entered not... because of their unbelief. (They did not believe.)
But now, we who are to move into a dispensation... And don't you harden your heart. Don't you act like they did in the days of provocation, when they provoked God. How did they do it? Not by living immorally. Let me grind this down to you.
You say, "Brother Branham, I go to church."
That's all right.
"I never lied in my life."
That's fine.
"I never stole. I never done this, that, or the other." That's very fine. That's all good, but that still isn't sin. The sin is when God shows Himself and you disbelieve it; you won't listen to it.
"Oh," you say, "my church don't teach that." As long as the Bible teaches it, and God proves it, that's the thing. Now, watch just a moment now. Now, we're going to start now on something real, real deep. Now, put your conscience in your vest pocket till you get outside.
...they entered not... because of their unbelief. (They did not believe.)
But now, we who are to move into a dispensation... And don't you harden your heart. Don't you act like they did in the days of provocation, when they provoked God. How did they do it? Not by living immorally. Let me grind this down to you.
You say, "Brother Branham, I go to church."
That's all right.
"I never lied in my life."
That's fine.
"I never stole. I never done this, that, or the other." That's very fine. That's all good, but that still isn't sin. The sin is when God shows Himself and you disbelieve it; you won't listen to it.
"Oh," you say, "my church don't teach that." As long as the Bible teaches it, and God proves it, that's the thing. Now, watch just a moment now. Now, we're going to start now on something real, real deep. Now, put your conscience in your vest pocket till you get outside.
E-65 "Ei bine, este-este ceva fictiv, este ceva care-care... ?" Nu, domnule. O luăm chiar aici, în Biblie, şi vă arătăm. Este acelaşi Domn Isus. El face acelaşi lucru. Acţiunea Lui este aceeaşi. Puterea Lui este aceeaşi.
E-185 Now, watch real close.
Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter into his... (His, her, personal pronouns now. What?)... any of You should seem to come short of it.
Now, Paul's trying to tell them in the previous chapter about all these things, but now he's trying to tell them what it is. Oh, have we got time? I... Maybe we'd better wait till tonight. It's getting late, and we going to have prayer service. Maybe we'd better catch it tonight, 'cause this is really full of vitamins, spiritual vitamins. Got a lot to do, and I'm busy this afternoon.
Let us... Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise...
Now, did they have a promise for the promised land, down in Egypt? And when God came down to make this promise a reality,... Why, God told Abraham, hundreds and hundreds of years before, that He was going to do it. It was Scriptural.
Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter into his... (His, her, personal pronouns now. What?)... any of You should seem to come short of it.
Now, Paul's trying to tell them in the previous chapter about all these things, but now he's trying to tell them what it is. Oh, have we got time? I... Maybe we'd better wait till tonight. It's getting late, and we going to have prayer service. Maybe we'd better catch it tonight, 'cause this is really full of vitamins, spiritual vitamins. Got a lot to do, and I'm busy this afternoon.
Let us... Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise...
Now, did they have a promise for the promised land, down in Egypt? And when God came down to make this promise a reality,... Why, God told Abraham, hundreds and hundreds of years before, that He was going to do it. It was Scriptural.
E-66 Priviţi, duminica trecută, aici. Acolo, întins pe patul meu, nu l-am văzut pe acel om în viaţa mea. A ieşit afară şi a spus, "Este un om la tabernacol, şi este cărunt, cu părul negru, spre cărunt. Este orb şi nu poate merge. Este într-un scaun cu rotile. Un om cu părul negru l-a trimis sus; un doctor, doctorul Ackerman, un om cu părul negru, Catolic. A trimis un om, care şedea exact acolo. Şi AŞA VORBEŞTE DOMNUL," s-a ridicat, a ieşit afară cu vederea lui şi cu totul. Ce a făcut asta? Iată acelaşi Înger. Acelaşi care l¬a doborât pe Pavel, pe drumul care cobora spre Damasc, trăieşte în Biserica Sa şi în poporul Său astăzi. Este Scriptura care se compară cu Scriptura. Aşa trebuie să fie.
Oh, avem căldiceii. Ajungem în asta, peste puţin.
Oh, avem căldiceii. Ajungem în asta, peste puţin.
E-188 Joseph said, "Don't you move my bones from here until you go to that promised land, and bury me up there with the rest of my fathers." 'Cause he knowed the resurrection was coming, when Jesus rose from the dead; 'cause he'd known what Job said.
See, each one of them prophets knowed just what the other prophet had said, and knowed that their Spirit was the same; and they was watching. Oh, brother. Oh, that--that ought to shake us out of our worried condition. They had their eyes, not on what people were saying, but what them prophets said; each one of them was watching.
Abraham said, "Bury me right here where Job was buried." Said, "Sarah, I'm going to buy a piece of ground; we're going to be buried right here."
Isaac was a prophet after his daddy, said, "Listen. Don't you bury me anywhere else, not down here in Egypt, but you take me right back in the promised land. You bury me right here."
Jacob died down in the promised land, but said to his son who was a prophet, said, "You know, one night the Angel touched me on the side and I've limped ever since. Come, put your hand... (Oh, mercy.) My prophet son, I'm old and I'm blind; but put your holy hand, being a prophet yourself, lay it on the place where the Angel had His hand, and swear to the God of heaven that you'll not bury me down here."
See, each one of them prophets knowed just what the other prophet had said, and knowed that their Spirit was the same; and they was watching. Oh, brother. Oh, that--that ought to shake us out of our worried condition. They had their eyes, not on what people were saying, but what them prophets said; each one of them was watching.
Abraham said, "Bury me right here where Job was buried." Said, "Sarah, I'm going to buy a piece of ground; we're going to be buried right here."
Isaac was a prophet after his daddy, said, "Listen. Don't you bury me anywhere else, not down here in Egypt, but you take me right back in the promised land. You bury me right here."
Jacob died down in the promised land, but said to his son who was a prophet, said, "You know, one night the Angel touched me on the side and I've limped ever since. Come, put your hand... (Oh, mercy.) My prophet son, I'm old and I'm blind; but put your holy hand, being a prophet yourself, lay it on the place where the Angel had His hand, and swear to the God of heaven that you'll not bury me down here."
E-67 Oh, avem un lucru profund înaintea noastră, dacă putem intra în el, astăzi şi în seara asta. Acum abia începem să intrăm în ape adânci. Unde voi...
E-193 Blessed be... Can you see the spiritual revelation of the Word? Why, half of them didn't... Ninety percent didn't know what he's talking about, but he knew what he was talking about. "Put your prophet hands on this place where the Angel laid His hand. I was once a big, stout man, a robust coward. But He touched me, and since then I've been a limping man; but I've been a prince ever since I limped. Ever since I changed my way of walking, I've been a prince. (Yeah.) Put your hand here and swear by the God of heaven, you'll not bury me here." Why? No one knowed what he was talking about. Joseph did. He said, "Take me up yonder and bury me in that promised land." There's where it was at; certainly.
When Joseph died years later, he said, "Don't you bury me down here, but you look at my bones when you pass by, 'cause someday you're going out of here; and when you go, take my bones with you."
When Joseph died years later, he said, "Don't you bury me down here, but you look at my bones when you pass by, 'cause someday you're going out of here; and when you go, take my bones with you."
E-68 Ştiţi, când eram un băieţel, aveam un mic iaz în spatele casei şi mă duceam acolo. Şi noi toţi copiii mici intram acolo, dezbrăcaţi; mici, de vreo şase, şapte ani. Şi noi... Apa este cam atât de adâncă. Nu era mai mult decât o băltoacă de porci. Şi aveam o cutie de săpun acolo. Arătam că pot să plonjez; mă ţineam de nas şi pleosc, făceam în acel fel. Şi burta mea mică se lovea de noroi, ştiţi, şi acesta zbura în toate direcţiile. I-am spus tatălui meu că ştiu să înot.
E-195 There you are. Let the world say what they want to, and do what they want to do. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Keep me in Christ, if I'm called anything a fanatic or a holy-roller. Someday He's coming and those that are in Christ will God bring with Him when He comes. It's all a spiritual revealed Truth laying right there, and it takes a spiritual mind to catch it. Rest on that through the day; think of it. If you do without your dinner, think of it.
And tonight, we'll go into His rest, that was left, and see what this promise is today. What is this thing today? If God hasn't got it here in the Bible, and prove it, that it's right here now, then I'm a false prophet. That's exactly right. But it's here. What is this rest?
He said.
Now, Let us... fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter in just like they did...
And it's got to be the same promise. It's got to be the same rest. It's got to be the same God. It's got to be the same signs. It's got to be the same thing. But let us rest. Now, what is it? May the Lord grant it to us tonight, while we bow our heads.
And tonight, we'll go into His rest, that was left, and see what this promise is today. What is this thing today? If God hasn't got it here in the Bible, and prove it, that it's right here now, then I'm a false prophet. That's exactly right. But it's here. What is this rest?
He said.
Now, Let us... fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter in just like they did...
And it's got to be the same promise. It's got to be the same rest. It's got to be the same God. It's got to be the same signs. It's got to be the same thing. But let us rest. Now, what is it? May the Lord grant it to us tonight, while we bow our heads.
E-69 El m-a dus înapoi acolo într-o zi. Mi-a spus, "Vreau să te văd cum înoţi." Am sărit de acolo, ştiţi; m-am dezbrăcat de haine, într-un mic tufiş de salcâmi; am coborât în fugă şi am sărit în apă. Am început să stropesc, cu noroiul care zbura în toate părţile. Şi tata era aşezat pe o conductă de canal. El a şezut acolo şi m-a privit câteva minute. Mi-a spus, "Ieşi din balta aia, fă-ţi o baie şi du-te acasă." Vedeţi?
E-199 Blessed Lord, only eternity will reveal the great things that we now share together. Little is many who are ordained to condemnation. As Thou hast said in the Book of Jude, that "men of old, foreordained to condemnation, would take the grace of our God and turn it into lasciviousness." And many today, are preaching the Gospel (the grace of God), turn it into a money making scheme, having a great big church and the most in Sunday school; taking the grace of God and turn it into lasciviousness. And the world's blind, and going like blind pigs, they don't understand.
O God, open to us understanding. Let our understanding not be like the children of this world, for Thou hast said in Thy Word, "that the children of this world are wiser than the children of the Light." In the beginning it was so; the children of Cain become great master scientists. They become great educators. They become workers of material. They went on progressing, very religious, but was condemned and drowned in the judgment. And their carcasses floated on the water. And their souls went to hell.
And Jesus went and spoke to them, when He died. "And went to hell and preached to the souls that was in prison, that repented not in the long-suffering, of the days of Noah," saith the Scripture. And God, as He stood on earth, He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man."
O God, open to us understanding. Let our understanding not be like the children of this world, for Thou hast said in Thy Word, "that the children of this world are wiser than the children of the Light." In the beginning it was so; the children of Cain become great master scientists. They become great educators. They become workers of material. They went on progressing, very religious, but was condemned and drowned in the judgment. And their carcasses floated on the water. And their souls went to hell.
And Jesus went and spoke to them, when He died. "And went to hell and preached to the souls that was in prison, that repented not in the long-suffering, of the days of Noah," saith the Scripture. And God, as He stood on earth, He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man."
E-70 Ei bine, cam aşa facem, unii dintre noi care ne numim Creştini. Ne târâm prin noroi. Aşa este. Atâta timp cât eşti ancorat, "Eu sunt metodist. Eu sunt penticostal. Eu sunt presbiterian. Am o dovadă; O am." Te târăşti în noroi.
E-202 But we notice the lineage then of Seth: humble men, real men of God, not knowing too much of the things of the world, caring nothing for the things of the world, but had laid aside every weight and had believed God, and become prophets and great men in the Kingdom. While the others, the other religious world, laughed at them, made fun of them. But the hour come when the floods and judgment came.
So was it in the coming of Jesus Christ. How they laughed and made fun of Him, while they had their own religions and their great churches. But they made fun of the Morning Star, and they laughed at Him. But yet they entered into judgment; and when they flee and went into Jerusalem, there they eat their own children from starvation, and their blood run out the street gates when they burnt the city and the temple. And their souls went into hell.
