Dumnezeirea explicată
The Godhead Explained
Chicago, Illinois, S.U.A.
E-1 Îţi mulţumesc, Frate Carlson. Şi salutări către voi toţi fraţilor şi surorilor în Domnul. Aceasta este o... Eu uneori mă simt doar puţin şovăielnic să mă ridic, cînd eu ascult la aşa mărturisiri minunate, şi aşa mai departe, aşa cum am făcut în această dimineaţă. Şi, atunci, un concetăţean în suferinţă şi persecuţie, prin care au trecut fratele nostru Baptist şi sora; fiind în trecut un-un Baptist, eu însumi, un Baptist Misionar, şi-şi ştiind ce înseamnă cînd poporul tău...
E-1 Thank you, Brother Carlson. And greetings to all you brethren and sisters that are in the Lord. It's a... I just sometimes I feel a little reluctant to get up when I'm listening to such wonderful testimonies, and so forth, as I've been doing this morning. And then fellow citizen in the suffering and persecution, as our Baptist brother and sister has gone through, being formerly a Baptist myself, a Missionary Baptist, and--and knowing, what it means when your people... I had the same thing; my own people turned me out, and they thought they'd send me away because I had gone crazy. And I found out, and I've usually said it in a little kind of a round about way: If I am crazy, just let me alone; 'cause I am happier this way than I was with my right mind. Let me... So that is kind of a little philosophy that I hold of my own.
E-2 Eu am avut acelaşi lucru. Propriul meu popor m-a dat afară, şi ei credeau că ei mă alungau deoarece eu am înebunit. Şi eu am aflat, şi eu de obicei am spus aceasta puţin cam pe o cale ocolită, "Dacă eu sînt nebun, lăsaţi-mă doar în pace, pentru că eu sînt mai fericit în felul acesta decît cum eram cu mintea întreagă." Astfel aceasta este un fel de filozofie mică pe care eu o ţin, a mea proprie. Şi-şi desigur eu mă bucuram în acest-acest timp de a fi astfel.
E-2 And--and I certainly have been enjoying this--this time of being this a way. The little Church of Christ brother here (as we usually refer to it), or Campbellite... And I remember they were certainly hard hitters against the meetings when we first started, but, you know, we had one named Paul one time was the same way, and he become one of us, so... I think what usually they look for is the life you live. You know, it's better to live me a sermon than preach me one anytime. I'm...
E-3 Şi micuţul frate din Biserica lui Cristos aici, aşa cum de obicei ne referim la aceasta, sau Campbellişti. Şi eu îmi amintesc că ei erau desigur cei care loveau puternic împotriva adunărilor cînd noi am început întîi. Dar, voi ştiţi, noi am avut pe unul numit Pavel care odată a fost la fel, iar el a devenit unul dintre noi. Astfel eu cred că de obicei la ceea ce ei se uită este viaţa pe care voi o trăiţi. Voi ştiţi, este mai bine să-mi trăieşti o predică decît să-mi predici una, oricînd.
E-3 Some time ago a great minister, fine full Gospel man, all--all of you know him, I suppose; it was Reverend Booth-Clibborn, preaches the Gospel in seven different languages. He can just smart. And I... He's a mental giant. And we were going along together one time, and he and Brother Moore and I, and we were discussing something. And I had the opposite side to him, and he looked around at me, he said, "You just don't know your Bible." (You know how Brother Booth can say it.)
I said, "That's true, Brother Booth, but I know the Author real well."
So I--I want... You know, not to know His Word is Life, but to know Him is Life. Whether I know His Word, if I just know Him, and that certainly is the Truth.
I said, "That's true, Brother Booth, but I know the Author real well."
So I--I want... You know, not to know His Word is Life, but to know Him is Life. Whether I know His Word, if I just know Him, and that certainly is the Truth.
E-4 Cîndva în urmă, un mare lucrător, om minunat de Evanghelie deplină; toţi-toţi dintre voi îl cunoaşteţi, eu presupun. Este Rev. Booth-Clibborn; predică Evanghelia în şapte limbi diferite. El este doar deştept. Şi eu... El este un uriaş mintal. Iar noi mergeam împreună odată, şi el şi Fratele Moore şi cu mine, şi noi discutam ceva. Iar eu aveam partea opusă lui, iar el s-a uitat înapoi la mine. El a zis, "Tu doar nu¬ţi cunoşti Biblia ta." Voi ştiţi cum poate să o spună Fratele Booth.
E-4 I was, this morning, shaking hands with this fine fellowship here of ministers. And setting down here there's this... I don't mean to make anybody conspicuous, but this colored man come in, brother set down there; I said to my secretary here, "There's a real Christian."
He remind me so much of Elder Smith that used to be a Church of God in Christ, I believe. I used to preach so much for them down there, and--and I can just see him yet. He looked something like the brother here, only he had a kind of a gray mustache. I'd come in the back door, and I never forget the expression the old man used to say--look up and all the saints would be singing, you know, and there's a little girl used to, on the corner, and my favorite song was "Lift Him Up." They'd all clap their hands, Pentecostal fashion, you know: "Lift Him Up." They loved me, and I loved them. And when we walked in, he used to throw back his head like this on the desk and just watch them, you know. He'd say, "Come in Elda', rest ya hat"...?... "Rest you hat."
He remind me so much of Elder Smith that used to be a Church of God in Christ, I believe. I used to preach so much for them down there, and--and I can just see him yet. He looked something like the brother here, only he had a kind of a gray mustache. I'd come in the back door, and I never forget the expression the old man used to say--look up and all the saints would be singing, you know, and there's a little girl used to, on the corner, and my favorite song was "Lift Him Up." They'd all clap their hands, Pentecostal fashion, you know: "Lift Him Up." They loved me, and I loved them. And when we walked in, he used to throw back his head like this on the desk and just watch them, you know. He'd say, "Come in Elda', rest ya hat"...?... "Rest you hat."
E-5 Am zis, "Asta-i adevărat, Frate Booth, dar eu cunosc Autorul foarte bine." Astfel, astfel eu-eu vreau... Voi ştiţi, nu să cunoşti Cuvîntul Lui este Viaţă, ci, "să-l cunoşti pe El este Viaţă." Asta-i adevărat. Înţelegeţi? Dacă eu îi cunosc Cuvîntul Lui; dacă eu l-aş cunoaşte doar pe El! Şi acesta desigur că este Adevărul.
E-5 Brother here... And I learned then that one of my favorite Gospel singers is his wife. And I done all the hinting I could to get her to sing, and then she asked not to be called on, and I know what that means. But I'm going to personally invite her, if she can, come over and sing to...
Aren't you the sister that sang--sang that "Ship Ahoy" one morning at the Christian Business Men down? I hope my wife gets up this week, and I want her to hear you, because I've bragged so much. And if you miss that on the tape, we're going to settle it. I love that good singing.
Aren't you the sister that sang--sang that "Ship Ahoy" one morning at the Christian Business Men down? I hope my wife gets up this week, and I want her to hear you, because I've bragged so much. And if you miss that on the tape, we're going to settle it. I love that good singing.
E-6 Eu, în dimineaţa aceasta, strîngeam mîinile cu această minunată părtăşie aici, de lucrători. Şi şezînd jos aici acolo era acest... Eu nu intenţionez să fac pe oricine vizibil. Însă acest om de culoare a venit înăuntru, frate, a şezut jos acolo. Eu i-am spus secretarei mele aici, "Acolo este un adevărat Creştin."
E-6 And I used to tell the people... I never could sing; oh, my, I was a million miles from that. But I said, "If you ever get over in heaven and live in your big palace, you know, up there," I said, "way down at the bottom of the hill, back in the woods, back there, there's a little cabin sets there; that'll be mine. And one of these mornings when you walk out on the porch and hear somebody standing up there, singing, 'Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me!' you say, 'Praise God! Old Brother Branham finally made it.'...?... will be me over there trying to sing." Ha, ha.
E-7 El îmi reaminteşte aşa de mult de Elder Smith care obişnuia să fie unul în Biserica lui Dumnezeu în Cristos, eu cred. Eu obişnuiam să predic aşa de mult pentru ei jos acolo, şi-şi eu încă îl pot vedea. El semăna cumva ca acest frate aici, numai că el avea un fel de mustaţă căruntă. Eu veneam înăuntru pe uşa din spate, şi eu nu uit niciodată expresia pe care bătrînul obişnuia să o spună; priveşte sus, şi toţi sfinţii vor fi cîntînd, voi ştiţi. Şi acolo era o fetiţă care a locuit la colţ. Cîntarea mea favorită era Înalţă-L Sus. Şi ei toţi îşi băteau palmele, în stil penticostal, voi ştiţi, Înălţaţi-L Sus. Ei m-au iubit, şi eu i-am iubit. Şi cînd noi păşim înăuntru... El obişnuia să şadă acolo, cu capul lui în felul acesta, pe masă, şi doar îi privea, voi ştiţi. El zicea, "Intră, prezbitere. Aşează-ţi pălăria. Aşează-ţi pălăria."
E-7 To my Christian brethren and to, I believe, one brother introduced himself to us this morning as a Buddha minister, over here: Greetings to you, my precious friend. And I have had much dealing (not too much) but with the Buddha people, and especially in Canada amongst the Chinese people, and found them very loving and sweet.
I remember a little Buddha man from the Buddha temple came into the Winnipeg meeting, and he was blind. He was very small, sweet little people, and they certainly believed that God was the Healer. And while praying for him, and he was repeating over how he loved God, and all at once his eyes come open in the... It was such a wonderful thing. So we--we appreciate every man and every person.
I remember a little Buddha man from the Buddha temple came into the Winnipeg meeting, and he was blind. He was very small, sweet little people, and they certainly believed that God was the Healer. And while praying for him, and he was repeating over how he loved God, and all at once his eyes come open in the... It was such a wonderful thing. So we--we appreciate every man and every person.
E-8 Fratele de aici; şi eu am aflat, apoi, că una dintre favoritele mele cîntăreţe de Evanghelie este soţia lui. Şi eu am făcut toate aluziile care am putut, să o fac pe ea să cînte. Şi, atunci, ea a cerut ca să nu fie chemată, şi eu ştiu ce înseamnă asta. Dar eu am să o invit pe ea personal, dacă ea poate, să vină aici să cînte.
E-8 Now, I haven't had this opportunity before in Chicago to try to speak, which I would not try to bring any certain message, because of ministers here are so much more able than I to bring a message, but--and after all, you are not here to hear a message, but I thought that it might be a most glorious time that I could meet the ministers of Chicago (this district in here) and get more acquainted with them, and we be more acquainted with each other.
And I certainly thank the Lord for this opportunity, because I have come into this city many times here under one church sponsorship and under the Christian Business Men's sponsorship, therefore with not an opportunity to express myself to the association of brothers. And--and then I thought... And there's so much that always follows a ministry like this of "ins-and-outs" and "ups-and-downs," till sometimes it's easy for someone to draw a wrong impression. And I want to take this next few minutes to try to explain and--and make it clear to my brethren, as clear as I know how to make it...
And I certainly thank the Lord for this opportunity, because I have come into this city many times here under one church sponsorship and under the Christian Business Men's sponsorship, therefore with not an opportunity to express myself to the association of brothers. And--and then I thought... And there's so much that always follows a ministry like this of "ins-and-outs" and "ups-and-downs," till sometimes it's easy for someone to draw a wrong impression. And I want to take this next few minutes to try to explain and--and make it clear to my brethren, as clear as I know how to make it...
E-9 Păi, nu eşti tu sora care a cîntat-cîntat acel, Ăi De Pe Corabie, într-o dimineaţă la Oamenii de Afaceri Creştini, acum? [Sora zice, "Da, domnule. Da." – Ed.] Eu sper că soţia mea ajunge sus săptămîna asta, şi eu vreau ca ea să te audă, deoarece eu m-am lăudat aşa de mult. Şi dacă voi pierdeţi aceasta pe bandă, noi urmează să o stabilim. Mie îmi place cîntatul acela bun.
E-9 And now, I'm insufficient and uncapable of making a talk that would perhaps seem sensible to men who are educated. I do not have an education, and I lack that, but I was--love the Lord, and the Lord gave me perhaps another way to win souls by a Divine gift. That it might fill up the gap of what my parents was unable to give me an education. From a home of a poor family, and ten children, and a sick father, and I did not get the chance to get an education. So then... But at birth there was something happened that--an experience with God to my mother and father (And you've read my story.), and by that I try to put in my part with you brethren to draw sinners to Christ.
E-10 Şi, eu obişnuiam să spun oamenilor, eu-eu niciodată nu puteam cînta. Oh, Doamne, eu eram la un milion de mile de asta. Însă am zis, "Dacă tu ajungi vreodată acolo în Ceruri şi locuieşti în palatul tău mare, tu ştii, sus Acolo," am zis, "jos de tot la baza dealului, înapoi în păduri acolo în spate, există o micuţă cabană aşezată acolo. Aceea va fi a mea. Şi într-una din aceste dimineţi cînd tu vei păşi afară pe verandă şi auzi pe cineva stînd acolo, cîntînd, 'Har uimitor! ce dulce-i sunetul, a mîntuit un nenorocit ca mine!' Tu zici, 'Laudă lui Dumnezeu! Bătrînul Frate Branham în sfîrşit a ajuns."' Acesta voi fi eu acolo ascultînd, încercînd să cînt.
E-10 And now, I--I'm not superstitious, but I always, before opening the Word, I like to speak to the Author a little bit. And could we just bow our heads again for a moment.
Our precious Father, Thou art our God, and we are approaching Thee in behalf of the Gospel. I'm here before Your children, Your pastors, and brethren of like precious faith. And how it thrills my heart to hear these men who have been misunderstood and sent into institutions for the Kingdom of God's sake, see how You're calling Your children in the last days, and we truly believe, Father, that we are living at the end of the race. As the prophet said, "It shall be Light in the evening time"; and believing today that we are the couriers of this great Gospel Light that by Your grace You have permitted us to pack to the ends of the earth, where this revival has gone.
And I pray, Father, that from my heart that Thou will let me express to my brethren, this morning, the motive and objective of my life to You, that they might understand. Grant it, that we might have perfect love, and fellowship, and cooperation, and all the working of the Gospel. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Who prayed that we might be one as He and His Father was One. Believing this, that "This will all men know that you are My disciples, when you have love one for the other." Amen.
Our precious Father, Thou art our God, and we are approaching Thee in behalf of the Gospel. I'm here before Your children, Your pastors, and brethren of like precious faith. And how it thrills my heart to hear these men who have been misunderstood and sent into institutions for the Kingdom of God's sake, see how You're calling Your children in the last days, and we truly believe, Father, that we are living at the end of the race. As the prophet said, "It shall be Light in the evening time"; and believing today that we are the couriers of this great Gospel Light that by Your grace You have permitted us to pack to the ends of the earth, where this revival has gone.
And I pray, Father, that from my heart that Thou will let me express to my brethren, this morning, the motive and objective of my life to You, that they might understand. Grant it, that we might have perfect love, and fellowship, and cooperation, and all the working of the Gospel. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Who prayed that we might be one as He and His Father was One. Believing this, that "This will all men know that you are My disciples, when you have love one for the other." Amen.
E-11 Către fraţii mei Creştini, şi către... Eu cred că un frate ni l-a prezentat nouă, în dimineaţa aceasta, ca un lucrător Buddha, aici. Salutări ţie, scumpul meu frate. Şi eu am avut mult de a face, nu prea mult, dar cu poporul Buddha; şi mai ales în Canada, printre oamenii Chinezi, şi i-am găsit foarte iubitori şi amabili.
E-11 Now, just... And I hope and trust that I do not bore you brethren and sisters upon this, but I think I'd like to make myself clear, so that you won't have to hear what someone else has said. And I have explained many times in other ministerial meetings, but this is my first time to the Chicago group. And I'd like to make myself real well known of what I am trying to do.
E-12 Eu îmi amintesc de un om micuţ Buddha de la templul Buddha, a venit în adunarea de la Winnipeg, şi el era orb. Este foarte mic, popor micuţ plăcut, şi ei desigur au crezut că Dumnezeu era vindecătorul. Şi în timp ce mă rugam pentru el, şi el tot repeta, cum iubea el pe Dumnezeu, şi cu totul dintr-o dată i s-au deschis ochii, în ... Şi acesta era un-un aşa de minunat lucru. Astfel, noi-noi apreciem fiecare om şi fiecare persoană.
E-12 In the blessed old Gospel here of the 26th chapter of the Book of Acts, we read.
Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision:
This is, of course, Paul speaking, which we all as ministers like to refer back to him, because he--we in one accord believe that he was the apostle to the Gentile church, that God called him to be a witness to the Gentiles. And His ministry had been called into question, and usually anything that's unusual springs up, it is called into question. It's... I think it is no more than right. It should be called into question. And I think that pastors sometime are suspicious of--of things that they hear, and I think they have a right to be; because if I understand the translation of the word "pastor," it means "a shepherd." And therefore, he is a feeder or herder of a group of men and women of which the Holy Spirit has made him the overseer of, and he has the right to know what kind of a food his sheep is getting, and where it's coming from. I think he has a right to that, and if a pastor or sometimes people would seem to be just a little bit suspicious, that doesn't never--should not bother anyone. It should only bring a respects to a man's heart, for a man of that--that standing that would question it.
Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision:
This is, of course, Paul speaking, which we all as ministers like to refer back to him, because he--we in one accord believe that he was the apostle to the Gentile church, that God called him to be a witness to the Gentiles. And His ministry had been called into question, and usually anything that's unusual springs up, it is called into question. It's... I think it is no more than right. It should be called into question. And I think that pastors sometime are suspicious of--of things that they hear, and I think they have a right to be; because if I understand the translation of the word "pastor," it means "a shepherd." And therefore, he is a feeder or herder of a group of men and women of which the Holy Spirit has made him the overseer of, and he has the right to know what kind of a food his sheep is getting, and where it's coming from. I think he has a right to that, and if a pastor or sometimes people would seem to be just a little bit suspicious, that doesn't never--should not bother anyone. It should only bring a respects to a man's heart, for a man of that--that standing that would question it.
E-13 Acum, eu nu am avut această ocazie înainte, în Chicago, să încerc să vorbesc... Care, eu nu aş încerca să aduc vreun anumit mesaj, din cauza lucrătorilor de aici care sînt cu mult mai capabili decît mine, să aducă un mesaj. Dar, şi după toate astea, voi nu sînteţi aici să ascultaţi un mesaj. Însă mă gîndeam că aceasta ar putea fi un timp foarte glorios ca eu să pot întîlni lucrătorii din Chicago, acest district de aici, şi să devin mai cunoscut cu ei, şi noi să fim mai cunoscuţi unul cu altul. Şi eu desigur îi mulţumesc Domnului pentru această oportunitate. Deoarece, eu am venit în acest oraş de multe ori aici, sub patronajul unei singure biserici, şi sub patronajul Oamenilor de Afaceri Creştini; de aceea, nu cu o oportunitate să mă exprim pe mine la asociaţia fraţilor.
E-13 And after all, if you're not sure that you are lined up right, how can you ever walk by faith? If you put upon your mind... Now, this seems to be psychology, which it probably is, and it is; but it's all right. But you just really from your heart would think you'd never raise from the table, you probably wouldn't. See? You've got... It's just that simple. You have got to believe; you've got to have faith; you've got to have confidence. And how can you have confidence in anything that you--that you don't even know where you are going? How could I travel down a road that I'd never been before at a breakneck speed and all around curves, not knowing what the next curve holds? You've got to see where you're going, or you don't know how to walk. And that's the way everyone should be. Then when you can--you see it, it's revealed to you, and you know where you are going, then nothing's going to stop you.
E-14 Şi-şi atunci mă gîndeam, şi există atît de mult ce întotdeauna urmează o slujbă ca aceasta, de intrări şi ieşiri, şi urcuşuri şi coborîşuri, pînă cînd uneori este uşor ca cineva să tragă o impresie greşită. Şi eu vreau să iau aceste cîteva minute următoare să încerc să explic şi-şi să fac aceasta clar fraţilor mei, aşa de clar cît pot eu să o fac.
E-14 And that's I think, Paul, what he was trying to get to Agrippa here, that he the... He told them that, "Once I was one of you." And I suppose maybe if--if this Baptist brother could go to the Baptist church this morning (he and his wife), that would perhaps be their testimony, that, "I was once one of you." Or the Church of Christ or the Campbellite brother here would go ...to his people. (I believe it is called a better name, the Disciples of Christ, they call it; but it is really for the Alexander Campbell doctrine. And then the Church of Christ pulled out of you on the account of music. That's right, isn't it.) And if he could go back to them, he'd say, "I was once of you."
E-15 Şi eu-eu sînt insuficient şi incapabil să fac un-un discurs care poate ar părea sensibil pentru mulţi care sînt educaţi. Eu nu am o educaţie, şi mie îmi lipseşte asta. Însă eu eram ... iubesc pe Domnul. Şi Domnul mi-a dat, probabil, o altă cale să cîştig suflete, printr-un dar Divin, ca acesta să poată umple golul a ceea ce părinţii mei nu erau în stare să-mi dea, o educaţie. Dintr-o casă de familie săracă, şi zece copii, şi un tată bolnav, şi eu nu am obţinut şansa să obţin o educaţie. Astfel atunci, la naştere, acolo a fost ceva ce s-a întîmplat, o experienţă cu Dumnezeu, pentru mama şi tatăl meu. Iar voi aţi citit povestea mea. Şi, prin aceea, eu încerc să pun înăuntru partea mea, cu voi fraţilor, să atrag păcătoşii la Cristos. Şi acum eu...
E-15 And Paul goes back here to King Agrippa and Festus and said, "I was once of you. I was the Pharisee of the Pharisees." He come up under Gamaliel, the great teacher, and he knowed all their rules and regulations, and just what they believed, and what they did not believe, and said, "Even I persecuted the church of God unto death." See? He said, "The very thing that I'm in question about, I was a persecutor of."
And I have always thought that the death of Stephen must've got on to Paul, because when he seen that glorious look on Stephen's face, when he looked up, and the clods a beating him to death, he said, "I see Jesus standing at the right hand of God."... And you know, you can kill a messenger, but you can never kill his message, if it's real. And the message, though Stephen was gone on to stand with Jesus, yet his message lingered on, 'cause Paul kept talking about it and what... He's least of them, and wasn't worthy to be called one, because he had witnessed and--and give his consent to rid this godly person.
And I have always thought that the death of Stephen must've got on to Paul, because when he seen that glorious look on Stephen's face, when he looked up, and the clods a beating him to death, he said, "I see Jesus standing at the right hand of God."... And you know, you can kill a messenger, but you can never kill his message, if it's real. And the message, though Stephen was gone on to stand with Jesus, yet his message lingered on, 'cause Paul kept talking about it and what... He's least of them, and wasn't worthy to be called one, because he had witnessed and--and give his consent to rid this godly person.
E-16 Eu nu sînt superstiţios. Dar eu întotdeauna, înainte să deschid Cuvîntul, îmi place să vorbesc un picuţ Autorului. Şi am putea noi să ne plecăm capetele din nou doar pentru un moment.
E-16 And therefore, Paul, like all men before men should do, Paul takes his--his experience back from the beginning to what he was, and then places it, and bases it upon the Scripture to show that what he was doing was Scriptural. Though it was contrary to their belief, yet he was showing them that it was the Scripture. Therefore, I think that we... Anything, as I have often said, brethren (you who've been in the meetings), that if I am ever found speaking things that's not Scriptural, then I think it's true that--or any other brother--we ought to come to one another and say, "That's not found in the Bible." You see? If it's in the Bible, you might have a different interpretation, but if it's in the Scripture, all right.
E-17 Scumpul nostru Tată, Tu eşti Dumnezeul nostru, iar noi ne apropiem de Tine în folosul Evangheliei. Eu sînt aici înaintea copiilor Tăi, pastorii Tăi, şi fraţi de aceeaşi scumpă credinţă. Şi cum îmi mişcă inima să aud pe aceşti oameni care au fost înţeleşi greşit, şi au fost trimişi în instituţii, pentru Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu; vedem cum Tu chemi pe copiii Tăi în zilele din urmă.
E-17 Now, Paul was giving his interpretation of what the prophet said, and what Moses said was coming to pass. And he met Jesus on the road in a vision, and this Jesus called out to him, which it should not have been a hard thing for those Jews as he said, "Most noble Festus..." and--and so forth, that it, "would it be a strange thing to you that God would raise the dead (See?), because if you know what God was back there by the Scriptures, surely you'd know that He's able to raise the dead."
And then he said... He'd give them the experience of on his road to Damascus of what happened, that--to let them know that this Jesus that--that they were causing so much commotion about him preaching It, was the very God that they had served all the time; because He was in the wilderness with them, Who led them, being that Light, the Fire, Pillar of Fire that led them. And He appeared to Paul in the same thing, the Light again that blinded him, and he asked, "Who are You, Lord?"
And He said, "I am Jesus, that you persecute. And it's hard for--to kick against the pricks." And...
And then he said... He'd give them the experience of on his road to Damascus of what happened, that--to let them know that this Jesus that--that they were causing so much commotion about him preaching It, was the very God that they had served all the time; because He was in the wilderness with them, Who led them, being that Light, the Fire, Pillar of Fire that led them. And He appeared to Paul in the same thing, the Light again that blinded him, and he asked, "Who are You, Lord?"
And He said, "I am Jesus, that you persecute. And it's hard for--to kick against the pricks." And...
E-18 Şi noi într-adevăr credem, Tată, că noi trăim la sfîrşitul cursei. Cum a spus profetul, "Va fi Lumină în timpul de seară." Şi crezînd astăzi că noi sîntem mesagerii acestei măreţe Lumini a Evangheliei care, prin harul Tău, Tu ne-ai permis să o ducem pînă la capetele pămîntului, unde s-a dus această trezire.
E-18 He was trying to explain to them what it was, and--and he was trying to teach them that what that he was presenting to the people, that was that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, and that He had died, and God had raised Him up, and that was according to the Scriptures, and that He now had ascended on high to God the Father, and that--that he was a witness of His resurrection, and that these miracles, and signs, and wonders, which were strange before the people, were not nothing new to a real Scriptural believer, because the Bible had spoke of it.
E-19 Şi mă rog, Tată, ca, din inima mea, ca Tu să mă laşi să exprim fraţilor mei, în această dimineaţă, motivul şi obiectivul vieţii mele către Tine, ca ei să poată înţelege, Admite aceasta, ca noi să putem avea dragoste desăvîrşită, şi părtăşie, şi cooperare, în toată lucrarea Evangheliei. Că noi cerem aceasta în Numele lui Isus, Care s-a rugat ca noi să putem fi unul, cum El şi Tatăl Lui au fost Unul. Crezînd aceasta, că, "Prin aceasta vor cunoaşte toţi oamenii că voi sînteţi ucenicii Mei, cînd voi aveţi dragoste, unul pentru altul." Amin.
E-19 Look at back in the prophets, how that it prophesied what--at the coming of the Messiah and what He would do: the lame would leap like a hart (in Isaiah 35), and different Scriptures that he could've referred to. We don't have it written here, but perhaps going back and referring it in his short speech before the kings, because they probably wouldn't be as patient with Him as you are with me, so...
And then he was explaining it, and trying to tell them that the very God that they served... And then again he said, "In the way that is called heresy (That's crazy. See?)--the way that's called heresy, that's the way that I worship the God that you worship." See, in the way that's called heresy...
I am sure that today, if we stood with the former churches that we belonged to, such as Presbyterian, Catholic, Baptists, and different ones, we could say the same testimony to those people, who say that they want--like to put the brother in a psychopathic ward, or something like that, "In the way that is called heresy, that's the way I worship the God of our Father."
And then he was explaining it, and trying to tell them that the very God that they served... And then again he said, "In the way that is called heresy (That's crazy. See?)--the way that's called heresy, that's the way that I worship the God that you worship." See, in the way that's called heresy...
I am sure that today, if we stood with the former churches that we belonged to, such as Presbyterian, Catholic, Baptists, and different ones, we could say the same testimony to those people, who say that they want--like to put the brother in a psychopathic ward, or something like that, "In the way that is called heresy, that's the way I worship the God of our Father."
E-20 Acum doar... Şi eu sper şi sînt încredinţat că eu nu vă plictisesc pe voi fraţilor şi surorilor, prin aceasta. Însă eu cred că mi-ar place să mă fac înţeles, astfel ca voi să nu trebuiască să ascultaţi ce are altcineva de spus. Şi eu am explicat, de multe ori, în alte adunări de slujbă, însă aceasta este prima mea dată la grupul din Chicago, şi mi-ar place să mă fac foarte bine cunoscut, despre ceea ce eu încerc să fac.
E-20 And what a grand testimony that was before Agrippa unto even in the midst of his talk, Agrippa cried out and said, "Paul, Saul, thou almost persuadeth me to be a Christian." See how he brought the Scriptures so clear, yet was contrary to his own synagogue, but the Scriptures was so perfectly clear till he said, "Thou almost persuadeth me to be like you are."
Paul said, "I wished you were, altogether--only I wouldn't want you to be in these chains that I am in," (See?), but to be a believer like he was. In other words, "If I... I wish to God that you seen the revelation like--like I see it." In other words, "I--I wished you could do that. See? I just wish that you would."
When Festus, I believe, had told him that he'd studied too much; he was off at his head... But he let him know that he wasn't; that he knowed where he was at.
Paul said, "I wished you were, altogether--only I wouldn't want you to be in these chains that I am in," (See?), but to be a believer like he was. In other words, "If I... I wish to God that you seen the revelation like--like I see it." In other words, "I--I wished you could do that. See? I just wish that you would."
When Festus, I believe, had told him that he'd studied too much; he was off at his head... But he let him know that he wasn't; that he knowed where he was at.
E-21 În binecuvîntata Evanghelie veche aici, capitolul al 26-lea din Cartea Faptelor, noi citim.
De aceea, O împărate Agripa, eu nu am fost neascultător vedeniei cereşti;
De aceea, O împărate Agripa, eu nu am fost neascultător vedeniei cereşti;
E-21 And I would say this, this morning, brethren: I altogether wish that I might incline--not the life of Paul, but just in order to give a little basic talk, 'cause there are many more here that perhaps will speak this morning, but I wanted this opportunity to say this.
Now, I wish that every different church, as I heard you go down: Bethel Temple, Independent, Assemblies of God, and different ones. I wish that altogether you could see what I see. That you could... I wished you could see the vision that I see, then you'd have a clearer understanding that--of the ministry.
Now, I wish that every different church, as I heard you go down: Bethel Temple, Independent, Assemblies of God, and different ones. I wish that altogether you could see what I see. That you could... I wished you could see the vision that I see, then you'd have a clearer understanding that--of the ministry.
E-22 Acesta este, desigur, Pavel care vorbeşte. Care, noi toţi, ca lucrători, ne place să ne referim în urmă la el, deoarece el... Noi, într-un acord, credem că el a fost apostolul la biserica Neamurilor, că Dumnezeu l-a chemat să fie un-un martor la Neamuri. Şi slujba lui a fost luată în cercetare.
E-22 When I left the Baptist church to come over into Pentecost, then Dr. Roy E. Davis, who had ordained me into the Missionary Baptist church, told me that I had a nightmare, when the vision of the Lord came and--and spoke to me. And--and you know what healing was then; it was at the low ebb. And--and I knowed nothing about Pentecostals. I'd heard it was a bunch of holy-rollers that laid on the floor and slobbered like mad dogs, and they had to fan them and get them back to life, and all like that. That was all I knowed about the--the Pentecostal people.
He said, "Who do you think will hear you?"
I said, "If God is sending me, there's somewhere and somebody He's sending me to." That's right. See? 'Cause I said, "Dr. Davis..." I said, "He was just as real... I stood and looked at Him." I said, "And He told me that those visions..."
He said, "Who do you think will hear you?"
I said, "If God is sending me, there's somewhere and somebody He's sending me to." That's right. See? 'Cause I said, "Dr. Davis..." I said, "He was just as real... I stood and looked at Him." I said, "And He told me that those visions..."
E-23 Şi de obicei, orice lucru neobişnuit care apare, este chemat în cercetare. Aceasta este, şi eu cred că aceasta nu este mai mult decît drept; acesta trebuie să fie chemat în cercetare. Şi mă gîndesc că pastorii uneori sînt bănuitori de-de lucrurile pe care ei le aud, şi mă gîndesc că ei au drept să fie. Deoarece, dacă eu înţeleg traducerea cuvîntului pastor, înseamnă un "păstor." Şi, de aceea, el este un-un-un hrănitor, sau un cioban, al unui grup de bărbaţi şi femei de care Duhul Sfînt l-a făcut supraveghetor. Iar el are dreptul să ştie ce fel de hrană primesc oile lui, şi de unde vine ea. Eu cred că el are un drept la asta.