Lord, here we are again, on the third. This is the life time. Three is the number of life, and here we are ready for the rapture. The church moving on, the great scientist world... The churches today setting full of skeptic-believers, tens of thousands with their names on the book (yes, millions) and would laugh at the Gospel and say that they're uneducated; they don't know. Maybe that's so, Lord, but what we lack in education, You make up in grace, by sending Your Angel of Light, by manifesting His power, confirming the Words to those who are poor and illiterate as we. But we love You for this, because it's the grace of God that has did it, and we know that we were born. And we're not lovely at all; we're very unlovely. But Thou, through grace, reached down Thy merciful hand and has opened our eyes, as Jesus prayed for us, as Elijah did for Gehazi, as he looked to see around him. And today our eyes are open and we see the things of God, and know we're moving at the end-time, when the Gentile people's days are about finished, and He'll take a people for His Name. Let us be included there, Lord, humbly we beg. We pray that You'll grant it.
So was it in the coming of Jesus Christ. How they laughed and made fun of Him, while they had their own religions and their great churches. But they made fun of the Morning Star, and they laughed at Him. But yet they entered into judgment; and when they flee and went into Jerusalem, there they eat their own children from starvation, and their blood run out the street gates when they burnt the city and the temple. And their souls went into hell.
Lord, here we are again, on the third. This is the life time. Three is the number of life, and here we are ready for the rapture. The church moving on, the great scientist world... The churches today setting full of skeptic-believers, tens of thousands with their names on the book (yes, millions) and would laugh at the Gospel and say that they're uneducated; they don't know. Maybe that's so, Lord, but what we lack in education, You make up in grace, by sending Your Angel of Light, by manifesting His power, confirming the Words to those who are poor and illiterate as we. But we love You for this, because it's the grace of God that has did it, and we know that we were born. And we're not lovely at all; we're very unlovely. But Thou, through grace, reached down Thy merciful hand and has opened our eyes, as Jesus prayed for us, as Elijah did for Gehazi, as he looked to see around him. And today our eyes are open and we see the things of God, and know we're moving at the end-time, when the Gentile people's days are about finished, and He'll take a people for His Name. Let us be included there, Lord, humbly we beg. We pray that You'll grant it.
E-71 Într-o zi eram cu unchiul meu. Îi tot spuneam... Avea cam cincisprezece, şaisprezece ani. Eram la râu. I-am spus, "Unchiule Lark, ştiu să înot." Eram aşezat în spatele bărcii, ştiţi, mă simţeam bine şi în siguranţă. El doar a luat vâsla şi m-a împins afară, în vreo trei metri de apă. A fost diferit atunci; toată stropeala, ţipetele ce n-aţi auzit în viaţa voastră.
E-205 Bless us. Bless this little audience this morning. They're made up of all different types of religions and beliefs, but lay them aside today, God. And may they look straight towards Calvary, say, "God, mold me and make me. I'm like the..." The prophet said that he went down to the potters house, that he might be broke up and remolded. Mold us and make us after the fashion that God would have us. No matter if we have to be the floor mat at the House of the Lord. I'd rather be the doormat than to dwell in tents with the wicked. And grant it, Lord. Just bless us now and keep us humble. Let our hearts be open, our minds clear to the things of God, for we ask it in Christ's Name.
E-72 Într-o zi vei fi împins afară, ar fi bine să ştii unde te afli. Da, domnule. Dacă Îl cunoşti, vei fi... Mai bine să-L cunoşti cu adevărat. Aşa este.
Dar acum intrăm în apă adâncă, apă adâncă, unde te va face să te îneci dacă-dacă nu eşti un bun Creştin îngrăşat.
Dar acum intrăm în apă adâncă, apă adâncă, unde te va face să te îneci dacă-dacă nu eşti un bun Creştin îngrăşat.
E-206 With our heads bowed, I wonder if someone would want to be remembered in a word of prayer, for your salvation of your soul? Would you raise your hand? If there's a sinner? God bless you, young fellow. Someone else? God bless you back there, sir. God bless you lady. Someone else like to be remembered in prayer just now for your soul? God bless you, sir, with your hand up. And God bless you; and you, here. Wonderful. Would there be another one just before closing? I feel there'd be. God bless you back there, sir, in the back.
Say, now look, I want to ask you something. I don't want you to think at all because it's this little tabernacle. I don't want you to think it's because it's this people. And merciful God, don't think it's 'cause that the Angel of the Lord had His picture taken with me, and I... and--and something of that... to do that. O God; if I felt that way, then, brother, I need to be at the altar instead of asking you. But I'm only saying this; I'm only saying this by the Scripture, that you'll see that this is the truth. If I said it and that's all there was to it, went on like any other preacher or something another, or any other, well then, it would be different. But you see the thing, God comes right back around and proves that it's the truth. See? That's what makes it real, is God proving it. And then, not only that, but His Word says that He'll do it. Here He is doing it.
Say, now look, I want to ask you something. I don't want you to think at all because it's this little tabernacle. I don't want you to think it's because it's this people. And merciful God, don't think it's 'cause that the Angel of the Lord had His picture taken with me, and I... and--and something of that... to do that. O God; if I felt that way, then, brother, I need to be at the altar instead of asking you. But I'm only saying this; I'm only saying this by the Scripture, that you'll see that this is the truth. If I said it and that's all there was to it, went on like any other preacher or something another, or any other, well then, it would be different. But you see the thing, God comes right back around and proves that it's the truth. See? That's what makes it real, is God proving it. And then, not only that, but His Word says that He'll do it. Here He is doing it.
E-73 Observaţi Cuvântul. Pavel, mai întâi l-a descoperit. S-a întors în Vechiul Testament şi a descoperit asta. El a văzut acea experienţă a lui, absolut. "Acum, ce a fost Asta care m-a doborât?"
E-208 Now, if you're not in the right, your heart's not right with God, would you just raise your hand? Say "Pray for me." All right, right where you are. About eight or ten hands has been up, wanting mercy for their soul. While you have your heads bowed, now you pray. Remember, you're the one to repent. I'm only asking for you, that God will be merciful. But that's the altar, God has brought you to a place in your mind; that's the altar. We believe in coming to the altar, sure; but that doesn't--that doesn't... It's all right. But your real altar is where God's met you; and He's met you right where you're setting. That's your altar.
Now, say, "God, be merciful to me a sinner. And from this day on, if You'll help me, I'll live for You. I--I'll serve You. I don't care what anyone says; I'm stepping out this morning. I'm praying right here, and You take this old sassy spirit away from me. You take this temper away from me. I know I can't act like that and be right with God. And I got hatred in my heart. I'm jealous. I got malice. I got this, that. Take it out, God. I don't want to be like that. Make me sweet, and humble, and meek. Make me gentle. Make me such a person I could win others to You. Let me do something for You to show appreciations in my life." That's the prayer you pray now, while we pray together.
Now, say, "God, be merciful to me a sinner. And from this day on, if You'll help me, I'll live for You. I--I'll serve You. I don't care what anyone says; I'm stepping out this morning. I'm praying right here, and You take this old sassy spirit away from me. You take this temper away from me. I know I can't act like that and be right with God. And I got hatred in my heart. I'm jealous. I got malice. I got this, that. Take it out, God. I don't want to be like that. Make me sweet, and humble, and meek. Make me gentle. Make me such a person I could win others to You. Let me do something for You to show appreciations in my life." That's the prayer you pray now, while we pray together.
E-74 Era o Lumină, o Lumină mare care stătea acolo, strălucind ca soarele, stând înaintea feţei lui. A spus, "Saule, Saule, pentru ce Mă prigoneşti?"
E-210 Heavenly Father, they're Yours. They're the fruits of the message this morning. They raised their hands. Something made them do that. They--they defied the laws of gravitation when they raise their hands. There was a spirit in them that made a decision. They raised up their hands that they accepted the Creator Who made them.
Now, heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless them, and give to them Eternal Life right now. There's nothing I could do (call them around the altar, putting them in an extra room, doing all the work); it--it takes You to do it, Lord. We can't do no more than preach the Word. You said, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing of the Word, the Word of God." Now, we've preached the Word, and they've raised their hands that they believed It. Now, give them Everlasting Life, 'cause You promised You'd do it. And if they were sincere in raising their hands, they'll go out of this building this morning a sweet, meek, humble Christian. Because You've promised it, and Your Words cannot fail. I ask it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Now, heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless them, and give to them Eternal Life right now. There's nothing I could do (call them around the altar, putting them in an extra room, doing all the work); it--it takes You to do it, Lord. We can't do no more than preach the Word. You said, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing of the Word, the Word of God." Now, we've preached the Word, and they've raised their hands that they believed It. Now, give them Everlasting Life, 'cause You promised You'd do it. And if they were sincere in raising their hands, they'll go out of this building this morning a sweet, meek, humble Christian. Because You've promised it, and Your Words cannot fail. I ask it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
E-212 Now, I am watching, waiting and longing
For that bright City, John saw coming down.
In that bright City, (Worship now.) pearly white City,
I have a mansion, a harp and a crown;
Now, I am watching, waiting and longing
For that bright City, John saw coming down.
Don't you just love Him? The message is over now. This is worship. We don't come to church just to hear a message. We come to worship. Just forget the person next to you. Just worship Him. Oh, how beautiful, how wonderful. Just tell Him in your... You don't have to tell Him loud. Just tell Him in your heart, "I love You, Lord. Forgive me of my sins." Oh, my.
... pearly white City,
I have a mansion, a harp and a crown;
Now, I am watching, waiting and longing
For that white City, John saw coming down.
For that bright City, John saw coming down.
In that bright City, (Worship now.) pearly white City,
I have a mansion, a harp and a crown;
Now, I am watching, waiting and longing
For that bright City, John saw coming down.
Don't you just love Him? The message is over now. This is worship. We don't come to church just to hear a message. We come to worship. Just forget the person next to you. Just worship Him. Oh, how beautiful, how wonderful. Just tell Him in your... You don't have to tell Him loud. Just tell Him in your heart, "I love You, Lord. Forgive me of my sins." Oh, my.
... pearly white City,
I have a mansion, a harp and a crown;
Now, I am watching, waiting and longing
For that white City, John saw coming down.
E-213 Now, Father God, receive us. We are waiting as we're listening at the Word. Longing, our hearts thirst after Thee, like the hart panteth for the water brook. Our soul thirsts after Thee, O God, longing and waiting. Waiting that hour then, when Jesus shall come. Waiting to the time that we'll be summons to the sky, not to stand before the Judge in judgment; it's done past. We're dead to the things of the world and is entered into Christ, and He took our judgment. He's our Attorney now at the seat of justice, our blessed Attorney, that on our confession, He pleads our case till we know that we're unworthy. As a dear old sister this morning said in her testimony, and putting in her pennies, "Since I come here I learned that it's not my holiness, it's God's holiness."
Truly, Lord, we teach the people, there's nothing good in man, not one thing. "What is man that Thou art mindful of him?" But it's the grace of God that's appeared to us. And we trust only in His merits, and not in our own. And we worship Thee, most holy God, for Thy goodness to include us in Thy great Kingdom and in Thy great plans. We receive Thee into our hearts by faith. And by grace, we believe that You've give it to us for the glory of God, for the service of God.
Truly, Lord, we teach the people, there's nothing good in man, not one thing. "What is man that Thou art mindful of him?" But it's the grace of God that's appeared to us. And we trust only in His merits, and not in our own. And we worship Thee, most holy God, for Thy goodness to include us in Thy great Kingdom and in Thy great plans. We receive Thee into our hearts by faith. And by grace, we believe that You've give it to us for the glory of God, for the service of God.
E-77 "Mă gândeam că El era un-un om, că avea palmele cu cicatrici, despre care se spune că apare acum în adunări, cu cicatrici de cuie în mâini şi în cap." Nu, nu; nu în acel trup, nu în acel trup. Vedeţi? El este acum o Lumină. Saul...