E-23 I am a great believer, brethren, that--that gifts and callings are without repentance. I--I believe that. You're born; you cannot be something that you are not; and whenever you try to make yourself something that you're not, you're just playing the part of the hypocrite. And God let me die before being a hypocrite. See? Let me be just what I am, and then make it plain and clear, and--and then let--let me be that way, and then everybody knows, and you know just exactly.
And so now, as you know, I did not get very much of a schooling, as I said, so, in my--in theology, I am the poorest there is; and I guess you know that. See? And as a preacher, I could hardly even call myself one, because of not getting schooling, and knowing words, and so forth; but what little I have to--as my knowledge of knowing by His grace, the Lord Jesus, I try to share that with all my brothers everywhere: to share this.
And so now, as you know, I did not get very much of a schooling, as I said, so, in my--in theology, I am the poorest there is; and I guess you know that. See? And as a preacher, I could hardly even call myself one, because of not getting schooling, and knowing words, and so forth; but what little I have to--as my knowledge of knowing by His grace, the Lord Jesus, I try to share that with all my brothers everywhere: to share this.
E-24 Şi dacă un pastor, sau uneori oamenii, ar părea să fie doar un picuţ bănuitori, aceea nu o face, niciodată, nu ar trebui să deranjeze pe nimeni. Aceasta ar trebui numai să aducă respecte inimii unui om, pentru un om de acea-acea poziţie, care ar chestiona aceasta. Şi, după toate astea, dacă tu nu eşti sigur că tu eşti aliniat corect, cum poţi tu să umbli vreodată prin credinţă?
E-24 And... But when I left the Baptist church, which was the only church I ever come in, or was ordained in... And I was ordained in 1933 in the Missionary Baptist church, Jeffersonville, Indiana; it's--it's a member of the Southern Baptist Convention. Then we, in this time I... When I pulled away and just... Now, the Baptist church is a sovereign church; we--we all know that. They just... It's a... You can preach about anything you want to if your congregation will stand for it. They just... You want to preach whatever you wish; and I like that (See?), because I believe it's apostolic, because the head, the highest order in the church is the shepherd; we realize that: the pastor. And--and if the--the... If some bishop or somebody else is going to knock the revelation out of the pastor, then how is a God going to ever work in His church? You see? You just can't get it.
E-25 Dacă tu îţi pui în minte... Acum, aceasta pare să fie psihologie; care poate că ea este, şi ea este, însă aceasta este în ordine. Însă tu într-adevăr, din inima ta, te-ai gîndi că tu niciodată nu te vei ridica de la masă, tu probabil că nu. Înţelegi? Tu ai obţinut... Aceasta este doar aşa de simplu.
E-25 So... And I have... When I come out of there, I met up with the first group, which was the healing of little Betty Daugherty at St. Louis, Missouri, and it was a Pentecostal, United, or Pentecostal Jesus' Name church that this pastor belonged to, and his little girl was healed. Frankly, I thought that's what made him Pentecostal, was because that they called themselves, "Jesus Only," and I--I thought that's what made them Pentecostal is 'cause that was what they called themselves, and that was the difference. So well, then from there I went to... And a fine man; had a great meeting in St. Louis (which the picture appears in there). We had the Kiel Auditorium, and the first night or two there was fourteen thousand packed it out, and we couldn't even... Had to put police around the doors to keep them away.
E-26 Voi trebuie să credeţi. Voi trebuie să aveţi credinţă. Voi trebuie să aveţi încredere. Şi cum puteţi voi să aveţi încredere în orice lucru care voi-care voi nici măcar nu ştiţi încotro mergeţi? Cum pot eu călători în jos pe un drum pe care nu am fost niciodată înainte, cu o viteză de rupere de gît, şi peste tot curbe, neştiind ce ţine curba următoare? Voi trebuie să vedeţi unde mergeţi, sau voi nu ştiţi cum să umblaţi. Şi acesta este felul cum ar trebui să fie fiecare. Şi atunci cînd voi puteţi, voi o vedeţi, aceasta vă este descoperit, şi voi ştiţi unde mergeţi, atunci nimic nu o să vă oprească.
E-26 And then, from there, on down to Richard T. Reed, of the Blessed Old Bible Hour Tabernacle at Jonesboro, which was also of the same organization. And from that to Dr. G. H. Brown, same organization, at 505 Victor Street in Little Rock, Arkansas; and from there to the west coast. And then, when I gets to the west coast, I hit the fire. Then I found out that there were as many divisions amongst the Pentecostal people in their organizations as we Baptists have. See? They were--they were so many difference... There was, had the... They had different... There was Assemblies of God, and the Church of God, and the something else, and the something else, and the something else, and the--and the difference; and they had separated themselves and had drawed little boundary lines, and all of the other brethren begin to come to me and tell me, "Why, you're a Jesus Only with this group over here."
I said, "No, I don't--I don't call myself that."
He said, "Why are you associating with them?"
I said, "Well, that--that don't make me that." And I said, "I--I just... They were brothers."
He said, "Why, they are a bunch of... Why, they don't have nothing but a bunch of buzzards roosts and things around like that, where..."
I said, "Now, I beg your pardon. I meet real godly men there, and they are men of God." And I said, "I--I certainly resent calling them evil, because they're not."
I said, "No, I don't--I don't call myself that."
He said, "Why are you associating with them?"
I said, "Well, that--that don't make me that." And I said, "I--I just... They were brothers."
He said, "Why, they are a bunch of... Why, they don't have nothing but a bunch of buzzards roosts and things around like that, where..."
I said, "Now, I beg your pardon. I meet real godly men there, and they are men of God." And I said, "I--I certainly resent calling them evil, because they're not."
E-27 Şi acesta este, eu cred, Pavel, ceea ce el a încercat să-i dea lui Agripa aici. Că, el-el le-a spus lor că, "Odată eu eram unul dintre voi."
E-27 Well then, I tried to hold it off just as long as I could without expressing either way. Well, I begin to study what their ideas was, and what their separations was, and what made them separated; and I found that two of the great groups: one of them was called Jesus Only, and the other one was called Assemblies of God. They were called out or separated on the count of the issue of water baptism, one using "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," and the other using "Jesus' Name."
Well, I looked, and on both sides there were great men, servants of God. And I thought, "O God, if I could see all them emerge into--just go ahead and have--but do not just draw their lines and saying, 'We won't fellowship one with another.'" But I found out in this the evil spirit had got among them and had caused hatred and malice over issues that had come among them. I thought, "That's just exactly as good as the devil wants. That is just what he wants. As long as your guns are trained on one another, he doesn't have to fight a lick." And I... And so then finally it come to a showdown, and that showdown was at Seattle, Washington, about 1946.
Well, I looked, and on both sides there were great men, servants of God. And I thought, "O God, if I could see all them emerge into--just go ahead and have--but do not just draw their lines and saying, 'We won't fellowship one with another.'" But I found out in this the evil spirit had got among them and had caused hatred and malice over issues that had come among them. I thought, "That's just exactly as good as the devil wants. That is just what he wants. As long as your guns are trained on one another, he doesn't have to fight a lick." And I... And so then finally it come to a showdown, and that showdown was at Seattle, Washington, about 1946.
E-28 Şi eu presupun, poate, dacă-dacă acest frate Baptist, şi ar putea să meargă la biserica Baptistă în dimineaţa aceasta, el şi soţia lui, aceea ar fi probabil mărturisirea lor. "Eu-eu am fost odată unul dintre voi."
E-28 And one morning I was brought to the hotel lobby (something like this) with a breakfast of some ministers, and I had to talk to two main men. And one of them was Dr. Ness. I suppose you Assemblies of God brethren remember him; it was the northwestern territory: a great man, smart, scholar, and he represented the Assemblies of God. And then Dr. Scism of the United Pentecostal Church, I guess you United Pentecostal brethren remember him. He was also of the northwestern territories up there, that he was over them and the districts up there. Well, these two men met, and I was to be brought before them, because the--the edges was getting sharp, and it was cutting at me from every way.
And I thought, "Well, what must I do? What can I do?"
And I thought, "Well, what must I do? What can I do?"
E-29 Sau, Biserica lui Cristos, sau-fratele Campbellist de aici, s-ar duce la-la poporul lui. Eu cred că aceasta este chemată un nume mai bun; Ucenicii lui Cristos, ei o numesc, însă aceasta este după doctrina lui Alexander Campbell. Şi apoi Biserica lui Cristos a ieşit dintre voi, din cauza muzicii. Aceasta-i corect, nu-i aşa? Şi dacă el ar putea să meargă înapoi la ei, el ar spune, "Eu eram odată dintre voi."
E-29 Now... "Well," they said, "Well, you must take sides with one or the other. If you're going to go with the Jesus' Name, you have to be Jesus' Name; and if you go with the Assemblies of God, you have to leave away from the Jesus' Name and be Assemblies of God, or so forth." It come to a place where I had to make a showing of some sort.
I prayed much that morning 'fore going down. I said, "God, help me, because there's two great men. There's thousands of servants, and You have sent me out here with a ministry, and they're both Your servants, and should I throw what little influence I have to one organization when it's fighting the other one?" See? "I--I just can't feel right in doing that. I do not think that it would be the will of Christ for me to do it." I said, "God help me and give me something to do, or give me something to say. And then I had no one. I just had to stand there, just the Lord Jesus and I that morning.
I prayed much that morning 'fore going down. I said, "God, help me, because there's two great men. There's thousands of servants, and You have sent me out here with a ministry, and they're both Your servants, and should I throw what little influence I have to one organization when it's fighting the other one?" See? "I--I just can't feel right in doing that. I do not think that it would be the will of Christ for me to do it." I said, "God help me and give me something to do, or give me something to say. And then I had no one. I just had to stand there, just the Lord Jesus and I that morning.
E-30 Şi Pavel merge înapoi aici la Împăratul Agripa, şi Festus, şi a zis, "Eu eram odată dintre voi. Eu eram Fariseul Fariseilor." El a venit sus sub Gamaliel, marele învăţător, şi el cunoştea toate regulile şi orînduirile, şi ce credeau ei şi ce nu credeau ei. Şi a zis, "Chiar eu am persecutat Biserica lui Dumnezeu la moarte." Vedeţi? El a zis, "Tocmai lucrul pentru care eu sînt cercetat, eu am fost un prigonitor al acestuia."
E-30 Well, the great debate come up: "What are you going to do? What--what decision you're going to make?"
I said, "My decision has already been made, that... My decision is to stand between both of you and join neither organization, and say, with arms around both of you, 'We are brethren.' (See, see?), 'We are brethren.'" See? And I said, "I have tried to read all the books that I could, how this come up, what was called this new issue, and how they separated themselves, and how that this one begin this way and that way"; and I said, "In arguments between you," I said, "that's the same thing that broke up the Pentecostal move on the day--after Pentecost; they begin to argue among one another," and I said, "the thing separates again." I said, "Is there a possibility that there could be a medium between you--you brethren? Is there anything that--that could stand?"
Well, they wouldn't open their mouth on that, because it was very sharp. You know, about fifteen, twenty years ago how it was, because the one group had just pulled from the other, and there was contention very much.
I said, "My decision has already been made, that... My decision is to stand between both of you and join neither organization, and say, with arms around both of you, 'We are brethren.' (See, see?), 'We are brethren.'" See? And I said, "I have tried to read all the books that I could, how this come up, what was called this new issue, and how they separated themselves, and how that this one begin this way and that way"; and I said, "In arguments between you," I said, "that's the same thing that broke up the Pentecostal move on the day--after Pentecost; they begin to argue among one another," and I said, "the thing separates again." I said, "Is there a possibility that there could be a medium between you--you brethren? Is there anything that--that could stand?"
Well, they wouldn't open their mouth on that, because it was very sharp. You know, about fifteen, twenty years ago how it was, because the one group had just pulled from the other, and there was contention very much.
E-31 Şi eu întotdeauna mă gîndeam că moartea lui Ştefan trebuie că a ajuns peste Pavel, pentru că era cînd el văzuse arătarea glorioasă pe faţa lui Ştefan. Cînd el a privit în sus, şi bolovanii îl loveau de moarte, şi el a zis, "Eu văd pe Isus stînd la dreapta lui Dumnezeu." Şi voi ştiţi, că voi puteţi omorî un mesager, dar voi nu puteţi omorî niciodată mesajul lui. Acesta este Adevărul. Şi mesajul, deşi Ştefan a fost dus înainte să stea cu Isus, totuşi, mesajul lui a zăbovit înainte, deoarece Pavel a continuat să vorbească despre el, şi, care, el era "cel mai neînsemnat" dintre ei, şi nu era vrednic să fie chemat unul, deoarece el a fost martor şi-şi şi-a dat consimţămîntul să scape de această persoană evlavioasă.
E-31 So I said, "Well, brethren, here's what I am going to do: I'm going to... God never sent me to baptize anyhow; He sent me to pray for His sick children." I said, "So I am going to--to pray for the sick children, and you ministers do your own baptizing." I said--I said, "Now, I want to ask you something just so that you will understand." I said, "Brother Ness, the--these Jesus' Name people, do you believe that they have received the Holy Ghost when they speak in tongues and do the same things that you in the Assemblies of God does?"
Said, "Certainly."
I said, "Brother Scism, do you believe that the Assemblies of God have the Holy Ghost when they speak in tongues and do the same thing you did upon the baptism?"
He said, "Sure I do."
I said, "Now, the Bible said God gives those the Holy Ghost who obeys Him. Now, who obeyed Him? That's just what I want... I want to know who obeyed Him? Which one of you obeyed Him, and God gave you both the Holy Ghost?" See? I said, "Would you say, Brother Scism, that Brother Ness hasn't got the Holy Ghost?"
He said, "No."
I said, "Would you say that Brother Scism hasn't got the Holy Ghost?"
See? That they both believed each other had the Holy Ghost, but (You see?), it just doesn't make sense, brethren; it doesn't make sense.
Said, "Certainly."
I said, "Brother Scism, do you believe that the Assemblies of God have the Holy Ghost when they speak in tongues and do the same thing you did upon the baptism?"
He said, "Sure I do."
I said, "Now, the Bible said God gives those the Holy Ghost who obeys Him. Now, who obeyed Him? That's just what I want... I want to know who obeyed Him? Which one of you obeyed Him, and God gave you both the Holy Ghost?" See? I said, "Would you say, Brother Scism, that Brother Ness hasn't got the Holy Ghost?"
He said, "No."
I said, "Would you say that Brother Scism hasn't got the Holy Ghost?"
See? That they both believed each other had the Holy Ghost, but (You see?), it just doesn't make sense, brethren; it doesn't make sense.
E-32 Şi de aceea, Pavel, ca toţi oamenii, înaintea oamenilor, ar trebui să facă, Pavel îşi ia a lui-lui experienţă, înapoi, de la început, la ceea ce el a fost; şi apoi o aşează şi o bazează pe Scriptură, să arate că ceea ce el făcea era Scriptural. Deşi aceasta era contrar cu credinţa lor, totuşi el le arăta că aceasta era Scriptura.
E-32 And I heard a little later from that... (I'll come back to my point in a minute.) The Finnish brethren over here, after I had left Finland, where God gave us what I thought one of our greatest meetings, there where the little dead boy was raised and many things. I met in Stockholm, Sweden, with Lewi Pethrus of the Filadelfia church there, which is a great man of God. And the Filadelfia church... Brother Gordon Lindsay, which was... Now, I think--I don't think he belongs to it now, but he was--belonged to the Assemblies of God. And the Assemblies of God is one of my great sponsors internationally; and the Foursquare, which was a pull away from the Assemblies of God, is one of my great sponsors. The Oneness, internationally, is one of my great sponsors. See?
And I just took that stand, only leaving sharp edges, and then took a stand that I will not take stands on either side of that fussing, until we can see we are brothers and come together, and then we'll--we'll all see that same direct point there, that we're coming to, the motive and objective of doing so.
And I just took that stand, only leaving sharp edges, and then took a stand that I will not take stands on either side of that fussing, until we can see we are brothers and come together, and then we'll--we'll all see that same direct point there, that we're coming to, the motive and objective of doing so.
E-33 De aceea, mă gîndesc că noi... Orice, aşa cum adesea am spus, fraţilor, voi care aţi fost în adunări, că, dacă eu sînt găsit vreodată că vorbesc lucruri care nu sînt după Scriptură, atunci eu cred că aceasta este adevărat ca... sau oricare alt frate, noi se cuvine să venim unul la altul şi să zicem, "Aceasta nu se găseşte în Biblie," vedeţi voi. Dacă aceasta este în Biblie, voi s¬ar putea să aveţi o interpretare diferită; însă, aceasta este, dacă îi în Scriptură, este în ordine.
E-33 And you--you must test your motive and objective first. First, find the will of God, and then find your objective, and then test your motive and see if your motive is right. Then as Jesus said in Mark 11:24, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart..." But as long as you got doubt in a heart whether it's the will of God, or your motive or objective is wrong, how is it going to move? But when you know that your motive is right, and it's the will of God, and your objective is right, it's got to move. That's all, or God told something wrong.
That is the very reason when I go to the platform in churches, no one has never heard me mention those things on platform, those issues; I just let them alone. See, that is up to you men. I'm here to help you win souls to Christ by a Divine gift. You see? See, it don't make any difference; you do your baptizing. But then when it come...
That is the very reason when I go to the platform in churches, no one has never heard me mention those things on platform, those issues; I just let them alone. See, that is up to you men. I'm here to help you win souls to Christ by a Divine gift. You see? See, it don't make any difference; you do your baptizing. But then when it come...
E-34 Acum, Pavel îşi dădea interpretarea lui despre ceea ce profetul a zis, şi ce a zis Moise, se împlinea. Iar el a întîlnit pe Isus pe drum, într-o vedenie. Şi acest Isus l-a strigat pe el.
E-34 'Course, I've been called everything. I've been called I don't know how many--anywhere from a--a incarnate son of God down to a devil. That's right: everything. But at the back of it all, I'm your brother, fellow citizen of the Kingdom of God, working with you all for the Kingdom, and that is true.
E-35 Care, nu trebuia să fie un lucru greu pentru aceşti Iudei, aşa cum el a spus, "Prea nobile Festus," şi-şi aşa mai departe, că aceasta, "ar fi acesta un lucru ciudat pentru tine, ca Dumnezeu să învieze morţii?" Vedeţi? "Deoarece dacă tu cunoşti ce era Dumnezeu acolo în urmă, prin-Scripturi, desigur tu ai cunoaşte că El este în stare să învieze morţii."
E-35 Now, I'll... If it's all right, and you think we have enough time, I'd like to tell you how we discussed that. Would it be all right, brethren, just for a minute: Brother Ness and them? All right, and it might be a little bit that would help you. It'd help you to understand kind of...
I wrote down here some of the things that I remembered and took off there, and so... They asked me, what did I believe about the trinity? Did I believe that there was a trinity of God?
I wrote down here some of the things that I remembered and took off there, and so... They asked me, what did I believe about the trinity? Did I believe that there was a trinity of God?
E-36 Şi apoi el a zis, el le-a dat din experienţa de pe drumul lui la Damasc, despre ceea ce s-a întîmplat, ca, să le facă cunoscut că acest Isus care-care ei făceau atît de multă tulburare despre el predicînd Aceasta, era tocmai Dumnezeu pe care ei l-au slujit tot timpul. Deoarece, El era în pustie cu ei, Care i-a călăuzit, fiind acea Lumină; Focul, Stîlpul de Foc care i-a condus. Şi El i-a apărut lui Pavel în acelaşi lucru, Lumina din nou, care l-a orbit. Şi el a întrebat, "Cine eşti Tu, Doamne?"
E-36 Now, brethren, when we approach this, I hope that when this is over, that we'll be the same brothers that we've been all along (See?); but I feel that I owe it to you, because your people comes to my meetings, and I certainly wouldn't want to send one of them away deceived. And I have always told the people who write me questions, outside of what I preach on the platform... And here's my secretary and so forth. If they ask me a question, "What about this?" or "What about that?" I said, "Ask your pastor, because if he's led you this far, till you received the Holy Ghost, he'll take you on." You see? "You ask your pastor," because little things like that causes confusion; and therefore, I leave away from it. You see?
E-37 Şi El a zis, "Eu sînt Isus, pe care tu îl prigoneşti. Şi este greu să loveşti împotriva ţăpuşilor."
E-37 Now, and I've been said that I was a fighter of organizations. Now, I am not. I think that organizations is wonderful, but when your system of your organization gets corrupt, that's what I'm against. See? And no matter whether it's Oneness, or--or it's the trinity, or whatever it is, the system that when you get to a spot you... Now to say, "We are the Assemblies of God."
"Well, who is that across the street?"
"Oh, that is our brethren. They are--they are called the United Pentecostals."
"Well, who's that over there?"
"Oh, that's the Foursquare brethren. Oh, we are wonderful brethren. We have a great fellowship one with the other."
"Oh, do you all believe the same thing?"
"Oh, yes, we believe..."
Now, "Well, what makes you this way?"
"Well, these brethren baptize this way, and these baptize this way, face...?... and these baptize..."
"Well, who is that across the street?"
"Oh, that is our brethren. They are--they are called the United Pentecostals."
"Well, who's that over there?"
"Oh, that's the Foursquare brethren. Oh, we are wonderful brethren. We have a great fellowship one with the other."
"Oh, do you all believe the same thing?"
"Oh, yes, we believe..."
Now, "Well, what makes you this way?"
"Well, these brethren baptize this way, and these baptize this way, face...?... and these baptize..."
E-38 Şi el încerca să le explice ce era aceasta, şi-şi el încerca să¬i înveţe că, ceea ce el prezenta oamenilor, aceea era, că, "Isus Cristos era Mesia, şi că El a murit, şi Dumnezeu L-a înviat." Şi aceasta era conform cu Scripturile. "Şi că El acum s-a înălţat Sus, la Dumnezeu Tatăl," şi căci-căci el era un martor al învierii Lui. Şi, că, aceste miracole, şi semne, şi minuni, care erau stranii înaintea oamenilor, nu era nimic nou la un adevărat, credincios după Scriptură, deoarece Biblia a vorbit despre aceasta.
E-38 Like in South Africa there, brethren, we run up on that. They asked me... One group baptizes three times face forward, and the other one baptized three times face backwards. And they said... I said, "Where do you get that?"
One said, "When He died, the Bible said He pitched forward," and said, "therefore we should pitch them forward."
And I said, "Well (to the other group) what did--what about you?"
Said, "Did you ever bury a man with his face down?"
Well, and you know what? They separated themselves and made two groups, two organizations. Oh mercy, brethren. That's just what the devil wants. That's just what he wants. But just... Get yourself...
One said, "When He died, the Bible said He pitched forward," and said, "therefore we should pitch them forward."
And I said, "Well (to the other group) what did--what about you?"
Said, "Did you ever bury a man with his face down?"
Well, and you know what? They separated themselves and made two groups, two organizations. Oh mercy, brethren. That's just what the devil wants. That's just what he wants. But just... Get yourself...
E-39 Uitaţi-vă înapoi în profeţi, cum că acesta a profeţit, ce, la venirea lui Mesia, şi ce va face El, "Ologul va sări ca un cerb," în Isaia 35 şi diferite Scripturi la care s-a putut el referi. Noi nu avem aceasta scris aici, însă probabil a mers înapoi şi s-a referit la aceasta în discursul lui scurt înaintea regilor; deoarece, ei probabil nu ar fi aşa de răbdători cu el cum sînteţi voi cu mine. Astfel, şi atunci el-el a explicat aceasta, şi a încercat să le spună că chiar Dumnezeu pe care ei l-au slujit...
E-39 Now, see, it's not the Apostolic Faith Mission, or--or either--either is the Pentecostal Assemblies, on the other side. It isn't that. They are fine men in both groups, like there is here. But you see, it's the system of the thing.
It is just like the Catholic, as I have often said: if he's a Catholic and depending on Christ for salvation, he's saved. Certainly, that's right. If he's depending on the church, he's lost. Any of you Pentecostal brethren know, if we're looking to the Pentecostal church to save us, we're among men most miserable. That's right, because we're lost. That's right. But if we're looking to Jesus Christ, then we're saved but by faith in what a finished work. And these little working things and brands, it doesn't make much difference.
It is just like the Catholic, as I have often said: if he's a Catholic and depending on Christ for salvation, he's saved. Certainly, that's right. If he's depending on the church, he's lost. Any of you Pentecostal brethren know, if we're looking to the Pentecostal church to save us, we're among men most miserable. That's right, because we're lost. That's right. But if we're looking to Jesus Christ, then we're saved but by faith in what a finished work. And these little working things and brands, it doesn't make much difference.
E-40 Şi atunci, iarăşi, el a zis, "Pe calea care este numită erezie," aceasta este, "nebunie," vedeţi. "Calea care este numită erezie, aceea este calea în care eu mă închin la Dumnezeul la care vă închinaţi voi." Vedeţi, "În calea care este numită erezie."
E-40 Now, I said to Brother Scism and Brother Ness, "To answer your question," I said, "now, I do not take either sides with you brethren, and I know, as long as you fuss, you're both wrong (See?), because I would rather be wrong in my doctrine and right in my heart, than to be right in my doctrine and wrong in my heart." See? I said, "After all, it's your heart's condition."
And I made that a practice to know this, that if a man, no matter what he does and how much he differs, and what he says about me, if in my heart, not from just a duty, but from my heart I can't love that man as well as I love anyone else, then I know there's something wrong in here. See? That's right, because it's--it's... No matter if he...
And I made that a practice to know this, that if a man, no matter what he does and how much he differs, and what he says about me, if in my heart, not from just a duty, but from my heart I can't love that man as well as I love anyone else, then I know there's something wrong in here. See? That's right, because it's--it's... No matter if he...
E-41 Eu sînt sigur că, astăzi, dacă noi stăteam cu bisericile trecute la care am aparţinut noi, aşa ca Presbiteriană, Catolică, Baptistă, şi cele diferite, noi am putea spune aceeaşi mărturisire la acei oameni care zic că ei vor, parcă, să pună pe fratele într-o izolare psihopatică, sau ceva de felul acesta. "În felul care se numeşte erezie, acela este felul în care eu mă închin la Dumnezeul părinţilor noştri."
E-41 A... the little brother come not long ago, a little Church of Christ brother, and oh, he stood up there, and he said, "This guy's a devil." See? He said, "He says there's a Holy Ghost." He said, "There is no such a thing. They... Only the twelve apostles received the Holy Ghost, and--and Divine healing was only give to those twelve apostles," and went on about a half hour.
And I said, "Just a moment, brother. I think you ought to give me just a chance to defend this. See?" I said, "You said that you spoke where the Bible spoke, and was silent where It was silent."
And he said, "We do."
I said, "Now, you said there was just the twelve apostles received the Holy Ghost. The Bible said there was a hundred and twenty in the upper room when the Holy Ghost fell: women and all. And would you mind to tell me, do you think Paul didn't have the Holy Ghost, and he received It a long time after that. (See?) And you said the gift of healing was only give to the twelve apostles, and Stephen went down a few days later, and he wasn't one of the twelve; he wasn't even a preacher; he was a deacon, and went down to Samaria and cast out devils and..." I said, "Oh, brother," it was very silent right here where he had to keep it. And after it was over I said, "I forgive you for calling me a devil, 'cause I know you didn't mean that."
Then when he got finished, he come up; he said, "There's one thing I can say, you have the Spirit of Christ."
I said, "Now, brother, which am I? a devil or of Christ?" See, see?
And I said, "Just a moment, brother. I think you ought to give me just a chance to defend this. See?" I said, "You said that you spoke where the Bible spoke, and was silent where It was silent."
And he said, "We do."
I said, "Now, you said there was just the twelve apostles received the Holy Ghost. The Bible said there was a hundred and twenty in the upper room when the Holy Ghost fell: women and all. And would you mind to tell me, do you think Paul didn't have the Holy Ghost, and he received It a long time after that. (See?) And you said the gift of healing was only give to the twelve apostles, and Stephen went down a few days later, and he wasn't one of the twelve; he wasn't even a preacher; he was a deacon, and went down to Samaria and cast out devils and..." I said, "Oh, brother," it was very silent right here where he had to keep it. And after it was over I said, "I forgive you for calling me a devil, 'cause I know you didn't mean that."
Then when he got finished, he come up; he said, "There's one thing I can say, you have the Spirit of Christ."
I said, "Now, brother, which am I? a devil or of Christ?" See, see?
E-42 Şi ce mare mărturisire era aceea înaintea lui Agripa, pînă cînd chiar în mijlocul vorbirii lui, Agripa a strigat, şi a zis, "Pavel, Saul, tu aproape mă convingi să fiu un Creştin." Vedeţi, cum, el a adus Scripturile aşa de clar, deşi era contrar cu propria lui sinagogă. Însă Scripturile erau aşa perfect de clare, încît el a zis, "Tu aproape că mai convins să fiu cum eşti tu."
E-42 But I tell you (See?), because that a man, he could tell that I loved him. No matter, he was disagreeing and horribly disagreeing and lambasting...
I'm a hunter, and with wild beasts, all my life. And people have said, "How..." That time when I had to kill that bear with a knife (See?), said, "Wasn't you afraid of him?"
I said, "No. If I'd have been afraid of him, he'd killed me." But see, you can't--you can't bluff them. They know whether you're afraid of them or not. You be afraid of a horse, and watch what a horse will do--he'll stomp you. So if you're afraid, you can't bluff it. You've really got to have it.
I'm a hunter, and with wild beasts, all my life. And people have said, "How..." That time when I had to kill that bear with a knife (See?), said, "Wasn't you afraid of him?"
I said, "No. If I'd have been afraid of him, he'd killed me." But see, you can't--you can't bluff them. They know whether you're afraid of them or not. You be afraid of a horse, and watch what a horse will do--he'll stomp you. So if you're afraid, you can't bluff it. You've really got to have it.
E-43 Pavel a zis, "Eu doresc ca tu să fii, întru totul, numai că eu nu aş vrea ca tu să fii în aceste lanţuri în care sînt eu, tu vezi," ci să fie un credincios cum era el. În alte cuvinte, dacă eu... "Eu doresc către Dumnezeu ca tu să fi văzut revelaţia cum-cum o văd eu." În alte cuvinte, "Eu-eu doresc ca tu să fi putut face asta." Vedeţi? "Eu doar doresc ca tu să fi putut."
E-43 That's the way it is with Satan. That's the way it is among men. You have got to love men. You can't just bluff it. You've got to have it, or your colors will show somewhere. See? That's right. You have really got to love people, and they know you love them. See, there's something about it.
And the man now called my wife a few days ago and said, "Is Brother Branham there?"
Said, "No."
Said, "Well, one thing I'll have to say, I disagreed with him in theology, but I say he's a servant of Christ."
Well then... And then, before I left he sent a letter to me, and he said, "I'm coming up as soon as you get back. I want that baptism of the Holy Ghost that you're talking about."
And the man now called my wife a few days ago and said, "Is Brother Branham there?"
Said, "No."
Said, "Well, one thing I'll have to say, I disagreed with him in theology, but I say he's a servant of Christ."
Well then... And then, before I left he sent a letter to me, and he said, "I'm coming up as soon as you get back. I want that baptism of the Holy Ghost that you're talking about."
E-44 Cînd, Festus, eu cred, i-a spus lui că el a "studiat prea mult," el era "deraiat la capul lui." Însă el l-a lăsat să cunoască că el-că el nu era; că el-el ştia unde era el.
E-44 So you see just where... If you'd of... If I'd have had that feeling of saying, "Why, there's nothing to you. Your old denomination is no good, and--and all you Church of Christ people's no good. You're no good; you're--you're devils," I'd never have won that man. And if I would've told him that I loved him, and didn't mean it in my heart, he'd have knowed better. Now, that's--that's all there is to it. You've got to mean it in your heart.
And that's on the nights when I walk out on that platform under that discernment. See? I don't think about it. I just don't eat food from dinner time, and fast, and pray, and stay in the room, because He promised me He would do it; and therefore, I go without one shadow of doubt, because He promised He would do it. Therefore (See?), I know my motive is what? My objective is what? For the furtherment of the Kingdom of God. If a man goes this way, that way, whatever church he goes, as long as he comes to Christ, it doesn't matter to me, and that is in my heart. See? And no matter if we go over and join the Church of Christ, that's just all right. That's fine. If he... What church he joins, it doesn't matter to me, but as long as I won his soul with Christ, is the main thing.