E-215 Now, Lord, heal the sick as they come up to be prayed for, this morning. Give to them that joy, that they long to be well. Let them know that this little light affliction, was put upon them, is just a little testing time. God knows all about it. He did it to see what we'd do about it. How God may they step right out there and claim that finished work. May You... May they not provoke You by be running here and there, and in and out, "Well, I don't know this, that..."
Lord, may they take a straight stand, say, "Lord, You was the One Who saved me. You was the One Who did these things for me. I believe You, and I'm trusting You today." And I pray that You'll grant this to the people in Christ's Name. Amen.
Lord, may they take a straight stand, say, "Lord, You was the One Who saved me. You was the One Who did these things for me. I believe You, and I'm trusting You today." And I pray that You'll grant this to the people in Christ's Name. Amen.
E-79 El a fost Îngerul care i-a condus pe fiii lui Israel în această Lumină, prin pustie. El s-a întors înapoi la aceeaşi Lumină. Şi Pavel a văzut-o, din Vechiul Testament. El a spus, "Eu sunt Isus, Îngerul Legământului."
E-80 Şi S-a făcut trup, pentru a ne răscumpăra. ,,Nu a luat chipul Îngerilor," aflăm în capitolele anterioare, pe care le studiem. ,,El nu a luat natura Îngerilor, ci era Sămânţa lui Abraham," pentru ca El să fie cunoscut, pentru ca oamenii să-L poată vedea pe Dumnezeu. Amin.
Acum El spune, "Mă voi întoarce înapoi la Aceea."
Acum El spune, "Mă voi întoarce înapoi la Aceea."
E-82 Petru a avut o experienţă într-o noapte, în timp ce se ruga. Aceeaşi Lumină a intrat în clădire, a deschis uşile în faţa lui, a ieşit pe străzi. Şi Petru a crezut că visează; era atât de uns. Nu ştia ce s-a întâmplat. A spus, "M-am trezit acum? Dar sunt aici, pe stradă."
E-83 Şi a coborât la casa lui Ioan Marcu. Şi fetiţa a deschis uşa, o doamnă mică acolo, era la o întâlnire de rugăciune. Cineva bătea la uşă. A deschis uşa. "Oh," ea a spus, "aici este Petru chiar acum. Vă rugaţi ca el să iasă din închisoare. Domnul l-a izbăvit."
E-86 "Oh," a spus ea, "este Petru." În zilele acelea, încă mai au, o mică bară care se trage. Un căpăcel aici, îl ridici înapoi şi te uiţi afară, vedeţi. Înainte de a-ţi lăsa oaspetele să intre, trebuie să ştii cine îţi bate la uşă. Pentru că, aveau tâlhari; dacă deschideai uşa, te omorau.
E-88 Ei au spus, "Oh! Oh, vai, este mort. E îngerul lui care stă acolo. Vedeţi? A ajuns deja în trupul său glorificat, ştiţi, acea teofanie."
E-89 Vă amintiţi cum L-am luat, marele Diamant, cum a reflectat Lumina, cum s-a întors acolo? ... "Acest tabernacol pământesc să se desfacă, avem unul care ne aşteaptă deja."
Şi au crezut că Petru a murit, că trupul acesta vechi a căzut şi că îl vor îngropa în câteva zile, că a intrat în îngerul său, sau glori-... Nu în trupul său glorificat, ci în teofania sa, trupul care este deja pregătit. Nu ar putea să dea mâna cu tine. Nu are mâini pe care să le strângă, aşa, dar este în chip de om. "Coborâse şi bătea la uşă."
Şi au crezut că Petru a murit, că trupul acesta vechi a căzut şi că îl vor îngropa în câteva zile, că a intrat în îngerul său, sau glori-... Nu în trupul său glorificat, ci în teofania sa, trupul care este deja pregătit. Nu ar putea să dea mâna cu tine. Nu are mâini pe care să le strângă, aşa, dar este în chip de om. "Coborâse şi bătea la uşă."
E-90 Ea a spus, "Nu. Este Petru. Stă acolo." A deschis uşa şi a intrat. Era acolo. Acum, Petru a fost eliberat de această Lumină.
E-91 Acum, în acelaşi mod în care acea primă... că Pavel, în Biserica primară, a văzut acea Lumină a lui Dumnezeu care a strălucit asupra lui Pavel, acelaşi Lucru a coborât. Acum, oamenii pot spune orice, asta nu înseamnă că este corect. Dar când Dumnezeu dovedeşte ceva, lucrarea Lui o dovedeşte. Apoi, aparatul de fotografiat Îl dovedeşte. Şi tot ceea ce noi... ce Domnul a făcut, a fost dovedit în mod absolut, infailibil, că este Dumnezeu, prin Scripturi, prin acţiunea Sa, prin experienţă. Dar ei nu vor să asculte.
E-92 Priviţi aici, în acest tabernacol. Acum, ţineţi minte, voi ştiţi asta. Noi nu râvnim la mulţimi. Oricum, nu avem unde să¬i punem. Dar, priviţi. O adunare de acest tip, în care venim împreună pentru asta, ar trebui să atragă Falls Cities. Dar ei sunt morţi. Sunt absolut morţi. Au ochi, dar nu pot vedea.
Voi spuneţi, voi, "Păi, frate Branham, nu se duc la un doctor să-şi trateze ochii?" El nu poate trata acest tip de vedere.
Voi spuneţi, voi, "Păi, frate Branham, nu se duc la un doctor să-şi trateze ochii?" El nu poate trata acest tip de vedere.
E-93 Isus a spus, "Dacă M-aţi fi cunoscut pe Mine, aţi fi cunoscut ziua Mea." El a spus, ,,Voi, farisei orbi. Voi puteţi discerne faţa cerului, dar semnele vremurilor nu le puteţi discerne."
E-94 Trece asta peste capul vostru? Ascultaţi. Uitaţi-vă la semnele pe care le trăim aici. Acum, nu este doar ceva... Eu, însumi, eu sunt doar un om, nici măcar un predicator, de care să fie vorba. Nu am nicio educaţie, ceea ce lumea numeşte, "un predicator." Şi suntem doar oameni săraci. Uitaţi-vă la clădirea în care ne aflăm. Uitaţi-vă la catedrale, în această dimineaţă. Dar uitaţi¬vă unde este Dumnezeu. Acolo este punctul.
E-95 La fel şi Moab stătea acolo în toată splendoarea şi frumuseţea lui, dar acolo era Israel în corturi. Dar unde era Dumnezeu? Acolo era o grămadă de micuţi holy-rollers acolo jos, făcând tot ce era greşit. Dar Balaam, al lor-episcopul lor, nu a reuşit să vadă acea Stâncă lovită, acel Şarpe de Aramă, acel Stâlp de foc. Ochii lui erau orbi. El nu a putut să O vadă. El a spus, "Ei doar îşi imaginează Asta." Dar El era acolo.
E-96 Binecuvântat să fie Dumnezeu, oh, El este aici! Dumnezeu este aici, şi face acelaşi lucru pe care l-a făcut. Şi El va-... Noi comparăm Scriptura cu Scriptura. Dumnezeu nu S-a zugrăvit niciodată pe Sine Însuşi ca pe ceva mare, pe pământ, ci El a locuit întotdeauna printre oamenii obişnuiţi şi umili. Şi aici este El în această dimineaţă, făcând acelaşi lucru. Scriptura Îl adevereşte. Aparatul de fotografiat Îl adevereşte. Acum, că, motivul pentru care mă refer la acea fotografie, nu este pentru că eu sunt acolo. Eu sunt-eu sunt doar un păcătos, salvat prin har, ca şi voi. Dar ceea ce încerc să spun, este, că este Prezenţa Lui cu noi. Acesta este lucrul principal. Ei bine, dacă El m-ar fi făcut un-un Elisei întrupat, dacă nu aţi avea credinţă să credeţi asta, nu v-ar ajuta la nimic.
"El a venit la ai Săi, ai Săi nu L-au primit."
"El a venit la ai Săi, ai Săi nu L-au primit."
E-97 Acesta este motivul, aici, în oraş astăzi. Ei bine, aş putea începe o trezire aici, într-o clădire mare sau ceva de genul acesta, niciodată nu aţi convinge mulţi oameni să creadă. Nu vor crede. Nu pot. Ziua lor a trecut.
E-98 Aceeaşi lecţie, în această dimineaţă, în Africa, ar produce probabil zece mii, cel puţin, zece mii de suflete la Cristos; pe când ar putea fi un păcătos care se află aici în această dimineaţă, sau ceva de genul acesta, vreunul care a decăzut. Cei mai mulţi dintre ei sunt pur şi simplu culeşi complet, până când s-a terminat. Asta e tot.
E-99 Dar ceea ce încercăm să spunem, este că Scriptura se compară cu Scriptura. Acum, nu contează cât de mare este experienţa, dacă nu se compară cu Scriptura, este greşită.
Urim Tumim, oricât de bun ar fi fost prorocul, dacă vorbea şi luminile acelea nu sclipeau pe Urim Tumim, era greşit. Cât de bine părea visul, dacă nu sclipea pe Urim Tumim, era greşit.
Când acea preoţie a luat sfârşit, Dumnezeu şi-a introdus Biblia. Pavel a spus, "Dacă ar veni un Înger din Cer," Galateni 1:8, "şi ar propovădui o altă Evanghelie decât cea care v-a fost deja propovăduită, să fie anatema."
Urim Tumim, oricât de bun ar fi fost prorocul, dacă vorbea şi luminile acelea nu sclipeau pe Urim Tumim, era greşit. Cât de bine părea visul, dacă nu sclipea pe Urim Tumim, era greşit.
Când acea preoţie a luat sfârşit, Dumnezeu şi-a introdus Biblia. Pavel a spus, "Dacă ar veni un Înger din Cer," Galateni 1:8, "şi ar propovădui o altă Evanghelie decât cea care v-a fost deja propovăduită, să fie anatema."
E-100 Îngerul din Cer i-a spus lui Ioan, descoperitorul, care era Dumnezeu Însuşi, "Eu, Isus, am trimis pe îngerul Meu ca să adeverească sau să arate aceste lucruri." A spus, "Dacă cineva va adăuga un Cuvânt la Aceasta sau va scoate un Cuvânt din Aceasta, la fel îi va fi scos, lui, din Cartea Vieţii." Aceasta este, Biblia.
E-101 Prin urmare, aceste experienţe şi aceste lucruri pe care le avem ce se întâmplă aici, dacă nu ar fi adeverite de Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, ar fi greşite; nu-mi pasă ce ar avea loc, ar fi greşite. Deci este în mod Scriptural, absolut Adevărul. Oh, sunt atât de fericit că sunt un membru al marelui Trup al lui Cristos.
E-102 Acum, să mergem acum, ajungem la lecţie. Acum, am ajuns aici unde el a spus, "Văzând că suntem înconjuraţi de... "nu... Îmi cer scuze. Asta este, citam capitolul 12. L-am citit, dar nu 1- am studiat. Eu...
E-103 Fratele Norman, care stă la mine acasă, acolo sus, şi ştie că doar ce am ajuns ieri, şi fraţii ştiu, acolo jos, că abia am ajuns. Singurul moment când am apucat să citesc Scriptura, a fost stând chiar aici, acum câteva minute. Aşa este. Nu o studiez, doar aştept ca Duhul Sfânt să mi-O dea aşa cum vrea El. El ştie unde se află persoana la-la, care trebuie să O primească. Deci, dacă am ceva îp. minte şi am de gând să spun, atunci este greşit. Dar dacă doar Îl las pe El să o facă, El O va duce direct în punctul în care îi este locul. Vedeţi? "Nu vă gândiţi la ce veţi spune, căci nu voi vorbiţi, ci Tatăl vostru care locuieşte în voi. El vorbeşte."