And that's on the nights when I walk out on that platform under that discernment. See? I don't think about it. I just don't eat food from dinner time, and fast, and pray, and stay in the room, because He promised me He would do it; and therefore, I go without one shadow of doubt, because He promised He would do it. Therefore (See?), I know my motive is what? My objective is what? For the furtherment of the Kingdom of God. If a man goes this way, that way, whatever church he goes, as long as he comes to Christ, it doesn't matter to me, and that is in my heart. See? And no matter if we go over and join the Church of Christ, that's just all right. That's fine. If he... What church he joins, it doesn't matter to me, but as long as I won his soul with Christ, is the main thing.
E-45 Şi eu aş spune asta, în această dimineaţă, fraţilor. Eu cu totul aş dori ca eu să pot... A nu implica viaţa lui Pavel, ci doar pentru a da puţină discuţie de bază. Căci, există mult mai mulţi aici care probabil că vor vorbi în această dimineaţă, însă eu am vrut această ocazie să spun asta. Acum eu doresc ca fiecare biserică diferită, aşa cum eu v-am auzit mergînd jos, Templul Betel, Independentă, Adunările lui Dumnezeu, şi diferite altele... Eu doresc ca întru totul voi să puteţi vedea ceea ce eu văd; ca voi să puteţi. Eu doresc ca voi să puteţi vedea vedenia pe care eu o văd, atunci voi aţi avea o înţelegere mai clară, aceea despre slujbă.
E-45 So I said, "Brother Ness, not to be different..." Now, I am going... Is it all right to use this, brother? I said, "I want to say and explain..." And in this, I might say to you brethren here. Now, don't mention this amongst your congregation, if you will, and do me a favor, just--just--just let me just be your brother (See?), and I'll... And if--if I'm wrong, then you forgive me. But I want to explain to you, being that there's both groups setting here this morning, both the Oneness and the Assemblies, also, and the trinitarian belief...
Now, I want to make this statement. I want to say that I believe that both sides are wrong as long as they argue one with the other, because their motives is wrong. And as long as your motives is wrong, no matter what your objective is; but your motive to that objective is wrong, then it'll never work. That's right.
Now, I want to make this statement. I want to say that I believe that both sides are wrong as long as they argue one with the other, because their motives is wrong. And as long as your motives is wrong, no matter what your objective is; but your motive to that objective is wrong, then it'll never work. That's right.
E-46 Cînd eu am părăsit biserica Baptistă, să vin dincoace în penticostali; şi Dr. Roy E. Davis, care m-a ordinat în biserica Misionară Baptistă, mi-a spus că eu am avut un coşmar, cînd a venit vedenia Domnului şi-şi mi-a vorbit. Şi-şi voi ştiţi ce era vindecarea atunci, aceasta era în declin.
E-46 Now, some people have said, "Brother Branham, you are a 'Jesus Only.'"
I want to say that that is in error. I am not a "Jesus Only."
Somebody says, "Brother Branham, are you a trinitarian?"
No, sir. I am not a trinitarian; I'm a Christian. See? Now, I--I don't... The word "trinitarian" don't even mention in the Bible--the word "trinity." And I do not believe that there is three individual gods. I believe there is one God in three offices: Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That's exactly why we were commissioned to baptize in the Name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. I believe that it's God condescending, coming down.
I want to say that that is in error. I am not a "Jesus Only."
Somebody says, "Brother Branham, are you a trinitarian?"
No, sir. I am not a trinitarian; I'm a Christian. See? Now, I--I don't... The word "trinitarian" don't even mention in the Bible--the word "trinity." And I do not believe that there is three individual gods. I believe there is one God in three offices: Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That's exactly why we were commissioned to baptize in the Name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. I believe that it's God condescending, coming down.
E-47 Şi-şi eu nu am ştiut nimic despre Penticostali. Eu am auzit că ei erau o grămadă de holy-rollers care se întindeau pe duşumea şi spumegau ca şi cîinii turbaţi, şi ei trebuiau să-i ventileze şi să-i aducă înapoi la viaţă, şi toate ca acestea. Asta¬i tot ce am ştiut eu despre poporul Penticostal.
El a zis, "Cine crezi tu că te va asculta?"
El a zis, "Cine crezi tu că te va asculta?"
E-47 Now, God, when He first appeared to men, He was in a form of a Pillar of Fire. You believe that, don't you? The... Any Bible reader that knows that the Pillar of Fire that was in the wilderness was the Logos, that--that was the Angel of the Covenant, which was Christ, because He said He was... It wasn't... I believe it was St. John 6 there, He said, "Before Abraham was, I Am." He was the I AM. So that was God holy. Even if a man touched the mountain, he must be killed. See? All right.
E-48 Am zis, "Dacă Dumnezeu mă trimite, există pe undeva şi cineva la care El mă trimite." Asta-i adevărat. Vedeţi? Căci, am zis, "Dr. Davis," am zis, "El era tot aşa real; eu am stat şi am privit la El," am zis. Ei mi-au spus că acele vedenii...
E-48 Now, that same God was trying to work Himself back into His creature, that He created. Now, He could not come near them because they were sinful, and the blood of goats and sheep never did take away sin; we know that. It just covered sin. Now, but then that same God that was the Pillar of Fire, He became flesh through His Son, and dwelt in a body called the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible said, "In Him dwells the Fullness of the Godhead bodily." And Jesus said in... Well, I Timothy 3:16 "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness," and if they could call it great, why, what would we do. See? "Great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh, and seen of angels, and received up into glory," and so forth.
E-49 Eu sînt un mare credincios, fraţilor, că-că darurile şi chemările sînt fără pocăinţă. Eu-eu cred asta. Tu eşti născut, tu nu poţi să fii ceva ceea ce nu eşti. Şi oricînd încerci tu să te faci pe tine ceva ceea ce nu eşti, tu joci doar partea unui făţarnic. Şi Dumnezeu să mă lase să mor înainte ca să fiu un făţarnic, vedeţi. Lăsaţi-mă să fiu doar ceea ce sînt, şi atunci fac aceasta simplu şi clar. Şi-şi, atunci, lăsaţi-lăsaţi-mă să fiu aşa, şi atunci fiecare ştie. Atunci voi ştiţi întocmai exact.
E-49 Now, and He said in St. John 14 to Thomas, "When you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. And why sayest thou, 'Show us the Father?'" The Bible said that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.
Now, God cannot be three people, three gods, neither can Jesus be His Own Father in one. See? So, you see, it makes both radically wrong.
And now, if you'll just notice, there is no place... If we've got three gods, we're heathens. Now, we know that. Like the Jew said to me one time when I was talking to him, said, "Which one of them is your god? Which one is your god: the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost? Which one is yours?"
And I said, "Why, there's no three gods."
He said, "You can't chop--chop God in three pieces and give Him to a Jew."
I said, "No, sir."
I said... When John Rhyn had been healed of blindness there at Ft. Wayne, you know, and this rabbi up here at Mishawaka--or to Benton Harbor, he said, "You can't chop God in no three pieces and give Him to a Jew."
I said, "Certainly not." I told him, I said, "Rabbi, would it be hard for you to believe the prophets?"
He said, "No."
Now, God cannot be three people, three gods, neither can Jesus be His Own Father in one. See? So, you see, it makes both radically wrong.
And now, if you'll just notice, there is no place... If we've got three gods, we're heathens. Now, we know that. Like the Jew said to me one time when I was talking to him, said, "Which one of them is your god? Which one is your god: the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost? Which one is yours?"
And I said, "Why, there's no three gods."
He said, "You can't chop--chop God in three pieces and give Him to a Jew."
I said, "No, sir."
I said... When John Rhyn had been healed of blindness there at Ft. Wayne, you know, and this rabbi up here at Mishawaka--or to Benton Harbor, he said, "You can't chop God in no three pieces and give Him to a Jew."
I said, "Certainly not." I told him, I said, "Rabbi, would it be hard for you to believe the prophets?"
He said, "No."
E-50 Şi astfel acum, aşa cum voi ştiţi, eu nu am obţinut prea mult dintr-o şcolarizare, după cum am spus. Astfel în a mea... în teologie, eu sînt cel mai sărac din cîţi există. Şi eu presupun că voi cunoaşteţi asta, vedeţi. Şi ca un predicator, eu cu greu m-aş putea chiar numi unul, din cauza neobţinerii şcolarizării şi a cunoaşte cuvinte, şi aşa mai departe. Dar puţinul pe care îl am, să... cum cunoştinţa mea de a cunoaşte, prin harul Lui, Domnul Isus, eu încerc să împart aceasta cu toţi fraţii mei de pretutindeni, să împart aceasta.
E-50 I said, "In Isaiah 9:6, Who is he talking about? 'To us a Child is born, a Son is given, be called Counseller, Mighty God, Prince of Peace?'"
He said, "That was the Messiah."
I said, "Then, Rabbi, what relation will Messiah be to God?"
He said, "He will be God."
That's what I thought. See? I said, "See, that's exactly right. That's what He is." And so I said, "Tell me now where Jesus failed to fulfill exactly what the prophet said He would do"; and he started to cry and walked out. I said, "By that, John Rhyn has his sight."
And he said, "Far be it from God having a son."
I said, "The great Jehovah overshadowed a woman, as the prophet said He would, and He created a Blood cell, and through that blood cell is where come forth the body of Christ."
He said, "That was the Messiah."
I said, "Then, Rabbi, what relation will Messiah be to God?"
He said, "He will be God."
That's what I thought. See? I said, "See, that's exactly right. That's what He is." And so I said, "Tell me now where Jesus failed to fulfill exactly what the prophet said He would do"; and he started to cry and walked out. I said, "By that, John Rhyn has his sight."
And he said, "Far be it from God having a son."
I said, "The great Jehovah overshadowed a woman, as the prophet said He would, and He created a Blood cell, and through that blood cell is where come forth the body of Christ."
E-51 Şi, însă, cînd eu am părăsit biserica Baptistă; care este singura biserică în care eu am intrat vreodată, sau în care am fost ordinat. Şi eu am fost ordinat în 1933, în biserica Misionară Baptistă, Jeffersonville, Indiana. Aceasta este o-o... aceasta este o membră a Convenţiei Baptiste din Sud. Apoi noi, în acest timp, eu... cînd m-am retras şi doar...
E-51 "Look in the Old Testament, Rabbi," I said. "When a man went to make an offering, he took a lamb. He knowed he had broke the commandments of God, so he took a lamb. He confessed his sins, and this lamb was killed. While the--his hands being on the lamb, his confession that he knowed that he should die for his sins, but the lamb was taking his place; and the blood cell was broke, and he held the little lamb by his hand until he felt its little life go out of it and stiffen out, and then the priest, of course, throwed the blood on the--on the fire, the brazen altar of judgment. Then," I said, "that man, then he went out of there knowing that the lamb had took his place, but he went out with the same desire he had when he come in (See?), because it could not take away sin. (See?) But, then in this case, the worshipper once purged, has no more conscience of sin. There, they was an offering made yearly," but I said, "now there is this time the worshipper once purged has no more conscience of sin; because look, Rabbi, in the hemoglobin, that little life that begins in the cell, which it comes from the male sex into the female, and she produces the egg. But a hen can lay an egg, but if it hasn't been with the male bird, it'll never hatch."
E-52 Acum, biserica Baptistă este o biserică suverană. Noi-noi toţi ştim asta, că ea este o-ea este o... Tu poţi să predici despre orice vrei tu, dacă adunarea ta va sta pentru aceasta. Ei doar... Tu vrei să predici orice doreşti tu.
E-52 And I said, "Then God, the greatest that filled all time and space, became down to one little germ to the womb of a woman." And then I said, "When we are saved today... Jesus was neither Jew nor Gentile, because the egg only produced the flesh. The Blood had the life, so we are... The Bible said we are saved by the Blood of God. See? He was neither Jew nor Gentile; He was God; therefore, when we come to the altar, and put our hands by faith upon His head, and feel the tearing and agony at Calvary, and confess our sins, that we are wrong, and He died in our place, then (You see?)," I said, "the blood of that lamb could not come back upon this... The blood that the cell was broke, and the life that was let loose and breaking this blood cell of the lamb, could not come back upon the worshipper, because it was a animal life, and it would not coincide with the human life."
E-53 Şi mie îmi place asta, vedeţi, deoarece eu cred că aceasta este apostolic. Deoarece, capul, cel mai înalt ordin în biserică, este păstorul, noi ne dăm seama de asta, pastorul. Şi-şi dacă-... Dacă vreun episcop sau altcineva o să scoată revelaţia afară din pastor, atunci cum are Dumnezeu să lucreze vreodată în biserica lui? Voi vedeţi, voi doar nu o puteţi obţine. Astfel, şi eu am...
E-53 "But this time, when that blood cell was broke, it wasn't merely a man; that was God's Life was released. And when the worshipper lays his hands by faith upon the Son of God and confesses his sins, not the life of another man, but the Life of God comes back into this man, which is Eternal Life. The word "Zoe," which is translated "God's Own Life," and He said He'd give us Zoe, Eternal Life. And now we are sons and daughters of God. There you are."
I said, "Now, what is it? It's God condescending." He came first. No man could touch Him, because man had sinned. Then He was come down in a body in order to taste sin, to take sin. See, He... The only thing God could do to be just was do it that way.
I said, "Now, what is it? It's God condescending." He came first. No man could touch Him, because man had sinned. Then He was come down in a body in order to taste sin, to take sin. See, He... The only thing God could do to be just was do it that way.
E-54 Cînd eu am venit afară de acolo, eu m-am întîlnit cu primul grup, care era vindecarea micuţei Betty Daugherty, la St. Louis, Missouri. Şi aceasta era o Penticostală Unită, sau o biserică Penticostală Numele lui Isus, şi la care aparţinea acest pastor, şi fetiţa lui a fost vindecată. Sincer, mă gîndeam că aceasta era ceea ce l-a făcut pe el penticostal, era deoarece ei se numeau pe ei, "Numai Isus." Şi mă gîndeam că aceasta era ceea ce i-a făcut pe ei penticostali, era pentru că aceea era ce se chemau ei înşişi, şi aceea era diferenţa. Astfel, păi, atunci de acolo eu am mers la...
E-54 For instance, what if I had the jurisdiction of this audience this morning like that God had over the human race, and I said, "The first man looks at that post dies," and Tommy Hicks looks at it? Now, for instance, I say, "Brother Carlson, you die for him." That wouldn't be just. I'd say, "Leo, you're my secretary; you die for him." That wouldn't be just. "Billy Paul, my son, you die for him." That isn't just. The only way I can be just is take his place myself, and that's what God did.
He, God is a Spirit, and He created... He--He changed His cast. It ought to be striking to people to think of little Jehovah. He could've come a full-grown man, but He come into a manger over a manure pile: Little Jehovah crying like a baby, little Jehovah playing like a boy, little Jehovah carpenter like a workman, little Jehovah in the teen-age, Jehovah, hanging between heavens and earth with gobs of drunken slobbers and spits of soldiers upon His face, Jehovah dying for His children, Jehovah dying to redeem, Not another person, but God Himself. See? God--that was His office. Why? He's trying to get back to the heart of man.
He, God is a Spirit, and He created... He--He changed His cast. It ought to be striking to people to think of little Jehovah. He could've come a full-grown man, but He come into a manger over a manure pile: Little Jehovah crying like a baby, little Jehovah playing like a boy, little Jehovah carpenter like a workman, little Jehovah in the teen-age, Jehovah, hanging between heavens and earth with gobs of drunken slobbers and spits of soldiers upon His face, Jehovah dying for His children, Jehovah dying to redeem, Not another person, but God Himself. See? God--that was His office. Why? He's trying to get back to the heart of man.
E-55 Şi un om minunat; a avut un mare miting în St. Louis, în care fotografia apare acolo. Şi noi am avut Auditoriumul Kiel; şi prima seară, sau a doua, acolo erau patrusprezece mii au umplut-o, şi noi nici măcar nu puteam... a trebuit să punem poliţie în jur la uşi, să-i ţinem departe.
E-55 Now, we couldn't touch Him there. Here, we felt Him with our hand. Now, what did He do through the offering of that body? He becomes Jehovah in us. We are parts of Him.
On the day of Pentecost the Pillar of Fire bursted Itself up, and tongues of fire set upon each one, showing that God was separating Himself amongst His church. Then, brethren, we can only get together and bring that together. Then we got Jehovah in the Fullness, when we come together. But how can we, when this one speaking in tongues and got the baptism, and this one... And then keeping this lick of fire over here, and this one... Let's put it together.
On the day of Pentecost the Pillar of Fire bursted Itself up, and tongues of fire set upon each one, showing that God was separating Himself amongst His church. Then, brethren, we can only get together and bring that together. Then we got Jehovah in the Fullness, when we come together. But how can we, when this one speaking in tongues and got the baptism, and this one... And then keeping this lick of fire over here, and this one... Let's put it together.
E-56 Şi atunci de acolo, jos înainte la Richard T. Reed, de la Tabernacolul Vechii Ore Biblice Binecuvîntate, la Jonesboro, care era deasemeni din aceeaşi organizaţie. Şi de la aceea, la Dr. G. H. Brown, aceeaşi organizaţie, la 505 Victor Street în Little Rock, Arkansas. Şi, de acolo, la Coasta de Vest.
E-56 When God on the day of Pentecost come down, and the Bible said, "tongues of fire set upon each of them," and they--tongues, like a fire, licks. It was that Pillar of Fire separating Itself and dividing Itself amongst the people, that we would be brethren. "That day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me; I in Me and you in Me," and we--well we're one. We are one, not divided.
E-57 Şi apoi cînd eu ajung la Coasta de Vest, eu ating focul. Apoi am aflat că acolo erau aşa multe diviziuni printre poporul penticostal, în organizaţiile lor, cum avem noi Baptiştii. Vedeţi, ei erau-ei erau aşa de mult diferiţi, ei aveau acolo, ei aveau diferit. Acolo erau Adunările lui Dumnezeu, şi Biserica lui Dumnezeu, şi cea altfel, şi cea altfel, şi cea altfel, şi-şi cele diferite. Şi ei s-au separat pe ei înşişi, şi au tras linii de graniţe mici. Şi toţi ceilalţi fraţi au început să vină la mine, şi să-mi spună, "Păi, tu eşti un Isus Numai, [Nume de denominaţiune – Trans.] cu acest grup de aici."
E-57 Now, Jehovah God, up here, couldn't touch the human race, because of His Own law of holiness. Jehovah God became sin for us and paid the price that the same Jehovah God could come and live in us: God above us, God with us, God in us: not three gods; one God.
Professors go crazy trying to figure it out. Just it's a revelation. It's got to be revealed to you.
Now, now, when it comes to the baptism... now many people... "Now, you've got to do that, brethren," or it's like I said to Brother Scism and to Brother Ness, that if you... The--the argument came up, and many of you scholars here is more sufficient than I, but I've done much studying upon the subject. I read that "Pre-Nicene Fathers," the "Nicene Council," and all the historians, and so forth. That issue come up at the Nicene Council. Both sides went to seed when the Catholic church took the extreme trinitarian side, and the other one went to unitarian, and both sides went out. Exactly right, because man had something to do into it. You've got to let God do it. No need of us trying to figure it out. Let's be brothers. Let's just go on and let God do the thing that He's going to do. If He's infinite and knows all things and predicted the end from the beginning, how can we do anything about it? Just keep moving on. That's the way... Keep in step, as I said last night, with our great Joshua.
Professors go crazy trying to figure it out. Just it's a revelation. It's got to be revealed to you.
Now, now, when it comes to the baptism... now many people... "Now, you've got to do that, brethren," or it's like I said to Brother Scism and to Brother Ness, that if you... The--the argument came up, and many of you scholars here is more sufficient than I, but I've done much studying upon the subject. I read that "Pre-Nicene Fathers," the "Nicene Council," and all the historians, and so forth. That issue come up at the Nicene Council. Both sides went to seed when the Catholic church took the extreme trinitarian side, and the other one went to unitarian, and both sides went out. Exactly right, because man had something to do into it. You've got to let God do it. No need of us trying to figure it out. Let's be brothers. Let's just go on and let God do the thing that He's going to do. If He's infinite and knows all things and predicted the end from the beginning, how can we do anything about it? Just keep moving on. That's the way... Keep in step, as I said last night, with our great Joshua.
E-58 Am zis, "Nu, eu nu-eu nu mă numesc asta." Vedeţi? El a zis, "Păi, tu te asociezi cu ei." Am zis, "Păi, aceea-aceea nu mă face asta." Înţelegeţi? Şi am zis, "Eu-eu-eu doar... Ei erau fraţi."
E-58 Now, look: if there is three gods... I just want to show you how ridiculous this is. If there is three gods, then Jesus was His Own Father... Jesus could not been His Own Father, being one. And if there/s three, he wasn't born a virgin birth. Now, how many...
I'm going to say this is God the Father, and this is God the Son, and this is God the Holy Ghost. Now, to you different brethren here, you watch this just a minute and you see what I'm trying to point at. I pray that God will let you see it. Now, look, you both believe the same thing, but the devil's just got between you and broke you up about it. It's exactly the same thing, and I'll prove it to you by the help of God and with God's Bible. If it ain't the Bible, then don't receive it. That's right.
I'm going to say this is God the Father, and this is God the Son, and this is God the Holy Ghost. Now, to you different brethren here, you watch this just a minute and you see what I'm trying to point at. I pray that God will let you see it. Now, look, you both believe the same thing, but the devil's just got between you and broke you up about it. It's exactly the same thing, and I'll prove it to you by the help of God and with God's Bible. If it ain't the Bible, then don't receive it. That's right.
E-59 Şi el a zis, "Păi, ei sînt o grămadă de... Păi, ei nu au nimic decît o grămadă de ulii cuibăriţi şi alte lucruri, în jur, în felul acesta. Unde..."
E-59 But now look: This is what? God the Father; this is God the Son; this is God the Holy Ghost. Well now, let's stop now just a minute, laying those three out there: God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Oh, I--I ain't going to have time to do this. I...?... See? Well, I'll hurry just as quick as I can. Forgive me, my brethren, but I--I've never got to talk to you now, and I--I want to do this.
Oh, I--I ain't going to have time to do this. I...?... See? Well, I'll hurry just as quick as I can. Forgive me, my brethren, but I--I've never got to talk to you now, and I--I want to do this.
E-60 Am zis, "Acum, eu îmi cer scuze. Eu întîlnesc oameni cu adevărat evlavioşi acolo. Şi ei sînt oameni ai lui Dumnezeu." Şi am zis, "Eu-eu desigur sînt ofensat să-i chemi răi; deoarece, ei nu sînt."
E-60 And then look: God the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. Now, Who was the Father of Jesus Christ? God was the Father of Jesus Christ. We all believe that. Is that right? All right. Now, when we take Matthew 28:19, when Jesus said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." Ten days afterwards Peter said, "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ." There's a straight contradiction somewhere. Now, let's don't--don't just... Everybody's testified and things. Here it is. Here's my belief, and I'm just laying it out before you, brethren. I don't say this out in the pulpits. It's up to you, but I want to show you what I see on both sides, so the Holy Spirit reveal it to you. See?
E-61 Păi, atunci eu am încercat să reţin aceasta atît de mult cît am putut, fără să mă exprim în vreun fel. Păi, eu am început să studiez ce erau ideile lor, şi ce era separarea lor, şi ce i-a făcut să se separe. Şi am aflat că două din marile grupuri, unul din ele, a fost numit Isus Numai, şi celălalt a fost numit Adunarea lui Dumnezeu. Şi ei au fost chemaţi afară, sau separaţi, din cauza discuţiei cu botezul în apă; una folosind "Tată, Fiu, Duhul Sfînt," şi cealaltă folosind Numele lui "Isus."
E-61 Now, Matthew 28:19, and if Matthew 28:19 contradicts Acts 2:38, then there's a contradiction in the Bible, and It's not worth the paper It's wrote on.
Now, if you will notice in Matthew the 16th chapter, Jesus gave to Peter the revelation and give Him the keys. Now, remember, the Bible is not revealed by theology of some manmade scheme. It's not. It's a revelation.
It was a revelation to begin with. Why did Abel offer unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain? It was revealed to him that it wasn't peaches, and apples, and oranges, and apples that... If apples will make women realize they're naked, we better pass the apples again, brother. Don't you think so? That sounds sacrilegious, but I don't mean to say that; but it wasn't apples. No, sir. Now, and if that be so, then it was revealed to Abel that he was the blood of his father, so he offered blood, because it was a revelation. The whole thing's built upon that.
Now, if you will notice in Matthew the 16th chapter, Jesus gave to Peter the revelation and give Him the keys. Now, remember, the Bible is not revealed by theology of some manmade scheme. It's not. It's a revelation.
It was a revelation to begin with. Why did Abel offer unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain? It was revealed to him that it wasn't peaches, and apples, and oranges, and apples that... If apples will make women realize they're naked, we better pass the apples again, brother. Don't you think so? That sounds sacrilegious, but I don't mean to say that; but it wasn't apples. No, sir. Now, and if that be so, then it was revealed to Abel that he was the blood of his father, so he offered blood, because it was a revelation. The whole thing's built upon that.
E-62 Păi, m-am uitat, şi pe ambele părţi acolo erau oameni mari, slujitori ai lui Dumnezeu. Şi mă gîndeam, "O Dumnezeule, dacă eu i-aş putea vedea pe toţi să apară, şi doar să meargă înainte şi să aibe... şi să nu tragă doar liniile lor, şi să zică, 'Noi nu vom avea părtăşie unul cu altul."' Însă eu am aflat, în asta, că duhul rău a ajuns printre ei şi a cauzat ură şi răutate, asupra chestiunilor care au venit între ei. Mă gîndeam, asta-i doar exact aşa de bine cum vrea Diavolul. Asta-i întocmai ceea ce el vrea. Atît timp cît armele voastre sînt îndreptate unul către altul, el nu trebuie să se lupte nici un pic. Şi eu...
E-62 Now, look, here is an old ignorant fisherman. Not even enough education; the Bible said he was ignorant and unlearned. But he was standing there, and Jesus asked the question, "Who do you say I, the Son of man, am?"
One said, "Why, You're--You're Moses. They say you're Moses."
Who does... They say I'm...
One said, "Why, you are Jeremias or the prophets," and this, that, the other.
He said, "That's not the question. I asked you. Who do you say that I am?"
And Peter stated right out and said, "Thou art the Son of God."
And He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas. (Now watch.) Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father, which is in heaven." See?
One said, "Why, You're--You're Moses. They say you're Moses."
Who does... They say I'm...
One said, "Why, you are Jeremias or the prophets," and this, that, the other.
He said, "That's not the question. I asked you. Who do you say that I am?"
And Peter stated right out and said, "Thou art the Son of God."
And He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas. (Now watch.) Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father, which is in heaven." See?
E-63 Şi astfel atunci, în final, aceasta a ajuns la o explicaţie. Şi acea explicaţie era la Seattle, Washington, cam în 1946. Şi într-o dimineaţă eu am fost adus în holul unui hotel, ceva de felul acesta, cu un-un mic dejun al unor lucrători. Şi eu a trebuit să discut cu doi oameni principali.
E-63 Now, watch. Now, the Catholic church says that He built the church upon Peter. That's wrong. The Protestant church says He built it upon Himself; but now watch and find out, see if it is. He built it upon the spiritual revelation of Who He was, because He said, "Blessed art thou Simon, son of Jonas; flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. I say thou art Simon, upon this rock (What rock? The revelation.) I will build My church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it."
Then when Peter standing present when Matthew 28 was quoted, and turned around, and ten days later, with that revelation, and baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why did he do it with the revelation of God and had the keys to the Kingdom, brother?
Then when Peter standing present when Matthew 28 was quoted, and turned around, and ten days later, with that revelation, and baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why did he do it with the revelation of God and had the keys to the Kingdom, brother?
E-64 Şi unul din ei era Dr. Ness. Eu presupun că voi fraţii din Adunările lui Dumnezeu vă amintiţi de el. El era în teritoriul de nord-vest; un om mare, deştept, de ştiinţă. Şi el a reprezentat Adunările lui Dumnezeu.
E-64 Now, I might hurt you for a minute, one side of you. But stop just a minute. There is not one place in the Bible where any persons was ever baptized in the Name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. There's not one place in the Scriptures; and if there is, produce it; and if you can find anywhere in the sacred history until the forming of the Catholic church, I want you to produce it. There's no place now, and that's true.
But now wait a minute, you Oneness; just a second. Now, there's no place where... If any man can show me one text of Scripture where that ceremony was used in the Bible of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, you're obligated to come, tell me where somebody was baptized like that.
But now wait a minute, you Oneness; just a second. Now, there's no place where... If any man can show me one text of Scripture where that ceremony was used in the Bible of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, you're obligated to come, tell me where somebody was baptized like that.
E-65 Şi atunci, Dr. Seism, de la biserica Penticostală Unită. Eu presupun că voi fraţii din Penticostala Unită vă amintiţi de el. El era deasemeni din teritoriile din nord-vest sus acolo, că el era peste ei şi districtele de acolo.
E-65 And some of them said, "Well, I'll take what Jesus said, not what Peter said." If they were contrary one to another, what are we going to do? If it all ain't God, what part of the Bible is right? It's all got to coincide and come together, and only the revelation of God; our schools will never teach it. It's a revelation that you must see it.
Then, if them two man were contrary one to another, then what kind of a Bible are we reading? How do I know whether John 14 is right or not? How do I know whether John 3 is right or not? How--how--how do I know? See? But the only way that I can have faith in God is to know that that Bible is right and believe It's right and stay right with It. Though I don't understand It, I move It anyhow. But when these contradictions comes up, then I go before God to find out. And the same Angel that meets me in the meeting in the night, is the same One Who taught me this. See?
Then, if them two man were contrary one to another, then what kind of a Bible are we reading? How do I know whether John 14 is right or not? How do I know whether John 3 is right or not? How--how--how do I know? See? But the only way that I can have faith in God is to know that that Bible is right and believe It's right and stay right with It. Though I don't understand It, I move It anyhow. But when these contradictions comes up, then I go before God to find out. And the same Angel that meets me in the meeting in the night, is the same One Who taught me this. See?
E-66 Păi, aceşti doi oameni s-au întîlnit. Şi eu urma să fiu adus înaintea lor, deoarece-tăişurile deveneau ascuţite, şi aceasta tăia către mine din fiecare parte. Şi mă gîndeam, "Ce trebuie eu să fac? Ce pot eu face?"
E-66 Now, see if this is how this is, now... Now, Matthew 28:19, let's watch just a moment, now. And now I'm going to take Acts 2:38 right here, where Peter said, "the Lord Jesus Christ," and Matthew said, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." Now, listen. He said, Baptize them not in the Name of the Father, in the Name of the Son, in the Name of the Holy Ghost; he never said that. There's no name, and name, and name. He never said, "Baptize them in the names of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," 'cause it is not even sensible. He said, "Baptize them in the Name, N-a-m-e, of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Is that right? ... of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the conjunction and, and, and. Not names, not in the Name of the Father, Name of the Son, Name of the Holy Ghost; not in the names of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; but in the Name, N-a-m-e (singular), of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Now, which one of them is the right name to baptize in? It's one Name. Which one is it? Is Father the right name? or Son the right name? or is Holy Ghost the right name? It's a Name somewhere. Is that right?
E-67 Acum, ei bine, ei au zis, "Păi, tu trebuie să iei partea cu unul sau cu celălalt. Dacă tu o să mergi cu Numele lui Isus, tu trebuie să fii Numele lui Isus. Şi dacă tu mergi cu Adunările lui Dumnezeu, tu trebuie să te depărtezi de Numele lui Isus, şi să fii Adunările lui Dumnezeu, şi aşa mai departe." Aceasta a ajuns la un loc unde eu a trebuit să fac o prezentare de vreun fel.
68 M-am rugat mult în dimineaţa aceea înainte să merg jos. Am zis, "Dumnezeule, ajută-mă. Deoarece, acolo sînt doi oameni mari; acolo sînt mii de slujitori. Iar Tu m-ai trimis aici afară cu o slujbă. Şi ei amîndoi sînt slujitorii Tăi. Şi să arunc eu influenţa puţină pe care o am la o organizaţie cînd ea se luptă cu cealaltă?" Înţelegeţi? "Eu-eu doar nu mă pot simţi bine în a face aceasta. Eu nu cred că aceasta ar fi voia lui Cristos ca eu să o fac." Şi am zis, "Dumnezeule, ajută-mă şi dă-mi ceva să fac, sau dă-mi ceva să spun."
68 M-am rugat mult în dimineaţa aceea înainte să merg jos. Am zis, "Dumnezeule, ajută-mă. Deoarece, acolo sînt doi oameni mari; acolo sînt mii de slujitori. Iar Tu m-ai trimis aici afară cu o slujbă. Şi ei amîndoi sînt slujitorii Tăi. Şi să arunc eu influenţa puţină pe care o am la o organizaţie cînd ea se luptă cu cealaltă?" Înţelegeţi? "Eu-eu doar nu mă pot simţi bine în a face aceasta. Eu nu cred că aceasta ar fi voia lui Cristos ca eu să o fac." Şi am zis, "Dumnezeule, ajută-mă şi dă-mi ceva să fac, sau dă-mi ceva să spun."
E-67 Well, now I want to ask you something then. If the Name... Then if Jesus said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Ghost," how many believes that Jesus said that? That's the Scripture. It's Matthew 28:19. In the Name of the Father, Son...
(It's something another; we know it... I'll talk to Paul after... Yes, sir. All right, just... [Brother Branham has a conversation with someone--Ed.])
(It's something another; we know it... I'll talk to Paul after... Yes, sir. All right, just... [Brother Branham has a conversation with someone--Ed.])
E-69 Şi apoi eu nu am avut pe nimeni. Eu doar a trebuit să stau acolo, doar Domnul Isus şi cu mine, în dimineaţa aceea.
E-68 ... fountains... now, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now, listen, brethren: there is no such a thing as Name of the Father, because Father is not a name; it's a title. There's no such a thing as the Name of Son, 'cause Son is a title. There's no such a thing as Name of Holy Ghost; that is what It is.
I was saying that at a ministerial breakfast one morning. One woman, out of order of course, anybody that would disrupt anything like that. She said, "Wait just a minute. I beg your pardon." Said, "Holy Ghost is a name."
I said, "That's what It is. I am human; but my name's not Human."
It is the Holy Ghost. That is not a name; that's what It is. It is a noun, of course, but it's not--it's a--it's a--it's not a name.
Now, if He said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"; and neither Father, Son, or Holy Ghost is the name, then what is the Name? We want to find out.
I was saying that at a ministerial breakfast one morning. One woman, out of order of course, anybody that would disrupt anything like that. She said, "Wait just a minute. I beg your pardon." Said, "Holy Ghost is a name."
I said, "That's what It is. I am human; but my name's not Human."
It is the Holy Ghost. That is not a name; that's what It is. It is a noun, of course, but it's not--it's a--it's a--it's not a name.
Now, if He said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"; and neither Father, Son, or Holy Ghost is the name, then what is the Name? We want to find out.
E-69 Now, we can get it all in one place here, if you'll just watch and serve a little time. Now... Or conserve a little time, I meant to say. Now, notice Matthew 28:19. Now, I don't say that... You might've done it, some of you sisters or brothers, you might've picked up a book someday, and looked at the back of it, and said, "John and Mary lived happy ever after." Well, who is John and Mary? What is... Who is John and Mary that live happy ever after? There's only one way you'll ever know who John and Mary is, that... If it's a puzzle to you, go back and read the book. Is that right? Go back to the first, read it through, and it tells you who John and Mary is.
E-71 Am zis, "Decizia mea deja a fost făcută. Că, decizia mea, este să stau între voi amîndoi, şi să nu ader la nici o organizaţie; şi zic, cu braţele în jurul vostru la amîndoi, 'Noi sîntem fraţi."' Vedeţi? Vedeţi, noi sîntem fraţi. Vedeţi? Şi am zis, "Eu am încercat să citesc toate cărţile pe care am putut, cum a apărut asta, cum a fost numită această 'nouă situaţie,' şi cum s-au separat pe ei înşişi, şi cum că aceasta a început încoace şi încolo." Şi am zis, "În certuri între voi," am zis, "acesta este acelaşi lucru care a rupt mişcarea penticostală, în ziua... după Cincizecime. Ei au început să se certe unul cu altul." Şi am zis, "Lucrul separează iarăşi."
E-70 Well, if Jesus said--Jesus Christ the Son of God, which said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," and neither Father, Son, or Holy Ghost is a name; then if it is a puzzle, we'd better go back to the first of the book.
Now, let's turn back to the 1st chapter of Matthew, and we'll start there. Gives the genealogy till it comes down to the 18th verse. Now, watch. Now, watch just a minute. This is Father on my right side; this in the middle is Son; and this is the Holy Ghost. Now, this is the Father of Jesus Christ. Is that right? God is the Father of Jesus Christ. We all believe that? All right. Now, Matthew 1:18 said.
Now, the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When... his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before... (she)... they, came together, she was found with a child of the Holy Ghost. (I thought God was His Father.)
And she shall bring forth a son,... they shall call his name JESUS:
And Joseph her husband, being a just man,... not willingly to make her a publick example, but minded to put her away, privily. (on this wise)
... while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary, thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the [The ministers say, "Holy Ghost."--Ed.]
I thought God was His Father? Now, has He got two fathers, brethren? He can't have. If He was, He was a bastard child, and what kind of a religion have we got there? You've got to admit that God the Father and the Holy Ghost is the same self Spirit. Sure it is. Sure, it's the same self Spirit. Now, we got down to see that.
And she shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from his... sin.
... this was all done, that it might be fulfilled... (I'm quoting Scripture, you ministers know, as I go.)... that it might be fulfilled... spoke of the prophet by the Lord saying,
... a virgin shall conceive and bring forth a child... and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which is by interpretation, God with us.
Is that right? Then, what is the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Why, certainly.
Now, let's turn back to the 1st chapter of Matthew, and we'll start there. Gives the genealogy till it comes down to the 18th verse. Now, watch. Now, watch just a minute. This is Father on my right side; this in the middle is Son; and this is the Holy Ghost. Now, this is the Father of Jesus Christ. Is that right? God is the Father of Jesus Christ. We all believe that? All right. Now, Matthew 1:18 said.
Now, the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When... his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before... (she)... they, came together, she was found with a child of the Holy Ghost. (I thought God was His Father.)
And she shall bring forth a son,... they shall call his name JESUS:
And Joseph her husband, being a just man,... not willingly to make her a publick example, but minded to put her away, privily. (on this wise)
... while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary, thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the [The ministers say, "Holy Ghost."--Ed.]
I thought God was His Father? Now, has He got two fathers, brethren? He can't have. If He was, He was a bastard child, and what kind of a religion have we got there? You've got to admit that God the Father and the Holy Ghost is the same self Spirit. Sure it is. Sure, it's the same self Spirit. Now, we got down to see that.
And she shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from his... sin.
... this was all done, that it might be fulfilled... (I'm quoting Scripture, you ministers know, as I go.)... that it might be fulfilled... spoke of the prophet by the Lord saying,
... a virgin shall conceive and bring forth a child... and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which is by interpretation, God with us.
Is that right? Then, what is the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Why, certainly.
E-72 Am zis, "Există o posibilitate ca acolo să poată fi o mediere între voi, voi fraţilor? Există ceva care-care ar putea sta?"
E-71 That's the reason Peter baptized them in the Name of Jesus Christ. But I don't care if you're baptized in the name of Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, or Morning Star, that's titles too. If your heart is right towards God... He knows your heart. But now... Now, I expressed that.
Now, now, I said, "Now..."
Brother Scism said, "Now." 'Course, sure; that looked like Oneness. Well, he was right in for that.
I said, "Now, here, I want to say something to you now." See? I said, "Now, I want to prove to you that these both men said the same thing. Now, Matthew said, 'In the Name of the Father,' is that right? All right. And Peter said, 'In the Name of the Lord.' Matthew 28:19 said, 'In the Name of the Father,' and Acts 2:38 said, 'In the Name of the Lord.'"
Now, now, I said, "Now..."
Brother Scism said, "Now." 'Course, sure; that looked like Oneness. Well, he was right in for that.
I said, "Now, here, I want to say something to you now." See? I said, "Now, I want to prove to you that these both men said the same thing. Now, Matthew said, 'In the Name of the Father,' is that right? All right. And Peter said, 'In the Name of the Lord.' Matthew 28:19 said, 'In the Name of the Father,' and Acts 2:38 said, 'In the Name of the Lord.'"
E-73 Păi, ei nu şi-ar fi deschis gura lor la aceasta, deoarece aceasta era foarte ascuţit. Voi ştiţi, cam cu cincisprezece, douăzeci de ani în urmă, cum era, deoarece un grup doar s-a retras de la celălalt, şi acolo era vrajbă foarte multă.
E-72 "David said, 'The Lord said unto my Lord' Who was it? Father and Lord is the same thing. David said, 'The Lord said unto my Lord, set thou on my right hand.' See? In the Name of the Father--in the Name of the Lord. And Matthew said, 'In the Name of the Son,' and Peter said, 'In the Name of Jesus.' Who is the Son? Jesus. 'In the Name of the Holy Ghost' was Matthew, and Peter said, 'In the Name of Christ' the Logos. Father, Son, Holy Ghost: Lord Jesus Christ. Why, it's just as perfect as it can be." See?
E-74 Astfel am zis, "Păi, fraţilor, iată ce am să fac eu. Eu am să... Dumnezeu nu m-a trimis să botez, oricum. El m-a trimis să mă rog pentru copiii Lui bolnavi." Am zis, "Astfel eu am să-să mă rog pentru copii bolnavi, şi voi lucrătorilor faceţi-vă propria voastră botezare," am zis.
E-73 Brother Scism said to me... Brother Scism, the Oneness brother, he said, "Brother Branham, that's right. But he said, "That is this."
I said, "Then this is that." That's right. See? I said, "If that's this, this is that. So what are you fussing about?" I said, "Let me recommend to you brethren... If I ever baptize a person, here's what..." I said, "Now, here's Dr. Ness..."
Now, you... Somebody said awhile ago, you brethren, that you knew Dr. Ness. Well, I'll say here, Brother Hicks, here, he has a... I think you have a doctor's degree. Is that right? All right.
Now, I said, "If Dr. Ness, setting here..." Now, I said, "If I wanted... Now, when I take a person to the water to baptize them, I recognize it just like he did." I said, "That was titles that went to His Name," and I said, "Now, the Assembly brothers are using titles, and the Oneness brother are using names." I said, "Now, I'm going to prove to you you're both wrong, and I'm right." (You know how you have to do; I have men under strain that way; you have to have a little sense of humor once in a while to kind of unwind them, you know.) So I--I said, "I'm going to prove to you that you're both wrong, and I'm right."
I said, "Then this is that." That's right. See? I said, "If that's this, this is that. So what are you fussing about?" I said, "Let me recommend to you brethren... If I ever baptize a person, here's what..." I said, "Now, here's Dr. Ness..."
Now, you... Somebody said awhile ago, you brethren, that you knew Dr. Ness. Well, I'll say here, Brother Hicks, here, he has a... I think you have a doctor's degree. Is that right? All right.
Now, I said, "If Dr. Ness, setting here..." Now, I said, "If I wanted... Now, when I take a person to the water to baptize them, I recognize it just like he did." I said, "That was titles that went to His Name," and I said, "Now, the Assembly brothers are using titles, and the Oneness brother are using names." I said, "Now, I'm going to prove to you you're both wrong, and I'm right." (You know how you have to do; I have men under strain that way; you have to have a little sense of humor once in a while to kind of unwind them, you know.) So I--I said, "I'm going to prove to you that you're both wrong, and I'm right."
E-75 Am zis, "Acum eu vreau să vă întreb ceva, doar aşa ca voi să înţelegeţi." Am zis, "Frate Ness, aceşti Numele lui Isus oameni, crezi tu că ei au primit Duhul Sfînt cînd ei vorbesc în limbi şi fac acelaşi lucru pe care-l faceţi voi în Adunarea lui Dumnezeu?"
A zis, "Desigur."
A zis, "Desigur."
E-74 I said, "Now, what if I wanted to regard Brother Ness, I'd say... (Or Brother Hicks here). I'd say, 'Hicks...' Now, would that sound nice? No. Well, what if I'd say, 'Doctor, hey Doc, what about it?' Now, that sounds irreverent doesn't it?" When, I said, "That is the way you Assemblies do. See? When you Assembly brothers say, 'In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost,' you just say. 'In the name of the reverend doctor.'"
Then I said, "Then you Oneness brethren, when you baptize, you say, 'Jesus.'" They don't use... they... Jesus Only just use the name 'Jesus.' There's just many Jesuses, but it's the Lord Jesus Christ. You see? There's many baptize in the Name of Jesus; I certainly don't go for that. There's no Scripture. You get the original, and see if it ain't Lord Jesus Christ. Certainly. He's the Lord Jesus Christ. There's many Jesuses, certainly. And the Christ is the Anointed.
Then I said, "Then you Oneness brethren, when you baptize, you say, 'Jesus.'" They don't use... they... Jesus Only just use the name 'Jesus.' There's just many Jesuses, but it's the Lord Jesus Christ. You see? There's many baptize in the Name of Jesus; I certainly don't go for that. There's no Scripture. You get the original, and see if it ain't Lord Jesus Christ. Certainly. He's the Lord Jesus Christ. There's many Jesuses, certainly. And the Christ is the Anointed.
E-76 Am zis, "Frate Seism, crezi tu că Adunările lui Dumnezeu au Duhul Sfînt cînd ei vorbesc în limbi şi fac acelaşi lucru pe care voi l-aţi făcut la botez?"
El a zis, "Sigur, eu cred."
El a zis, "Sigur, eu cred."
E-75 I said, "Now, if I was going to say the same thing to Brother Ness. I'd say... Would it sound right for me to say, 'Hey Ness.' "I said, "That's the way you Oneness would say it. (See?) Wouldn't that be a irreverent disregards for that man who's studied, and he's got a doctor's degree? If he's studied hard for that, he ought to be titled then."
Then I said, "Then if I said, 'Hey, Doc!'" I said, "Wouldn't that sound flat for a minister to address another one or..." I said, "That's just the way that you do it on the sides of the titles."
But I said, "When I take a man to the water; I walk up there and ask him and talk, and get his name and whoever he is, and his faith, then I pray and say, 'Now, Father, as Thou has commissioned us to go unto all the world and make disciples of all nations (You brethren know that's the original. See?)--make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe whatever things that Thou has... all things that Thou has taught us.' So then, I said, 'Upon your confession of faith, upon your confession of your sins and your faith in the Son of God, I baptize thee, my beloved brother, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.'" I said, "That's the way I baptize. I both recognize His titles, for He was both Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and the reason Jesus said that was..."
Then I said, "Then if I said, 'Hey, Doc!'" I said, "Wouldn't that sound flat for a minister to address another one or..." I said, "That's just the way that you do it on the sides of the titles."
But I said, "When I take a man to the water; I walk up there and ask him and talk, and get his name and whoever he is, and his faith, then I pray and say, 'Now, Father, as Thou has commissioned us to go unto all the world and make disciples of all nations (You brethren know that's the original. See?)--make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe whatever things that Thou has... all things that Thou has taught us.' So then, I said, 'Upon your confession of faith, upon your confession of your sins and your faith in the Son of God, I baptize thee, my beloved brother, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.'" I said, "That's the way I baptize. I both recognize His titles, for He was both Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and the reason Jesus said that was..."
E-77 Am zis, "Acum, Biblia a zis, 'Dumnezeu dă Duhul Sfînt la acei care se supun Lui.' Acum, cine s-a supus Lui? Cine s-a supus Lui? Care dintre voi s-a supus Lui? Şi Dumnezeu va dat vouă la amîndoi Duhul Sfînt, vedeţi."
E-76 Now, look, if--if that isn't so, you got a contradiction in your Scriptures. You got a contradiction, and what are you going to do when... What if this Buddhist brother would rise up and say that? What about this? What did they say when they told me over there when this Indian brother challenged Morse Reedhead, and said to him, said, "What about Mark 16?" He had to crawfish on it. You don't have to crawfish on nothing. That is God's Word. Stay with It. Just pray. Get the revelation. It all runs the same. See, they're both saying the thing.
E-77 Now, not titles, not...?... I said, "Now, I recognize Him; He was the Father, not another god. He was the Son, not another god, the same God. It's three offices. God in the Fatherhood: dispensation, if you want to call it of the Fatherhood; Sonship; and it's the same God in us now. 'I will be with you.'" The 'I,' the personal pronoun, "I'll be with you." So you see it's three offices, not three gods.
Now, brethren, if the disciples never used it, and on down, I ain't saying nothing against it. That's all right, but I tell you if a man come out here and was baptized in the name of the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, and Morning Star, and believed Jesus Christ was his Saviour, I'd say, "God bless you, brother; come on, let's go." That's right, 'cause if your heart ain't right, you're not right anyhow. Exactly right, and your--your heart's got to be right.
Now, brethren, if the disciples never used it, and on down, I ain't saying nothing against it. That's all right, but I tell you if a man come out here and was baptized in the name of the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, and Morning Star, and believed Jesus Christ was his Saviour, I'd say, "God bless you, brother; come on, let's go." That's right, 'cause if your heart ain't right, you're not right anyhow. Exactly right, and your--your heart's got to be right.
E-78 And I said, "Now, look. Now, if I was going to greet Brother Ness here, I'd say 'the Reverend Doctor Ness.' That's exactly. He is a minister. He ought to be regarded as a reverend. He has studied and much studying. He has a doctor's degree, so he should be called 'Doctor.' That's his title. See? And his name is Ness, though. Now, I wouldn't say, 'Hey, Ness; hey Doc.' No, that wouldn't be right. I would say, 'Reverend Doctor Ness.' See, that's what I am calling Him (See?), what He is: both Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the Lord Jesus Christ." See?
I said, "If I ever baptized one out in your all's churches, that's the way I'll baptize." I said, "Would you receive him, Brother Ness?"
He said, "Certainly. He's been baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."
I said, "Would you receive Him, Brother Scism?"
He said, "Certainly he's been baptized in Jesus' Name."
I said, "Then what is the matter with you brethren. Why don't you accept that and break down these walls where these poor human beings are... The Oneness want to really... The--the congregations, they want to worship with the Assemblies, and the Assemblies congregation wants to worship with the Oneness, and brethren are that way. They are that way, but as long as the devil can make them fight..."
I said, "If I ever baptized one out in your all's churches, that's the way I'll baptize." I said, "Would you receive him, Brother Ness?"
He said, "Certainly. He's been baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."
I said, "Would you receive Him, Brother Scism?"
He said, "Certainly he's been baptized in Jesus' Name."
I said, "Then what is the matter with you brethren. Why don't you accept that and break down these walls where these poor human beings are... The Oneness want to really... The--the congregations, they want to worship with the Assemblies, and the Assemblies congregation wants to worship with the Oneness, and brethren are that way. They are that way, but as long as the devil can make them fight..."
E-79 Now, you see what I mean, brethren? I'm driving towards that one thing: Jesus Christ and the uniting of the Body of Jesus Christ. That's what my purpose is. Now, I don't say nothing about, "Hey, you ain't baptized in Jesus' Name; you're going to hell." Now, that's nonsense.
I'll tell you what happened the other day. I was down in Texas. ('Fore leaving... And the brethren here are witnesses to this.) The Oneness church, seventy-two churches sponsoring my meeting, and I put Brother Petty, the Assembly of God brother up on the platform that night. Now, you know that's true. He's a precious brother. Brother Petty, if any of you know him, from Beaumont, Texas. He's one of the finest man I ever met. His wife is a converted Catholic, a real sainted woman. He's a real man of God. Tell me who's a finer man than Roy Weed of the Assemblies of God. Mention any of these men. Look here all these brothers I know around here: Brother... From the Philadelphian church here, and the Assemblies of God men, and... Whose any finer people? Tell me where... Tell me who's a finer man than Jack Moore? Tell me that. He's a, what they call... They belong to them... He's not a radical. You find radical on both sides, and that's where the people point, and that's where the devil points. But they're all men of God; God's give them the Holy Ghost. If it wasn't for the grace of God, we'd all be gone with our fusses and things. That's exactly right. But the grace of God binds us together. No wonder we can sing, "Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love." That's what we need.
I'll tell you what happened the other day. I was down in Texas. ('Fore leaving... And the brethren here are witnesses to this.) The Oneness church, seventy-two churches sponsoring my meeting, and I put Brother Petty, the Assembly of God brother up on the platform that night. Now, you know that's true. He's a precious brother. Brother Petty, if any of you know him, from Beaumont, Texas. He's one of the finest man I ever met. His wife is a converted Catholic, a real sainted woman. He's a real man of God. Tell me who's a finer man than Roy Weed of the Assemblies of God. Mention any of these men. Look here all these brothers I know around here: Brother... From the Philadelphian church here, and the Assemblies of God men, and... Whose any finer people? Tell me where... Tell me who's a finer man than Jack Moore? Tell me that. He's a, what they call... They belong to them... He's not a radical. You find radical on both sides, and that's where the people point, and that's where the devil points. But they're all men of God; God's give them the Holy Ghost. If it wasn't for the grace of God, we'd all be gone with our fusses and things. That's exactly right. But the grace of God binds us together. No wonder we can sing, "Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love." That's what we need.
E-81 Dar, vedeţi voi, aceasta doar e de neînţeles, fraţilor. Aceasta e de neînţeles. Şi am auzit, puţin mai tîrziu de la acea...
Eu mă voi întoarce la subiectul meu într-un minut.
Eu mă voi întoarce la subiectul meu într-un minut.
E-80 Then, and so you know what? The General Superintendent over the--the church called me up. He said, "Did you know what you did last night?" My second night there...
I said, "What?" I said, "We had a wonderful meeting."
Said, "You had a man on your pulpit was a sinner."
I said, "I didn't know it. Who was it?"
Said, "That Mr. Petty."
Oh, I said, "A sinner?" Why, I said, "He's an Assembly of God preacher, brother."
He said, "Yes, but he's still a sinner, because he hasn't been baptized right."
And I said, "Brother, pray tell me why?" I said, "He's got the Holy Ghost."
He said, "Brother Branham, what did Peter say? 'Repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins.' Therefore your sins cannot be remitted until you're baptized in Jesus' Name."
I said, "Is that the formula, my brother?"
He said, "That's the formula."
I said, "God upset His Own apple cart then in Acts 10:49, for 'While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word,' and they had never been baptized at all. Then God give the Holy Ghost to people that wasn't even converted." I said, "Where in the world are you standing now?"
I said, "What?" I said, "We had a wonderful meeting."
Said, "You had a man on your pulpit was a sinner."
I said, "I didn't know it. Who was it?"
Said, "That Mr. Petty."
Oh, I said, "A sinner?" Why, I said, "He's an Assembly of God preacher, brother."
He said, "Yes, but he's still a sinner, because he hasn't been baptized right."
And I said, "Brother, pray tell me why?" I said, "He's got the Holy Ghost."
He said, "Brother Branham, what did Peter say? 'Repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins.' Therefore your sins cannot be remitted until you're baptized in Jesus' Name."
I said, "Is that the formula, my brother?"
He said, "That's the formula."
I said, "God upset His Own apple cart then in Acts 10:49, for 'While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word,' and they had never been baptized at all. Then God give the Holy Ghost to people that wasn't even converted." I said, "Where in the world are you standing now?"
E-82 Fraţii Finlandezi de aici, după ce eu am părăsit Finlanda; unde Dumnezeu ne-a dat, ce eu credeam, unul dintre cele mai mari mitinguri ale noastre. Acolo a fost micuţul, băiat mort a fost înviat, şi multe lucruri. M-am întîlnit în Stockholm, Suedia, cu Lewi Pethrus de la biserica Philadelphia acolo, care este un mare om a lui Dumnezeu, şi Biserica Philadelphia. Fratele Gordon Lindsay, care era acum... mă gîndesc. Eu nu cred că el aparţine la ea acum, dar el a aparţinut la Adunările lui Dumnezeu.
E-81 He said, "You know what we are going to do?" Said, "We're drawing a little ring and drawing you right out of our circle."
Then I said, "I'm going to draw another one and draw you right back in again." So I said, "You can't draw me out, 'cause I love you. See, you just can't do it." I said, "There's too many of your brethren out there that love me and believe in me." I said, "You... I'll--I'll... They'll come anyhow." I said, "They'll come, and you can't draw me out. If you draw me out, I'll draw you back in." I said...?... "When you make one circle, God, by His grace, will let me draw another one and pull you right back in." That's right. Draw them right back again...
Then I said, "I'm going to draw another one and draw you right back in again." So I said, "You can't draw me out, 'cause I love you. See, you just can't do it." I said, "There's too many of your brethren out there that love me and believe in me." I said, "You... I'll--I'll... They'll come anyhow." I said, "They'll come, and you can't draw me out. If you draw me out, I'll draw you back in." I said...?... "When you make one circle, God, by His grace, will let me draw another one and pull you right back in." That's right. Draw them right back again...
E-83 Şi Adunările lui Dumnezeu este una din cele mai mari sponsore ale mele, internaţional. Şi Foursquare, care era una retrasă de la Adunările lui Dumnezeu, este una din marile mele sponsore. Unitarienii, internaţional, este una din cele mai mari sponsore ale mele. Înţelegeţi? Şi eu doar am luat acea poziţie, doar lăsînd margini ascuţite, şi apoi am luat o poziţie, că eu nu voi lua poziţii pe nici o parte a certei. Pînă cînd noi putem vedea că noi sîntem fraţi, şi venim împreună, şi apoi noi vom-noi vom vedea cu toţii acelaşi punct direct acolo, la care noi venim, motivul şi obiectivul de a face aşa.
E-82 And brother, oh, in Christ's Name, may I say this: I--I got... I know I'm holding up time here. It is just about almost time for closing, I guess. But let me just say this. See? And I said to that man; I said, "I would go with you as long as you would preach the Scriptures, and have love, and believe that--that--and preach and say you were baptizing people--not in the Name of Jesus (Jesus only). No, sir, I--I sure wouldn't go for that, 'cause I'm acquainted with several Jesuses: know them in Africa and different places, people named Jesus. But if you'll use the term of 'our Lord Jesus Christ,' I'll go with you on that. That's all right. I'll stick by you. I think you should put 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost' first (See?), to get it right." I said, "I think you should."
But he said, "Oh no, no, that--that's back in trinity."
I said, "It is not a trinity; it is One God in three offices." Not a trinity, three gods. We don't have no three gods. Certainly not. There's no such a thing: wasn't taught in the Bible, and there's only One God. "Hear ye, oh Israel, I'm the Lord your God, one god." First commandment: "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." Certainly He's One God, not three. That's a Catholic version of it, and it was a lead off from the Catholic to the Lutheran, and on down, and so forth, and it's generally believed among people today that we have three gods.
But he said, "Oh no, no, that--that's back in trinity."
I said, "It is not a trinity; it is One God in three offices." Not a trinity, three gods. We don't have no three gods. Certainly not. There's no such a thing: wasn't taught in the Bible, and there's only One God. "Hear ye, oh Israel, I'm the Lord your God, one god." First commandment: "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." Certainly He's One God, not three. That's a Catholic version of it, and it was a lead off from the Catholic to the Lutheran, and on down, and so forth, and it's generally believed among people today that we have three gods.
E-84 Şi voi-voi trebuie să vă examinaţi motivul şi obiectivul vostru, întîi. Întîi, aflaţi voia lui Dumnezeu; şi apoi aflaţi obiectivul vostru; şi apoi examinaţi motivul vostru şi vedeţi dacă motivul vostru este corect. Apoi, cum Isus a spus în Marcu 11:24, "Dacă tu zici muntelui acestuia, 'mută-te,' şi nu te îndoieşti în inima ta." Dar atît timp cît tu ai îndoială în inima ta, dacă aceasta este voia lui Dumnezeu, sau motivul tău sau obiectivul este greşit, cum o să se mute acesta? Dar cînd tu ştii că motivul tău este corect, şi aceasta este voia lui Dumnezeu, şi obiectivul tău este corect, el trebuie să se mute. Asta-i tot, sau Dumnezeu a spus ceva greşit.
E-83 And that's where you'll never... This Gospel will never go to the Jews (which I prophesied the other morning to a Jewish missionary there), you'll never take a trinity god to a Jew. You'll never do that, which he isn't; he's got better sense than that. See, he knows more about the Bible than that. But He's--there's never a triune god to a--to a Jew. If you'll let him know It is the same Jehovah, he'll receive it right now. Sure. That is it. See?
And I believe all of this, as Joseph said, "Brethren, don't be angry with yourself, because God has did this." You see, for a thing... So that, it could wait till this time. That's all, because our Gentile age is just about over. Now, I believe that with all of our heart.
And I believe all of this, as Joseph said, "Brethren, don't be angry with yourself, because God has did this." You see, for a thing... So that, it could wait till this time. That's all, because our Gentile age is just about over. Now, I believe that with all of our heart.
E-85 Acela este tocmai motivul, cînd eu merg la platformă, în biserici, nimeni nu m-a auzit vreodată să menţionez acele lucruri pe platformă, acele chestiuni. Eu doar le las în pace. Vedeţi, aceasta depinde de voi oamenilor. Înţelegeţi? Eu sînt aici să vă ajut să cîştigăm suflete la Cristos, printr-un dar Divin, voi vedeţi. Înţelegeţi? Aceasta nu contează... Voi faceţi botezul vostru. Dar atunci cînd aceasta vine...
E-84 So do you see, my brethren, I'm trying to drive at something. That this group of people, of men, who has the baptism of the Holy Ghost... Aimee McPherson's group: what did she do? She was first a Oneness, I believe, then come out, and become an Assembly, and then pulled out and organized herself different. here not long ago put in a little group a little...?...
I was setting in O. L. Jaggers' meeting. Now, we all know O. L. Jaggers. His--his father helped found the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Now, O. L. is a great man. He's a great preacher. I told him not long ago; I said, "Brother Jaggers, if I could preach like you did, I'd never even have a healing service." But he had got all that blood and wine and stuff when he first started over there.
I was setting in O. L. Jaggers' meeting. Now, we all know O. L. Jaggers. His--his father helped found the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Now, O. L. is a great man. He's a great preacher. I told him not long ago; I said, "Brother Jaggers, if I could preach like you did, I'd never even have a healing service." But he had got all that blood and wine and stuff when he first started over there.
E-86 Desigur, eu am fost numit fiecare lucru. Eu am fost numit, eu nu ştiu cît de multe, pe undeva de la un-un "fiu încarnat al lui Dumnezeu" jos la un-un "diavol." Asta-i adevărat, fiecare lucru. Dar, în spatele tuturor acestora, eu sînt fratele vostru, concetăţean al Împărăţiei lui Dumnezeu; lucrînd cu voi toţi, pentru Împărăţie. Şi asta este adevărat.
E-85 Excuse me if I am hurting your feelings, brethren, on that. I--I... That's all right. God can make blood come, wine come, or oil come, whatever He wants to; but that don't remit sins. No, sir. No, sir, no indeedy. "The Blood of Jesus Christ shall never lose Its power, until all the ransomed church of God be saved to sin no more."
I said, "Brother Jaggers..." I took him. I called him up, and I was with the Christian Business Men, and I said--I said, "Brother O. L..."
He said, "Where in the world are you at?" I was in a little, old cheap motel out there, and he said, "You mean to tell me they put you out here."
I said, "That was my desire. When I come to you," I said, "What did you do? You put me over in the Statler's Hotel, and I just had to stand in the corner. You set me down at the table, and I didn't know which knife to use or nothing else, and I didn't... and went down through there without a coat on, and they wanted to run me out," and I said, "I--I don't know how to handle myself."
He said, "I'll take you over there if they are too poor to do it."
I said, "No, sir." I said, "What I want to do is have a steak with you if you'll pay for it."
He said, "All right."
So then we went out to a place, and we set down, and I said, "Brother Jaggers, I certainly admire your..." And he's a very dear friend of mine, a precious brother. And I--I had his little pamphlet, where he had that woman that just come over here from overseas that had blood in her hands and things. So I had it in here. I just wanted him to deny it once, and then I had it right on his paper, you know.
I said, "Brother Jaggers..." I took him. I called him up, and I was with the Christian Business Men, and I said--I said, "Brother O. L..."
He said, "Where in the world are you at?" I was in a little, old cheap motel out there, and he said, "You mean to tell me they put you out here."
I said, "That was my desire. When I come to you," I said, "What did you do? You put me over in the Statler's Hotel, and I just had to stand in the corner. You set me down at the table, and I didn't know which knife to use or nothing else, and I didn't... and went down through there without a coat on, and they wanted to run me out," and I said, "I--I don't know how to handle myself."
He said, "I'll take you over there if they are too poor to do it."
I said, "No, sir." I said, "What I want to do is have a steak with you if you'll pay for it."