E-104 Acum, ultimul capitol, capitolul precedent, am auzit lucrul acesta, căci, "Cum vom scăpa noi, dacă stăm nepăsători faţă de o mântuire aşa de mare; care ne-a fost vestită întâi de Domnul Isus, şi El cu cei care L-au ascultat?" Aceleaşi lucruri pe care le-a făcut Isus, pentru a demonstra, ca şi aceleaşi lucruri au loc aici: acelaşi Înger al lui Dumnezeu, aceleaşi lucrări, aceleaşi dovezi, totul la fel, totul pe parcurs, aceeaşi Evanghelie, chiar cu Cuvântul. "Dacă asta a fost învăţat de Domnul, apoi confirmat de ucenicii Săi pe care i-am auzit," Pavel fiind la fel, "cum vom scăpa noi, dacă stăm nepăsători faţă de o mântuire aşa de mare?"
E-105 Acum, Pavel spunea asta audienţei sale de Evrei. Acum, ei nu aveau casetofoane, astăzi, cum avem noi aici. Dar aveau scribi care şedeau acolo, o scriau în timp ce Pavel o predica.
Şi asta este ceea ce este chiar aici. Noi Îl luăm cu ajutorul casetofoanelor, iar aceste casete merg în toată lumea, vedeţi, pentru a demonstra că Acesta este Adevărul. Religia noastră nu este în zadar, este absolut Isus Cristos cel înviat, acelaşi lucru. Acum nu trebuie să neglijăm Aceasta.
Şi asta este ceea ce este chiar aici. Noi Îl luăm cu ajutorul casetofoanelor, iar aceste casete merg în toată lumea, vedeţi, pentru a demonstra că Acesta este Adevărul. Religia noastră nu este în zadar, este absolut Isus Cristos cel înviat, acelaşi lucru. Acum nu trebuie să neglijăm Aceasta.
E-106 Acum, doar nu plecaţi de la biserică, astăzi, şi să spuneţi, "Ei bine, îmi cam place să merg acolo. Îmi place cum cântă, iar oamenii sunt prietenoşi în acea bisericuţă veche." Nu faceţi asta.
E-107 Frate, lasă-ţi inima să devină o flacără, spune, "Aici, trebuie să fac ceva în legătură cu asta. Trebuie să ies şi să văd dacă pot face ca cineva să fie mântuit."
E-108 Şi nu ieşi afară, spunând: "Binecuvântat fie Dumnezeu, dacă nu te pocăieşti, vei pieri." Nu.
Mergeţi cu blândeţe. "Fiţi înţelepţi ca un şarpe, fără răutate ca un porumbel." Vedeţi, aşa trebuie să procedaţi. Apropiaţi-vă de persoana respectivă, dacă creşte găini, vorbiţi-i despre găini, pentru o vreme. Vedeţi? Şi apoi, înainte să-ţi dai seama, veţi vorbi despre Domnul. Dacă este fermier, vorbiţi despre ferma lui.
Mergeţi cu blândeţe. "Fiţi înţelepţi ca un şarpe, fără răutate ca un porumbel." Vedeţi, aşa trebuie să procedaţi. Apropiaţi-vă de persoana respectivă, dacă creşte găini, vorbiţi-i despre găini, pentru o vreme. Vedeţi? Şi apoi, înainte să-ţi dai seama, veţi vorbi despre Domnul. Dacă este fermier, vorbiţi despre ferma lui.
E-109 Dacă vinde automobile, vorbiţi despre automobilele lui, pentru o vreme, "Ce maşini frumoase ai," şi aşa mai departe. Vedeţi?
E-110 Până când prindeţi Duhul, când Tatăl spune, "Acum este momentul să-l abordezi despre sufletul lui."
E-111 Îl puteţi lua cu încetişorul, vedeţi, "Acesta este un automobil frumos. Şti că transportul, astăzi, a devenit grozav. Oh, cum s¬au apropiat naţiunile; şi oraşele naţiunilor noastre, apropiate. Prietenii şi mamele se pot vizita unii pe alţii. Ştiţi, este un lucru minunat să ai automobile ca cele pe care le vinzi tu."
E-112 "Da, domnule. Cu siguranţă. Aha." Ştiţi, pufăind din trabuc, sau ce-o fi. "Da, alea, alea sunt maşini bune."
E-113 "Te-ai gândit vreodată la ce ar fi crezut bătrânii dacă ar fi văzut aşa ceva?" Continuaţi în acel mod, ştiţi.
După o vreme, spuneţi, "Da, da, sigur că da."
După o vreme, spuneţi, "Da, da, sigur că da."
E-114 "Şti, un alt lucru pe care îl face, ne aduce la cum avem noi, ca la treziri. Oamenii pot veni din toată ţara, uşor, la o trezire." Vedeţi, deschideţi calea, tot timpul, ştiţi.
E-115 Dacă simţi că Ceva blochează calea, opreşte- te chiar acolo, mută-te aici. Cum a spus un doctor, la Phoenix, a spus, "Doamne, umple-mi gura cu cuvinte bune, şi apoi dă-mi un ghiont când am spus destule." Vedeţi? Da. "Dă-mi un ghiont când am spus destule."
E-116 Acum, observaţi acum, vom începe de la capitolul 15, sau versetul 15 din capitolul 3, cu atenţie acum.
Câtă vreme se zice, Astăzi, dacă... auziţi glasul Lui, nu vă împietriţi inimile, ca în ziua răzvrătirii.
Câtă vreme se zice, Astăzi, dacă... auziţi glasul Lui, nu vă împietriţi inimile, ca în ziua răzvrătirii.
E-117 Acum urmăriţi-l pe Pavel vorbind aici. Acum se zice, "Astăzi, după atâta vreme." Vom intra în asta imediat, că, "Astăzi, după atâta vreme." Vine în capitolul următor, "După atâta vreme."
... se zice, Astăzi, dacă... auziţi glasul Lui, nu vă împietriţi inimile, ca în ziua răzvrătirii, când L-au provocat pe Dumnezeu.
... se zice, Astăzi, dacă... auziţi glasul Lui, nu vă împietriţi inimile, ca în ziua răzvrătirii, când L-au provocat pe Dumnezeu.
E-118 Acum să citim următorul verset.
Căci unii, după ce auziseră, au provocat: ...
Acum despre ce vorbeşte? Evanghelia.
... n-au fost oare toţi aceia, care ieşiseră din Egipt prin Moise.
Dar cu cine a fost El mâhnit timp de patruzeci de ani? n-au fost oare cei ce păcătuiseră şi ale căror trupuri moarte au căzut în pustie?
Căci unii, după ce auziseră, au provocat: ...
Acum despre ce vorbeşte? Evanghelia.
... n-au fost oare toţi aceia, care ieşiseră din Egipt prin Moise.
Dar cu cine a fost El mâhnit timp de patruzeci de ani? n-au fost oare cei ce păcătuiseră şi ale căror trupuri moarte au căzut în pustie?
E-119 Să ne oprim aici un minut. Provocarea, "când au provocat." Acum ce a făcut Dumnezeu? Acum Pavel încearcă să vorbească. Ce anume i-a scos din Egipt? A fost Moise? Nu. Moise a fost instrumentul în trup.
E-120 Acum avem un fundal aici. Vrem să clarificăm acum. Când vom ajunge la acest punct aici, în câteva minute, voi veţi¬veţi vedea.
E-121 Acum, Dumnezeu avea poporul Său cu un repaus neliniştit. Ei erau jos în Egipt. Erau în afara poziţiei lor corecte. Erau în afara patriei lor. Erau străini şi pelerini, şi Dumnezeu avea să-i aducă din acel loc de adăpostire, în-în Egipt, până la patria lor.
E-122 Un simbol al zilelor noastre; suntem neliniştiţi. Aici nu va dura mult. Băieţei cu mâini dolofane care se joacă cu bile, fetiţe cu păpuşile, se joacă; deodată, eşti cărunt şi ridat. E ceva în neregulă aici. Aici nu e acasă. Suntem în locul nepotrivit. De aceea spunem că suntem pelerini şi străini. Ceva s-a întâmplat.
E-123 O doamnă mică a spus, în această dimineaţă, în cameră, despre cum râd oamenii de ea, uneori. I-am spus, "Dar, soră, dragă, tu nu eşti dintre acei oameni." Noi suntem un popor diferit.
E-124 Fetiţa mea a spus, "Tati, aşa-şi-aşa fete au făcut aşa-şi-aşa lucruri pe care le-au făcut."
125 I-am spus, "Dar, uite, dragă," aveau aceste discuri cu Elvis Presley, i-am spus, "Nu le-aş vrea în casa mea."
125 I-am spus, "Dar, uite, dragă," aveau aceste discuri cu Elvis Presley, i-am spus, "Nu le-aş vrea în casa mea."
E-126 Ea a spus, "Dar, tati, sunt nişte fetiţe drăguţe."
127 I-am spus, "Poate că sunt. Nu am nimic de spus împotrivă la asta. Dar este un singur lucru, noi suntem diferiţi. Suntem diferiţi. Nu în sensul că vrem să fim diferiţi, dar Duhul care este în noi a ieşit din asta. Sunteţi dintr-o altă lume."
127 I-am spus, "Poate că sunt. Nu am nimic de spus împotrivă la asta. Dar este un singur lucru, noi suntem diferiţi. Suntem diferiţi. Nu în sensul că vrem să fim diferiţi, dar Duhul care este în noi a ieşit din asta. Sunteţi dintr-o altă lume."
E-128 Când mă duc în Africa, nu mă pot adapta la modul lor-lor¬lor de viaţă. Ei nu poartă haine. Sunt goi. Şi culeg ceva putred, cu viermi în el, îl mănâncă, oricum; nu contează. Vedeţi?
E-129 Şi Asta este diferit. Ştiţi, cândva, toţi eram aşa, dar civilizaţia ne-a adus şi ne-a făcut diferiţi.
Şi convertirea a dublat asta de milioane de ori. Nu mai vrem lucrurile putrede ale lumii. Cristos ne-a făcut să devenim Creştini; aşa cum civilizaţia ne-a făcut să devenim curaţi. Şi observaţi, nu numai asta, dar mărturisim că suntem pelerini şi străini. Nu suntem din lume. Atunci, nu mai vreţi să aveţi nimic de-a face cu lumea. Şi acele lucruri au trecut.
Şi convertirea a dublat asta de milioane de ori. Nu mai vrem lucrurile putrede ale lumii. Cristos ne-a făcut să devenim Creştini; aşa cum civilizaţia ne-a făcut să devenim curaţi. Şi observaţi, nu numai asta, dar mărturisim că suntem pelerini şi străini. Nu suntem din lume. Atunci, nu mai vreţi să aveţi nimic de-a face cu lumea. Şi acele lucruri au trecut.
E-130 Acum, Israel a fost jos în Egipt. Ei nu erau egipteni. Egiptenii, era o ruşine pentru un egiptean să pună mâna pe o oaie. Iar Israelul erau păstori de oi. Şi cum trebuie să-l fi afectat Moise, după toată indignarea de a fi egiptean, crescători de vite.
Aţi observat ce i-a spus Faraon lui Iosif şi aşa mai departe? "Este o urâciune." A spus, "Ai tăi sunt păstori." Şi chiar şi un egiptean nu putea nici măcar să pună mâna pe un păstor. Era un popor diferit.
Aţi observat ce i-a spus Faraon lui Iosif şi aşa mai departe? "Este o urâciune." A spus, "Ai tăi sunt păstori." Şi chiar şi un egiptean nu putea nici măcar să pună mâna pe un păstor. Era un popor diferit.
E-131 Şi aşa este şi cu un Creştin, astăzi, când este născut din nou. Nu este... Este murdar pentru el să se asocieze acolo unde oamenii beau şi spun glume murdare, şi femei goale. Şi orice... Este, este-este murdărie. O, binecuvântat să fie Domnul! Noi suntem pelerini aici. Suntem străini aici. Duhul a fost convertit şi căutăm o Cetate în care femeile nu poartă pantaloni scurţi. Căutăm o Cetatea în care nu au cârciumi cu bere. Căutăm o Cetate în care sălăşluieşte neprihănirea. Aşadar, suntem pelerini.