He said, "All right."
So then we went out to a place, and we set down, and I said, "Brother Jaggers, I certainly admire your..." And he's a very dear friend of mine, a precious brother. And I--I had his little pamphlet, where he had that woman that just come over here from overseas that had blood in her hands and things. So I had it in here. I just wanted him to deny it once, and then I had it right on his paper, you know.
E-87 Acum eu voi, dacă aceasta este în ordine, şi voi credeţi că noi avem timp suficient, mi-ar place să vă spun cum am discutat aceea. Ar fi aceasta în regulă, fraţilor, doar pentru un minut? [Lucrătorii zic, "Mergi înainte. Sigur." – Ed.] Fratele, Fratele Ness şi ceilalţi... În ordine. Şi aceasta ar fi un pic care v-ar ajuta. Aceasta v-ar ajuta să înţelegeţi, cumva.
E-86 I said, "I have noticed where you're going right along, going to have a big revival," started it up 'cause the Business Men had me over there, course...
Look like people would know if the Holy Spirit can reveal on the platform, can't He tell me what's going on in places, brethren? I can tell you word by word and prove it by Brother Carlson, this brother here, I set at the meeting yesterday and told these brethren what would be here this morning. That's right. Exactly. See, because the Holy Spirit woke me up and said, "Stand by the window." I looked at the window, and He showed me just exactly this. I said... Now, brethren, See? Why, they ought to know it.
Look like people would know if the Holy Spirit can reveal on the platform, can't He tell me what's going on in places, brethren? I can tell you word by word and prove it by Brother Carlson, this brother here, I set at the meeting yesterday and told these brethren what would be here this morning. That's right. Exactly. See, because the Holy Spirit woke me up and said, "Stand by the window." I looked at the window, and He showed me just exactly this. I said... Now, brethren, See? Why, they ought to know it.
E-88 Am scris jos, aici, cîteva din lucrurile care mi le-am amintit. Aceasta a pornit de acolo. Şi astfel ei m-au întrebat, ce am crezut eu despre "trinitate," am crezut eu că acolo era o "trinitate" a lui Dumnezeu?
E-87 Here not long ago a man got up here at the Chatauqua and said, "Brother Branham is a prophet." I don't claim to be no prophet. See? But he said, "Brother Branham is a prophet when he is under the Spirit of discernment," but said, "Oh, his doctrine is poison; be careful with it."
I thought of an educated man would say a thing like that. What does a "prophet" mean? "A Divine interpreter of the Word." The Word of the Lord came to the prophet. You see?
But just... Now, that--that's neither here to say, but anyhow, Brother Jaggers and I said... He said... Oh, I said, "I seen about that woman that's got that blood in her hands."
"Oh," he said, "Brother Branham, that is the most phenomenal you ever seen."
I said, "Brother Jaggers, I love you. First, I want you to put my hand in yours. Let's say we are brothers."
He said, "Sure. What's the matter?"
I said, "You are one of the most powerful preachers that I know of. What a--what a instrument for God that you are."
He said, "Thank you, Brother Branham. You're really humble."
I said, "I'm not saying that to be humble. I'm saying that because I believe it. You are God's servant." But I said, "Brother Jaggers, unless you... You're--you're running too much out; you haven't got a counterbalance for what you are talking about. You're basing..."
I thought of an educated man would say a thing like that. What does a "prophet" mean? "A Divine interpreter of the Word." The Word of the Lord came to the prophet. You see?
But just... Now, that--that's neither here to say, but anyhow, Brother Jaggers and I said... He said... Oh, I said, "I seen about that woman that's got that blood in her hands."
"Oh," he said, "Brother Branham, that is the most phenomenal you ever seen."
I said, "Brother Jaggers, I love you. First, I want you to put my hand in yours. Let's say we are brothers."
He said, "Sure. What's the matter?"
I said, "You are one of the most powerful preachers that I know of. What a--what a instrument for God that you are."
He said, "Thank you, Brother Branham. You're really humble."
I said, "I'm not saying that to be humble. I'm saying that because I believe it. You are God's servant." But I said, "Brother Jaggers, unless you... You're--you're running too much out; you haven't got a counterbalance for what you are talking about. You're basing..."
E-89 Acum, fraţilor, cînd noi ne apropiem de aceasta, eu sper că, cînd asta s-a terminat, că noi vom fi aceiaşi fraţi care am fost tot timpul. Înţelegeţi? Însă eu simt că eu vă datorez aceasta vouă, deoarece oamenii voştri vin la adunările mele, şi eu desigur că nu aş vrea să trimit pe vreunul din ei, amăgit.
E-88 And here's what's the matter with a lot of you Assemblies of God and other men on these healing services. I don't blame you. There's so much called... And Tommy here, is a good brother, and we know how solid he stands, but there's so much in the land today under the name of Divine healing, no wonder you don't want to sponsor a meeting in the city. They come and bleed the people, and go out, and what have they got? Don't give the people a bit more than you do from the platform, from your own pulpit; and you're right, brethren. I'm telling you, you're right.
But it's just like I was reading the history of Martin Luther. It said, "It wasn't a mystery that Martin Luther could protest the Catholic church and get by with it (You've read his history.) but that Martin Luther could hold his head above all the fanaticism that followed his revival. There was the mystery. And when the phenomena is done, the uncircumcised follows--just like it was in Egypt; and it always has cause trouble out in the land. We know that when we get out there, which they raised up Korah, God had to destroy. But brethren, I don't blame you.
But it's just like I was reading the history of Martin Luther. It said, "It wasn't a mystery that Martin Luther could protest the Catholic church and get by with it (You've read his history.) but that Martin Luther could hold his head above all the fanaticism that followed his revival. There was the mystery. And when the phenomena is done, the uncircumcised follows--just like it was in Egypt; and it always has cause trouble out in the land. We know that when we get out there, which they raised up Korah, God had to destroy. But brethren, I don't blame you.
E-90 Şi eu întotdeauna am spus oamenilor care îmi scriu mie întrebări, în afară de ceea ce eu predic pe platformă... Şi aici este secretara mea, şi aşa mai departe. Dacă ei mă întreabă o întrebare, "Cum îi cu asta, sau cum îi cu aceea?"
E-89 Brother Jaggers set there and tried to tell me that that was the Holy Ghost a doing that and said... And then I had in his own paper. I said, "Brother Jaggers," now I said, "I am a seventh grade pupil, and you are a Doctor of Divinity and studied to be an attorney. You was raised up in a clean, decent church, the Assemblies of God. Your father helped to found that faith, and you pulling away, that's up to you." But I said, "That's up to any man that wants to do that. I don't draw any lines there, but when it comes to a place that an instrument like you could win thousands of souls to Christ, would build your ministry upon a sensation." I said, "Brother Jaggers, you build a column like that, if you haven't got a counterbalance for that, it'll fall after while, and you got to have Scripture for what you are talking about."
He said, "There is Scripture."
I said, "Produce it."
He said, "Well, Brother Branham," said, "that's the Holy Ghost doing that."
I said, "Show me the Scripture where It said the Holy Ghost ever made blood come out on somebody, so forth like that. Just show it: oil pour out of them. You said that oil was for Divine healing, and you said that woman's blood would be the salvation of nations." I said, "If that is so, then what happened to the Blood of Jesus Christ? It takes away, and anything that is against It is anti. It is against It"; I said, "it becomes an antichrist doctrine."
"Oh," he said, "Brother Branham, you'll learn someday."
I said, "I hope I never learn like that. Now, brother," I said, "I love you, and you're my brother." And I said, "Brother Jaggers, you're going to get on a limb after while that you can't get back off of. Come back to your church, and come back and stay with the Gospel." And I said, "Don't build it upon sensations." I said...
He said, "There is Scripture."
I said, "Produce it."
He said, "Well, Brother Branham," said, "that's the Holy Ghost doing that."
I said, "Show me the Scripture where It said the Holy Ghost ever made blood come out on somebody, so forth like that. Just show it: oil pour out of them. You said that oil was for Divine healing, and you said that woman's blood would be the salvation of nations." I said, "If that is so, then what happened to the Blood of Jesus Christ? It takes away, and anything that is against It is anti. It is against It"; I said, "it becomes an antichrist doctrine."
"Oh," he said, "Brother Branham, you'll learn someday."
I said, "I hope I never learn like that. Now, brother," I said, "I love you, and you're my brother." And I said, "Brother Jaggers, you're going to get on a limb after while that you can't get back off of. Come back to your church, and come back and stay with the Gospel." And I said, "Don't build it upon sensations." I said...
E-91 Am zis, "Întreabă pe pastorul tău, înţelegi. Deoarece, dacă el te-a călăuzit atît de departe, pînă tu ai primit Duhul Sfînt, el te va duce înainte, vezi tu. Tu, vezi, tu întreabă pastorul tău." Deoarece, lucruri mici ca acestea cauzează confuzie, şi de aceea eu plec departe de ele, vedeţi voi.
E-90 For now, he's got--he's baptizing to Eternal Life. You know, every time you baptize, you go back to a young woman or man. Now, that's going to... He ain't going never die, so that is he on the end of the limb right now, them vitamin pills out of the Dead Sea...
You see, but that's what it is, brother. You start on those little sensations, and you men here that's got these churches, you let something like that come into the city, and you know, the devil is shrewd, and he--he jumps in on those things like that. He fusses at it. And he--he gets people wound up, and he causes confusions in the church and things, but that isn't so.
You see, but that's what it is, brother. You start on those little sensations, and you men here that's got these churches, you let something like that come into the city, and you know, the devil is shrewd, and he--he jumps in on those things like that. He fusses at it. And he--he gets people wound up, and he causes confusions in the church and things, but that isn't so.
E-92 Acum, şi mie mi s-a spus că eu eram un-un luptător al organizaţiilor. Acum, eu nu sînt. Eu gîndesc că organizaţiile sînt minunate, dar cînd sistemul vostru din organizaţia voastră devine corupt, la aceea sînt eu împotrivă. Înţelegeţi? Indiferent dacă aceasta este unitariană, sau-sau aceasta este trinitate, sau orice este ea, sistemul; că atunci cînd voi ajungeţi la un punct, voi acum... şi ziceţi, "Noi sîntem Adunarea lui Dumnezeu."
"Păi, cine este aceea vizavi pe stradă?"
"Păi, cine este aceea vizavi pe stradă?"
E-91 Now, here, no matter how much you are right, here's one thing that we fail and miss, my brothers. Now, I'm closing in saying this. No matter how right I am, and how Scriptural I am, and how much I know about God's Bible, if I haven't got the Spirit of God of love in my heart for the whole human race and all, then I'm wrong to begin with.
Now, Paul said in I Corinthians 13, "Though I have knowledge, (See?) and understand all the mysteries of God (See?), under--understand, and have not charity, I'm nothing. And though I speak with tongue of men and of angels," that's those who you speak to God and always the ones can it be interpreted. "Though I speak with tongues (genuine tongues) of men and angels and have not charity (love), it profits me nothing." So if I know all the mysteries of God and can unroll them and--and make them all hit together, and I don't have love, what good does it do? And when I...
Now, Paul said in I Corinthians 13, "Though I have knowledge, (See?) and understand all the mysteries of God (See?), under--understand, and have not charity, I'm nothing. And though I speak with tongue of men and of angels," that's those who you speak to God and always the ones can it be interpreted. "Though I speak with tongues (genuine tongues) of men and angels and have not charity (love), it profits me nothing." So if I know all the mysteries of God and can unroll them and--and make them all hit together, and I don't have love, what good does it do? And when I...
E-93 "Oh, aceia sînt fraţii noştri. Ei se-ei se numesc Penticostali Uniţi."
"Păi, cine este aceea de acolo?"
"Păi, cine este aceea de acolo?"
E-92 Jesus said, "This will all men know that you are My disciples, when you have..." when the Assemblies has love for the Oneness, and the Oneness has love for the Assemblies. When you have love one for another... Be right or wrong, and is long as the objective is wrong, the motive is wrong, rather, then you're wrong to begin with. Isn't that right? See, "Though I speak with tongue of men and angels, and have not charity, I'm not nothing yet." Because God is love; we know that.
And I believe in speaking in tongues. Now, somebody said, "Brother Branham don't believe in the initial evidence." I'd like to clear that up with you now. See? I'd like to tell you. I believe that when a man receives Christ, he receives a portion of the Holy Spirit, 'cause Jesus said in Matthew the--the 12 chapter of--the 5th chapter and the 20--24th verse. He said... No, I believe it was St. John 5:24. He said, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life (Now, there is only one form of Eternal Life.), and not come into the condemnation, but pass from death to Life."
And I believe in speaking in tongues. Now, somebody said, "Brother Branham don't believe in the initial evidence." I'd like to clear that up with you now. See? I'd like to tell you. I believe that when a man receives Christ, he receives a portion of the Holy Spirit, 'cause Jesus said in Matthew the--the 12 chapter of--the 5th chapter and the 20--24th verse. He said... No, I believe it was St. John 5:24. He said, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life (Now, there is only one form of Eternal Life.), and not come into the condemnation, but pass from death to Life."
E-94 "Oh, aceia sînt fraţii Foursquare. Oh, noi sîntem fraţi minunaţi. Noi avem o părtăşie grozavă, unul cu altul."
"Oh, voi toţi credeţi acelaşi lucru?"
"Oh, da, noi credem."
"Acum, bine, ce vă face în felul acesta?"
"Oh, voi toţi credeţi acelaşi lucru?"
"Oh, da, noi credem."
"Acum, bine, ce vă face în felul acesta?"
E-93 Now, I believe that no man can call himself; God has to call him. And if God really called him... Now, there's a lot of people, we know, brethren, that's worked up and thinks that God's called him, but their life soon finds--you find it out. But if God calls you, why, you're--you'll be there, and you'll stay there. See? No... And then if... Now, that's not Baptist doctrine. You know that. See? I don't believe in shaking hands and having eternal security and all that stuff. I--I don't believe in that, not at all. If they want to believe that, well, that's all right. I still say they are my brothers.
E-95 "Păi, fraţii aceştia botează în felul acesta. Şi aceştia botează în felul acesta, cu faţa acoperită de noi. Şi aceştia botează..."
E-94 This morning, if I was going to ask for a piece of pie--which it is almost dinner time, I may eat cherry, and you might take apple, but we're both eating pie. See? So it doesn't make any... as long as we're eating pie. That's the way we believe.
If you want to be a Oneness, be a Oneness; if you want to be a Assembly of God, be a Assembly of God. If you want to be whatever you are, Baptist, Presbyterian--be a Christian in it (See?), and--and search it out for yourself, but don't fuss with one another. Because these little things, they all dovetail together. That's right. They all dovetail together and come to that one place. And--and no matter what we do, how many miracles we can perform, how many mountains we can move, or whatever it is, until we come to a place that we love, not make-believe, but we love one another, when we love every brother, no matter what church he belongs to, we love him, not just pretend we do, 'cause we know it's a religious idea; it's we're supposed to do it, but because we do it, we love one another, then long-suffering, bearing with one another... I believe in Colossians 3 about 9--somewhere along in there (I might...?... I don't... I might be wrong on the Scripture), but It said this, "After we become a Christian, we should not envy." See? We can't have faith when we're trying to pay respects and honor to one another. See, we can't do that. We can't have faith. We got to honor God (See?), honor Him. Believe in my brothers, sure, is love, but the respects and dignity goes to God. Has to be led by... Have faith and confidence in one another, and don't lie to one another (See?); don't lie to one another. If I tell you this morning, "I love you," I must mean that. If it doesn't, I'm a hypocrite. That's exactly.
If you want to be a Oneness, be a Oneness; if you want to be a Assembly of God, be a Assembly of God. If you want to be whatever you are, Baptist, Presbyterian--be a Christian in it (See?), and--and search it out for yourself, but don't fuss with one another. Because these little things, they all dovetail together. That's right. They all dovetail together and come to that one place. And--and no matter what we do, how many miracles we can perform, how many mountains we can move, or whatever it is, until we come to a place that we love, not make-believe, but we love one another, when we love every brother, no matter what church he belongs to, we love him, not just pretend we do, 'cause we know it's a religious idea; it's we're supposed to do it, but because we do it, we love one another, then long-suffering, bearing with one another... I believe in Colossians 3 about 9--somewhere along in there (I might...?... I don't... I might be wrong on the Scripture), but It said this, "After we become a Christian, we should not envy." See? We can't have faith when we're trying to pay respects and honor to one another. See, we can't do that. We can't have faith. We got to honor God (See?), honor Him. Believe in my brothers, sure, is love, but the respects and dignity goes to God. Has to be led by... Have faith and confidence in one another, and don't lie to one another (See?); don't lie to one another. If I tell you this morning, "I love you," I must mean that. If it doesn't, I'm a hypocrite. That's exactly.
E-96 Ca acolo în Africa de Sud, frate, noi ne lovim de asta. Ei m¬au întrebat. Un grup botează de trei ori, cu faţa înainte. Şi celălalt botează de trei ori, cu faţa înapoi. Şi ei au zis... Eu am zis, "De unde luaţi voi asta?"
E-95 Now, brethren, along this line... Now, Brother Tommy, I hope I haven't held too much here. I... Brother Tommy's got something to say just in a second.
But I might say this: When I come into the midst of you, I believe this: I believe that God our Father overshadowed a virgin called Mary and created in her a Blood cell which brought forth Jesus Christ, which was the Son of God, the Tabernacle in which God inveiled Himself in flesh, manifested Himself among us: God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. I believe that that Blood cell was broke at Calvary for the remission of our sins, and the Spirit went out of Him and came back upon the church, 'cause the Christ, the Holy Spirit--the Christ the Logos, was in us now, the Holy Spirit by baptism, making us... Christ separated Himself giving His Life to each one of us, that we, as a group of people, might be the church of God.
But I might say this: When I come into the midst of you, I believe this: I believe that God our Father overshadowed a virgin called Mary and created in her a Blood cell which brought forth Jesus Christ, which was the Son of God, the Tabernacle in which God inveiled Himself in flesh, manifested Himself among us: God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. I believe that that Blood cell was broke at Calvary for the remission of our sins, and the Spirit went out of Him and came back upon the church, 'cause the Christ, the Holy Spirit--the Christ the Logos, was in us now, the Holy Spirit by baptism, making us... Christ separated Himself giving His Life to each one of us, that we, as a group of people, might be the church of God.
E-97 Unul a zis, "Cînd El a murit, Biblia zice că El s-a înclinat înainte," şi a zis, "de aceea noi trebuie să-i înclinăm înainte."
E-96 And not long ago... I used to ride; you know that. My father was a rider, a great shot. I used to ride. We herded the--the--at the Arapaho Valley, I mean the Troublesome River over the Arapaho range. The Hereford Association grazes that valley. And up on that valley the ranchers, they--they have so much grass that they can raise, and when a ranch will produce as much as a ton of hay, you can run a cow on the--on the pasture up below Estes Park there. And you can run a cow--and that's part of my great hunting grounds up in there, and I have ranched in there for years. I go yet in spring and fall when I am off and can, and ride the roundups just to be up there, 'cause I love to ride. And all up and down the ranch--that valley there's a bunch of ranchers that has a right into here and to graze their cattle, and in the springtime many times have I helped them get the cattle together and run them up there. And there's a drift fence where they can't drift back on private property coming down through the range, and the ranger stands there and counts those cattle when he goes in--when they go in. And I've set a many a day, hour after hour, watch Mr. Grime's bunch go through. He had the diamond bar, ours was a turkey track, and they had the tripod just below us, and Jefferies, and so forth. Then when I'd put my leg (as many of you know) across the horn of the saddle and set there and watch that ranger as he stood there counting these cattle. I noticed one thing. He didn't pay much attention to the brand that was on it, but there's one thing he really looked for--that was the blood tag. It had to be a thoroughbred Hereford or it couldn't go behind that fence; but the brand didn't make much difference. And I think that's the way it'll be at the Judgment. He's not going to look at our brand, but He'll look for the Blood tag.
E-98 Şi am zis, "Păi," la grupul celălalt, "ce a făcut... Cum îi cu voi?"
A zis, "Aţi îngropat voi vreodată un om cu faţa lui în jos?"
A zis, "Aţi îngropat voi vreodată un om cu faţa lui în jos?"
E-97 I have made my mistakes, brethren, and I've done so many things that's wrong. And if anytime along the road I've brought, or you have heard something that I might've remarked or said that give an offense of some kind, or if I said something this morning that give an offense, I ask you as a Christian brother, sister, forgive me. I don't mean to do it. I've only expelled to you my heart so that we would know. If there's any baptizing to be done, you brethren do it yourself. See? That's... I don't do it. If I have, that's the way I'll baptize one, like that. Either one of you can take it. See? So you can take the person they're baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and they're baptize in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ too. So if I ever baptize one... But I haven't done it yet. I have only baptized in my own church, and that's just the people there. And that's the way the people at my church are baptized. If you'll look back, that's the old Missionary ritual, the old Missionary Baptist ritual. And now, if... Now, that's that.
E-99 Păi, şi voi ştiţi ce? Ei s-au separat şi au făcut două grupuri, două organizaţii. Oh, milă, fraţilor! Asta-i întocmai ceea ce vrea Diavolul. Asta-i întocmai ceea ce el vrea.Da. Luaţi-vă...
E-98 I believe in Divine healing; I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost; I believe in the--in the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues; I believe in every gift that God gave to His church. I'm for them one hundred percent, but I believe... I'm not in for a lot of this here super-duper healing that we have around today.
I would just like to make a remark here. Sometime ago there was a brother, and it isn't my precious Brother Tommy Hicks, which I regard as a true servant of Christ. It was another man in another country, and in this country there was--he was just all the time, "God's super-duper healer, super-duper healer," you know, like that. And I got a letter after the man had the--from the Lutheran church. And my secretary here knows; we have it on file. I wouldn't call the man's name, because it is not Christian-like, although I disagree with the man's ideas; but that's perfectly all right. I love him; he's my brother.
I would just like to make a remark here. Sometime ago there was a brother, and it isn't my precious Brother Tommy Hicks, which I regard as a true servant of Christ. It was another man in another country, and in this country there was--he was just all the time, "God's super-duper healer, super-duper healer," you know, like that. And I got a letter after the man had the--from the Lutheran church. And my secretary here knows; we have it on file. I wouldn't call the man's name, because it is not Christian-like, although I disagree with the man's ideas; but that's perfectly all right. I love him; he's my brother.
E-100 Acum, vedeţi aceasta nu este Misiunea Credinţei Apostolice, sau-sau nici nu=ruci nu este Adunările Penticostale, pe de altă parte. Aceasta nu este aceea. Acolo sînt oameni minunaţi în amîndouă grupuri, aşa cum există aici. Însă, vedeţi voi, acesta este sistemul acelui lucru.
E-99 But it just got to a place to where they just got to have some kind of a sensation, or whip it up, or something another like that. See? And that--that's no good. See? Brother, bodily exercise does very little. And so this Lutheran minister wrote this minister back a--a letter, and he said, "You American evangelists who come here," said, "with all your super-duper healing to everybody..." And now, this sounds like a little bouquet to myself, but God knows I don't mean it in that way. But he said, "When little Deborah Stadsklev died (that baby), and that mother had stood there that day in California where that baby had died and was cold and seen laid that baby over in Brother Branham's arms, and him stand there and pray for it, and the baby started screaming and kicking, then hand it back to her."
E-101 Aceasta este întocmai ca cea Catolică, aşa cum am spus adesea. Dacă el este un Catolic, şi depinde de Cristos pentru mîntuire, el este mîntuit. Desigur, asta-i corect. Dacă el depinde de biserică, el este pierdut. Şi oricare din voi fraţilor penticostali ştiţi, dacă noi ne uităm la biserica Penticostală să ne salveze, "noi sîntem, dintre oameni, cei mai mizerabili," asta-i adevărat, deoarece noi sîntem pierduţi. Asta-i adevărat.
E-100 He also knew of the Mexican case, which we can base this Full Gospel Business Men a statement, you have to something stated from a doctor. When that little Mexican baby died that morning at 9:00 o'clock, and this was 11:00 o'clock that night. Doctor wrote his statement out. Brother Espinosa, which many of you Assembly of God brethren know, he was the one got that statement from the doctor, that he died.
And I saw a vision out over the crowd when twenty thousand Catholic people come to Christ in Mexico City. I said, "Don't you just take that. I don't know that baby." I just saw a vision out here, and Billy there was trying with thirty or forty ushers, couldn't keep that little woman out of the prayer line with that baby. She'd run between their legs and everything. So finally I sent Jack Moore down. I said, "Go, pray for it." I looked out here, and I seen a little Mexican baby smiling. I said, "Wait a minute. Bring it here." See? And when I put my hands on that blanket, just poured down rain all day, and they'd been standing there since early that morning, and this was about 11:00 o'clock that night, and put my hands over on the little baby, and it begin kicking and squealing, and they begin screaming.
And I saw a vision out over the crowd when twenty thousand Catholic people come to Christ in Mexico City. I said, "Don't you just take that. I don't know that baby." I just saw a vision out here, and Billy there was trying with thirty or forty ushers, couldn't keep that little woman out of the prayer line with that baby. She'd run between their legs and everything. So finally I sent Jack Moore down. I said, "Go, pray for it." I looked out here, and I seen a little Mexican baby smiling. I said, "Wait a minute. Bring it here." See? And when I put my hands on that blanket, just poured down rain all day, and they'd been standing there since early that morning, and this was about 11:00 o'clock that night, and put my hands over on the little baby, and it begin kicking and squealing, and they begin screaming.
E-102 Dar dacă noi ne uităm la Isus Cristos, atunci noi sîntem salvaţi, "prin credinţa ta," (ce?) o lucrare terminată. Şi aceste micuţe lucruri lucrătoare, şi mărci, aceasta nu contează prea mult.
E-101 So then, they taken it down, and got the statement, went to the doctor, and the doctor said, "I pronounced the baby dead this morning at 9:00 o'clock. It died with pneumonia." See? And so then those things are--are--are true. They are statements. It has to be. We should always be honest and truthful about anything. Don't make it any... Just let it be what it is. Let just... God don't need any help on anything. You see? He's--He's God.
E-103 Acum, eu i-am spus Fratelui Seism, să... şi Fratele Ness, "Să răspund la întrebarea ta," am zis, "acum, eu nu iau nici o parte cu voi fraţilor. Şi eu ştiu, atît timp cît voi vă certaţi, voi amîndoi sînteţi greşiţi. Înţelegeţi? Deoarece, eu mai degrabă aş fi greşit în învăţătura mea, şi corect în inima mea, decît să fiu corect în învăţătura mea, şi greşit în inima mea." Înţelegeţi? Am zis, "După toate astea, aceasta este condiţia inimii voastre."
E-102 So this... He said, "Now, but when this mother called up Brother Branham in America, crying to him over the phone, 'Come over and raise up my little baby,' and the United States Government..." Her husband is a chaplain in the Army, and you all know Julius, many of you: wrote my book, "A Prophet Visits Africa."
"And that poor little Norwegian mother screaming to the top of her voice said, 'Brother Branham, I was standing there when that baby come to life.' Said, 'We believe you to be a servant of the--of Christ.' Said, 'Come lay your hands upon my baby, and it'll live. It died just in a moment or two with pneumonia. It was sick about four hours or five. And these men had been around there hollering and screaming and jumping up and down, saying, 'God's going to raise it up. God's going to raise it up.'" And said, "By that the American," not the American Air Lines; the United States Army was going to fly me over in a jet and back in a day. See?
"And that poor little Norwegian mother screaming to the top of her voice said, 'Brother Branham, I was standing there when that baby come to life.' Said, 'We believe you to be a servant of the--of Christ.' Said, 'Come lay your hands upon my baby, and it'll live. It died just in a moment or two with pneumonia. It was sick about four hours or five. And these men had been around there hollering and screaming and jumping up and down, saying, 'God's going to raise it up. God's going to raise it up.'" And said, "By that the American," not the American Air Lines; the United States Army was going to fly me over in a jet and back in a day. See?
E-104 Şi eu am făcut din aceasta o practică, să ştiu asta: că, dacă un om, nu contează ce face el, şi cît de mult diferă el, şi ce spune el despre mine; dacă în inima mea, nu doar dintr-o datorie, dar din inima mea eu nu pot să-l iubesc pe acel om tot atît de bine cum eu iubesc pe oricare altul, atunci eu ştiu că există ceva greşit aici, vedeţi. Asta-i corect, deoarece, aceasta este-aceasta... nu contează dacă el...
E-103 And I said, "Before I come, let me find the will of the Lord." So I prayed, two days, and that doctor was so nice to let the baby lay there. Then, one morning I got up and started to walk out into the kitchen; I looked standing there, over there just a light about the size of that light there circling around, said, "Don't touch that. Don't rebuke that. That's the hand of the Lord." I run right back and called the nation, and called and said, "I--I cannot come."
And this Lutheran minister said, "Why don't you wait till you get a clear cut decision from God, like Brother Branham did, and then you know what you're talking about."
And this Lutheran minister said, "Why don't you wait till you get a clear cut decision from God, like Brother Branham did, and then you know what you're talking about."
E-105 Un frăţior a venit, nu cu mult în urmă, un frăţior din Biserica lui Cristos. Şi, oh, el a stat sus acolo, şi el a zis, "Acest om este un drac." Înţelegeţi? El a zis, "El zice despre Duhul Sfînt." El a zis, "Nu există un astfel de lucru. Ei, păi, numai cei doisprezece apostoli au primit Duhul Sfînt. Şi-şi vindecarea Divină a fost dată numai celor doisprezece apostoli." Şi a continuat aşa, cam o jumătate de oră.
E-104 Now, that is it, brethren. If we'll just not jump at conclusions, and wait and get a glim, clear cut decision from God. And all of this here healing centers that don't know nothing about God... I believe that Divine healing is based upon a principle that you ought to come to God first, and give your heart to Him, and wash up your lives in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and then God will go to work with you and heal you. Just like this brother said about the little woman he'd prayed for down there, a saint of God. You see?
E-106 Şi am zis, "Doar un moment, frate. Eu cred că s-ar cuveni ca tu să-mi dai doar un prilej să apăr Aceasta, înţelegi." Am zis, "Tu ai zis că tu ai vorbit unde Biblia a vorbit, şi ai fost tăcut unde Aceasta era tăcută."
Şi el a zis, "Noi da."
Şi el a zis, "Noi da."
E-105 In my life I made many mistakes. I've done lots of things that's wrong. I'll probably, if I live much longer, I'll do many more. Perhaps some of them will be stumbling blocks in your way. I hope that you forgive me.
I was reading of Abraham, how that the flusterations that he had, how that he... My, the things that he did. He doubted God, and he lied about his wife, and everything. But when his Divine commentary was written in Romans 4, it never mentioned his mistakes. But It said, "Abraham never staggered at the unbelief through God, but was strong." All of his mistakes was all forgotten about when the Divine commentary of his life was written. His flusterations wasn't even mentioned. His mistakes wasn't mentioned. Brethren, I hope that when my commentary is read that day that He'll rub mine out too, and won't think about them. I hope you do too. God bless you.
I was reading of Abraham, how that the flusterations that he had, how that he... My, the things that he did. He doubted God, and he lied about his wife, and everything. But when his Divine commentary was written in Romans 4, it never mentioned his mistakes. But It said, "Abraham never staggered at the unbelief through God, but was strong." All of his mistakes was all forgotten about when the Divine commentary of his life was written. His flusterations wasn't even mentioned. His mistakes wasn't mentioned. Brethren, I hope that when my commentary is read that day that He'll rub mine out too, and won't think about them. I hope you do too. God bless you.
E-107 Am zis, "Acum, tu ai zis că acolo era că doar cei doisprezece apostoli au primit Duhul Sfînt. Biblia a spus, 'Acolo erau o sută şi douăzeci în camera de sus cînd Duhul Sfînt a căzut, femei şi toţi.' Şi ai vrea tu să-mi spui, crezi tu că Pavel nu a avut Duhul Sfînt? Iar el l-a primit pe Acesta mult timp după aceea, vezi. Şi tu ai zis că darul vindecării a fost dat numai la cei doisprezece apostoli. Şi Ştefan a mers jos, cîteva zile mai tîrziu, şi el nu era unul din cei doisprezece. El nici măcar nu era un predicator. El era un diacon, şi a mers jos la Samaria şi a scos draci." Am zis, "Oh, frate!" Acesta a fost foarte tăcut chiar aici, unde el a trebuit să ţină aceasta.
E-106 [Doctor Tommy Hicks steps to the microphone to make the following comments:
I think that we can say this morning to sum up everything that's been said with these words. Christ in me the hope of glory. Say them, please. Christ in me the hope of glory.
There's ins-and-outs and overs in the life of every man. (I'm not going to speak.) I have a message. I believe that every Christian has been...?... Jesus...?... My heart is stirred this morning, and I believe that for many of us some things that disturb us...?... make us better men and women of God.
Babe Ruth was known as the Homerun King. But did you know that Babe Ruth was also the Strikeout King? He struck out more times than he ever made home runs. He struck out 1,330 times; he only made 860 home runs. But every time Babe Ruth struck out, he went back to the dug out when the old umpire hollered, "You're out," he went back to the dug out and rubbed his hands and picked up the bat and pointed over the fence, and he always said, "I feel sorry for that pitcher out there."
There's nothing wrong in striking out, but remember: pick up the bat...?... because Christ in me the hope of glory. Say it again please: Christ in me the hope of glory. It's everything; it's everything; it's everything. Hallelujah.
Arguing and fighting will never get the job done. We're too close to the other side. We've reached the point of no return. How many times that I've heard the captain call back on the plane: "We've now reached the point of no return."
Not long ago I heard a voice from another world that spoke to me and said, "Son, you've reached the point of no return." That means I'm closer to the other side than I am from the point where I started from.
Close your eyes, please; bow your head.
Our heavenly Father, this morning, how thankful and how grateful we are that we can say from the very deep of our heart and the deep of our souls, "Christ in me--Christ in me, the hope of glory." Oh, Jesus, put Your loving arms around every man and every woman, and may our vision and our sights be raised high--high, higher, higher than the things of this world, that we may see Christ, and others may see Christ in us. Lay Your hand upon each one of these of Thy servants...]
Grant it, Lord.
[... that may, as we go out of this place this morning that we will determine to see nothing save Christ only...]
[... is welcome within each other. We know the job is--there's such a big job to be done, Jesus; there's such a great harvest to be reaped.]
Yes, Lord.
[Oh, help us, Lord...]
Yes, Lord.
[... that we'll join hands together...]
Grant it, Lord."
[and sweep across the harvest...]
Yes, Lord.
[... to win the lost and dying before it's too late.]
Yes, Lord.
[I want you to lift your hand and just praise the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.]
[Brother Branham and the people praise the Lord.]
[Shall we stand, please. I want you to lift your hands and sing with me "I Love Him." Do you love Him...]
[... this morning? Do you love Him with all your heart? Raise your hands and sing it, all together, "I Love Him."
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first love me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Will you just hum it please...
You know, fellow ministers, in Argentina we had over 400,000 people in one service; time after time we have seen the people. And I remember the first afternoon, we had more than 400,000 people who were singing that in Spanish, and I had them hum it, and outside there was more than 300,000 people. We asked the people inside just to keep quiet while the people outside hummed the words of that song. And suddenly, as they were singing it, there was something flooded my soul. I'd never known before in my life the revelation of Christ in me until I heard the echo of 300,000 people outside just humming it "I love Him" outside...?... this morning is a great majestic army of the King of glory, and they're singing. Who do they love? Who do you love? Christ, Christ in me the hope of glory.
Close your eyes, raise your hands, and sing it again, everyone.
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
If you love Him this morning, put your arms around three or four different men; and women do the same; and say, "I love the Lord Jesus Christ." That's right; put your arms around...--Ed.]
I think that we can say this morning to sum up everything that's been said with these words. Christ in me the hope of glory. Say them, please. Christ in me the hope of glory.
There's ins-and-outs and overs in the life of every man. (I'm not going to speak.) I have a message. I believe that every Christian has been...?... Jesus...?... My heart is stirred this morning, and I believe that for many of us some things that disturb us...?... make us better men and women of God.
Babe Ruth was known as the Homerun King. But did you know that Babe Ruth was also the Strikeout King? He struck out more times than he ever made home runs. He struck out 1,330 times; he only made 860 home runs. But every time Babe Ruth struck out, he went back to the dug out when the old umpire hollered, "You're out," he went back to the dug out and rubbed his hands and picked up the bat and pointed over the fence, and he always said, "I feel sorry for that pitcher out there."
There's nothing wrong in striking out, but remember: pick up the bat...?... because Christ in me the hope of glory. Say it again please: Christ in me the hope of glory. It's everything; it's everything; it's everything. Hallelujah.
Arguing and fighting will never get the job done. We're too close to the other side. We've reached the point of no return. How many times that I've heard the captain call back on the plane: "We've now reached the point of no return."
Not long ago I heard a voice from another world that spoke to me and said, "Son, you've reached the point of no return." That means I'm closer to the other side than I am from the point where I started from.
Close your eyes, please; bow your head.
Our heavenly Father, this morning, how thankful and how grateful we are that we can say from the very deep of our heart and the deep of our souls, "Christ in me--Christ in me, the hope of glory." Oh, Jesus, put Your loving arms around every man and every woman, and may our vision and our sights be raised high--high, higher, higher than the things of this world, that we may see Christ, and others may see Christ in us. Lay Your hand upon each one of these of Thy servants...]
Grant it, Lord.
[... that may, as we go out of this place this morning that we will determine to see nothing save Christ only...]
[... is welcome within each other. We know the job is--there's such a big job to be done, Jesus; there's such a great harvest to be reaped.]
Yes, Lord.
[Oh, help us, Lord...]
Yes, Lord.
[... that we'll join hands together...]
Grant it, Lord."
[and sweep across the harvest...]
Yes, Lord.
[... to win the lost and dying before it's too late.]
Yes, Lord.
[I want you to lift your hand and just praise the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.]
[Brother Branham and the people praise the Lord.]
[Shall we stand, please. I want you to lift your hands and sing with me "I Love Him." Do you love Him...]
[... this morning? Do you love Him with all your heart? Raise your hands and sing it, all together, "I Love Him."
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first love me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Will you just hum it please...
You know, fellow ministers, in Argentina we had over 400,000 people in one service; time after time we have seen the people. And I remember the first afternoon, we had more than 400,000 people who were singing that in Spanish, and I had them hum it, and outside there was more than 300,000 people. We asked the people inside just to keep quiet while the people outside hummed the words of that song. And suddenly, as they were singing it, there was something flooded my soul. I'd never known before in my life the revelation of Christ in me until I heard the echo of 300,000 people outside just humming it "I love Him" outside...?... this morning is a great majestic army of the King of glory, and they're singing. Who do they love? Who do you love? Christ, Christ in me the hope of glory.
Close your eyes, raise your hands, and sing it again, everyone.
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
If you love Him this morning, put your arms around three or four different men; and women do the same; and say, "I love the Lord Jesus Christ." That's right; put your arms around...--Ed.]
E-108 Şi după ce aceasta s-a terminat, "Dar," am zis, "Eu te iert pentru că m-ai numit un drac, pentru că eu ştiu că tu nu ai spus-o intenţionat."
E-107 [Following this response of love, Brother Branham returns to the microphone--Ed.] If I could see this happen all over the whole world, I'd say, "Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace."
E-109 Şi apoi cînd el a terminat, el a venit sus. El a zis, "Există un lucru care eu îl pot spune. Tu ai Duhul lui Cristos."
E-111 Însă eu vă spun, înţelegeţi, deoarece acel om, el putea spune că eu l-am iubit; nu conta, că el era în dezacord, şi în dezacord oribil şi denunţînd. El...
E-112 Eu sînt un vînător, şi cu animale sălbatice, toată viaţa mea. Şi oamenii au zis, "Cum..." De data aceea cînd eu a trebuit să omor ursul acela, cu un cuţit, vedeţi. Au zis, "Nu ţi-a fost teamă de el?"
E-114 Dar, vedeţi, tu nu poţi-tu nu îi poţi înşela. Ei ştiu dacă ţie îţi este frică de ei, sau nu. Tu să te temi de un cal, şi vezi ce va face un cal, el te va călca. Înţelegeţi? Astfel dacă vouă vă e teamă... Voi nu-l puteţi înşela. Voi trebuie cu adevărat să aveţi asta.
Şi acesta este felul cum este cu Satan.
Şi acesta este felul cum este cu Satan.
E-115 Acesta este felul cum este printre oameni. Voi trebuie să iubiţi pe oameni. Voi nu puteţi doar să vă prefaceţi. Voi trebuie să aveţi asta, sau culorile voastre se vor arăta pe undeva, vedeţi. Asta-i adevărat. Voi într-adevăr trebuie să iubiţi oamenii, şi ei ştiu că voi îi iubiţi. Vedeţi, există ceva privitor la aceasta.
E-116 Şi omul acum, a chemat pe soţia mea, cu cîteva zile în urmă, şi a zis, "Este Fratele Branham acolo?"
A zis, "Nu."
A zis, "Nu."
E-117 A zis, "Păi, un lucru eu am de spus, eu eram în dezacord cu el, în teologie, dar eu spun că el este un slujitor al lui Cristos."
E-118 Păi, atunci, şi atunci înainte ca eu să plec, el mi-a trimis o scrisoare, şi el a zis, "Eu vin sus, îndată ce tu vii înapoi. Eu vreau acel botez al Duhului Sfînt despre care tu vorbeşti."
E-119 Astfel, vedeţi voi, doar unde dacă voi aţi avea... Dacă eu aş fi avut acea simţire, de a spune, "Păi, acolo nu-i nimic pentru tine. Denominaţiunea ta veche nu este bună, şi-şi voi toţi oamenii din Biserica lui Cristos nu sînteţi buni. Voi nu sînteţi buni. Voi, voi sînteţi draci." Eu nu l-aş fi cîştigat niciodată pe acel om. Şi dacă eu i-aş fi spus că eu l-am iubit, şi nu era din adins în inima mea, el ar fi ştiut mai bine. Asta-i tot ceea ce este privitor la aceasta. Tu trebuie s-o spui dinadins în inima ta.
E-120 Şi aceea este în serile cînd eu păşesc afară pe platformă, sub acel discernămînt, vedeţi. Eu nu mă gîndesc despre aceasta. Eu doar nu mănînc mîncare din timpul prînzului; şi postesc şi mă rog, şi stau în cameră. Deoarece, El mi-a promis că El o va face. Şi de aceea eu mă duc fără o umbră de îndoială, deoarece El a promis că El o va face. De aceea, vedeţi, a mea... Eu ştiu că motivul meu este (ce?), obiectivul meu este (ce?), pentru ducerea mai departe a Împărăţiei lui Dumnezeu.
E-121 Dacă un om merge pe aici, pe acolo, la orice biserică merge el; atît timp cît el vine la Cristos, aceasta nu contează pentru mine. Şi aceasta este în inima mea. Înţelegeţi? Şi nu contează, dacă noi mergem acolo şi aderăm la Biserica lui Cristos, aceea este doar în ordine. Asta-i bine. Dacă el... La ce biserică aderă el, aceasta nu contează pentru mine. Însă atît timp cît eu cîştig sufletul lui la Cristos, este lucrul principal.
E-122 Astfel am zis, "Frate Ness, nu ca să fiu diferit..." Acum eu am să... Este în regulă ca să folosesc pe acesta, frate? [Fratele zice, "Sigur." – Ed.] Am zis, "Eu vreau să spun şi să explic." Şi, în asta, eu s-ar putea să vă spun vouă fraţilor de aici. Acum, nu menţionaţi aceasta printre adunările voastre. Şi dacă voi o faceţi, şi îmi faceţi un favor, doar-doar-doar lasaţi-mă doar să fiu fratele vostru, vedeţi. Şi eu, şi dacă-dacă eu sînt greşit, atunci voi iertaţi-mă. Dar eu vreau să vă explic vouă, fiindcă sînt amîndouă grupuri şezînd aici în această dimineaţă, şi din Unitarieni şi-din Adunarieni, deasemeni, şi credinţa trinitariană.
E-123 Acum eu vreau să fac această declaraţie. Eu vreau să spun că eu cred că amîndouă părţile sînt greşite, atît timp cît ele se ceartă una cu alta, deoarece motivele lor sînt greşite. Şi atît timp cît motivele voastre sînt greşite; nu contează care este obiectivul vostru, însă motivele voastre la acel obiectiv sînt greşite, atunci aceasta niciodată nu va merge. [Fratele Branham bate pe amvon de patru ori – Ed.] Asta-i adevărat.
E-124 Acum, unii oameni au zis, "Frate Branham, tu eşti un Numai Isus." Eu vreau să spun că aceea este o eroare. Eu nu sînt un Numai Isus.
E-125 Cineva a zis, "Frate Branham, eşti tu un trinitarian?" Nu, domnule. Eu nu sînt un trinitarian. Eu sînt un Creştin. Înţelegeţi? Eu-eu-eu nu... Cuvîntul trinitarian nici măcar nu se menţionează în Biblie, cuvîntul "trinitate." Şi eu nu cred că acolo sînt trei Dumnezei individuali.
E-126 Eu cred că există un Dumnezeu în trei funcţii; Tată, Fiu, Duh Sfînt. Aceasta este exact de ce am fost noi însărcinaţi să botezăm în Numele de Tată, Fiu, Duh Sfînt. Eu cred că acesta este Dumnezeu binevoind, venind jos.
E-127 Acum, Dumnezeu, cînd El prima dată a apărut la om, El era într-o formă de un Stîlp de Foc. Voi credeţi asta, nu-i aşa?... Orice cititor al Bibliei care cunoaşte că Stîlpul de Foc care era în pustie era Logosul, că acela era Îngerul Legămîntului, care era Cristos.
E-128 Deoarece, El a zis... ? ... Eu cred că acesta este Sfîntul Ioan 6 acolo, El a zis, "Înainte să fi fost Abraham," a zis, "EU SÎNT." El era "EU SÎNT."
E-129 Astfel, acela era Dumnezeu, sfînt; chiar dacă un om a atins muntele el trebuie să fie omorît, vedeţi. În ordine. Acum, acelaşi Dumnezeu a încercat să se lucreze pe Sine înapoi în creatura Lui pe care El a creat-o. Acum, El nu putea veni lîngă ei, deoarece ei erau păcătoşi, iar sîngele caprelor şi a oilor niciodată nu au luat la o parte păcatul. Noi ştim asta. Acesta doar a acoperit păcatul.
E-130 Acum, dar atunci acelaşi Dumnezeu care era Stîlpul de Foc, El a devenit trup, prin Fiul Lui, şi a locuit într-un trup numit Domnul Isus Cristos. Biblia a spus, "În El locuieşte plinătatea Dumnezeirii trupeşte." Şi Isus a zis în... Păi, în Întîi Timotei 3:16, "Fără discuţie, mare este taina neprihănirii." Şi dacă ei au putut s-o numească mare, păi, ce vom face noi, vedeţi? "Mare este taina lui Dumnezeu, căci Dumnezeu a fost manifestat în trup, şi văzut de îngeri, şi primit sus în Slavă," şi aşa mai departe. Acum, şi El a zis în Sfîntul Ioan 14, lui Toma, "Cînd tu m-ai văzut pe Mine, tu l-ai văzut pe Tatăl. Şi de ce zici tu, 'Arată-ne pe Tatăl'?" Biblia a spus, că, "Dumnezeu era în Cristos, îrnpăcînd lumea cu Sine."
E-131 Acum, Dumnezeu nu poate fi trei persoane, trei Dumnezei. Nici nu poate Isus să fie Propriul Lui Tată, în unul. Înţelegeţi? Astfel, voi vedeţi, aceasta face amîndouă radical greşite.
E-132 Acum, şi acum dacă voi veţi observa doar, nu există nici un loc... Dacă noi avem trei Dumnezei, noi sîntem păgîni. Acum, noi ştim asta.
E-133 Cum mi-a spus Iudeul odată, cînd eu discutam cu el, a zis, "Care dintre ei este Dumnezeul tău? Care este Dumnezeul tău; Tatăl, Fiul, sau Duhul Sfînt? Care este al tău?"
Şi am zis, "Păi, nu există trei Dumnezei."
Şi am zis, "Păi, nu există trei Dumnezei."
E-134 El a zis, "Tu nu poţi tăia-tăia pe Dumnezeu în trei bucăţi şi să-L dai unui Iudeu."
Am zis, "Nu, domnule." Am zis...
Am zis, "Nu, domnule." Am zis...
E-135 Cînd John Rhyn a fost vindecat de orbire, acolo la Fort Wayne, voi ştiţi; şi acest rabin sus aici la Mishawa-... sau la Fort... Benton Harbor. El a zis, "Tu nu îl poţi tăia pe Dumnezeu în trei bucăţi şi să-L dai unui Iudeu."
E-136 Am zis, "Desigur că nu. Eu nu." Am zis, "Rabinule, ar fi greu pentru tine ca tu să crezi profeţii?"
Ela zis, "Nu."
Ela zis, "Nu."
E-137 Am zis, "În Isaia 9:6, despre cine vorbea el, 'Nouă un Copil ni s-a născut, un Fiu ni s-a dat, va fi numit Sfetnic, Dumnezeu Tare, Prinţ al Păcii'?"
El a zis, "Acela era Mesia."
Am zis, "Atunci, rabinule, în ce relaţie va fi Mesia cu Dumnezeu?"
El a zis, "El va fi Dumnezeu."
El a zis, "Acela era Mesia."
Am zis, "Atunci, rabinule, în ce relaţie va fi Mesia cu Dumnezeu?"
El a zis, "El va fi Dumnezeu."
E-138 "Asta-i ceea ce mă gîndeam." Vedeţi? Acum, voi vedeţi, asta-i exact corect. Asta-i ceea ce El este. Şi astfel am zis, "Spune-mi acum unde a omis Isus să împlinească exact ceea ce profetul a spus că El va face." Iar el a început să plîngă şi să umble în jur. Am zis, "Prin Acela, John Rhyn îşi are vederea lui." Vedeţi?
Şi el a zis, "Departe să fie aceasta de Dumnezeu să aibe un fiu!"
Şi el a zis, "Departe să fie aceasta de Dumnezeu să aibe un fiu!"
E-139 Am zis, "Marele Iehova a preaumbrit o femeie, aşa cum profetul a spus că El o va face, şi a creat o celulă de Sînge. Şi prin acea celulă de Sînge este de unde a apărut trupul lui Cristos.
E-140 "Priveşte, în Vechiul Testament, Rabinule," am zis, "cînd un om a mers să facă o jertfă, el a luat un miel. El a ştiut că el a încălcat poruncile lui Dumnezeu, astfel el a luat un miel. El şi¬a mărturisit păcatele, şi acest miel a fost omorît. În timp ce... mîinile lui fiind peste miel; mărturisirea lui că el ştia că el ar trebui să moară pentru păcatul lui, însă mielul îi lua locul lui. Iar celula de sînge era ruptă; şi el ţinea mieluşelul cu mîna lui pînă cînd el a simţit că viaţa acestuia a ieşit din el, şi s-a înţepenit. Atunci preotul, desigur, a aruncat sîngele pe-pe foc, altarul de bronz al judecăţii."
E-141 Atunci am zis, "Acel om, atunci, el a ieşit de acolo, ştiind că mielul i-a luat locul lui, însă el a mers afară cu aceeaşi dorinţă care el a avut-o cînd el a intrat, vedeţi, deoarece acesta nu putea să ia la o parte păcatul. Înţelegeţi? Dar, atunci, acest caz, 'Închinătorul odată curăţit, nu mai are conştiinţă de păcat.' Acolo, acolo era o jertfă făcută anual. Dar," am zis, "acum există acest timp, 'închinătorul odată curăţit, nu mai are conştiinţă de păcat.' Deoarece...
E-142 "Priveşte, Rabinule. În hemoglobină, acea viaţă micuţă care începe în celulă, care aceasta vine de la sexul masculin, în cel femenin. Iar ea produce oul; dar, găina poate oua un ou, însă dacă ea nu a fost cu pasărea masculină, acesta nu va cloci niciodată."
E-143 Şi am zis, "Atunci Dumnezeu, cel mai măreţ care a umplut tot timpul şi spaţiul, a devenit jos la un germene micuţ în pîntecele unei femei." Şi atunci am zis, "Cînd noi sîntem mîntuiţi astăzi... Isus nu a fost nici Iudeu nici din Neamuri, deoarece oul produce numai trupul. Sîngele are Viaţa. Astfel noi-noi sîntem... Biblia a spus, 'Noi sîntem mîntuiţi prin Sîngele lui Dumnezeu.' Vedeţi, El nu a fost nici Iudeu nici din Neamuri; El era Dumnezeu. De aceea, cînd noi venim la altar şi ne punem mîinile, prin credinţă, peste capul Lui, şi simţim sfîşierea şi agonia la Calvar, şi ne mărturisim păcatele, că noi sîntem greşiţi, şi El a murit în locul nostru!
E-144 "Atunci, tu vezi," am zis, "sîngele acelui miel nu a putut să vină înapoi peste acesta, sîngele care... Celula a fost spartă, şi viaţa care era s-a dezlegat, în ruperea acestei celule de sînge a mielului, nu a putut veni înapoi peste închinător, deoarece aceasta era o viaţă de animal, şi aceasta nu ar coincide cu viaţa umană.
E-145 "Dar de data aceasta, cînd acea celulă de Sînge a fost ruptă, acesta nu era doar un om. Aceea era Viaţa lui Dumnezeu, la care s-a dat drumul. Şi cînd închinătorul îşi pune mîinile, prin credinţă, peste Fiul lui Dumnezeu, şi îşi mărturiseşte păcatele; nu viaţa unui alt om, ci Viaţa lui Dumnezeu vine înapoi în acest om, care este Viaţă Eternă. Cuvîntul Zoe, care este tălmăcit, Propria 'Viaţă' a lui Dumnezeu. Şi El a zis că El ne va da Zoe, Viaţă Eternă, şi acum noi sîntem fii şi fiice a lui Dumnezeu. Acolo sînteţi."
E-146 Am zis, "Acum ce este asta? Acesta este Dumnezeu, binevoind. El a venit, întîi; 'nici un om nu putea să-L atingă,' deoarece omul a păcătuit. Apoi el a fost venit jos într-un trup, 'pentru ca să guste păcatul... să ia păcatul.' Vedeţi, El, singurul lucru pe care Dumnezeu îl putea face, să fie drept, era să facă aceasta în felul acela."
E-147 De exemplu, ce dacă eu aş avea jurisdicţia acestei audienţe în dimineaţa aceasta, ca aceea pe care Dumnezeu a avut-o peste rasa umană, şi am zis, "Primul om care se uită la acel stîlp, moare," şi Tommy Hicks se uită la el? Acum, de exemplu, eu iau Carl-... "Frate Carlson, tu mori pentru el." Aceea nu ar fi just. Eu aş spune, "Leo, tu eşti secretarul meu; tu mori pentru el." Aceea nu ar fi just. "Billy Paul, fiul meu, tu mori pentru el." Aceea nu este just. Singurul fel în care eu pot să fiu just, este să iau locul lui eu însumi.
E-148 Şi aceasta este ceea ce Dumnezeu a făcut. El, Dumnezeu, este un Duh. Şi El a creat... El, El şi-a schimbat înfăţişarea Lui. Aceasta ar trebui să fie izbitor, pentru oameni, să gîndească despre micuţul Iehova. El putea să fi venit, un om pe deplin crescut, dar El a venit într-o iesle, peste o grămadă de bălegar. Micuţul Iehova, plîngînd ca un prunc. Micuţul Iehova, jucîndu-se ca un băiat. Micuţul Iehova, tîmplar, ca un muncitor. Micuţul Iehova, în adolescenţă. Iehova, atîrnînd între ceruri şi pămînt, cu scuipat de băloşi beţi şi scuipături ale soldaţilor peste faţa Lui. Iehova, murind pentru copiii Lui. Iehova, murind, să răscumpere; nu o altă persoană, ci Dumnezeu Însuşi! Vedeţi, Dumnezeu, aceea era funcţia Lui. De ce? El încearcă să ajungă înapoi la inima omului.
E-149 Acum, noi nu-L puteam atinge, Acolo. Aici, noi L-am simţit cu mîinile noastre. Acum ce a făcut El, prin jertfirea acelui trup? El a devenit Iehova în noi. Noi sîntem părţi din El. În Ziua Cincizecimii, Stîlpul de Foc s-a explodat pe Sine, şi limbi de Foc s-au aşezat peste fiecare, arătînd că Dumnezeu se împărţea pe Sine printre Biserica Lui.
E-150 Atunci, fraţilor, dacă noi putem numai să ajungem împreună, şi să aducem Aceea împreună! Atunci noi avem pe Iehova în plinătate, cînd noi venim împreună. Dar cum putem noi, cînd acest unul vorbeşte în limbi şi are botezul, acest unul; şi apoi ţinînd acest licărit de Foc aici, şi acest unul? Haideţi să¬L punem împreună.
E-151 Cînd Dumnezeu, în Ziua Cincizecimii, a venit jos, şi Biblia a zis, "Limbi de Foc s-au aşezat peste fiecare din ei." Şi ei... "Limbi, ca un Foc," licăriri. Acesta era acel Stîlp de Foc separîndu-se pe Sine şi împărţindu-se pe Sine, printre oameni, ca noi să fim fraţi. "În ziua aceea voi veţi cunoaşte că Eu sînt în Tatăl, şi Tatăl în Mine; Eu în Mine, şi voi în Mine." Şi, noi, noi sîntem unul. Noi sîntem unul, nu împărţiţi.
E-152 Acum, Dumnezeu Iehova, sus Aici, nu a putut să atingă rasa umană, din cauza Propriei Lui legi de sfinţenie; Dumnezeu Iehova a devenit păcat pentru noi, şi a plătit preţul; ca acelaşi Dumnezeu Iehova să poată veni şi să locuiască în noi. Dumnezeu deasupra noastră; Dumnezeu cu noi; Dumnezeu în noi. Nu trei Dumnezei; un Dumnezeu! Profesorii înebunesc, încercînd să priceapă Aceasta. Aceasta este-aceasta este o descoperire. Aceasta trebuie să vă fie descoperit.
E-153 Acum, acum, cînd aceasta ajunge la botez, acum, mulţi oameni... Acum, voi trebuie să faceţi asta, fraţilor. Sau, aceasta este cum eu am spus la Fratele Seism şi la Fratele Ness, că dacă voi... Cearta a intervenit. Şi orice, mulţi dintre voi oamenii de ştiinţă de aici sînt mai abili decît mine; însă eu am făcut o mulţime de studiu asupra subiectului. Şi eu am citit Părinţii din Pre-Niceea, Consiliul din Niceea, şi toţi istoricii, şi aşa mai departe.
E-154 Acea chestiune a apărut la Consiliul din Niceea. Ambele părţi au mers la sămînţă; cînd biserica Catolică a luat partea extremă trinitariană, şi cealaltă a mers la unitariană, şi amîndouă părţi au mers afară. Exact corect, deoarece omul a avut ceva de făcut în asta.
E-155 Voi trebuie să lăsaţi pe Dumnezeu să o facă, şi nu este nevoie ca noi să încercăm să o pricepem. Haideţi să fim fraţi. Haideţi doar să mergem înainte şi să lăsăm pe Dumnezeu să facă lucrul pe care El are să-l facă. Dacă El este infinit şi cunoaşte toate lucrurile, şi a prezis sfîrşitul de la început, cum putem noi face ceva privitor la aceasta? Doar continuaţi să vă mişcaţi înainte. Aceea este calea. Ţineţi în pas, cum am spus seara trecută, cu marele nostru Iosua.
E-156 Acum priviţi, dacă există trei Dumnezei... Eu doar vreau să vă arăt cît de ridicol este aceasta. Dacă există trei Dumnezei, atunci Isus a fost Propriul Lui Ta-... Isus nu putea fi Propriul Lui Tată, fiind unul. Şi, dacă există trei, El nu a fost născut printr-o naştere virgină. Acum cît de mulţi... [Fratele Branham ilustrează, folosind trei obiecte – Ed.] Eu am să spun că acesta este Dumnezeu Tatăl; şi acesta este Dumnezeu Fiul; şi acesta este Dumnezeu Duhul Sfînt.
E-157 Acum, către voi fraţilor diferiţi de aici, voi priviţi aceasta doar un minut şi veţi vedea la ce încerc eu să indic. Mă rog ca Dumnezeu să vă lase să vedeţi aceasta. Acum, priviţi, voi amîndoi credeţi acelaşi lucru, însă diavolul doar s-a băgat între voi şi va dezbinat privitor la aceasta. Acesta este exact acelaşi lucru, şi eu vă voi dovedi aceasta, cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu, şi cu Biblia lui Dumnezeu. Dacă aceasta nu este Biblia, atunci să nu o primiţi. Asta-i adevărat.
E-158 Dar acum priviţi. [Fratele Branham ilustrează, folosind trei obiecte – Ed.] Acesta este (ce?) Dumnezeu Tatăl; acesta este Dumnezeu Fiul; acesta este Dumnezeu Duhul Sfînt. Păi, acum, să ne oprim acum doar un minut, aşezînd pe acei trei acolo; Dumnezeu Tatăl, Fiul, şi Duhul Sfînt.
E-159 Oh, eu-eu nu o să am timp să fac aceasta. Eu... [Fraţii zic, "Mergi înainte! Mergi înainte!" – Ed.] Dar, vedeţi, păi, eu mă voi grăbi atît de repede cît pot. Iertaţi-mă, fraţii mei, dar eu-eu-eu niciodată nu am ajuns să discut cu voi, şi eu-eu vreau să fac aceasta.
E-160 Şi atunci, priviţi; Dumnezeu Tatăl, Fiul, Duhul Sfînt. Acum, Cine era Tatăl lui Isus Cristos? Dumnezeu era Tatăl lui Isus Cristos. Noi toţi credem asta. Este asta adevărat? [Adunarea zice, "Amin." – Ed.] În ordine.
E-161 Acum, cînd noi luăm Matei 28:19, cînd Isus a zis, "Mergeţi voi de aceea, învăţaţi toate neamurile, botezîndu-i în Numele Tatălui, Fiului, Duhului Sfînt." Zece zile după aceea, Petru a zis, "Pocăiţi-vă, şi fiţi botezaţi în Numele Domnului Isus Cristos." Acolo este o contradicţie directă pe undeva. Acum, haideţi să nu... acolo este o...
E-162 Fiecare a mărturisit, şi alte lucruri. Iată-o aceasta. Iată credinţa mea, şi eu doar o aşez înaintea voastră, fraţilor. Eu nu spun aceasta în afară în amvoane; aceasta depinde de voi. Însă eu vreau să vă arăt ce am văzut pe ambele părţi, astfel Duhul Sfînt vă descoperă vouă aceasta, vedeţi.
E-163 Acum, Matei 28:19, şi dacă-dacă Matei 28:19 contrazice Fapte 2:38, atunci acolo este o contradicţie în Biblie, şi Aceasta nu valorează hîrtia pe care Ea este scrisă.
E-164 Acum dacă voi veţi observa în Matei capitolul al 16-lea, Isus i-a dat lui Petru descoperirea, şi i-a dat cheile.
E-165 Acum, amintiţi-vă, Biblia nu este descoperită prin teologia vreunei scheme făcute de om. Aceasta nu este. Ea este o descoperire.
E-166 Ea era o descoperire, de la început. De ce a oferit Abel lui Dumnezeu o jertfă mai excelentă decît Cain? "Aceasta i-a fost descoperit," că aceasta nu erau piersici, şi mere, şi portocale, şi mere. Dacă merele vor face pe femei să-şi dea seama că ele sînt goale, noi mai bine să le pasăm mere din nou, frate. Voi nu gîndiţi astfel? Acum, aceea, aceea sună ca un sacrilegiu, însă eu nu intenţionez să spun asta. Însă, aceasta nu erau mere. Nu, domnule. Acum, şi dacă aceea ar fi aşa, atunci, "Aceasta i-a fost descoperit lui Abel," că el era sîngele tatălui său. Astfel el a oferit sînge, deoarece aceasta era o descoperire. Întregul lucru este zidit pe asta.
E-167 Acum priviţi, aici este un bătrîn pescar neînvăţat, nici măcar destulă educaţie... Biblia a spus că el era neştiutor şi neînvăţat. Însă el stătea acolo, şi Isus a pus întrebarea, "Cine ziceţi voi că sînt Eu Fiul omului?"
E-168 "Unul a zis, păi, Tu eşti-Tu eşti 'Moise.' Ei zic că Tu eşti 'Moise.' Cine zic ei, zic... ei zic, şi unul a zis, păi, Tu eşti 'Ieremia, sau profeţii,' şi asta, aceea, sau cealaltă."
E-171 Şi El a zis, "Binecuvîntat eşti tu, Simone, fiul lui Iona." Acum priviţi. "Carnea şi sîngele nu ţi-au descoperit aceasta, ci Tatăl Meu care este în Ceruri." Înţelegeţi?