E-132 Astfel, Dumnezeu s-a pogorăt într-un mare mănunchi de Foc, ca o Aureolă, s-a pogorât într-un rug şi a început săi se dezvăluie lui Moise, mai întâi. Moise a spus...
Ştiţi cum am avut lecţia de aseară, cum că atunci când Isus a fost aici pe pământ, El a spus, "Ei bine, înainte ca Moise să fi fost, EU SUNT." Acesta a fost Isus în rugul aprins, în Stâlpul de Foc. Este Isus, astăzi, la fel.
Şi S-a descoperit pe Sine Însuşi într-un Stâlp de Foc, iar Moise a avut experienţa. El coboară în Egipt. Propovăduieşte Evanghelia, vestea cea bună, şi semne şi minuni l-au urmat. Aţi înţeles? Acelaşi lucru şi astăzi.
Ştiţi cum am avut lecţia de aseară, cum că atunci când Isus a fost aici pe pământ, El a spus, "Ei bine, înainte ca Moise să fi fost, EU SUNT." Acesta a fost Isus în rugul aprins, în Stâlpul de Foc. Este Isus, astăzi, la fel.
Şi S-a descoperit pe Sine Însuşi într-un Stâlp de Foc, iar Moise a avut experienţa. El coboară în Egipt. Propovăduieşte Evanghelia, vestea cea bună, şi semne şi minuni l-au urmat. Aţi înţeles? Acelaşi lucru şi astăzi.
E-133 Nu numai atât, dar când acei Evreii au ieşit, au umblat în Lumină, ei au fost conduşi de acelaşi Stâlp de Foc. Şi Biblia a spus să, "Nu-L ispitiţi pe Dumnezeu."
E-134 Urmăriţi asta. Daţi-mi voie să citesc.
Câtă vreme se zice, Astăzi, dacă voi... auziţi glasul Lui, nu vă împietriţi inima, (Glasul Lui vorbind inimii voastre.) ca la provocare. (Când L-au provocat.)
Căci unii, când au auzit, au provocat: ...
Câtă vreme se zice, Astăzi, dacă voi... auziţi glasul Lui, nu vă împietriţi inima, (Glasul Lui vorbind inimii voastre.) ca la provocare. (Când L-au provocat.)
Căci unii, când au auzit, au provocat: ...
E-135 Câţi ştiu că Israeliţii L-au provocat pe Dumnezeu cu necredinţa lor? Au murmurat, ei, toţi. Dumnezeu a mers drept acolo. Şi când au ajuns... Primul lucru, au intrat în necaz.
Aici era acest Stâlp de Foc deasupra lor. Nu ştiu dacă L-au văzut cu toţii, sau nu. Cel puţin, Moise L-a văzut. Şi era deasupra lor, iar ei Îl priveau. Şi când au coborât... Să spunem că dacă nu L-au văzut, nu ştiu dacă L-au văzut sau nu. Mergea înaintea lor. Biblia a zis că era acolo.
Aici era acest Stâlp de Foc deasupra lor. Nu ştiu dacă L-au văzut cu toţii, sau nu. Cel puţin, Moise L-a văzut. Şi era deasupra lor, iar ei Îl priveau. Şi când au coborât... Să spunem că dacă nu L-au văzut, nu ştiu dacă L-au văzut sau nu. Mergea înaintea lor. Biblia a zis că era acolo.
E-136 A zis, "Steaua mergea înaintea magilor." Nimeni nu a văzut¬o în afară de magi. A trecut pe deasupra tuturor observatoarelor. Ei ţineau timpul după stele. Nimeni nu a văzut-O în afară de magi. Lor le-a fost dat să O vadă, şi magii erau cei pentru care a fost trimisă Steaua.
E-137 Şi Stâlpul de Foc a fost trimis la Moise, iar Moise a fost trimis la copiii lui Israel. Şi ei trebuiau să-l urmeze pe Moise. Ei puteau să-l vadă pe Moise, iar Moise vedea Lumina.
Au pornit. Apoi plecau. Şi pe când ieşeau, au ajuns la Marea Roşie. Şi, oh, ei-ei au văzut încă toate acele semne de miracole şi lucruri care aveau loc în timp ce erau încă jos în-în vechia ţară a Egiptului, dar când au ajuns acolo în călătoria lor, abia convertiţi şi scoşi afară. Apoi, dintr-o dată, au intrat în probleme.
Au pornit. Apoi plecau. Şi pe când ieşeau, au ajuns la Marea Roşie. Şi, oh, ei-ei au văzut încă toate acele semne de miracole şi lucruri care aveau loc în timp ce erau încă jos în-în vechia ţară a Egiptului, dar când au ajuns acolo în călătoria lor, abia convertiţi şi scoşi afară. Apoi, dintr-o dată, au intrat în probleme.
E-138 Lui Dumnezeu îi place să vă aducă în probleme. Îi place să vă pună în dificultate şi să vadă cum veţi reacţiona. Aşa că a oprit Marea Roşie şi, primul lucru, i-a dus direct în acest loc, apoi l¬a trimis pe Faraon după ei. Vedeţi cum îi place lui Dumnezeu să facă? Îi place să Îşi arate puterea şi dragostea. El este Dumnezeu şi Îi place să vă arate cine este El. Amin.
Şi problema este că, astăzi, oamenii spun, "Oh, zilele acelea au trecut." Nu. Cum poate Dumnezeu să Se arate, când eşti învăţat astfel de lucruri? Dar lui Dumnezeu Îi place să Se manifeste.
Şi problema este că, astăzi, oamenii spun, "Oh, zilele acelea au trecut." Nu. Cum poate Dumnezeu să Se arate, când eşti învăţat astfel de lucruri? Dar lui Dumnezeu Îi place să Se manifeste.
E-139 Iată că vin copiii lui Israel, umblând în Lumină. Moise, mergea înaintea lor. Iată-i. "Haideţi. Aceasta este calea. Dumnezeu cheamă. Noi ieşim. Mergem în ţara făgădui tă."
"Oh, aleluia!" Şi iată-i pe toţi strigând, sărind şi aveau un timp bun, ştiţi. Şi deodată, s-au uitat înapoi şi au spus, "Oh, ce e praful ăla?"
"Oh, aleluia!" Şi iată-i pe toţi strigând, sărind şi aveau un timp bun, ştiţi. Şi deodată, s-au uitat înapoi şi au spus, "Oh, ce e praful ăla?"
E-141 Dumnezeu a spus, "De ce suntenţi aşa de speriaţi? Nu aţi crezut ce am făcut acolo jos? De ce sunteţi atât de îngrijoraţi? De ce Mă mâniaţi?"
E-142 Când au ajuns acolo, Moise a ieşit şi a intervenit la Dumnezeu. Dumnezeu a deschis pur şi simplu Marea Roşie şi ei au traversat-o; a închis duşmanul înăuntru. Aşa procedează Dumnezeu. Nu vă speriaţi. Nu vă agitaţi. Nu fiţi neliniştiţi. Îl provocaţi pe Dumnezeu.
E-143 Atunci ce a făcut El? Se pare că, "Ei bine, am avut o mare încercare; binecuvântat să fie Dumnezeu, am trecut peste ea. Nu vom mai avea altele. Suntem pe drumul nostru spre ţara făgăduită." Şi El i-a condus direct în pustie, unde nu există apă. Vă puteţi imagina? Dumnezeu, cu poporul Său-cu poporul Său sfinţit, sfânt, i-a dus direct în această capcană; apoi i-a scos din acea capcană şi i-a dus direct aici, unde nu există apă. Când ar fi putut să-i ducă undeva unde să fie apă. Ei bine, El ar fi putut face un râu, pe tot parcursul drumului, dacă ar fi vrut. Ar fi putut să facă fiecare munte să izbucnească în bucurie, să ţâşnească apă la 50 de picioare în aer, dacă ar fi vrut. Sigur că El ar fi putut. Dar dacă El ar fi făcut asta, ar fi fost prea uşor. Oh, îmi place! Binecuvântat fie Numele Domnului.
E-144 "De ce a lăsat Dumnezeu să se întâmple asta, frate Branham? De ce a făcut Dumnezeu... ?"
Dumnezeu face asta. Lăsaţi-L pe El în pace. Mergeţi mai departe. Asta e treaba lui Dumnezeu. "Paşii celor drepţi sunt rânduiţi de Domnul." Da, domnule. Ce mai contează?
Dumnezeu face asta. Lăsaţi-L pe El în pace. Mergeţi mai departe. Asta e treaba lui Dumnezeu. "Paşii celor drepţi sunt rânduiţi de Domnul." Da, domnule. Ce mai contează?
E-147 Binecuvântează-l pe Dumnezeu, oricum. "Domnul a dat, Domnul a luat, binecuvântat fie Numele Domnului." Continuă să mergi înainte. Este toată slava lui Dumnezeu. Dumnezeu ştie ce face.
Unii prin apă, alţii prin potop,
Unii prin încercări grele, dar toţi prin Sânge.
Unii prin apă, alţii prin potop,
Unii prin încercări grele, dar toţi prin Sânge.
E-148 Acesta este drumul pe care El îi călăuzeşte. Aşa este. O, Doamne! Simt că aş putea doar să mă opresc şi să strig. Acesta este modul în care El îi conduce pe copiii Săi dragi. Oh, puteţi simţi... ? Acum, nu sunt psiholog, dar puteţi simţi acel Duh minunat care se revarsă acum peste clădire? Ce-ar fi dacă ochii noştri s-ar deschide chiar acum, şi să ne uităm la ceea ce se află în jurul acestor pereţi, în sus şi în jos pe aceste culoare?
E-149 Bătrânul Elisei, într-o dimineaţă, când băiatul acela era cât se poate de orb, a spus, "Uite-te la Sirieni acolo jos."
A spus, "Dar sunt mai mulţi cu noi." A spus, "Nu văd pe nimeni."
A spus, "Doamne, deschide ochii acelui băiat."
150 S-a uitat în jurul acelui profet bătrân, peste to în jur, munţii erau în Flăcări, şi cai de Foc, şi care de Foc. Atunci a fost convins.
A spus, "Dar sunt mai mulţi cu noi." A spus, "Nu văd pe nimeni."
A spus, "Doamne, deschide ochii acelui băiat."
150 S-a uitat în jurul acelui profet bătrân, peste to în jur, munţii erau în Flăcări, şi cai de Foc, şi care de Foc. Atunci a fost convins.
E-151 El a spus, "Vom ieşi şi îi vom lovi cu orbire." Ei aveau vederea la fel de perfectă ca întotdeauna, dar erau orbi faţă de el. A spus, "Voi toţi îl căutaţi pe Ilie?"
Au spus, "Da."
Au spus, "Da."
E-153 Aşa este şi astăzi. Cristos este aici. Duhul Sfânt este aici, făcând aceleaşi lucruri pe care El le-a făcut întotdeauna, iar lumea este oarbă faţă de El. Ei nu ştiu. "Oh, eu-eu nu ştiu despre Asta. Păstorul meu... "Oh, bieţii oameni decrepiţi! Înţelegeţi ce vreau să spun? Ei sunt orbi faţă de Asta. Ei nu ştiu. Dumnezeu călăuzeşte.
E-154 Acum, ei au venit, prin Pustia Sin, nu era apă acolo. Dumnezeu a prevăzut chiar totul. Oh, şi au găsit o baltă de apă, au spus, "Asta este." Şi nici măcar nu au putut să o guste. Oh, a fost groaznic. Vai, este-este mai rău decât sută la sută sulf. Vedeţi, exact ca ouăle stricate, ştiţi. "Oh, Doamne! Este îngrozitor." Era otravă. Acum, numită Pustia Sin. Câţiva plamieri au crescut acolo şi izvorul unde creşteau acei palmieri. Atunci Moise a spus, "Nu..."
E-155 Dumnezeu a spus, "De ce ei? De ce ei? De ce Mă provoacă? Ei bine, dacă am făcut acel lucru mai înainte acolo, nu pot Eu să fac ceva în situaţia aceasta?"