E-172 Acum priviţi, acum, biserica Catolică zice că El a zidit Biserica pe Petru. Aceea este greşit.
E-173 Biserica Protestantă zice că El a zidit-o pe El însuşi. Însă acum priviţi şi aflaţi, să vedem dacă aceasta este.
E-174 El a zidit-o pe descoperirea spirituală despre Cine era El, înţelegeţi, deoarece El a zis, "Binecuvîntat eşti tu, Simone, fiul lui Iona. Carnea şi sîngele nu ţi-au descoperit aceasta. Eu îţi zic că tu eşti Simon; peste această piatră" (ce piatră? descoperirea) "Eu voi zidi Biserica Mea, şi porţile iadului nu pot birui împotriva Ei." [Fratele Branham bate în amvon de trei ori – Ed.]
E-175 Atunci, cînd Petru stătea prezent cînd Matei 28 a fost citat, şi s-a întors înapoi şi, zece zile mai tîrziu, cu acea descoperire, şi a botezat în Numele "Domnului Isus Cristos." De ce a făcut el asta? Cu descoperirea lui Dumnezeu; şi avea cheile Împărăţiei, frate.
E-176 Acum eu aş putea să vă rănesc pentru un minut, o parte dintre voi, însă opriţi-vă doar un minut. Nu există nici un loc în Biblie unde vreo persoană a fost vreodată botezată în Numele de "Tată, Fiu, Duh Sfînt." Nu există nici un loc în Scriptură. Şi dacă există, arătaţi-l. Şi dacă voi puteţi găsi oriunde în istoria sacră, pînă la formarea bisericii Catolice, eu vreau ca voi să arătaţi aceasta. Nu există nici un loc, acum, şi asta-i adevărat.
Însă acum aşteptaţi un minut, voi Unitarienilor, doar o secundă.
Însă acum aşteptaţi un minut, voi Unitarienilor, doar o secundă.
E-177 Acum, nu există nici un loc unde... Dacă vreun om poate să-mi arate un text din Scriptură unde acea ceremonie a fost folosită în Biblie, de "Tată, Fiu, Duh Sfînt," voi sînteţi obligaţi să veniţi să-mi spuneţi unde a fost cineva botezat aşa.
E-178 Şi unii din ei zic, "Păi, eu iau ce a spus Isus, nu ce a spus Petru." Dacă ei erau contrar, unul faţă de altul, ce o să facem noi? Dacă aceasta toată nu este Dumnezeu, care parte din Biblie este corectă?
E-179 Aceasta toată trebuie să coincidă şi să vină împreună, şi numai descoperirea lui Dumnezeu. Şcolile noastre nu o vor învăţa niciodată. Aceasta este o descoperire, care voi trebuie să vedeţi Aceasta.
E-180 Atunci, dacă doi oameni erau contrari, unul faţă de altul, atunci ce fel de Biblie citim noi? Cum ştiu eu dacă Ioan 14 este corect, sau nu? Cum ştiu eu dacă Ioan 3 este corect, sau nu? Cum, cum, cum ştiu eu? Vedeţi?
E-181 Dar singurul fel în care eu pot avea credinţă în Dumnezeu, este să cunosc că acea Biblie este corectă, şi să cred că Ea este corectă, şi să stau drept cu Ea. Deşi eu nu înţeleg Aceasta, eu o mişc Aceasta, oricum.
E-182 Însă cînd aceste contradicţii apar, atunci eu merg înaintea lui Dumnezeu, să aflu. Şi acelaşi Înger care mă întîlneşte în adunări, şi noaptea, este Acelaşi Care m-a învăţat Aceasta. Înţelegeţi? Acum vedeţi dacă aceasta este, cum este aceasta acum.
E-183 Acum, Matei 28:19, să privim doar un moment acum. Iar acum eu am să iau Fapte 2:38 chiar aici, unde Petru a zis, "Domnul Isus Cristos." Şi Matei a zis, "Tată, Fiu, Duh Sfînt."
E-184 Acum ascultaţi. El a zis, "Botezaţi-i..." Nu "în numele Tatălui, în numele Fiului, în numele Duhului Sfînt." El niciodată nu a spus asta. Acolo nu este "nume... în nume... în nume."
E-185 El nu a zis, "Botezaţi-i în numele de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt," deoarece aceasta nici măcar nu este perceptibil.
E-186 El a zis, "Botezaţi-i în Numele (N-u-m-e) de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt." Este asta adevărat? [Adunarea zice, "Amin." – Ed.] "... de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt," conjuncţia, "şi... şi... şi."
E-187 Nu "nume." [Plural-Trans.] Nu "în numele Tatălui, numele Fiului, numele Duhului Sfînt." Nu, "în numele [plural – Trans.] de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt." Ci, "în Numele," N-u-m-e, singular, "de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt." Acum, care din ele este numele corect în care să fim botezaţi? Acesta este un Nume. Care anume este? Este "Tată" numele corect, sau este "Fiu" numele corect, sau este "Duh Sfînt" numele corect?
E-188 Acesta este un "Nume," pe undeva. Este asta corect? [Adunarea, "Amin." – Ed.] Păi, eu vreau să vă intreb ceva, atunci. Dacă "Numele," atunci, dacă Isus a zis, "botezaţi-i în Numele de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh..." Cît de mulţi cred că Isus a spus asta? ["Amin."] Acelea sînt Scripturile. Aceasta este Matei 28:19, "În Numele de Tată, Fiu..."
E-189 [Fratele Branham vede o distragere – Ed.] Este ceva ceea ce noi... Nu, aceasta este, mă gîndeam... În regulă, domnule. [Un frate zice, "Scuzaţi-mă Frate Branham?"] Da. ["Eu vreau să întorc această bandă, şi eu nu vreau să pierd aceasta."] În regulă. [Porţiune goală pe bandă.]
E-190 Acum, "în Numele de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt." Acum ascultaţi, fraţilor. Nu există un astfel de lucru ca numele "Tatălui," deoarece Tată nu este un nume. Acesta este un titlu. Nu există un astfel de lucru ca numele "Fiului," deoarece Fiu este un titlu. Nu există un astfel de lucru ca numele "Duhului Sfînt." Aceasta este ceea ce El este.
E-191 Eu spuneam asta la un dejun al lucrătorilor într-o dimineaţă, şi o femeie... Ieşită din ordine, desigur, oricine ar conturba, orice în felul acesta. Ea a zis, "Aşteaptă doar un minut! Eu îţi cer scuze!" A zis, "Duhul Sfînt este un nume."
E-193 Acesta este Duhul Sfînt. Acela nu este un nume. Acela este ceea ce El este. Acesta este un substantiv, desigur, însă acesta nu este un... Acesta este un-acesta este un ... Acesta nu este un nume.
E-194 Acum, dacă El a zis, "Botezaţi-i în Numele Tatălui, şi al Fiului, şi al Duhului Sfînt," şi nici Tată, Fiu, sau Duh Sfînt nu este un nume, atunci care este Numele? Noi vrem să aflăm.
E-195 Acum, noi putem obţine toate astea într-un loc aici, dacă voi doar priviţi şi-şi-şi oferiţi puţin timp acum, sau conservaţi puţin timp, am vrut să spun. Acum observaţi Matei 28:19. Acum, eu nu spun că...
E-196 Voi puteţi, voi poate aţi făcut-o, unele dintre voi surorilor sau fraţilor. Voi poate aţi ridicat sus o carte, într-o zi, şi v-aţi uitat la spatele acesteia, şi aţi zis, "John şi Mary au trăit fericiţi de atunci încolo." Păi, cine este John şi Mary? Ce este, cine este John şi Mary care au trăit fericiţi de atunci încolo? Există numai o singură cale pe care voi puteţi vreodată să ştiţi cine este John şi Mary; că, dacă aceasta este o nedumerire pentru voi, mergeţi înapoi şi citiţi cartea. Este asta corect? [Adunarea zice, "Amin." – Ed.] Mergeţi înapoi la început şi citiţi prin ea, şi aceasta vă spune cine este John şi Mary.
E-197 Păi, dacă Isus a zis, Isus Cristos Fiul lui Dumnezeu, care a zis, "Duceţi-vă de aceea, învăţaţi toate neamurile, botezîndu-i în Numele de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt," şi nici Tată, Fiu, sau Duh Sfînt nu este un nume. Atunci, dacă aceasta este o nedumerire, noi mai bine să mergem înapoi la începutul Cărţii.
E-198 Acum să ne întoarcem înapoi la 1-ul capitol din Matei, şi noi vom începe acolo, dă genealogia, pînă cînd ea ajunge la versetul al 18-lea.
E-199 Acum priviţi, acum priviţi doar un minut. [Fratele Branham ilustrează, folosind trei obiecte – Ed.] Acesta este Tatăl, pe partea mea dreaptă; acesta în mijloc este Fiul; şi acesta este Duhul Sfînt. Acum, acesta este Tatăl lui Isus Cristos. Este asta adevărat? [Adunarea zice, "Amin."] Dumnezeu este Tatăl lui Isus Cristos. Noi toţi credem asta? ["Amin."] În regulă.
E-200 Acum Matei 1:18 a zis:
Acum naşterea lui Isus Cristos a fost în felul acesta:
Cînd... Maria mama lui a fost logodită cu Iosif, înainte ca ea... ei să vină împreună, ea a fost găsită cu un copil de la...
Acum naşterea lui Isus Cristos a fost în felul acesta:
Cînd... Maria mama lui a fost logodită cu Iosif, înainte ca ea... ei să vină împreună, ea a fost găsită cu un copil de la...
E-201 [Fratele Branham face pauză. Adunarea, "Duhul Sfînt."] Eu credeam că Dumnezeu era Tatăl Lui. [Fratele Branham face pauză – Ed.]
Şi ea va naşte un fiu... ei îi vor pune numele de ISUS: ...
Şi Iosif bărbatul ei, fiind un om drept, ... nevoind să o facă un exemplu public, ci şi-a pus de gînd să o lase pe ascuns.
Aşa că, pe cînd el se gîndea la aceste lucruri, iată, că îngerul Domnului i-a apărut într-un vis, zicînd, Iosife, tu fiu a lui David, nu te teme să iei la tine pe Maria nevasta ta: căci ce s-a zămislit în ea este de la...
Şi ea va naşte un fiu... ei îi vor pune numele de ISUS: ...
Şi Iosif bărbatul ei, fiind un om drept, ... nevoind să o facă un exemplu public, ci şi-a pus de gînd să o lase pe ascuns.
Aşa că, pe cînd el se gîndea la aceste lucruri, iată, că îngerul Domnului i-a apărut într-un vis, zicînd, Iosife, tu fiu a lui David, nu te teme să iei la tine pe Maria nevasta ta: căci ce s-a zămislit în ea este de la...
E-202 [Fratele Branham face pauză. Adunarea, "Duhul Sfînt. "] Eu credeam că Dumnezeu era Tatăl Lui. Acum, are El doi taţi, fraţilor? ["Nu." – Ed.] El nu poate avea. Dacă El avea, El era un copil bastard, şi ce fel de religie avem noi acolo? Voi trebuie să admiteţi că Dumnezeu Tatăl şi Duhul Sfînt este acelaşi singur Duh. Sigur, El este. Sigur, El este acelaşi singur Duh. Acum, noi am terminat, şi am văzut asta.
Şi ea va naşte un fiu, şi ei îi vor pune numele de ISUS: căci el îşi va salva poporul de la păcatul lui.
... toate acestea au fost făcute, ca să poată să fie împlinit...
Şi ea va naşte un fiu, şi ei îi vor pune numele de ISUS: căci el îşi va salva poporul de la păcatul lui.
... toate acestea au fost făcute, ca să poată să fie împlinit...
E-203 Eu citez Scriptura. Voi lucrătorilor cunoaşteţi, aşa cum eu merg.
... ca să poată fi împlinit... vorbit de profet, de către Domnul, zicînd,
... o fecioară va zămisli, şi... va naşte un copil, iar ei îi vor pune numele Emanuel, care este prin tălmăcire, ...
... ca să poată fi împlinit... vorbit de profet, de către Domnul, zicînd,
... o fecioară va zămisli, şi... va naşte un copil, iar ei îi vor pune numele Emanuel, care este prin tălmăcire, ...
E-204 [Fratele Branham face pauză. Adunarea, "Dumnezeu cu noi."] "Dumnezeu cu noi!" Este asta adevărat? ["Amin." – Ed.]
E-205 Atunci care este Numele de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt? [Un frate zice, "Isus Cristos." – Ed.] Păi, desigur. Acesta este motivul că Petru i-a botezat în Numele lui "Isus Cristos."
E-206 Dar, mie nu-mi pasă, dacă tu eşti botezat în numele Trandafirului din Şaran, Crinului din Vale, Luceafărului de Dimineaţă, acelea sînt titluri, deasemeni. Dacă inima ta este în ordine către Dumnezeu, El îţi cunoaşte inima.
E-207 Dar acum, acum, am exprimat aceasta. Acum, acum am spus... Acum Fratele Seism a zis, "Acum!" Desigur, sigur, aceea părea ca Unitarism, astfel el era drept înăuntru pentru asta.
E-208 Acum am spus, "Acum aici eu vreau să-ţi spun ceva acum." Vedeţi? Am zis, "Acum eu vreau să-ţi dovedesc că aceşti, amîndoi oameni, au spus acelaşi lucru."
E-209 Acum, Matei a zis, "În Numele Tatălui." Este asta corect? [Adunarea zice, "Amin." – Ed.] În ordine. Şi Petru a zis, "În Numele Domnului." Matei 28:19 a zis, "În Numele Tatălui," iar Fapte 2:38 a zis, "În Numele Domnului." David a zis, "Domnul a zis Domnului meu." Cine era Acesta? Tată şi Domn este acelaşi Nume. David a zis, "Domnul a zis Domnului meu, 'Şezi Tu la dreapta Mea."' Vedeţi, "În Numele Tatălui; în Numele Domnului."
E-210 Iar Matei a zis, "În Numele Fiului," iar Petru a zis, "În Numele lui Isus." Cine este Fiul? Isus.
E-212 Tată, Fiu, Duh Sfînt, "Domnul Isus Cristos." Păi, aceasta este tot atît de perfect cît poate să fie. Vedeţi?
E-213 Fratele Seism mi-a spus. Fratele Seism, fratele Unitarian, el a zis, "Frate Branham, asta-i corect, însă," el a zis, "aceea este asta."
E-214 Am zis, "Atunci, asta este aceea." Asta-i corect. Înţelegeţi? Am zis, "Dacă aceea este asta, asta este aceea. Astfel despre ce ne certăm noi atunci?"
E-215 Am zis, "Lăsaţi-mă să vă recomand vouă, fraţilor. Dacă eu botez vreodată o persoană, aici este ce..."
E-216 Am zis, "Acum, aici este Dr. N ess." Şi cineva a zis, cu un timp în urmă, voi fraţilor, care l-aţi cunoscut pe Dr. Ness.
E-217 Păi, eu voi spune, aici, Fratele Hicks de aici, el are un... Eu cred că tu ai un Titlu de Doctorat. Este asta adevărat? În ordine.
E-218 Acum am zis, "Dacă Dr. Ness, şezînd aici..." Acum am zis, "Dacă am vrut..." Acum, cînd eu duc o persoană la apă, să-i botez, eu am recunoscut aceasta întocmai ca el, am zis, "Acelea erau titluri care au mers la Numele Lui."
E-219 Am zis, "Acum, fraţii Adunarieni folosesc titluri, iar fraţii Unitarieni folosesc Numele." Am zis, "Acum am să vă dovedesc vouă, că voi amîndoi sînteţi greşiţi, şi eu sînt corect." Voi ştiţi cum voi va trebui să... Voi aveţi oamenii sub încordare în felul acela, voi trebuie să aveţi un pic de simţ al umorului din cînd în cînd, ca să uşuraţi cumva un pic. Astfel am zis, "Eu am să vă dovedesc că voi amîndoi sînteţi greşiţi, şi eu sînt corect."
E-221 Sau, sau Fratele Hicks de aici, vedeţi. Eu aş zice, "Hicks!" Acum, ar suna aceea plăcut? Nu. Păi, ce dacă eu aş spune, "Doctore! Măi, Doc! Cum îi cu asta?" Acum aceasta sună nerespectos, nu-i aşa?
E-222 "Cînd," am zis, "acesta este felul în care voi Adunarienii faceţi, vedeţi. Cînd voi fraţii Adunarieni ziceţi, 'În numele Tatălui, şi al Fiului, Duhului Sfînt,' voi doar ziceţi, 'în numele reverendului, doctor.'"
E-223 Şi am zis, "Apoi, voi fraţilor Unitarieni, cînd voi botezaţi, voi ziceţi, 'Isus!"' Ei nu folosesc...
E-224 Ei, Isus Numai, doar folosesc numele "Isus." Există doar mulţi Isusi. Dar, Acesta este Domnul Isus Cristos, voi vedeţi. Există mulţi... Botează în numele lui "Isus," eu desigur nu merg pentru aceea; nu există nici o Scriptură. Voi luaţi originalul, şi vedeţi dacă acesta nu este "Domnul Isus Cristos." Desigur, El este Domnul Isus Cristos. Există mulţi Isusi, desigur. Iar Cristos este cel "Uns."
E-225 Am zis, "Acum, dacă eu urma să spun acelaşi lucru Fratelui Ness. Eu aş spune, va suna aceasta corect ca eu să spun, 'Măi, Ness!'?" Am zis, "Acesta este felul în care voi Unitarienii aţi spune aceasta. Înţelegeţi? Nu ar fi aceea o desconsiderare nerespectoasă pentru acel om care a studiat, şi el are un Titlu de Doctorat? Dacă el a studiat din greu pentru asta, el se cuvine să fie întitulat astfel."
E-226 Şi am zis, "Atunci dacă am zis, 'Măi, Doc!"' Am zis, "Nu ar suna aceea pe şleau, ca un lucrător să i se adreseze celuilalt?" Sau, am zis, "Acela este felul în care tu o faci, numai partea de lîngă titlu."
E-227 Dar am zis, "Cînd eu duc un om la apă; eu păşesc acolo sus şi-l întreb, şi discut, şi îi iau numele şi oricine este, şi credinţa lui.
E-228 "Apoi mă rog, şi zic, 'Acum, Tată, aşa cum Tu ne-ai însărcinat să "mergeţi în toată lumea şi faceţi ucenici din toate neamurile,...""' Voi fraţilor ştiţi că acesta este originalul, vedeţi. "'"... faceţi ucenici din toate naţiunile, botezîndu-i în Numele Tatălui, şi al Fiului, şi al Duhului Sfînt; învăţîndu-i să ţină orice lucruri" care Tu ai... toate lucrurile pe care Tu ne-ai învăţat.'
E-229 "Astfel atunci am zis, 'Pe baza mărturisirii tale de credinţă; pe baza mărturisirii păcatelor tale, şi credinţa ta în Fiul lui Dumnezeu, eu te botez, preaiubitul meu frate, în Numele Domnului Isus Cristos."'
E-230 Am zis, "Acesta este felul în care eu botez. Eu recunosc şi titlurile Lui, ce era El, şi Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt. Şi motivul că Isus a spus asta, era..."
E-231 Acum priviţi. Dacă-dacă aceasta nu este aşa, voi aveţi o contradicţie în Scriptura voastră; voi aveţi o contradicţie. Şi ce o să faceţi voi cînd... Ce dacă acest frate Budist s-ar ridica şi ar zice că, "Cum îi cu asta?" Ce ar spune ei cînd ei mi-au spus...
E-232 Dincolo, cînd acest frate Indian l-a provocat pe Morris Reedhead, şi i-a zis, a zis, "Cum este cu Marcu 16?" El trebuia să bată în retragere la asta.
E-233 Voi nu trebuie să bateţi în retragere la nimic. Acesta este Cuvîntul lui Dumnezeu. Staţi cu El. Doar rugaţi-vă. Obţineţi descoperirea. Acesta tot decurge la fel.
E-235 Eu L-am recunoscut. El era Tatăl; nu alt Dumnezeu. El era Fiul; nu alt Dumnezeu. Acelaşi Dumnezeu! Acestea sînt trei funcţii. Dumnezeu în harul Părintesc, dacă voi vreţi să numiţi aceasta, despre Paternitate; calitatea de Fiu; şi acesta este acelaşi Dumnezeu în noi acum, "Eu voi fi cu voi." Acel "Eu," pronumele personal, "Eu voi fi cu voi." Astfel, voi vedeţi, acestea sînt trei funcţii, nu trei Dumnezei.
Acum, frate, dacă ucenicii nu au folosit aceasta niciodată, şi înainte în jos...
Acum, frate, dacă ucenicii nu au folosit aceasta niciodată, şi înainte în jos...
E-236 Eu nu spun nimic împotriva acesteia. Aceasta este în ordine. Însă eu vă spun, dacă un om vine aici afară, şi a fost botezat în numele "Trandafirului din Şaron, Crinului din Vale, şi Luceafărului Dimineţii," şi a crezut pe Isus Cristos ca Salvator al lui; eu aş spune, "Dumnezeu să te binecuvinteze, frate! Vino, hai să mergem!" Înţelegeţi? Asta-i adevărat. Căci, dacă inima ta nu este în ordine, tu nu eşti în ordine, oricum. Exact corect. Şi a ta-a ta inimă trebuie să fie în ordine.
E-237 Şi am zis, "Acum priviţi. Acum, dacă eu urma să-l salut pe Fratele Ness aici, eu aş spune 'Rev. Dr. Ness.' aceasta este exact. El este un lucrător. El se cuvine să fie considerat ca un lucrător. El a studiat, şi multe studii. El are un Titlu de Doctorat, astfel el trebuie să fie numit 'doctor.' Acesta este titlul lui, vedeţi. Iar numele lui este 'Ness,' totuşi. Acum, eu nu aş spune, 'Măi, Ness! Măi, Doc!' Nu, aceea nu ar fi drept. Eu aş zice, 'Rev. Dr. Ness.'
E-238 "Vedeţi, aceasta este ceea ce eu numesc, vedeţi, ce El este; şi Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt, 'Domnul Isus Cristos."' Înţelegeţi?
E-239 Şi am zis, "Dacă eu vreodată botez pe unul afară în toate bisericile voastre, acesta este felul în care îi voi boteza eu." Am zis, "L-ai primi tu, Frate Ness?"
E-240 El a zis, "Desigur. El a fost botezat în Numele de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt."
Am zis, "L-ai primi tu pe el, Frate Seism?"
El a zis, "Desigur, el este botezat în Numele lui Isus."
Am zis, "L-ai primi tu pe el, Frate Seism?"
El a zis, "Desigur, el este botezat în Numele lui Isus."
E-241 Am zis, "Atunci ce se întîmplă cu voi, fraţilor? De ce nu acceptaţi voi asta, şi să spargeţi jos aceste ziduri unde sînt aceste sărmane fiinţe umane. Unitarienii vor, într-adevăr, adunările, ei vor să se închine cu Adunarienii. Şi Adunarienii, adunarea, vor să se închine cu Unitarienii. Şi fraţi sînt în felul acela. Ei sînt în felul acela. Dar atît timp cît Diavolul îi poate face să se lupte..."
E-242 Acum voi vedeţi ce vreau eu să spun, fraţilor? Eu conduc înspre acel singur lucru, Isus Cristos, şi unirea Trupului lui Isus Cristos. Acela este scopul meu. [Adunarea zice, "Amin." – Ed.]
E-243 Acum, eu nu spun nimic despre, "Măi, tu nu eşti botezat în Numele lui Isus; tu o să mergi în iad." Acum, asta este fără sens.
E-244 Eu am să vă spun ce s-a întîmplat zilele trecute. Eu eram jos în Texas. Înainte să plec... Şi-fraţii de aici sînt martori la asta. Biserica Unitariană, şaptezeci şi două de biserici, mi-au sponsorat mitingul. Şi am pus pe Fratele Petty, fratele de la Adunarea lui Dumnezeu, sus pe platformă în seara aceea. Acum, voi ştiţi că asta-i adevărat. El este un frate scump, Fratele Petty, dacă careva din voi îl cunoaşteţi, de la Beaumont, Texas. El este unul din cei mai minunaţi oameni pe care i-am întîlnit vreodată. Soţia lui este o Catolică convertită, cu adevărat o femeie sfinţită. El este un om adevărat a lui Dumnezeu.
E-245 Spuneţi-mi cine este un om mai minunat decît Roy Wead, de la Adunările lui Dumnezeu. Menţionaţi vreunul din aceşti oameni, priviţi aici, toţi aceşti fraţi pe care eu îi cunosc aici în jur. Fratele de la biserica Philadelphiană de aici, şi oamenii de la Adunarea lui Dumnezeu, şi care este vreun popor mai minunat? Spuneţi-mi unde. Spuneţi-mi cine este un om mai minunat decît Jack Moore? Spuneţi-mi asta. El este unul ceea ce ei numesc... Ei aparţin de ei. El nu este un radical. V oi găsiţi radicali pe ambele părţi; şi acolo este unde oamenii arată, şi acolo este unde Diavolul arată.
E-246 Dar ei toţi sînt oameni ai lui Dumnezeu. Dumnezeu le-a dat Duhul Sfînt. Dacă aceasta nu ar fi fost harul lui Dumnezeu, noi cu toţii am fi duşi, certurile şi lucrurile noastre. Asta-i exact corect. Însă harul lui Dumnezeu ne leagă împreună. Nu-i de mirare că noi putem cînta, "Binecuvîntată să fie legătura care leagă inimile noastre în iubire Creştină." Aceasta-i ceea ce noi avem nevoie, atunci.
E-247 Şi astfel voi ştiţi ce? Superintendentul General peste-biserică, m-a sunat, şi el a zis, "Ştii tu ce ai făcut tu seara trecută?" A doua seară a mea acolo.
Am zis, "Ce?" Am zis, "Am avut un miting minunat."
A zis, "Tu ai avut un om pe platforma ta care era păcătos."
Am zis, "Eu nu am ştiut asta." Unde era...
A zis, "Acel Mr. Petty."
Am zis, "Ce?" Am zis, "Am avut un miting minunat."
A zis, "Tu ai avut un om pe platforma ta care era păcătos."
Am zis, "Eu nu am ştiut asta." Unde era...
A zis, "Acel Mr. Petty."
E-248 "Oh," am zis, "un păcătos? Păi," am zis, "el este un predicator la Adunarea lui Dumnezeu, frate."
E-251 El a zis, "Frate Branham, ce a zis Petru? 'Pocăiţi-vă, şi fiţi botezaţi în Numele lui Isus Cristos pentru iertarea păcatelor voastre.' De aceea păcatele tale nu pot fi iertate pînă tu nu eşti botezat în Numele lui Isus."
Am zis, "Este aceea formula, fratele meu?"
El a zis, "Aceea este formula."
Am zis, "Este aceea formula, fratele meu?"
El a zis, "Aceea este formula."
E-252 Am zis, "Şi Dumnezeu şi-a răsturnat Propriul Lui car cu mere atunci, în Fapte 10:49, căci, 'În timp ce Petru încă vorbea aceste cuvinte, Duhul Sfînt a căzut peste acei care au auzit Cuvîntul,' vedeţi, şi ei nu au fost niciodată botezaţi, deloc. Atunci, Dumnezeu a dat Duhul Sfînt la oameni care nu erau nici măcar convertiţi?" Am zis, "Unde în lumea asta stai tu acum?"
E-253 El a zis, "Tu ştii ce o să faci tu?" A zis, "Noi tragem un inel mic, şi te tragem pe tine drept afară din cercul nostru."
E-254 "Atunci," am zis, "Eu am să trag un altul, şi te trag pe tine drept înapoi iarăşi." Am zis, "Tu nu mă poţi trage afară, deoarece eu te iubesc. Vezi, tu doar nu poţi face aceasta." Am zis, "Există prea mulţi din ai tăi-ai tăi fraţi afară acolo care mă iubesc şi cred în mine." Am zis, "Tu, eu voi-eu voi... Ei vor veni, oricum." Am zis, "Ei vor veni. Şi tu nu mă poţi trage afară. Dacă tu mă tragi afară, eu te voi trage înapoi înăuntru."
Am zis, "Cînd tu faci un cerc; Dumnezeu, prin harul Lui, mă va lăsa să desenez altul şi te trag drept înapoi înăutru iarăşi." Asta-i adevărat, îi trag drept înapoi iarăşi.
Am zis, "Cînd tu faci un cerc; Dumnezeu, prin harul Lui, mă va lăsa să desenez altul şi te trag drept înapoi înăutru iarăşi." Asta-i adevărat, îi trag drept înapoi iarăşi.
E-255 Şi, frate, oh, în Numele lui Cristos pot eu spune asta. Eu-eu am... Eu ştiu că eu reţin din timp aici; şi este cam aproape timpul de încheiere, eu presupun, însă lăsaţi-mă doar să spun asta, vedeţi.
E-256 Şi eu i-am spus acelui om, am zis, " Eu aş merge cu tine atît timp cît tu ai predica Scripturile, şi ai dragoste, şi crezi că aceasta... şi predici şi zici că tu botezi pe oameni... nu în numele lui 'Isus,' Isus numai. Nu, domnule. Eu-eu sigur că nu aş fi de acord cu asta, deoarece eu mă cunosc cu cîţiva Isusi; îi cunosc în Africa şi diferite locuri, oameni numiţi Isus. Însă dacă tu vei folosi termenul de 'Domnul nostru Isus Cristos,' eu voi merge cu tine în aceasta. Aceea este în ordine. Eu voi ţinea cu tine. Mă gîndesc că tu să pui 'Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt' întîi, vezi, să iei aceasta corect." Am zis, "Mă gîndesc că tu ar trebui."
Dar el a zis, "Oh, nu, nu! Aceea, aceea este înapoi la trinitate."
Am zis, "Aceasta nu este o trinitate. Acesta este un Dumnezeu în trei funcţii."
Dar el a zis, "Oh, nu, nu! Aceea, aceea este înapoi la trinitate."
Am zis, "Aceasta nu este o trinitate. Acesta este un Dumnezeu în trei funcţii."
E-257 Aceasta nu este o trinitate, trei Dumnezei. Noi nu avem trei Dumnezei. Desigur că nu. Nu există un astfel de lucru. Nu a fost învăţat în Biblie. Şi există numai un Dumnezeu. "Ascultaţi voi, O Israel, Eu sînt Domnul Dumnezeul vostru." Un Dumnezeu! Prima poruncă, "Tu să nu ai alţi dumnezei înaintea Mea." Cu certitudine, El este un Dumnezeu, nu trei.
E-258 Aceea este o versiune Catolică din ea; şi aceasta a fost condusă jos de la Catolici la Lutherani, şi înainte în jos, şi aşa mai departe, şi aceasta este crezut în general printre oameni astăzi că noi avem trei Dumnezei.
E-259 Şi aceea este unde voi niciodată nu veţi... Această Evanghelie nu va merge niciodată la Iudei... Care, am profeţit dimineaţa trecută la un misionar Iudeu acolo. Voi niciodată nu veţi lua un Dumnezeu în trinitate la un Iudeu. Voi niciodată nu veţi face asta. Care, el nu este; el are mai bună pricepere decît atît. Vedeţi, el cunoaşte mai mult despre Biblie decît atît. Însă El nu este un Dumnezeu triunic, pentru un-pentru un Iudeu. Dacă tu îl laşi să cunoască că Acesta este acelaşi Iehova, el îl va primi chiar acum. Sigur! Asta este, vedeţi.
E-260 Iar eu cred toate astea. Cum a spus Iosif, "Fraţilor, nu fiţi mîniaţi cu voi înşivă, deoarece Dumnezeu a făcut aceasta," voi vedeţi. Astfel, căci lucrul este astfel că aceasta a putut să aştepte pînă la acest timp, asta-i tot, deoarece epoca noastră a Neamurilor este cam terminată. Acum, eu cred aceasta din toată inima noastră. Astfel vedeţi voi, fraţii mei? [Adunarea zice, "Amin." -Ed.] Eu încerc să conduc la ceva, ca, acest grup de oameni, de oameni care au botezul Duhului Sfînt.
E-261 Grupul lui Aimee McPherson, ce a făcut ea? Ea era întîi o Unitariană, eu cred; apoi a ieşit şi a devenit Adunariană; apoi s-a retras afară şi s-a organizat pe sine diferit; aici nu cu mult în urmă, a pus înăuntru un grup micuţ, un lucru micuţ.