E-156 Dacă te-a scos dintr-o boală, nu te poate scoate şi din alta? Dacă te-a scos dintr-un necaz, nu te poate scoate El din altul? Binecuvânt să fie Dumnezeu! Dacă El m-a scos din păcat, poate să mă scoată şi din mormânt. El este Dumnezeu. Care este diferenţa? Mergi mai departe, ţine-ţi privirea la El.
E-157 A spus, "Dacă am închis Marea Roşie în urmă şi i-am înecat pe egipteni, nu pot să fac ceva cu această apă? De ce Mă mâniaţi? O, necredinţa voastră! Mă stârniţi la mânie, din cauza necredinţei."
E-158 Acum cuvântul folosit aici este, "Păcat," stârnit. Făcut... Motivul pentru care au făcut-o, ei nu credeau. Ei nu au ieşit niciodată şi să joace zaruri, acum, şi lucruri de genul acesta. Ei nu au umblat niciodată cu soţia altuia şi nu au ieşit să spună minciuni. Nu asta făceau ei. Dar, în primul rând, asta nu este păcat.
E-159 A trăi în adulter nu este păcat. Fumatul, mestecatul, băutura, jocurile de noroc, blestemele, înjurăturile, şi aşa mai departe, nu este păcat. Acestea sunt atributele necredinţei. Faci asta pentru că eşti un necredincios. Dacă eşti credincios, nu faci asta. Acesta este motivul pentru care Isus a spus, "Cine ascultă cuvintele Mele şi crede în Cel care M-a trimis, are Viaţa veşnică." Nu spune că crede, ci crede cu adevărat! Iată. Asta vă înlătură toată dovada iniţială. Vedeţi? Acum, iată.
Nu, "Cine ascultă Cuvintele Mele şi strigă." Nu, "Cine ascultă Cuvintele Mele şi vorbeşte în limbi." Nu, "Cine ascultă Cuvintele Mele şi are sânge în mână sau pe faţă," sau orice altceva. Nu asta e.
"Cine ascultă Cuvintele Mele şi crede în Cel ce M-a trimis, are Viaţa Eternă, şi nu va ajunge niciodată la Judecată, ci a trecut din moarte la Viaţă."
Nu, "Cine ascultă Cuvintele Mele şi strigă." Nu, "Cine ascultă Cuvintele Mele şi vorbeşte în limbi." Nu, "Cine ascultă Cuvintele Mele şi are sânge în mână sau pe faţă," sau orice altceva. Nu asta e.
"Cine ascultă Cuvintele Mele şi crede în Cel ce M-a trimis, are Viaţa Eternă, şi nu va ajunge niciodată la Judecată, ci a trecut din moarte la Viaţă."
E-160 Ce este păcatul? Necredinţa. Se poate ridica un lucru mic, în loc să te duci direct la Scriptură şi să afli dacă este adevărat sau nu, "Oh," spui, "Eu sunt... Nu! Vedeţi, acolo, mergeţi înainte. Voi continua să fiu un prezbiterian aşa cum sunt, vedeţi." Mergi înainte, orb, şi Îl provoci pe Dumnezeu.
E-161 Când Dumnezeu face ceva, El se aşteaptă ca naţiunea să o apuce. Dar, în loc de asta, "Ştii, ei bine, nu ştiu ce să zic de Asta." Vedeţi? El se aşteaptă ca poporul să prindă Asta. Dacă eşti suficient de preocupat, aşează-te cu Scriptura. Parcurge-¬O şi cercetează-O, înainte şi înapoi, şi vezi dacă S-a întâmplat, dacă S-a prezis că se va întâmpla, şi aşa mai departe. Atunci vei înţelege. Amin.
E-162 Acum observaţi.
Câtă vreme este... Astăzi, dacă... auziţi glasul Lui, nu vă împietriţi inima, ca la provocare, când Dumnezeu a fost provocat de ei, vedeţi.
Căci unii, când au auzit, au auzit Evanghelia propovăduită de Moise, au provocat: n-au fost oare toţi aceia care ieşiseră din Egipt prin Moise.
Câtă vreme este... Astăzi, dacă... auziţi glasul Lui, nu vă împietriţi inima, ca la provocare, când Dumnezeu a fost provocat de ei, vedeţi.
Căci unii, când au auzit, au auzit Evanghelia propovăduită de Moise, au provocat: n-au fost oare toţi aceia care ieşiseră din Egipt prin Moise.
E-163 Câţi ştiu câţi oameni au fost mântuiţi din acel grup de la început care au ieşit? Câţi? [Cineva spune, "Doi." – Ed.] Doi, este corect. Câţi ştiu numele lor? ["Caleb şi Iosua."] Aşa este. Caleb şi Iosua, singurii doi, din două milioane şi ceva .
E-164 Ascultaţi asta. "Dar el..." Versetul 17 acum.
Dar cu care a fost El mâhnit patruzeci de ani, din pricina necredinţei. Nu a fost cu cei care au păcătuit, nu au crezut... ?
Dar cu care a fost El mâhnit patruzeci de ani, din pricina necredinţei. Nu a fost cu cei care au păcătuit, nu au crezut... ?
E-165 Luaţi dicţionarul şi aflaţi ce înseamnă păcat. Luaţi dicţionarul Biblic. Este necredinţă. Necredinţa este "păcatul." "Cel ce nu crede a şi fost osândit," Sfântul Ioan 4, vedeţi, "a şi fost osândit."
... ale căror trupuri moarte au căzut în pustie?
Şi cui S-a jurat El că n-au să intre în odihna Lui, ...
... ale căror trupuri moarte au căzut în pustie?
Şi cui S-a jurat El că n-au să intre în odihna Lui, ...
E-166 Necredincioşia voastră! Oh, cum nu voi ajunge niciodată la capitolul meu. Dar, observaţi, asta e problema cu naţiunea asta, astăzi. Semne şi minuni au străbătut această naţiune. Ce fac ei? Întotdeauna întorc spatele la Asta. Şi El a spus, "Voi jura că nu¬i voi lăsa să intre în Ţara spre care au pornit."
E-167 Ce se întâmplă cu aceste biserici mari de astăzi? Necredinţa lor L-a provocat pe Dumnezeu. Aleluia! El este în stare ca din aceste pietre să ridice copii lui Abraham. El a încercat să le dea Evanghelia, dar ei şi-au împietrit inimile. Şi-au făcut secte şi au făcut mici denominaţiuni, "Şi noi credem asta şi nimic altceva," şi Dumnezeu nu a putut să intre. Unde sunt ei astăzi? Poziţionaţi pe margine.
E-168 Micul grup credincios al lui Dumnezeu se mişcă în continuare, cu semne şi minuni. El îi pune la încercare. "Orice fiu care vine la Dumnezeu trebuie să fie mai întâi încercat şi testat," instruit de copil.
E-169 Primul lucru mărunt care a avut loc, "Oh, păi, poate că nu este adevărat, oricum." Eşti un fiu nelegitim, şi nu un fiu al lui Dumnezeu.
E-170 Pentru că un copil al lui Dumnezeu este Sămânţa lui Abraham, care numeşte lucrurile care nu erau, ca şi cum ar fi fost, "Dumnezeu a spus aşa," şi continuă să meargă mai departe. Amin. Nu contează ce spune, sau orice diferit, ei continuă să meargă mai departe, oricum. "Dumnezeu a spus aşa."
E-171 Douăzeci şi cinci de ani a aşteptat el acel copil, oricât de contrar ar fi fost. Şi s-a separat de cei necredincioşi, amin, ca să poată crede. O, Doamne! Mă simt religios.
Gândiţi-vă la asta. Trebuie să te separi de dogma lumii, "Ah, zilele miracolelor au trecut. Nu mai există aşa ceva. Este fanatism." Separă-te.
Gândiţi-vă la asta. Trebuie să te separi de dogma lumii, "Ah, zilele miracolelor au trecut. Nu mai există aşa ceva. Este fanatism." Separă-te.
E-172 Biblia a spus, "Ieşiţi din mijlocul lor şi fiţi separaţi, zice Domnul, şi vă voi primi." Ce minunat! "Vă voi primi," după ce v-aţi separat. "Veţi fi copiii Mei, Eu voi fi Dumnezeul vostru." Separaţi-vă, nu vă înjugaţi cu necredincioşii. Aşa este.
E-173 Tânărul care se căsătoreşte, s-a căsătorit cu o fată care nu crede; sau o fată tânără care se căsătoreşte cu un băiat care nu crede. Să nu faceţi asta. Nu contează cât de drăguţ este el, şi¬-şi, sau cât de drăguţă este ea, şi ce ochi mari are; toate acestea se vor stinge într-una din aceste zile. Dar, frate, sufletul tău va trăi veşnic. Tu ai grijă ce faci. Ea nu este o credincioasă adevărată, sau el nu este un credincios adevărat, nu te lega în acel fel. Stai departe de aşa ceva. Îţi va cauza necazuri mai târziu.
E-174 Acum ascultaţi, versetul 17.
Dar... cu cine El... a fost mâhnit El patruzeci de ani? n-a fost oare cu cei ce păcătuiseră, şi ale căror trupuri moarte au căzut în pustie?
... cui S-a jurat El că n-au să intre în odihna, ...
Dar... cu cine El... a fost mâhnit El patruzeci de ani? n-a fost oare cu cei ce păcătuiseră, şi ale căror trupuri moarte au căzut în pustie?
... cui S-a jurat El că n-au să intre în odihna, ...
E-175 Au pornit, dar, au văzut minunile, dar nu au ajuns niciodată în ţara făgăduită. Doar un număr ales, de doi, au intrat în ţara făgăduită.
E-176 Acum ce face Pavel? El le vorbeşte Creştinilor acum, "Să nu îngăduiţi ca aceeaşi Evanghelie, care a fost propovăduită în trecut, cu semne şi minuni, şi Stâlpul de Foc i-a condus; când aceste lucruri vor avea loc din nou, să nu cădeţi la marginile drumului, din cauza necredinţei, să vă îndoiţi, pentru că trupurile lor moarte au căzut în pustie."
E-177 Acum intrăm, repede acum. Urmăriţi cu atenţie. ... dar celor ce nu au trăit?
Vedem dar că nu trebuiau să intre din pricina necredinţei lor.
Îl numeşte păcat o dată, îl numeşte necredinţă data următoare. Necredinţa este "păcat." "Ei nu au intrat, din pricina necredinţei lor."
Vedem dar că nu trebuiau să intre din pricina necredinţei lor.
Îl numeşte păcat o dată, îl numeşte necredinţă data următoare. Necredinţa este "păcat." "Ei nu au intrat, din pricina necredinţei lor."
E-178 Ei l-au văzut pe acel profet, Moise. Au văzut ce a făcut, au văzut ce a spus. A fost Adevărul, de fiecare dată, a continuat să meargă înainte, Adevărul. Acest Stâlp de Foc apărea înaintea lor. Ei L-au privit. L-au văzut.
E-179 Pavel, încercând să ajungă, mai târziu, să ajungă aici, la experienţa pe care a avut-o. Vedeţi? Încercând să relaţioneze experienţa, a tipizat-o cu Vechiul Testament. El a spus, "Acum noi am intrat într-un lucru nou, în această nouă dispensa ţie, prin Isus Cristos. În vremurile vechi, Domnul li s-a arătat prin profeţi, dar acum El este prin Fiul Său, Isus." Vedeţi? Şi a început să tipizeze experienţele şi să le arate ce se întâmpla, cum semnele şi minunile, şi totul, şi ce este scris.
E-181 "Dar acum, noi, noi trecem la o dispensaţie, şi nu vă împietriţi inima. Nu vă comportaţi ca ei, în zilele provocării, când L-au provocat pe Dumnezeu." Cum au făcut-o? Nu trăind imoral. Daţi-mi voie să vă tocesc acest lucru.
E-182 Voi spuneţi, "Frate Branham, eu merg la biserică." Este în regulă. "Nu am minţit niciodată în viaţa mea." Este în regulă. "Nu am furat niciodată. Nu am făcut niciodată asta, aceea sau altceva." Este foarte bine. Totul este foarte bine. Dar, asta tot nu este păcat.