E-262 Eu şedeam în adunarea lui O. L. Jaggers. Acum, noi toţi îl cunoaştem pe O. L. Jaggers. A lui-lui tată a ajutat să întemeieze Consiliul General al Adunărilor lui Dumnezeu. Acum, O.L. este un om mare. El este un mare predicator. Eu i¬am spus, nu cu mult în urmă, am zis, "Frate Jaggers, dacă eu aş putea să predic ca tine, eu niciodată nu aş avea nici măcar un serviciu de vindecare." Însă el avea tot acel sînge şi vin, şi lucruri, cînd el a început întîi acolo.
E-263 Scuzaţi-mă, dacă eu vă rănesc simţurile, fraţilor, privitor la aceasta. Eu-eu... Aceea este în ordine. Dumnezeu poate face să vină sînge, să vină vin, sau să vină ulei, orice vrea El, însă aceasta nu iartă păcatele. Nu, domnule. Nu, domnule. Nu, într-adevăr. "Sîngele lui Isus Cristos niciodată nu-şi va pierde puterea Lui, pînă cînd toată Biserica răscumpărată a lui Dumnezeu va fi salvată, să nu mai păcătuiască."
E-264 Am zis, "Frate Jaggers?" Eu l-am luat; eu l-am sunat. Iar eu eram cu Oamenii de Afaceri Creştini. Şi am zis, am zis, "Frate O.L.?"
E-265 El a zis, "Unde în lumea asta eşti tu?" Eu eram într-un micuţ motel vechi ieftin acolo afară. Şi el a zis, "Tu vrei să-mi spui că ei te-au pus aici afară?"
E-266 Am zis, "Aceasta a fost dorinţa mea. Cînd eu vin la tine," am zis, "ce ai făcut tu? Tu m-ai pus acolo în Statler Hotel, şi eu doar a trebuit să stau în colţ. Ei m-au aşezat jos la masă; eu nu ştiam care cuţit să folosesc, sau nimic altceva. Şi eu nu am... Am mers jos pe acolo, fără un veston, şi ei au vrut să mă dea afară." Şi am zis, "Eu-eu nu ştiu cum să mă comport."
A zis, "Eu te iau pe tine acolo, dacă ei sînt prea săraci ca să o facă."
A zis, "Eu te iau pe tine acolo, dacă ei sînt prea săraci ca să o facă."
E-267 Am zis, "Nu, domnule." Am zis, "Ceea ce eu vreau să fac este să am un grătar cu tine, dacă tu vei plăti pentru el."
Şi el a zis, "În regulă."
Şi el a zis, "În regulă."
E-268 Astfel atunci noi am mers afară la un loc, şi ne-am aşezat jos. Şi am zis, "Frate Jaggers, eu desigur te admir..."
E-269 Şi el este un foarte scump prieten de-al meu, un frate preţios. Şi eu-eu aveam micuţa lui broşură, şi el... unde el avea acea femeie care tocmai a venit aici de peste mări, care avea acel sînge în mîinile ei, şi alte lucruri. Astfel eu am avut aceasta aici. Eu doar vroiam ca el să nege aceasta odată, şi atunci eu aveam aceasta chiar pe a lui-pe hîrtia lui, voi ştiţi.
E-270 Am zis, "Eu am observat unde tu mergi drept înainte, avînd, urmînd să ai pornită o mare trezire." Căci, Oamenii de Afaceri m-au avut acolo, desigur.
E-271 Se pare că oamenii ar şti. Dacă Duhul Sfînt poate descoperi pe platformă, nu poate El să-mi spună ce se întîmplă în alte locuri, fraţilor? [Adunarea zice, "Amin." – Ed.]
E-272 Eu vă pot spune, cuvînt cu cuvînt, şi să dovedesc aceasta prin Fratele Carlson, şi acest frate aici. Eu am şezut la miting, ieri, şi am spus acestor fraţi ce va fi aici în dimineaţa aceasta. [Un frate zice, "Da, domnule." – Ed.] Asta-i adevărat. Exact. ["Amin."] Vedeţi? Deoarece, Duhul Sfînt m-a trezit, şi a zis, "Stai lîngă fereastră." M-am uitat, la fereastră, şi El mi-a arătat întocmai exact aceasta. Am zis, "Acum, fraţilor..." [Un frate zice, "Asta-i adevărat."] Eu v-am arătat asta, exact corect. Acolo! Vedeţi?
Păi, se cuvine ca ei să ştie asta.
Păi, se cuvine ca ei să ştie asta.
E-273 Aici nu cu mult în urmă, un om s-a ridicat, aici la Chatauqua, şi a zis, "Fratele Branham este un profet." Eu nu pretind să fiu nici un profet. Vedeţi? Dar el a zis, "Fratele Branham este un profet cînd el este sub Duhul deosebirii, dar," a zis, "oh, Învăţătura lui este otravă. Fiţi atenţi cu Aceasta." Mă gîndeam, despre un om educat, să spună el un lucru ca acesta?
E-274 Ce înseamnă un profet? "Un tălmăcitor Divin al Cuvîntului." "Cuvîntul Domnului a venit la profet," vedeţi voi. Dar, chiar asta, asta nu-i nici aici nici nu zic.
E-275 Însă, oricum, Fratele J aggers. Şi am zis, el a zis, oh... Am zis, "Eu am văzut despre femeia aceea care are sîngele acela în mîna ei."
E-277 Am zis, "Frate Jaggers, eu te iubesc. Întîi, eu vreau ca tu să pui mîna mea în a ta. Hai să zicem că noi sîntem fraţi."
El a zis, "Sigur. Care este treaba?"
El a zis, "Sigur. Care este treaba?"
E-278 Am zis, "Tu eşti unul dintre cei mai puternici predicatori despre care ştiu eu. Ce o-ce o unealtă eşti tu pentru Dumnezeu!"
E-280 Am zis, "Eu nu spun asta ca să fiu umilit. Eu spun asta deoarece eu cred că tu eşti slujitorul lui Dumnezeu." Dar eu am zis, "Frate Jaggers, dacă tu nu... Tu-tu alergi prea mult afară; tu nu ai o contrabalanţă pentru ceea ce tu vorbeşti. Tu te bazezi..."
E-281 Şi iată care este treaba cu o mulţime dintre voi Adunările lui Dumnezeu, şi alţi oameni, la aceste servicii de vindecare. Eu nu vă blamez pe voi. Există atît de mult numită... Şi Tommy, aici, este un frate bun, şi noi ştim cît de solid stă el. Însă există atît de mult în ţară astăzi sub numele de vindecare Divină, nu-i de mirare că voi nu vreţi să sponsoraţi un miting în oraş. Ei vin şi storc pe oameni, şi se duc afară. Şi ce au obţinut ei? Nu le dă oamenilor nici un pic mai mult decît cum o faci de la platformă, de la propriul tău amvon. Şi voi aveţi dreptate, fraţilor. Eu vă spun, voi aveţi dreptate. Însă aceasta este întocmai ca...
E-282 Eu am citit istoria lui Martin Luther. Aceasta zice, "Acesta nu era un mister că Martin Luther a putut să protesteze biserica Catolică, şi să scape cu aceasta." Voi aţi citit istoria lui. "Dar că Martin Luther a putut să-şi ţină capul deasupra a tot fanatismului care a urmat trezirea lui, acolo era misterul."
E-283 Şi cînd fenomenul este făcut, netăiatul împrejur a urmat, întocmai cum era în Egipt. Şi aceasta întotdeauna a cauzat necaz afară în ţară. Noi ştim asta, cînd noi ajungem acolo afară. Care, l-a ridicat pe Core, şi Dumnezeu a trebuit să-l nimicească. Dar, fraţilor, eu nu vă blamez pe voi.
E-284 Fratele Jaggers a şezut acolo şi a încercat să-mi spună că acela era Duhul Sfînt făcînd aceea. Şi a zis... Şi atunci eu aveam, în propriul lui ziar... Am zis, "Frate J aggers, acum," am zis, "Eu sînt un elev de şapte clase. Iar tu eşti un Doctor în Divinitate, şi ai studiat să fii un avocat. Tu ai fost crescut într-o biserică, decentă curată, Adunarea lui Dumnezeu. Tatăl tău a ajutat să se întemeieze acea credinţă. Iar tu retrăgîndu-te la o parte, aceasta depinde de tine." Dar am spus, "Asta depinde de orice om, care vrea să facă asta. Eu nu trag ceva linii acolo. Însă cînd aceasta ajunge la un loc că o unealtă ca tine, ar putea să cîştige mii de suflete la Cristos, ar zidi slujba lui asupra unei senzaţii." Am zis, "Frate Jaggers, tu zideşti o coloană ca asta, dacă tu nu ai o contrabalanţă pentru asta, ea va cădea după o vreme. Iar tu trebuie să ai Scriptură pentru lucrul despre care tu vorbeşti."
El a zis, "Există Scriptură." Am zis, "Arată aceasta."
El a zis, "Există Scriptură." Am zis, "Arată aceasta."
E-286 Am zis, "Arată-mi, Scriptura, unde zice Aceasta că Duhul Sfînt a făcut vreodată să iese sînge din cineva, şi aşa mai departe, de felul acesta. Doar arată aceasta; toarnă ulei din ei. Tu zici, 'Acel ulei era pentru vindecare Divină.' Şi tu zici, 'Sîngele acelei femei ar fi salvarea neamurilor."' Am zis, "Dacă aceea este aşa, atunci ce s-a întîmplat cu Sîngele lui Isus Cristos? Aceasta scoate. Şi orice este împotriva Lui, este anti. Acesta este împotriva Lui." Am zis, "Aceasta devine o învăţătură anticristă."
"Oh," a zis el, "Frate Branham, tu vei învăţa într-o zi."
"Oh," a zis el, "Frate Branham, tu vei învăţa într-o zi."
E-287 Am zis, "Eu sper că eu niciodată nu voi învăţa aşa. Acum, frate," am zis, "Eu te iubesc, iar tu eşti fratele meu." Şi am zis, "Frate Jaggers, tu o să ajungi pe o creangă, după o vreme, de pe care tu nu te vei putea da înapoi. Vino înapoi la biserica ta, şi vino înapoi şi stai cu Evanghelia." Şi am zis, "Nu zidi aceasta pe senzaţii." Am zis, "Cel..."
E-288 Acum el are, el botează spre Viaţă Eternă, voi ştiţi, "De fiecare dată tu te botezi, tu te întorci într-o femeie tînără sau bărbat. Acum asta are să... Tu nu o să mori (niciodată)." Astfel, că, acesta, el este la capătul crengii chiar acum; şi acele "pilule de vitamină din Marea Moartă." Voi vedeţi? Însă aceasta este ceea ce este, frate, el a început asupra acelor mici senzaţii.
E-289 Şi voi bărbaţii de aici care aveţi aceste biserici, voi lăsaţi ceva de felul acesta să vină în oraş, şi, voi ştiţi, Diavolul este viclean, şi el-el sare în acele lucruri ca acelea. El se ceartă la aceasta. Şi el-el obţine oameni întărîtaţi, şi el cauzează confuzii în biserică, şi alte lucruri. Însă asta nu este aşa.
E-290 Acum, aici. Nu contează cît de multă dreptate ai, aici este un lucru pe care noi îl omitem şi pierdem, fraţii mei. Acum eu închei, în a spune asta. Nu contează cît de corect sînt eu, şi cît de scriptural sînt eu, şi cît de mult cunosc eu despre Biblia lui Dumnezeu; dacă eu nu am Duhul lui Dumnezeu, de dragoste, în inima mea, pentru întreaga rasă umană şi toţi, atunci eu sînt greşit de la început.
E-291 Acum, Pavel a zis, în Întîi Corinteni 13, "Deşi eu am cunoştinţă, vedeţi, şi înţeleg toate tainele lui Dumnezeu, vedeţi; sub toate, stau; şi nu am dragoste, eu sînt nimic. Şi deşi eu vorbesc cu limbi omeneşti şi îngereşti," acelea sînt acelea cu care voi vorbiţi lui Dumnezeu, şi întotdeauna acelea care pot fi tălmăcite. "Deşi eu vorbesc în limbi, limbi veritabile omeneşti şi îngereşti, şi nu am dragoste, iubire, nu-mi ajută la nimic." Astfel dacă eu cunosc toate tainele lui Dumnezeu, şi le pot derula şi-şi le pot face pe toate să se potrivească împreună, şi eu nu am dragoste, ce bun ar face aceasta? Şi cînd eu...
E-292 Isus a zis, "Prin aceasta vor şti toţi oamenii că voi sînteţi ucenicii Mei, cînd voi aveţi..." Cînd Adunarienii au dragoste pentru Unitarieni, şi Unitarienii au dragoste pentru Adunarieni, "cînd voi aveţi dragoste, unul pentru altul," fie drept sau greşit. Şi atît timp cît obiectivul este greşit, motivul este greşit, adică, atunci tu eşti greşit de la început. Nu este asta adevărat? [Adunarea zice, "Amin." – Ed.] Vedeţi, "Deşi eu vorbesc cu limbi omeneşti sau îngereşti, şi nu am dragoste, eu încă nu sînt nimic." Deoarece, Dumnezeu este dragoste. Noi ştim asta.
E-293 Şi eu cred în vorbirea în limbi. Acum, cineva a zis, "Fratele Branham nu crede în evidenţa iniţială." Eu vreau să clarific asta cu voi acum. Înţelegeţi? Mie mi-ar place să vă spun.
E-294 Eu cred că atunci cînd un om primeşte pe Cristos, el primeşte o porţiune din Duhul Sfînt. Căci, Isus a zis, în Matei-capitolul al 12-lea, din al 5-lea capitol şi al douăzeci¬... al 24-lea verset, El a zis. Nu, eu cred că aceasta este Sfîntul Ioan 5:24. El a zis, "Acel care aude Cuvintele Mele, şi crede în Acela care M-a trimes, are Viaţă Eternă." Acum, există numai o formă de Viaţă Eternă. "Şi nu vine la condamnare; ci a trecut de la moarte la Viaţă."
E-295 Acum, eu cred că nici un om nu se poate chema pe sine; Dumnezeu trebuie să-l cheme. Şi dacă Dumnezeu într-adevăr l-a chemat... Şi există o mulţime de oameni, noi ştim, fraţi, care sînt prelucraţi şi se gîndesc că Dumnezeu i-a chemat, însă viaţa lor curînd... aflaţi, voi aflaţi aceasta. Însă dacă Dumnezeu te-a chemat, tu eşti, tu vei fi acolo, şi tu vei sta acolo, înţelegi, cunoşti. Şi apoi dacă... Acum, aceasta nu este învăţătură Baptistă. Voi ştiţi asta, vedeţi.
E-296 Dar, pentru că eu nu cred în a strînge mîinile şi să ai siguranţă Eternă, şi toate acele lucruri. Eu-eu nu cred în aceea, nicidecum. Dacă ei vor să creadă aceea, păi, asta este în regulă. Eu încă zic că ei sînt fraţii mei.
E-297 În dimineaţa aceasta, dacă eu aş fi cerut o bucată de plăcintă, (care este aproape timpul prînzului), mie ar putea să¬mi placă cireşe, şi voi aţi putea lua mere, însă noi amîndoi mîncăm plăcintă. Înţelegeţi? Astfel aceasta nu face nimic atît timp cît noi mîncăm plăcintă.
E-298 Acesta este felul în care noi credem. Dacă tu vrei să fii un Unitarian, fii un Unitarian; dacă tu vrei să fii Adunarea lui Dumnezeu, fii Adunarea lui Dumnezeu. Dacă tu vrei să fii orice eşti tu, Baptist, Presbiterian, fii un Creştin în aceasta. Înţelegi?
E-299 Şi-şi cerceteaz-o pentru tine însuţi, însă nu vă certaţi unul cu altul. Deoarece, aceste lucruri mărunte, ele toate se potrivesc împreună. Asta-i adevărat. Ele toate se potrivesc împreună şi vin la acel singur loc.
E-300 Şi-şi nu contează ce facem noi, cîte minuni putem noi face, cîţi munţi putem noi muta, sau orice ar fi aceasta; pînă cînd noi ajungem la un loc ca noi să iubim, nu credinţă prefăcută, ci noi ne iubim unul pe altul. Cînd noi iubim pe fiecare frate, nu contează la ce biserică aparţine el, noi îl iubim; nu doar să pretindem că îl iubim, căci noi ştim că aceasta este o idee religioasă, aceasta este, "Noi trebuie să facem asta." Dar, pentru că noi o facem, noi ne iubim unul pe altul; atunci, îndelungă răbdare, să răbdăm unul cu altul.
E-301 Şi eu cred, în Coloseni 3, cam 9, pe undeva pe acolo... Eu aş putea, eu-eu nu... Eu aş putea fi greşit la această Scriptură, însă Ea a spus asta. După ce noi devenim un Creştin, noi să nu invidiem. Înţelegeţi? Noi nu putem avea credinţă cînd voi încercaţi să daţi respecte şi onoare unul altuia. Vedeţi, noi nu putem face asta; noi nu putem avea credinţă. Noi trebuie să onorăm pe Dumnezeu, vedeţi, să-l onorăm pe El. Cred în fraţii mei, sigur, este dragoste; însă respectele şi demnitatea se duc la Dumnezeu! Cît despre...
Însă aveţi credinţă şi încredere unul în altul. "Şi nu vă minţiţi unul pe altul." Înţelegeţi? "Nu vă minţiţi unul pe altul." Dacă eu vă spun în dimineaţa aceasta, "Eu vă iubesc," eu trebuie să fac asta. Dacă nu, eu sînt un făţarnic. Asta-i exact.
Însă aveţi credinţă şi încredere unul în altul. "Şi nu vă minţiţi unul pe altul." Înţelegeţi? "Nu vă minţiţi unul pe altul." Dacă eu vă spun în dimineaţa aceasta, "Eu vă iubesc," eu trebuie să fac asta. Dacă nu, eu sînt un făţarnic. Asta-i exact.
E-302 Acum, fraţilor, de-a lungul acestei linii... Acum, Frate Tommy, eu sper că eu nu v-am reţinut prea mult aici. Eu... Fratele Tommy are ceva de spus doar într-o clipă. Însă eu aş putea spune că, atunci cînd eu vin în mijlocul vostru...
E-303 Eu cred asta. Eu cred că Dumnezeu Tatăl nostru a preaumbrit o fecioară numită Maria, şi a creat în ea o celulă de Sînge care l-a născut pe Isus Cristos, care era Fiul lui Dumnezeu, cortul în care Dumnezeu s-a învăluit pe Sine, în trup, s-a manifestat pe Sine printre noi. "Dumnezeu era în Cristos, împăcînd lumea cu Sine." Eu cred că celula de Sînge a fost ruptă la Calvar, pentru iertarea păcatelor noastre. Iar Duhul a ieşit afară din El şi a venit înapoi peste Biserică, deoarece, Cristosul, Duhul Sfînt; Cristosul, Logosul, era în noi acum, Duhul Sfînt, prin botez. Făcîndu-ne... Cristos separîndu-se pe Sine, dîndu-şi Viaţa Lui la fiecare din noi, ca noi, ca un grup de oameni, să putem fi Biserica lui Dumnezeu. Şi nu cu mult în urmă...
E-304 Eu obişnuiam să călăresc. Voi ştiţi asta. Tatăl meu era un călăreţ, un mare puşcaş. Eu obişnuiam să călăresc. Noi am auzit-... in Valea Arapaho, sau eu vreau să spun Troublesome River, acolo la Arapaho Range. Asociaţia Hereford paşte acea vale. Şi pe valea aceea, fermierii, ei-ei au aşa de multă iarbă pe care ei o pot creşte. Şi cînd o fermă va produce atît de mult ca o tonă de fin, tu poţi mîna o vacă pe-pe păşune, sus sub Estes Park acolo, şi tu poţi mîna o vacă pe acele pă-... Marile mele terenuri de vînătoare, sus acolo. Şi eu lucram la fermă acolo pentru un an. Eu încă mă duc, în Primăvară şi Toamnă, cînd eu sînt liber şi pot, şi călăresc la strîngerea vitelor, doar să fiu sus acolo, deoarece îmi place să călăresc. Şi peste tot în sus şi-n jos pe fer-... valea aceea, există o mulţime de fermieri care au un drept înăuntru aici, şi să-şi pască vitele lor. Şi în timpul Primăverii, de multe ori, eu i-am ajutat să strîngă vitele împreună şi să le mîne sus acolo.
E-305 Şi acolo este un gard de deplasare, unde ei pot să mute înapoi pe proprietate privată, venind în jos prin clasificare. Pînă... Şi clasificatorul stă acolo şi numără acele vite cînd el merge înăuntru, cînd ele merg înăuntru. Şi eu am şezut, multe zile, ceas după ceas; am privit grămada D-lui Grimes trecînd pe acolo, el avea Diamond Bar; a noastră era Turkey Track; şi ei aveau-Tripod chiar sub noi; şi a lui Jeffrey, şi aşa mai departe. Apoi cînd eu mi-am pus piciorul, cum mulţi dintre voi ştiţi, peste corn la şea, şi am şezut acolo şi am privit clasificatorul cum el stătea acolo, numărînd aceste vite.
E-306 Eu am observat un lucru. El nu a dat prea multă atenţie la marca care era pe ea. Însă există un lucru după care el într¬adevăr s-a uitat, aceea era eticheta de sînge. Aceasta trebuia să fie o Hereford pur sînge sau ea nu putea să meargă înapoia acelui gard, însă marca nu conta prea mult.
E-307 Şi eu cred că acela este felul cum va fi la Judecată. El nu o să se uite la marca noastră, însă El se va uita după eticheta de Sînge.
E-308 Eu mi-am făcut greşelile mele, fraţilor, şi eu am făcut aşa de multe lucruri care sînt greşite. Şi dacă oricînd de-a lungul drumlui eu am adus, sau dacă voi aţi auzit ceva ce eu aş fi putut remarca sau spune, care dă o ofensare de vreun fel, sau dacă eu am spus ceva în această dimineaţă care dă o ofensare, eu vă cer, ca un frate Creştin sau soră, să mă iertaţi. Eu nu am vrut să fac asta. Eu doar mi-am deschis către voi inima mea, ca noi să cunoaştem.
E-309 Dacă există ceva botez să fie făcut, voi fraţilor faceţi aceasta, voi înşivă, vedeţi. Aceea este, eu-eu nu o fac. Dacă eu aş face, acesta este felul în care eu voi boteza, acela ca acesta. Şi oricare din voi îe poate lua, vedeţi. Astfel voi puteţi lua persoana, ei botează în Numele de Tată, Fiu, şi Duh Sfînt, şi ei sînt botezaţi în Numele Domnului Isus Cristos, deasemeni. Astfel dacă eu botez vreodată pe unul... însă eu nu am făcut-o încă. Eu botez numai în propria mea biserică, şi aceea sînt doar oamenii de acolo. Şi acesta este felul în care oamenii din biserica mea sînt botezaţi. Şi dacă voi veţi primi înapoi, acesta este vechiul ritual Misionar, vechiul ritual Misionar Baptist. Şi acum dacă... Ăsta-i acela.
E-310 Eu cred în vindecare Divină. Eu cred în botezul Duhului Sfînt. Eu cred în-în vorbirea în limbi prin Duhul Sfînt. Eu cred în fiecare dar pe care Dumnezeu l-a dat Bisericii Lui. Eu sînt pentru ele, sută la sută. Însă eu cred...
E-311 Eu nu sînt pentru o mulţime din aceste vindecări de aici de clasa întîi pe care noi le avem pe aici astăzi. Mi-ar place doar să fac o remarcă aici. Cu un timp în urmă acolo era un frate... Şi acesta nu este preţiosul meu Frate Tammy Hicks, pe care eu îl consider ca pe un adevărat slujitor al lui Cristos. Acolo era un alt om într-o altă ţară, şi în această ţară a existat un... El era doar, tot timpul, "Vindecătorul lui Dumnezeu clasa întîi! Vindecător clasa întîi," voi ştiţi, în felul acesta.
E-312 Şi eu am primit o scrisoare după ce omul avea... de la biserica Luterană. Şi secretara mea aici ştie că noi am avut-o în evidenţă. Eu nu aş chema numele omului, deoarece aceasta nu este Creştinesc. Deşi, eu nu sînt de acord cu ideile acestui om, însă aceasta este perfect în regulă. Eu îl iubesc. El este fratele meu.
E-313 Însă aceasta doar a ajuns la un loc unde ei au ajuns doar să aibe un fel de senzaţie, sau să o bată în sus, sau una sau alta de felul acesta, vedeţi. Şi, aceea, aceea nu este bine, vezi. Frate... "Exerciţiul în trup face foarte puţin."
E-314 Şi astfel acest lucrător Luteran i-a scris înapoi la acest lucrător o-o-o scrisoare. Şi el a zis, "Voi evangheliştii Americani care veniţi aici," a zis, "cu toate vindecările voastre de clasa întîi pentru fiecare!"
E-315 Şi acum aceasta pare ca un micuţ buchet pentru mine, însă Dumnezeu ştie că eu nu vreau să o spun în felul acela. "Dar," a zis el, "cînd micuţa Deborah Stadsklev a murit, acel copil, şi acea mamă a stat acolo în ziua aceea în India-... în California, unde acel copil a murit, şi era rece. Şi am văzut... a pus acel copil acolo în braţele Fratelui Branham, iar el stătea acolo şi se ruga pentru el. Iar copilul a început să ţipe şi să se mişte; şi i l-a dat ei înapoi."
E-316 El deasemeni ştia despre cazul Mexican. Care, noi putem baza această Evanghelie Deplină a Oamenilor de Afaceri o declaraţie. Tu trebuie să ai ceva care era declarat de la doctor. Cînd acel micuţ copil Mexican a murit în dimineaţa aceea, la ora nouă, şi aceasta era la orele unsprezece în seara aceea. Doctorul şi-a scris declaraţia lui. Fratele Espinoza, pe care mulţi dintre voi fraţii din Adunarea lui Dumnezeu îl cunosc, el era acela care a luat acea declaraţie de la doctor, că el a murit.
E-317 Şi eu am văzut o vedenie afară peste mulţime; cînd douăzeci de mii de oameni Catolici au venit la Cristos, în Mexico City. Am zis, "Nu-l lua pe acela. Eu nu ştiu, acel copil... Eu tocmai am văzut o vedenie aici afară."
E-318 Şi Billy era acolo, încercînd, cu treizeci sau patruzeci de uşieri, nu puteau să ţină pe femeia aceea afară din rîndul de rugăciune, cu acel copil. Ea fugea printre picioarele lor, şi toate celelalte. Astfel în sf'îrşit, eu am trimis pe Jack Moore jos. Am zis, "Du-te, roagă-te pentru el."
319 M-am uitat aici afară, şi am văzut un copilaş Mexican zîmbind. Am zis, "Aşteaptă un minut. Adă-1 aici." Înţelegeţi? Şi cînd mi-am pus mîinile peste acea pătură... Turna în jos ploaia, toată ziua. Iar ei stăteau acolo din dimineaţa aceea devreme, şi asta era cam la ora unsprezece în seara aceea. Şi mi-am pus mîinile peste copilaş. El a început să lovească şi să ţipe. Şi ei au început să zbiere.
319 M-am uitat aici afară, şi am văzut un copilaş Mexican zîmbind. Am zis, "Aşteaptă un minut. Adă-1 aici." Înţelegeţi? Şi cînd mi-am pus mîinile peste acea pătură... Turna în jos ploaia, toată ziua. Iar ei stăteau acolo din dimineaţa aceea devreme, şi asta era cam la ora unsprezece în seara aceea. Şi mi-am pus mîinile peste copilaş. El a început să lovească şi să ţipe. Şi ei au început să zbiere.
E-320 Astfel, atunci ei l-au luat jos şi au obţinut declaraţia. Au mers la doctor, iar doctorul a zis, "Eu am pronunţat copilul mort, azi dimineaţă la ora nouă. El a murit de pneumonie." Înţelegeţi? Şi astfel atunci acele lucruri sînt-sînt-sînt adevărate. Ele sînt declaraţii. Aceasta trebuie să fie.
E-321 Noi întotdeauna trebuie să fim cinstiţi şi cu adevăr despre orice lucru. Nu faceţi aceasta orice... Doar lăsaţi-o să fie ceea ce este. Lăsaţi aceasta... Dumnezeu nu are nevoie de vreun ajutor la nimic. Voi vedeţi, El-El-El este Dumnezeu.
E-322 Astfel asta a spus el acum, "Dar cînd această mamă l-a chemat pe Fratele Branham în America, plîngînd către el la telefon, 'Vino aici şi înviază-mi copilaşul!' Iar Guvernul Statelor Unite..."
E-323 Bărbatul ei este un capelan în armată. Şi voi toţi îl cunoaşteţi pe Julius, mulţi dintre voi îl cunosc; a scris cartea mea, Un Profet Vizitează Africa.
E-324 Şi acea sărmană micuţă mamă Norvegiană, ţipînd, cu tot glasul ei, a zis, "Frate Branham, eu stăteam acolo cînd acel copil a venit la viaţă! " A zis, "Noi te credem pe tine de a fi un slujitor al... lui Cristos." A zis, "Vino, puneţi mîinile peste copilul meu, şi el va trăi." Tocmai a murit doar într-un moment sau două, de pneumonie; era bolnav cam patru ore, sau cinci.
E-325 Iar aceşti oameni erau pe acolo, zbierînd şi ţipînd, şi sărind în sus şi în jos, zicînd, "Dumnezeu are să-l învie! Dumnezeu are să-l învie!" Şi a zis...
E-326 Prin aceea, American Air-... sau, nu American Airlines. Armata Statelor Unite urma să zboare cu mine acolo într-un jet, şi înapoi, într-o zi. Înţelegeţi?
E-327 Şi am zis, "Înainte ca eu să vin, lăsaţi-mă să aflu voia Domnului." Astfel m-am rugat, două zile. Iar acel doctor era aşa de bun să lase acel copil să stea acolo.
E-328 Apoi, într-o dimineaţă, m-am sculat şi am început să umblu afară în bucătărie. M-am uitat; stînd acolo, dincolo, era doar o Lumină, cam de mărimea acelei lumini acolo, încercuind roata, a zis, "Nu atinge aceea. Nu mustra aceea. Aceea este mîna Domnului."
E-330 Şi acest lucrător Luteran a zis, "De ce nu aştepţi tu pînă cînd primeşti o decizie clară de la Dumnezeu, cum a făcut Fratele Branham, atunci tu ştii despre ceea ce vorbeşti!"
E-331 Acum, asta este, fraţilor, dacă noi nu vom sări doar la concluzii; şi aşteptăm, şi obţinem o lumină, o decizie clară de la Dumnezeu.
E-332 Şi toţi aceştia aici, păcătoşi de vindecare care nu cunosc nimic despre Dumnezeu. Eu cred că vindecarea Divină este bazată asupra unui principiu, că voi se cuvine să veniţi la Dumnezeu, întîi, şi să-i daţi Lui inima voastră, şi spălaţi-vă vîeţile voastre în Sîngele lui Isus Cristos, şi apoi Dumnezeu va merge la lucru cu voi şi vă va vindeca. Întocmai cum acest frate a spus, despre micuţa femeie pentru care el s-a rugat acolo jos, o sfîntă a lui Dumnezeu, voi vedeţi.
E-333 În viaţa mea, eu am făcut multe greşeli. Eu am făcut multe lucruri care erau greşite. Eu probabil că voi, dacă eu trăiesc mai mult, eu voi face mult mai multe. Probabil că unele din ele vor fi pietre de poticnire în calea voastră. Eu sper că voi mă veţi ierta.
E-334 Eu citeam despre Abraham, cum că obstacolele pe care el le-a avut. Cum că el, Doamne, lucrurile pe care el le-a făcut; el s-a îndoit de Dumnezeu; şi el a minţit despre nevasta lui; şi fiecare lucru. Dar cînd a fost scris comentariul lui Divin în Romani 4, acesta niciodată nu i-a menţionat greşelile lui, ci a zis, "Abraham niciodată nu s-a clătinat" la necredinţă... prin Dumnezeu, "ci a fost tare." Toate greşelile lui au fost cu totul uitate, cînd comentariul Divin despre viaţa lui a fost scris. Obstacolele lui nici măcar nu au fost menţionate. Greşelile lui nu au fost menţionate.
E-335 Şi, fraţilor, eu sper, că atunci cînd comentariul meu este citit în Ziua aceea, că El le va şterge pe ale mele, deasemeni, şi nu se va mai gîndi despre ele. Eu sper că şi voi, deasemeni. Dumnezeu să vă binecuvinteze.