E-184 "Oh," spui, "biserica mea nu învaţă Asta." Atâta timp cât Biblia o învaţă şi Dumnezeu o dovedeşte, acesta este lucrul.
Acum urmăriţi doar un moment. Acum vom începe acum cu ceva foarte, foarte profund. Acum, puneţi-vă conştiinţa în buzunarul de la vestă până când ieşiţi afară.
Acum urmăriţi doar un moment. Acum vom începe acum cu ceva foarte, foarte profund. Acum, puneţi-vă conştiinţa în buzunarul de la vestă până când ieşiţi afară.
E-185 Acum urmăriţi foarte atenţi.
Să luăm dar bine seama, că, atâta vreme cât rămâne în picioare făgăduinţa intrării în a Lui...
A Lui, a ei, pronume personale acum. Cum?
... niciunul din voi să nu se pomenească venit prea târziu.
Să luăm dar bine seama, că, atâta vreme cât rămâne în picioare făgăduinţa intrării în a Lui...
A Lui, a ei, pronume personale acum. Cum?
... niciunul din voi să nu se pomenească venit prea târziu.
E-186 Acum, Pavel încearcă să le spună, în capitolul anterior, despre toate aceste lucruri. Dar acum încearcă să le spună ce este Aceasta.
Oh, avem timp? Eu... Poate ar fi mai bine să aşteptăm până diseară. Se face târziu, şi vom avea serviciul de rugăciune. Poate că mai bine îl preluăm diseară, pentru că aceasta este cu adevărat plin de vitamine, vitamine spirituale. Am multe de făcut, şi sunt ocupat în această după-amiază. "Să ne..."
Să luăm dar bine seama, aşadar, ca nu cumva, o făgăduinţă...
Oh, avem timp? Eu... Poate ar fi mai bine să aşteptăm până diseară. Se face târziu, şi vom avea serviciul de rugăciune. Poate că mai bine îl preluăm diseară, pentru că aceasta este cu adevărat plin de vitamine, vitamine spirituale. Am multe de făcut, şi sunt ocupat în această după-amiază. "Să ne..."
Să luăm dar bine seama, aşadar, ca nu cumva, o făgăduinţă...
E-187 Acum, au avut ei o făgăduinţă pentru ţara făgăduită, jos în Egipt? Şi, când, Dumnezeu s-a pogorât, pentru a face această făgăduinţă o realitate. Ei bine, Dumnezeu i-a spus lui Abraham, cu sute şi sute de ani înainte, că o va face. Era Scriptural.
E-188 Iosif a spus, "Nu-mi mutaţi oasele de aici până când nu mergeţi în acea ţara făgăduită şi să mă îngropaţi acolo sus cu restul părinţilor mei." Pentru că ştia că va veni învierea, când Isus va învia din morţi, căci ştia ce a spus Iov. Vedeţi?
E-189 Fiecare dintre acei profeţi ştia exact ceea ce a spus celălalt profet, şi ştia că Duhul lor era acelaşi. Şi ei urmăreau. Oh, frate! Oh, asta ar trebui să ne scuture din starea noastră lumească. Ei aveau ochii, nu la ceea ce spuneau oamenii, ci la ceea ce spuneau acei profeţi. Fiecare dintre ei urmărea.
E-190 Abraham a spus, "Îngropaţi-mă chiar aici unde a fost îngropat Iov." A spus, "Sarah, am să cumpăr o bucată de pământ. Vom fi îngropaţi chiar aici."
E-191 Isaac a fost un profet, după tatăl său. A spus, "Ascultaţi. Să nu mă îngropaţi altundeva, nu aici în Egipt, ci duceţi-mă direct înapoi în ţara făgăduită. Să mă îngropaţi chiar aici."
E-192 Iacov a murit afară din ţara făgăduită, dar i-a spus fiului său, care era un profet, a spus, "Ştii, într-o noapte, Îngerul m¬a atins la coapsă. De atunci şchiopătez. Vino, pune-ţi mâna..." O, milă! "Fiul meu profet, sunt bătrân şi orb. Dar pune mâna ta sfântă, fiind tu însuţi un profet, pune-o pe locul unde Îngerul şi¬a pus mâna, şi jură pe Dumnezeul Cerului că nu mă vei îngropa aici jos."
E-193 Binecuvântat să fie... Vedeţi descoperirea spirituală a Cuvântului? Ei bine, jumătate dintre ei, aproape nouăzeci la sută, nu ştiau despre ce vorbea. Dar el ştia despre ce vorbea. "Pune-ţi mâinile tale de profet în acest loc unde Îngerul şi-a pus mâna. Am fost odată un om mare, voinic, un laş solid. Dar, El m-a atins, şi de atunci am fost un om şchiop. Dar am fost un prinţ de când am şchiopătat. De când mi-am schimbat felul de a merge, am fost un prinţ." Da. "Pune mâna aici. Jură pe Dumnezeul Cerului că nu mă vei îngropa aici." De ce? Nimeni nu ştia despre ce vorbeşte. Iosif ştia. El a spus, "Du-mă acolo sus şi îngroapă-mă în acea ţară făgăduită." Iată unde era. Cu siguranţă.
E-194 Când Iosif a murit, ani mai târziu, a spus, "Nu mă îngropaţi aici jos. Dar uitaţi-vă la oasele mele când treceţi pe aici, pentru că într-o zi veţi pleca de aici. Şi când veţi pleca, luaţi oasele mele cu voi."
E-195 Iată. Lăsaţi lumea să spună ce vrea şi să facă ce vrea să facă. Binecuvântat fie Numele Domnului. Păstrează-mă în Cristos, dacă sunt numit orice, un fanatic, sau un holy-roller. Într-o zi El vine, şi pe cei care sunt în Cristos îi va aduce Dumnezeu cu El, când vine. Totul este un Adevăr spiritual, descoperit, aşezat chiar acolo, şi este nevoie de o minte spirituală pentru a-L prinde. Odihniţi-vă pe asta, pe parcursul zilei. Gândiţi-vă la asta. Chiar dacă renunţi la cină, gândiţi-vă la asta.
E-196 Şi în seara aceasta, vom intra în Odihna Lui, care a fost lăsată, şi vom vedea ce este această făgăduinţă astăzi. Ce este acest lucru astăzi? Dacă Dumnezeu nu o are aici, în Biblie, şi nu o dovedeşte, că este chiar aici, acum, atunci sunt un profet fals. Exact aşa este. Dar este aici. Ce este această Odihnă?
E-197 El a spus:
Acum, să luăm ... dar bine seama, ca nu cumva, având o făgăduinţă să intrăm la fel ca ei, ...
Acum, să luăm ... dar bine seama, ca nu cumva, având o făgăduinţă să intrăm la fel ca ei, ...
E-198 Şi trebuie să fie aceeaşi făgăduinţă. Trebuie să fie aceeaşi odihnă. Trebuie să fie acelaşi Dumnezeu. Trebuie să fie aceleaşi semne. Trebuie să fie acelaşi lucru. Dar să ne odihnim. Acum, ce este? Fie ca Domnul să ne-o dăruiască, în această seară.
În timp ce ne plecăm capetele.
În timp ce ne plecăm capetele.
E-199 Binecuvântat Doamne, doar Eternitatea ne va dezvălui lucrurile măreţe pe care le împărtăşim acum împreună. Puţin...
Sunt mulţi care sunt rânduiţi la osândă. Aşa cum ai spus în Cartea lui Iuda, că, "Oamenii, din vechime rânduiţi dinainte la osândă, vor lua harul Dumnezeului nostru şi-l vor transforma în desfrânare." Şi mulţi astăzi propovăduiesc Evanghelia, harul lui Dumnezeu, îl transformă într-o schemă de făcut bani, având o biserică mare şi cei mai mulţi la şcoala de duminică, iau harul lui Dumnezeu şi îl transformă în desfrânare. Şi lumea este oarbă şi merg ca porci orbi. Ei nu înţeleg.
Sunt mulţi care sunt rânduiţi la osândă. Aşa cum ai spus în Cartea lui Iuda, că, "Oamenii, din vechime rânduiţi dinainte la osândă, vor lua harul Dumnezeului nostru şi-l vor transforma în desfrânare." Şi mulţi astăzi propovăduiesc Evanghelia, harul lui Dumnezeu, îl transformă într-o schemă de făcut bani, având o biserică mare şi cei mai mulţi la şcoala de duminică, iau harul lui Dumnezeu şi îl transformă în desfrânare. Şi lumea este oarbă şi merg ca porci orbi. Ei nu înţeleg.
E-200 O, Doamne, deschide-ne nouă priceperea. Să nu fie priceperea noastră ca a copiilor acestei lumi. Căci Tu ai spus în Cuvântul Tău că, "Copiii acestei lumi sunt mai înţelepţi decât copiii Luminii." La început a fost aşa, "copiii lui Cain" au devenit mari maeştrii ai ştiinţei. Au devenit mari educatori. Au devenit prelucrători de materie. Ei au continuat să progreseze, foarte religioşi, dar au fost osândiţi şi înecaţi în judecată. Şi cadavrele lor au plutit pe apă, iar sufletele lor au mers în iad.
E-201 Şi Isus s-a dus şi le-a vorbit, când El a murit. "Şi s-a dus în iad şi a propovăduit sufletelor care erau în închisoare, care nu s-au pocăit în îndelunga răbdare, în zilele lui Noe," spune Scriptura. Şi Dumnezeu, când a stat pe pământ, El a spus, "Cum a fost în zilele lui Noe, aşa va fi şi la venirea Fiului omului."
E-202 Dar observăm, "neamul lui Set apoi," oameni umili, adevăraţi oameni ai lui Dumnezeu, care nu ştiau prea multe despre lucrurile lumii, nu le păsa de lucrurile lumii, ci au lăsat deoparte orice greutate şi au crezut în Dumnezeu, şi au devenit profeţi şi oameni mari în Împărăţie. În timp ce ceilalţi, cealaltă lume religioasă, râdeau de ei, îşi băteau joc de ei. Dar a venit ceasul când a venit potopul şi judecata.
E-203 Aşa a fost şi la venirea lui Isus Cristos. Cum râdeau şi îşi băteau joc de El, în timp ce ei aveau religiile lor şi marile lor biserici. Dar ei şi-au bătut joc de Steaua Dimineţii şi au râs de El. Dar totuşi ei au intrat la judecată. Şi când au fugit şi au intrat în Ierusalim, acolo şi-au mâncat proprii copii, de foame, şi sângele lor curgea pe porţile străzilor, când au ars cetatea şi templul, şi sufletele lor au mers în iad.
E-204 Doamne, iată-ne iarăşi la a treia. Acesta este timpul vieţii. Trei este numărul vieţii. Şi iată-ne pregătiţi pentru răpire.
Biserica merge mai departe; lumea marilor oameni de ştiinţă; bisericile de astăzi pline de credincioşi sceptici. Zeci de mii cu numele lor în registru, da, milioane, şi ar râde de Evanghelie, şi ar spune, că, "Sunt needucaţi. Ei nu ştiu."
Poate că aşa este, Doamne, dar ceea ce ne lipseşte nouă în educaţie, Tu compensezi prin har trimiţând pe Îngerul Tău de Lumină, manifestându-Ţi puterea, confirmând Cuvintele la aceia care sunt săraci şi analfabeţi ca noi. Dar Te iubim pentru asta, pentru că este harul lui Dumnezeu care a făcut-o, şi ştim că ne-am născut. Şi nu suntem plăcuţi, deloc. Suntem foarte neplăcuţi. Dar Tu, prin har, ai întins mâna Ta milostivă şi ne¬ai deschis ochii, aşa cum s-a rugat Isus pentru noi; aşa cum a făcut Ilie pentru Ghehazi, când s-a uitat să vadă în jurul lui. Şi astăzi ochii noştri sunt deschişi şi vedem lucrurile lui Dumnezeu şi ştim că ne aflăm în timpul sfârşitului; când zilele poporului Neamurilor sunt aproape terminate şi El va lua un popor pentru Numele Său. Lasă-ne să fim incluşi acolo, Doamne, cu umilinţă te implorăm. Ne rugăm ca Tu să ne îngădui acest lucru.
Biserica merge mai departe; lumea marilor oameni de ştiinţă; bisericile de astăzi pline de credincioşi sceptici. Zeci de mii cu numele lor în registru, da, milioane, şi ar râde de Evanghelie, şi ar spune, că, "Sunt needucaţi. Ei nu ştiu."
Poate că aşa este, Doamne, dar ceea ce ne lipseşte nouă în educaţie, Tu compensezi prin har trimiţând pe Îngerul Tău de Lumină, manifestându-Ţi puterea, confirmând Cuvintele la aceia care sunt săraci şi analfabeţi ca noi. Dar Te iubim pentru asta, pentru că este harul lui Dumnezeu care a făcut-o, şi ştim că ne-am născut. Şi nu suntem plăcuţi, deloc. Suntem foarte neplăcuţi. Dar Tu, prin har, ai întins mâna Ta milostivă şi ne¬ai deschis ochii, aşa cum s-a rugat Isus pentru noi; aşa cum a făcut Ilie pentru Ghehazi, când s-a uitat să vadă în jurul lui. Şi astăzi ochii noştri sunt deschişi şi vedem lucrurile lui Dumnezeu şi ştim că ne aflăm în timpul sfârşitului; când zilele poporului Neamurilor sunt aproape terminate şi El va lua un popor pentru Numele Său. Lasă-ne să fim incluşi acolo, Doamne, cu umilinţă te implorăm. Ne rugăm ca Tu să ne îngădui acest lucru.
E-205 Binecuvântează-ne. Binecuvântează acest mic public din această dimineaţă. Este alcătuit din toate tipurile de religii şi credinţe diferite, dar lasă-le la o parte astăzi, Doamne. Şi fie ca ei să privească drept spre Calvar, să spună, "Doamne, modelează¬mă şi formează-mă. Sunt ca..." Profetul a spus că a coborât în casa olarului, ca să fie sfărâmat şi remodelat. Modelează¬ne şi fă-ne după felul în care ne vrea Dumnezeu. Nu contează dacă trebuie să fim preşul de pe jos la Casa Domnului. Prefer să fiu preşul de pe jos decât să locuiesc în corturi cu cei răi. Şi îngăduie asta, Doamne. Doar binecuvântează-ne acum şi ţine¬ne umili. Fie ca inimile noastre să fie deschise, minţile noastre limpezi, pentru lucrurile lui Dumnezeu, căci o cerem în Numele lui Cristos.
E-206 Cu capetele noastre plecate, mă întreb dacă cineva ar vrea să fie amintit într-un cuvânt de rugăciune, pentru mântuirea sufletului vostru? Vreţi să ridicaţi mâna, şi doar un păcătos? Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, tinere. Altcineva? Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, acolo în spate, domnule. Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, doamnă. Mai doreşte cineva să fie amintit în rugăciune chiar acum, pentru sufletul vostru? Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, domnule, cu mâna ridicată. Şi Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze pe tine, şi pe tine aici. Minunat. Ar mai fi încă cineva, înainte de încheiere? Simt că ar fi. Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, acolo în spate, domnule, în spate.
E-207 Spune, acum uitaţi, vreau să vă întreb ceva. Nu vreau să vă gândiţi deloc pentru că este acest mic tabernacol. Nu vreau să vă gândiţi că este pentru că este vorba despre aceşti oameni. Şi, Doamne milostiv, să nu credeţi că este pentru că a fost fotografiat Îngerul Domnului cu mine, şi eu... şi-şi ceva de genul acesta, ca să fac asta. O, Doamne! Dacă aş fi simţit aşa, atunci, frate, eu ar trebui să fiu la altar în loc să te întreb pe tine. Dar eu doar spun asta, spun asta doar prin Scriptură, ca să vedeţi că acesta este Adevărul. Dacă aş fi spus-o, şi asta ar fi fost tot, aş fi continuat ca orice alt predicator sau ceva de genul acesta, sau orice altceva, ei bine, atunci, ar fi fost altceva. Dar vedeţi care este treaba, Dumnezeu se întoarce imediat şi dovedeşte că este Adevărul. Vedeţi? Asta este ceea ce îl face real, este faptul că Dumnezeu o dovedeşte. Şi apoi, nu numai asta, dar Cuvântul Său spune că El o va face. Iată că El o face.
E-208 Acum, dacă nu sunteţi în regulă, dacă inima voastră nu este în regulă cu Dumnezeu, vreţi să ridicaţi mâna? Spuneţi, "Rugaţi¬-vă pentru mine." În regulă, acolo unde sunteţi. Cam opt sau zece mâini au fost ridicate, dorind milă pentru sufletul lor. În timp ce aveţi capetele plecate, acum rugaţi-vă. Nu uitaţi, voi sunteţi cei care trebuie să vă pocăiţi. Eu cer pentru voi doar, ca Dumnezeu să fie milostiv. Dar acesta este altarul, Dumnezeu v¬a adus într-un punct în mintea voastră; acesta este altarul. Noi credem în a veni la altar, sigur, dar asta nu-asta nu... Este în regulă. Dar adevăratul vostru altar este acolo unde Dumnezeu v-a întâlnit. Şi El v-a întâlnit chiar acolo unde vă aflaţi. Acela este altarul vostru.
E-209 Acum spuneţi, "Doamne, ai milă de mine, un păcătos. Şi de azi înainte, dacă mă vei ajuta, voi trăi pentru Tine. Eu voi-Eu Te voi sluji. Nu-mi pasă ce spune cineva, eu păşesc înainte, în această dimineaţă. Mă rog chiar aici, şi Tu ia de la mine acest duh vechi şi obraznic. Ia acest temperament de la mine. Ştiu că nu mă pot purta aşa şi să fiu bine cu Dumnezeu. Şi am ură în inimă. Sunt invidios. Am răutate. Am aceasta, aceea. Scoate asta afară, Doamne. Nu vreau să fiu aşa. Fă-mă dulce, şi umil, şi blând. Fă¬mă blând. Fă-mă o astfel de persoană încât să-i pot câştiga pe alţii la Tine. Lasă-mă să fac ceva pentru Tine ca să demonstrez aprecieri în viaţa mea." Aceasta este rugăciunea pe care o rostiţi acum, în timp ce ne rugăm împreună.
E-210 Tată ceresc, sunt ai Tăi. Ei sunt roadele Mesajului din această dimineaţă. Au ridicat mâna. Ceva i-a făcut să facă asta. Ei-ei au sfidat legile gravitaţiei când au ridicat mâinile. A existat un duh în ei care a luat o decizie. Ei şi-au ridicat mâinile, că L-au acceptat pe Creatorul care i-a creat.
E-211 Acum, Tată Ceresc, mă rog ca Tu să-i binecuvântezi şi să le dai Viaţa Eternă, chiar acum. Nu este nimic ce aş putea face; să-i chem în jurul altarului, să-i pun într-o cameră separată, să fac toată lucrarea. Este-este nevoie ca Tu să o faci, Doamne. Noi nu putem face mai mult decât să predicăm Cuvântul. Tu ai spus, "Credinţa vine prin auzire, prin auzirea Cuvântului, a Cuvântului lui Dumnezeu." Acum, am predicat Cuvântul, iar ei au ridicat mâna, că au crezut în El. Acum dă-le Viaţa veşnică, pentru că Tu ai făgăduit că o vei face. Dacă au fost sinceri când au ridicat mâna, vor ieşi din această clădire în această dimineaţă, un creştin dulce, blând şi umil, pentru că Tu ai făgăduit asta. Şi cuvintele Tale nu pot da greş. O cer în Numele lui Isus Cristos. Amin.
Acum privesc, aştept şi tânjesc,
după acea Cetate luminoasă, pe care a văzut-o Ioan coborând.
În acea Cetate luminoasă...
Închinaţi-vă acum.
... cetatea albă ca o perlă,
am un locaş, o harpă şi o cunună;
Acum privesc, aştept şi tânjesc,
După acea Cetate luminoasă, pe care a văzut-o Ioan coborând.
Acum privesc, aştept şi tânjesc,
după acea Cetate luminoasă, pe care a văzut-o Ioan coborând.
În acea Cetate luminoasă...
Închinaţi-vă acum.
... cetatea albă ca o perlă,
am un locaş, o harpă şi o cunună;
Acum privesc, aştept şi tânjesc,
După acea Cetate luminoasă, pe care a văzut-o Ioan coborând.
E-212 Nu-i aşa că voi chiar Îl iubiţi? Mesajul s-a terminat, acum. Aceasta este închinare. Nu venim la biserică doar pentru a asculta un mesaj. Venim să ne închinăm. Doar uitaţi de persoana de lângă voi. Doar adoraţi-L. Oh, ce frumos! Ce minunat! Doar spuneţi-i în inima voastră... Nu trebuie să-I spuneţi cu voce tare. Spuneţi-i doar în inima voastră, "Te iubesc, Doamne. Iartă¬mă de păcatul meu." Oh, Doamne!
... Cetate albă ca perla,
Am un locaş, o harpă şi o cunună;
Acum privesc, aştept şi tânjesc,
După acea Cetate albă, pe care a văzut-o Ioan coborând.
... Cetate albă ca perla,
Am un locaş, o harpă şi o cunună;
Acum privesc, aştept şi tânjesc,
După acea Cetate albă, pe care a văzut-o Ioan coborând.
E-213 Tatăl nostru Dumnezeu, primeşte-ne. Aşteptăm, în timp ce ascultăm la Cuvânt, tânjind. "Inimile noastre însetează după Tine, aşa cum tânjeşte un cerb după izvoarele de apă. Sufletul nostru însetează după Tine, O Doamne." Tânjind şi aşteptând, aşteptând ceasul acela când va veni Isus, aşteptând până la timpul în care vom fi chemaţi la cer. Nu pentru a sta înaintea Judecătorului la judecată; asta a fost deja. Suntem morţi faţă de lucrurile lumii, şi am intrat în Cristos, şi El a preluat judecata noastră. El este Avocatul nostru acum, la scaunul de justiţie. Binecuvântatul nostru Avocat, care, la mărturisirea noastră, ne pledează cauza până când ştim că suntem nevrednici. Aşa cum o dragă soră bătrână în această dimineaţă, a spus în mărturia ei, şi punând bănuţii ei, "De când am venit aici am învăţat că nu este vorba de sfinţenia mea, ci de sfinţenia lui Dumnezeu."
E-214 Cu adevărat, Doamne, noi îi învăţăm pe oameni, că nu este nimic bun în om, nici măcar un singur lucru. "Ce este omul ca să te gândeşti la el?" Dar este harul lui Dumnezeu care ni s-a arătat. Şi ne încredem doar în meritele Lui, nu în ale noastre. Şi ne închinăm Ţie, Dumnezeule Preasfânt, pentru bunătatea Ta, de a ne include în marea Ta Împărăţie, în marile Tale planuri. Te primim în inimile noastre, prin credinţă. Şi prin har, credem că Tu ni l-ai dat pentru slava lui Dumnezeu, pentru slujirea lui Dumnezeu.
E-215 Acum, Doamne, vindecă-i pe cei bolnavi care vin să se roage pentru ei, în această dimineaţă. Dă-le acea bucurie, căci ei tânjesc să fie sănătoşi. Fă-i să ştie că această mică şi uşoară suferinţă ce a fost pusă peste ei, este doar un mic timp de încercare. Dumnezeu ştie totul despre asta. El a făcut-o pentru a vedea ce vom face noi în legătură cu ea. Cum Dumnezeu... Fie ca ei să păşească direct acolo şi să revendice acea lucrare terminată! Fie ca Tu... Fie ca ei să nu Te provoace, alergând încoace şi încolo, şi înăuntru şi afară, "Ei bine, nu ştiu aceasta, aceea."